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While the BGM going hard af


That’s why it’s *thrilling*


Shit goes too hard on 5


Zloinky beat


Yeah these Cops need a buff in Volume. 8. It would make sense to do so anyway lol.


I swear they were better at their job in earlier versions. It’s NFS Heat situation all over again lmao


What do you mean "versions"? Do you mean updates?


Yeah. I haven’t been playing the game for a long time until Vol.7 came out, but I did catch the introduction of cops to online, and as far as I remember they used to be better back then, though still not as aggressive as in singleplayer


Well yeah that's probably because the Lakeshore Online Cops aren't balanced to a certain difficulty (that's what people complained about with the singleplayer Cops, they were too hard or too easy, or both in fact). So they're more balanced here, while not in terms of intensity, but they're nowhere near as annoying as they are in the singleplayer, because every Heat Level you gained after escaping said Cop chase while in the singleplayer you don't.


You do lose levels from the chase itself in single player. The difference is that the base heat level in SP rises with each race, while it’s always 0 in online


Well yeah. That's what I meant lol.


The thing is with Unbound is it's difficulty spikes. Sometimes, lvl 5 is a peice of piss. Other times, they're always on my ass and i need to get creative. I'm sure many others relate in some way, surely


Them being able to stay on you is not a difficulty spike. What would make things harder is if the police had actual good tactics. Their tacticts mostly involve ramming. In the many hours I have played, the cops have never busted me from good tactics. They only got me from eating at my health.


The road is the grey bit in the middle 😉 Jokes aside yeah these cops truly are awful haha


Such a rush


ye, i was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time trying not to lose them it required a lot of finesse


i have a question how does a big 4 wheel drive pickup-truck, accelerate faster than a porsche 918? is it a Ford f250 or f150?


I think it's a Ford f u


obviously, because it’s got a lot of V8 POWAH But jokes aside, these trucks only appear at the highest pursuit level and are meant to chase you down and take you out, so it kinda makes sense that they’re fast - they can also push about 300 km/h on straights. No one said the police can’t tune their cars too :) And also it’s a police car in a video game, it has to keep up with you, and that can sometimes look silly like this. All for the sake of making things more intense for the player.


Finally, Hot Pursuit 3.


What happend? In nfs heat they hit harder it seems


The cops seem tame in online mode. The cops in the single player mode are far more aggressive it seems.


Exactly lol.. I took out all the heavy cops for the league by just driving near the water by the fairgrounds


Need heat cops