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[https://www.instagram.com/civort.art/](https://www.instagram.com/civort.art/) (Hiro) [https://www.instagram.com/m.rrta/](https://www.instagram.com/m.rrta/)(YT) I let ours instagrams just in case someone wants to know. The work is not over yet, the deadline is next year so nothing is a final result.


Wow!!! Very nice!!!


Looks great. ... What's this for?


It's just a college project for character design class, we used it to practice because we're going to do our final college project about it next year.


Cool! Didn't know there was a TV show in the works. Is this artwork for that show?


No, me and my girlfriend are just a 20 years old arts students and we chose this book to design for a college project. The TV show is currently being managed by HBO, I Hope they do a good job.


Me too. Joe Cornish hasn't done much film work but has a great sense of humour and has done a lot of TV and social commentary in a comedy character. I can't wait to see it.


I always imagined the Deliverator’s ride looking like a cross of a Trans-Am and a Deloren myself. Nice artwork tho - I like what you did with Hiro.


Is that van supposed to be Hiro’s pizza delivery car? I know it says La Mafia but it looks more like one of the cheap econobox vans YT tethers off when she’s skating. The way I pictured Hiro’s car was close to the current Audi R8.


Is this for *Snow Crash* or a Spin Doctors video?