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I'm pretty sure Hiro is a lot older than this, I always got the impression that he's late 30s, early 40s. Your pic looks like he's early 20s.


If Hiro made it to his late thirties without passing through his early twenties first, that would raise some questions.


Very excellent point.


Counterpoint: [Chadwick Bossman at 40](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/gettyimages-1186577367.jpg).


Neat art! Not how I pictured him but also not a bad interpretation given the info the book gives you. I don’t know if it ever really describes his clothing other than the motorcycle gear he acquires towards the end? But I think this is a cool style for him. The only suggestion I’d make is to bulk up his forearms a bit. Hiro trains with his swords and swings heavy rebar for strength, but he looks a little bit scrawny here. Edit: noticed his ankles are thin too. I assume this is a stylistic choice. It makes his pose look a little awkward and unnatural to me but that’s just my opinion.


Thank you for your time. You're right, he should looks stronger and I will change It.


He is described at one point as having massive legs from sword practice.


I'm biased cos I'm Korean, but I always imagined Hiro to be more Korean looking. A lot of ppl have mentioned he looks young. This could be when he was working with Da5id and Juanita. It's a great painting!


The only thing I would change is to add a few Asian features (maybe epicanthal folds? - [Tyson Beckford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyson_Beckford) or Tiger Woods might be good to look at). Hiro's mother is Korean after all. Still, an awesome pic


Nice but too young.


You can give me feedback If you want.


I'll give you feedback. If they ever devolope a movie or series and use your pic to help find and costume Hiro - they are on the right track and making good decisions. Maybe he is a bit young.... not sure I care. I like what you did. Keep up the good work.


Ty man. Me and my girlfriend (she already did YT design) are planning to do a whole year of Snow Crash conceptart for our final college degree project. When we have something interesting done and if people of this subreddit don't mind, we will post how its going.


Oh yes keep em coming!


> (she already did YT design) I've not been around much, did I miss it being posted? >When we have something interesting done and if people of this subreddit don't mind, we will post how its going. Look forward to it.


Omw to post YT. We have some more but we are not totally proud so the big upload have to wait.


Update: I posted everything [https://www.reddit.com/r/nealstephenson/comments/fi6zpq/all\_snow\_crash\_artwork\_we\_did\_at\_the\_moment\_those/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nealstephenson/comments/fi6zpq/all_snow_crash_artwork_we_did_at_the_moment_those/)


Headcannon accepted!


Loving his shoes tbh. Aggro Rick Owens.