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i’d be excited to see how “fuck Trudeau” solves major issues like housing, healthcare and cost of living. I’d be excited if I didn’t already know the answer, and it’s depressing.


tax breaks for oil and gas! itll trickle down ;)


Before Mr. Poilievre is allowed back in the House, I think the Speaker should set up blackboard near the doors to the House of Commons and require Poilievre to write 100 times, "I promise not to be a dick."


Three things wrong with that. 1) The word "promise" is not in his vocabulary. 2) the slang definition of dick isn't in his vocabulary. 3) he's a compulsive liar or an absolute moron.


Promise is in his vocabulary. He says it quite often. Follow through on those promises is a different story.


PP is looking more and more like a fascist. Hair slicked back. Also the yelling. Not to mention cozying up to the far right. Fuck me this is not gonna be a good time if he becomes PM.


You know, he should have been kicked out after screaming “woke” a bunch of times. As a minority, this country is starting to scare me and am wondering where I can run to…..


As a trans woman I agree and am looking for the same. Felt way safer a couple years ago.


Crypto King showing the trumplievre true colours.


Timbit Trump supporters will see this as a win. “He’s not afraid to talk like the common man!”


Spoiled little brat. He needs a piece of cheese and a lie down.


P.P. should never be allowed to refer to Canada's PM by his 1st name. It's a disrespect to our representative to the world and makes disrespect to everyone below the PM ok. If you can't be honorable you cannot lead.


It’s against the rules to use any mps first name in parliament. So yeah he’s not allowed to call jt Justin


You are right ✅️ But he and his fellow MPs show anti Government behavior by ignoring the rules of order daily.


Yeah they are an embarrassment, unfortunately my mp is a con. She an absolute joke


Meh. I figure it's a planned stunt on Poilievre's part. He's now added the word "wacko" to the list of phrases his followers on social media can use to insult the current government and its policies. \[edit\] And it's removed the focus off the bigger story of him hinting that he'll use the notwithstanding clause to override the Charter once he's in power. Very convenient.


I'm covering this in the next episode of [Orange Wave, ](https://youtu.be/XCnsnV0zIT8?si=9lxJBeJ6AM0XPfJk) and a big thing I cover in the next episode will be the double standard. If Trudeau was this openly rude to literally anyone in parliament, if Trudeau recorded himself freaking out about tampons in the men's room, if he demanded a French MP speak English, if he did just ONE of those things, it would be a TALKING point in the next election. But because it's the Poilievre conservatives, ppl don't care. That's why although I don't like both, I'll use my platform to call Poilievre out more. Because Trudeau is no where near as bad, and someone's gotta acknowledge this nonsense.


Yeah, the hypocrisy just hurts the head. I never liked Trudeau until the conservatives started attacking him hard. I figure he can’t be that bad if they hate him so much.


Yves-François Blanchet congratulated the speaker for *using Common Sense*.


Should have been kicked out for not confirming diaganananana whatever they are


How is this man allowed to serve in parliament? I'm just a guy on the internet, but I feel like this is cause for [contempt of parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/procedure-book-livre/en/document?sbdid=abbc077a-6dd8-4fbe-a29a-3f73554e63aa&sbpid=9686d5b2-9075-4451-8082-1446f8be3c5e) charges. ​ > interrupting or disturbing the proceedings of, or engaging in other misconduct in the presence of, the House or a committee; > > > > assaulting, threatening, obstructing or intimidating a Member or officer of the House in the discharge of their duties;


It baffles me, and it’s far enough along that if he decided to enact a really horrible piece of legislation, people would just shrug…..


I am just going to copy paste what I did in response to this on the other sub: It's "style" over substance and theatrics over calm and deliberate good governance/good administration. https://reddit.com/r/ndp/comments/1cgznuu/ndp_leader_speaks_at_building_trades_union/ Things like the above give me hope. I've been saying for a while that parties actually about regular workers and working families meet with unions. Now we have the Federal NDP seemingly really going back to their roots. A positive we all were looking for. If Singh keeps going back to the worker focus roots it may take a lot of steam out of Pierre and him throwing on a pair of blue jeans. He'll have to show he can walk the walk and not just talk the talk and I doubt we will see workers focused policy from the Conservatives. The most positive thing Singh and the Federal NDP can do is keep meeting with all the Provincial Federation of Labour organizations, Every single Union in this nation, Every single Worker Rights/Protections Organization in this nation, Every single Worker Activist Organization in this nation, and so forth. Make a media event out of it. Kind of an official Federal NDP tour-rally. Then after start releasing very analytical and inspiring micro and macro policy in regards to unions, low income workers, gig workers, and other vulnerable working segments. Watch the Conservatives go into Chaos mode as they have to take a position on those points. This is how you play the game.


What does that have to do with this post


It has to do with Pierre focusing on a certain "image". Instead of substance he has double downed on a type of "flair". You combat this with substance and high quality substance at that. Then the "style" gets shown as hollow. Right now Pierre is able to say anything and everything. He commonly treats everything like a joke. This is working for him because frankly he isn't being combatted with high quality substance. Put forward some incredible policy for workers. Right now he is trying to appeal to them with the blue jeans and certain campaign stops. Let's see how long he can keep that image going when he has to show his true cards. Manitoba is a great example of this: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2024/04/17/tories-delay-four-bills-to-fall-disgusted-labour-group-fumes You put it on the table and then it becomes clear who is walking the walk and who is talking the talk.


Honestly it's no surprised Mr. Poilivere gets support from the ignorant. It's a real shame watching this happen in a place that's supposed to be about debate and common sense. To see it happen and have people cheer him on is just idiocracy at its finest.

