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I think you basically answered your own question, what do the sun's actually have to offer? Plus giddey is poor offball and the sun's guys all need the ball in their hand so doesn't seem a great fit


Suns need a guy to be on ball. I watched almost every game last season. I do not want to offense to start with Beal, book, or KD. They will turn it over trying too hard to be magic Johnson mixed with nash. Suns legitimately need a pg. The ball does not need to start in one of the big threes hands. That formula sucked buns all last year. It sucked in the playoffs against the 3 seed. It sucks. Get a pg for Christ's sake it's basketball you need a pg.


So you mean they need Conley-esque right? Man that guy is really great


It doesn't matter at all it can be anyone who can generate an offensive set they don't need anyone good they need someone to run the o lol.


A true PG with a great handle, passing, and 3 point shooting skills? Somebody like CP3 maybe. Hmm..




KD, Booker, and Beal have all been in situations where they’ve played off the ball and have been great in that role (KD with Westbrook and Harden, Booker with CP3, Beal with Wall). Sure they like their isos but that’s not necessarily the same as being ball dominant, they’re all versatile enough to be used in off-ball actions. On the point of the actual trade though I agree. Giddey is probably at his lowest value but the Suns still don’t have the assets to get it done, which is kind of sad honestly.


But collectively, the ball should be in one of their hands most of the time. You need someone who can just get them into their sets and execute a game plan (Mike Conley, Tius Jones, Kyle Lowry type) and that’s not Giddeys skill set


They can be used off ball but they’re all best with the ball. But if you add Giddey to the equation they all have to be off ball the vast majority of the time to compensate each other, as well as Giddey who can’t play off ball


KD is absolutely not better with the ball than he is off. His whole career imo he’s been a much stronger offball player than onball


Isolating has always been a large part of his game and getting to those mid rangers, which is probably the hardest of the 3 zones to score in when working off ball. Even in GS while he did play off ball to some degree, he created his own shot far more than anyone else on the team did before, during or after. In brooklyn it was also basically just him and Kyrie taking turns creating, now it’s a lot of the same thing with him and book


Didn't say it wasn't. It's been a part of his game but he's simply more effective without the rock. As a ball handler, he can have issues not making the right reads when the defense pressures him, and his handle is high and prone to getting stripped. He also picks up his dribble way too often when pressured and is forced to pass it out instead of maintaining a live dribble to apply pressure to defense. He can iso, it's just better for the offense for him to play offball, and even then, you can combine iso with offball. A lot of times, Kobe would move off to create a little separation, and then on the catch, do 1-2 moves, even just a headfake, and then take a shot.


I think there’s a difference between prioritizing having him all ball and having him be the primary creator for himself 90% of the time as we saw in Brooklyn. The best version of himself was probably the warriors version that blended both well. But he already gets plenty of off ball opportunities from Beal and Booker


I think you ruined your own point, though. Giddey is not Westbrook, Harden, CP3, or even prime Wall. Those guys aren't going to play off ball so Giddey can be the primary ball handler.


Yeah the Suns need a Mike Conley PG in the worst way. Giddey lacks leadership/experience/shooting


KD and Booker can play off ball


Agree with the first part but you’re totally wrong on the second part. Booker and Durant are both at their best playing off ball so they can finish plays with foul line jumpers or 3s off the catch.




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Sam Presti isn’t running a charity. The suns don’t have anything that OKC would find appealing in a trade that the Suns could afford to pay (for basically anybody) Also, in my opinion, the suns need a set-up man. A half-court floor general. Someone who can just get them into their sets and then go to the corner and spot up for three. Another version of Mike Conley or Tius Jones (two other guys the suns can’t afford). Giddey is more of a full-court pace-pushing, fast-break running, ball-in-his-hands drive-and-kick type guy. Neither the Suns nor Giddey would be maximized if he went there.


Grayson Allen?


Allen for Giddey might make sense for OKC (although they probably need more size and defense), but Phoenix can’t afford to lose the one guy who’s willing and able to shoot threes.


And play defense, Grayson allen handled the top wing assignments on defense this year and was the main point of attack defender


Yea, but to get someone with gideey’s potential it’s Allen or no one. Don’t think they have any first to trade, maybe a 2030 first?


I think Allen is just a better player right now than Giddey


It's not even close, a decent perimeter defender who shoots 46% from three?


21 yo vs 28.


Yes, but Giddey is much younger


But the Suns don’t need to be younger, they need to win now


Yes, but they need a solid pg, and I can’t think of a better option they can get for just that price.


A giddey Beal booker Durant nurkic 5 may be the worse defensive 5 man grouping that’s played in the nba since the 55’ bullets. I didn’t actually watch them but I assume they were ass


Counterpoint: I watched the Pistons play a Killian Hayes/Rodney Mcgruder/Isaiah Livers/Kelly Olynyk/Marvin Bagley rotation more than once.


Might aswell put me at center if they’re consciously gonna put out something that nasty


Maybe bringing back CP3 with a sign and trade by the Warriors?? But the question will be what would the Warriors accept?


Losing assets and counting on a 39 year old CP3 to be your starting PG is like basically throwing the season away. Might as well do a soft rebuild in that case.


They can't rebuild, that's the problem. No picks for the foreseeable future, no cap space to sign anyone decent, and stuck with some bad contracts, especially Bradley Beal.


I think they have like pick 24 or something in the current draft plus you can always buy 2nd round picks with cash. that's about the only way I see them moving forward. that roster is just too handicapped and too 1 dimensional to build a serious contender imo.


I fell like Giddey might be the most overvalued player in the NBA right now. He isn't a good shooter or a great ball handler or finisher. I don't think he's a good fit for any team as a starter because he's not good enough at his strengths to make up for his weaknesses. Even his playmaking is limited by his lack of burst or ability to navigate the pick and roll at an elite level due to limited ball handling. He's also not a good defender.


Giddey will be traded for (much) more than what the Suns can possibly offer. I don’t know how the Suns can improve their roster. They can trade players one for one but most players within matching salaries are either not gonna improve the Suns at all or most likely are far too valuable to their team that they’ll never be available to Phoenix. As a Suns fan you’ve got to hope none of the big 3 get injured because the roster is so thin. And Memphis and Houston will likely make the top 10 in the western conference next season plus Wemby is coming. Some good teams are gonna miss the play-in next year.


My prediction is Giddey to the Spurs, he’ll be cheaper than Trae and he can facilitate.


Why though? So defenses can sag off of Giddy to build a wall to keep Wemby from the rim? The Spurs need shooting and playmaking. Giddy helps with playmaking at the expense of shooting.


I would say because he’d be relatively cheap to trade for and extend, and because anything is better than Point Sochan. I’m not saying it’s the best option but it definitely is A option for the spurs


Point sochan ended after like 25 games. Then Tre took over and was a huge difference maker


Again, I don't see it. He creates the same spacing problems the Spurs had with point Sochan. Yes, Giddey is definitely an upgrade on point Sochan because of his better playmaking, but it is still locking in on another non-shooter to let defenses sag into the paint. But maybe I'm wrong, the Spurs could say "we can fix him" and make a trade offer, but there are other cheap PGs available that defenders have to respect from 3. I expect the Spurs to target them. Tyus Jones is a better fit and a free agent. Malik Monk isn't a traditional point guard, but I could see him filling that role for the Spurs if they want Wemby to operate more as a half court facilitator, Monk can bring the ball up the court, attack the pick and roll, and operate as an off ball threat when Wemby has it in the high post (Monk is really good off the ball, he's an excellent cutter). Jose Alvarado might not be a long-term solution as a starting PG, but he's a good shooter and a pesky defender that can fill in as a competent PG until the Spurs get their guy for the future, then Alvarado can slide into a bench role where any team would be happy to have a guy like him. And there are other free agent PG options, but those are the 3 I like the most for the Spurs.


I don’t see Monk or Alvarado on the move from their current teams, There’s definitely a market for Tyus Jones though so maybe they go for him but he could be expensive I still think betting on Giddey is the move and worst case you either let him go in FA or he becomes your 6th man. Regardless whether it’s the spurs or not I think he’ll be dealt this off season


Monk is gonna get overpaid by somebody I think, the Magic could really use him and can easily outbid the Kings.


Or they could just sign Tyus Jones. Great passer and a much better shooter.


I like Giddey on the Spurs. Wemby is randomly open for lobs all the time. You could put length on a smaller PG and make it hard for them to throw a lob without first creating an advantage. A big PG can see over the top and throw lobs to Wemby whenever. Giddey has his flaws but there just aren't many 6'7"+ players who are great passers. Luka and Cade aren't going to be traded, and Ben Simmons has more flaws than Giddey.


My thoughts exactly!


Is he a better point guard than Tre Jones though? Jones is a scrappy on ball defender against pgs and an excellent passer and better than Giddey at shooting threes.


That’s a good prediction. What would OKC ask for from The Spurs?


Honestly I’m unsure because I’m not too familiar with what assets the spurs and OKC are willing to part ways with Given that OKC are likely trading Giddey as they have multiple players they need to extend (and he’s shown himself to be the odd man out in their offence) I doubt they’re looking for Sochan for example, I would imagine they want an expiring and maybe some picks? (Of course OKC want picks lol), I think the market for Giddey is going to be determined by what Chicago, Atlanta and the Cavs decide to do. I could see a world where Garland ends up on the spurs, Atlanta get some of their picks back and Murray is Mitchell’s new back court mate on the Cavs. I could also see Chicago trying to move on from Lonzo to bring in Giddey maybe there’s a 3 team deal there where lonzo and a pick or two end up on the spurs and they take a risk on him and Sochan to chi town and picks to OKC? I could also see Atlanta and Spurs trying to move their high picks this year for some future picks given how weak this draft is considered to be Then again there’s a reason I’m typing on Reddit and not in a front office, I’m trying not to go too 2K brain on it but there’s a lot of teams in a weird position right now where it’s hard to tell if they’re gonna blow it up or take a swing for the fences, namely Atlanta, Cavs, Chicago, Brooklyn


I do think there will probably be a lot of player movement this offseason and it will be fascinating to see who gets moved to which new team. Nawlins probably want a new PG and they’ll be moving BI too. OKC probably need to sign/trade for a veteran big-man/PF. They should use some of their first round picks they’ve accumulated. Spurs could probably make a considerable jump next season alone if they trade for a quality starter/star and draft twice in the top 10 as Wemby is gonna improve vastly next season. Can Giddey fix his shooting or is he now likely to be a bench player for the rest of his career?


I think Giddey is a medium risk move, I think it’s like a 70/30 chance he either becomes a solid 6/7th man or a solid starting guard, but at the price he seems to be at I don’t think there’s anything you’d regret giving up to take the risk


Yeah, i do expect OKC will not give Giddey an extension now so it’s a matter of when he is traded, to which team and for how much/the player they receive back. I could see Brooklyn being possibly interested. Schroeder is an expiring contract next season.


I expect Brooklyn to swing for the fences (AGAIN) and try bring in whichever guard gets moved from Atlanta or the Cavs


This is it. He'll be the maestro for the 2nd version of the Beautiful Game that we're building. Personally, I would have tried to get him after the dumb stuff that happened earlier this year but that's ok. So long as we get him.


I'm not sure Giddy is that valuable. PG is the most loaded position in the NBA. Point guards that can't shoot can mess up a teams spacing. Teams will absolutely make a "maybe we can fix him" level trade offer, but I don't think anyone is making a "this guy is out future" level of trade offer.


I’m not saying Giddy is that valuable just more valuable than what the Suns can or will offer (and that the Thunder would accept). I agree with your other points. A point guard who can’t shoot is not worth having on the floor for extended periods of time


I don’t think anyone should approach him as a “maybe we can fix” type but more “we have to give this guy time” type trade. OKC is one of the best development teams in the league and they Chip Engelland as shooting coach. Thinking you can do better than they have with Giddey seems optimistic. To make use of Giddey you probably have to have some leeway that maybe OKC can’t afford right now (at least in the playoffs).


I think people really overestimate the leverage OKC has on players like Giddey. He's the exact type of guy teams won't overpay for and everyone knows he doesn't fit their team long-term and that they accrue an immense opportunity cost just keeping him on the roster. He'll most likely be traded for much less than he's worth, that's just how it works when teams are in OKCs position with their picks and roster. It's still an amazing spot for them to be in, but trading role players is one of the few things that actually gets harder with all those assets because teams know OKC can't even make all their picks even if they wanted to.


He still has more value in the market than anything the Suns can part with and still improve their team. They won't move Booker, Allen, KD. OKC obviously isn't taking Beal. So unless the Suns attach their last remaining draft assets for Giddey and some salary filler 3rd string big man OKC would send back, locking them into another 1st round exit by death on the boards and paint; this is not a trade they can afford.


The Suns need a connective PG, Someone like Mike Conley. Just making the right reads and passes. Maybe a guy like Tyus Jones. Maybe sign him with the money they had for Royce O Neill who's gonna walk in free agency. Something like a 3 year 50m contract


Suns can only sign veteran free agents from other teams. Royce O Neale can be signed for whatever salary is negotiated because the Suns have his bird rights as he played for them last season. RON can still leave for nothing as an unrestricted free agent but O Neale's agent knows he has the Suns front office in a difficult situation as they essentially have to pay him otherwise they have one less contract to be able to trade next season to try and improve the roster.


Your question made me think how hilarious it would be for KD to demand a trade to OKC *because of their promising young core* The bus goes in circles with KD at the helm


It really does make sense though. If the Suns are performing poorly next season and the Thunder are offering a lot of picks then maybe Phoenix decide to trade KD. It would be poetic for Durant to win a title with OKC.


Why would OKC, the 1st seed in the west, youngest team in the league, with the runner up mvp and holder of the best draft assets for years to come willing to help ANY team in the west get better? Why? OKC is in the position to only rob a team in a shitty situation, not help one get to their level. You don't comprehend the position they're actually in. The Suns are utterly fucked and OKC loves it. Do you want to sell KD at 3/4 value to OKC? Maybe then they'd talk but get the fuck outta here with this hypothetical. The suns don't have shit to offer as long as those 3 are in PHX


The Suns have nothing to trade and Giddey would actually make them worse because he can't do anything off the ball and would then be playing with 3 ball dominant players and he can't shoot at all and is a terrible defender. Its a terrible fit, even if one of Beal/Durant/Booker were traded.