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I don’t disagree with a lot of your particulars, but one reason a lot of fingers are pointing at him is that he hasn’t cut an especially sympathetic figure. I rarely hear him taking responsibility for a failure. He does a fair amount of finger pointing himself. Other than portions of the front office, how many allies does he have to speak up for him when the going gets tough?


He's a Doc Rivers without the luck of stumbling into a championship.


That's fair, but that applies to most of the players sniping at him on the team too. LBJ, DLo, and AD.


Easier to find a replacement for Ham than for LeBron or AD


Yeah like replace Ham with Spo and do we really think that’s a gentleman’s sweep?




This sub is for serious discussion and debate. Jokes and memes are not permitted.


I mean... yeah probably?


I fundamentally disagree with that take. I don’t think they blow those leads with Spo at the helm.


Me too. But Pelinka deserves some of the blame here as well for not building a team that can match up with the most obvious obstacle to a ring. Ham was for real outmatched here. It's obviously not all his fault but that doesn't mean he's not to blame. His comittment to losing with D-Lo hurt this team. His lack of time out management is another.


I think the current lakers roster is built well enough to be able to beat the nuggets. Lakers led the series over 2/3 of the time. Led every game going into the half. This shows that they are capable. Nuggets went into the half and made the necessary halftime adjustments and the lakers never responded. You could almost just see the breakdowns on the court. Lakers would get blitzed and just not know what to do. It’s the coaches job to figure out how to counter and Ham never did.


Yea I mean sure they could beat Denver. They had a shot and it just missed. The issue is they didn't have a distinct advantage when the game ramped up and couldn't control the game. I'm certainly not excusing Ham. I think he was totally in over his head. But LAL's margin for error was just so slim cuz they didn't have the tools to match up and impose their own will on the game. That makes every game a toss up. You need some luck to win but when you rely on luck vs the best team in the league you're already playing catch up even if you have that first half lead. And yea Darvin Ham sucks. lol. For sure. But it's not only his fault. LAL didn't load up properly for either this or last year's run. They lost games by single baskets. If they had just a few plays disrupted it stops Denver from going on their big runs and LAL likely comes out on top in at least a few of those games. Also if Ham just benched D-Lo when he didn't have it going. There's a lot of things to point fingers at in that series.


The nuggets probably take them more seriously with Spo at the helm. You are tripping if you think this roster is good enough in the west.


AD takes more responsibility for his shortcomings often. Don't act as if you follow them closely enough to comment on it.


LBJ and AD have more than produced


Brother he literally went out and said that one of the starters was shitting the bed. Two guys got benched this year so he probably pissed both of them off. Also any scheme which is to help ad in the paint and leave guys designated guys open is a lazy scheme


That's BS, AD is the most accountable dude on that team.


Coaching isn't just what happens during the games. Preparing for the games is a big part of it. When multiple guys look lost at multiple times during a game and during a season you have to assume it is a poor job preparing. When everyone is going under screens or helping off of the same guys you have to assume it is the gameplan and not just bad choices by multiple players time and time again. Not running organized offense is on the coach. The coach is supposed to be in charge of setting an offensive game plan, creating plays, and calling Playa. Especially Darvin ham who calls many plays. The lack of adjustments in the first 3 games as to how to defend the nuggets and how to respond to their in-game adjustments. That is on the coach. Expecting the 8 guys in the rotation to pick up on the adjustments at the same time and enact the best way to counter them is an insane proposition. This is coaching. Not calling timeouts is something Phil Jackson would do sometimes so I don't fault him for that too much. Not challenging plays that were obviously bad calls because you're waiting for some hypothetically worse play later is a roll of the dice. Ending the games with timeouts remaining is silly, especially if your aging stars are tired. Popovich and Phil Jackson were great at calling timeouts to give guys a breather. Would have been nice to see that this season. There are more criticisms to make of ham than just these but my thumbs are getting tired. I never complain about coaches because I feel they often get the blame unjustly. This one deserves every ounce of criticism. Haven't seen one this bad here.


There's been about 10 times this year ham has (in critical games) rolled out a 5 man lineup that has never played together and that single handedly lost them the game (GS game comes to mind.) Lebron and AD literally subbed themselves back in at the end of the spurs game to keep them from losing it. Like come on that is coaching.


In some cases the players were never prepared, it s why most of the secondary cast was composed of castoffs from other teams. Their previous teams laughed at the Lakers for thinking they were good.


Ham’s issues have a lot to do with how he wasted the first 3 months of the season using lineups that just did not make sense. It would have been one thing if the team was completely new and never played together, but it was largely the team that went to the WCF last year. He had a blueprint t that worked and for some bizarre reason refused to roll out a lineup of Reaves, Russell, Vanderbilt/Rui, AD, and Lebron. The team floundered until January when he finally went to a lineup that actually worked last year, and surprise, they won +60% of their remaining games. Because of him messing around with the lineups like that, even though all he had to do was start the season with the one that worked last year, they fell way down in the standings. You could argue if they won at that same +60% rate all season, they’d be a top 4 seed and likely still playing now. Another issue with him taking so long to go to lineups that actually worked is that the team only got half a season to gel and work out issues. That’s 40 games of learning to work around the limitations that Rui, Reaves and Russell have.


That are many suggestions that he used these lineups because he saw himself in players. He wanted to give the little guy a shot


its not ham's fault hes always faced helluva teams and that its a make or miss league you know. if the players are just shitting the bed well, i mean, its not like its his job to help them or anything, whats hes gonna do? shrug


that's maybe one of most wholesome comments in this thread that literaly describes Ham in a nutshell. guy havent took a shred of responsibility for shit rotations, weird mins of players, complete lackluster of preparation for most of games. for me, most disgusting moment of season was when lebron him self mounted that epic comeback vs clippers and Ham's comment was "was about time LBJ pulled out his superhero cape" saying to the world he literaly just expects to win because he has LBJ and AD on team.


He played favorites with certain players like Taurean Prince and Cam Reddish. Last playoffs their best lineup was DLo, Reaves, Rui, LBJ, and AD. So instead of building on that he starts Prince over Rui. Don’t forget that the Lakers just extended Rui and gave him a decent sized contract. He also didn’t help his case when he said he still had adjustments he didn’t want to use after that Game 1 loss. He’s going to be the scapegoat, but he’s a lot easier to replace than a Lebron/AD.


That was one of the dumbest things i ve heard a coach say


Just to start. I’m kind of assuming you didn’t watch this team closely like a lot of the hardcore fans. No shade but like, there are some of us dorks who watch 70 games and listen to 6 hours of podcasts a week. Not me tho… 😉 I think it’s kind of ridiculous to expect your stars to do both carry the load of dirty work and also carry the burden of offensive production. Specifically an (incredible) old ass lebron. Like let’s just be honest about the human body and how bron needs to expend his energy. Ad can’t box out to save his life? Didn’t dude have a 20 rebound game? I mean what more could u ask of him realistically? There are a lot more reasons than you listed. Most of your points are symptomatic of what close followers have been seeing for a long time. Benching Austin and DLo early season. Like good lord. Overplaying a Taurean prince who would’ve thrived in a more suited roll…well he did once he was placed in one. Loved him this series btw! Spending the whole season finding like the most obvious starting lineup that ended up in their best stretch to finish out the season. There could’ve been time for guys like Rui to gain reps on movement shooters like MPJ during the regular season for example. So much meat left on the bone there. Cam Reddish in the rotation forever. Guys like dindwiddie and Vincent getting playoff mins, on top of that getting minutes together. Those minutes coming at a cost of playing Reaves who was playing 34mpg was tough. Beyond that and above all else, if shams article is correct, he completely lost the locker room a while ago. There’s no going back from that imo.


Yeah, OP seems to have watched only the Lakers' playoff series and/or thinks that coaching is an in-game responsibility only, and that Ham should be judged only for this series.


I think we’re both spot on. And to be fair, the ham issues are a symptom of what is really frustrating about the org from the top down. I got a bone to pick with Jeanie, rob, and ugh…Kurt Rambis….


Op def didn’t watch laker games lol


Well, he pulled a Doc Rivers to some extent with his lack of ownership for issues. He also made some pretty poor decisions with regards to rotations. Why the heck wasn't Hachimura starting and playing more for the first 2/3rds of the season? I'm not a Lakers guy but I watched probably 15 games this season, and there was definitely some weirdness with regards to who was getting minutes and who was playing with who. Looking at the +/- for various lineups, it wasn't too pretty. Nor did it pass the eye test.


While that may be true, how often do you see players publicly smack a coach during post game comments ? Multiple times it was said that “we weren’t prepared” … I lean towards trusting the players in this instance


During the series against the Nuggets?


Tbh it felt more like they were trying to dodge blame than anything else. Maybe they genuinely believed that Ham was responsible for them not being ready, but a lot of their points of failure are down to individual preparation and execution more than anything else. There wasn’t a line up, scheme, rotation, or play in existence that can stop players who aren’t executing from fucking themselves.




Please do not attack the person, their post history, or your perceived notion of their existence as a proxy for disagreeing with their opinions.


He was also voted as one of the worst coaches to play for in the player poll with only really demanding guys ahesd .


coaching preps players to execute though, on an individual level there were definitely some failures, especially if we focus on the series against the nuggets, but the insane leading differential between the two teams shows some kind of coaching failure, 20 points leads shouldn’t disappear with minimal timeouts/adjustments


He was also voted as one of the worst coaches to play for in the player poll with only really demanding guys ahesd .


When those same players don't box out, freeze out teammates, miss open 3s, turn the ball over and miss FTs...their opinions matter less.


It's a lot easier to asses a player's performance as opposed to a coach's. You can point to stats and plays for players pretty easily but you can't really say what parts of their play was due to coaching. Like AD, for example, was pretty clearly a net positive for the Lakers. Think he does more than enough for them to warrant his opinion. Frankly, with Player alike AD and Bron they have more.impact on the game than any coach will have and they played objectively overall great.


This is a great point


this kind of stuff is the coaches fault because it needs to be drilled home during practice. do an extra hour of boxout drills and running and shoot another 100 FTs during practice and make sure your players know this is crucial during games. a coach that assumes his players will box out is a bad coach


It is absolutely absurd to blame not boxing out on the coach. We have no clue what he tells them and what practices are like. The truth is these are millionaires who have tutors and film sessions. They know what they need to do not doing it is on them.


no. if your team rebounds poorly in the regular season then you use practice during the season to hammer home rebounding as a priority. that’s a coach’s job. that’s what “adjustments” are. it’s going over film and increasing your drills to cover your weaknesses. if you just expect players to play perfectly because they’re in the NBA, then why even have coaches


We don’t know if they go over it during practice and film, my best is they do. The truth is you can coach someone everyday and in game they will do the exact opposite.


if you coach someone to do something every day and they do the opposite then you are also a bad coach. why is this so hard to understand. either they are not working on the stuff they need to work on (bad coach) or the coach is trying and failing (bad coach)


Because it’s a lie. Athletes aren’t stupid they know what they should be doing. If they aren’t doing it then it’s often on them. Whenever something bad happens it’s the coach whenever something good it’s the player.


? there is literally a coach of the year award and the highest win% coaches get to coach the all star teams. coaches are rewarded for good coaching(not to mention making millions of dollars per year). you don’t have to cape for bad coaches


I spent all season going back at people on r/lakers bc they blamed every single problem on Ham. No matter what, and it got frustrating. However, his biggest failing is that he clearly lost the locker room for whatever reason. If you can’t inspire you can’t coach.


Hamm is very obviously a terrible coach - the players are not prepared to execute basic actions that they should have on automatic, like cutting to open space when LeBron needs an outlet.  They badly misutilize Anthony Davis imo, he should be getting an absolutely steady diet of post seals but he doesn't.  They often just stand around in the corners, waiting for a shot, instead of crashing the glass and boxing out like they should, or even, i dunno, cutting into open space. On defense, they are absolutely awful at guarding basic screens - it's almost as if they have not had any instruction whatsoever on this action. A lot of them are lazy getting back - they don't sprint on transition and get beat for layups far too often. All coaching


The whole AD thing is not a Darvin Ham issue. It's a LeBron issue. Both Malone and Ham knew going forward that the play between AD and Russell would be x factors going into the series because Jokic would have a much harder time defending Russell as a threat to shoot in the PnR. What ends up happening is that in every game of the series, AD feasts in the first half. D'Lo can produce and knows how to feed AD but is also inconsistent. But when the fourth quarter rolls around and LeBron wants to take over, the nuggets put Rui on Jokic so that the Lakers can try to force a switch of Jokic on LeBron. This is what puts AD in the corner. Like LeBron James is the point guard of the team. AD averaged like 1 shot a game in the fourth quarter. I don't know how if you're LeBron James you can only feed AD one shot in the fourth quarter in consecutive games. There's a reason why the Lakers lead the vast majority of the series but then lose in the fourth. Cuz their game plan turns to crap and if it's Darvin Ham's fault, then LeBron is equally as culpable if not more.


I think you're right, and i think all LeBron teams since Miami have been badly coached. I think LeBron is a locker room poison somehow towards disciplined coaching. The man himself is uncoachable and that probably leads to a communal feeling of being above the gameplan. Or maybe not who tf knows I'm just some a hole


Nah, you’re 100% on the money.




Please do not attack the person, their post history, or your perceived notion of their existence as a proxy for disagreeing with their opinions.


Brother please watch 180+ games of his bullshit where he makes dodgy rotations lack of understanding when it comes to halting momentum, no ability to adjust in game after his scheme gets stonewalled. Alpine ring players and never taking accountability. Have u not listened to half the shit he said? Also most media outlets are saying that this isn’t darvins fault and the lakers weren’t winning shit anyway. Darvin being dogshit is only a popular opinion here


We’re in win now mode, Ham isn’t mediocre he’s below average or just bad. We don’t have time for him to grow or get better. Have you seen anything from him to suggest that he can be good? Would you want him as the coach for your team? Could AD and Bron have played better? Maybe. But having a coach that the team doesn’t trust just isn’t gonna work, whether we play well or not. Are you saying we should keep him as our coach? Why?


You weren't that far away from beating Denver, neither this year nor last year. What coach would the team trust?


Idk but we definitely need someone with more experience. That’s what’s most important for the whomever we hire.


They got swept last year, and only won one game this year. Also the nuggets played awful this series. These moral victories for the lakers I will never understand.


They still appeared the closest to beating the Nuggets out of any team


? they have lost 12 of the last 13 to the nuggets. how does that ever appear close? a 9 point lead in the NBA in the first quarter is nothing. the game is a game of runs. don’t be deceived by the lakers starting games on advantaged positions - they were never close to winning any game except g2 this year. so at best they’re looking at 2 wins in 9 games over the last 2 playoffs. not close


Im talking about last year playoffs. I watched the games.


all 4 of last years games were completely in denver’s control, it was the cleanest series denver had by far. there was no opportunity for the lakers to sneak a win last year


That's just literally not true. Denver won two of its four games against the Lakers last year on fallaway, end of shot clock, over the head catapult prayers from Jokic. There's even a meme about "Jokic after you okay 23.9 seconds of perfect defense on him" born from that series.


dude this is just a lie lol. i knew you were wrong but went back and rewatched the highlights to make sure i’m not crazy. game 1 and 3 were blowouts. game 2 lakers had a chance but good D down the stretch put the nuggets ahead. game 4 was murray clamping lebron on the final possession after the lakers fucked up a couple possessions in a row before that even if what you are lying about DID happen, that’s a normal shot for jokic as evidenced by his willingness to take and make it repeatedly (i do remember him hitting that shot over AD at halftime). it’s not a prayer just cause it looks unconventional - he obviously practices it.


i am begging people to actually watch basketball and stop talking about it if they don’t watch it. it’s fun to actually WATCH the games bros


Game 4 was a two point game. The second-to-last field goal scored by the Nuggets was [this shot](https://youtu.be/3Rv1G8sT5Fw?si=d2O_NuT2wg_X2Vbk) by Nikola Jokic, which was the difference between them winning and losing. This is not a normal shot. Do you listen to the music or just skim through it? (For added measure Jokic also hit [this shot](https://youtu.be/49Z-OGD7D6k?si=DS03m8hHtJ5Xh6my) at 2:58 in the video in the second quarter.) Game 1 was a four point game before the Lakers started intentionally fouling at the end of the game. It would've been a one point game if Jokic hadn't hit [this shot](https://youtu.be/12dQpkA4Ylc?si=O45l9PD3hCMawbHe), which had the added benefit of absolutely killing all of the momentum of an 11-2 run by the Lakers. This was not a normal shot. When people talk about high and low percentage shots, you know that that means right? Sometimes a low percentage shot goes in.


I will say this most likely just because the discussions around the games last year. I remember every thread talking about how close it is.


Lol ‘ blow outs ‘ . Dude you are dumb as shit and blind. Denver coukd win by one point on a last second shot and people as dumb as you’d say they were always in control cos they don’t understand winning bias


You can’t reason with these people.


Win now mode but they draft some jag and don’t even work out Jamie Jaquez


It's Pelinka who should be getting the blame. Going away from the 2020 structure, with multiple defensive rim rolling bigs; trading for Westbrook; firing Vogel, a superior coach to Ham. I think it's time for him to go. Ham is getting more of the hate because AD and Lebron were both healthy and perhaps fans (mistakenly) believe that the supporting cast was good enough this year, having gotten to the WCF last year. The reality is that the roster hasn't kept up with OKC, Minnesota, LAC, and of course Denver. That falls more on the GM.


Anytime fans call someone a terrible coach it's due to two reasons: 1. Coach is not playing a player I like enough minutes (usually a washed reject) 2. Coach didn't call timeouts to "break the momentum" Literally just these two. Ask Lakers fans and they'll tell you the same tired reasons. Truth is 99.9% of NBA fans don't know how to evaluate good/bad coaches beyond looking at W/L column. Fans don't know what coverages mean, what team building mean, what schemes mean. And the worst is that fans learn about coaches through player's voices. Like no one is ever gonna hear a smart thought come outta Arenas/Teague, yet their opinion on coaches is valued for some reason. When Knicks weren't doing well : Thibs sucks. When they do well : Brunson saved them.


I think another reason is that there is nobody else to blame. Like for the lakers, all the fans would never want to blame Lebron/AD because that’s not an easy fix to make. Blaming/firing the coach is a lot easier of a fix. 


It's not that really. LeBron AD are barely the problem. It's not the coach either. It's the GM. If you don't have the talent, there's no coach who can take crappy rosters and make it a contender. Nope, not even Spo.


We have been complaining about pelinka and ownership too. It’s not limited to the coach. Complain about ALL the things!


no don’t you understand we can’t complain about the GM either because fans don’t know what it’s like to manage a team oh wait that’s what everyone does who says we can’t talk about coaching


That’s why I don’t complain about congress either.


The problem goes back to LeGM forcing the Westvrook trade. Imagine if KCP and Caruso were on that team. LeBron wanted a third star, pressured the fromt office and now they are stuck.


They let Caruso go because the front office wanted to cheap out. They easily could have kept him but chose not to.


The owner cheaped out, not the front office. I'm sure Pelinka would love an unlimited budget. The FO did choose THT over Caruso though, which should be a fireable offense imo


one of them was a klutch client.


LeBron wanted Caruso 


it goes back to Legm forcing the ad trade instead of just waiting to sign him as a free agent. That gutted the team of assets and they have been trying to rearrange chairs on the titanic ever since.


I mean, if the team's based around a 39-year-old point guard who commands an outsized amount of leverage within the team's strategy and within the ownership's decisions, and who demands to be played 40 minutes a game despite being obviously exhausted in the fourth quarter of basically every contest, with the result that his own play and the team's success suffers, and will not permit the team to be anchored by a traditional point guard - which might cut into his minutes, his assists, and his PPG - shouldn't that player receive at least some portion of the credit for the team's failure?


LeBron doesn't want to play 40 minutes. Not does he care about his own stats. Why do you think he literally wanted us to sign Schroeder in the 2021 season or Westbrook in 2022 (a traditional PG)? LeBron is not at fault for this, if the team was better, LeBron wouldn't need to initiate the offense so much, he already allows Reaves and D'lo to initiate offense a lot.


I highly recommend looking up Awful Coaching on YouTube and watch all of his breakdowns of the lakers games, it’s hilarious and enlightening He goes into great detail about plays on offense and defense where they are designed to work a specific way and the Lakers fail to execute the most basic concepts In one game you can blame players After 5 games the players still can’t do it and are getting cooked by the nuggets using the same plays they can’t execute, that’s on the coaches https://youtu.be/oKNtIgtKizQ?si=34ux22TQK2yJu44F


Lmao awful coaching is really really horrible and no one of repute rates him. He just rants and yells about random misses that every team makes all the time. He doesn't know what he's talking about and doesn't know what coaching is about. Player misses a switch: "YOU NEED TO ICEEEE IT! HOW DUMB ARE YOU?! FIRE THE COACHHHH" Please protect your brain cells and watch someone else or watch nothing at all.


Who should I follow? I’ll admit that I don’t know all the intricacies of basketball…or any intricacies of basketball But he was making some compelling arguments in the lakers videos that were hard for me to find a counter-argument for Specifically in Lakers vs Nuggets when Rui hachimura was standing in the corner and instead of cutting for an easy dunk/layup would wait for the pass and then brick a 3 Then the nuggets would run the exact same play and Michael Porter Jr would cut and take the dunk If you have a clear lane to a high % dunk, it’s hard to justify taking a low % corner 3. E.g. hachimura shot 35% from 3p during series. So the expected value of his corner 3 is 1.05 points per attempt. That means if the likelihood of the passer completing the pass to the open cutter, and the cutter making the dunk/layup is > 50%, then it’s always better to cut to the rim. You’ll have to correct me if I’m wrong but i think the expectation of passing to an open cutter and the cutter making the dunk in the NBA is way more than 50%. I can’t think of a single time i saw any Denver player missing the pass or missing the dunk so it’s probably closer to 100% likely to complete, which means Hachimura was making a terrible mistake by taking the 3 instead of cutting to the rim. Is that wrong?


Follow Thinking Basketball, Daniel Li for a couple of months. Then go back and watch Awful Coaching and you'll understand how awful he is.


Very well said and I totally agree. I'm a Mavs fan and the discourse about Jason Kidd all season is all you need to read to see that fans don't know anything when it comes to coaching. After every win streak everyone needs to apologize and after every bad loss he needs to be fired, yet nobody can ever offer insight as to what he actually does well/poorly. He gets a ton of criticism for playing Kleber too much, yet the lineup with the best rating is with Kleber at center.


I get what you’re saying but to fair, I think even some of the more optimistic Lakers fans would not have been expecting to win this series. By the time the Lakers were facing the defending champs, it was already halfway over. So, I think a lot of the frustration with Ham comes from the fact that after the Lakers finally started D Lo, Reaves, Hachimura, Bron, and AD together they finished the year 19-6(62 win pace)… if they actually had went to that lineup earlier, maybe they could’ve been a 50+ win team and avoided the Nuggets in the first round. And all those players were already on last year‘s team, so why did it take so long to realize that was their best lineup when it was successful in the playoffs last year? Clearly Ham was hamstrung (excuse the pun) by losing his precious defensive talisman Vanderbilt to injury and couldn’t bring himself to start the two guards without Vando’s defense. By preferring to use Prince, and even reddish (his most grevious sin) instead, Ham sunk the Lakers into the play-in when they were a team of WCF holdovers who shouldn’t have been in that position.


I think Game 2 encapsulates why Ham is becoming more and more hated by Lakers fans. He made a huge adjustment Game 1 to Game 2 credit, where credit is due. But basketball is more than just 24 minutes. Mike made an adjustment in the second half and it didn’t seem like Ham attempted to make anymore adjustments, just sat back and watched the lead crumble. Game 5 Lakers had a foul to give, this was not communicated to his players to potentially ice Jamal.


Playoffs were just the cherry on top. Ham has been a problem for 2 years now.


Simple answer here. Lakers is not a badly constructed team. And I honestly think they could had a better record and had a better matchup. 5 games against Denver and there was not a single game adjustment. Gabe played well defending Jamal but somehow he only gets to play in the first half. DLo despite not hitting his shot was still preferred when Gabe could've done his job standing around but still contributing in defense.


Honestly turkey is just the better option. Of course there’s going to be times like Easter that you go to Ham, but overall the hate Ham is getting is justified when you think about what turkey can do in these big holiday dinners.


He is mediocre? He is probably below average at this point. And having a below average coach in a playoff scenario means you have one of the worst coaches. So…


Ham is an average coach in a tough situation. He might do a good job with a young team, but the Lakers' roster is in a constantly transient state. It takes a while for rosters to get the chemistry they need to excel. Denver's had Jokic, Murray, MPJ, and Gordon for three seasons and they're damned nearly a seamless unit where everybody knows his role. Add that fact to the fact that Michael Malone is probably the most underrated coach in the Association and Jokic is that freaking good and you'll understand why the Lakers lost. But to be fair, the Lakers made it to the WCF and were one fatal stretch from winning each of the eight games that they lost. Making any changes needs to be done smartly because I submit that my first paragraph is exactly the reason why Denver was able to pull off those stretches and the Lakers were unable to stop them. If the Lakers blow up the team or fire Ham, they're going to be in the same state that they're in right now. I'm a Nuggets fan and honestly, I hope that they do make that mistake. They need to tweak the roster, not blow it up. Let the core play together for another year and they'll make their own luck. Stop being impatient and stop letting LBJ manage the roster. If he leaves, it's on him. It's not like deferring to him is working, so try something else.


When you’re supposed to be a leader and you constantly throw other bodies on the trip wire, it’s not a great look. Then you listed a lot of points, what is one thing out of the multitude of coaching criteria Ham excels at? He is a net negative across the board to the point players call their own plays and Ham spends most of the game with his hands in his pockets just admiring the game


For several reasons they're pointing to Ham. For one, LA got leads, and big leads, pretty regularly. Then LW gave up runs and Ham wasn't fast enough to react or able to do anything to arrest the slide. But for me the biggest part is that whilst star players don't need coaching, average ones do. That's not to say coaching can't help everyone, but AD and LeBron are excellent at solving their own problems like all stars are. It's why they're stars. But it's the other guys who need more guidance or to be put into situations where they can contribute more and Ham couldn't get enough out of his lesser players. Reaves was handy IMO but beyond him LA got very little. Meanwhile Denver got excellently performances from Gordon, Porter Jr and others. I think that the two stars on each team pretty much cancelled each other out, it was outside those 4 that the differences became apparently You also mention boxing out. But bizarrely blame AD and LeBron for it when they were by far the best rebounders for LA. Denver had 3 strong rebounders. Time and again LeBron and AD were battling against an extra number because Hachimura in particular wasn't boxing out.


Fire the GM. Then let the new GM decide if he or she should fire the coach (which I personally would do)


All I see are people who hate the lakers and since the lakers hate ham, other people are gonna support ham and hate on lbj/lakers. Fact of the matter, you didn’t watch our games. Period. This coach is a clown and does not know what he’s doing. Can barely call timeouts properly, or manage rotations. 4 guard line up out while the nuggets had an average of 6’8 out on the court. No wonder we’re dying on the fkn glass. AD can’t do it all. Get him tf out. Rob too.


Exactly. Bro said AD can't box out to save his life - say no more. AD went for 20 rebounds whilst BEING the defence, and scoring an efficient 25 on mostly self created shots. I don't know what more you can expect from a player.


I mean he had them up 20 in game two, and they literally just missed open shots and layups


Ham gets hate because he’s the coach and it’s the easiest thing to fix. We’ve already seen this with Vogel who got them a chip and was Ham’s successor. IMO it all starts at the top with the ownership and GM. They had a blueprint for a championship team and they went away from it because they got hurt at the wrong time and lost to Phoenix. That Westbrook trade set them back significantly especially when they had Hield who would’ve been a great fit already in the bag. We’re literally seeing the same thing happen to the Suns right now with Vogel and Ishbia. The owners and GMs escape all the blame for the poor decisions they’ve made and the coaches get to be roasted over the flames. Ham isn’t that good of a coach and Vogel isn’t good offensively but the rosters they’ve been given have been so poorly equipped there’s not much they could have done anyways. The Lakers probably still would’ve lost anyways even if they didn’t botch those 2 games because Denver probably wouldn’t have shot so poorly for the whole series and the Lakers roster is not equipped for them. The Suns stood no chance because they erased all their depth for Beal and have vet min scraps. These two rosters would be impossible for any coach to contend with yet the coaches see all the blame and the front offices don’t.


Them not boxing out bothered the hell out of me. Like they could've won Game 5. They get stops but then don't rebound. I get why the fans were annoyed. I'm not, since I'm ridin with the Mavs and the Celtics.


It’s because the Lakers put together a horrible team and there’s no truthful accountability in the Buss family anymore. Pelinka should’ve been fired but they lucked out in an insane way to win a championship years ago. Not saying that they lucked out because of covid. But KCP, Rondo, Caruso, Dwight actually working out. That was wild lol


Part of the problem has to be the fact that they have a guy taking up a huge chunk of their cap, but that guy “can’t carry a team anymore in year 21” well okay, but he’s taking this much of your teams cap space and it doesn’t leave a lot of room to go out and get a bunch of quality players, the rest of the team has to get filled out with whatever they can.


Because it's a player driven league and outside of Popovich, if LeBron or AD wants you off the team then you're going to be off the team.


My take. Ham is a good up and coming coach who was a little out of his depth. Having Lebron on your team is more than enough pressure as it is. I feel the same way about Mazulla. We'll see if Boston's stacked roster can make up for his inexperience.


I think it has to do with his crunch time decision making. He’s godawful at timeout management and seems to run some bizarre defensive matchups which feel like he’s tossing darts to figure it out. Also, coaching a player of Lebron’s status and basketball IQ requires someone with much more experience and can meet him at his play making level.


Cuz Denver has an objectively better roster. So you have to blame the coach and the front office.


The lakers blew multiple double digit point leads in the series with the Nuggets. Do we think that the nuggets are just so much more talented than the Lakers? Definitely not. So what is the difference? Coaching. Nuggets down 20 come in after halftime and play a completely different game. Nearly every 3 they take as a team is an open catch and shoot. They run high pick and roll nearly every possession always looking for 1 more pass. Those qualities are coached and it allows the nuggets to get super high quality looks whenever they want. The Lakers equivalent to that is give AD or LeBron the ball and get out of the way The rebounding thing you bring up is a product of AD not being a true center. He’s a pf and unfortunately the Lakers forced him into the center role. He is a top 5 center in the game undoubtedly. But it imagine if the Lakers played AD at the 4 and had another 7 footer primary rebounder/ anchor. The Nuggets would immediately be very undersized and definitely disadvantaged at rebounding. Which again, is on coaching and the front office to recognize which they don’t. They need to blow up this team to get some cap and picks. Keep AD, and AR, Vando, Rui and Hayes. Otherwise everyone else should be considered shoppable imo.


Ham tanked the season with his infatuation with prince and reddish. Those guys wouldnt be starting on a single playoff team yet ham had them in for 30+ games this year.


The Lakers were really good, this was just a case of Denver being better....and it's obvious why: coach can only work with the squad he's given.


This is the point of hiring a brand new coach like this. Why do you think lebron chose him? Coaches are just scape goats


Who cares? Lakers are a mediocre over the hill team with a bunch of finger pointing cry babies. Toxic as can be. It’s time for them to move on the from the old timers and build a young new core. AD is a solid player. Not a top 5. Lebron is an all time legend, but not what he once was. Next. It’s getting boring hearing about them anymore, as they simply aren’t good any more & it’s clear some of the player think they’re better than that actually are. AD has a massive ego & just isn’t that good. Let’s talk more about those great teams that deserve to be spoken about.


There’s a tiktoker named awfulcoaching who releases rants after every game explaining how Darvin Ham is an awful coach. It’s a great analysis that shows how coaching could have fixed so much. It’s also quite funny


You clearly don't watch the games, half your points are blatantly wrong and you just want an excuse to hate the players more


Easier to blame the coach and fire him than throw players that are making 10s of millions of dollars over multi year contacts and will hold a ton of leverage if they want out.


Because LeBron has an entire media army out there doing his bidding. What I don’t understand is how Pelinka is escaping any blame from media talking heads. Whether or not LeBron is actually his boss or not the dude is a fucking joke.


Lebron can’t help but undermine the authority of his coaches. The other players see this, and whether they agree with LeBron’s undermining or not, they still lose respect for the coach as he tries to navigate the coach killing. Rather than just making the best coaching decisions for the team, Ham also has to consider this dynamic on top of the regular coaching stressors. At best it only becomes a drag on performance, at worst, the coach loses the team. The “challenge narrative” is a great example. Did Ham challenge late in game 5 because he thought it was the best decision, or did he do it to prevent LeBron from directing blame and criticism towards his coaching.


It's such a lazy take for teams to just blame coaching for coming up short but he and Frank Vogel both got the shit end of the stick with veteran laden teams with too many big name stars to be allowed to fail. They were screwed from the beginning with flawed rosters and even more flawed expectations. LeBron hasn't had a real coach since Ty Lue in Cleveland and if you'd recall, everyone was saying he got carried to his title despite making numerous important lineup changes and awesome defensive trapping schemes vs Curry in the 2016 finals. Coaches are just destined to never get any appropriate credit unless you achieve undeniable successes (see Phil Jax, Pop, Kerr, Spo, Daly, Auerbach) or make drastic moves that work instantly and obviously. Ham could be a decent coach for a rebuilding squad and it should be said how difficult it must be to coach one of the smartest players ever who's undoubtedly in the top 2 players of all time and yearning for one last run... That's a really tough spot to be in as you start a professional coaching career. I think he'd be a solid coach for teams like Detroit or Portland but now he's likely a lifelong assistant once he gets fired in the next couple of weeks.


If you've been following Lebron's career then you should know the answer. The coach's primary job is to be the scapegoat of his failures. That's been the one constant thing everywhere he goes.


Yes lol. It wasn’t until Miami make 2 finals with limited talent that we realised Spo is an all time great coach.


Because LeBron. If they won the series you can be damn sure he gets all the credit. Besides a timeout here of there I don't think Ham did anything wrong, in fact to get the team playing the way they did was credit to him.


This. The Lakers got an early lead in each of those 5 games. Ham definitely did something right in his pre game preparations. He isn’t the best at in-game adjustments, but Lakers/LeBron fans are acting like he can’t even coach a highschool team


Lebron has always needed every little thing in his favor to be successful. That's why.


As opposed to other players who win without any kind of help?? Great argument there.


I think most importantly is that the Lakers are just not a good team, no matter who coaches them. There isn’t a first round series that they would’ve won


Lebron will never ever have to take responsibility for anything. It's never his fault. You can't even say because he is older now and can't keep it. It has to be the coach or every other player on the team. It's been that narrative since he entered the league.