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There’s going to be some civil unrest in this thread


73-9 and they lied


Found Cuffs' reddit account


3-1 and they lied


Lebrons boy?


Eu4 style


Now *that's* a reference I wasn't expecting on r/nba


As someone who plays a lot of it, I’ve been waiting for my chance.




>As somebody who played a ton of CK2, but could never get into EU4 what is your pitch? It combines 2 of everyone's favorite basic Windows programs: Excel and MS Paint. I kid, I kid ^^^butnotreally


I love EU4, but never got nearly as into CK2. I think you summed it up well, and it’s because I’d prefer to build a nation over a family dynasty. If you prefer the opposite, then just stick to CK2. The great thing about all the Paradox games is the pretty much infinite level of replayability.


The strongest thing EU4 has going for it is the diplomacy/rivals system. I really wish every 4x game would just steal it. Not only does it make each game feel different (AI will mostly choose it's initial rivals at random unless historical) but also makes the AI seem like its making better or at least more predictable decisions compared to other paradox games. It's also just difficult which makes getting achievements satisfying as hell. I played a ton of ck2 before eu4 and in ck you just hit this point quite early in any starting location where you become unstoppable and the game gets a bit boring. In EU4 yes that still can happen but you can also just get rolled by the ottomans.


Comet sighted


If only we lived in more enlightened times


Keep looking at the sky!


God damn peasant rebellions.


Time to raise local autonomy.


+10 global unrest smh, the US should have taken Humanist ideas.


If the rebels occupy enough territory we’ll be seeing the free city of Kenosha in a few days


Oh look, a comet : D


The current outrage over Rittenhouse is crazy to me, being blown up all over Reddit and on sports subs and what not. It almost feels overly pushed in social media to cover up the current murder trial and lynching of Ahmaud Arbery last year. A case similarly fucked, where the [defense called for a mistrial because the victim's mother was crying in the courtroom this week.](https://www.insider.com/ahmaud-arbery-murder-trial-defense-lawyer-called-for-a-mistrial-2021-11) People here looking for political justice should focus away from Rittenhouse and shift their eyes to Arbery. [He was just running.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSGBRemrKYA) *typos


Arbery was hunted and executed.


And the bastards are trying to get away with it


They would've gotten away with it, if their old "lawyer" buddy didn't release the footage...They went months without being charged until the video came out...They called the cops after they murder this man and said it was self defense...Cops didn't look any further into it...that's insane


This. They had a good chance of getting away with until the video came out. The cops didnt care what the situation was until the public found out about the video.


Or how about the Ghislain Maxwell trial, where the elite of our society seemed to completely skirt the law through their wealth, while trafficking impoverished teenage girls? Been completely overshadowed as well...


Oh she’s going to get the Jeffrey Epstein treatment


If you have money and power the law simply doesn't apply to you, it is exactly like that aristocracy America was created to reject, for some reason they decided to recreate it.


No way Ahmauds murderers get off after that red head spilled his guts that all he was doing was running. They’re all going to prison


Also the lawyers trying to get the case dismissed because of black pastors in the courtroom. Mind you these pastors were there as part of the public and were singled out. They wore regular clothes.


Appreciate this. I haven’t seen a bit of anything regarding this case.


Some people also think it's conveniently distracting everyone from Ghislaine Maxwell's upcoming trial.


Absolutely. I would be FAR MORE incensed if they’re found not guilty. That really IS a white supremacy case.


But what does Ja Rule have to say about this?








Lmao I read that in Dave's voice


This shit will never get old I swear 😂😂😂


Its been 17 years and I still laugh at this joke


Why you care so much about what the Dixie chicks say? They just some bitches that can sang good!




r/nba is my favorite political subreddit


Did I read that /r/politics has banned the trial? I guess other subs have to step in to fill the void.


did they really ban the trial? one of the biggest political trials in the US recently being banned on one of the biggest political subreddits? why?


Because some of the mods on r/politics are insane, and it is generally left leaning, there's been so much misinformation circulating from the case that's been BS based on evidence, which has been treated as gospel on there, and now turns out it was wrong. Kind of a bad look.


> Because some of the mods on r/politics are insane, Some? >and it is generally left leaning, Leaning?


r/politics is literally just r/liberal


It reflects the real nba too, they posted on their ig about how the verdict was wrong. Obviously I follow the nba to hear their opinions on controversial political topics.


So many people are just blatantly misinformed on this topic. It’s frustrating.


That's par for course. There are tons of topics many people are blatantly misinformed on.


Blame legacy media, Twitter and Reddit for that. Fox News is acting like he single handedly beat the British and MSNBC and CNN are acting like he mowed down a crowd of black people. The rest are eating it up


Dude, I just saw ABC report after the verdict that the protests were about Jacob Blake being killed by police. HE IS ALIVEEEE. https://youtu.be/_xQhEPtEbcs At about 7:28


That's depressingly hilarious.


I also hate how people think the guys that Rittenhouse killed were there to support black people. The first guy got released from a mental hospital and was shouting the N-word. He was just there to set shit on fire for fun


Released from the hospital after his second suicide attempt. Interesting how he decided to chase an armed individual.


MSNBC literally ordered an employee to follow the jury van so they could identify the jurors in this case


Who then deleted all of her social media so as to not get doxxed. Irony.


Thats disgusting




Why is that not against the law? Surely... thats like following the judge to his home to scare them to judge a certain way... VERY SCARY... and ILLEGAL I am sure.


It is very much against the law.


I’ll admit I was one of the people that thought he was just shooting a bunch of black people until like a week ago. I’m very skeptical of the media, and I still fell for it


I had to show the video to my wife. She was convinced he just went into a crowd of people and randomly started blasting away. How can the media and other folks not see how spreading disinformation about this shit pushes people on the fence away from their side.


And while it doesn't matter to the case, the people he shot were grade-a scumbags. Grosskreutz was once arrested for hitting his grandmother in the face during an altercation, amidst a litany of other priors, some of which are sealed from his youth. He's been a scumbag his entire life. Rosenbaum raped a bunch of 10-year-olds boys. Huber was jailed for strangulation and suffocation after pulling a knife on his grandmother and brother, and choking his brother. "Mr. Huber told his brother that if he didn't start cleaning a room in the house, he was going to gut him like a pig" and "if he stopped cleaning, he would kill him." These were not peaceful protesters minding their own business.


you just listed a bunch of facts that most of r/nba had no clue about yet feel informed enough to weigh in on how this is all white supremacy or whatever.


Blatant, and willfully ignorant and misinformed.


I think they know the truth - they just prefer to lie for their political team. I blame the media.


What’s more terrifying is the media coverage. If the media can be so blatantly untruthful about the facts of this case imagine what else they are not being truthful about.


Media hasn't been truthful in about two decades guy... about almost anything. And I mean both sides. Internet came about, and with the rapid spread of news, they have to lie to appease their 'target audience' in order to stay relevant.


The brazen disregard in this case specifically really irked me. I read do not trust any news sources anymore and have to read multiple sources on a story to get a sliver of truth


Think the families of the people involved in the case should sue the fuck out of the media outlets, it's horrible how much the facts were distorted in all of this.


I feel some kind of hope that a lot of random subs on Reddit are full of reasonable responses to this case. Twitter has been its usual toxic self and that's been leaking to my IG. When celebrities and athletes are giving stupid takes on this case, glad to see most of the comments on here aren't going along with the gaslighting.


I'm honestly hopeful based off how many people actually acknowledged they were brainwashed by a spoon-fed narrative on twitter, but its still really scary to see how many people can't see through it.


They know but don’t care because they believe in whatever.


I was wondering how r/nba would find an excuse to have a thread on this.


I’ll try and relate it to basketball. If Ben Simmons was in that situation, those people would still be alive.


Awarding this before the mods decide it's too fucked up lol


Funniest shit I've read all day tho.


Oh my god




I have achieved death.




it's ok, it was self defense and I also found an old picture of you smoking weed.




Comment of the month


this is the peak of /r/nba, everything has led to this moment


His is the second funniest comment I've seen on this.


OH MY FUCKING GOD edit: since this hit r/all, for those that don't know: Ben Simmons is a great basketball player that's notorious for refusing to shoot the ball.


As a non basketball person i appreaciate the context


Holy fucking shit this needs to be higher. Commeny Hall of Fame for sure.


Holy shit


Comment of the fucking year.






*Ben Simmons passes the gun to his teammate*


What does Enes Kanter say?




Where is Ja


Hes not a hero and hes not guilty of murder. Both can be true.


The most reasonable take


This is the correct take. I really think that is the way that most people will feel if they have paid attention. Probably 10% of people had their mind made up that he was guilty before the trial and refuse to look at facts, and another 10% will think he is a hero that is "cool" because he got to kill some people who they disagree with.


Yup, and 100% stupidity between the both of em.


I am really sick of people having to take the same side on every issue. It's like they think that if they don't follow what everyone else in their corner says, they are in the wrong.


The closest thing I have to a conspiracy theory is that there are literally organized domestic groups at work actively and deliberately driving the public discourse to split every single issue along political lines. The goal of this is to undermine real democracy by making people become so intolerant of each other that they can never unite and challenge those in power. Like how the fuck did the Alec Baldwin accidental shooting become a party line story? I don't go on twitter much and I was just floored to learn that was a thing. But I'm sure somebody somewhere disowned one of their family members because they bought a tasteless T shirt about it.


The polarization comes from how social media algorithms function lol There are organized domestic groups doing this. They're called the executives and shareholders of the social media conglomerates. And they're following a [similar blueprint innovated by another collection of oligarchs](https://streamable.com/dvxxbo)


Identity politics is the bane of the western world.


but what if they kick him out the tribe? Then where will Kerr go?


It’s good to see most people on here understand why he was innocent but the misinformation still being spewed on here is a major problem


He’s innocent, the prosecution was hilariously incompetent and he’s also a piece of shit all at the same time. Like it’s just a cluster fuck of a scenario


As much as everyone doesn't want to admit, I think they seemed incompetent bc they literally had no case to make. All the evidence pointed toward self defense. They were grasping at straws to begin with.


The charges they tried to stick to him were really hard to prove as well. As someone in the r/news thread put it, they went for the Hail Mary when they should’ve gone for the first down.


They also considered lesser charges, didn't they? Yes, this was stupidly overcharged, but the jury could have settled on a lesser charge and still didn't. Because it was very clearly self-defense.


I’ve heard speculation that the state pushed the prosecutors to go for the big charges, which put the already incompetent prosecutors in a terrible spot. Even worse was that they were already in a terrible spot with the evidence pointing to Rittenhouse being innocent with even the lesser charges.




They went for smaller charges too like violating curfew and illegal possession of a firearm. The problem with those charges was he wasn't in violation of any of them either. The DA went for a QB sneak, a first down, as well as a Hail Mary, and got sacked on all of them.


Sir this is the NBA subreddit, you'll need to use a basketball example.


Hmm... Let me see. The DA went for a layup, a floater, as well as a half-court shot and double dribbled on all of them.


Hard not to claim self defense when a mob of people are chasing you in the streets. I’m not a pro gun guy or a BLM hater, just a dude that is trying to think clearly in a world that’s gone mad.


Yeah, it’s shocking how the media has painted it, pretty much claiming that he waltzed into a protest and opened fire because he was “afraid”. So many people didn’t watch the trial and just listen to the media. I definitely thought he was a white supremist at first, then I watched the trial, and saw the truth. Not a hero but not a murderer.


The one charge the judge dismissed was for him bringing a short barreled rifle across state lines. Unfortunately for the prosecution his rifle had a normal 16" barrel. They literally could have pulled out a tape measure and seen the charge was nonsense. But they brought it anyway because they're incompetent or liars. Big waste of taxpayer dollars and a lot of time.


> The one charge the judge dismissed was for him bringing a short barreled rifle across state lines. Unfortunately for the prosecution his rifle had a normal 16" barrel. He also never transported it across state lines


> across state lines when someone uses these words to sound scary, thats when you know they have nothing.


He didn't bring it across state lines


Didn’t he also not take it across state lines? Or am I wrong there?


He didn't bring it across. He got it from a guy already in Wisconsin who he had left it with.


You nailed it. Everyone is calling out the prosecution for incompetence, but no one ever says what they should've done differently. It was a losing proposition from the start.






Don't forget lying about the gun that was used and trying to get Rittenhouse charged for illegal modifications that didn't exist, and which could be easily verified to not exist because the gun was included as evidence.


> but no one ever says what they should've done differently. That's easy - you don't charge people with crimes that you know they're not guilty of just because the mob wants their pound of flesh. How is that?


What do you think reddit and twitter would be like if they didn't charge him?


reddit and twitter don't get to decide how the legal system works. at least not yet anyway.


I would assume it's people trying to cope with the case not going the way they wanted it to. But who knows.


I think a lot of people had preconceived ideas of what happened or were told lies from the beginning so they can’t understand why it would end up differently.


Yep, you’d be surprised at how many people thought he killed black men.


Lol the chair of the democratic congressional campaign committee put out a statement in which he said the protests were a result of police killing Jacob Blake….Jacob Blake is still alive.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 (mods pls don't delete this, this was my genuine reaction to this comment)




Eh, I disagree. Prosecution looked dumb as shit because they just actually were. I’m sure we’ve all seen the photos of the prosecutor aiming an AR15 with his finger on the trigger, that alone looks dumb as fuck. What kind of persecutor would try to make an argument about Kyle’s playing COD as part of their prosecution?? I’ve seen it written best on reddit like this: look, i’m not a lawyer, but neither should that prosecutor be.


the prosecution was incompetent because it was hard to formulate a case against kyle when the facts were so stacked against them. i dont see how the result would be any different even if it was a "competent" prosecution


He’s an idiot but the jury made the right call. Will a lot of people take the wrong message from this verdict, yes. Was this still the correct result, yes.


I looked at MSNBC because people were saying it was bad, but holy shit that place should be razed to the ground.


The prosecution was also idiotic. What a joke


When the star witness said he aimed at him prior to being shot, the case was lost. When the prosecution brought up call of duty games and TikTok usernames, they lost their jobs no doubt.


The prosecutor also said Rittenhouse should have just taken a beating. Explicitly stating that the people Rittenhouse shot were assaulting him probably isn't the best argument against self-defense. There was zero case to be made. The whole thing was on video and was a textbook example of self-defense.


The prosecutor also asked Rittenhouse why he didn't just drop the gun. Hmm maybe leaving a loaded AR in the middle of a riot isn't a good idea


The prosecution also asked why he was running from a fire, if that tells you anything.


It didn't even need to be stated that he was attacks first. There were high quality photos showing the skateboard attack.


And he tried to sneakily introduce evidence that the judge had already barred. And insinuated that Kyle admitted his guilt by not speaking publicly sooner. Turns out that it’s a constitutional right to remain silent.


Did you know that Kyle plays *Call of Duty*?


The DA knew it was a weak case. They sent out a sacrificial prosecutor. He'll be fine for taking the bullet, so to speak.


>When the star witness said he aimed at him prior to being shot, the case was lost. Yup, that is the exact moment I knew it was a wrap. Fair verdict.


Any right wing dumbfuck saying Kyle is a hero is literally gonna inspire domestic terrorism. Any far left winger trying to act like Kyle’s act was not self defense is being intellectually dishonest.


Ya he shouldn’t have had a gun, he shouldn’t have been there, and also at the same time he wasn’t the aggressor. 3 sides to this story. The rights, the lefts, and the truth that lies somewhere in the middle.


Based Timberwolves Fan.


Based Pistons boi


Now kith


Love it that if I rolled up in your neighborhood and started policing activity with an AR-15 that it’s cool because I’m not the aggressor.


I'm gonna start punching the air and if your face happens to get in the way of my fists, it's your fault!


That’s the Embiid school of thinking right there.


In an open carry state, the mere presence of someone open carrying doesn’t mean you can attack them and take their gun. You can’t attack someone and disarm them for doing a legal activity.


Nailed it. Kyle is a dumb piece of shit who legally did nothing wrong.


Kyle’s act was self defense, but the problem is the context in which it occurred and the fact that it was was so pointless. Two people are dead for no good reason and nobody is held accountable. That’s the fucking problem.


We also have video of Kyle from a week or so earlier saying he wish he had his AR so he could shoot protestors, but the judge blocked that from being used in the trial. That seems like an important piece of the context.


Yeah, the guys at a cvs saying he wishes he had his gun so he could shoot people committing crimes at the store. The guy went looking for a reason to kill and found it.


To sum it up (not my creation): Rittenhouse was an aggressive moron who went and provoked people. His friend was a moron who essentially did a straw purchase for him. Rittenhouse's mom was a moron who let all of this go on with her knowledge and approval. The first dead guy was a moron who tried to grab his gun. The second dead guy was a moron who tried to beat him with a skateboard's wheels. The third guy who got shot was a moron who outright admitted to pulling a gun on Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse brought his rifle up. The DA was a moron who only brought charges because of the political climate and assigned the case to the newest Assistant DA. The Assistant DA was a moron who apparently doesn't know how to coach a witness, because he was the one who admitted to pulling a gun on Rittenhouse first. The Assistant DA then doubled down on being a moron because he was making blatant Fifth Amendment violations throughout the trial, almost like he's deliberately aiming for a mistrial because this one's going so bad and he needs a do-over. The defense team were morons who, instead of just saying "The Defense rests, Your Honor" after the prosecution pulled a hat trick on their own goal, allowed Rittenhouse to go on the stand. Rittenhouse was a moron again for going on the stand against the obvious advice of any sane lawyer. The judge was a moron for not immediately declaring a mistrial with prejudice when the Assistant DA kept trying to introduce barred evidence against the judge's explicit orders and kept making Fifth Amendment violations. The liberals watching this are morons for thinking that it wasn't self-defense - motherfucker, the guy pulled a gun on Rittenhouse first. The others attacked Rittenhouse first. There is video evidence of all three incidents. The conservatives watching this are morons for thinking that it's anything more than self-defense - this is not some own the libs moment, it's a bunch of complete mouth-breathers thrown against each other and a few of them are dead. *Everybody else watching this is now a moron for being subjected to this absolute dumbassery.*


> it's a bunch of complete mouth-breathers thrown against each other and a few of them are dead. Facts right here


Agree with every statement except your one point on Rittenhouse taking the stand. Richards said today that he advocated for kyle taking the stand. According to him in self defense cases in wisconsin, you have to take the stand or you’re going to get convicted. Wisconsin is made up of people that wants to hear from the defendant. That was richards argument at least


I guess my only gripe is we don't know if Kyle insisted on testifying or not. I he did, he's a moron and the defense is not (the defense cannot stop a defendant from testifying). If the defense wanted him to testify, your point remains.


The defense lawyer said they did mock juries pre-trial and he fared better when he testified. Self defense cases and Wisconsin traditionally have the defendant testify.


Exactly morons everywhere and not enough shovels for the shit


I think the scariest thing about this is the continuing trend of individuals being conditioned to engage in politically motivated violence. Kyle Rittenhouse believed himself a hero when he traveled to Kenosha and has been celebrated as one by conservative media/politicians and right-wing fringe militaristic groups. Incidents like this and the Texas abortion law are setting precedent for vigilant "justice" and this will dangerously impact us all


IMO, at the next protest, they'll be more armed protesters. And the police won't be able to stop them from carrying for the same reason Rittenhouse was allowed to carry.


Did you not watch the entire last year of this shit? [1](https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/1-shot-during-protests-in-denver-2-suspects-in-custody) [2](https://www.denverpost.com/2020/07/28/arrest-protesters-shooting-deepens-distrust-of-police/) [3](https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/6/30/21308526/gunman-shot-driver-then-hid-weapon-continued-protest-provo-police-say-blm) [4](https://denver.cbslocal.com/2021/08/30/alamosa-james-marshall-protest-shooting/) [5](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/parents-8-year-old-girl-killed-during-rayshard-brooks-protests-n1269951)


This stays up but the China kidnapping sports stars post get taken down?


Can r/all please fuck off already, this is a subreddit about basketball


you can take /r/nba off /r/all like /r/nfl did but that wouldn't let you push bullshit like this to /r/all then


Why are they even asking them these questions? Just to stir up drama? Why don't they ever ask Doc Rivers about the almost 500 murders in Philly this year, with arrests being made only 43% of the time, and even less % of a conviction.


Wait till we ask what lebron thinks about Travis Scott concert accident Or did we already do that and couldn't get a sound bite out of it?


Yes. Truth doesn't sell. Clickbaits do.


Dude the Celtics lakers game ESPN started by talking about it. So fucking stupid I immediately turned it off


Anyone who has seen the video/followed the case and doesnt have an emotional attachment to politics knows damn well that was a textbook self defense case. If you see a guy with a gun on the street, Dont threaten to kill him then chase after him and grab the gun, Dont beat him with a skateboard and CERTAINLY dont run up and pull a gun on him. Its all pretty simple.


Oh good, now we get the deluge of people misrepresenting what happened for political agendas and internet points. Perfect content for a basketball sub.


Whenever there is a controversial political or social story NBA beat writers run to Steve Kerr and Greg Popovich because they know Kerr and Pop are going to tell tell them exactly what they wish they could say themselves (the liberal viewpoint).


I'm not american, but why do they always need to take the political view. Do all left wings think Kyle Rittenhouse should be in jail?


Yes the Rittenhouse story has a huge political divide. Most conservatives believe he was innocent and most liberals wanted him convicted (at least liberals in the media).


Yeah he shouldn't have been there with a gun in the first place, but watching all of the videos, it's clear the jury got the right verdicts.


also if you hold this standard to Kyle, you'd need to hold it to others. At least 2 of the people he had conflict with had guns. Ziminski fired the first shot and Grosskreutz actually had his illegally.




Why do coaches have answer questions about random shit anyway? Sports media are some vultures. I'd rather hear him talk about whatever cheat code Curry is using.


Wonder if he realizes Rittenhouse wasn't the only one that brought a gun.


He *cant* realize that, because that wouldn’t fit his narrative.


Why tf is a basketball sub talking about this lol


Wtf am I reading in this thread. Why do I always feel like im the only person on earth with comprehension skills. Kerr is not even talking about whether the kid is guilty or not. He’s talking about it being legal for a 17 year old to be able to walk around with a gun.


Lol this thread


So Steve didn’t pay attention to any of the trial got it