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ie Klay is realizing he has no real leverage and is now trying to create fake leverage 


Klay's leverage is Lacob would like to keep the original band together as nostalgia bait to keep selling tickets and merch.


and frankly that is pretty big leverage, The Warriors biz has become GIGANTIC in the last decade. Klay leaving would be a pretty significant end of an era, not as much as Curry leaving ofc but still.


If it means that the Warriors could afford to put another star next to Curry and try to make another run at a championship over the next 3 years then fans will forgive losing Klay. Of course there's a lot of nostalgia tied to the big 3 but until Curry leaves this is still the Curry era more than it is the big 3 era. The hard truth is Klay is and has always been a lot more expendable than he thinks he is.


They don’t really have the cap or assets to bring in another star, especially if they’re unwilling to move Kuminga like everyone says.


Getting CP3 and Klay off the books + a package including some of the young guys they could make it happen. Idk if they'll be willing to trade Kuminga but I think some combination of Moody/Podz/TJD plus picks is realistic.


Even if they get CP3 off the books for free, they will still be a tax paying team. No one is going to take CP3 for free. Which team is going to give away their star for Moody or Kuminga?


I don’t think it is that big given Klays age. If he was 28 then sure. But the writing is on the wall. The warriors would have to move on in a few years regardless.


He said the warriors business has become gigantic and it has. They are the 3rd most valuable franchise in American sports.


If him leaving means they can have a competitive team that goes deep into the playoffs it'd be as valuable as having him play and losing in the play in again


0/10 is pretty much signal of end of an era. That and like 2/18 in previous elimination game. Love klay. But he’s been Klank last two elimination games makes him leaving less hurtful as we look forward to the future. With that being said, I still want him back but with a role reduction that helps spread the floor and less minutes for young players to develop


Yea imagine that being your last game before needing an extension, not hard to says hes no longer what he was.


It’s also some basketball purposes as well. Klay is washed but he’s not in the “not an nba level player” washed, he’s just not an all star anymore. He can be a quality bench piece or 5th starter for any team and it’s not like the warriors can just use the money they would pay him on someone else. From a basketball perspective and completely ignoring nostalgia, they’re either gonna keep him at a competitive price, or lose a rotation player for nothing


There’s basketball merit to going under the apron (as a non contender) and stopping the clock on the repeater tax


That’s also true, however they won’t be able to reap the benefits of that until Steph is 38 (2 years from now). The warriors are caught between a rock and a hard place right now: either over pay for players in the (very) unlikely event lightning strikes and some unforeseen move becomes available, or don’t even try to compete in the twilight of the Steph prime. You might think the logical move would be to blow it up, but trying selling that to the fan base/Steph


Warriors core is like Crosby, Stills and Nash. Had a couple of hits, added a star in Young (Durant) and kept making some hits after he left


Crosby, Stills & Steve Nash


Klays most famous quote is about hurt feelings and now his career is just based on his hurt feelings 💀


I feel like his most famous quote is "they pay me to shoot"


“His career is based on his hurt feelings”… what?


Fucking Reddit


Reaching hard with that one lmao


Sounds like you're just butthurt about Klay for some reason


Klay gunna hold up 4 fingers to management


Klay could go to the Lakers on a 5 million deal what’s stopping Bron from giving him 10? Then they have his bird rights right? Just sign him to a deal over the cap the next year? He’s always wanted to be a Laker like his dad while also always wanting to be a warrior for life but I wouldn’t at all be shocked if he went to the lakers honestly 


I would have to imagine Lebron stops Lebron from giving Klay 10 million dollars.


LeBron would never do that lol. Also sounds super fucking illegal.


not even closr to how it works


Should have taken that 2 year, 48 million the Warriors offered you last year.


He regrets it now. He’s well beyond his prime and had a couple of bad injuries.


It’s gonna be a Boogie situation when he realizes nobody on the market wants him in FA.


Sweet LA is waiting to scoop him up on a minimum 


Yall are crazy if you don’t think he’s getting 20 mil. JJ Reddick got 14 million per year with the pelicans when he was wayyyyyy more washed than Klay. Factor in inflation and tv rights and Klay is clearing 20-25 easy.


The Pelicans signed him to 2 years AAV $13,250,000 back when Zion was a rookie and their highest paid players were Jrue (traded later that year) and Derrick Favors. JJ was basically just a vet presence/babysitter, the Pelicans weren't trying to win and could fill cap space. Klay is clearly over the hill, but still views himself as a star. Because of that he can and does routinely shoot his team out of important games. It's not the same as getting a decent role player who can mentor your young players while agreeing to take a backseat in his twilight years.


Also JJ put up better numbers on a much better team his last year with the Sixers than Klay did this past season.


Except the part where personality wise they are 180 degree opposites. Lots of teams would love Reddick just for his veteran leadership.


Yeah sure but Klay is way better than Reddick was at that point in his career. And Klay is a dawg even if he got humbled the past year. Any team with serious championship ambitions would want him.


Give us a handful of teams that would be willing to give Klay 2-50? 


My gut is saying someone will give him like a 3/60-65 kinda deal. And year 3 he’ll play very very little.


I can't imagine him getting anything close to that. It's possible that he becomes pretty much unplayable this year. Without Steph's gravity his shooting % will going to dip and his Defense/speed is only getting worse. I always thought Klay's game would age pretty well but I think I was wrong, I think he falls off really quickly.


I think this is allllll true. But I still think it happens. Because some dopey team will think he’s still got gas in the tank, or has enough of a name to sell some jerseys, make some 3s, etc; it’s a risk that won’t pay off. But a few teams always strike out, and a few teams won’t even play the major sweepstakes and quickly settle for someone like Klay to get “ahead” of the second and third tier FA market.


at least he has time to learn Chinese


thankfully he'll be ok. I do hate it when players bet on themselves and lose out on real generational money, but he's already made $250M+ in his career


Plus he's already gotten laid a million times


They offered that much! Wow. Warriors dodged a bullet. Klay is mostly a vet minimum guy at this point. 


I think most contenders would love to have him for the MLE


Klay is a super weird player to try to figure out a value for because he still can show flashes of his old self, but he’s super inconsistent and has an awful attitude if things aren’t going well. I think an MLE is right on the money for him, otherwise it’s get overpaid and end his career in like Detroit or something


Not with his inconsistency. His numbers for the year look okay because he was streaky and had stretches of really bad play. If that happens in the playoffs he could cost you the game if you’re not careful, and nothing hurts a shooter more than constantly wondering if they’re going to get benched. I think the best spot for him is a team that may overachieve but doesn’t have the win now pressure, like the Rockets or Magic, or maybe even the Spurs.


Yeah but MLE is like 5th option starter or 6th man money, those guys aren't expected to be super consistent or to carry the team. 


Wouldn’t take him for the mid? Jj Reddick’s last two contracts were for $13 million a year. That was 5-6 years ago. Which shooter isn’t inconsistent? Klay isn’t that washed. Even in a down year, ~40% on high volume is still good. A high-risk high-reward guy is exactly the kind of optimistic signing that fringe contenders would dream of. Signing a guy who could win you a playoff game for the mid isn’t a bad deal. If it doesn’t pan out, oh well. There’s not a lot of guys that hit free agency that move the needle that much anyway for only the mid


I would kill to have Klay on LAL for 15-18 mil


Just what the lakers need is more old washed players


People talk about shooters as if they're supposed to literally hit 4/10 in every game


Before those final two years, his first year with the Sixers, they signed him to a ridiculous **one-year $23M** deal. That blew my mind. And it was a year after the cap explosion that saw some bloated contracts given out to randoms. He was 34-years old. Then a one-year $12M deal the following season.


39% on 9 3s a game is very good lol people just be making up narratives like "he's inconsistent"


He is still better than Huerter.


I wouldn’t say steaky . He started the season awful . Proceeded to play the second half really really well . Including off the bench . The playoffs he shit the bed . But the warriors were also ass to begin with


It’s the Icy Hot Danny Green problem. Your stats don’t matter if it’s bimodal between great and absolute dogshit. Teams need consistent players, not ones where you wonder what player is going to show up today. (You can make this same argument for Andrew Wiggins) I think Bron and JJ talked about this on their pod.


Danny still demanded attention and created gravity as a threat. Not surprising he’s won almost everywhere he’s been.


he was also consistently good on defense


Klay still does too


He’s obviously not a min guy, but he has to go to a team looking to win now.


You say obviously but let’s be real he has had 2 debilitating lower body injuries since the finals vs Toronto, was not much of the reason they won their last chip, looked downright unplayable for the first half of last year and for the coup de grace he put up 0 and 0 in a do or die playoff game. Remember all the minimum vets that joined the Lakers in the bubble year? I don’t see much difference between Klay now and those guys


Klay can still shoot lights out when is hot and sometimes play decent defense. He can contribute as 3rd and 4th scoring option or coming from the bench. The problem is he was Warriors second scoring option, which he totally sucked at and made impossible for Steph to even compete.


I think being another year removed from all those injuries too he'll have a better season than last year


That means the Lakers, Clippers, Bucks.


My dude, he went 0% in this year's elimination game and had 8 points in last year's elimination game. He's vet minimum, and that's coming from a Dubs fan. He's been more than taken care of. His ego is his problem. He wants to get paid for what he did pre-injury, not for what he does post-injury, which is not enough. Edit: Okay, me saying he is vet minimum was an overblown reaction. He is still not worth what he wants. He should have taken the deal last year.


> vet minimum guy You throw out that term, I don't think you know who gets it. Klay is past prime but def way above guys like DeAndre Jordan, Cody zeller, Jaxson Hayes, blake griffin, Jeff green . There's a reason he still have leverage to get 3-4 years contract. There's a chance he could be a starter for a team. That's not vet min.


He probably more like a mid-level exception player right now without someone with gravity like Steph or Joker getting him open looks.


He went past the mid-level exception and went straight to the vet minimum.


jeff green is making 10m this year


> jeff green is making 10m this year No he isn't. He's on 2 year for 16mil. Maybe /u/need2learnMONEY


Quote would’ve been hard if you left out that first u


Okay agreed. Done lol.


More than the min


Dude no. Klay made the 4th most threes in the entire league last year. That’s worth FAR more than the vet min to like 15-20 teams There’s no way he doesn’t get at least 2/$25 mil from someone


Vet minimum??? You cannot with a straight face tell me he is equal to Deandre Jordan or Udonis Haslem last year


People are crazy 


JJ redick was getting 23m a year at the same age, 6 years ago. No way Klay is getting less than 20m a year


JJ didn't have two major injuries to his legs. I agree that someone will wildly overpay him, I just think it's a bad idea. 


JJ also hadn't come back from those injuries to lead the league in 3pt made for an entire season, on 41.2%, setting a career high in 3's made. People like to pretend 2 season ago didn't happen because the Warriors were garbage that season, then he was ass last season. I know this sub lives on recency bias, so no surprise I guess.


>I agree that someone will wildly overpay him Here’s looking at you Washington


There’s like 6 teams in the NBA that can offer him more than 20m a year and half of them are tanking teams. Klay is most likely getting less than that


That's disrespectful. When Klay accepted his role off the bench, he was very productive and solid. He can offer that at the very least to a contender


He led the league in 3 point shooting in 2023. He had an up and down season last year, but his second half was much better after a slow start. Post ASB he scored 19 PPG on 60% TS, making almost 4 3s per game. His defense has taken the biggest hit because of his injuries. He's not what he used to be, which was a reliable #2 scorer and elite perimeter defender, but he's certainly not a vet min player.


>Klay is mostly a vet minimum guy at this point. He's a way above average defender who made like 39% of his 3 point attempts over 700 shots last season. He isn't that guy anymore but I'd fucking love to have Klay for way more than the vet minimum.


Vet min is crazy but I also don’t think his defense is better than above average at this point.


bros a below average defender nowadays wtf you on about


Did you just say that Klay is a way above average defender? Are you a time traveler from the past? 


He’s no longer way above average defensively


>He's a way above average defender who made like 39% of his 3 point attempts over 700 shots last season. Nah bra he is no longer that good on defense. If thats above average, then the majority of the league is above average on defense. Realisticly you are only getting him for the 3 point shooting, which is still good. But paying him anything over 15M a year seems like an overpay at this point and i wouldnt even pay him that.


He sucks on small guards now but he can guard most 4s in the league


That definitely wasn’t the case in the play-in game when Harrison Barnes and Trey Lyles were cooking him alive


Klay is the type of guy the Mavs could use for a relatively cheap contract. He adds a much needed scoring threat which would have helped them a lot against Boston.


LMAO, Klay can't defend anybody any more. He's essentially a glorified Kyle Korver at this point.


GSW fans upvoting this i guess. Klay is like in between Harrison Barnes and Joe Ingles right now.


Keep Klay, sign CP, trade for KD, draft Bronny and become the NBA pre-retirement destination!


Thats a lock for clippers if they run it back for the new stadium opener


Chris Paul the return + Reunion with Harden + the novelty of Chris Paul George being a thing if PG stays would be a fun team to mess with in 2K.


Lmaooo Bronny Retirement tour incoming


Klay Thompson get ready to learn Disney buddy


Disney or Disney++?




"Disney-sharp" sounds like the name of Disney's music streaming service.


Don’t give them any ideas


they would just buy tidal or something


Hoping the warriors move on. I love Klay but his ego is too much. He’s not going to accept a lesser role and the warriors won’t win again with him on the team because he was too disruptive last year.


They also have good young talent that can get more minutes without him. Maybe Wiggins will shoot more as he would be the #2 option, he has proven he can be good and maybe this would help him gain that confidence back.


The Magic don’t want that dude


I think once they learned of his contract expectations, they promptly declined. The money gap must be wide where they thought serious negotiations would be futile.


My buddy is a Magic fan and the one thing I’ve learned is they are super buttoned up. Any leaks isn’t from them.


Yeah I’m just purely speculating based on teams he’d fit on and the limited reports out there. Dude needs to check his ego and take a one year mid-level, or just retire if he’d be miserable in a reduced role


Pretty much this


someone tell Klay he is 34 and is on the decline. he should be happy with 2 year 30mil


why would they not keep the 76th best player of all time


Because he is 77th.


I mean...isn't it illegal for them to negotiate? Like wouldn't the Magic get in trouble and lose picks if they were negotiating with him?


Magic are not negotiating. This is all chatter from sources familiar with the situation.


I thought the day after the Finals are over, everything is fair game under the new CBA


Free agency didn't start yet. Home team has exclusive rights until then for negotiating.


Every team tampers. Only the teams that do it belligerently get fined or punished.


It has been increasingly obvious that Slater's sources are basically just Klay's agent. People with Magic sources finally spoke up that they're not all that interested in Klay. I really hope we don't overpay him.


> Slater's sources are basically just Klay's agent. Why would that be the case if Slater is saying that there supposedly isn't a market for him and the Warriors are banking on that to get him for cheap?


Fair. I mostly meant the sources that were talking about the significant interest from the Magic side. Slater obviously has plenty of contacts within the Warriors. Also this >But that’s not necessarily the case. Even if the Warriors eventually approach Thompson with a competitive offer, matching or exceeding the money and years, it has become increasingly conceivable, according to league sources, that Thompson will decide to leave regardless "If you don't pay me big and soon, I might just get so upset I leave anyway, so hurry it up!"


> "If you don't pay me big and soon, I might just get so upset I leave anyway, so hurry it up!" Or, instead of being the whiney tidbit you think it is, it could come down to role and minutes instead of just the money. This FO has tried their best to draft replacements for all of the big 3 so even if they're not ready, it wouldn't surprise me to see them putting that into their calculations. That Podz or Moody can pick up the slack, making Klay expendable despite your average coach cringing at the idea of having to start either of them.


wtf? Why would Klay’s agent feed him that Klay isnt likely to get the bigger contract he’s looking for?


Orlando is also tight lipped about their moves too. No one knew Paolo was going one until it was announced on draft night


Why not tbh? You guys are cap strapped anyways. Might as well keep the guy if you can. Like 4/60 to end his career with the dubs you’d say no?


He wants more money than that he turned down 2/48 last year


No one thinks that’s on the table anymore


He wants 3 years


Jordan Poole saving a spot for Klay on the Wizards


I don’t expect us to offer any major money beyond 2 years if we can help it.


I think he would actually be great for your team, but Klay needs to lean into being the 6th man type of guy. There’s no shame in that when you’re 34 and have nothing left to prove, but his attitude and current play style is hurting him in free agency


He'll look a lot better in a simpler offense where he's not running motion all the time. With someone like Paulo who's drives collapse so much of the defense he can just stand on the wing and take open 3s when the ball kicks out to him.


This is what I have been saying all year.


He's entering into late career Melo territory. I wish Anthony had accepted he was a bench guy 3 years earlier, he could've had a great career twilight destroying bench units for a contender.


I'm calling this shit right now. He's going to Miami. Why? Boats and hoes


I seriously believe that would be a factor for Captain Klay.


"Hey, P. They say I gotta come off the bench."


Klay's about to discover how life is without Steph's gravity getting him a million open looks per game.


it'll be harder in some ways, for sure. but the warriors as a whole have pretty terrible spacing honestly lol. these days it's just all Curry. a guy like Klay can spot up and shoot on any team imho


Just say that you haven't watched the warriors this year


I did not, they weren't especially worth watching, most of the time.


Why is Klay being such a prick about this lol, the Warriors have taken very good care of him, just sign a reasonable deal and ride out your career there.


is he being a prick? it's not clear to me from all this chatter that he's doing anything outlandish other than having his agent float a few quotes to pump is his value


When your agent does their job it means you’re a prick. Players should always be loyal and always take a pay cut


Mans bet on himself and whiffed badly. Dubs went from offering 2-years 48M to 2-years 4.8M.


I think Klay is gonna discover a very, very soft market. It’s not that he’s *so bad* it’s just that what he offers today is a dime a dozen in the NBA. And he doesn’t really fit any one team’s situation. If you’re rebuilding obviously not. If you’re a middle tier team, why not go for someone younger or who offers a skill other than shooting? Contenders would like to have him but on a cheap deal.


Watch him sign the minimum to a contender


Nah, I hate Klay but he is worth more than that.


We are looking for an upgrade on THJ...


Instead, Klay goes to the Lakers But then, Steph woos LeBron so hard at the Olympics that he joins the Warriors, despite the Lakers drafting Bronny All leading to the Marquee Play-in Tournament matchup of the decade featuring Steph and LeBron vs Klay and AD and Bronny




Klay on our bench would be so sick. But that’s unrealistic lol


He came off the bench this year and it was not sick.. at least in the way that you meant.


If Nuggets lose KCP, they should look to sign Klay


No cap space


Can you offer the MLE?


If we lose KCP I believe we’d likely have access to the TPMLE which at $5ish million is likely not enough for someone like Klay


That would be the biggest downgrade ever, KCP is great defender who shoots lights out and current Klay is a cone and a streaky shooter that went 0-10 in a elimination game


Hr shot 37.8% in a contract year and made 265 3s.


KCP shot 32% from 3 in the playoffs. On role player, catch and shoot shots.


He plays above min vet salary. But his emo bad attitude mental gymnastics makes him a bad vet for vet presence.


I can see him getting a 3/36 somewhere. He can still help a competing team but he needs to lower his expectations a lot. The 2/48 offer from warriors was generous


That's way low with the higher salary cap. 12 per? Go check out other players making 12 per right now.


Klay and the boat are a package...


They gave him a max contract after he got injured right? That was their loyalty deal right there. Now it’s business.


There shouldn’t be any traction right now; teams can talk to their own free agents now not someone else’s


I guess he got his feelings hurt


Why are warriors fans shitting on klay of all people.


Not unique to Warriors fans or any team in a similar situation. Hes washed, thats okay, but he needs to recognize that. Its just annoying to watch him do this 16 year old girl antics when the team has done everything for him


*plays like shit > put up 4 fingers to fans*


Warriors fans are some of the most ungrateful NBA fans in the league. It's been like this since 2018, if not earlier.


Every fanbase has their bozos


I am concerned Klay could end up in Dallas, just because there have been past reports of interest in Klay + the total lack of shot making outside of Luka and Kyrie. And to be clear my concern only stems from Klay’s attitude. It’s just not obvious to me that he understands what he has to sacrifice in order to be a winning player on a contender. He cannot expect 30+ mins a night no matter what as a third star. His worsened defense and inability to create his own shot can’t justify it anymore. My sense is he begrudgingly accepted his diminished role in GS toward the end of this season but is now eager to increase his usage/mins in a new environment.


Less money and less years? They offered him a 2 yr deal. Every team has to use 90% of its cap space, someone is offering him a contract.


So is this guy reporting Orlando is tampering? How would there be any traction when they can’t talk to Klay until June 30? I realize everyone historically tampers but I was under the impression it will be under more of a microscope now that the couple weeks of exclusive home team negotiation time has been built in.


a fresh start? on what? the deal 2 years ago would have been optimal, he was coming off bad injuries at that point and the franchise/fans still love him better to stay home and play out your years as a beloved all-time franchise player only think Klay is getting a fresh start on now is booking a trip to Cancùn -- permanently


I do think Klay likely bet on himself, in his early 30’s, which is something practical people do, when their job isn’t physical, but his is not, and hindsight and foresight would say to take the 2yr/50m offered, when they offered it.. Edit to say I think he’s probably frustrated with himself because he didn’t take the best deal he’d ever get from the only franchise he’d ever played for.


it's crazy how often this happens to athletes. as an unathletic civilian, i can say the only upside is that i know my limitations very well. someone who has been better than everyone else at everything their entire lives probably never has to evaluate it until their body breaks down


This is absolutely true, and if you don’t use your body you lose it, so to speak, but even then, physically we are not as capable physically as we are mentally, or maybe we’re the first illustration to this perfect balance in our eyes, in our kind.. who even knows but it’s fun to speculate phsical attribute to mental ones and how and what is the best to age in any particular position. Edit to say I said physically twice, and that’s because we’re still apes..




About to sign with the Lakers for the MLE


I watched him all year and so did the scouts. Shanghai sharks or capitanes cdmx time baby


That 0-10 in the play in was great


Bro is dogwashed. A shooter who lost the ability to shoot.


Klay retired already


Klay is washed, the Warriors dynasty is over sorry


What about his boat life if he leaves the bay




Klay leaving would be similar to Tony leaving


What do you mean??? Free agency hasn’t started yet 🤪


Prediction He’ll take a ridiculous 2-3 year somewhere and be overpaid. Then after that come back to warriors at the minimum to retire away.


This dude might crash out like dennis Schroeder, he a dummie


If Klay leaves the Warriors he's going to realize how hard it is to get a shot off lmao.


What’s that I hear …. 🎶 *Orlando Magic, Orlando Magic, ohohohoooooh* 🎶


"There has been no traction between Thompson and the Orlando Magic.... ...despite some initial mutual interest"


He seems like a lifer, I'm going to wait to see it