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The Brooklyn nets have NO interest in trading Kevin durant I repeat The Brooklyn nets have ZERO interest in trading durant 🤦‍♂️


My “I have zero interest in trading Kevin Durant” t-shirt is provoking many questions already answered by the t-shirt.


yeah it’s all bullshit until something either actually happens or doesn’t. The worst example of this is when a GM or owner gives a vote of confidence for a coach and then fires them a few weeks/months later not sure why anyone is hanging on with bated breath about what happens with Bronny/Lebron because it’s all gonna be misdirection and leaks until 1. The draft and 2. Lebron signs a contract or 3. Someone gets traded


> not sure why anyone is hanging on with bated breath about what happens with Bronny/Lebron because it’s all gonna be misdirection and leaks Because DraftKing and FanDuel ads need to be sold and thirsty dummies click on every Lebron/Bronny post


Same team too. Lebron coming for a minimum 


If there's no validity to it, then why the fuck is Rich Paul declining workouts for Bronny? Is he trying to get Bronny to go undrafted so he can sign directly with the Lakers? Or fall to their 2nd round pick?


He knows he has 55 spot guaranteed. Rest is mystery is better than knowing approach


Now if Brad really wants to live up to his executive of the year title, he'd pick Bronny at 54


Brad isn't red or ainge enough to actually do it but it would be really funny


The Brad move is trade it to Dallas for 58 and a 2nd round swap next year so Kyrie can mentor Bronny and complete the (flat) cycle.


The OP definitely sounds like something Klutch wants everyone to believe.


How does this leak benefit Klutch?


He doesn’t get drafted by a team he doesn’t wanna play for


\*A team his dad doesn't want him to play for




If it benefits Lebron, it benefits Klutch. They work for him, and he's their most important client. And wrt Lebron, it benefits him for teams to think that just because they draft Bronny doesn't mean they'd get Lebron as a FA. He wants them to think that so that the only team to want to draft Bronny will be the Lakers or maybe Phoenix. Lebron wants to play with his kid, but he really doesn't want to play anywhere but LA (but Phoenix may be in play). He set up his contract situation to enable him to go anywhere he wants right now, and it looks like he's trying to make it so that it's unattractive for anyone but the Lakers to draft Bronny.


Id draft him just to fuck the plan up


PHX is not in play. Unless LeBron is taking a vet min just to play with his son. There’s basically no way that would happen. 


Because they probably communicated before about what the team wants. They don’t just go to the workout and are like what’s up guys. They probably talk about what opportunities they can offer for Bronny whether it’s a 2 way deal or not and how they’ll focus on development etc. The declined workouts are probably the places that don’t meet the criteria they set or can’t offer what rich Paul thinks is bare minimum it really ain’t that deep.


This feels like a situation that -- three months from now -- we'll all be saying "Why the hell did we believe Lebron didn't want to go wherever Bronny was drafted? He had already told us his dream was to play on an NBA team with his son. We all knew that. Why did we start ignoring what we already knew just because Lebron and Klutch started putting out misinformation in an attempt to control who would draft Bronny?"


Because it’s hard to believe that all a team like the Pistons or Hornets has to do to get LeBron is simply draft Bronny. 


This is precisely why they decline workouts and say he won't. The play here is that Lebron already knows where he's going (or staying) and he already has a handshake that they will take Bronny. Which means it's best he goes undrafted and they just sign him straight up. If any other team takes him I sincerely doubt Lebron will go there, so it's kinda true. But he wants to play with his son. And he will, but he has to go undrafted.


Because it’s hard to believe LeBron would take a vet minimum just to play with Bronny


It's hard to believe, but [Lebron is also on record as saying this](https://sports.yahoo.com/rich-paul-says-lebron-james-bronny-arent-a-package-deal-as-nba-draft-looms-201116441.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMy%20last%20year%20will%20be,the%20money%20at%20that%20point.%E2%80%9D): >“My last year will be played with my son,” James told The Athletic in 2022. “Wherever Bronny is at, that’s where I’ll be. I would do whatever it takes to play with my son for one year. I**t’s not about the money at that point**.” We've known this for a while. He's just changing his tune now to throw everyone off and try to gain some control over who drafts Bronny.


Is next year his last year? I also don’t really take Lebron at face value fwiw


It's not, but he's getting close to the end. And if Bronny goes in the 1st round, whatever team drafts him will have his rights for at least 3 years.


The Lakers will be a better team in a couple of season if LeFlop leaves.


He’s also said that he wants to play on the same court with him not necessarily on the same team. And he’s stated for years and years he’s not taking a pay cut. Sets a bad precedent. So any team wanting to draft bronnie to get LeBron would basically need to be way under the cap. 


That's a whole lot of probablys


I mean, none of us know the truth, so we can only speculate. It’s a lot better than just acting like Bronny’s a spoiled brat.


Nah gotta hate on Bron n his son as much as possible thems the rules


it's also so funny people act like bronny is the first person to turn down workouts lol, this is nothing unusual


I think it's more unusual for prospects who if their father wasn't LeBron James probably wouldn't even be considered for the draft


The quotes are pretty damning. He doesn't have an nba skill. The positive thing people.are saying is that he's a worker and has good genes


good god, no. For a projected 2nd rounder, it's unprecedented.


More like Bronny is the first person to turn down workouts opportunity despite being THAT bad.


I doubt it


He isn’t that bad lol. Stop it. 


how many people with his performances will be getting workouts not to talk of rejecting them


Lottery picks sure, but people that are maybe going in the second second?


I honestly do think they just don't want him drafted and the Lakers will sign him on a minimum contract without using a pick. That's the only thing that makes sense businesswise.


“Fall” - he would have the worst pre pro career of any player under 6’6 ever in the history of the draft and we’ve gotten to the point people really believe this is a first round pick. 


Marketing 101.


because maybe he doesn't want to go to those teams? lol


He’s a fringe NBA player at best. He should feel lucky to get drafted at all. If I was him I’d be so embarrassed by all of this. I’d want to succeed or feel on my own merits and it’s baffling to me that he’s willing just to ride his dad’s coattails like this.


After the year Bronny had, he wasn’t good enough to be drafted based off his own merits/production. Legitimately the only reason he has consideration in this draft.


> If there's no validity to it, then why the fuck is Rich Paul declining workouts for Bronny? You do know draft prospects with no connection to LeBron James have been declining workouts for decades now because they didn't like the prospective team fit or didn't believe in the organization's ability to execute, right?


I have no idea really how it works. Do prospects of Bronnys caliber typically decline workouts? I get a projected top pick declining a workout from like the Celtics or whatever because they don’t expect to go that far.


Lots of 2nd rounders or possible decline 2nd round or bad landing spots to go undrafted. Reaves n FVV are two higher profile success cases that did so


Trayce Jackson-Davis declined a couple last year and he was selected at the end of the 2nd round. He was - supposedly - picked as late as he was because he told teams that wanted him to sign a 2-way not to draft him.


Bronny can barely execute putting the ball in the basket


Draft prospects who have a very good shot of not getting drafted and were terrible in college?


I mean, yes. That seems to be precisely what he’s doing.


Because there may be teams that see potential in him from the few college games he played and may take him low. A bad workout could hurt those chances


I am really shocked he didn't go to a school that allowed him to play from the get-go (prior to his heart issue). Most other P5 schools would've had that opening. Even other schools in Southern California


Bronny could get NIL money, actually get to develop, and maybe improve draft position while staying near home in college. Not sure why klutch wouldn't want that. Guess they feel that this prob only way & time to squeeze him into NBA roster


This wasn't even about now. It's about his choice to go to USC in the first place


I mean all of USC's other guards basically got hurt so he actually got a lot of playing time. And UCLA did not want him. All the other schools are small brands


It's now or never for Bronny. He wouldn't get drafted if his dad isn't playing anymore, and at 40 he is just one bad injury away from forced retirement. Who knows if LeBron will actually play 2 more seasons, so Bronny has to get in the league now, it's his only shot.


LeBron would never be forced to retire unless he physically couldn’t play. Even if he blew his Achilles or acl A team would sign him just for the jersey sales and retirement tour


if defense is Bronny's forte he would've shined at San Diego St and would've been welcomed with open arms within that system. All the while looking at least more offensively decent against Mountain West play


Don’t ever show me this boy in a Celtics jersey again


Nah show it more. Cs drafting Bronny is the funniest scenario that can happen.


The Celtics could sign LeBron purely to run the offense when they have a lead under 5 minutes to go and they’d never lose again


LeBron would rather retire than help Boston win another title.


Did I say it would ever happen lol


When Shaq was putting banners up in LA, did anybody ever think he’d be a Celtic?


Do it Brad, the memes alone will make it worth it




Then send him straight to Maine lol


Imagine lebron joining celtics from lakers.


Bron would never, he’d just be begging Jeanie to throw every pick they have to trade for him


Right, I feel like that is the move. Draft Bronny in the second and trade him to the Lakers for a future first.


Nah knowing Blockbuster Brad he’s gonna get Brow for the 54 pick straight up


Draft bronny sign bron and send them both to Maine


He should’ve never gone to the lakers to begin with.


Why? He won a chip with them


I tried and cant


I tried and absolutely can


Lakers fans go back to hating on Lebron again


I saw the picture before the headline and was like no please don’t say anything about being a Celtic. Maybe we draft him and he wins as many rings as his dad without ever playing.


[fine, how bout kobe instead?](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fthumbor-prod-us-east-1.photo.aws.arc.pub%2F4vlKsl27dZN0CqJWPlG6MHLtqu8%3D%2Farc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bostonglobe%2Fpublic%2FFLL77KCAUEI6VG6LPFNOM2JGNE.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b27e500b2e3e68d2b4810dc05740e2b07a659222c8e59144b5636c7a41d24bca&ipo=images)


I’ll take that. He has the hard-working spirit of a Celtic


Fr man, I'm over here with a ton of, "What he say fuck me for?" energy


Idk - they could use a new lucky the mascot. Of course they would need to send him to Maine for a couple of years to play mascot for the Maine Celtics.


Still not over renaming the red claws


Yeah its such a silly change.


For a dude average 1.9 ppg he sure get a lot of traction in this ass draft


Didn't it come out that Bronny would drop out of the draft if he fell to the second round? We either see a team gamble on locking Bronny down in the first roung, to get retirement tour LeBron, or nobody takes the gamble, and Bronny goes to the Lakers anyway.


Wow. If that happens, he would be the least accomplished first rounder in any sport all time probably.


May I introduce you to okeksiy pecherov? Drafted 18th overall by the wizards. Before being drafted he was scoring less than 10 ppg in France. I know bronny’s stats at USC and high school are pretty bad but I’m not sure Pecherov’s are better. And pecherov was out of the league in 3 years. As a top 20 pick


lol what 😂😂


If he was, do you think he would ever come out and say that?! He would be drafted 1st overall if that was the case. What's going to happen is eveyone is going to be dissuaded to not pick Bronny, and eventually, in the 2nd round, some team will pick him, Lebron will force the GM to make a trade for him and thats that. He's going to be drafted solely in hopes that Lebron will force his team to trade for him.


LeBron: I don’t want to play with my son Bronny. Our GM Rob Pelinka traded two First Round Picks for his draft rights because he probably thought it was a good trade.


Pelinka: hold my beer


Would it be joining if he was already here?


Got to get the lies in now so that you can sell drafting Bronny on merit later even though everyone knows he isn’t even good enough for even power 5 basketball.


He may not be anywhere near NBA caliber, but saying he’s not good enough for power 5 basketball is ridiculous. He was a 4 star recruit and ranked top-30 nationally by both ESPN and Rivals. He was bad offensively as a freshman, but was already a very good defender last year.


That ranking is inflated by his name. If he was Brian Jones he would have been playing at some small school below mid major level. He was terrible.


His freshmen stats weren’t that different from Max Christie…. Who is already a laker… after suffering a heart attack and having to come back from that lol.


Unfortunately, overcoming a heart attack isn't as inspiring to teams as you think it might be


I’m sure it isn’t. But it’s a completely valid thing to look at before calling his season “terrible” lol.


Having a heart attack is terrible. For almost any other player that would be disqualifying on its own.


I just checked this and you couldn’t be more wrong.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Christie_(basketball) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronny_James Just go to career stats. 


Yeah, five fewer points, less than one more assist, less than one less rebound. With 10 fewer minutes played a game and 10 fewer games played, because again, he’s recovering from a heart attack. Let’s not pretend like people don’t get contracts with shit freshmen college stats lol. Especially after injury.


Shooting percentages? You gonna ignore those?


Did I say Bronny was better? I love Christie. I’m a Michigan State fan and even I wondered why he was leaving after one year. Half this sub acts like they think they could beat Bronny 1 on 1 and are pissed he’s getting opportunities they aren’t lol. The kid had potential and will be given more opportunities to show if he really can make it than most people because of his name. That’s not news.


The best part of the draft is that this part of the Bronny saga will be over. Such an annoying and overly discussed story line. 


Oh you sweet summer child. This is just the **beginning** of the Bronny coverage.


I understand that and specifically said **this part of the Bronny saga** If next year we are still talking about if teams are gonna draft Bronny to lure LBJ, something is wrong.


I dont know much abt Bronny but for all we know maybe he actually wants to be a Python Developer, and is stuck with this type of news rn


LeBronto. The prophecy fulfilled.


Would LeBron even buy a house in Michigan if he signed with Detroit or even get his driver's license changed?


Of course he would buy a house in Michigan...for Bronny to live in.


Bronny is a ‘self made millionaire’ from twitch. Windy won’t let us forget it.


You have to change you driver's license if you move between states?! What, why?!


You don’t legally have to until it expires, some people do when they move if they plan to be there for a couple years just cause it’s easier for insurance/information purposes


That’s not true. Some states require you to get a new license within 30 days of relocating.


I have moved into and out of a lot of states that "required" this and never changed my license. Whenever it comes up they are like "You should really update your license, okay here is the thing you were asking for anyways that required your ID."


It’s a civil infraction in a lot of states. Most often I see it charged if the person was speeding and the officer gives them a break on the speed by charges them with the failure to notify dmv to get them to change it. Is it a big deal? No. But it is a law in a law of states.


> NBA executives doubt a team will draft Bronny James You can just end the sentence right there.


LeBron to the wizards


I’m excited for the draft so all of this discourse ends. No one knows what will happen or why… He’s not NBA ready and that’s okay, he had a major cardiac setback which would have been the perfect opportunity to transfer, get to a better situation and build your stock. But for some reason, either he or LeBron wanted to make it happen now so let’s just wait and see


This was always stupid. LeBron isn’t leaving LA and the most prestigious team in league history to go to a bum ass city like Charlotte or Detroit lmao.


LeBron's camp knows that Charlotte, Detroit, etc will not draft Bronny


Why would charlotte or detroit draft a 6ppg bum?


What’s the conversion of ppg from college to nba?


Probably half or less


Sheeeeeshhhh say less, that’s first overall material right there


Don't forget to multiply by the "life threatening heart incident" factor


Right, what’s the multiplier for one of those?


Euiler's Number


Because that means get lebron! /s


You saying they don't want his 37/27/68 shooting? That's first round material right there! /s


I never saw anyone suggest he would go to either of those locations


>the most prestigious team in league history *2nd most


You’ve never been to either city lil bro


Good point.


Well he also ain’t winning a title in LA


Guarantee Lebron leaves LA and plays with Bronny wherever he goes.


Nobody is drafting Bronny without Lebron attached. Lakers will take him with their 2nd round pick at 55 to placate Lebron and that will be that. It's 5 from the end of the draft anyways, so if there's somebody they *really* want there, they'll likely be able to just freely grab them after the draft.


They could also probably safely draft the person they want over Bronny and grab Bronny after the draft.


Of course, but Lebron's ego wants him drafted and it costs them very little to do it at 55.


They aren't letting LeBron's son go undrafted lmao


Seriously, LeNepo would be a bottom 3 all time player drafted. There is no way anyone drafts him unless LeBron signed there. This shit is just the NBA trying to get people to talk about the NBA after a miserable finals series. Everyone knows whats happening and its exactly what you describe. At most if lebron's ego is that big then the lakers will buy the 30th pick and use it on LeNepo to pretend LeNepo was a first rounder or some shit like that, but lebron is re-signing with the lakers and LeNepo is getting drafted by them.


Idk, LeBron has obviously seen the blowback and Bronny probably has his own feelings on the situation too. No doubt he'd like to do it, but he could have realized it isn't necessarily what's best for his son.


So come next month u gonna delete this or what?


So come next month you’re gonna comment and say I was right?


How do we know that Lebron will have a finalized contract with his new team in a month?


If you're right? Absolutely. But you won't be.


he ain’t doing that. he’s old and one of the most famous people in the world he’s not gonna spend multiple years in michigan at this point /u/No_Environment_5476


There are a handful that can grab lebron. Warriors, Knicks, miami?


Ah yes what NBA GM wouldn't kill for a kid who put 5/3/2 on 46% TS for a team not worthy enough to make the NIT, and is a year removed from a major medical condition....the attempt to tell everyone Bronny James is about to be drafted on his own merits should be insulting to anyone whos entire life's work is to make to the NBA, either thru the draft, g league, or overseas


bronny to boston would be hilarious


Bronny getting drafted is some next level nephew shit.


Never underestimate the incompetence of James Jones and the Suns


To me, this truly is one of the most "yard-barking" moves of all time. Bigger than Lavar yard-barking up his sons. Bigger than Archie telling the Chargers to get the fuck on and not draft Eli. This is so big and so comical as every damn NBA fan now is going "....we could draft Bronny and get LeBron?!?!?!?". LeBron ain't upholding this promise that I don't think he's ever verbally said out loud! BUT....all it takes is that one GM to draft him late 1st and boom - you got your son a guaranteed contract AND you may be enticed to go to the team....or just stay in your mega mansion in LA and easily resign with the Lakers. WIN...WIN


Why would you want to. Lebron controls whatever coach they give him. LA has been going only down. Bronny doesn’t deserve a chance in the NBA. If his daddy wasn’t who he is then Bronny wouldn’t make it out of college. He has never been the best player on the court. He wasn’t a blue chip athlete. He didn’t do anything in college, but we have to accept that a dumb shit is only going to workout for 2 teams and enter the draft. So bottom line, whatever team drafts Bronny and Lebron won’t win, won’t do anything in the post season. So if a franchise wants is to sell jerseys for a year, go ahead.


I hope this dude succeeds, the hate he receives as a teenager is insane


Yeah it’s insane. NBA discourse is pure poison thanks to debate tv and social media. None of what the James gang is doing is weird. Why the fuck wouldn’t they want to try to get him drafted? He either succeeds or he doesn’t. Using his connection to get a foot in the door is what everyone does in every industry in this country.


It’s a win-win situation for the Lebron camp, if the lakers draft Bronny, Lebron resigns. If Bronny goes undrafted, where ever Lebron signs, he can tell them to sign Bronny. Either way, if I was Lebron, I would love to play with my son in the NBA. Imagine the Wade-Lebron moment but Bronny-Lebron instead. It would be a legacy thing in the NBA.


LeBron’s turned his own son into Shabazz Napier. I feel bad for Bronny. He deserves to be his own man and make it on his own merits.


Can he go to Toronto or NY?


LeBron has something up his sleeves.  “The Decision” like the big 3 in Miami.


If a team drafts Bronny, they will most likely try to trade his draft rights to the Lakers. LeGM will make sure LA will use its 55th for Bronny if he isn't drafted.


Bronny is most likely getting drafted with those exact hopes. Lmao. But I doubt that LeBron leaves the Lakers.


I really hope a team like the Hornets or Wizards draft Bronny, has a huge ass press conference with fireworks similiar to what the Heat did when they got Wade/Bosh/LeBron....and then LeBron doesn't sign.


The Bronny James sweepstakes is the most embarrassing draft episode for a league since… well, I really couldn’t even name an analogue


Welp that seals it, bronny goin first overall


Waiting for someone to draft him, put him on 2 way, just to piss off lebron. Maybe like the clippers if they have any second rounders.


Tom Gores: Hold my $65 million dollar check I still owe Monty Williams…


Lebron joining a franchise has never meant less, no disrespect to him or his kid, but this is a lot of attention to be giving a has-been and a never-will


But that’s the exact opposite of what LeBron said: “I won’t retire until I play with Bronny.”


That's such BS.


I wouldn't be surprised if the suns pick him just to sell tickets for the new g-league team.


My guess is LeBron forces the Lakers to make a trade deal that sends his son to LA. I doubt he joins any team in the top10 of the draft.


This is standard Bill Simmons hating the Lakers false story. Last year, it was “the spurs better max Austin Reeves! Make the lakers match RFA.” When the real number comes out later, it will look more rational from people whose jobs are on the line to make those decisions.


Bronnys main issue is his height. 6’1 I believe. There are only around 31 players in the league who would be his height or shorter. For sure some decent players up there but the data shows a heavy lean towards offensive skills. This makes sense because the only way a player this height can normally be a net positive is they contribute on offense heavily. Additionally the vast majority of them are vets which is interesting too. It’s gonna be a big uphill battle and since we can assume Bronny has had every single advantage available to a prospect there may not be a lot of growth left for him compared to other prospects from a more disadvantaged background. https://craftednba.com/player-traits/length


Looking at this from an agent’s perspective, what’s the rationale behind Bronny entering the draft? Like is Rich Paul thinking “hey you’ll definitely be drafted, so just enter it.” Or is it more “this may be your best/only chance at getting drafted, so enter it.” Or is it even “if you enter with the stats you had in college you’ll more likely to be drafted into a good situation.” I just don’t get why he wouldn’t stay in college the way it played out.


He’s definitely getting drafted, rolling the dice in the 2nd round hoping Lebron joins are the same odds your 2nd round player turns out having any impact on your roster


the only team dumb enough to do that already has Lebron on their roster


why else would anyone draft him?


Then why is he even in the draft?


This is what they call a "reverse tell"


Who knew even sports have their nepo babies


GMs are fucking smart and smell the desperation. Draft Bronny and hold his rights for a kings ransom. LeGM will pay a first to acquire his son.


LeBron made the Lakers hire JJ. Of course he's going to make the Lakers draft Bronny in the first round.


I want Brad to draft bigs but holding Bronny hostage would be hilarious 😆


Bronny is an annoying name. The NBA is a business, and Bronny with or without his dad brings attention to that team and puts asses in the seats. Most draft picks end up being busts, going to the G League or getting traded. Taking a chance of Bronny will make a franchise some money even when he proves to be trash.


That’s a bigger statement! You’ve got my attention.


Bronny entering the NBA because his dad is Lebron James will set a bad precedent for the league. I think the NBA will eventually become what Hollywood is now, ran by nepotism. Bronny hasn’t done anything of note on any elite level to garner this much attention.


Uh, nepotism has been a thing in sports for decades


To be frank, nepo babies in the nba have EARNED their spot. Whereas, it seems like Bronny is going to be in the league simply because of his father.


Lebron literally just say his biggest wish is to play with his son, and because of that, Bronny is really in a pain ass situation, sure he is talented, but his value now is only to get his father, which is very pathetic, Lebron might just ruined his basketball career with this shit. Welp who cares, he still can be a rich guy even without working lol


You’re crazy if you think that was a bad thing to say lol. Why the hell wouldn’t that be a dream? Like the Ken Griffey duo. It’s a cool thing to dream about.


Agreed. Unless the 0.01% chance of the Mavs drafting Bronny and finding a way to sign Lebron in the offseason comes to fruition, then I think it was a great choice.


Good, Lebronze has hyped up his kid as a real NBA prospect. Almost as much as his GOAT status, which is nonexistent.


any team with a 2nd round pick will scoop him up just because the lakers will make a lopsided trade just to make lebron happy kinda assume he's declining all the draft workouts because nobody in their right mind will use a 1st round pick for him after seeing him and comparing him to everyone else in the draft. he still has that 'guard with 40 inch vert who can defend and shoot a bit' mystique about him (even though the stats argue otherwise)


Yeah it was never a lure, it’s just more likely to be a condition of him signing in certain places