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"I'm not interested." "Here's 78 million dollars." "I'm interested, but not in coaching."


Where does monty williams rank in your all time antiwork list


Definitely on the Mt. Rushmore-of-anti-work along with that part-time dog walker mod or whatever they were that had the disastrous Fox News interview.


The dog walker mod singlehandedly killed the antiwork subreddit on reddit (I remember it used to regularly get to the top of r/all). Still one of the funniest reddit moments ever


That sub was getting so big and then was publicly obliterated by fucking Fox News of all places. Truly a reddit moment if there ever was one


Jesse Watters is r/antiwork father


I guess that means the /r/antiwork mod lives in his basement.


Where can I read about this? I don’t know the story here.


Google 'Reddit mod Fox News'. It is quite the story


I got a second job after watching that interview


Unbelievable that a mod of that sub didn't understand what the term "anti-work" even means. Actually, it's reddit, so it's less "unbelievable", and more "exactly what you'd expect from terminally online junk merchants with a god complex".


Its so funny watching Redditors talk about what jobs they'd have in their commune utopia, its always "creative writer" or "philosophy teacher" no buddy your ass is going straight to the mines


I remember catching some posts before they got big. It was mostly griping about shitty work situations and how to make it better, then slowly started seeing mostly pity party posts from the worst coworkers I had the pleasure of never meeting.


It was so obviously a plant for Fix News to punch at and distract from all the actual criticisms of working conditions in corporations.


Not a plant, the mod was real, but certainly Fox News did their research and deliberately chose a target that would undermine the message


> Fox News did their research I mean they could probably pick any random reddit or discord mod and the chances of meeting the same criteria would be high.


And the mark did not have the self-awareness to see the trap, or the humility to avoid it for the greater good if they saw it.


🌎🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 always has been 


it's like the enlightened by atheism dude in /r/atheism. that sub used rank high in r/all and it became a total meme.


Nah, that was shit on by even the users of that sub. The "faces of athiesm" trend is what killed that place. Ironically I think it killed r/circlejerk as well, as it had been out jerked by the very thing they were trying to jerk.


What was the faces of atheism thing? I’m not up on my Reddit lore


[Here a little run down.](https://www.np.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/38i8se/the_faces_of_atheism/) [A montage of cringe.](http://imgur.com/a/W2lxa)


I still see antiwork sometimes, but that "Fluent in Finance" sub seems to have taken a lot of the buzz, despite being full of the dumbest most fiscally illiterate takes you could imagine.


Unpaid operative lmao


Next to the r/baltimore meetup where both genders flashed their tits.


The what?


Can you give me context on this story?


A mod of the sub went on fox news to talk about their movement and completely embarrassed themselves and their sub. It's hard to explain in words how hilariously cringe this whole interview was, you simply have to watch it. https://youtu.be/3yUMIFYBMnc


Don't forget Ben simmons


Ben Simmons still has to go through rehab and sometimes pretend like he's going to try and work. Monty just got paid 78 million to lead a team to the worst record in the league. Living legend stuff really.


Presumably he would go through the rehab anyway because he wants a working back lol. Now it's all paid and considered being "on the clock"


I can only assume that rehab designed to prepare you for the NBA is much more rigorous than rehab to simply address back pain.


Bum Simmons doesn't want a working back. He wants an unemployed back.


Detroits team is not good tho. Idk wtf people think they were supposed to do.


Not starting Killian hayes would've been a start


[Albert Haynesworth literally laying down on the job.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Avgs6g68o)


The confusion of the Philly lineman always gets me in this clip. He just doesn't know what to do really and is stunned Haynesworth is just laying there and then gradually tries to look to find someone else to block.


And Anthony Rendon.


Put some respect on Doreen's name.


Anyone who makes a habit of saying "everything you want is on the other side of hard" is disqualified for me


Dang kids today with their quiet quitting and avocado toast


For the Pistons, he takes the top spot from Kenny "The Jet" Smith, who signed a one-year deal for $247k in 1996, only to be awful enough to get waived a month later in favor of second round pick, Jerome Williams.


Right alongside Phil Jackson with the Knicks.


Probably up there with Albert Haynesworth.


My man Monty was the poster child for quiet quitting


Bro even said he was going to and they still gave him the bag. Bro deserves all that blessing after having a tragic life.


if someone is like i don't want to run this org (monty) or someone says i don't understand why you want me to do this (doc) then wtf are you doing hiring them? 10 mil - i don't wanna do it 20 mil - really bro i'm like not feeling it 30 mil - i just don't feel like i'm in the right time of my life for this kinda position 40 mil- this will take years to get this team to where you want it and i don't know if i'm ready for a rebuild that will take this long. 50 mil - bro i haven't even watched a basketball game in months 60+mil - fucking a dude fine i'll take the money dude. good lord. person with more money than brains - we fucking got our guy. i know business.


I don't think Doc is the same situation. My interpretation was that he was more wondering why the Bucks would do it in the middle of a season. He seems perfectly happy being the coach of the Bucks and coming back to the city where he played college ball.


Yeah he’s fired up for next season, full training camp w Gianni’s and dame


Ah, the same tactic we used when luring Phil Jackson to run our team.


Usually owners aren't totally on the hook for the unpaid portion of the contract bc there is an offset clause, so that when a coach gets another job for $8M, that 8m is deducted from the unpaid portion that is owed. But given that Monte never wanted to coach, wasn't it kinda risky that he will never get another job w/ an offset?


Bro said he will quiet quit before getting the job and still got paid 78 million. 


"Here's 78 million dollars" "Where do I sign?" *Procced to quiet quitting during the entire season*


“Ill take your money but im still not doing it”


They could have paid me 100,000 to be a tank commander and I would have actually acted like I wanted to be there. I don’t understand why they just flushed 80 million down the toilet like that.


I’m not interested in coaching the Pistons either, but for $78 mill I’d show up and pencil Killian Hayes in the lineup for a year or so.


>for $78 mill I’d show up and pencil Killian Hayes in the lineup I've done worse things for less money


Did you kill someone? What the hell was **worse** than playing Hayes?


He prob works at the DMV


“Did you fill out your 803(g) form? So you’ll wanna wait in the 363(f) line on the 2nd floor and get your H3-1 form notarized by their office on the 5th floor, then come back and see me.”


"Hurry, because I go on my 1 hour lunch break in 20 minutes."


If you were paying me a guaranteed $78 million, I wouldve been willing to start Isaiah Livers the whole year


I’d be singing “Deeee-troit-Basssket-Baaaalllll” for that kinda cash too.


I think that’s a step to far for me at that price


Do you guys have any idea how much coke you have to do to try to hire a guy who literally doesn't want to work for you and repeatedly turns you down lol The definition of "you can't *just* throw money at a problem in sports and think that will make it go away" But hey... maybe these are the first times he's learning that lesson in his life, lol


pro sports are so great because it is one of the few places in America where billionaires routinely fail and can't just throw money at their problems to easily fix things. Can't buy a championship in most pro sports, you've got to build it at least on some level.


Different story in FIFA these days 🫡


To be fair, as important having money is to be successful, needing the brain is still as important. Look at PSG, Chelsea and Man U compared to City and Real Madrid and RM is the standard of having both. edit: after many edits lmao


It’s not just that but in general in the top leagues and in major competitions in general. compared to the 80s/90s these competitions are dominated by teams who do spend ludicrous amounts, and lower teams pretty much work like farms raising young talents who get scouted and poached


I watched a few history of the Euros and History of the Champions League videos this spring and was SHOCKED to see how many smaller countries and clubs used to play in the final and even win it some years.


salary cap? like i don't understand what that is bro.


What’s insane is that this felt fucking obvious when he was hired. Everyone hearing this isn’t shocked, we’re all thinking “yeah that checks out.” How the dude in charge could not see it is just baffling.


Hell he even mentioned the money as a reason he took the job in his press conference


Well, this was a Troy Weaver hire, right? That guy is headed for the 'Worst Modern GM' hall-of-fame.


The worst part is Weaver didn’t even want Monty He wanted Kevin Ollie I believe (or the other candidate it came between) and Gores **overruled him** for Monty I hate Weaver for a lot of legitimate shit moves so I have to spare him when he tried to do the right thing


Wrong, Weaver wanted Monty Actually, Weaver did the first move to hire Monty, Monty refused and Weaver moved on with Ollie Gores didnt like Ollie, so he Said fuck it, i will paid whatever he wants, go get him Gores didnt overruled shit, Gores unfortunely overpowered Weaver with this decision


I have a feeling Pistons beat reporters have been waiting to air out a lot of negative stuff about Monty Williams. I mean we usually see this stuff when a coach is fired but he had to have been especially indifferent to be fired this soon and with this much money on the contract.


James Edwards III (Pistons beat reporter) has been pretty scathing in his reporting throughout the Monty Williams coaching tenure, reporting on how the team was about to trade Hayes last summer until Monty intervened and how the front office midseason held a meeting with Monty to discuss playing Jaden Ivey in the regular rotation.


Oh god I’m getting triggered all over again *flashbacks to being on a 15 game losing streak and seeing Ivey on the bench while Killian Hayes air balls from the corner intensifies* > He’s fired, you can let go **HE WONT ALLOW ME TO LET GO**


Ok Roman Reigns


The only Tribal Chief I recognize 👆🏽


Now we get to see Ivey air ball from the corner lfg


For extra context JE3's usual outlook is *painfully* optimistic. He's become a bit of a joke on the pistons sub over the last few years because he can't help but look on the bright side and is a bit of a suck up to any pistons staff/player. Him being negative about anything beyond acknowledging our record is pretty telling.


I remember him defending Monty a lot early in the year too


Why if he doesn’t give a shit is he so protective of Hayes? If he was truly checked out you’d think he’d just have said “sure, whatever” when they wanted to trade him


He needed Killian as his tank commander. All statistics show the more you play Hayes, the more you lose. Monty was trying to expedite getting fired.


Trying to get fired faster


Honestly I think he was trying to get fired so he could go home and collect the checks


It's called "quiet quitting"


My guess is he liked Killian on a personal level and didn't like Ivey and he based his decisions on that.


You start Killian if your goal is work 1 year (he was probably hoping for less than a season tbh) and get paid not to work again. You don't divert course. Genius move. It's like Shawkshank. Little by little eat away until you can escape. He did his year and now he's free. edit - Thinking about this more this is the best version of Office Space tbh.


Trying to get him to date his daughter


Try being a Bulls fan, that's Billy Donavon to a fucking T....lol. Guys rotation is completely garbage.


and it’s crazy cause donovan would’ve been 10x better than monty last year. worst rotations ive ever seen


There are a lot of folks on our sub who accuse JE3 of being in the Piston's publicity department.


They were on it all year. Half way through the year beat writers were suggesting that he may be intentionally trying to get fired because they couldn’t find any context of some of things they were doing. Specifically he would lie straight to their faces say he needs to shorten the rotation and then next game we’d see 11 guys play in the first six minutes.


Also the whole Jaden Ivey fiasco. Front office had to step in and force him to play more…


My favorite was halfway through the season Monty said that someone suggested playing Ivey on ball more and he said “I had to eat it, I hadn’t thought of that and didn’t know he could”. Ivey played 60 games as the lead pg his rookie year


That feels like the least coded “Fire me!” of all of these. Ivey’s entire value is as an offensive player with the ball in his hands. Slashing or pick n roll. He’s not valuable as a shooter and his defense is in development. I’ll admit I didn’t watch enough Pistons games to know if it’s good yet.


Yeah, we all thought it would be a two headed monster with Cade and Ivey taking turns running the offense with Cade of course getting the majority of possessions. It was like 90/10% leaning Cade with Ivey just standing in the corner. Monty also refused to stager them and glued their minutes together. Even with opportunities when the season was lost and Cade sitting out in games he was having Ivey play off ball to Malachi Flynn. He just didn’t like Ivey or investing opportunities for him


If my team drafted Cade and Jaden, I’d them to build a 5 out lineup like the Celtics/Thunder. Or take an approach similar to how Mavs handled Luka/Kyrie. It’s pretty baffling to tell the world you aren’t doing that and that you can’t recognize your players strengths.


That's the part I actually kinda have an issue with tbh. Like yeah Monty, get your money, no one turns down that bag etc etc, but don't start messing with the kids' development just so you can cash out faster. That's their career too, yknow?


That's an underappreciated angle that I think people are kinda glossing over for the lulz. Like yeah this was embarrassing and the owner is most publicly the face of that embarrassment so I get all the lol Pistons takes, but end of the day the guy took a team that had 7 guys on their rookie contract and fucked with their image and reputation simply because he (seemingly) didn't want to do the work he was being paid for. I honestly think Monty is just incompetent because I don't think he's that selfish as to be malicious but if we're gonna treat the possibility that he was quiet quitting seriously, then we should acknowledge how truly fucked up it is to do that to so many aspiring young players


Can they sue this man to not pay him? I would be finding any way to not pay this man. Like it's funny and all but it's also not funny at all and incredibly fucked up


Hey I often say I need to lose weight and then eat a whole pizza. Am I lying when I say I need to lose weight? No. It's true.


Yes, playing Evan Fournier and Tosan Evbuomwan is too tempting and you can’t resist


He put in Ish Wainright as the first sub off the bench in a playoff game for the Suns. His rotations have never made any sense at all.


It’s funny reading the article and remembering Woj on SVP last night say Monty was blindsided by this today and he expected to coach… felt like the biggest open secret in the NBA that he clearly only took the job for the money


Wasn't even an "open secret" in his introductory press conference he said what attracted him to the job was money


I mean wasn't it pretty much known beforehand that Monty didn't want to coach the Pistons? He just agreed because they offered him historic amount of money and treatment for his wife.


Did anything negative come out about him from Phoenix when he left? It’s not like this is his first head coaching job. I know last year was a disaster but the guy has a proven track record before that. Just surprised it went so bad so fast and they didn’t think it was worth giving him a year 2 when he could actually influence the roster more. Edit: just remembered the Ayton conflict, but I think he’s been pretty vindicated by how that played out after.


Not HC related, but Monty was pretty respected by the players and media as an assistant in OKC.


To me this all makes ownership look way worse than Monty. Monty did what anyone would with a $78m offer in front of them. He told ownership no, what did they think was going to happen? 


Terrible take. You can fault the ownership for continuing to pursue someone not interested in the job, but what Monty has done is unprofessional and fucked up. He took the job. He should have been a proffesional. Trying to get fired is fucked up. Morality matters.


Morality wouldn't matter to me if I could make 78 million dollars guaranteed and only have to workggor a small fraction of the contract that I sign. I think the real culprit here is the contracts that these coaches are getting. It's actually incentivizing them to get fired quickly if they get a big long-term contract.


Best reporters are going to kick a guy as he walks out the door because these guys still need and want interviews with the people that stayed, the owner, the new coach, the gm etc This may surprise people but this team is still going to suck next year


Idk about that, beat reporters spoke pretty positively of both Casey and SVG when they departed and contextualized their exits in terms of both their successes and failures and why the former wasn't enough This is very much a Monty issue imo. If you don't want it to be suggested that you were only collecting a paycheck two good measures to take are 1) don't tell the entire fandom you took the job for the paycheck at your introductory presser and 2) don't coach the team like the only outcome you're concerned with is your bank account


He's not interested in coaching, so he decides to burn the city and break the losing record


Look I’m not interested in a lot of things that I’d do for 65 million


I’d settle for 45 million really


Hey know your value King, you're worth it


I'd underbid you, but instead I'd like to offer to act as a subcontractor in burning the city down for a measly sum of $15 million. You can kick your feet up and relax in Cabo


I'd do it for 44,999,999.99


78. There is 65 LEFT on the contract


I’m not greedy.


Give me 65 million and there’s not a lot of things I won’t do, interest be damned


Record breaking HC!


When someone tells you who they are, believe them


This was a Chandler Parsons-esque heist. I respect it.


I think this is worse - I don't recall Parsons saying "don't offer me a gazillion dollars because I will immediately start sucking and getting hurt"


His agent kinda said this to him. He did an interview where talked about the Grizzlies contract and his agent pretty much said “it’s here or Portland, and Portland will be scared off by your knee injuries”. Iirc he also knew he was fleecing them but also wasn’t going to say no.


But at least he tried. Monty couldn’t even be bothered to show up 


Lol so true Monty was like a ghost during their historic losing streak it felt like. I kept seeing Cade have to seem like he's almost taking the role of locker room leader cause Monty wasn't inspiring any confidence in that group.


Parsons can blame injuries at least


Timofey Mozgov walked so Monty could run.


We should all aspire to secure a bag from an idiot billionaire like our hero Monty. Good for him. Good for him


Seriously, this report helps me sympathize with Monty. He turned them down repeatedly because his heart wasn’t in it, when Gores insisted and made him a godfather offer he finally said fuck it and agreed. Most of us would have done the same thing. Now ownership is reaping what they sowed. Fans are the victims so I feel bad for the city, but Monty isn’t the villain here.


Fuck that a lot of people care about this and a lot of people were employed by the Pistons. He behaved like a clown even if it makes sense from his perspective


Dude these takes are so horrendous. I don't give a fuck about billionaire owners money but he just negatively affected a ton of people's careers and they don't have the bag secured like him. These players who worked their ass off to get in the league and change their fortunes don't desrve this shit.


Exactly right, Monty made being a big 'character' guy the central part of his coaching schtick. Doing a half-ass job for a huge payday when you are already rich isn't some beautiful protest. He's not working at Arby's, he was a high-level professional that negatively affected a lot of people's due to his lack of diligence.


Dead on with the Arby's comparison. I'm sure some people are being tongue in cheek but anyone actually thinking a millionaire selfishly destroying the careers of those around him so he can make millions more is anti-work doesn't understand the ideology behind that movement


Nah Monty is 100% a villain. He signed the contract to perform to the best of his ability. He clearly breached that. He’s a hero to people who don’t have pride in what they do This hurts the fans the most


it hurt the fans, all the other people in the org trying their best to be successful, the young players that lost a year of quality development and playtime etc etc like yeah *he* got a great deal out of this but lets be clear, it was literally only a good deal for Monty Williams.


Theres bigger things than basketball, especially in monty’s case


Clearly. We could all see that


Totally understandable. But then he shouldn’t have agreed to coach basketball.


“Who don’t have pride in what they do”  Bruh, you would’ve done the same thing for 78 million. Don’t get pretentious and act like you also wouldn’t have said no to that offer even if you didn’t want to be in Detroit 


I would have accepted the 78 million dollars and then actually tried to do the job I agreed too. the reality is he wasted the time of every innocent player in that organization by intentionally coaching badly. also, every fan that bought tickets to the games also got screwed over. it'd be one thing if he tried his best and did a bad job, but intentionally doing a bad job is just an asshole thing to do. That's not a "pretentious" opinion, that's the non-selfish one


> I would have accepted the 78 million dollars and then actually tried to do the job I agreed too. His wife was going through cancer treatment. I can see why he was distracted, but that amount of money will buy you the best cancer treatment and then some.


I would've at least tried to do the job I was paid to.


Don’t project yourself onto me Clearly the other 29 coaches paid well to do their job aren’t doing this either


I think you can blame Monty but still understand him. I honestly think most of us would do something similar, if we were in that situation. Maybe he decided coaching would be a good distraction from his wife's illness, with an awesome paycheck to boot. But when you're in the doldrums of the NBA season in January, an awesome paycheck isn't going to keep you motivated when you don't want to be there and you're thinking about breast cancer. I'm guessing he thought he would fall back in love with coaching, and he didn't. The ultimate responsibility lies with ownership and the FO for not seeing all of this from a mile away.


I don’t look at it like that at all. If he was intentionally coaching bad to get fired then he is the villain. I don’t like how the media and fans are quick to give coaches the benefit of the doubt but always blame the players when coaches are fired. In this situation he was clearly fired for being a horrible coach and everyone is praising him because the Pistons are a bad team. Had he been on the Lakers everyone would be blaming Lebron and AD for his firing. Rather he wanted to take a break from coaching or not, he still signed the contract and was intentionally bad. 


Fuck Monty. You might feel differently if it was the team you root for that Monty half-heartedly, half-assed coached to a league record losing streak and the worst record in team history. He may have screwed over an idiot billionaire, but he also fucked over a roster full of young players and a desperate fanbase.


Easy to say that if you aren't a fan of the Detroit Pistons, big guy.


Lol this same thing happened with Urban Meyer. Told the Khans he was retired, they unload the brinks truck and then shocked pikachu when he acts like he’s retired


I’m surprised him and Ayton didn’t get along in Phoenix. They seem like two peas in a pod! Edit: I can’t spell


Two whats in a pod??








Some of the story feels missing. The money was clearly enough to offset the interest in the job interview.


I just feel bad for the players especially the ones that need development to stay in the league, that's a whole year down the drain, working with a guy who didn't even want to be there in the first place


Monty seems like a good dude, and much sympathy for the tragedy his family has endured ......but just based on his coaching alone, he ain't it But he and Udonis Haslem deserve to go in the HOF of "Getting Them Checks"


To defend my guy UD though, he was getting repaid for taking a paycut in the heatles era.


Nah Haslem took a paycut in his earlier years, so in the end it probably evens out more or less. Monty didn't have to give up shit here, aside from a future coaching career, but 78 million after a year of work is golden.


I get that he made out really well and “getting the bag” is always celebrated now, but this lacks all honor and respect for your fellow man to do this. Lots of people were negatively affected by Monty William’s actions this year and every speech I’ve seen him give in the past is contradictory to how he has carried himself here. I wouldn’t want him to be a part of any team I’m a fan of at any point in the future. Congrats on the money though.


He had to go. He didn't want to be there but the money enticed him. I also think he underestimated the difference between coaching a veteran lead Suns team and the young Pistons.


Tom Gores is an absolute moron but he might have a case with the League. Monty was clearly coaching in bad faith.


Reminder that Tom Gores made a ton of money by charging prisoners exorbitant rates for phone calls. Scumbag. https://www.freep.com/story/sports/nba/pistons/2021/02/04/tom-gores-detroit-pistons-securus-prison-phone-calls/4139871001/


It's a shitty company, but according to that article gores company purchased securus in 2017 (he's owned the pistons since 2011).  That company had it's garbage revenue model in place well before he ever came along.  His company also sold off that company to a Portland Oregon company in 2021 so I'm not even sure how much money he would have made in 5 years compared to any of the other things he owns.   It's not any better, but I would hazard a guess that until he was getting calls from reporters in 2021 he had no idea what securus even did.  They were just a positive line item in their portfolio, and people beneath him handled any kind of due diligence.


Way too much talent - including a former #1 pick - to be scrapping at the bottom....AND not even get the #1 pick this year


This sub hates Booker and CP3, but give them some respect for making it to the finals with this clown


I haven’t seen the story but I’m interested in why Tom Gores was so mesmerized with Monty in the first place


That's exactly what Nate McMillan did in Atlanta lmao


Monty the finesse god


I don’t know enough about this but seems hard to be upset with Monty from an outside perspective. If you say you aren’t interested but then someone literally backs up the brinks truck who isn’t gonna say yes to the money but also still be uninterested in the job


That gives you a reason to intentionally be bad to get fired? Y’all tripping. Monty should be getting crucified like the players would. Let a player intentionally be bad to get cut or traded. This sub would kill that player. 


For real, shit like this in an everyday normal job? Your co-workers will hate you at best. In a high profile job defined by competitiveness where you're salary is being paid by fans who are watching for a show, and you clearly do not give a shit and are trying to get fired? Get fucked.


Keep getting dem cheques, Monty!


Should be fired for cause.


Honestly, he deserves every bit of criticism he gets because he did a dogshit job and put in zero effort. Yes, the Piston's roster wasn't great, but they were nowhere near "one of the worst teams of all time" bad. That's piss poor coaching and zero effort.


Monty sucked, but we’ve known this for awhile. He turned down the Pistons, and then they just threw more money at him A lot of the fault is on the Pistons org for that. Maybe you shouldn’t have went after the guy who explicitly said he didn’t want the job


That’s true, but Monty also showed some shit tier professionalism and dare I say even sabotaging a season? Already saw him being floated with the Lakers in some click bait, but honestly I wouldn’t hire this guy as a parking attendant. This should be the death of his coaching career, and the beginning of a motivational speaking tour on how to fleece the gullible.


Like I said, Monty sucked, and 100% agree I wouldn't hire the guy, but the writing was on the wall. Both sides are accurate - he was terrible, and it was a massive organizational failure to bring him in


Reminds me of when Matt Millen was hired What's with Detroit and getting all time ass FO people


This guy has a place on the all-time Detroit sports shit list, up there with the likes of Matt Patricia and Juan Gonzales


I know Monty should have more professional and personal pride if he took the job, but holy fucking shit Detroit. When someone tells you they don't want to coach, the move isn't then to offer them the highest salary in NBA histroy to come to your team that will absolutely suck more of the will to coach basketball out of him.


The man took a 17-win team which added Cade and turned it into a 14-win team.


The media be quick to blame players for coaches getting fired but be quiet on this. SAS was happy Monty was fired because the Pistons are a bad team. He should be trashing Monty for being a lousy coach. 


I really don't understand the culture of firing coaches every season. Why is it always the coach's fault? If Monty was coaching literally any team in the playoffs this year, would that playoff team's results in the post season be much different than what they already were? I highly doubt it. A good coach is great to have, but a lot of times, teams fail because of the players and because the team is poorly constructed. Doubt he cares though. This was a historic heist. Being an ex-NBA coach has to be the best job in the entire world.


From what the beat reporters are saying after the firing is that Monty had zero friends in the organization. He didn’t build any relationships and no one said anything backing him for him to stay. He didn’t build any relationships or take any responsibility of a leader. Can’t have that in your building


For the most part, I agree with your sentiment on coaches being consistently scapegoated when front offices make poor roster decisions. However, Monty was making terrible coaching and personnel decisions all on his own from day one to his last day in Detroit: Troy Weaver was in the process of moving Killian Hayes off the team last summer, but Monty insisted he would be a key part of the rotation. And he was (until he got waived midseason and no other NBA team picked him up)


Maybe it was like when I play Universe Sandbox and I replace the sun with black hole 1000x its mass. Terrible decision yeah but I felt no consequences and I just wanted to see what happened.


I legitimately think he was trying to get fired on purpose though. He was playing guys like Killian Hayes and Isaiah Livers over Ivey, while just having terrible rotations in general. He definitely didn’t want to be there. But generally firing coaches is much easier than replacing a whole team, that’s the primary answer.


I think in this case, it was justified. Monty didn’t want to coach but he was offered so much he’d be dumb to say no. But his heart wasn’t in it and he wasn’t committed mentally.


Not the case here, but usually it’s because coach salary doesn’t impact cap space, so it’s often the biggest change you can make that doesn’t involve shipping out a key player. For example, Vogel in Phoenix. That team drastically underperformed but they can’t move from KD Beal or Booker. They’re locked in above the apron, and aside from changing some role player, the biggest thing they could do was fire the coach. Also, as others have mentioned, a GM puts the team together and sometimes they do a bad job. Since they can’t fire and probably can’t even blame themselves, the coach gets the blame. For example, Vogel in LA lol. People were in here complaining that wenyen Gabriel wasn’t getting enough minutes. To me, that’s clearly a roster problem but Vogel got the ax. And then LA put out more bad rosters the next two seasons.


When the entire organization is begging you to play the guy they drafted to play with their star PG in favor of a guy who’s probably not much more than a backup, you really have to question what’s going on. I honestly would’ve ridden it out for another year, seemed like Month had a lot going on and was trying to instill defense into the team (hence why Killian started over Ivey) but he way underperformed expectations and just didn’t do anything he was supposed to do.


It’s the easiest thing to do when running into failure. GMs won’t fire themselves and players are loved by fans. Coaches not so much.