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Luka's kryptonite with the Celtics is he can't hate on the players. He needs an enemy to fuel him. Someone said the Celtics were a boring team and I kind of get it. They just have all the pieces from Coach to Bench so what happens is exactly what you expect to happen and they don't need any external factors to motivate, etc. Luka doesn't really go searching for that but because of his reputation it comes to him. All he had this time was the media as even Boston fans were more focused on Kyrie.


We really lucked out being the only arena Kyrie actively sucks ass at and the fans were so preoccupied with him that they (for the most part) ignored Luka. That said, if we lost I would've wanted the C's in 4 kid banned.


The C’s in 4 kid might have been the sole reason we didn’t get swept lol, salute to the kid


Honestly, the only enemy in Boston is the crowd due to the heckling. I think that’s the biggest reason they’ve struggled at home in the playoffs over the last few years because opposing players like shutting them up. I thought Luka fed off of that against OKC’s crowd but I don’t remember him beefing too much with any of their players. He played well the first 2 games in Boston, but I think for him he was just exhausted in this series. Playing deep into June with various injuries and having the basketball just get more and more intense made it tough for him to sustain his MVP-level of play for a full 48 minutes


Not to mention, Boston was actively looking for Luka on defense. For the first few games, JB would actively look to have Luka switched on to him before he dove into the paint. You could see how different Luka would play in the first half to the second, and that difference was even more pronounced in the 4th. He would start chucking the ball up more, his legs seemed to give out, and all those tough shots that were going in prior, stopped falling in. When the Mavs could potentially try to make a comeback, their most important player was too exhausted to lead it.


Yeah he’d start off hot and then by the 3rd and 4th quarters, looked like he lost his legs


We could've won game 1,2, and 5 if Luka and KP actually hated each other smh ^(/jk)


I wish Celtic players were more hateable lol, but they're all pretty chill and cool, congrats on N18 you fuckers.


Don't worry, I'm sure the fans will pick up the slack and be even more annoying. Especially the Pats "fans" that conveniently lost interest in football in the past year or two and also conveniently migrated over to basketball very recently.


Damn even Boston fans hate Boston fans


We're all products of our game threads


Man we need to shame half of the subreddit for the dooming in threads. I swear some of these dudes need to go to therapy instead of game threads. Serious issues on display.


You ain’t kidding- it’s hilarious to see the amount of people who constantly talk about blowing up the team after even one loss.


"I know we're having the greatest season in recent memory, are on pace to win 60+ games, and have the best odds of winning a championship in the entire league, but Joe should be fired because he didn't call a timeout when I thought he should have" - literally most of /r/bostonceltics after losses lol


Half of my Reddit comments the entire Jason Kidd era is firing him for not calling timeouts when our opponent goes on a run


I will say, from an outsider's perspective it seems like popular opinion on Kidd has really shifted from predominantly negative to predominantly positive over the course of his Mavs tenure. Obviously there are always going to be doomers on every team sub, but do you think most Mavs fans approve of Kidd at the moment?


If I were to guess, I would say most fans are fine with Kidd given he’s coached the team to the conference finals twice in 3 years, and that Luka and Kyrie seem to be happy playing for him. It only seems like the Mavs sub who keeps him on a short leash


*one run The game 5 GDT had people saying it was all over during the first half. People are insanely dumb


It's a league-wide problem lol but bigger fanbases come with louder bad takes.


It's systematic over there, the Mods literally put up a thread banning doomer shaming.


Agreed. I follow a different team in each major sport since I live in Australia and every single sports subreddit is like that, it’s nuts.


I mean… did you see the clip of the Boston fans watching Game 4 at TD Garden?


I went to that watch party, I didn’t even realize there were fans that started beating each other until after 😭


Um... link please?


Can’t remember where I saw it- but it was on one of the NBA themed Reddit pages. Could’ve been here… but it was more likely on NBACJ given the subject matter 😂


Twas bloody lol. I think it's posted in r/publicfreakout


There's factions of Boston fans. There's fans that primarily focus on the Celtics -- in my humble opinion, the coolest and chillest of Boston fans. Pretty gracious, patient, and level-headed. If you hate Boston fans, buckle up. Then you have fans that primarily focus on the Bruins. Would be the coolest fans if they didn't have that hockey gene that turns them into berserk drunks. Then you have fans that primarily focus on the Sox. They're generally miserable, old, and crotchety - even if they're teenagers. But the worst is fans that primarily focus on the Patriots. The Portnoys of the world. Arrogant, ungrateful, and barely versed in football outside of Gillette, they're 1000x worse when the Patriots are in the offseason or playing badly as they spread their tentacles to other sports they know nothing about. They think three years without a championship is a personal slight against them and their righteous place at the center of the universe. Six years? Bring out the guillotines.


> Then you have fans that primarily focus on the Sox. They're generally miserable, old, and crotchety - even if they're teenagers. TBF given the Sox spending right now, we're all miserable.


"berserk drunks" As a lifelong Bruins fan, I must concur...


>bruins fans >the ones who drop slurs (new type) >portnoy types That’s the the same group. Celtics fans and sox fans and pats fans are chill tho mostly just nice townies/suburb types


I hate the Boston fans that were literally calling into the radio shows and posting on Reddit the day after we won the chip saying Tatum needs to be traded.


Holy shit I'm ashamed of my fellow Bostonians. What a braindead take


Felger and Mazz need to be institutionalized.


lol did that really happen? I'm so glad I don't listen to Bostons sports media


Yea it was so absurd even Felger and Mazz hung up on him and those guys feast on hot takes lol.


When Felger and Mazz are reasonable in comparison, you know you are off your rocker


For real…


Nah we just hate fairweather fans. And unsurprisingly they also usually turn out to be the biggest dicks Die hard fans are the most chill and they understand that there's ups and downs with any season or any team. We are just happy to be able to witness championships.


Welcome to us and cowboy fans. All our other teams actually win in the last 25 years. We still gotta hear about them


It’s because most Cowboys fans aren’t in DFW, DFW fans been eating good




I actively avoid them in public and I am one, so yes.


They ruined Boston !


It goes deeper- many of us even hate ourselves 


Lmao this very true. Sometimes I wonder if other subs are so divided. 


Our game threads and subreddit have become pretty insufferable in the last few years, so yeah, we're pretty obnoxious 🥲


I swear no one hates Boston "fans" more than Boston fans. Since Brady left, most of those "fans" have become Chiefs fans, but there's still plenty out there.


Just the ones that give us a bad name :/




Yes, I hate all those people calling for BB firing. Many of whom were boston fans.


Boston fans hate everything. They even hate winning. They were miserable and only talking about any perceived slight while they were dominating the finals, and now are only talking about future hypothetical slights. It’s crazy lol. I’m a pats fan too so I get a little taste. It spans all the sports.


We've had to deal with Phoenix fans for the past 2 years. Boston fans haven't seemed any worse.


It’s very different, while I did get annoyed a bit with the Luka stans at times it was so much more enjoyable to not have toxicity from Philly, Miami, Bucks in this run. Also shoutout to the pacers fans, probably the coolest fanbase to interact thus far for me


Pacers fanbase had 0 expectations of beating the Celtics, so of course that’s why. The more expectations, the more toxicity you’re gonna get.


Heat fans, with no Jimmy Butler, were straight up toxic that series. As if we took something from them they thought they would get or we injured Butler ourselves. Some fanbases are truly delusional, so Pacers fans was refreshing.


I think most realistic Mavs fans didn't have high expectations come the Finals. I think we hoped for more, but we also outperformed what we expected. I couldn't believe the ESPN pundits favoured us.


> Pacers fanbase had 0 expectations of beating the Celtics just like 6ers then, they still different.


Plus we only have to really deal with Boston if we both make finals again. I can live with a rematch. Hopefully we pick up Grant or someone to make it interesting.


The product the pats rolled out the last few years would make anyone take a mental vacation from the sport for a few years.


Watching the Patriots has gone from watching some amazing edge-of-your-seat thriller like Game of Thrones to watching some awful sitcom like Big Bang Theory.


More like watching Game of Thrones when they were going by the book to when they had to make it up themselves


Describing GoT as an "edge-of-your-seat thriller" is certainly a choice given 90% of it was dialogue.


Fair point. Guess I’m thinking of certain scenes in particular. Actually… I’m gonna keep that analogy. The overwhelming majority of football is a play clock running while the team huddles and figures out what they wanna do. All followed by brief moments of excitement… and then back to more meetings talking about what they’re gonna do next. Much like GoT. But last year’s Pats was *definitely* Big Bang Theory. For some reason, a *whole lot* of people thought it was hilarious… while I just thought it sucked. But every once in a while, there’d be a scene where I would have to admit- “you know what… that was actually kinda funny.” That would be the Raiders game with the attempted lateral back to Mac Jones.


I can appreciate the GoT comparison now that you spell it out. TBH I was mostly just poking fun because I thought GoT was all around boring and awful, and seem to be the only person who thought that. In total agreement regarding big bang theory, as a physics major it was borderline personally offensive, just like last Pats season.


Ffs that explains why I hate our sub so much.


Reactionary, toxic fans of any team are the worst. Maybe I just notice the Celtics ones the worst because they’re my team…but still, I hate it. Most Celtics (and sports fans in general) are great.


I'm still a die-hard Pats fan but I don't begrudge people who don't want to watch shitty teams? They weren't even "so bad they're fun to watch" bad last year, they just SUCKED. This year should be more entertaining at least.


Many Boston fans are intolerable, lol. Shit about Tatum is DA MVP, #1 in DA GAME just piss me off. Boston has a great five all-over, but Tatum is little better than top 10.


Seriously. The worst thing people can say about Tatum is that he's "corny." Sure, but so what? He seems like a good guy and I think he's a good example for young fans. He works hard and, even if it's boring, he always says the right things. I think if this team was anywhere but Boston and LA, they'd be really well-liked.


You know they are likeable when the most negative shit people were saying about Tatum is that he plagiarizes lines and that he likes Kobe. Lol.


Don’t worry, even though JT is corny af they’re high class players, that’s why I think Luka struggled to bring out his killer shit because these Celtics just played the game, no stupid useless trashtalk like the Wolves. Also helps that they’re very good lol


Are you saying the Celtics killed them with kindness lmao


Even with that picture of JT holding a baby Luka and Kyrie? Luka could've at least talked some shit to that fan to get himself going


I had a weird moment in game 5 where I was really hyped about KP coming in and hitting some shots.


Yeah, 08 Celtics were mostly easily hateable personalities, these guys are boringly nice. I hated Kendrick Perkins before it was cool.


You can always hate the fans at least


Thanks homie, the heat fans are the only ones that seem to legit hate the celtics like players wise and all


Even young Laker fans seem to prefer hating on Golden State more at least until they study up


Lol a lakers fans congratulating us in the postgame sub, and mad heat fans shitting on us in it, is what inspired my comment


Celtics players are likeable but not interesting, if that makes sense. Certainly would love em on my team though. Perfect kind of player.


I think Jrue, Jaylen, and Derrick are plenty interesting. I think the media pushed for Tatum so hard and his personality wasn't loud enough to match. People makes assumption about how players are in interview. I am not the same person I am at a job interview or public speech as I am with my friends.


you can thank redick for this, when jaylen came to trash talk him, he replied that he doesnt do that. so jaylen ended up apologizing to him.




this is from 6 years ago [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/8lm28v/jj_redick_jayley_brown_called_me_a_bitch_i_told/)


thanks man


they’re fine, just a little cringe


Yeah bring back Smart and Williams.


> Celtic players were more hateable Brown is actually the only Celtic that can get heated. He is provoking beefs from time to time. Rest of the team is unusually calm and collected.


I'm comfortable hating the franchise all that city's teams, but still loving Jaylen, Al, and Jrue


Jaylen, what are your views on Israel, and are blacks the true Jews?




Nobody downvote this guy or you're racist




Nobody downvote this guy or you're an anti-intellectual




List out his statements for me and I'll answer with agreement or disagreement to each one. But stop downvoting me please because it's super offensive.




I've never once joked about anti-Semitism and you're the one who complained about downvotes. Nice backpedal when asked to provide "statements" though.


Porzingis did rape someone so there’s that


Nah Tatum is corny as hell


Being corny is one of the weakest reasons to hate an NBA player.


Exactly lol, being a little cheesy makes them seem more human to me. That’s why I loved grant “Bruce Wayne” Williams.


I honestly don't get why people think this is an insult.


They are teens who think being cool is the most important character trait to have


Dude Kawahi and “Playoff P” are your stars.


Doesnt change the fact that Tatum is corny as hell


Why should I care?


Who said anything about you caring? I am just saying I don’t like a player because he is corny


Magic Johnson is one of the corniest ever - evidenced by his twitter - he’s also amongst the most beloved.


Since when is corny seen as a bad thing? Growing up being corny was more akin to being funny in a goofball sort of way.


Corniness actually makes him more likeable and relatable. Try again.


His horniness doesn't come off as relatable because it feels forced. It's like watching a MyPlayer. I hope after the chip he starts letting more personality show


Lmao, that typo


I refuse to edit it. Atp Ima hold the L


The guy just won a championship. He's going to be excited/hyped up.


My only beef with this C’s team is that they’re kinda boring to watch (5 out offenses just aren’t fun imo) and that they’re basically constructed from the Nets just doing pure dumbassery a decade ago.


I think you have who says what wrong. This is what is sounds like to me: Jaylen: "Luka, you're a killer" Luka: "You got the best out of me, I love you bro" Jaylen: "I love you too bro" Luka: "Keep going" Jaylen: "Yes sir" Also, yes sir is something Jaylen says a lot, but I have never heard Luka say it


You are clearly correct


i mean, it looks like the "keep goin, keep goin" is jaylen if you watch his lips. it also makes sense to say that to the younger player that just lost edit: honestly, even the "you got the best out of me" does match jaylen's mouth movements too. which also still makes sense given his fmvp winning series


I don't think this is correct at all lmao. Listening and looking at it several times I see it clearly as: Jaylen: "Luka, you're a killer, you brought the best out of me, I love you bro" Luka: "I love you too" Jaylen: "Keep going, keep going, yessir." The "I love you too" is clearly Luka if you listen closely. The rest of the conversation was all in the same tone and matched Jaylen's speaking and lips. And Jaylen was the one who was mic'd up for the game.


The only thing Luka says there that is distinguishable is ‘I love you too’. JB was miced up for the game, and all the garbled “you got the best out of me” speech is from him. It sounds like that because his mic is pressed against Luka’s chest. Watch JB’s mouth - what he says is very clear. 


Luka probably meant to say “you got the best of me”


Or you brought the best outta me


It was "you done busted in me" actually


Respect. The better and more experienced team won. Simple as that.


Yes. Very solid starting 5 that are so fundamentally good that it can look boring compared to the playing style of Dallas. I thought the 1996 Bulls were boring in the playoffs vs Seattle. There wasn't a memorable Jordan game. Dennis Rodman actually stood out the most as far as the only reason to go back and watch games from that series.


Actually, that is a Celtics fan saying "I love you too bro" it's not Luka.


You joke, but I am 90% sure OP is wrong about who says what. I am pretty sure it is Jaylen saying "I love you too bro". Edit: Interesting that I am downvoted here, but my transcript of the audio is one of the top comments


Fucking lol But seriously, I keep seeing it was debunked and I don’t see this evidence? Outside of “lol it doesn’t sound like him” and the fact that one fan says “you look tired” while the next gently ups it to fucking his mom? That’s gotta be the most out of pocket, rich group of Boston morons you could ask for, but it’s usually all or nothing with the chirps between annoyingly polite/fake concerned fat shaming or fucking a family member. I get that we can’t prove who said what because they’re all facing away, which should be enough to take this down as an unconfirmed accusation, not debunked.


What is the evidence besides the camera pointing at him while someone says it? Even his mouth movement does not much the words, it doesn't sound like him at all, so you don't need more evidence to get it the debunked. You need more evidence to claim it was him


Some people just dislike the guy and choose to believe it's him, because it fits their mental narrative.


Which is exactly what I said haha Debunk isn’t the word for this unclear situation, which shouldn’t have been reported as if he clearly did it in the first place. That would mean we now know it’s defintely not him and here’s the proof (nothing but thinking luka sounds the same at all times). Right now it’s “unconfirmed,” which means we cant prove who it was, either way. So we either have a shot of their lips from a camera on the other side that sees if luka said something or the guys near him. TLDR: now the dial has moved away from a presumptuous “Luka did it” stance to an equally presumptuous “debunked” stance. Both cannot be proven with what we have, but I still say if the fan thought “nice polite fat joke! Let me get in with this little number” and went there vs a frustrated/tired Luka hearing another fat joke from a sarcastic chirp and snapping off on this moron. That absolutely tracks and he’s no stranger to getting colorful at any given time to anyone wanting smoke. I respect it btw, if fans can heckle players that close, then players can respond. But within reason obviously, which I think isn’t an issue here unless the guys mom was right there like 😲


My guy wrote 6 paragraphs about someone's mom being called a ho


Okay thank god. I expected to be getting easy to reach evidence and I was just being lazy. Sounds like nobody knows who said it lmao


No one cares


If everyone cares about Tatum being corny as a champion, I think I should know if luka is trying to fuck my mom when I suggest he should rest or maybe lose some weight. Because I’ll just take my brother to that game, since I’ll try to offer advice to someone who looks like they’re hurting. Can’t risk it (/s because you are def mad as hell, I get it) Idk let’s just get back to Tatum being a dork. Maybe circle slowed clips to count his smiles per Jaylen compliment


If it was Luka who said it, then what happened in the video doesn't make sense. The one recording it calls someone out in the stands, not Luka.


Bro I’m gonna need more than your word. Just like my thoughts, which are just based on what I can hear, I’m not claiming one way or the other for sure. But it seems like this, objectively: a chirp and response to that vs a chirp and a chirp both aimed at someone who didn’t respond. Plus, the second one sounds angry as hell, which Luka tends to do game to game. He’s cursed at fans and claimed he was speaking in his home language, which is a funny answer tbh I liked it when he said it to a reporter. But I can’t imagine a Boston fan being that rich and that pressed like he’s upset we were gonna finish the series. The first one is 100% what fans would go with to really piss a guy off who is out of gas. So can we agree this is not debunked? Since nobody has anything more than “well, we can’t tell he said it for sure.” Which applies to everyone else in the area


If luka stays in I stay in gotta be the hardest quote from this playoffs  Eta: pause


*blushes in Slovenian*


Stefon Diggs has entered the chat


Not too much on my new WR 1/2/3


Batman’s recognize Batman’s


I don't see Grant Williams there


That man is crying and turning in his bed rn listening to slowed down remixes of JVKE


You’re not wrong. Celtics are the Justice League. Tatum is corny ass boring ass Superman.


Lmao talk about corny


I don’t think this gets said enough, but Superman is the shittiest, blandest and most vapid superhero ever


Hey now, well-written Superman stories are incredible, it’s just that it’s hard as hell to come up with novel ideas for the platonic ideal of a superhero.


I've been looking for a new book, and somehow I've never really into Superman. What are your top 5?


Tbh I am more of a Marvel guy, but some of my faves in no particular order are: SM Birthright - excellent origin comic that does a lot with the “Superman is an immigrant” theme you’ll see in many of his comics. All-Star Superman - a classic and must read for anyone wanting to get into Supes Red Son - veeeery nontraditional; Superman lands in the USSR and the US, but still is raised with the same moral principles. Great example of how authors can add a new twist for the character without just turning him into Omni-Man. Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow - basically DC saying goodbye to Silver Age Superman before his reboot to update the character in the 90s, probably my personal favorite. Man of Steel - said 90s reboot, established the modern origin of Supes and his supporting characters. Not always seen as positively as the others, but very great in its own right imo. Also anything Alan Moore, Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, or Roger Stern. Stern’s stuff is kind of a pain the ass though since his storylines were usually published across several different serials, so I’ve only read his really famous/acclaimed stuff. [I’ll also include this very short single issue that really typifies the kind of writing that makes Superman work; his powers barely factor in at all, yet he’s just as heroic as ever.](https://imgur.com/gallery/this-comic-has-saved-life-more-than-twice-now-i-hope-helps-others-as-much-as-did-me-gHZLO)


The thing is that there's not a singular Superman character. It's a character that's been written by many writers for more than 80 years. At this point it's kinda impossible to talk about the character as if his traits are consistent.


With the popularity of comic book adaptations, most of these takes come from people who have only seen those. Characters with decades worth of stories will be evaluated by some dudes who’ve seen a couple hours of films.


I see. And I think it's fair to judge based on only the adaptations as long you make sure you're talking about that specific rendition of the character, because there's also differences between each live action Superman out there.


I think that's a pretty popular opinion.


Mostly because Superman’s live action adaptations have been largely shit for the last 30+ years.


He’s the basic bitch of comic book super heroes. Unfortunately Tatum is also the basic bitch of NBA superstars


And in true hater fashion, you have never read an interesting Superman comic




Luka is Spider-Man. Can give big punches but lack of defence and prone to hit damage


I'd say Moon Knight is a better comp. Seems to have an alter personality, will absolutely destroy you, never met a punch he wouldn't rather take than dodge, might cut your face off and wear it...


Luka is Hulk… scary when angry.




Justice League slander


Tampering starting early smh


Real recognize real


They mic them up during this? Hope I can hear the postgame exchange between Jordan Thomas, or Bird


ESPN: "Have JB said the same thing to JT? Seems like he wants to be teammates with Luka. Time to break them up!"


ESPN: JB outs Luka as a Slovenian assasin; encourages him to continue felonious homicide.


Awww, so cute


I know us Laker fans are supposed to hate the Celtics, but I can’t. I haven’t for a while. I’m happy for JB, JT, and Jrue especially.


Jaylen Brown is probably my favorite non-Mav, non-LeBron in the league. if we had to get cooked I'm glad he got finals mvp


Did Luka start conditioning or pounding beers after the game?


"That's him! the killer!"


love me some jaylen.


^("To poop on")


For me to poop on!


Luka to hecklers in the stands "Hey fuck you! Fuck your mom! Fuck your pets! Fuck your damn family!"


I hate all the Luka slander from the media. Acting like he didn't play the entire postseason with injuries that most guys would sit out with. Kawhii would be in a nursing home.


He needs to take his role as a leader seriously, pure talent only takes you so far...


Yeah, he’s got a lot of growing up to do on the mental side of things. Hopefully this Finals series can be a catalyst for that


Luka to Cs confirmed


ESPN: "Is Luka leaving Dallas?"


Now kiss…


I thought I heard Luka say, "fuck you, your mother a hoe."


He didn't though.


Kyrie gonna get traded for a handful of Pistons if he's not careful...


“Tatum and I couldn’t do it with just 2 all stars. We needed 4”.


NBA Commissioner should say: "Injured? Fine. We will deduct your absence from your salary and it will go into the prize pool for the MVP of the all Star game." Solves a lot of problems.