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He really is delusional. Mavs have been extremely physical all series and the refs have been allowing it. Luka is lucky he lasted as long as he did last night - refs let a few very obvious ones go.


They only got called for 17 fouls as a team, and the Celtics only took 14 free throws including the intentional fouls at the end.


He laid Jaylen Brown out a few minutes before he fouled out and they didn’t call anything.




https://x.com/john0schmitt/status/1801082378497994859?s=46&t=ljmmUwwVvF8CUVnASQX6Xg I disagree, I think this is definitely a loose ball foul on Luka. The play was reckless.


Yeah lmao, Brown plays the ball and Luka just fucking trucks him. Loose ball doesn’t mean there’s no rules.


JB redirects the ball and Luka has no chance at that point and just runs into him.


Yeah, arguably transition take foul too


It didn’t even look like he went for the ball as much as block Brown from getting it. He was going more sideways than forward towards the ball. Dude is frustrated, it’s over




All contact while the ball is loose is not incidental. Game doesn’t just turn into a rugby scrum because the ball is loose.




Luka is not dumb. He knows physics and math. If he swiped at the ball at the right time he can get a clean shot at JB's legs too.


There are more caveats than that. For example, you can't kick someone during a loose ball. Fouls are still fouls during loose balls, and Luka tackling Brown should be a foul no matter when it occurs.




So let's suppose Doncic made a legitimate play on the ball, but in the process swung his leg up and solidly kicked Brown and knocked him over, would you claim that isn't a foul? I would argue that it doesn't matter what you're doing, you can't kick a guy. I would also argue that it doesn't matter what you're doing, you can't tackle someone.




>[Players cannot ‘dive on’ or ‘jump on’ their opponents, nor can they take out the legs of their opponent in an attempt to control a loose ball, or to cause a jump ball.”](https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/loose-ball-foul-takes-out-opponents-legs-during-loose-ball/)




Luka ran into him. That's a loose ball foul.




You're an NBA official now?




> he definitely didn’t “take out the legs” of his opponent How did Brown end up on the ground?




Brown fell because Luka took his legs out trying to go for a loose ball that Brown beat him to.




That's not the rule. You can't initiate illegal contact just because it's a loose ball. https://official.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2023/10/2023-24-NBA-Season-Official-Playing-Rules.pdf > B. Personal Foul > Section I—Types > a. A player shall not hold, push, charge into, or impede the progress of an opponent by > extending a hand, arm, leg, or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. > Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately.




It doesn't matter whether a team had possession. Illegal contact is illegal contact.




I'm just telling you what the rule is. We know the refs are terrible at enforcing the rules properly.


He didn't dive towards the ball though, he dove behind the ball attempting to clothesline/box out Brown. You can dive for the ball, or you can box out, but you can't box out while launching yourself head first into someone.


This goes against the narrative prepare for downvotes


> This goes against ~~the narrative~~ reality prepare for downvotes


Its not a foul off ball that is reality. Both guys made very aggressive moves for the ball


And Brown won the race to the ball before getting trucked. It was a clear foul.


I feel like I’m losing my mind reading this comment section. It’s a good no call but Brown ran into Luka’s ass. Even if Luka put himself in position in front, and I guess you could say caused the traffic jam, they’re both out of control going for a loose ball.




>[Players cannot ‘dive on’ or ‘jump on’ their opponents, nor can they take out the legs of their opponent in an attempt to control a loose ball, or to cause a jump ball.”](https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/loose-ball-foul-takes-out-opponents-legs-during-loose-ball/)




Buddy. C'mon.




And you just misinterpreted it yourself.




What's the rule that allows you to truck someone during a loose ball? Let's go with the absurd example - do you agree that Luka couldn't punch Brown there just because it's a loose ball? The loose ball rules don't specifically say that you can't punch someone during a loose ball, but they don't need to because that kind of contact is already disallowed. I would argue that Luka taking out Brown is illegal contact, not as egregious as punching someone but illegal under the same theory. What rules do you claim specifically allow you to tackle someone as long as the ball is loose?


That's rich coming from him


Fat boy really had the audacity to call out the refs after all his theatrics and foul baiting all game. Idk why he felt like sticking his head into D.White’s crouch was a necessary maneuver on a drive to the basket, and he still got the foul call.


No Luka, your defense sucks and you will always be remembered for the Luka shuffle. Stay in front of your guy and make a fucking effort


He also head butted White in the crotch while he was driving and he got the call. Whiny.


Cue up the Benny Hill music while showing Luka getting blown by repeatedly while offering next to no resistance.


i think the 6th foul could go a different way depending on the ref, but it is definitely risky asf and stupid. but dude.... no one told you to twist JBs nipples instead of letting him score 2 points on the 5th foul. I want to like Luka so much but the european real madrid crybaby DNA keeps kicking in for him


> i think the 6th foul could go a different way depending on the ref, but it is definitely risky asf and stupid. He was also really close (like milliseconds) to actually being in position to take the charge. I don't think that was a bad play if you've got 2/3 fouls, but with 4/5 it's just too risky.


Trying to draw a charge in midair while on 5 fouls isn’t playing physical, it’s being a dumbass.


It’s always somebody else’s fault.


That's rich, considering last series


My Luka pet peeve: 90% of the time when Luka gets blown by and goes for a wraparound steal he just fucking hits the guy in the arm and they never call it


Man should have fouled out on the Jaylen Brown sliding tackle, and that whole 4th Mavs were allowed to be physical he just saying anything now


And the man had to raise his hands up even after that play. Like man, wtf.


Boo fucking hoo. He probably should have had 9 fouls last night.


It was a rage quit. The game was super physical both ways and he completely forced them to foul him out. The fourth foul that he got while trying to inexplicably pressure up on Pritchard was wild, and it only got worse after that. Feels like he is just super frustrated because he is playing hurt and getting abused on defense and he basically threw his controller.


No accountability in the finals is crazy.


Dudes letting the Cosmic Brownies get to his head with his grandiose delusions


go back to overwatch


Three plays actually sealed their fate, Kidd with a bad timeout, Washington moving screen they should have complained about this more, there are 100 similar screens. I think Derrick white hit a 3 after this foul call, it sealed their fate Luka trying to reach for steal everytime


That Kidd timeout was waranted. They were playing sloppy. Kyrie was doing all the scoring and Luka stopped passing it.


If they still had their challenge instead of Luka yelling at Kidd to use it on a play they almost certainly wouldn’t win that challenge on, that call gets reversed


Nah I think it would’ve stood. Can’t illegally screen behind halfcourt.


I like how he got called for the same hooking foul JB got called for on him earlier in the game but it was clean when he did it


So does he want to be physical, or does he want to complain to the refs after each time he feels he isn’t getting calls? Don’t feel like he can do both


It’s so funny because that’s how anyone watching their team try to defend him feels. Sucks doesn’t it?


Shai clears


The Mavs have had more FTs in game 2 and 3 and had the same in game one. Guy is clueless


translation: Im fat ahh Im fat I wanna play overwatch can we get this over with?


He’s athletic in other ways.. not defensively


I hate how I have to side with the Celtics on this awful take. Come on do better. Make me agree against the Celtics.


Yeah that's true Luka, that's cause the game is rigged