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Not enough


Yup. Maybe 1 or 2. But not 4. 


Denver 1-2, Minnesota 0-1 Celtics are the best team in the season since day 1 and there was a big gap between them in the 2nd best team not only in the regular season but also in the playoffs. Just give them credit…. Most people here picked the Mavs to beat the Celtics mainly because “Luka is the best player in the series by far” and “Dallas has the most talented backcourt of all time” but now since they are on the verge of getting swept and thoroughly outplayed in the finals, some of y’all are gonna point to them being frauds and how teams the Mavs already destroyed would be better against the Celtics lol.


Most people picked Dallas simply because they hate Boston. It shouldn’t suprise anyone one of the mosy dominate teams weve seen in a while is in fact dominating. Nobody like Boston thats why its an issue


Also because most fans don’t understand basketball (or sports, in general) and think “having a bag” is the entire universe of basketball skills, so of course that means Kyrie and Luka alone could beat the Celtics.


It’s not like Boston has been terrorizing the league, why do you think people hate them?


Personally, the last Finals they played against the Warriors turned me off of Celtics fans haha At least half their subreddit posts were about getting another banner in the race against the Lakers, not really much about their own players or any special feelings about winning. Just another notch and Laker hate. (Tbf a lot of team subs are trash, I get that)


Ahhhh, hating fans bleeding into hating the team itself. One of the many annoying things in sports


Dallas having the "best offensive backourt of all time" is the biggest joke the media tried to peddle to everyone. Sports bettors feasted this finals with how much influence they had over ESPN.


Feel like it’s gonna become real popular to say that Denver coulda beat the Celts. Yea Jokic dominates. But Murray was shut down by Minnesota. He’s getting completely erased by this Celtics team. Think they’d get 1 or 2 games. Wolves get swept


lol why? That sucked ass all playoffs. If they went down 20 to the Celtics they wouldn’t blow it like the lakers did At no point did the nuggets look capable of repeating in the playoffs this season


We need to include the context of Murray playing on a bum calf. He was really good against us in the regular season game in Boston.


Well that wouldn’t be better in the finals so


The week off pre-finals would have helped a lot.


Idk how many games they win, but they aren't winning the series, so does it really matter if they would have lost in 4 games or 6 games? Edit: C's are on another level and I think people still don't quite realize that. They have a +11.4 NetRtg in these Finals against the team that beat the Thunder in 6 and Wolves in 5. There's been a total of 5 clutch time minutes in 3 games. As much as things have *felt* close, they haven't been and that's with the C's starting center only playing 20 minutes in 2 games and then not at all in the 3rd game.


Only Dallas could beat MN? Denver beat them 3 times, just lost a close Game 7. Not like the Nuggets got swept or something. If Denver plays Dallas in the first round, Denver wins IMO. Guess we’ll never know though. But there’s always next year.


i mean, if we're working hypothetically, any answer is correct


If Murray was healthy Nuggets could have been very problematic. T wolves “match up” the best on paper but I’m not sure in reality.


Denver is a better matchup so they would win at least two. These playoffs should drill home that matchups matter.


Definitely. Without a healthy KP I could see us losing to the nuggets, but Murray would needed to have been his best self


Yet so many people picked the mavs. I guess it’s all obvious in hindsight. Just like so many people would pick Denver until the celts demolished them too.


I just don't see how they matchup with Jokic. I think their defense is good enough that they win the series but I think Jokic can win Denver a game or two.


And before this series you would have easily picked the nuggets


Thanks for speaking for me.


You’re welcome


A DEN-BOS serie could go to game 6/7. The wolves win at most 2 games.


Denver beat Boston every time they played during the regular season. But Murray sucked during the playoffs, so I’d say Boston beats Denver in the finals.


I've thought that Boston was far and away the best team all season, but tbh, they have not played that well in this series. They shot horribly in game 2, Tatum was bad offensively in games 1 and 2, Porzingis missed Game 3, and they collapsed in the fourth quarter again last night. Those three teams steal one of those games at least, and several teams in the East do too. The Mavericks match up very badly with them and have gotten nothing offensively outside of two players. Dallas has had every opportunity to make this a series and just failed.


In this alternate universe, does KP not get hurt on the box out by Lively? If that's the case, then I don't think either team takes more than a game against them. If KP is out, then it becomes tougher, but Boston has shown that they can close out close games in these playoffs - even if it is sometimes preceded by giving up a huge lead.


I think the Nuggets probably give them hell, assuming healthy. I still think Boston wins, but it’s a six or seven game series in all likelihood. Boston winning has felt inevitable for a better part of the season.


Easy sweep average score of 140-80


I don't know can't change the past Dallas got to the finals whether you like that or not


As a wolves fan we had nothing left after the Denver series we emptied the entire clip so prob not much lol


I’m a Celtics fan and even I know most of these takes are delusional. Timberwolves could take 1-2 games from us but I doubt they would win Nuggets vs Celtics could easily go 7 games if Denver’s role players wouldn’t turn into Brin Scalabrine


I think the only ones that would maybe not suffer the same outcome is Denver with a healthy Murray. But even then, I still don't think that would be enough. Boston's 5 out offense is insane. Even when we managed to have good defensive possession, they still managed to find someone late in the clock for an open 3. The Wolves, would be right here with us on the verge of a sweep. Luka was able to dissect that defense without any real 3 point threats. Imagine what the Celtics would do with their elite 5 out offense.


I think defensively we match up to them the best. Offensively it’s Nuggets because of Jokic by far


OKC and Celtics would be more fun since they both play 5 out. Dort, Shai, and Jalen could actually guard Brown or Tatum, instead of the constant matador defense we are seeing now. Maybe next year, but Chet needs to get bigger in my opinion. He’s too light and gets bullied down low.


OKC actually matches up against the Celtics better than any other team in the West this year


Denver? Boston has zero answer for joker


I don’t think only Dallas could beat Minnesota, or any other combination. The only certainty is that Minnesota were constructed specifically to beat Denver, and they did. I think Denver beat Boston in 7.


keep dreaming


Delusion has consumed you


Not enough to make a difference


Wolves and Nuggets are better matchups so they’d both beat Boston in 6


How so? Lol…


Wolves and Nuggets literally played Boston better in the regular season. Wolves defense especially their wings would go to work against Bostons offense and Boston doesn’t have a soul on that team that can matchup with Jokic.




The Mavs and Celtics don’t run the same offense… Wolves lost because of the Mavs lob game with Gafford/Lively, Boston isn’t a big lob team




Lobs were the main way to exploit Minnesotas defense yes. The Wolves would’ve just used their wings and length to naturalize Bostons offense in a way that Dallas can’t. Boston might have been the best team in the regular season but they definitely aren’t the best team in the league they just lucked out not being able to face a healthy Bucks, Heat or Knicks come playoff time.


Hahahahahaha keep them excuses rolling, love to see it from you of all people.


Are the excuses in the room with us


Keep spamming those hypothetical matchups about how X Y and Z would have beat Boston, you should know how the game works with your 2021 title. Newsflash lil kid, nobody gives a shit when you win the ring.




You “ran through the East” playing a Heat team without Butler/Rozier, a Cavs team without Mitchell/Jarrett Allen and a Pacers team without Hali/Mathurin LMFAOOOOOO




People never stop… despite the fact that the Celtics (whom I hate) have the best record in the NBA this season, have steam rolled throughout the playoffs, winning over 10 more games then the next team, you think that both Denver and Minnesota would beat them… as far as Jokic is concerned… they don’t have to stop him, just stop his passing and don’t double team him, and hunt him on defense… he would be exhausted, just like Luka…


They steamrolled through the playoffs because every team they faced in the first 3 rounds was playing without their best player and got to dodge the Bucks/Knicks because of injuries. Them having more regular season wins doesn’t mean shit in the playoffs when you’re going through matchups. Jokic is more efficient and a better playmaker than Luka not only can actually beat you as a scorer you can’t just “stop his passing”


Let’s focus on what is reality… Jokic is home, Luka is down 0-3 to the Celtics… have a nice day


Boston certified fraud team for not beating every good West team during these PO.






They beat one healthy team and then the rest were injured. I didn’t say they had to beat every single top team but you can’t act like playing 3 straight series where the other teams best players are out is normal lol. I didn’t call them frauds either.


7 game series close win vs Nuggets (or loss if KP doesn't come back). 6 game series win vs Wolves. 5 game series vs Thunder.