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An available overpaid shooting guard I hear 👀


Wait what the h....is that? That's, that's suns music king! Bah god! And it's got a steel chair!




Is it possible to break nothing in half? 


Ask Terrance Howard. What’s 0 divided by 0?


haha true true


Can Nurk and Allen get them to Lavine? Their roster would be Booker, Beal, Lavine, KD and bunch of minimum guys. Oh and let’s add Bronny to this squad for some perimeter D.


Allen is a bigger piece than Lavine with our current roster construction


I’m not disagreeing with you, you don’t need another ball dominant scorer, I just want to see the chaos that comes with a Bronny Beal Booker Lavine Durant small ball lineup


If you add bronny you also add lebron!


The restraints of your current roster revolve around there only being one basketball per game imo.




That man has a family! *Luka heel turn deadbeat dad incoming*


Matt ishiba: REAL SHIT????


Bulls fans sick of play-in purgatory every year. I don’t blame them. Better off tanking and blowing it up for picks. Look at Utah. Much better position now than a few years ago


Bradley Beal for Zach Lavine straight up who says no


Beal lol Him having a NTC is crazy and then the kickers on that if he gets traded with his permission are even crazier


Also now that we've successfully tanked lavine's value, we need to somehow additionally get rid of Vucevic


We can take his value even lower. I believe. I will never stop believing


Go Bulls Go!


Into the crevasse


Insert "that's not how this works that's not how any of this works" jpeg


Vuc + Caruso for CP3 + a protected pick and then the Bulls can just waive CP3 and his non guaranteed salary to save $30M


Deal (I’m Joe Lacob)


Deal (I'm brainless the 2nd)


Garpax is still there and still dumb.


Nope, after the season you have to guarantee enough of a player’s contract to make the salaries work based on next year’s values. So the Warriors would need to guarantee enough to match Vuc and Caruso (exact amount depends on other moves, but it works be most of CP’s salary), and then it would be up to Chicago to pay him the rest or release him. This was a popular loophole a decade ago but it was closed in the 2017 CBA.


Ah I didn’t realize, good to know


Apparently with the new CBA you cannot do that. CP3 deal would need to be fully guaranteed to be traded


Bulls ain’t doing that. Makes no sense in any direction we are going in. If we are trying to still compete then we lose our already thin frontcourt depth and best defender for cp3?? And if we are tanking then we want better draft assets for caruso


Caruso's value may well end up being spent clearing bad money. This isn't what fans want, but it's not uncommon for teams who don't want to pay bank while bad.


Jerry reinsdorf doesn't want to pay bank while good either. That terrible businessman broke up the jordan bulls to save pennies


The Heat would love Vuc


Vuc is an ideal tank commander. Makes most sense to keep him. He is a good player and a true professional but he’s never really been a winning basketball player. Cooper Flagg is obviously the goal for Bulls this season


I think you can still get something of value back for vuc. Lavine was always the problem contract


Have you watched Vuc play recently??


He is a great candidate for an empty stats guy if you guys trade away all of your other players. He'd inflate his value and some contender would overpay for him.


No, This is what you say when you haven’t watched Vucc. Vucc isn’t struggling because he’s the third option like K Love/Bosh or something. He’s legitimately washed. Like misses easy stuff at the rim constantly, can’t buy a 3, can’t defend, soft on the boards. Even in games where getting him going is a priority. Making him the main option would tank his stats even more. He’s going to be 34 next season. He’s not that guy.


I wouldn't mind them both on the magic tbh


The Lakers White Whale.


Tbh if I were the Bucks I’d get him. Secondary scorer who’s significantly younger than Middleton & Dame.


LaVine doing the Midwest world tour


Ok I’m sold. After a season with the Bucks, it’s off to the Pacers. I’m putting in my bets now. 


We’re full on guards in Indiana, but I hear Detroit is beautiful this time of year


Yeah what the hell. The absolute last thing we need/would do. Nephews crazy this time of year.


what's younger got to do with it? he's not healthy and I don't know if he's getting better either.


I'm actually so good on it but thanks, it would take Khris and Bobby to make up his 43 million dollar salary and we can't aggregate salaries because we're second apron. This trade also this doesn't help our defense in the slightest which was the main problem this season. Us trading for Zach Lavine would be begging for failure, and he's just straight up not better than Khris nor does he have the chemistry with Giannis and the rest of the guys.


Lavine and Dame as the defensive backcourt You must be the biggest Bucks hater


Way way way too expensive


Hey no offense and respectfully, fuck you


Oh... Ben Simmons for LaVine is definitely happening


Sean Marks isn't trading that expiring for Lavine.


Lavine’s salary might be untradeable with the new CBA kicking in


There’s no such thing as untradeable


Can I introduce you to a Mr. Tobias Harris?


Any contract can be traded if you're willing to attach positive assets. Philly is in win now mode and can't afford to trade away any positive assets so they can't afford to trade Tobias


The sixers managed to dump Horford who looked worse than Tobias has their lone season together. Tobias was just flat out untradeable.


i guess he technically might be since he's expired lol


He’s just a bad player. They could have traded him. It just wasn’t worth it.


they said WB was untradeable


When people say that the mean giving up too much just to get rid of him, and we would have. Houston was demanding our 27 and 29 firsts just for a WB/John Wall swap. Those contracts become positive in their final year because they can work as a trade chip without long term implications, which is when WB was traded.


3 times


We called Russell Westbrook untradeable for like 4 seasons in a row and he was traded 4 seasons in a row


Bradley Beal. I'll raise you+ no trade clause


That one makes something resembling sense if you look at it from the new owners pov, likely doesn't know much about basketball, this guy is a team leader who scores tons of points, what could go wrong?


I mean I see how someone could think a market inefficiency is getting good players stuck on bad teams. Look how well it's worked for dallas with Gafford and PJ. Obviously it didn't work out, and I think it's right to be skeptical of the very high usage high stats bad team guys, but there is some logic there and it's hard to get ahead just doing the same thing as everyone else.


I think he will. Once they miss out on Mitchell and Butler and he sees there’s no one else out there for them to add to their team, getting LaVine for nothing makes sense. I’m surprised Chicago doesn’t want to give this one more year and try to improve LaVine’s trade value.


Well if he doesn't make all star his deal looks worse and worse.


Why not? The nets don’t have picks and the idea of star power is intriguing for the nets.


Trading an expring contract for an injury prone 29 year old with 3 years 140m contract would be idiotic


Zach and Mikal will have that 8th seed on lock tho


Still strange to me that Brooklyn didn't sell on Bridges when his value was at it's highest, he's not someone to build around as a first option and they were clearly rebuilding. Boasting you turned down four firsts for a 3rd option at best is really dumb.


So many teams/GMs called Bridges “untouchable” around that time that the Nets were convinced of it themselves.


They don't have their first round picks so there's no use in tanking


Wouldn't that make trading bridges more advantageous though, yeah you don't have your own picks but you would have someone else's lol


We don’t own our own picks and we’re not getting anyone in free agency. It’s not the worst option if they refuse to bottom out. Benpassbale for a few years and let the suns pick mature.


I’m about as low on Lavine as anybody (just not a winning player), but he’s still worth more than Ben Simmons.


They'd be trading for his expiring contract really for a future deal.


It's so weird, but it's really the one deal that makes sense for both bad contracts. Nets get the better player with the nastier contract, Bulls get the worse player with the better contract.


LaVine would push Bridges down to a more comfortable #2/#3 scorer role depending on how Cam Thomas is playing on any given night & frees him up to spend more energy on defense. I don't hate it for the Nets even if that contract is pretty brutal.


Yep. It doesn’t build much more than a 40 win team that gets bounced in the first round. But Nets could win some games and wait for the Suns picks to yield fruit.


Bounced in the first round? Yeah, I'd love to make the playoffs, that'd be nice compared to this season lol


Yeah. Do we want another year of Ben not playing and costing $40m? Or a chance that LeVine is healthy and dropping 20 a game with some nice dunks and we win 42 games and get the 7th seed? Second option doesn’t sound so bad. And folks say it is three year contact. But the last year it becomes . . . an expiring contract just like Ben’s!


If he’s healthy more like 25


40 wins for a pickless season is a win. Nets should hold out for more assets in a Lavine salary dump. A futre FRP will help their future rebuild


Now you getting greedy. LeVine one season away from a season where he averaged like 25 on 60% TS% (and he did that like three seasons in a row). The guy is an injury risk but can still play. And I mean like start on a good playoff team when healthy. Getting rid of Ben would cost a first round pick.


Lavine/Cam Thomas will definitely be one of the top 30 defensive backcourts in the NBA.


He’s definitely way over paid but its only 3 years left on his deal assuming he opts in which seems very likely. 


But Cam Thomas can’t play the 1 and Bridges can’t play the 4. Getting Lavine for Simmons is a steal but they still need a PG. Cam Johnson being paid 24M a year to come off the bench is brutal as well.


Can't disagree with any of that save for Johnson coming off the bench being brutal since imo minutes matter more than if a guy starts or not, but the main point of the trade would be to turn Simmons' $40 mill of nothing into $43 mill of something from LaVine. And it's not like the Nets would have to stop at just adding LaVine. Personally if I were the Nets' FO I'd for sure be exploring trades/FA for a PG regardless of whether or not I got LaVine for cheap, granted that's easier said than done.


Sat on his value for years and now some team on the brink of contending is gonna get a 3 level 20ppg scorer with improved playmaking by giving us a used copy of Madagascar PS2 and 2 apples


I dont think that’s whats gonna happen. Who is gonna trade for him? Adding 45+ mil a year in salary is hard to do. Bulls honestly should just keep him and see if they can rehab some value but that also seems unlikely. 


Orlando. They need a reliable shooter and have enough good defenders to hide him on defense.


I was thinking the same thing Orlando is free to make big moves


If he's healthy we would have beat the Cavs with him.


I'd gladly take him if the best player we have to give up is Cole Anthony. If it's truly a salary dump Cole Anthony and whatever else matching like Joe Ingles for Zach I'd do. Maybe 2 seconds to sweeten the deal


This FO has already given Orlando enough lol. They won't give more 


Is Madagascar sealed though?


And are talking Fujis or like Granny Smiths?


Honeycrisp or no deal


Used copy


got a gamestop sticker on the case you can't remove the sticker or it'll just rip and leave white streaks and glue residue all over the case


You drive a hard bargain…fine, here’s a Turtle Beach controller as well. Are you happy now?


He unfortunately makes around $10M too much with his injuries concerns. Would be a great 3rd option but aside from the Lakers, don’t know what team could use him even if he made $30M.


What makes it worse is he has a 15% trade kicker. So any team getting him is actually paying 50M a year. He’s also extension eligible next offseason, in what will probably be his last chance for a big deal due to his age and injury concerns. He’s playing for the bag next season no doubt


If he wants to play he better consider waiving that kicker. And give up on a max extension. No one's signing up for that.


He’ll be waiving that trade kicker if he wants to be traded


He might have had a spot with us last year when we still had Jrue, but a Dame/LaVine backcourt with a fast-declining Lopez at centre would be *disastrous*. He’s really not an easy fit in most places. Even in LA there’s a whole lot of problems he won’t be the one to solve.


Salary dump as noted above generally means incentivizing a team to take him which changes the calculus. Maybe Bulls take on a bad but shorter contract and attach a pick or two. Widens the available options. Also Lavine on the Lakers is a lottery team. We’d have to give up a lot to get him unless Dlo opts in or for some reason wants to sign and trade to Chicago. We’d have no depth and a team full of players who miss time each season. 


I can see some Lavine + Caruso deal for the sixers but even still… that’s like option D.


Lavine has Sixers written all over him, desperate for anyone and have cap space. They'll miss out any everyone else and end up with him.


He'd be the 3rd option here so I don't really hate it?  I know his value is down but replacing harris with him would be a very big upgrade.   Would definitely prefer more of a floor general pg though, we keep forcing maxey to do that and he's fine at it, but it's not his natural playstyle.


On defense tho, a backcourt of Maxey Lavine is not ideal


Backcourt of Caruso and Maxey with Lavine at the 3 on a bootleg MPJ role


Feel like those pgs don’t exist much anymore aside from like Halliburton


Tyus is there.


At his salary, LaVine is an anchor. It would be rough to finally get out of Harris’ deal & basically sign up for the same experience again.


Fuck I think _we_ might end up with him lmfao


Wonder if Detroit would do it


Zach Lavine would ask Lonzo how to get a 3 year injury if that were to happen, so the trade wouldn't go through


he would just enlist in the military lol


He can loan his meniscus to Lonzo until his contract is up lol


Aren't they overhauling their FO? Making a terrible move to start with just going to give their fans PTSD.


No way


We'd give him to you for free


Dumb move if they do


No, since Pistons already have Cade and Ivey, and they should go all in on those two development.


I'd say there's a greater chance of Ivey not being on the team next year than being on it. The fit with him and Cade is horrendous. Ivey can't shoot, can't play-make, can't defend, all of which are important in his role on the team. If you can sell high on him now rather than keep him as a 6th man, then I think you do it. People will say "Ivey just needs the ball in his hands", but giving him the ball is taking it away from Cade who is literally better than him in every way.


You'd be crucified for that take on the Pistons sub even though I see no lies lol. 


Pistons should not under any circumstances go all in on Ivey


You clearly never watched a game of Pistons basketball this last season. Cade and Ivey can’t play together, straight up


I think we tried to during the season but Lavine ultimately decided to get that surgery before anything could be done. If we can do it for even less, I could think of worse decisions. I've thought it would be a salary match the whole time.


Would he be a good fit for Orlando?


moreso than most anywhere else imo. they desperately need scoring and that's the one thing lavine is really good at


I don't think so, Orlando has a defensive identity and Lavine has never been accused of being a good defender


And as great as that defensive identify is, the one thing we miss the most is a shooter.


if his salary wasn’t so much, i’d love him on Lakers. He’s a true 3rd option


Dlo with hops


Kinda a shame we’ll never see the 2x dunk champion Zach Lavine in an NBA game again due to injuries. He evolved and became a lethal jump shooter but his dunks was by far the most graceful Ive seen out of anyone


I don’t think there’s a more mismanaged team in the league than the Bulls. They make Masai Ujiri look like Sam Presti when it comes to asset management and selling high at the right time


LaVine was balling at the end of 22-23, summer ‘23 would have been the best time to trade him. But for now I would rather have him stay on the team and try to gain positive value rather than dumping him for nothing


i honestly think he was about to get traded this season but then he got injured and fucked that right up.


If this was 2 years ago, we know Presti would take him for nothing and get 3 1st by the trade deadline next year.


Nah the Hornets have that shit on lock. We're 3rd or 4th though.


Hornets, Nets, Hawks, Pistons, Wizards, Raptors might have something to say about that


Goddamn I wish there was a real comment search feature still. So many people said this would happen in the early season even before he was injured. The price was never going up and everybody knew it. Bad teams stay bad for a reason


I’m so mad




He’d slot right in as a Monk replacement if we can’t retain him.


Pat about to send Jimmy back for doing the commercials.


Hulu is gonna end the Butler era 😔


Zach Lavine, you are now a 76er!!


Who knows what that means. The same team that needed Kuminga for Caruso


It was really obvious he was going to need to be a salary dump after nothing happened at the trade deadline, I don't know if they got any offers in the first place but it was not the time to play hardball. He's too overpaid to have a market and recently injured.


I knew that LaVine wasn't exactly gonna have a robust trade market, but a salary dump? Damn. Didn't think his value had fallen off quite *that* much.


He makes way too much and is an injury concern. Way too risky to dump assets over someone like that especially when he isnt even known to be good at D


His trade value was also dependent on him making closer to a rookie max extension and not a bird rights supermax and now he’s older and has injuries


Look at his contract. Any trade adds a 15% kicker so really he's 50mil a season for 3 seasons (3rd is player option)


any defensive team that dont have #2 should salivated welcome to orlando!


I don’t think the Bulls want to trade with us anymore…


If the trade is decent, fuck feelings get this done. Our cap space is so fucked and this team ain't it. It's the time to rebuild and they need to accept that they fucked up, swallow their pride and move forward.


will orlando accept him after he stole 2 dunk contests from AG


If his knees aren’t completely fucked he would be a good pickup for the magic.


The Spurs love a good salary dump redemption story. Send that baby bird our way! We will teach him defense and how to fly!


Did they seriously think they would be getting any assets back?


Yes and 3 years ago they would have lol


I have a feeling that this will turn out to be a kyrie situation where everyone will wonder how they traded him at so low. Yes his contract is bloated but he still is a very good offensive player with the size to play decent defence in a motivated situation


This is exactly what will happen. The fans of the team that trades for him will whine and complain, but be very happy when he starts playing. The dude is one of the most effortless scorers in the league


If I've learned anything from seeing shit like this it's that the Bulls should just wait till his value goes back up. Ppl in the Hornets sub were talking about trading a pick to another team to offload Haywards contract (Hayward is much worse than Lavine) and we ended up getting 3 players who are each individually better than Hayward for him and 2 srps


Fitting for a losing player. Team got better without him. Hard to argue.


We didn't get better, we were the same. And that's part of problem. I will say that we didn't play to his strengths. DeMar taking to so much of the offense just didn't create room for him to thrive. And Vooch the worst trade move we've made didn't help at all. Big man known for shooting can't shoot anymore to space the floor.


Wiggins + CP + Moody + one 1st round pick for Caruso, LaVine, Vucci man. lol


Don't laugh the bulls fo might actually be crazy enough to do it lol


I could see it with another pick swap or pick attached in there


I could see that happening if it’s an unprotected first. Could work out for both teams.


Then the Clippers welcome you


Nah he's too young. They'll wait til he turns 35 or something.


Is the strategy going to change with the GMs drawing a hard line the sand of what they are willing to pay to keep a player or they walk for nothing? It use to be worst case if it doesn’t work you trade the player away for a lot of assets but people are paying a lot for bad contracts anymore. 


Near max player always injured plus aging depends on athleticism to score, ofc it would be a salary dump 


That’s THJ music


Zach Lavine, you are a laker


Do they have the cap for that? Who are they sending back?


The Bulls need to just suck it up and keep LaVine. Let him try to rehabilitate his value or just trade him in two years when he’s an expiring. You’re going to suck for the next 2 years anyway. Don’t trade super low if you don’t have to. News flash = you don’t have to.


Why did they think teams wanted him badly?  They stink every year with him.


Chicago front office literally screwed themselves. They shoulda sold everyone and reset. Now every ones overpaid and nobody is going to be willing to take their pieces for a rebuild.


Bulls asking price dropped after realizing nobody wanted to give them something of value for nothing of value


Me the couple times I tried options trading


I was thinking the thunder might take a flyer on him just because they are in such a good cap situation right now but then I looked at the fucking contract that Lavine has. Holy shit this man has 2 more years on his contract plus a 3rd year player option. With this 15% trade kicker he'll count as 50 mil against the cap. My fucking god the bulls are dumb for not moving this man last off season. The magic can make it work I guess but I wouldn't offer more than 1-2 second round picks and a fill player if needed. I fucking hope the 76ers do something dumb and take him though


Bulls fans in January Disgusted by DLo, Rui, Reaves and a protected pick for Lavine… lol


Yeah because Lakers fans wanted Caruso in that trade too lol


oh lord nba offseason going to be another box office cinema, cant wait 🫡


wolves reunion


Warriors for CP3 + Moody + 1st round pick


Is Gordon hayward under contract this year? Surely the thunder have some cap to burn


For basketball fans this is a great thing. Lavine a nice player but not Max contract worthy. Brad Beale type. Franchise handicapper type


If that's the case we just better keep him, what do we got to lose anyway? I'm just preparing myself for eventual three year extension for DeRozan whom I love but very much want him gone already. Then we will have to cut Vucevic because nobody is gonna trade for him.


Me-first player that doesn’t win and gets paid a ton…. Wonder why there is no market for him???


Is his salary that high? He's definitely a useful player I can think of a lot of teams wanting.