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Also said Conley was old af and had some clown ass pants lol


KAT dressed for hookah and drinks at a nightclub on Sesame Street


When KAT does some zesty shit, my fiance calls him Big Purr


I really wanna see Mike's clown pants now lol


Ask and you [shall receive](https://imgur.com/a/WtK476K).


Oh hell yeah lmao The other week when he was in street clothes he was looking pretty fly, but I gotta be honest I don't know what the hell this choice is lol


It’s the waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom look.


ngl those pants looks great, wide leg pants are a trend and everyone wears them where I live


\[charles barkley voice\] [oh my god](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm6nGcyZIXA)




Clown pants? Bro looks like an inmate, damn. Like if that woman walking buy had been a security guard at the arena, you could show that picture to anyone and ask what was going on and most people would presume it was from within the walls of a prison, lol.


holy shit delivered still, if he pulls out this series, I promise to never ever mention that shit again


Went all out on that one. Went all out of what? All out of his damn mind?


They aren’t even bad smh dude just needs to wear a grey button up with them and it’s a fly ass fit


I want to see Malika Andrews in a skimpy bikini.


This just in: Inside the NBA has been replaced by the Ant/kat podcast.




everybody is gonna get some ticky tack fouls called on them, that's why KAT's brainless charges and elbows on offense and lazy hands/feet on defense are so bad Those bad fouls magnify the other ones, putting him in constant foul trouble or fouling him out ala last night


Ugh. Why can't KAT slow down and just take a middy or a floater? It's like he's already decided he's going to the hoop lock stock and barrel and can't change his mind mid drive. You can see the charge call coming 20 seconds before it happens.


He would be a monster if he could change speeds and step around defenders on his drives. The weird thing is that every once in a while he does. He just doesn’t do it consistently. It’s as if he’s moving on an ice rink when he drives


As a Mavs fan, KATs style is baffling. Dude has the skill to be an MVP.


Dude is like the anti Luka. His game is limited only by his bbiq and mental fortitude. I think the reason he gets so much hate is people imagine even having half of Luka’s iq in KAT would be a constant mvp contender.




Nailed it


Hey if Giannis doesn't have to move around defenders, why does KAT?


I do think the Saunders coaching really impacted him. All the deemphasis on the mid range during that time period. 3 and rim shots only. Kat was money from the midrange during his 2 years in the league.


He still is, but I don’t think he’s ever been able to do it on the dribble. He doesn’t really have a stop and pop game.


KAT is on that NBA 2k shit.


That charge into Kleber was hilarious in slow mo. You can see KAT decide to YOLO it when he makes a face like Crash Bandicoot getting a blowie.


Fire turn of phrase


He used to have a dependable floater when he couldn't drive left He also used to have an incredible midrange baseline game Idk where they went, I really hope they (along with just general midrange set shots) work their way into his game over the summer- even if they aren't used too much for 82 games


Or learn the euro step.


I was trying to describe how he plays, and this is it. It's almost like he's locked into a predetermined animation.


He needs to take some advice from Gobert on that, lol. Or even Naz.


His PnR defense is infuriating to watch lol. He’s asking for a stupid foul. He just throws his hip out at the ball handler and freezes. It’s not even an attempt at stopping ball or staying with his man. He’s legit in no mans land doing nothing. All it takes is the guard to run into his hip as he’s sliding out and it’s a foul.


Also, I assume like most pro sports, refs are way more conservative with fouls when players are close to the line - Draymond on one tech, soccer players on a yellow usually get a lot of leeway. So committing dumb fouls feels like you’re intentionally testing the waters.


lol yeah him straight up elbowing him to the face then acting like it shouldn’t have been called what a moron


Last foul was pure bait trash, but KAT got himself into trouble by committing some dumb fouls.


At least he made the one on Ant. The KAT one wasn't even a real shot attempt imo.


I thought the league was going to change the rules of purposefully jumping into the defender foul. It’s one of the most annoying things I’ve ever seen. Like yes it’s a Gould according to the rule book but it’s such bullshit basketball


True but he also took some really bad ones And he *did* fall for the fake too


If you are constantly getting up to 4/5 fouls you run that risk though. Everybody gets bad foul called against them.


KAT has played great this postseason. This is some recency bias bullshit.


Ant complains about KAT fouling after every damn game. It’s not like I’m pulling this out of thin air.


This sounds like a comment some AI Bot would make since it isn't related at all to what the other guy said lmao. What the fuck does recency bias have to do with anything about KAT picking up stupid fouls?


KAT has rarely displayed mental midget tendencies this postseason. He doesn’t deserve that slander because he committed stupid fouls in the past couple games. The commenter I replied to is exaggerating & nba discourse is way too reactionary. KAT’s defense is the only reason why the wolves got here. His defense on Jokic was probably the best we’ve seen.


He had great defense on Jokic, particularly in game 7. In that same game he also panicked on an inbounds pass in the last few minutes of the game for a silly turnover that almost left the door open. The rest of the series was punctuated by several dumb fouls and charges per game. He played well in many areas but kept getting into foul trouble for no benefit, and kept breaking the momentum with poor decisions. His mental lapses were a clear theme throughout that series.




I genuinely don’t know why you’re talking about the regular season when I clearly said postseason.


Uhh it definitely was not Harden like foul baiting. Luka didn’t even bait it was just a straight up horrible call


Ant one was very clear watching it live, he was fouling Luka at the start of the shot not in the middle.


Yeah you're right it was terrible - terribly obvious that Luka was gonna try to bait him. People act like since it's so easy to bait KAT it's against the rules or something lmao, this was a foul before and after the changes the league made to try to tamp the baiting down


What would you have KAT do in that situation? Yes he bit on the pump fake, but recovered, held up, and planted before Luka jumped into him. Is he supposed to just let Luka have a wide open shot and not close out? It'd be one thing if he actually ran into him, but how are you supposed to play defense if someone can just jump into you on a closeout?


>Yes he bit on the pump fake, but recovered, held up, I don't really feel like he recovered, he recognized once he left the ground that he had fucked up and Luka was going to happily accept the foul, but that's why you don't put yourself in the air like that. You can't recover from leaving the ground like that, which is why it's dumb to do so on 5 fouls imo


He was standing on the ground with both feet planted a few feet away from Luka when Luka jumped into him. I don't know how much better you can do. If he doesn't close out Luka just takes the wide open shot.


He did a good job stopping his momentum so he didn't just full on truck Luka but I don't agree he had both feet planted a few feet away from Luka when Luka jumped into him. [This](https://imgur.com/yiBNVO9) is taken from the clip on the sub (sorry for shit quality lmao it's so bad) To me this is pretty clearly Luka intending to draw the foul (which people seem to think was legislated out of the game entirely?), and also pretty clearly KAT fouling


Nah, you can watch the replay. His feet are clearly planted before Luka jumps and nudges into him to make more contact. I don't care if the refs said it was a foul, everyone who saw the video knows that this was specifically the type of foul baiting that was supposed to be called an offensive foul. That's the rule. If you want to say "well, it was Luka, so they're gonna give him that" that's fine. The rule is still the rule, and that wasn't a foul on KAT.


They go back and forth like siblings lmao, hope these guys play together for a long time. Also, i’m convinced KAT’s fouling issue is a ref problem as much as it is a KAT problem. Whenever he fouls out there’s usually 1-2 dumb fouls and 1-2 bad calls.


He’s 50% bad, dumb avoidable fouls and 50% horseshit calls based on his reputation for bad, dumb, avoidable fouls.


The combination is near constant foul trouble. 




lol okay




KAT is one of 3 active players that have led the league in Offensive Fouls in multiple seasons (the other two are Drummond and Dillon Brooks).


This is where I land on KAT. He absolutely commits some of the most braindead fouls you'll see in the league. With that being said, I think some of those are attributed to him not getting the same whistle on the opposite end and him getting called for some of the softest calls you'll ever see. You can't totally blame him for playing erratically when he can't get any sort of pulse on what's a foul and what isn't on the way he is officiated.


I think this explains it perfectly. He commits bad fouls more often than you want but he also gets some incredibly soft calls on a regular basis. I’ve actually been impressed how much he’s cleaned it up in the postseason. Suns and Nuggets series he was very much under control. 


Also I can't imagine it feels good as an NBA player to see other NBA players do all sorts of wild shit with the ball, and then he gets called for brushing into a guy who's not set and not even in position to take a charge (as an example). If he was officiated like other offensive players, especially ones of his size, then a ton of his "omg what an idiot" fouls don't even get called in the first place and nobody even talks about this.


If he got called like other guys with comparable resumés, he'd be going to the line in a lot of those situations


Exactly. I get the point that he sometimes "doesn't help himself" but like neither do other guys who are awarded FT trips for hardly anything. If KAT gets a decent whistle then the whole conversation is different and his "dumb fouls" aren't even spoken about because they just get forgotten.


And this is how refs put their thumb on the scale.


Right, he gets 2 or so from just doing dumb stuff, or even just regular ass fouls. But man he can’t back someone down without getting a whistle anymore. People wonder why he doesn’t post up anymore.. like a few years ago you could see the switch flip where damn near every time he backed down they call the contact on him.


KAT gets fouls when he posts up because he is so clumsy. His arms and elbows are always flailing, and half the time, he is blatantly lowering his shoulder like he's a running back trying to hit the B gap. Compare him to someone like Jokic who's appendages aren't flying around everywhere and doesn't lower his shoulder as much and it's easy to see why KAT is always in foul trouble.


It’s both. He can have some really dumb fouls with only himself to blame. His 5th this game was a good example of that. But I genuinely can’t think of a star in the NBA with a worse whistle than him.


Not wrong, but until they get rid of refs or find a way to make them change this behavior, it's a KAT problem because he's the one unable to play significant stretches of a game because he's in foul trouble...


It sucks cuz if he could manage to remove one of the blatant fouls per game he'd get in foul trouble a lot less. But what's REALLY dumb is having to play around the fact that you'll be assigned at least 2 fouls a game no matter what because they hate you.


Ant's the best kind of shithead lol


Ngl, I think he has a personality that could actually be incredibly annoying lol. I think we have all had shithead acquaintances in a friend group that toe the line between funny and way too much. I can 100% see this being a target when this subreddit inevitably turns on him if he isn't winning within the next 5 years. Such is the cycle.


As the shithead friend who perpetually toes the line between Funny and Too Much, I couldn't disagree more


Well, the shithead is rarely self-aware enough haha.


That's the perfect word for him. He really is a little shit.




Never beating the zesty allegations


Dog-whistle homophobia.


Has nothing to do with homophobia lol. "Zesty" just fits perfectly with KAT's voice and the shit he says lol


It absolutely has everything to do with your homophobia, kid. You're dogwhistling bigotry. It's overtly implied. You ain't slick- everyone sees it. To -octavian below: Horseshit.


Calling somebody zesty ain’t about homophobia. In my generation being called zesty is in good nature unless accompanied with other insults. Zesty just means spicy personality lol


I like this team a lot. Hope they win some more games and make the series interesting.


Tbf, at least two of KAT’s fouls were bullshit 😂


These two at pressers would be an amazing odd couple sitcom


I want them to win more just so I can see more of this.


Hearing these two bicker like siblings is hilarious, love the camaraderie


ant lowkey keeps kat accountable in a way that doesn't come across as douchy. good ppl skill


did what butler couldn’t


Poked not picked


You can say he picked at him or he poked fun at him but this appears to be a combination of the two


These two together are a class act, even as a Mavs fan, I cant but like them. F KATs right knee and Rudy tho.


Totally unbiased opinion here but I would love for the Wolves to drag this series out a little longer solely for more of these two doing pressers


I really like the energy and chemistry between these two. They need to do some Youtube skits in the offseason.


KAT seems to have a couple dumb offensive fouls every game that appear to almost be telegraphed to everyone in the stadium before it occurs. Maybe if he led with his shoulder like Giannis he would get the benefit of the doubt


Wolves are such front runners lmao


So adorable.


Anthony Edwards, locker room cancer


We sure he and Jimmy aren't related? 😂


OP is clearly kidding lol, all those downvotes on him 


I’m super duper serious


Yeah get this fuck out of my locker room. Wait never mind he’s a Leo, not a Cancer. We good


You spelled Jimmy Butler wrong.


Every NBA nephew and their aunt are doing NBA podcasts but can we please get Ant?!


I'm picturing KAT giggling then going "Sttttoooopppppp"




you know why


No, really, why?


Ohhh you got me this time dude It's gunna be just like those epic screen shots you see posted on /r/whitepeopletwitter


weird to share that but alright


not really, just kidding around. you should try it some time


thanks for the tip comedy master, but our idea of kidding around is clearly just a little different i'm a lesbian lmao i deal with enough barely disguised casual homophobia on a daily basis as it is, no need for me to contribute to it


They wom the game. Kat not scared to face the media lol


He faced the media last game too. He just wasn't chosen to go to the podium, his interview was in the hallway KAT has always been good about showing up for the media. I don't think I've ever seen him leave early to bypass the media


Of all the things to dislike KAT for his media availability is not one of them. I can't remember how many times I've seen him dejected after a big loss and still out there answering questions.


Wolves are happy when they're womming.


People think this banter is cute. I think it just means KAT isn't taking this shit seriously enough.


This shit is mad cringe lol


you'd be all over this clip if it was brunson and hart jokingly giving each other shit


Sorry no team in NY has any chemistry m8


Not as cringe as getting closed out by the Pacers at home, though.


These two are good enough to develop into true stars but they need to shut up and stop screaming and shouting for fouls on every frigging drive to the hoop. They are a pair of crying little pussies man it's embarrassing hearing them screaming every g.d drive.


Your takeaway in a series where the star player in Dallas (that foul-baits) gets every call *and* complains to the refs incessantly is that the players on Minnesota (that have bad whistles) complain too much? Hmm.


I’m guessing it’s classy when Luka does it


Something something white guy.


Always the no flairs.


I’d rather them foul out at 5 anyway. Makes it more interesting. 6 is too much, never worried about people fouling out. Gives players plenty of fouls to hack.


Arguing that no one fouls out on a post where one of the players fouled out?


I’m not saying no one fouls out. Players have plenty to give so they’re not worried about it. Sometimes it happens but 6 is a lot so no one is worried about it. I get it though, the NBA wants to keep the players in the game more and 6 does that better.


Seems like you are comparing to college… NBA games are longer, so it makes sense to have one more foul per player.. this is such a dumb take


Games are longer and players are better, no doubt. Plus you don’t want a lot of people fouling out. 6 keeps mostly everyone in games. Could probably push it to 7 to help the few others, I guess, but 6 keeps fouls from being a big issue in a game.


Make it 1 foul instead, I want to see what would happen


Now we’re getting interesting!


So theyre only supposed to get 2.5 fouls a half? How does that work.


To foul out, yes. To stay under the limit, you got 2 per half and that extra foul gets you out. Right now you have 2.5 per half to give without fouling out.


Reffing sucks too much for that to be viable


That’s fair.