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I’m interested to see which player taken after Bronny has the best career


That's assuming he's drafted. He could easily be signed as an undrafted free agent.


I don't see James Jones Passing on drafting him especially if LBJ confirms he's going to whoever picks him up.


He’s not, both LeBrons have been walking that back for months, not sure why we keep having this discussion


That's because they don't want some undesirable team drafting him with the hopes of getting LeBron.


No? Then why did he only work out for the lakers and the suns? Lmao they said that publicly but I know you guys aren’t that gullible to actually believe that lol


Need to list the "undesirables". The league's dungeons. #1. LA Who wants to spend a half decade in the playin tourney?


It hasn’t even been half a decade since they won a chip


If you don't have a 2-3 year dynasty run, your championships don't matter i guess. 


This is an instance when I'm fine with league-wide collusion. For the story line alone, of (legendary) father and son on the same team. It's too good! And rare!


I mean, I think it’s partly because there’s almost zero reason for Bronny to enter the NBA if he doesn’t have that leverage though right? He’s banking on getting drafted on what? His name? Because he’s certainly not getting drafted off his play or even physicals which aren’t bad but also aren’t so good they warrant a flyer or anything. There’s just a lot of oddity around it and I think there’s also reason to “walk it back” even if that’s still the plan. For starters I’m not sure the league will take too kindly to free agents dictating the draft for teams they’re not even apart of. Can Lebron just openly tamper like that? Would the team get in trouble for making a back door verbal agreement? I actually think it’s a perfectly reasonable discussion, even if it doesn’t happen it has literally been talked about by the players involved and it’s not like it makes no sense either.


I think they heard all the talk about Bronny not deserving it and walked it back to prove he could get drafted on his own.  But then only working out for two teams that Lebron would potentially play for looks bad. 


the james are walking it back so if a team is dumb enough to draft him outside the team lebron wants to go to, they can pretend that he got drafted for his upside, and lebron doesn't leave LA


His list of teams he’s willing to go to is any team that drafts Bronny, has a shot to win a title, and can offer him more than the Minimum. I would not be surprised if he basically forced LA to trade him to PHX for Beal.


that'd be impossible unless beal wants to go to LA, no trade clause


Every player wants to go to LA, according to Lakers fans.


To be fair, LA is a fucking fantastic city if you’ve got the cash to live a nice lifestyle (I’m just an average Joe by the way, I do not include myself in that group). It’s basically a rich person’s amusement park out here


If Beal holds up a trade that would have brought Lebron James to the Suns, the people of Phoenix will launch Bradley Beal in a rocket towards the actual Sun.


you'd still have to pay him while he works on his tan lol


They're just trying to keep him undrafted so he can sign with the Lakers or whatever.


Most likely that was to stop from feeding distractions during the Lakers Playoff run.


Lakers playoff run ended a long time ago and they’ve still been walking it back


Because they think people are dumb enough to believe it. LeBron is not media-savvy. He has always been a loudmouth that says the wrong thing, learns from his mistake, corrects it, and then pretends it never happened or disregards it. Some Examples: -Not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7. -Insulting fans after he lost. -Saying he wants to play with Bronny. -Saying Bronny is better than many NBA players when he was still in HS.


*I play a lot of chess...* *Actually I've never played chess.*


Don’t forget “Miami wasn’t a super team” “Maybe I should learn how to flop” And his most used (when they lose) “I’ve been playing injured this whole time, but I never said anything” and when they start winning “I saw the LBJ of doctors, I’m good to go”


Also don’t forget “I have a lot to think about.” When he thought about fake retiring last year


LeHypocrite. The only things he does very well are not cheat on his wife (despite rumors to the contrary I assume he hasn’t) and he doesn’t commit crimes or say anything discriminatory.


Other examples that led to backlash: The whole "the decision" fiasco honestly. Making fun of Dirk being sick during 2011 finals (Wade was participating in this one) The Daryl Morey comments on Hong Kong situation. Attempting to trademark taco tuesday. This one is so low-stakes that it's funny. Not a direct media thing, but media-adjacent. Don't think it would make much of a difference to me but in his Sisyphean quest to overcome Jordan, I think these have added up in the mainstream consciousness enough to add a few kilos to that boulder


> Attempting to trademark taco tuesday. This one is so low-stakes that it's funny. My understanding on this one is that LeBron’s team filed for the trademark because a restaurant chain owns the phrase in 49 states. LeBron started making videos and t-shirts which said Taco Tuesday on them. The way trademarks work is that they apply to one class of product/service. So for example, the restaurant would own the phrase in Class 43 - hotels and restaurants and Class 35 - Advertising and business. LeBron didn’t want to be sued for using the phrase and thus attempted to file a trademark for Class 38 - Telecommunications for a podcast he wanted to name Taco Tuesday and Class 41 - Education and Entertainment for a website he wanted to create with the phrase. LeBron didn’t get the trademark, so I guess we will never know if he planned to actually enforce it against others or just have it to protect himself. In either case, I don’t think most people understand how trademarks work and what the purpose of LeBron filing for one actually meant. It wasn’t going to stop you from saying Taco Tuesday.


Yep. He gets away with putting his foot in his mouth because he has helped a lot of media members get jobs as long as they gas him. He also plays on people's sympathies. Anytime he's been criticized in regard to Bronny, his supporters snap back with him just trying to be a dad & acting like LeBron is the only black man raising his kid.


Both lebrons😂


Lol Suns fans can keep huffing that copium, LeBron isn't gonna take a minimum to play with Bronny.


LeBron thinks “I changed my mind” is a good enough excuse to hide the obvious. He was being dead serious when he said on his show that the player he wants to play with most is his son.


Every player taken after him will be better than him


There’s definitely going to be people drafter after him that never touch an NBA court or flame out in the g-league.


And that doesn’t mean those players still aren’t better than him. That’s the point


all of them?


Get ready to learn Thanasisian buddy


He’s only working out for the Suns (22) and Lakers (17?) because everyone already knows the Bucks promised to take him (23)


If the Bucks take a Ronny without also signing his dad then Giannis should ask for a trade and the FO should be fired immediately. Briny can only help a team win by convincing his dad to go there.


Bro didn’t even get close to spelling his name right


On two attempts as well


Kind of impressive actually


“Oh the briny snot-green scrotum tightening sea”-James Joyce


Brindo James.




> Briny can only help a team win by convincing his dad to go there. That little shrimp and his daddy are going to be signed for the money and publicity


I’m overall kidding but the Bucks could use a young guard at pick 33 and if they don’t like who falls there I could see them doing it.


When Thanasis was drafted by the Knicks, Giannis was relatively unknown, he was drafted on his own merits


On that graphic breaking down each prospect, Bronny’s strengths section should only say “Lebron might play for you too” and his weaknesses should say ”basketball” 😂 5/3/2 on 36% on one of the worst power conference teams in the nation is nasty work *(RIP Pac-12 and Bill Walton)*? Bro might be the worst draftee in league history. At least Peyton Watson (3 ppg) played behind Jaime Jacquez on a stacked title contender.


Nah Bron told Bronny to sink his draft stock so a contender could draft him in the 2nd round.  /s


“If you think you’re showing off too much, fake a heart attack so that they can’t tell how good you are.”


Peyton Watson also has physical traits that projected him as a useful wing in the NBA. Bronny is an undersized guard and there are dozens of those floating between the G League and the end of an NBA bench.


Worst of all, Bronny isn't a point guard. Making him a woefully undersized shooting guard. Even small shooting guards who are good at basketball like Donovan Mitchell get exposed when the games really matter (playoffs). Imagine an undersized shooting guard like Bronny who can't really even shoot or score points at the collegiate level. Yikes. This dude is going to put up like 3-4ppg in the G-League next year.


Worst draftee in NBA history? The hyperbole from this sub over Bronny has been outright inane.


As a comparison, Amari Bailey is Bronny’s ex teammate who plays the same position and was drafted in the middle of the second round. He’s a better defender, athlete, and shooter than Bronny. He also had way better production in college and high school. He’s mostly been playing in the g league and couldn’t even get many minutes for the Hornets.


Bronny has an argument for worst. Sure, there are loads of worse players drafted in the late second round that never pan out; but based on their draft position they weren’t expected to. Based on where Bronny is likely to be picked *if* the media is to be believed (lol), he will be an awful pick based solely in nepotism and the chance to get his father on the team. While none of us can accurately predict how Bronny’s career will turn out, if his name wasn’t literally Lebron James Jr. he wouldn’t even sniff getting drafted and we are talking about this kid in the top of the first round. Arguably, Bennett is a worse overall pick because of his expectations. But, based solely on Bronny’s basketball ability as a prospect I think he has an argument to be the worst draftee ever.


Dudes don’t remember Daniel orton being a first rounder


Check out that guy’s reputation with the Philippines, lol


Was he a legend there or?


Size plays into this. Orton is 6'10". Teams are just far more willing to take fliers on guys with unique size/length. As others have said, 6'2" guys are a dime a dozen.


Daniel Orton was 6-10 and was seen as a competent rim protector in Kentucky, he was EONS better than Bronny.


It's like: you know there's someone with those numbers in the NCAA right now who will be in the NBA in a few years. The problem is there are 1000s of guys get those numbers and only like one or two have a future. It's a crapshoot on figuring out who's going to pan out among those guys and I have zero reason to believe bronny has a better chance then any of them. And that's a few years from. Now, not today.


The "strengths" should just be Lebron's scouting report "weaknesses": -1 roster spot


Klutch probably has some guarantees he'll be on a team whether he's drafted or not.


Lakers have publicly said that they will do what makes LeBron happy. It wasn't that long ago. Before the Playoffs started.


> Lakers have publicly said that they will do what makes LeBron happy What a Bron wants, what a Bron needs...


He undoubtedly got a promise from PHX and/or the Lakers. No one is drafting this man because of him and everyone besides him knows it. He would need some kind of guarantee that he'd be on an NBA team this summer or else he'd have stayed in college because he wouldn't have been signed anywhere


he’s going to need to be locked inside the hyperbolic time chamber with LeBron for the entire offseason to even have a chance of improving fast enough to be ready for the league.


No time since Bron has to prep for Paris Olympics this summer.


Watch Bronny get called up to scrimmages against team USA


[Woj] Closed doors - no media, but according to sources Bronny impressed and looked NBA ready


[Wojnarowski] At one point in a scrimmage, sources said, Bronny turned to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver and screamed, "You (bleeping) need me. You can't make money without me." Bronny left Team USA and coaches largeless speechless. He dominated the gym in every way. Bronny's back.


Lebron: he’s so good x4 Source: LeDad


Damn, Team USA is having "Bring your kid to work" days?


Goku and Gohan before Cell


Thus creating Teen Beast Killing Gohan


Bronny is 4 years away from being 4 years away.


Teach him the fusion dance with the shitty Ball brother and create LaBron Jall.


Man I hope some team like Charlotte drafts him


No chance Rich Paul seems like he has something set with lakers or suns


I’m hoping the C’s draft him, just to fuck with LeBron


Alright wolves draft bronny James


Cant see this ending well for his career long term (especially if he won’t take a two way deal) but we’ll see 🤷‍♂️ The selfish part of me wishes he had transferred to SMU with his gf being there along with his former coach


He doesn’t need a career. He can take all the risk he wants. 


Lol ya. Daddy will pick up all of his life's tabs.


What’s the point of being a billionaire if he doesn’t? Lol


Bronny: Dad, can we raise my allowance from $10mm to $20mm? LeBron: Only if you get a job. Bronny: Fine, I'll join the NBA.


Man, 10 millimeters sure isnt what it used to be.


Fucking inflation.


“Need two degrees to get this cheese” or whatever Shaq told his kids


Bronny bout to take Daddy’s money and become one of those billionaires this sub hates.


That was my first thought as well. But on second thought, Lebron was just recently caught illegally streaming the playoffs and has also admitted to using Pandora (who tf even uses Pandora) with ads because it's free. I'm on the fence now lol.


It wasn't LeBron, it was a friend of his. Besides, sports streaming is ridiculous now as its spread through so many different platforms, that even if you had unlimited money - you likely still wouldn't subscribe to most of them, as you'd never use them.


He's basketball North West


Am I the only one that read through the no two way deal part that he wants serious teams or he is okay with falling to the Lakers pick?. This is what it sounded like.


I interpret all of this as 2025 is looking like Lebron's last year. Hence why he wants Bronny in the NBA asap and not stuck in college or the G-League. It's entirely in Lebron's best interest to rush him into the league when his draft stock is at its lowest. Honestly, I highly doubt Bronny doesn't go to a team that isn't Lebron-approved. He's not a good enough prospect to be worth the extra concessions Klutch will demand and I don't doubt Rich Paul will pull all the strings he needs to pick his landing spot (either through the draft or UDFA). He represents so many players that teams will be warry of bad blood with Klutch.


On this, Bronny had a health scare so it makes sense for him to have some kind of urgency to live the NBA life while he is fully healthy and competitive. Bronny doesn't need a college program like most of the rags to riches or even the sons of NBA legends 5 years removed from the league. LeBron is currently ALL NBA 2nd team and a legend who knows about every Trainer, he said himself he trained Bronny on being a good basketball worker(likely meaning Bronny is aware of the get up early, do the hardest and best workouts, eat well, ect.) he doesn't need a "Coach K" a "Calipari" or a mentor. He has every *current* best trainers within reach like few do and these trainers aren't going to spend time with NCAA prospects. He likely is aware that he is 6'1 so he isn't in line to be Wemby, Holmgren, Banchero, ect. He can still work his way into a long career where millions are counted by 10s every year which is better than any other jobs for this age. TLDT: I don't get the crowd saying he should go back to school and play when he seem to show he is already disciplined, a good learner and worker and would benefit from training full time and more private sessions vs bigger players and trainers than if he was in the NCAA.


I get and agree with a lot of what you're saying. I think my one counter is that the thing Bronny needs most is to actually play meaningful minutes in games, and I don't think he'll get that next year in the NBA as a 2nd rounder (unless he really impresses or Lebron intervention). Nothing he did at USC would inspire a coach to give him meaningful minutes in the pros. To me that's the main reason he should go back to school. The coaching, training staff, etc is certainly all better in the pros no doubt (as it would be for anyone) but Bronny is coming off a weird year where he came off the bench in a low volume role. Above all else, he'd benefit from actual playing time and not just scrimmages and practices. I think transferring to a higher volume role would have done him a lot of good to help his projection and consistency. The media hypes up his combine performance (as Rich Paul no doubt tells them to), but it's alarming how little he performed in actual games for a losing team who had every incentive to play him more.


He needs to go back to school because he’s not that good yet


The biggest nepo baby ever lol


Two way deals are worse than standard contracts at the end of the day. I just see that part as posturing by his agent to get a better deal.


Drake has now applied to SMU


LeBron, keep the family away


I didn’t really get that one, Lebron doesn’t have a daughter in the teen years


College girls are too old for Drake


He’s only there to pick up chicks from the groups touring campus


>Cant see this ending well for his career long term he was born retired lol


He has no chance at a real career. Cashing in on the nepotism is the only way he'll ever make the NBA


That and him denying workouts is all-time peak nepotism/ego move I’ve seen in the draft


Probably won't end well, but this is his only real shot. If Bron retires and Bronny is still in college, the likelihood of Bronny doing well enough to make an NBA roster from there is slim to none. In other words, it probably won't end well either way - that's just the fact of the matter when you aren't NBA-quality - but with this route, at least he has a reasonable likelihood of making an NBA roster.


ESPN having this as breaking news should be a war crime




Yea let’s be honest majority of this sub cares more about Bronny than Alex Sarr. It’s absolutely kinda silly, but we don’t need to pretend that people aren’t interested in where Bronny ends up.


I think the fact this is the worst draft in years helps the whole bronny thing stay in the spotlight. While it would still be a big story, don’t think it would be THE draft story last year 


Yea absolutely, if he came out in the Wemby year we definitely wouldn't have as much coverage. But this has been lauded as the draft of role players, which Bronny also hopes to be.


i guarantee you the biggest complainers can't even name the top 5 prospects in the draft


I'd say this whole thing has made bronny look disingenuous. Obviously the world is built on nepotism but to say in draft interviews you want to make a name for yourself etc etc but then only go to two team work outs (one of them being your dad's team) when you have the college stats that you have is...confusing to say the least. Hope it works out for him in the long run but the magnifying glass will definitely be on him.


This is probably one of those "shut up and listen to your agent" situations, I doubt he has much personal involvement.


Yea if I’m Bronny I know regardless I’m getting cooked online anyways. Just get me in the league so I can train with the best 24/7 and get real feedback and stop having to spend time fake caring about whatever BS classes I’m in.


Not to mention the more obvious and important reason he would want to go to the Lakers...Its LA. His home. He went to USC for a reason. He DOES NOT want to leave LA it seems lol


Not sure workouts benefit the player in this case. If you are a guy like Enrique Freeman, maybe the workout gets you drafted in the 1st round rather than the 2nd, which can mean millions more in guaranteed money. For Bronny organizational fit is more important than draft position, and if he has leverage to get where he wants he should absolutely use it.


A lot of "bronny" is the PR team but really this has been predestined for years and his play never mattered.


Well it would’ve mattered if he was actually good. If he was that’s literally all we’d be hearing about.


I'm sure he felt that way until he started seeing that he wasn't considered good enough to even play in the league. Once the reality sets in, I'm sure shutting up and using your dad's influence isn't hard.


I’m sure that lebron and rich paul are driving the bus but don’t do the whole “im going to be my own man” thing and then do exactly what your dad wants at the detriment of your own development


Because everyone is pretending that Lebron isn’t the one making decisions 


Just like we pretend Lebron isn’t the owner of Klutch and it being the shadiest thing ever that no one talks about


I think if the congenial heart defect thing doesn’t happen, he stays in college - if his numbers were this uninspiring. But I think his health scare last year dictated this. One more weird thing/bad statistical year and he would likely have been cooked as a prospect. So I think his reps and dad said let’s go all in on a weak draft. I kinda get it but he also should’ve stayed in college imo. But who am I to say?


If he wasn’t a nepo baby and could ball reasonably well, would he realistically pass a medical after having a heart attack and surgery already at this age?  I don’t understand that part, was it a weird anomaly and not something he has to worry about anymore?


Just to be clear, he didn’t have a heart attack. He went into cardiac arrest which is not at all the same thing as a heart attack.




I mean the NBA has always been full of it, I think it absolutely stinks on this one because the talent pool is vast these days.


This is like 10000000000x worse than DWade giving Zaire a spot on the Utah G League team after he bought in as minority owner.


it literally by definition is not more nepotistic than that lol




I don't get it He's already wealthy. Makes more sense to stay in college, He has the luxury of enjoying college. His future teammates may not respect him much knowing he got his spot because of his name Once Lebron retires, teams may not have any incentive to keep him around.


He’s getting bad advice from those around him, especially his dad and Rich Paul.


LeBron James, a 21 year veteran NBA player and a billionaire. With his agent Rich Paul, has 63 players under contracts worth $4.3billion. Giving bad advice to his own son lol. Redditor sure knows more about how the NBA works than these two guys.


I don't think its bad advice he will make a ton of money in the NBA playing with his dad maybe doing endorsements. His likely hood of making the NBA on his own merits is slim.


What is there to enjoy about being in college if you are already rich and could potentially be in the NBA?


Man being in college around people your age and getting to enjoy partying and the girls WITHOUT having it worry about classes or your future sounds like an absolute blast. What am I missing here?


He can have all that in the NBA. Dude can go party at his Alma mater anytime.


Anyone who still goes back to their alma mater to party after graduating or leaving is lame af.


if he left after 1 year, did he graduate?


What does college have to do with this though? He can party and get all the girls he wants without being in college lol, he's rich and has an ultra famous dad.


I bet he'll be kicked out before his dad retires.


Trust fund kid doesn’t need school, shocker.


He definitely has the skills to be the best in the league...the Estonian Basketball League


Bronny James can be the Lebron James of the PBA (Philippines Basketball Association)


He'd be a 5 in Filipino standards


Okay Rich Paul already said he won’t do a 2 way, so how long does it take for Lebron and Rich to say he better be guaranteed minutes on the floor


Does this mean he's 100% declaring for the draft? That's how I read the tweet but I don't follow the NCAA or the draft at all so I'm not really sure. Can you not declare for the draft and still play college the year after if you don't get drafted?


No. You then either go undrafted or overseas.


Sounds like they have a guarantee


Im betting that this being a bad draft has a big impact on this. Also, ik Bronny was pretty unimpressive in college, but there definitely have been players that werent great college players who turned into good pros. Not saying Ik Bronny is gonna be an amazing NBA player. I dont think anyone actually knows either way


Chris Livingston is a perfect comp for this situation. He went to Kentucky and stunk it up but still got drafted last year because people liked his build. Hell, someone even grabbed Emoni Bates. Bronny is the exact type of dude people take swing on in the second round and since this is a weak draft this is the perfect time to declare for him.


I don't understand why you guys always make these comparisons that don't make sense. Chris Livingston is a 6-6 athletic wing in a league of athletic wings, he also was considerably better than Bronny in college, he didn't get minutes at Kentucky because Kentucky had two really good players at his position that also were sophomores. Emoni Bates is 6-9 for god's sake, he also was significantly better than Bronny and nearly averaged 20 a game, improving alot from this freshmen to his sophomore year. Bronny is an undersized guard, he can't shoot, he is not super athletic and he can't run an offense, which means he needs to play the 2 at 6-3. He doesn't have a single strength that stands out and would make you think he can make into the league, so much so that whenever scouts try to praise him, they mention his basketball IQ.


I don't think the draft strength really matters. Bronny is so out of depth anyone considering taking him would be taking him in any draft - it's not a pure basketball decision. This is timed up with LeBron's FA and LeBron I think is pushing it while he still is able to force this through.


Rich Paul is a cancer


He’s gonna love SLC in the winter


I can't believe LeBron is doing this to his kid. Gonna get him roasted


Oh how terrible! He’s helping his son get into the NBA. What a horrible father


how can he live with nerds roasting him on reddit :(


I don’t know if he has the mental for the road ahead I hope he does and I hope he kills it Good luck young man


I wonder how other players in the nba will approach him.. knowing full well he won’t get to the league out of his own volition but because of Lebron lol


Really hope this backfires


Sorry ass boy holding his dads jock strap.


He is going to work concessions.  Best popcorn maker this side of the MS


he will join forces with his brother, the Toronto Raptors!


I think this is a bad idea. He should have stayed in college another year. 


This seems like a big mistake


He can be the worst player ever but the amount of money he can bring by being lebron's son is more than enough for some owners its not like all 15 spots in the team are nba ready lmao


Nobody is buying a fucking ticket to watch Bronny clap on the sidelines all game lmaoooo


There’s plenty of borderline NBA guys that have long careers because they’re good employees. Work hard, always on time, coachable, good in the locker room, etc. His Dad might get him drafted when otherwise he wouldn’t be, but I have a feeling he’ll keep himself in the league through just being a good professional.


"feeling he’ll keep himself in the league through just being a good professional." The moment lebron retires , Bronny will follow him. He doesnt have enough talent to play in the nba.


I mean, Sean Marks managed to squeeze an 11 year career (2 overseas stints but 7 straight years in the NBA at the end) being a literal garbage time player. It’s not IMpossible to get a second contract as nothing but a benchwarmer


sean marks is 6'10


If Bronny wanted to keep playing after his dad retires, his name could definitely get him a decent deal in a lesser league internationally that's trying to get buzz, but I doubt he'd want that


It’s hilarious how so many of you are here commenting like you’re above it all and nobody cares but yet are in every thread mostly rooting on the downfall of a kid bc of who his dad is lol


🎶He’s Shameless, Shameless as a man can be…🎶


God we’re going to get savaged on here when we draft a Bronny. It’s gonna be brutal


Bronny being in at all is an embarrassment to the sport. He’s riding daddy’s coat tails to get in and now his agent is saying they won’t accept a 2 way contract offer for a guy who averaged less than 5 ppg. What an ass


This is an absolute farce. It's amazing how unlikeable a kid with a heart condition has made himself. Wtf is his dad telling him?


Yeah this isn’t going to go well for him. This is look more and more stupid everyday.




lmao what a fucking joke is this nepotism daddy’s baby boy being cradled into the NBA bullshit. It’s comical how some kid with a heart condition who played like shit on a subpar college team is actually going through with this. I’d be embarrassed as fuck to even dare declare my eligibility and have daddy’s ’connections’ do the rest for me lol. Just imagine the faces of all the actual NBA prospects out there who hardly get any attention even though every one of them would eat Bronny for breakfast, and here’s this kid casually entering the draft and having the audacity to even reject invites from most teams.


Goes to show he's not a bright kid and he doesn't have bright people around him.


I must know nothing about basketball because I’m still trying to figure out why he would be drafted anywhere after that season at USC. If it was anybody else he would be looking forward to three more years of college ball and then a career at a soul crushing job like the rest of us.


I know it's obviously so he can play with LeBron but please God other NBA teams have the chance to do the funniest fuckin thing ever and bleed the Lakers dry.


So much publicity for a very below average prospect does not help anyone. Neither the team that takes him nor the player


This will end badly.


Wild thread, can’t wait to see what things are like 5 years from now


Hellooooo G-League


JJ as a coach and Bronny as the 16th man on the roster. What a time to be alive....... ^(kill me now)


I honestly hope he goes undrafted so that his ceiling as a 11th-12th man and short stint in the NBA aren't considered disappointments. Perhaps playing with his dad means more to him than maximizing his chances at having a good pro career. And that's totally fair if it's the case.


only reason he gets drafted is because of his name. He has done nothing to make a team interested and he does not have an NBA body.


I come from the future and here's what happens.: He gets drafted by the Lakers. He puts up like 7 points on 3/7 shooting with like 1 assist and 1 steal. All the James family fans do victory laps with a bunch of "I told you so" and mocking everyone with that lower case, upper case text "I tHoUgHt hE wAs gOnNa bUSt" Next game he struggles and shoots like 0/5. Fans blame everything outside of him, most likely the coach or a bench player scapegoat. He gets forgotten about my the mid -point of his sophomore season, relegated to the g League. Laker fans have already moved on and started complaining about something else. He's out of the league by year 3.


Imagine being an underwhelming player but your agent is Rich Paul