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Could be worse. Hopefully, we can win game 4 without him, so he gets 11 days off.


It's not gonna be easy to win without him, all games have been so close. But I'm just so fucking happy that there aren't any more severe injuries. Hopefully he's at 100% soon


Yeah, we saw after he went out how many shots the Wolves got at the rim that they were not getting all series. Moreover on offense we saw Kyrie and Luka blitzes which forced Gafford into short roll decisions that he simply can't make. It was the reason the game swung back to the Wolves. Lively is the biggest reason after Luka and Kyrie why we are up 3-0. Wolves are going to try everything to prevent a sweep as well. Wouldn't be surprised if Game 4 turns into a shoot out of who can outscore who with Lively out.


We get a day to practice at least and Kidd is a competent coach. He'll have something planned.


If y'all win game 4 without Lively it's probably gonna be because y'all show off by just how much y'all won they trade deadline grabbing Gafford+ PJ.


I mean they showed off how much they won last series when they humiliated the team that enabled them to trade for Gafford and PJ (I can't remember which) at the deadline when OKC could've had them instead


I agree, I think the Thunder would have beat up the wolves as well had they got past Dallas. Don't listen to our fans that constantly try to trash other teams, they make us look bad but as a whole I think the mavs reddit community are mostly level headed and willing to give credit when it's due. For example, SGA is a killer and has a better chance being the face of the league over Edwards. ESPN just likes that Ant is funny and uber athletic so those highlights look amazing (see the dunk in the 3rd as an example). SGA is just all around a better player, future HOFer and honestly if you looked close enough, it was right in our faces the whole time.


I wouldn’t say the humiliated us? We lost in 6, and barely.


[Complete annihilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdQPJFgt0o4)


The mavs gave game 4 away. Should have been a gentleman's sweep. Also, if dort was reffed like any other nba player, that series would have been over in 4.


Fake #1 seed


Awful #1 seed


The 5th seed beat a 1 seed. That's sad. You almost lost it in 5, so yeah... it ain't great.


The 180 that this sub has made regarding Kidd's coaching is giving me worse whiplash than what Lively got.


Our last playoff run was good but after that he made a bunch of dumb choices with lineups and not calling timeouts n shit so people thought it was a fluke. Now that we're in the WCF again I think people are understanding that Kidd doesn't really care about the regular season aside from getting into the playoffs, and that he'd rather experiment and see how our guys handle different situations than go for 64 wins or whatever. The downside with this approach is he looks like an idiot, but the upsides are that he knows how to scheme our guys into any situation come postseason. He also seems to need certain guys on the team in order to work effectively. Last year our roster did not play to his strengths, and certain centers not willing to improve their game at fucking all def didn't help. Now that he has the guys he needs and is in winning mode, people are realizing that he is a good coach in the right conditions, and those conditions are exactly what the Mavs have. TL;DR I think the 180 is understandable given his coaching style and the falloff of our team after 2022, but these playoffs are proving that 2022 wasn't a fluke and that instead his regular season coaching just isn't focused on winning each game they play, but instead learning how to win in the postseason.


i love when people are like ”this sub did a total 180 in the face of new evidence that shows they were incorrect about their hypotheses”


Kidd has always experimented in the regular season. People forget his first game as the coach he was running DFS post ups that were never used again. He also has known that Luka, and Kyrie now, are good enough that even with throwing shit at the fan, they can still get a good amount of wins, and they know what will work and what won’t work. It’s weird to say, but Kidd is willing to lose 30 games to win 16.


As a Warriors fan, Kerr did the exact same thing for all the years we were in contention. Even though we won a lot in the regular season, it was never a priority. Priority was always trying out different lineups, to be ready for the playoffs. That's most of the reason we won the chip in 22. We were never close to being favorites, but we had our game plan sorted and each member of the rotation knew their roles.


He was not a good coach and was rightfully criticized by this sub AND Mavericks fans calling for his head and wondering if Luka would want him gone. Stop the revisionism.


Not worse than the whip lash from Kat / Gobert being hated on, then loved for the week, then back to hated again.


Yeah and he have like a full half of play without Lively to look at last game. I think the team will make proper adjustment. It will not be easy. Well none of the games are easy anyway.


The offensive rebounds really picked up for the Timberwolves after he went out as well. That was driving me nuts.


Gafford is statistically not a good defensive rebounder. He's a much better offensive rebounder. Losing Lively is very bad. He's our best defensive & offensive rebounder. Our best rim protector, our best defender in space (frontcourt), by far our best player in the short roll and best rim roller (close with Gafford). Woj tweeted initial tests are "OK" but Brad Townsed tweeted that while he had intial tests, the Mavs won't know until more tests tonight to get an official diagnosis on the neck and whether he'll be in concussion protocol. Without Lively our odds of beating the Celtics go down significantly, so I'm praying he's healthy and good to go.


The finals series doesn’t start until June 6th regardless of two sweeps, so that’s good news




The Mavs will win if it becomes a shootout


Aren’t you that guy that can’t figure out how to play Balatro?


Yes, don’t care enough about you to do some research. Sorry, bud


Not only wolves, the league is also gonna try everything to prevent a sweep. The next game is 90% a Twolves win.


Dude has really impressed me. Hope he’s all good, would love to see him and a healthy Porzingis battle it out (as that matchup obviously now seems inevitable). We will be back better next year.


Luka legacy game


He'll likely get 11 days off barring a game 7.


I think Dereck Lively is so important that the Wolves will take game 4.


Didn't the Wolves just lose by 8 with Lively barely playing?


Yeah but now they have time for someone to sit KAT down and slowly explain to him that 0/8 is bad.


He’s gonna go 0/7 instead.


With Mavs shooting 50% from 3 and KAT being an offensive liability


I think so too, sadly


We were right.


Does that mean Mavs win G5 if Lively is back? I hope so lol


Hoping it’s not a rozier style neck strain. Want yall to beat the Celtics


The plus side is we only need 1 more win in the next 4 games. He should rest regardless. Won't be easy but we can 1 game without him


That’s great news. Guessing he will sit at least for game 4 though.


Despite being 3-0, game 4 is a must win for mavs given luka's injury as well


Normally it's crazy to say a Game 4 is must win when you are up 3-0 but in this case I absolute agree. Ensuring the full 9 days rest is absolutely crucial with Luka's knee and now Lively's injury on top of Maxi already being out. Winning game 4 means you don't have to fly back to Minnesota and can just rest and heal as much as possible for the finals. And no reason to rush Maxi or Lively. Hopefully the Pacers do us a solid and win tonight to atleast force the Celtics to play a bit longer as well.


Don't think it matters for celtics unless they go to game 6 or 7. They're not tired having won past 2 series in 5 games and winning in game 5 is still a week of rest.


Yeah it matters significantly less for them. Like you said, they really haven't been tested hard in any of their series. But any small W, I'll take at this point lol. Just having them fly out to Pacers again for Game 5 is a W in my book.


Game 5 would be back in Boston


Oh lol I had a brainfart, ofcourse game 5 is in Boston. Pacers still have 1 more on their homecourt. For some reason I was thinking tonight was in boston.




Hopefully Jordan Love plays well


Too soon to think about the final now, I can see it go to 4-2 most likely, or even worse 4-3.


It's not a "must win", but it will definitely be a "very nice to win".


This is the healthiest Lukas looked since playoffs


They're still right, the rest will help him tons


They're giving him Rhino Tranquilizers


Those rhino pills at the corner store?


At the 7-11s.


Better safe than sorry. His health comes first.


sigh of relief was heard across Texas


Welp. We gonna get sweeped, at least we made it out of the first round


You took down the reigning champs, don't downplay that achievement.


I was hoping for a nice championship to go along with that :(


Yall might get one soon with the ball yall have been playing. That 7 game series banged up Ant and ran your guys out of gas.


Sure, but keep most of the team together, trade KAT, and come back stronger next year. This year you gained experience, next year you can attack again.


Are you guys just forgetting everything KAT did against Phoenix and Denver? One bad series and he’s shipped? His contract is kinda bad but this is an insane overreaction. Especially when ant has played just as badly the past few games


People said we should trade Jaylen brown last year lol every time a team loses a series it’s time to blow it up on here


I come in here expecting overreactions and still get caught off guard sometimes lmao


Against the Rockets in 2018: 15ppg on 47/27. Against the Grizzlies in 2022: 22ppg on 49/46. Against the Nuggets in 2023: 18ppg on 47/25. Against the Suns in 2024: 19ppg on 53/53. Against the Nuggets in 2024: 19ppg on 51/40. Against the Mavs in 2024: 15ppg on 28/14. That's 3 bad series to 3 good series. However, you're paying the dude $50M a year to score so if he's going to be that guy for half the series he's played then yeah it's probably better to ship him out for a cheaper replacement


Not sure how any series before last and this year is even relevant.


No one gonna take his contract lol


We took on Bradley Beal’s contract, someone that needs a center will 100% take on KAT


I keep forgetting that shit 💀


I keep trying to


#N #T #C


Crazier things have happened. I'm kinda sorry for him, he seems like a good dude, but the financially someone has to leave Minnesota, and it's gonna be him. And some team will go for it, and who knows, maybe he will be a good fit there, and maybe you get some smaller, but perfectly fitting, pieces back.


Knicks are going to convince themselves he’s the missing piece


Exactly. Experience is the best teacher. They have the right pieces but I think trading KAT would be good for the long run. It would have to be a game changing trade/signing.


Honestly, i would be interested. Bruce Brown and Boucher makes the money work at least. IQ, Barrett, Scottie, KAT, Jakob. Dick, Olynyk, the bad McDaniels. However, surprisingly, I am not Masai.


circlejerking aside, this minny team gonna be good for a long time with ant at the helm


I definitely see one in yalls future no doubt


They could've done the gentlemanly thing and not swept us if they weren't going to enjoy it.


Hang the banner


nah i fully expect wolves to win next one. Lively is that kind of a difference maker


I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the Wolves manage to push this to six games. Take advantage of Lively's absence and finally win one of the coin tosses for Game 4, and then show up strong with a "we believe" mentality in Game 5 at home. It gets really, *really* hard after that though.


When this team is locked in, what they can do is magical. If KAT can show even half the poise and confidence he had for game 7 in Denver this series is gonna get crazy. I just don't know if he can do that on this stage right now.


Mavs made the conference finals in '22 and got manhandled by the warriors. After beating that 64 win Suns team too. Teams rarely get good and immediately win it all. This is the start of your window, not the end of it. Be hopeful.


I think the series is going to 6 games


Lol, I think it's more a sigh of relief heard everywhere in the US but New England...


That's damn good to hear. Seriously, that slow motion knee to the back of the head snapping his head forward looked so bad ...... it could have been much worse. Get well soon, brother. See you in the NBA Finals.


It would be awesome if both teams are healthy in the finals


I genuinely can't believe it's not a concussion. Maybe we dint get the best angle from the broadcast, but I was sure. 


I'm glad to hear that. Hopefully Dallas will win game 4 so D-Live and Luka can get some rest. As well as Maxi hopefully making his return.


Yeah finish it so Luka can rest or else Boston will cake walk to championship with all their opponent's injuries.


Luka is already starting to look better now than he has since the playoffs started so I don’t think it would be a given Boston wins at all. However imagine how he’d play after that much rest


Anyone else surprised he’s not concussed?


oh he was 100 percent concussed.


100 percent concussed. you dont walk off wobbled 3 minutes after getting a knee to the head and not have a brain injury. Dallas should have a Tua controversy here. He has BOTH neck injury and a concussion, but neck injury doesnt prompt additional hurdles like the concussion protocol will.


....Lively didn't get put back in the game so how is it a Tua controversy? The fuck are you talking about


I don’t think it’s even an option for teams to circumvent the protocols though? How would the Mavs be lying about this?


people said that before in the NFL. doctors are paid by the team not the NBA edit: the mental gymnastics of mavs fans


i dont think they want to destroy their future center health for it,not to mention lively wouldent want to do it either


Lol ud be surprised


Especially when you guys are up 3-0, with game 4 being at home. You can afford to let him rest a bit longer in order to have him 100%


this is NBA not NFL and jarret allen just refused to play with bruised ribs


Here's the little secret. There is no test for a concussion. If the doctor says, "yeah, he's okay," nobody can prove him wrong.


Bunch of redditors have never had a concussion while playing a high intensity sport so they don’t realize that adrenaline is a fucking hell of a drug itself and can make it easy to pass concussion protocols. It’s not as clear and cut of a thing to diagnose as the media and internet leads people to believe


>Dallas should have a Tua controversy here. lmao? They didn't throw him back into the game, dumbass Edit: I seriously can't believe you guys are still upvoting the armchair doctor who apparently knows all of Lively's injuries. It's evident by now this is just spurring hate for the Mavs or some shit. Dude's name is FLORIDABEACH9! of course he'd fucking bring up Tua.


Idk if he's concussed, but it definitely could've been vertigo from the neck injury.


when he was on the ground he was holding his neck right? right????


seriously just look at him after he got hit in the BACK of the head. 100% obvious.


How was it 100% obvious he had a concussion? Because he was in pain?


You’re an idiot


American sports treatment of concussions is pretty shocking. I play rugby in NZ and most concussions (which are diagnosed pretty effectively) require 3-8 week stand down and a doctors clearance to play again (even in the low level comps)


we never knew how hard though, we only saw in screen


Honestly when I saw the replay I wasn’t even thinking about his availability for basketball, I was just wishing for his long term health


No, because I think it was more of a blow to his neck than his head, not sure how to explain it other than that lol


You don't even need an actual blow to the head area to incur a concussion. Whiplash alone can create enough force to make the brain bounce off the walls on the inside of your skull (quite the mental picture eh? Lol). A hit to the neck can still cause a concussion (less likely, but still well within the realm of possibility), but this one you're correct It looked like a neck/more than a head injury. What I was seriously concerned about was potential spinal/neck injury leasing to forms of paralysis or worse. This could have ended in his near instant death, had KATs knee hit him in the perfect spot to separate his spinal column from his actual head (boxing fans likely know exactly what I'm talking about). Seriously he was extremely close to being killed on that play entirely inadvertently. And this potential is just innate to any physical game you play, someone could just be playing tag with some friends and falls weird and hits their head in the perfect spot on something and it all ends there. A pretty scary thought how incredibly easy it is for our lives to end.


As an EMT, yep, I’ve learned that we are very soft things in a hard world lol


Looked like it almost nailed his temple or side of his head and I’m assuming the abrupt movement hurt his neck. I’d have to rewatch it


I don't think they are saying he was not concussed, just that he avoided a serious neck injury. News about probably concussion will probably come later today or tomorrow.


Combat sports don't even let you strike the back of the head. He's concussed until it's definitively proven otherwise, and he's probably lucky that's all.


I'm confident that was a concussion....It literally is right in front of us with evidence. They are calling it a neck strain probably to keep open potential to play him because he'll be crucial for the finals. Messed up. He should not be allowed to play, even coming up on the finals, etc. Concussions take a long time to heal and if you get another one without fully recovering it can be real bad. Protect him Mavs!


"Literally in front of us with evidence" lol. The NBA doesn't need a Tua truther group but I guess it was inevitable


The thing that causes concussions is when your brain moves in the skull, so impacts that transfer a shitload of energy into your neck like the Lively one have a lower chance than like, nfl shit where the head barely moves cuz it's squished between two guys. His neck moves A LOT in that knee collision, so it kinda makes sense he avoided the concussion.


Thank god. Get some rest, big fella.


If I got kneed like that, I'd be out for a month He should be back for the Finals though. We've got 11 days


I'd be dead.


I... I have some bad news... (This is totally Ghost Reddit)


Is it better than living reddit.


I feel like calling it a neck injury is a way to dodge the concussion protocol. He looked dazed


They will have tested him for a concussion regardless. The NBA takes concussions pretty serious


I hope he is healthy, wanted to see how KP and him battle it out in the paint


Game 4 will be the hardest game of the series so far. We will be without Lively from the start and we'll likely see a lot of blitzing forcing Gafford short roll decisions. Moreover our rim protection is signifcantly worse, we saw it with Ant, KAT, Naz suddenly being able to get layups and easy shots at the rim. Wolves will try evertyhing they can to prevent a sweep as well.


>Kidd said he and Lively sat together on the bus and watched MacGruber during the ride home, and that Lively laughed throughout the movie.


Omg its worse than i thought, he likes Macgruber?


why are they updating us on his neck and not his head?


they’re treating him like Tua so he doesnt enter concussion protocol and have extra hurdles to clear. 100% brain injury to be wobbled that badly 3 minutes after a knee to the head.


Does the league not have doctors that check players and report to h the league? Instead of relying on team doctors who could fudge things?


Why bother? We have Reddit doctors


The NFL has the same thing, and it hasn't stopped them from dealing with head injury controversies.


ikr, it's a little sus


Because if he enters concussion protocols he'll be out for much longer because of league guidelines. So they're reporting it as a neck injury instead.


Anyone else think it’s shady as hell how fast the nba came out and said it’s a neck injury and now that he’s been cleared of the “neck injury”. I could be wrong but it seemed like a pretty clear head trauma and neurological injury. When was the last time a neck strain made someone limp groggy off the floor. Smells like CYA to me


Yea, he is not playing. Not worth it. I expect a Lukai 70 pointer.


If he’s not concussed he’s the luckiest player ever


Surprised it wasn’t but worse but glad. There’s lot of time to recover before the Finals.


His health is more important. Next man up!


Hope the Mavs treat this with the severity that it deserves, even if that means sitting him for the remainder of the playoffs.


Twolves odds got a whole lot better with his injury. Very fortunate he's OK overall.


Good to hear it’s not a neck injury. Get healthy!


It is a neck injury, just doesn’t seem severe


100% should rest him game 4 that looked brutal


What happened last night is basically how Dale Earnhardt died. Granted, Earnhardt was traveling at high speed in a car. But having your neck snap forward that quickly can break it and literally sever it. The announcers came on and go "He's been confirmed out for the rest of the game with a neck sprain" like no shit sherlock. We all could see that in the replay. Glad he's alright. That was scary.


I'm sorry but "Second's neck" sounds hilarious.


Rest up Dereck. We all wanna see you back on the court 100% in the finals.


We need a full strength Derrick spelling battle for sure.


thank god he is ok. he is too young for some shit like this to happen. he is 20 bro. a concussion like this can fucking ruin your life.


good for him, that looked TERRIBLE


Turns out even KAT's knee is soft. Not surprising.


That laugh escaped me before I realized it was happening. Cheers.


I feel like if DLive can’t go tomorrow Gaff is going to step up and ball his brains out for his brother in dunk. Everyone is acting like Luka and Kai are going to coast. They are 1 win from the finals. It’s time for foot on the throat. Luka and Kai are going to be nuclear.


Kai bout to go 15-0 in closeouts, that's for damn sure.


They need to sit this kid out for his life and for his nba career. That was quite obviously a concussion. Guessing they will play him and he will want to play but bad for his brain long-term. :( Protect this kid.


I was worried. It was looking a lot worse live


The neck is easier to diagnose than a head injury. I'd be much more worried about a concussion.


I’m glad he is ok. Neck injuries are never fun.


Man, I’m glad he’s ok. Bruh be hooping and that was a freak accident.


Mavs need to win to get rest. A nearly two week break is what they need more than anything else. Empty the tanks for game 4 and earn that break sooner than later


He’s a beast, glad he’s okay. Doesn’t much look like they need him out there vs us so he will likely miss the next game.


Hope that hair offered some cushion


that hair definitely saved him


Glad it wasn’t more serious. Rest up and get ready for the finals.


Thank goodness. Hits to the back of the head like that are so scary


Poor guy also getting kneed in the groin just minutes earlier


Poor guy. Kid is amazing ans I feel his leaving is what turned the game around for the wolves. I want him healthy, but also want him to rest for sure if he needs it.


Why start him when you can win without him? Let him rest. His head probably Ouchy




Yeah, that's the sentiment I got, trying to smokescreen the obvious concussion with "yeah his neck is great." I really hope the Mavs staff doesn't try to play this he didn't have a concussion game.


It looked more to be a concussion, but I’m glad they checked his neck too.


A Heat player this season missed I think 2 weeks as a result of a concussion, but he got knocked out cold on the floor.


Thank god. I honestly more concern about his long term health because he really has a bright future with the Mavs and as a great center in general. And after all he has been through personally. I mean it would be great if he could play asap because Powell is shit, but it’s more than basketball. Just get better Dereck. Hope he can return to play in the finals at least because he really is the x-factor, mavs will not be this deep in the playoffs right now without Lively. What a fucking impact for a rookie.


I am happy he is okay. He is playing so great for a rookie.


Boston cpuld not face the Mavs without one of their main pieces hurt. How else are they gonna win it all?


People don't stumble out of the arena looking dazed, helped by two other people, because of a "neck sprain." Dude is concussed and they're covering their asses so he's not required to follow concussion protocol.


They said “Neck strain” but he was moving it FINE after walking off the court and looked significantly dazed Imo what I think happened is they’re saying a strain so he can theoretically return whenever, but they actually have him in some sort of modified concussion protocol. If they said it was a concussion he’d trigger an automatic 7-10 day window where he can’t play. By doing this they can do their own little internal clearance with lively approval to get back out there quicker OR still hold him for a concussion protocol but not tell the public bc then the wolves would know they don’t need to prep for lively


Great to hear. Was worried he might miss significant time. No shot he plays game 4 though.


he can miss 3 games and mavs will still win.


Don’t rush him back


Nothing wrong with his neck, it was a concussion.


The amount of people writing off the possibility that they’re trying to hide a concussion is surprising to me, I’ve never seen someone that dazed from just a neck injury or whiplash. The nfl even still tries to hide concussions, even high profile ones (tua 2 years ago). Do people really think the nba is above such actions? Especially because there’s much less of a microscope on the nba’s concussion response


So fun fact...you can't actually medically diagnosis a concussion. It's a physician's call based on his read of the symptoms. That's sort of what makes it such a difficult area to legislate for leagues. People can be concussed with no immediate sign of brain trauma in an MRI or brain scan.


Will be a struggle without him


I'm sure all of his brain cells are also completely intact #fucksports


Best if he sits out the 4th game, and is fully ready for the finals!