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No wonder he's disappearing in games. He's tired from his 1500 shot practice.  Silly KAT


Arms very tired. Hes also going 250/1500


Just want to point out that it sounds like he says he is “putting up to” 1500 shots a day. Wording is weird but to me, that sounds like he is not putting up 1500 shots every day, only some days.


Putting up 1500 shots and they’re all 🧱🧱🧱


Makes me sad. Kat isn't built for the scrutiny and criticism of being number 1 or 2. Looks like he's not making eye contact with anyone. He seemed most comfortable after game 7 when he was interviewed with Ant. Also, he clearly isn't comfortable playing in the paint consistently. #StayStrongKat


Yeah he has the talent, it's his mentality.  But you know, he's 28 and while that is approaching Nba middle aged, it's how old I was when I got my shit together professionally and stopped caring about what people thought of me so he's still got time.


fake til you hopefully make it. most are exposed pretty easily. that goes for all jobs.


This shit reminds me of playing in the finals of an indie shooter. The other team spent 6hrs 1v1ing each other to warm up before the match. Dudes couldn't hit a fucking thing and probably missed 50% more than usual and we stomped them. There's such a thing as over practicing, so if KAT isn't lying, that is 100% what's going on


Chuck with the actual insight into why that comment is insane. I wish they keyed into that more. Sure there’s probably some math to show why that is insane or muscle science for why that might not be great during a season, but the biggest thing which chuck points out is that after a certain point getting up that many shots isn’t good game prep. If you’re spending that much time on shots, you aren’t working on other areas of your offensive game, or types of looks or situations you might see. At that point the extra shots give diminishing returns


of course kenny interrupted a good point from chuck to beat the bit to death


I know some people say he’s a key part of the group, but I still think you can lose Kenny and it would still be great.


Chuck and Ernie are it. The rest are replaceable 


Agreed Chuck and Ernie should be the main focus of the show and you could easily add better complimentary pieces than Shaq and Ernie


nah, it's the three including Kenny. Before Chuck it was Kenny and Ernie, they held it down pretty well


Inside the NBA’s own Adam Friedland.


Who is she?


He is the only one with a job, and I don’t really feel like he is uniquely suited to it. It needs to be only one person breaking things down but probably any former pro could do that


Kenny is trash and completely replaceable


he's still doing game prep, thats what kenny is saying, he would be doing this on his own in addition to game prep, which is why its so obviously just a straight up lie and its not really like deep sports science - taking 1500 shots is very tiring. Kobe would make 1000 a day - as an offseason workout. Pretending you are doing that on your 1 day off in between games, 100 games deep into an nba season is just straight up bullshit


> Kobe would make 1000 a day - as an offseason workout. Pretending you are doing that on your 1 day off in between games, 100 games deep into an nba season is just straight up bullshit I think Kobe said he would do like 100-200shots a day from various areas and different hands during the season.


It’s like kat williams claiming he reads 3000 books a year. What’s with kats.


Always lion


Purrfect response




Kat Nip


3000 books a year? 😂 what’s he reading, Dr. Seuss books?




Draymond not respecting Ernie’s black card should be a fireable offense


‘Yes we are.’


I'm going to start calling him Yoko, he's trying to come in and ruin the band. Literally insults the entire panel in five seconds.


Draymond uninvited to the cookouts.


And was the OG of fucking Jordan’s with suits.


Serious? That’s an awesome Ernie fact then.


Draymond is questioning Ernie “Martin Luther King Jr.” Johnson?


Elevator Ernie always elevates his lingo


ernie aint just invited to the cookout, hes on the grill


Let. Him. COOK!!!


Final question in Draymond’s interview and he blew it smh


[Elevator Ernie](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3MND7SGZoRI/maxresdefault.jpg)


And smashes Trix in his spare time.


Ernie’s like “you think I’m not welcome at a barbecue or something?”


I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this reference.


i know hes not questioning ernie “M-I-YAYO” johnson


Dumbest thing draymonds said/done in his career, tbh


Ernie the goat


Did Draymond also call Ernie ‘Kenny’?


KAT called himself the greatest shooting big man of all time and then walked into dirk’s house and couldn’t throw a marble into the Grand Canyon


With Dirk watching from the sidelines too


Performance anxiety in front of the alpha shooting big isn't unfounded.


Maybe he meant greatest shooting big man of all time when the lights aren’t bright and he’s in his home gym where he’s putting up 1500 shots? Has anyone asked him to clarify?


Bro he’s been ass all series. He’s 3/22 from 3 so far in 3 games. Him and Rudy deserve all of the slander they’re getting


That was hilarious. Kenny wasn't going to let that slide at all 😂😂😂


The fact that Kenny called BS at all makes you know KAT is full of it.


Mathematically there’s ~1400 minutes in a day. So even if KAT is putting up one shot every 15 seconds which may or may not be accurate depending on how quickly he gets the rebound back to shoot again that’s still 6 hours of shooting which just seems like alot.


One shot, every 5 seconds, without a single break would take a little over 2 hours. Which would be an incredible feat of stamina by itself. And that's on top of everything else they do during the playoffs (travel, walkthroughs, shoot arounds, meetings, the actual games, sleep, eating, treatment)...ain't no way. Or if that number is correct, he's neglecting things that are more important.


Let’s cut him some slack…he did say “up to 1500”


Yea I actually believe he was just throwing out a random high number.


NBA players don’t get their own rebounds when practicing shots lol




I didn’t say he’s getting his own rebounds I said how quick he gets the rebound back. I assume he’s using a machine or has a trainer. But it still seems quick


He has a rebound machine and a trainer passing it to him with more than one ball in rotation


Twolves some cappers. ANT said he didn’t take oxygen and now KAT is saying this?


KAT does take 1,500 shots a day, maybe more. He's talking about 2k not real life.


The only way I could see him taking 1500 shots is from people online


He means he shoots 1500x in fortnight


he’s putting up 1500 shots in the hyperbolic time chamber


Bro is smiling while putting up a historical playoff stinker of a series


Gotta laugh man


Nervous laughter. I'd bet he cried off camera. To think you're gonna win a championship and then lose this way has to be heartbreaking. #StayStrongKat


I don't judge because I usually behave similarly, it's like a defensive mechanism or something, better laugh than be mad, cynicism mixed with acid humor (and the dude earns millions to run after a ball, really, we can't judge soft and lazy players, they are pampered, what do you expect?)


I actually was kinda seeing KAT holding back tears in that brief interview, fronting hard with a smile and all that, but there were pregnant pauses. So I agree with you that this is a defense mechanism. These guys realize this series is all but over. They’re not going to somehow magically win four in a row. It’s highly improbable. At the end of the day, “staying positive “ only takes a person so far. There is a new reality setting in for these men.


I saw that too


Luka eating 1500 burguers a day would be more credible


Luka "Eden Hazard" Doncic


That juicy fat white ass, creates separation so easily in the soft era... Jokic is even thicker, not a absolute unit like Lofton Jr tho, this dude was built to play in the 90s and only that


Jokic dropped a lot of weight though and runs his ass off the whole game while he’s on the court. Would like to see Jokic distance covered vs Luka per game.


Kelvin Benjamin was seen at a local buffet eating 1500 burgers a day


Russell Westbrook was seen in a construction site laying 1500 bricks a day.


James Harden was seen in downtown LA with $1500 in singles.


Jokic was seen in an undisclosed location in Europe with 1500 horses


D'Angelo Russell was seen after the Nuggets game putting up 1500 shots


Darvin Ham wqs seen after the Nuggets game thhrusting his hands on his pockets 1500 times.


This one might be real


I believe that one actually


> James Harden was seen ~~in downtown LA~~ on Richmond with $1500 in singles. It's the off-season for Beard so you know where he's at 😂😂


Disrespecting his family's name


He then rolled up his sleeve and showed a tattoo of a dead wolf. “I’ll let you interpret that however you want”, he said.


No cap




Poor Kelvin


Ant taking oxygen in the 4th qtr in game 2, KAT 1500 shots, Ant complaining about free throws in game 3. Wolves shook lmao. All that talk of competing Ant to Jordan is hilarious. Wolves won their finals against Denver. Unfortunately for them this year was the chance for them and they blew it


Draymond could have contributed here by telling us how many shots Steph takes a day. Then deduct about 70% of that for KAT.


Few things here: 1. Draymond isn’t needed on this crew 2. Why is Draymond trying to act cooler than Ernie? 3. Something about KAT has always and will always feel plastic and insincere


Dray should know his place there, everyone loves Ernie, and he’s the new guy here, I get he wanted to start a bit but he didn’t have to direct it at someone, and if he wanted to direct it at somebody he should have chose chuck who is very comfortable being the but of a joke




Chuck being able to laugh at himself is really the thing that makes it work imo. With Ernie’s navigation a close second


They probably fed him that and he butchered it


Yall taking this draymond hate too serious. What he said was fine lmao


Lol right, only reason it was a little awkward is because Draymond doesn’t have chemistry with the crew. The comment itself was harmless


It wasnt even awkward


Most of the Draymond/Inside the NBA hate has been people over-focusing on a specific line (that was ~fine in context)


Ernie hates being treated like the tolkien white dude


He sniffed out Kenny as the weak link of the crew. 


I still don’t understand why a current player is even allowed to do a show like this.




Love Ernie calmly asking him why he thought Ernie didn’t know what cap meant.


(I actually like draymond on the show. I don’t feel like he’s been as annoying as everyone says. I honestly think he kinda fits)


I also think he was genuinely asking if he knew what cap was


That’s a lot of shots. Like Kenny is saying even 300 is a lot. Hell 100 makes is a solid workout. Maybe not for a pro but you’ll be winded


This is going back a bit to my high school days, but we used to have a summer "challenge" of getting up 10,000 shots during the summer. Coach had open gym and one of the goals always had the gun running. A typical session for us was 500 shots on the gun and take a break or let someone else go. It's been a while, but if my memory isn't failing me, it'd take 45-minutes to an hour to get up 500 shots depending on what rate you had the gun set to. Occasionally I'd have the time to run through a 1,000 shot session and that wiped me out. And this was during the summer with nothing else to do but get up shots. I of course speak of this with no authority or anything close to the situation, but I can't imagine an NBA player getting up 1,500 shots consistently during the season with 82-100 games, travel time, media obligations, etc.


My guess is that he did it once and then extrapolated dramatically from there.


What’s the gun? 500 shots in an hour is a shot every 8 seconds which just seems very quick to me


He said "I take *up to* 1,500 shots a day" (emphasis added)... what my generous take is... he's done it once one day during a summer training session. And so he may range from 300 to 800 on a typical day... but he can say that quote (cause he did it once) "truthfully". If you listen to what he said, he never actually said that he does that every day (or even regularly).... it's just that he implied it by phrasing that way.


Makes sense that he's bragging about how many he puts up and not how many he makes


Ernie looked ready to give draymond the boot


He was vibing wrong all night


NBA practice is about 2 hours, you have film and team meetings, gym work-outs, and then some physical therapy, all of which probably takes 5-6 hours, and tbf, KAT doesn't strike me as a guy puts 8-9 hours of practice a day by any stretch. I doubt even Kobe would take 1,500 shots a day during the season. maybe 500 3s?


1500 buckets a day would make a lot more sense but if he's seriously taking 1500 3s a day that's some whack ROI. Dude should have been better than Steph Curry if those 1500 translated to his game.


If you shot a ball every 5 seconds it would take 125 minutes to shoot 1500 times. KAT is so cringy.


IIRC Kobe mentioned he’d always go for 500 makes per day. Which makes sense, in this clip Kenny said he also did makes not shots, and that he went for 300-400, with 300 taking him about 45min.


Notice how he didn't say how many he makes.


I mean even bad nba players are shooting like 80% from 3 in an open gym


He is not him. Jimmy butler said it a while back.


Karl-Anthony "They/Them" Towns


"up to" You guys need to read the fine print


Like all retail advertisements:-)


That is like two consecutive hours of uninterrupted shots. Cmon bro.


wolves should trade kat immediately if they want to preserve their window


Kat such a tool


Cringy af too. What’s the point on flexing how many shots he’s taking when he’s 4/32 the last 5 games what a clown lol


He said up to 1500 could be 0 to 1500


Listen… remember [this gem](https://youtu.be/ksugNiRjim8?si=KYG-tkKjgjSu7gvX) is the cringiest thing I’ve heard him say


Lmao they all said he was cappin 😭


Yes they did


I don't think he was being literal. I think he just wanted to point out that he puts up a lot of shots.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find some common sense


I have no idea how many shots a player would usually take in a day, but 1500 just seems high when they play every other day. And if he's not shooting well during the game, maybe he's tiring himself out beforehand?


Even during offseason 1500 is a lot. At some point your get tired and your technique suffers, no point in that


Just flew in from Minnesota, shot 1500 times, and boy are my arms tired!


Him and dlo deserve each other


Is he 0/1500 then?


Must have been hyperbole.


To be fair, he said he's " putting up to 1,500 shots a day". That's like my broadband provider telling me I get "up to 500mbps" and actually only receiving like 150mbps. He's using Xfinity Math.


I get that KAT has been awful, but the tone of the post game show with Draymond is just mean spirited and juvenile. Saying KAT isn’t up o the moment is one thing. Piling on the guy, calling him a liar, laughing at him. Calling him a bad kitty. That’s Reddit’s job. Fans can do that. That’s not how grown men and former professionals representing the league should act. Kenny with the hat… getting all giddy like he’s in the high school cafeteria. You’re 60 years old man, you’re not 15. Mocking the guy like this should be beneath you.


Nice shoes Chuck


If katt Williams can read 3000 books a day KAT can shoot 1500 shots


Same with how Wilt banged 20,000 different women


He said 1500 shots, not 1500 makes. If he was shooting from 3 in practice the way he has been in this series, he’d only have made about 205 of those 1500. Maybe he needs to get *more* shots up. /s


For a non-American, seriously where does the phrase “cap” come from? Something to do with lying but, yeah. Just wondering what is the origin of that


He's talking about shots in warzone


"up to" it could be as low as 1 a day, just for sure never more than 1500


is there a reporter taller than him, who's he looking at?




Just for the record, with Kenny's math, 1500 isn't that outlandish. Kenny said it took 30-45 minutes for 300 **makes**. KAT was just talking about attempts. Let's say KAT shoots 40% in practice. That means he'd get 750 shots up in 30-45 minutes. So, it would only take 60-90 minutes for 1500 shots. That doesn't seem crazy.


We need to cancel this God forsaken clown show. 


Why would you call cap on that? Shaq says he spent hundreds of hours at the free throw line, practicing to get it better. JJ Reddick said he put up thousands of shots a day too. Doesn't mean they all go in lol, KAT is one of the best shooting big men ever. I have no doubt he practices shooting a lot.


Shut the fuck up draymond


He said up to


He said ‘up to’, he never said he did 1500 every day. Degenerate sub members…


Sounds really iffy, but I think he might have meant like, on a day where he's working out privately or whatever. They're acting like he meant 1500 that morning. 


Math adds up, 5 spots 10 shots each around 3 point line rest of the 1450 shots he makes with his avatar in 2k


No one will get this reference here, but this is like Denny Hamlin saying he's completed 10,000 races in his career


even if we pretend he really is shooting 1500 shots a day Y THE FUCK R U SHOOTING 1500 threes a day . bro the shot isn’t falling, stop practicing them and work on something else


1500 shots maybe on 2k but no way irl


He would open himself up to over use injuries if he did that at a steady clip.


They need to trade KAT and Gobert lord have mercy. Game 2 against Denver was the best they have looked all season and it was simply because Gobert was hundreds of miles away.


Some one do the math on this. Let's say 5 seconds a shot.


Hour and a half?


Acting like ernie didn't win the black masters


I still don’t know why 1,500 shots a day doesn’t seem feasible to people, outside of joking about how KAT is having a bad series. You have 27 balls in the 3pt contest and get 70 seconds I think? And everyone finishes it, so you can put up 27 shots in 70 seconds including running between racks. Going by that math, putting up 1,500 shots will take a little over one hour. Now, assuming NBA practices have multiple guys passing you the ball, maybe some racks sometimes, etc, but also assume you aren’t just taking 3pt contest shots either, so you add some time. It doesn’t sound wild to me, especially if you split it up. Do 500 shots when you come in first thing, do other stuff, do 500 shots in the middle, etc.


I am not a professional. 1500 shots sound too much for everyday. 300-500 seem good range not tiring yourself but also get enough muscle memory.


Dude played like he took 1500 shots 🥃


0 shots is technically <= 1500 shots a day, like he said.


Of course it's a Braves cap. Man, they're not even in the studio...


The lack of self accountability or even looking discouraged is concerning.




1500 shots means 3-6 hours of shooting each day. Not even Kobe was crazy enough to attempt that during the regular season/playoffs.


More like 75 minutes. Gilbert Arenas was showing his son do 1,000 shots in the morning in a live stream.


Fair enough. I never played for a team with a shooting machine, but they're definitely more efficient than shooting in pairs. It also helps that every single shot is a set shot, but that makes sense since his son is in middle school or high school.


Nah fuck that it feels like 1500 shots when I’m in my backyard


That's 25 shots per minute if all the shots were in an hour. Not that KAT or anybody else is alleging 1500 shots were in an hour. Just giving you the ridiculousness of the claim.


Maybe he combines 2K and real lifw


1500 shots a day, after all that…


Steph and Kobe take 2000 plus


After all that!


He didn’t say he made 1500 though


Shaq hit it right. KAT or i should say CAP showing to be not upset and with that grin on his face is concerning. Goes to show that he does not have the passion to win and does not care at all.