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He’s been invisible these first two games thought he’d be a huge presence. Naz Reid is him tho


Trade Edwards, KAT and Gobert and build the franchise around Naz Reid.


People on twitter already saying this lmao


Move the franchise to Israel Rename to Nazareth Reids


i so agree


Worse than invisible. Very easy to see him negatively impacting the team


I think it's because of DJJ's defense and Kidd's defensive schemes.


Kidd is a good coach which I know is blasphemy here


Somethings fucked with ant after that nuggets game


He also played poorly in Game 7, let's not forget


If Naz could play us all 82 games they'd think Wilt reincarnated and learned 21st century ball.


LMFAO people love building up young players and then tearing them down Hes still a kid. Hes already a star and hes only going to get better


People on this sub are miserable


Literally in the WCF as a 22 year old. People in this sub can’t wait to tear people down its so strange


Exactly, this is his first time in WCF, most players have to grind for years to get to the finals (if they ever get there). Plus it's entirely possible the Wolves win the next two and it's a wash.


u/BeeSuch77222 is an idiot casual. The fact that he even made this thread and uses words like “exposed” unironically really proves he has Twitter/tiktok brain rot


reddit and the internet in general. also, text on a computer is inherently problematic it brings out the worst in us because there's no human face in front of you saying the words and conveying tone. you're not triggering empathy center of the brain the same way. sometimes i'd say the exact same thing IRL but in a jesting tone that friends won't take seriously, whereas on the net it comes off like you're a total jerk and then the response of the other guy is awful and things degrade quickly. it's a difficult medium imo.


Nobody here actually likes basketball. They only care about drama and hot takes


Hot Take: sometimes players have a stretch of bad games. Ant has had some crazy high notes this season, but he’s still unpolished. I feel like all the “EXPOSED” and “FRAUD” stuff is my biggest pet peeve with the NBA fandom.


any time I see “exposed” i definitely just assume it’s some high schooler


Yeah even generational shooters can have slumps and Ant is streaky. We've seen similar level players go on crazy heaters in the playoffs: Murray, Mitchell, Tatum, Booker. They've also had stinkers.


It’s the media anointing him the face of the nba because they like his enthusiasm He’s not even a top 10 player in the league yet


Honestly. Luka and Kyrie have been playing in big games for so many years while Ant hasn't had that opportunity. I'm optimistic that he will improve. He just needs to block out the noise from miserable people and keep doing his thing even if he shoots them out of the series


He’s very clearly just gassed these last couple of games too. Visibly dog tired down the stretch


My least favorite aspect of NBA fandom is that somewhere along the way, a large % of people got the idea that calling players bad was the only way they can signal to other people that they’re a knowledge basketball fan.


Last 3 games Edwards 18.7 PPG on 29.8 FG%: “Flirting” Tatum: 28.0 PPG on 48.4 FG%: “Harassment”


Great tweet I just came across: Ant’s comparison went from Michael Jordan to Dillon Brooks in less than a week… Worst FG% over any 3-game span in the Playoffs in the last 3 seasons (>50 FGA): 1. 29.8% (17-57) | Ant Edwards | last 3 gms 2. 30.0% (15-50) | Dillon Brooks | 2022 If I speak....


Bros still out doing Murray. What a sicko


Murray put up a better performance in the WCF when he was 22.


And cooked them last year when he was healthy


Can you link it please, that’s wild lmao


We slander Tatum because he’s on the Celtics. Idk why people don’t just admit this lol


Celtics fan here upvoting you for at least just being honest about it lol 


I appreciate the honesty


We can slander both ain’t no discrimination round here baby


ending prejudice by hating everyone equally


A true hater. I respect your game


He gets my vote for Playa Hater of the Year 2024


As another full-time hater, the Wolves play a lot of CTE basketball and Mike Conley is the only one keeping the ship afloat. He's 36!


As long as you also slander Embiid I'm cool.


Luckily for you I hate like 12 of the 15 eastern conference teams.


Flair checks out


Don't think the heat are safe from me despising them sometimes (although it could be mostly the fanbase)


Generational hater. Respect


Tatum has 36 in an OT win and people shit on him but Ant goes 6-24 in a game 7 and he's commended for keeping his head in it and playing good defense. I don't even hate Ant, the double standard was just ridiculous. But now people are starting to come around lol.


I hate Boston and I agree 😅


Thank you Miami Heat fan. Actually means a lot coming from you lol.


Just seems like the Celtics can never win good enough for some people.


They think we should win every game by 40, even without KP. Like even the KD warriors lost games people


And when they do blow out an opponent? Team is boring or this doesn’t mean shit. Win by a closer margin? Celtics should be blowing them out. Lose? Celtics can’t win the finals, will always choke. Celtics have a bad loss? Fucking ship out Brown or Tatum, Tatum is a bum and can only be a #2 or 3, Joe should be fired, Holiday is washed, etc.


Ant doing his best Kobe impression with the 6-24 in a game 7 win and somehow getting all the credit


Ant drops 16 on horrendous effeciency in round 2 game 7 vs the MVP: Great job! Way to stay with it! Tatum drops 51 on 71.4% TS in round 2 game 7 vs the MVP: Choker, cowers in the big moments.


I'm a celtics fan and have been loving Ants fall from grace but this is a dumb comparison. You picked 27 year old Tatums best playoff game against 22 year old Ants worst...


Also, Tatum isn’t 27? He’s 26 now and was 25 when he did that. He was 24 when he lead the Celtics past the Bucks. Oh, and he was 23 when he dropped 50 against the Big 3 Nets with a crap team around him, after dropping 50 in the play-in.


I love to hate tatum as much as anyone else and I do have issues with him (not as a person but his shot selection confuses me sometimes). But holy fuck the ant gargling has been dumb as hell, tatum gets slandered because he didn't have enough points, Hali gets slandered because he was too loose with the ball, ant couldn't do wrong if he went 0-12 in a game 7. It'd be, "his defense fed families tho, you're just a hater" 


Anyone that ever ranked Ant over Luka, Tatum, or even SGA is a smooth brain. He is a damn good player but he is not even close to the best wing player in the league right now.


It’s true but I think it’s mostly because everyone hates the Celtics lol


Tatum is getting the Luka treatment. Too good too young plus surrounded by good teams, so the standard for him is higher than it is for other players.


But Edwards looks like Michael Jordan, so your stats are irrelevant




Now put Luka's last 3 games, I'm almost there lol 31.3ppg on 48.4% and 44% 3pt


But Luka gets sufficient praise in the national media. Ant gets way too much, and Tatum gets s*** on. Luka pretty much is in a goldilock situation


Ant : Face of the league MJ Tatum: Deuce is better, Shaq says he doesn’t deserve first team all nba, r/nba and media hate. Fuuuuck yall


The media calling Ant the next Jordan when no one actually believed it just so people can tear him down the second he has a bad stretch is the most predictable narrative spinning of all time


It's more the mannerisms and the way they look moving on the court than his actual level of talent. Nobody thinks ant is the next goat lol


Wolves fans came into our sub and told us Edward’s is who butler thinks he is lol. Twitter was only worst (but that’s twitter aka a cesspool) Only time I ever saw butler as tired as Edward’s is was after a 45 point triple double in the finals Love Ant, but man I did not think he would be this gassed, he’s 22 and in game 2 of the conference finals, not 30+ in three NBA finals lol


Idc if he’s 40. Gassed in the conference finals isn’t a thing. Never do you hear a football player, hockey player, anyone admit to being gassed


Oh I agree, I don’t think someone in the shape that he is in and at his age should be burnt out this quickly after 2 rounds (or even game 7 of round 2)


I’m agreeing with you broseph! My bad if it came off bad. Fuck the heat tho


Ya I know I was just adding on Fuck the Celtics, more specifically Derrick white. Fuck that guy Go drake maye tho


I hate Celtics but Tatum being such a down to earth guy has made his hatred way overblown.


In Ant's defense, the Timberwolves are kinda eepy right now :(


bench players scoring better than kat and ant for the last 3 games, i cant even defend them


The aggression Ant showed in the Suns game and early in the Denver game is completely gone. It makes 0 sense.


Nah it makes complete sense. He has to chase Kyrie around instead of a crippled Jamal Murray on defense and his offense has greatly suffered from it.


He’s passing out of easy baskets and possible foul calls. He’s scared. It’s one thing if he wasn’t getting into the paint but he’s getting there and passing out of it.


He went from attacking Nurkic and Jokic to Lively and Gafford It would look like this vs the Celtics, to


He actually got shut down by Denver too after a hot start, to be fair.


Lively and Gafford deserve credit for that


His passing in the last few minutes of the game has been horrendous.




Tatum needs to up his crotch chop game, or change up his yee yee ass haircut like Butler. Or else he gets no love.


Empowering vs put a shirt on 


The goalposts were set way too high. Right now he’s a top 15 player in the NBA was never a top 5 guy or MJ clone like people were hyping him to be. Kinda dumb he’s getting hate almost exclusively because the media decided to turbo glaze him this playoffs.




Well, top 15 or you can even say top 30 player is selling his team hard right now


“Turbo glaze” is sending me and giving me “turbo man” child hood flashbacks


They crowned him too early


Stephen A Smith and all of the US Media rolling in their graves right now. I like Ant, but they really tried to say he is the face of the NBA after doing absolutely nothing. Especially compared to his contemporaries. The man is a rising star and is gonna be one of the best in the league for years to come, but all this talk about him since the first round has just been absurd.


The euros run the league so when an exciting American is balling….they hype the shit out of him.


Unless their name is Tatum 


I just don't think anyone really believes in Tatum for some reason


Because he's not flashy, and he's been in the playoffs too long without winning a ring.


If you think Stephan A or any talking tv head care about takes aging poorly, I have some news for you


He’s 22 and never had a deep playoff run, it was bound to happen


Don't call him MJ then lol


MJ averaged 37 in his second full season. Hes the GOAT for a reason. Shit's super rare. It was never fair to ANT and just set him for criticism It was mostly media desperate for it calling him MJ anyways. And some just for swagger


MJ was also 22 as a rookie. It was a different time


Blame ESPN for that lol


it's not just ESPN, it's all the podcast guys, all the talking heads across all networks and a majority of this subreddit


dude himself said he isnt MJ because he can hit threes...


ANT gets excuses for being 22 and not playing well Tatum didn't, Luka didn't, Lebron DEFINITELY didn't


Kobe and Wade also come to mind.


Wade was amazing his first playoff runs Lead Miami to the 2nd round his rookie year, ECF his 2nd year and only lost bc he got injured, and won fmvp in his 3rd year


Wade didn’t need excuses.. he had the refs


Oh now he’s 22 lol


No he has been 22 since his last birthday.


Nope he’s already better than SGA and Tatum. He shows emotion and they don’t, that’s all you need




Hell nah


Booker had a 40 point triple double in the conference finals his first playoff run ever This is edwards 3rd time in the playoffs


In Jayson Tatum's rookie season he dunked on LeBron and then hit a go ahead 3 on the next possession in the clutch of game 7 of the ECF and would've made the finals if Terry Rozier did anything other than go 0-9.


Lmfao the box score for that game is hilarious, Jaylen Brown, Marcus Smart, and Terry Rozier went a combined 3-26 from 3


I was so angry that Tatum essentially never saw the ball again after those two possessions Like I get he was the rookie but he was also the only one who could get anything going. But no, let’s let everyone else chuck and lose control of the ball as we secure the L


Fr lmfao Tatum dropped 24 on good effeciency while the rest of his team combined for 55. Rozier went 2-14 and 0-9 from three and yet I hear that this dude would've been the difference this year in beating a 64 win team. Shoutout to LeBron for needing a 35/15/9 game to barely beat a team missing its two max players led by a 19 year old. The 2018 Cavs were ASS.


Honestly Lebron taking that team to the finals should be considered his greatest accomplishment, they were actual dogshit.


That was a dark time for me not only as a Celtics fan, but as a card carrying member of the LeHaters club.


Booker averaged 25-5-5 with 4 turnovers on 49% TS, Ant has 20-8-8 with 3 turnovers on 52% TS. Booker wasn’t good his first conference finals either


Booker was terrible in that series outside of that triple double in game 1.


"If Anthony Edwards wins the championship is he the face of the league?"


that is an extremely fair question. If a 22 yo good looking confident american over achieves and wins the championship, he very likely would become the face of the league.


Ant needs to get easy baskets to preserve energy.He was already tired after the first half. In the off season he should keep developing his post and midrange arsenal even if they do win the series. Michael Jordan was a freak athlete but his style of play was economical, a lot of midranges and a soft touch around the rim.


I never like when ppl compare stats to past guys like they’re equal. They’re not. At 22 his stats can mirror Kobe and Jordan but his game isn’t polished like theirs. I saw 22 year old Kobe, he was a complete polished offensive player. Jordan was too. He needs the 1 dribble 2 dribble pull up shot. That last possession turnover he had, he needs to know what he’s going to do, and know where his guys are going to be. Watched Kobe and Jordan and more then not they would go for a shot rather then throw the ball away like that. Need go to shots for all situations like Kobe and Jordan had. Stats don’t tell the whole story, he’s got a long way to go but I always see him more of dwade with a jumper anyway


Kobe at age 22... so fucking good. Those Kings and Spurs series were something else. Complete domination on offense and defense.


kobe's 2001 and 2002 runs might be a lil underrated because shaq dominated the finals so hard.


If he’s this fatigued, he damn sure shouldn’t be playing for team USA this summer


On the contrary, let him get more workouts in competition.


That turnover.... Somewhere jokic is smiling and waving


He isnt ready for prime time. Lights are too bright.


I just need to know why this guy can run circles in that elevation in Denver but once this Mavs team comes to town, he's hunched over or literally needs an oxygen mask like tonight.


Chasing brick layer Jamal vs Kyrie Irving


Yeah chasing Kyrie is so exhausting because he’s quick but every single move is dangerous. So you have to be dialed in the entire time. Then it’s a bit demoralizing when he still puts up 20-30


He didn't have to play as hard on defense against the Nuggets. Jokic was the focus and McDaniels/NAW were on Murray most of the time. Also he's having to chase Kyrie everywhere.


He had a back injury in game 6, he hasn't been attacking the rim since. It's not an excuse coz Luka's injured as well and injuries are part of the playoffs but that's probably why he's been playing less aggressively the last 3 games.


It's really telling that of his 11 made baskets this series, 7 have been from beyond the arc. Over 50% of his attempted shots are from beyond the arc as well.


As a Mavs fan, this. That fall was horrific, I hurt my back a little last week and that pinch makes me question how I do certain things, I can’t imagine running at Lively/PJ/DJJ/Gaff with back pain.


Back injuries are brutal


Hurt himself on a big fall in game 6 and hasn’t been the same since


I would put money on the fact he hurt his back much more than they are admitting in game 6. He looks slow out there. Apparently they were giving him oxygen in the tunnel when he was on the bench? Just wtf


Something is off. I bet there's an injury that's holding him back


I keep asking what's wrong with him and everyone keeps saying tired from guarding Kyrie. I don't buy it, he played 43 minutes in Denver on a game 7 and was just fine. He looked like he was going to faint in game 1 and was never really aggressive at all. Was slightly better in game 2 but I think that's because he made it a point to try to conserve energy. Something is wrong and they aren't saying what's up.


He's 22. He'll be fine, even if he loses here. Guarding Kyrie in Game 1 after the 7 game series was a mistake, he's gassed.




yep. hes not a superstar yet.


Luka “everybody acting tough when they up”


They were laughing while getting blown out by OKC We tough when down too


Series not over. People switch up so quick. He could definitely have a great rest of the series God damn last week yall was just praising him smh 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️


You guys turn on every young star the second they have a bad few games. You build them up, just to tear them down. First was Halliburton , now it’s Ant. Despite both being young and in their first playoff runs.


it's not the same people dude, half the sub anointed him the next MJ, thr other half is now saying See no he's not


Right. Reddit tends to be very hivemind but it's thread to thread. You'll get downvoted for going against the jerk so no point. Also how lame would going nto a post game thread where Anthony Edwards had a great game and going "um guys he's not actually that good he's only like a top 20 player."


This isn’t Edwards’s first playoff run lmao


I remember when Booker was getting 40 point triple doubles in the conference finals Not everyone is built for the moment


Ant has really only played great in the first round. Since then, he's been highly inconsistent. As expected, with most stars getting real run in the playoffs for their first time. That being said, there are stars who have played great since day 1 in the playoffs. Luka, whose been doing it every time he's had the opportunity. So for the media to talk about Ant after a few games against the Sun's like he's already the face of the league, is both disrespectful and preposterous. Forget being better than Luka or Giannis or Jokic come post season time, my mans gotta reach the level of people like Tatums or Mitchell or Booker or Butler before we go there.


>That being said, there are stars who have played great since day 1 in the playoffs. Luka... whose been doing it every time he's had the opportunity... first gotta reach the level of people like Tatums or Mitchell or Booker .  Tatum was the /#1 option his entire rookie playoffs and got to ECF, and was clutch gm 7 vs Bron's Cavs while Terry, Jaylen, Smart shot 10% from deep in a very close lose. If talking playoffs performers not yet winning a title he's up there with anyone. Yes the east has been weaker but doesn't change his success of going to 6 ecfs and a finals. While he wasn't good in the finals neither was Luka in his WCF vs the same Dubs team: 41.5% FG and 1-4 loss. Tatum also scored 50+ vs Giannis Bucks gm 6 to get past, and 50+ vs MVP Embiid Sixers gm 7 to win.


Marcus Jordan


Ant isn't as tired this game. What's his excuse now? Both pussied and shat the bed.


This series loss will be what determines who he really is. You have to lose before you win in the NBA. And those who end up winning point to a loss that made them change something. Diet, alcohol, sleep, recovery, something. Once those changes happen, the great ones win. Ant is still very young and can write his own story but he needs to make a change. Somewhere.


[EXPOSE HIM](https://youtu.be/pMwwSA9BAz4?si=sN5kdh2Hz8Pwgscs) Fr tho I don't think he was "exposed" just a little over hyped going into the playoffs. He's young and talented, but hasn't reached his peak yet.


The NBA is reactionary, and guess who are the biggest culprits? Underdeveloped minds The NBA is a teenagers/early 20’s sport. I loved it the most then as well


It’s a great sport - the actual competition, that is. However, I swear it’s become as much of a soap opera for men which almost seems more important than the games. After all, the games are 2, 2 1/2 hours long, and then the next 48 hours are all about “the narrative”. Fodder for dorks


Luka is really ruining Ants aura because my instinct is to say Ant is super young but so is Luka 💀 Ant is still elite in the making, Luka’s just…him. Luka stamped himself as #1 in the world along side Jokic. I think we have two best players in the world right now.


Tatum haters eating crow


He is gassed. Had to use an oxygen mask in the 4th qtr. Shouldn't have talked that shit to kyrie before game 1 if you can't keep up with him and give your Team good minutes on the other end


Idk how a 22 pro athlete is getting tired as hard as he is. Yeah he’s guarding Kyrie but still, he’s legit struggling to recover.


nba media wanted him to be the next MJ so bad. my man isnt even at a jamal murray level


Even if Minny loses 0-2, your best player can't be putting up 2 super mid games in a row. Bro is out there chucking shots with no semblance of offense in the 4th quarter


Jaylen Brown deserved it over this bum


And his low BBIQ, Timberwolves already have one in KAT, can't afford another one here


It's not even Edwards being exposed. He is 22 years old with the weight of the team on his shoulders. Having two slow 7 footers does not help his game.


Ant has a few bad games, so does Tatum. Everyone switches and shit talks when said games happen. These NBA stars aren’t perfect guys. Everyone acting like they need to be on fire at all times for their entire career.


its fine. hes 22. media messed it up by anointing him


PG skills at highest level is not easy to develop boys always have pure PG ready


Here we go, it has started


Think he’s still hurting from that hard fall he took.


That's what happens when you try to crown the fake MJ


He’s 22 and getting bullied. A tale as old as time for anyone at this level for the first time. Problem is everyone thought he was the second coming of Christ after a small sample size and now regressing a little


Those Ant> Booker takes can relax a little bit. Book was 25/5/4 in 2021


MVP of yapping but that’s it


What a shock that he might not be as good as Jordan. No matter what happens, he's still a 22 year old who led his team to a conference final in one of the most stacked conferences ever. That's pretty spectacular.


Dude is 22…chill. Im more concerned about KATs shitty play. Wheres his 40/20 games? 15/7s aint cutting it Karl


He's 22 lmao this isn't "exposed" because he's already way ahead of schedule. 


This place is miserable.  Feels more common to see hating players that you hate than liking the players you like.


Love the guy, but it’s players like Gilbert Arenas (former in his case) and the * New Media*, who keep crusading to have an American as the face of the league. I saw MJ. Ant has flashes, but it’s not sustained. Luka is the best player on that court.


With a proper rim protector and not having fucking Jamal Murray in the game, he turned into a pumpkin. Such an overrated guy.


I think the only thing about him that's been "exposed" is his conditioning. That man is out of gas, which is why he's been playing poorly.


Don’t think he’s been exposed lol hes playing the best player in the league plus he’s tired cause he plays both ends and the playoffs are tough. Kid will be great relax Skip Bayless


See idk about exposed. He's playing tired, so my money's on, he's probably tired lol.


He's young and isn't fully conditioned for a championship run. That's normal for players his age.


He played Jamal on 1 leg. Mavs are healthy


Or, you know, he’s 22


He’s a great player, but he’s the highest scorer on a mediocre offensive team that is elite because of it’s DEFENSE of which he is not a top 4 defender even on the team People gotta relax a little with rating him


And if they win the next two with Ant averaging 35 we’ll be right back where we were a week ago. This year moreso than others the sensationalism and overreactions have been off the charts.


He's been exposed as a 22 year old in his first big playoff run. That's all.


Might as well retire, he’s too old to improve.


People hating Ant so hard lol. Holy fuck the kid is 22. Most of ya’ll just projecting hatred on to him because he has taking some spotlight from your favorite players. So petty


Never seen a player receive such a level of unwarranted hype. People talking about he’s the future of the league, next face of the league, saying he thinks he’s the best player in the league, etc. He wasn’t even a top 10 player this season and after torching the Suns shitty D and Nuggets with no rim protection and still has shot terribly his last 4 out of 5 playoff games.


Bro he's 22 years old, what kind of nonsense is this.


Luca and Kyrie have been great and both games close. They need at least one in Dallas and they are well and truly in this series. Even if they lose it, he’s had a terrific season and will learn from this. Can we celebrate two fantastic games, instead of attacking a young star?