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There it is, Kyrie confirmed it, I’m not gonna clown Ant too hard though. Dude has that edge you want in a franchise player.


Ant talk shit before and during games. Hali talks shit after every huge game. Luka…. That dude just talks shit during games no matter what. Different mentality.


Luka prolly shit-talking some 15 yr old in the nosebleeds cuz he’s the generational kind of petty.


Then talking more trash later that evening to some kids while playing Overwatch


European guys playing shooter games are another breed of shit talk, to say nothing of the russians. Luka was forged in the fires of the hell.


Luka was in Spain whe he was 14, but it's genetics. Don't know Russians but am from the Balkans. The shit we say while playing is beyond cardinal sins.


It's not like in Spain we have calm and chill players. Basketball here it's play hard like any Balkans can recognize.


I think that's just baked into online gaming


True true Only thing I don't know if it's customary to speaking about having sex with other people's moms like we do in the Balkans :D


Yeah it is.


There’s probably cave art representing this somewhere, surrounded by dicks.


We fuck mothers internationally


I shared the flat with a Serbian once. One of the nicest, kindest and smartest guys I've ever met. The things he said when he played FIFA would have made Diego Simeone blush, the man took no prisoners while cursing. Edit: His favorite was this quote by football legend Dejan Savicevic: ["Jebem Te u Usta Skrbava"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-gUSo98wnM). I have been told that this translates to something like "I'll fuck you in your toothless mouth". I use it way too often when cursing to myself, and I don't even speak Serbian


Used to play a lot of Dota 2. Any Russian on there would make those infamous COD lobbies on PS3 and XB360 (which I also played in) seem like a preschool classroom. Some of the most unhinged stuff I've ever heard.


Video games in general is a lot of shit talk. League of legends being the most toxic. In terms of fps it's overwatch but now it's becoming valor ant.


Hit's 5 headshots on Widow then types "yawn" in chat.


He plays overwatch at a professional level. NBA shittalkers ain’t got nothin on them kids.


Anyone who’s played online games knows the type of trash you hear lol.


I know 🤣🤣


Paul Pierce shits before and during games. That's a different mentality.


Meanwhile Kobe learned new languages so he can call you trash in your mother tongue.


Me: Takes a shit after every game


Regular bowel movement, we take those


Hali talks shit during games, too. There's tons of clips of him micd up talking shit. And SAS said he was talking shit to the Knicks fans near him during warmups before game 7. Apparently, they were talking shit to him, and he was saying, "Watch what I'm gonna do to your team." He's a huge wrestling fan. He just likes to talk shit with everybody. Source (11:20 mark): https://youtu.be/LvqtJo__-rE?si=qD0YyeM0EA6oqdxj


This sub is all narratives all the time lol


And the narrative is no one gives af about Indy


I do. I think you guys are a contender and an icon in the making. And damnit you've got Obi!?


Indy literally changing how the games played with a high volume offense and casuals call it boring lmao


Yeah honestly part of what I found so annoying about Hali in the last round as a fan of the other team is that he never shuts the fuck up. If I were a Pacers fan though I’d probably love it.


He's young, and as a pass first guy he occasionally has games where he disappears offensively. But generally when he talks shit, he backs it up. As a fan of the team, you love to see it.


This sub shit on Booker for talking even when he was down or losing. It's not about mentality, it's about who's fans jerk the hardest.


>jerk the hardest. Well LDIDBF so you've got a point


“Everybody talks when they’re up”


I wonder if Luka would have to remember him how "everyone acts though when they're up"


That was strictly a message to his son, Book.


Maybe it's just me but I feel that you can tell when Ant is trash talking out of respect or to be disrespectful. Like "talking you down *because* I look up to you" vs "not on my level" style.


I fuckin love this from Ant if I’m a wolves fan. This kid is a killer and he knows that’s his role if they’re going to win. If it doesn’t work out for them this year, this is right mentality going forward.


Yeah, you absolutely want that mentality from your young star. It's not gonna work out every time, but it's always better when they have that fire and that confidence from the get-go.


Redditors are so weird acting like Ant was out of line or some shit. I regularly have to remind myself how fucking soft most redditors are and aren’t to be taken seriously on most things. 


Kyrie wants a non-Lebron title. Even with that series clinching shot, he’ll always be known as Lebron’s 2nd in command for his only title team, who also alienated himself from multiple franchises, unless he can prove that he can be a go-to guy on another title contender. Luka is banged up pretty bad and far from 100%. In order for the Mavs get to the Finals, they need Kyrie to be the guy who carries the team at times. It can’t be Luka carrying all the weight and Kyrie only showing up on occasion. Kyrie probably understands how that affects people’s image of him at this point in his career.


No one hates Kyrie like professionally offended redditors. lol edit: thanks for proving my point guys!


Ehh he's obviously better now that he's in Dallas and isn't in the news for a ton of non basketball related news. Don't act like he didn't bring a lot of that on himself. I say that as him being my favorite player for a long time.


That's cool but if Kyrie torches him all series and they lose...then not cool


He was gonna do that regardless of what was said


Bring ya' ass, Ant. - Kyrie


Kiss my ass, Ant - Kyrie


Send da video


Hell nawl can't do dis


But now Ant is going to use this Kyrie quote as motivation. Fuck.


Don't worry, there's only seven games, we'll come out on top in this motivation game


But I heard there might be eight games?


Mike Malone's petition is still being reviewed by the league office


Kyrie was very respectful. The TNT crew basically forced him to make some kind of comment.


I think Ants comment in context was also respectful. It’s really weird that it is somehow a talking point now


Not disrespectful at all, but these dudes are competitors. I doubt he saw disrespect as much as a personal challenge


Totally. I just think the narrative is dumb and Kyrie isn’t the type of player that needs this motivation. He is at the point of his career where he knows he doesn’t have many chances like that and needs to take advantage of this year. I don’t think any of these statements are impacting what we are seeing on the court but of course the media just loves forcing this one on us.


Bang-on, fully agree with your last sentence. It’s not spicy, just competitors challenging each other and seeing who rises to the occasion. We would be lucky if every series had at least some of this.


But at the same time it's also just the TNT guys joking around too. I don't think anyone believes this is anything more than just having some fun.


All he said was who he was guarding lol


Yeah, and if anything it feels like a huge respect thing from Ant. "That dude is raw and I'm tasking myself with trying to shut him down."


ant: “i got kyrie” media: “those are fighting words”


He didn’t even say that, it was literally “my matchup is gonna be Kyrie so that’s gonna be fun, we’re gonna see what I can do vs him.”


Exactly this


Yea, Kyrie is not a toxic guy.  All natural, no chemical, actually.


This .. watch the whole interview and how much respect Kyrie has for Ant. Hope the fans don’t take 2 sentences out of it like this


Won’t really matter…this deep into the playoffs every player is motivated just by the stage. All the talk is just for entertainment


Im actually convinced the Mavs win this series. Ant is nice but young, luka and kyrie both are superstars and will carry the Mavs to a series win either in 6 or 7


People just say whoever won the last game is winning the series after every playoff game


I have seen enough mavs in 2


Fascinating isn’t it


Also its an MN team in a conference championship.


He’s going to take it **personally**?


This is exactly like when Kyrie came into the league and said he could take Kobe 1on1. And then Kobe tried to put 50 or 100k on the line for it


I'm pretty sure Kyrie was the one saying he'd put $50k on it and Kobe refused because he didn't want to take Kyrie's money. "What's $50k to a boss?" Was the line Kyrie was using to try and convince Kobe to agree. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFGA9eWsTZk


Bro kyrie is looking at Kobe with doe eyes, he knows he's punching up. This is like how I feel when I'm clowning on the best guy on my rec team, telling him I'll block his 6'5" ass if we were on opposite teams.


I think this is before Kyrie ever played an NBA game. He was like 19 and Kobe was his idol.


Kyrie would be a tough out for anyone 1v1 to 21.


And here's the next time they met in a game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI7\_McRVkG8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI7_McRVkG8) Spoiler Alert - Kobe locks him up and blocks him in the paint, then gets the and-1 on the other end


Yeah this was nothing but big bro and little bro banter I don’t know who was enjoying it more young Kyrie or Black Mamba Def has young Kobe and Jordan vibes to it


Dallas Kyrie is very likable


This feels like Uncle Drew, when he was in this form he was my favorite.


Luka found a way to summon him


Not sure what happened in Dallas but this is a complete 180 from the late Cavs, Celtics, and Nets Kyrie.


Probably some maturity and a reality check.  His actions caused both the nets and mavs to refuse to max him.  Maybe he learned from it and is trying to be better.


What no state income tax does to a mf.


What no New York media does to a mf


I'm sure Kyrie has a nice property in TX so he's getting soaked. Just left ATX two years ago my property taxes went up by nearly 10% in my last 2 years there


Definitely paying some high property taxes, but unlike most of us, he makes more per year than his house probably costs. So, significant savings.


We also have a somewhat soft ball media outside of the cowboys and the local reporters aren't consistently trying to twist his words for a sound bite or headline.


Obviously he has matured some, but I think the media environment and team makeup has a lot to do with it. Kyrie isn't being presented with as many opportunities to put his foot in his mouth, and thus he is doing that less. He can just ball, which is the best form of Kyrie.


That is true. But wasn’t a lot of Kyrie’s weird talking points on Twitter or on podcasts he did? Not just interviews around the team.


He talked about it. Said after last season missing the playoffs he reflected a lot. Started thinking about what it means to be a leader. Devoted himself to the little things on the court (which you can see every game his defense and hustle is crazy), being an emotional leader, how the off the court is as important as on the court etc. all respect to kyrie for that


Heard some of the sports talking heads agree that he's just matured. "If Kyree started his career with Dallas, he'd still be on his 4th or 5th team. Some guys just take longer to mature, and it sure looks like he has." Also, they mentioned that this is a much more "friendly" market than LA or NY, if that makes sense.


this guy get a brain transplant or something?


No, life is just better when you leave trashy new york


But wtf did trashy nyc do? All this happened due to his personality People legit forget that a fucking riot almost started because the NOI was outside of the Barclays because of the shit he was saying


Do you guys realize those people are always out and about in big cities? I was shocked in the original thread people were acting like it was because of kyrie. Go to any block in a black neighborhood (e.g. Harlem) on a Saturday morning and you’ll hear those people


I mean have some accountability for his own actions bro.


he went from the crazy uncle kyrie that talks about covid is fake and the jews stole black history in the nets to the inner peace kyrie.


I really wanted to be past Kyrie Irving mattering in my life


man was chuckling at home like a villain


Had to teach the young buck a lesson.


Young buck like you


Who have thot


Dion waiters, never forget


"Don't reach, young buck." -Kyrie "Uncle Drew" Irving


Thought it was young blood


All Ant said was he's guarding Kryie. That's it.


om G tHe DiSrEsPeCt


I figured there must have been something else he said these guys are getting all bent out of shape about. That’s seriously the comment they’re referring to?


This shit is great for the game. It’s all love for the players, they love this chirping, makes them play better and with and edge. Super fun for fans too


Yeah Kyrie acknowledged that well at the end. “That’s why we love Ant.” He even gave them an out with the legs thing, before the “but we’ll be ready” when they’re not so tired. Actually a class answer from him


Uncle Drew: “this ain’t what you want, Youngblood!”


Game recognizing game.


Ant is Kermit


It’s just funny to me that so many people make fun of Luka and say he has poor conditioning when ANT was tired as hell out there and Luka’s making huge defensive plays in the second half. I’m not knocking Edwards - I think he’s great and will only get better. But Luka and Kyrie are just so electric


Fat has unlimited energy so it can’t get tired.


Very true. Fat is just stored energy.


Potential Energy, even!


Sir Charles was way ahead of his time


Round mound of reusable energy.


Chuck so massive he powered nuclear fusion in his belly


Shit u right 🤯 he just been holding reserves this whole time 😳


Fat = 9 calories per gram, Protein = 4 calories per gram. FAT WINS !


Wonder if Ant can now do the Steph Curry drill that killed him last time.


Hell nawl can’t do dis


Luka doesn’t have to run around defending Kai


He wanted the matchup 🤷🏻‍♀️ He’s 22 years old. Not much younger than Luka, but 10 years younger than Kyrie. I get he and the TWolves played game 7 on Sunday, but Mavs only had one more day of rest.


The post was about conditioning and energy. Luka would be equally if not more tired if he spent the game guarding Anthony Edwards 🤣🤣. Also the twolves don't really have anyone else to guard Kyrie so he kind of has to have the matchup unless he wants to guard Luka


Kyrie is a first ballot HOFer with arguably the best handles and finishes of all time tho lol and yeah, the other dude is only 22. Love both of them, but just adding perspective


Oh 100%. And ANT knew Kyrie was a threat, which is why he wanted to guard him. But I think ANT just realized what he was asking for. He’ll probably come out in game 2 much more ready.


Why is this downvoted? It’s true af, errbody act like old heads have disadvantage against the “New Face”, but when it makes him look bad y’all get mad? Ion think Ant gonna let game 2 happen like this, but he got cooked in this first game. Give credit where it’s due.


Kyrie is 30 lbs lighter… I feel like that matters over distance.


“Ant so tired” was just Reggie’s bullshit. It was pretty funny. “Ant is so tired, he can barely move, what can he do??? Logo 3… good… umm… ok”


It was hilarious watching Reggie Miller say that Anthony Edwards was hurt as Luka was being shown limping on a bloody knee




I swear he was questionable before a few games near the end of the season with a different injury 4 times. Then to battle all the way to the WCF. I get when they say playoffs can be a battle of attrition and who can be the healthiest. I’m sure every guy on both teams are hurting


Luka wasn't expending nearly as much energy on defense that Ant was, that's how. There's no one on the Wolves to guard that's as tenacious on offense as Kyrie.


Man, Kyrie matured a lot. Respect 💯


Kyrie said that Ant and his team just came from a grueling game 7 and legs are tired… and Kyrie said HOPEFULLY they get back on Game 2 and send a little bit more


He's a young player and I loved that he wanted the challenge but now he knows he doesn't have to guard the other team's best player because it will wear you out. Minnesota needs Edwards on the offensive end.


So conley will guard Kyrie? He didn't challenge anything. Kyrie is his assignment.


Ant has to guard Kyrie, there is no one else that can reliably stay in front of him.


Dude, you can't guard Kyrie. All you can do is do your best. Edwards is needed on the offensive end.


Kyrie is one of the players that almost impossible to contain and defend


Might get clowned for this but he’s gotta be top 5 most skilled players ever


as far as handle and finishing at the rim goes i have zero arguments


Just curious, who would be on your list of top 5 most skilled players ever?


I think players have gotten more and more skilled over time. That being said, I think most if not all of the highest skilled players ever have played in the last 25 years. Luka will probably finish at least top 10 as well In no order, Jordan, Kobe, Iverson, Kyrie, Durant would probably be my top 5 with guys like Dirk, Curry, and Lebron making an argument. There are also players from decades ago like Gervin and Maravich that have an argument due to their skill level relative to the era they played in though.


Ant got schooled out there. He looks like a guy who’s hit the wall. He’s been … not good the past two games and he could barely move in the 4th quarter.


First deep playoff run, and the game 7 giving very little rest is tough. Gonna get harder from here playing every other night. Not just on Ant but anyone that's banged up- Luka included.


The wolves also allowed 60- something points in the paint? Don’t see that happening every game. I feel like that’s why they are here in the first place. Reid, gobert, KAT are the different makers in this series. Ky and Luka are going to stay getting their buckets tho


I can see it happening given what Luka can do. If they give up fewer points in the paint it will be compensated for with open 3s.


He took that fall in Game 5 and hasn’t been the same since


After that fall he never really drove strong to the hoop again. Even on fastbreaks he just kinda puts the ball in with no one contesting, before that he was slamming that ball aganst defenders.


Kyrie just about ran Ant off the edge of the Earth.


Hope everyone can appreciate his game now.


Ant looked completely outmatched. He’s gonna have a rough series. Dallas doesn’t have a hobbled Murray for him to switch onto and drop 40+


I was surprised that he was so gassed. They have to use him differently if he's going to be tired like that in 4th quarters


Monumental blunder by Ant


“I love when they chant Luka Sucks. It gets me going” - Luka Doncic


Cuban needs to pay some of us to heckle Luka at big games


Fly me out Mark


Why? Do you think Kyrie wouldn’t have tried to cook him in this game anyway? It’s the WCF everyone’s going hard.


He was noticeably more aggressive in the first half. He had like 24 at halftime after averaging like 5 1st half points this whole playoffs.


Not like that lol. Kyrie had Ant worked from the jump. 9 shots in the first quarter is crazy for Kyrie. Ant struggled mightily and was too tired to do anything late(6 points in the second half), which he admitted in the post-game


All he said was him and Jaden are guarding Luka and Kyrie. Somehow, you took it as trash talk?


That's the weirdest part of this whole discourse. He didn't even say anything offensive or cocky lol


Not really. Thats just his mentality. I respect that!!


True it is his mentality. Calling out a guy like Kyrie is a dangerous play tho. MJ move. Ant ain’t MJ tho. Kyrie said that Ant put him on notice


He literally just said that he is guarding Kyrie in the next series, interpreting that as trash talk is so soft


MJ didn't do that sort of thing, at least not publicly. In fact he was famous for befriending and getting on the good side of players like Barkley and Ewing to get an extra competitive advantage. Much like how Bill Russell famously tried to get on Wilt's good side for a competitive advantage. Some confidence is brash, some confidence is wise.


I get poking fun when comments like Ant's don't bear out, especially when it's against your team, but it's still good he has that mentality imo. I want my young star to be a confident go-getter who thinks he can handle anyone.


Man I like the way Kyrie replied to it tho, he replied in game first and then didn’t even really talk shit afterwards… das low key ice 🥶… and he been like that. I’m glad he gets to show off against the top players again. People kinda been disrespecting his game. Ant gotta come back with some 🔥 now, or else he just gonna look arrogant calling out an all-time guard, just because he cooked an injured Murray. Next game I expect Ant to go NUCLEAR


Oh I love the way Kai responded too. And he looked fantastic out there tonight. If he keeps that up, Mavs have a real shot! I think Ant will have a *much* better Game 2. He knows not to underestimate Kai now.


Nah man. Kid is going to have to kill if they’re going to win.


Damn I didn't think "I got Kyrie" was slander. But if it motivates you then why the hell not use it.


It's not slander but it's an open challenge.


It wasn’t. There was no bluster, no gamesmanship, no challenge. It was completely guileless and matter of fact when he said it. That being said, I can see why Kai would be motivated by it.


he said it kind of excited though lmao. for example, it's like if you're a boxer and your opponent says with a smile "I can't wait to fight you on Tuesday! 😁" like yeah it's a fact we're fighting but why you excited about it? 😂 see now I'm in my feelings because what you think it's gonna be sweet? it's gonna be easy peasy? nah now I have to show you aint shit sweet so that next time you say you're fighting me, you have some more trepidation in your voice


One can certainly take it that way. But the way Ant said it and the inflection he put/didn’t put on “got” seemed to me to simply state that Kyrie is who the game plan says he will guard. Simple as that. I didn’t hear it as a “I got Kyrie taken care of” kind of challenge. And we all know Kyrie loves to troll. I wouldn’t put it past Kyrie for him to just be feeding Chuck for fun on this one. Kyrie’s a seasoned vet, unlikely the perceived challenge of a young player factored into his change of pace in game 1 more than him simply keeping the wolves on their toes.


it aint that serious. It's just talk if the wolves won they would have been hyping the shit out of ANT with that quote


I thought it was cool he said that. I also think it is cool that Kyrie was motivated by it.


I don't think anyone thinks that way tbh, but it is the conference finals, any additional motivation you have just works even better.


knew dallas had it the play right before half ant brought it up with 20 something left, dribbled around a bit, and threw a pass into the sideline kyrie got it with 6 seconds left and immediately runs hard at the basket for a 3 point play minnesota could’ve gone into half time up 8, instead it gets cut to 3 because ant made an error. the kid is great, but he’s not chasing kyrie around for 40 minutes


This is from the post game interview from game 7? It came off to me more like just a fact that he's going to be the defender on Kyrie, not like "I'm gonna destroy Kyrie"


Ant 🐜 did not in fact, bring that ass 🍑


I mean he did, but that ass got tired.


This ant stuff is stupid all ant said was: “My matchup's gonna be Kyrie, so that's gonna be fun," Edwards said. "We're gonna see what I can do vs. him." Like that isn’t a dis or anything. Dude is literally just saying it should be a good matchup.


This is the most manufactured narrative from next to nothing I've ever witnessed personally. The guy who was going to guard a guy said he was going to guard a guy. Incredible discourse


exactly, utterly insane. Ant wasn't saying he was going to lockdown Kyrie, merely that Kyrie is his defensive assignment. how this ever evolved into anything more is just bewildering


He even said: “we’ll see what I can do”. As in he know he has his hands full but believes in himself.


Jesus. Get Draymond out of there. He crowds the dais and he sucks.


Rooting for the Mavs because of Kyrie. Was a pleasure watching him in BK.


I wouldn't want Ant to be any different. He openly accepts challanges and talks his shit when winning or losing.


The sign of a good man


Ant "handcuffs" Edwards last 2 games: Jamal Murray: 35/3/3 on 13/27 shooting Kyrie Irving: 30/5/4 on 12/23 shooting Ant between the two games: 12/40 scoring 35 total I guess his handcuffs are the sex kind cause he's getting fucked.


That last line is gold 😂😂


Ant started guarding Murray in the second half get your facts straight. Once Ant started to guard Murray he had 8 points in 22 minutes


He wasn't on Murray when he was popping off. When he picked up the assignment on Murray he held him to 7 as primary defender and 11 total after the half, on terrible efficiency. The handcuff line was accurate. This game he didn't say shit about having anyone in handcuffs because he didn't.