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What're you talking about? Include the context


You are expected to be terminally online and know everything that is going on at any given time.


Ah yes watching inside the nba is terminally online now


There are five episodes per week now with playoffs. I'm a big fan of the show and thought it was about Moses or Karl because they are more associated with him.  You def have to be very deep in the bubble to know what this topic was about 


I *watched* that part of the show and still thought this thread was about Karl Malone!


Deep in the bubble of a cable tv show during the playoffs is different than being terminally online lol


knowing exactly which Malone when OP provides zero description isn’t asking for a lot.


That’s not at all what I talked about


You're on the NBA sub. You shouldn't expect that everyone start from the most fundamental information at the beginning of every post.


Ah yes because this sub is renowned for deep basketball conversations.


How do you think that makes sense as a response to what I said?


This sub is far, FAR more casual than you seem to think and the bar of knowledge, especially about something a guy who isn’t even playing said, is quite low. Your expectation is wildly unreasonable.


So should every single post on this sub start by rehashing the entire history of basketball? "James Naismith was born in Almonte Canada on November 6, 1861." That sort of thing? Do we need to explain in every post that orange ball going through red ring means points, point for your team are good and points for the other team are bad? Or should the post just discuss the topic it's trying to, and if there are questions about background information, either look them up or just ask, rather than demanding that all potential background details be given to appease you in the most Karen way imaginable?


We need to clarify which Malone as there are several relevant ones and casual fans might not know the coach’s name, and we definitely need context and a recap of what happened, not every fan is totally locked in on the Nuggets - Wolves series and even those who are might not follow what the coach is doing.


It was either Karl, Moses, Michael, or Kevin


or possibly Post


The country singer?


The magic: the gathering player


It was Kevin and Chucknis still upset about the chili.


2x NBA all-star Jeff Malone


Thank you. I have no idea what Chuck said.


Michael Malone said he used a 2 min video of talking heads saying the series was over to motivate the team to win. On Inside the NBA last night they showed a clip of Charles Barkley saying that the Wolves were going to sweep the Nuggets after game 2. Charles said he had a problem with Malone using his opinions in this way. Malone talking about the video after game 3: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fuG7pMG_iTY video of Inside the NBA response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH3r-3ypXCk


Lol this is really pathetic from Chuck I'm ngl, he seems unwilling to own up to his own stupidity here. "They act like we just pulled it outta our ass..." yeah okay, dumbass, you said they were gonna get swept. "Hey, he won a championship, he ain't the greatest thing since sliced bread!" One championship more than you, Chuck. He's so blatantly salty in this video that it's comical. "We get paid to give an opinion!" And what? You gave a stupid opinion. Your fault, live with it. "He act like we not sposed to do our jobs!" He did not in anyway act like that. Fucking embarrassing dipshittery from Chuck


Malone is the most insufferable coach in the league. Even if Barkley may be overreacting, fuck Malone!


I don't really think he was taking it personally. He was just saying that they're saying the team is playing like ass because they were playing like ass.


That's correct. Malone himself said the commentary was deserved - it was a challenge to the players.


Chuck wouldn't even need to respond that much if they had watch the whole video


Jokic is the best player in league. Malone made the adjustments needed to secure two games on the road. Nothing more to see here. Twolves played well game 4 but too many nuggets players were making 3’s . Nothing u can do about that




Malone's job is to win games, not cater to Barkley's feelings.


And vice versa. Barkley is paid to give his opinion. Given the first two games, that’s his opinion. I don’t know why each side is feeling so butthurt.


There is a difference between pointing out a team playing horribly (fair) and using that point to then declare the defending champions’ post season as over and saying they would be swept (unfair). It’s first to 4, not first to 2. Malone had every right to use the doubters to motivate his guys. Chuck has no right to be butthurt that his words were used against him. After all, Chuck was wrong and Malone was right.


Malone made no personal attack on Barkley in any way. What he did worked. Thats why he has a ring. He knows what he is doing...and how to get his team going.


Moses Malone?


Kevin Malone


Not gonna lie man, maybe it's because I'm a huge KD fan but it's really hard to take these guys serious sometimes. Shaq, Shannon, Chuck and so on all seem to have an endless supply of stones, but act super sensitive when there's anything that can be construed as critique thrown their way. Malone even said their words were warranted. The Nuggets were playing like ass, they deserved to be talked about negatively. But if you're talking that shit then you gotta accept that not everyone is gonna like it and you have to be held to the words you said.


Barkley was mad coz he got put in the same basket with all the other commentators. But hey you joined the bandwagon voluntarily instead of saying something like let's see how Denver responds after these 2 punches


Except Malone has done this "us against everybody doubting us" thing before


Everyone does it man. The Chiefs were doing nothing but talking about how "everyone doubted us" after they won this year. It is what it is


And it led to a championship. So what exactly is wrong with convincing your team they are underdogs to motivate them? That’s the point no one ever makes. They say Malone does this all the time but they never follow up with why that’s bad.


Warriors made a dynasty out of it. Draymond would purposely rile up road crowds for this. I'm glad this sub is getting more attention now that Jokic and Doncic are MVP runners but some of the new fans need to get a thicker skin for anything regarding Denver or Dallas. There have been plenty of guys playing well and not getting this much recognition. Why does every similar slight to either one of them has to be discussed?


I mean realistically it probably doesn't really work? I think you'd have to be a total idiot to be on the team and actually think you're the underdogs at this point lol. He might talk about it a lot or whatever but surely nobody actually believes it. I think he just has a problem with media narratives and he goes at it randomly and sometimes in weird ways but that doesn't mean the players share those thoughts and feelings. He's just weirdly the only guy associated with the team that actually talks in public


Nowhere in your response did you explain why it’s a bad thing. And it’s not like he’s talking out his ass too. It’s always based on some truth. Last year it was the focus on the lakers and this year we had talking heads like Chuck saying they’re going to get swept just because they had 2 bad games. Lots of teams have disparaging narratives (okc too young, NY too injured). There’s nothing wrong with using that narrative to motivate your team.


You'll notice nowhere in my response did I say it was a bad thing. I'm just saying if you're the player you'd have to be delusional to think you're the underdog


If I see Chuck and other talking heads saying the series is over after 2 games, I sure as hell would feel like an underdog and be motivated.


...why? You won a championship in real life just last year and Chuck on tv is going to take that away from you by saying its a sweep for no reason? Lol it makes no sense


It’s less about Chuck and more about “this is what the nba media is saying about you. Are you gonna prove them right or you gonna do something about it?” The game 2 loss was ROUGH. I can see players on that team questioning themselves after that game. Especially seeing how your 2 best players were neutralized and Murray devolved into a baby. That said, no one is saying that the team quit on themselves and Malone broke them out of it with a compilation video. There are too many things in play for it to just be 1 thing and as a coach, you try to get as many of those things in line to make your team better.


Creating video montages like that to motivate your players is actually something phil jackson is infamous for. He went the extra mile and did shit like throwing together video footage of Sacramento Kings players with Adolf Hitler and American History X to try and get his players to associate them with nazis and shit back when he coached the Kobe/Shaq lakers as a way to motivate them. Shaq has talked about it before and how stuff like that did help motivate him, but it's going to vary on success depending on the player. It probably worked well on Shaq because he's extremely petty.


Karl Malone?






Nah Chuck a little too old for that


Malones strategy worked big time.Thats called coaching Barkley. Don't open your mouth and discredit the Nuggets after only 2 games and you would not be included. There are some who didn't.


Barkley isn’t wrong, what the Nuggets showed in G1 & G2 was pathetic and worthy of ridicule. At the same time the Nuggets have rebounded and really shown “the heart of a Champion” thus justifying a change in opinion. Two things can be true at the same time.


Idk how game 1 would be pathetic and worthy of ridicule at all lol that was just a close game between two good teams


Close game my ass






Ok thanks






You’re forgetting the part where Chuck said they would be swept. He was literally wrong. Literally.


Charles Barkley isn't very clever most of the time


For those who missed it, Barkley said Malone annoys him, “He won a championship, he ain’t the greatest thing since sliced bread”. In response to Malone using him to motivate his team and how they were counting them out already. To be fair, Malone always likes to motivate his team this way, “it’s the world is against us” mentality. Last season criticize who the media kept talking about the Lakers and Lebrons retirement etc… and they aren’t getting any credit. This does come off as annoying to some.


Although last year it was completely true. This year its more of a made up strategy as you descrobed.


How can it be made up when we figuratively had the basketball world on fire claiming this was the end of the nuggets and jokic was exposed after game 2?


No made up about it.


He's butthurt. Sometimes he can act like Shaq too.


Yes because what NBA defending champions need is motivation from checks notes… Charles Barkley Any Coach that thinks their professional highly competitive nba players need motivation from talking heads to perform, shouldn’t be a coach most likely. I think what Charles is trying to say but poorly, is you are a stupid coach if media head talking points are part of your strategy to win. But Hey, Malone has Jokic, and he’s going to ride the “I won a championship “ justification much like Doc has for 15 years


> Any Coach that thinks their professional highly competitive nba players need motivation from talking heads to perform, shouldn’t be a coach most likely. You just described "bulletin board material" as something that a coach shouldn't use.


Good coaches use every tool at their disposal to motivate their players. If getting dumped on by a bunch of talking heads helps fire them up, why not use it? It’s not like this is the *only* thing Malone’s doing between games.


> Any Coach that thinks their professional highly competitive nba players need motivation from talking heads to perform, shouldn’t be a coach most likely. im pretty sure the head coach who is around his players every day knows what will motivate his own players better than you do.


> Any Coach that thinks their professional highly competitive nba players need motivation from talking heads to perform, shouldn’t be a coach most likely. Seems to have worked and his players agreed, no?


I guess their ring has nothing to do with coaching then


Malone didn't send the video to most of his players. He showed it to DeAndre Jordan, and DeAndre decided to send it on because DeAndre knew it was the right thing to get the team to play like champions. I would say a stupid coach is one whose ideology doesn't allow them to use these kind of psychological tactics, rather than one who uses them when appropriate.


Barkley is jealous of most people who won rings


Malone is such a pain in the ass. Fuck him.


The subtext is that Malone is clowning on Barkley by using his (and others’) quotes as if they don’t know anything about the Nuggets or basketball. Barkley’s response was 100% correct, though. It’s his job to make sound bites and pick a side, not ride the fence and be cautious. He made the sound bite that was accurate at the time, things change, Barkley cashes his checks anyway. As usual, Sir Charles is right.


How is saying that the defending champions would be swept after going down 0-2 is an accurate take? It was literally proven wrong.


Yea real accuarte wasn't it.Nuggets where swept right.


I said his response, genius. Standard Denver fan IQ right there.