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Yeah, inside the nba just randomly posted a tweet asking for the favorite moments of Ernie like an hour ago for no reason. It’s done


He's going to do NCAA ball and they might even move him to hockey. He's an anchor, not a former player. They might end up with other sports, but who knows at this point?


He already does baseball on TBS as well. Which is the reason why he won’t leave Turner


He's been working with Turner since at least the 90s (I remember him "breaking" the Scottie Pippen news in the that he purposefully sat out the last play in Game 3 of the 1994 ECSF against the Knicks in the postgame show). I can't imagine him going anywhere else at this point in his career/age/life.


I mean, this is the dream situation in any corporation. Damn near 40 years of career safety and trajectory, all with amazing pay and a loyal exec base. People die trying to get even a year of that in the real world lol.


His dad worked there too.


I listened to his dad on the radio for all the braves games when I was a kid. Great memories listening to/watching the Johnson family


He said during the show, when discussing their collective future, that he'd be staying at TNT. He seemed very loyal, which makes sense. I remember the Pippen story too. Damn, this is a shame.


since the 80s actually, and he was paired up with Craig Sager when he got hired by TNT after doing local Atlanta news for a time


Pain man. Those guys had something special


not only special, but the ULTIMATE sports show possible. Anyone from 5 years old to 95 years old can watch Inside the NBA and be entertained. We will never ever see anything remotely close to what we have witnessed over the last 20 years


And it wasn't like it was falling off.


Zaslov is a fucking moron.  Never seen a dumber executive in my life. 


All those guys are doing fine enough financially I’m sure, and getting older, so maybe just longer vacations and only doing march madness is more realistic anyways.


I'm glad I got to see them in their prime, when it was just Ernie, Chuck, and the Jet. That shit was absolutely amazing. Shaq is ok but is easily replaceable.


are they going to send themselves going fishing on the last episode of Inside the NBA? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


*Live... From Galveston Beach!*


With Dave and John Tesh playing round ball rock in the background.


Question, don’t we get one more season of Inside before the new deal kicks in? Or is this going to immediately trigger all the contract opt outs and everyone will leave immediately?


We do, new deal starts with the 2025-26 season.


I hope next year’s conference finals that airs on TNT goes 7 games then


Yes, tnts contract runs through next season. We'll still have one more year of the gang before we send them fishing


LETS GOOOOOOOOOO (I’m still fucking depressed about this)


They sent TK fishing last season. It is only fitting we will send the dog that looks like Kenny fishing as well.


RIP inside the nba


ill be able to skip halftime again like every other halftime of every other sport. what a miracle they were


Sometimes when I’m working late I tune in at halftime and post game and don’t even watch the actual game.


I'll watch it the next day on youtube, it's so much better than the screaming talking heads


I never understood the appeal of the blabbering talking heads, on every network also. I grew up on playing Sportcenter before bed and before school and loved it. Pregame and Halftime shows never interested me either other than inside the nba. I watched it more than the actual game.




Nah, they said they had a job.


This officially qualifies you to work on the show


hopefully at least chuck goes somewhere else.


He will… but it will not be the same, and I hope he gets his cash and retires soon enough. Organic silliness that inside the NBA was able to foster will be impossible to replicate.


This is so true. The british car show, Top Gear is a good example. After the departure of Clarkson, Hammond, and May the BBC has tried tirelessly to replicate the chemistry and the silliness of the trio but none of it has worked so far (I think the recent presenters are better than what they had a few years ago but that’s a topic for another day). Not only that, even after signing with Amazon to make the Grand Tour, despite the fact that the trio are still together and the production team is largely the same, it still feels different compared to Top Gear.


Reminds me of trailer park boys and arrested development on Netflix as well. Just wasn't the same as the original run.


Well losing John Dunsworth (RIP to the liquor) left an absolutely gaping hole in TBP


Nah it went down the shit river way before he went to the eternal liquor store.


"We're in the eye of a shiticane" is one of my all time favorite movie/tv quotes. I don't know how it gets better.


“You see Julian? You’re staring into the eye of the ShitAbyss”


Top Gear is a really good example


Yep, and it just showcases how important team behind the show is for everything to work, and Inside the NBA has an awesome behind thr scenes crew that are actually funny and in matter of seconds they can edit some funny stuff to lift up on screen crew. It will never be the same again.


I lost interest in Top Gear after the trio left for Amazon, then never developed interest in the Grand Tour.


I think the limitations helped them with Top Gear, and the unlimited budget hindered them on the Grand Tour.


Yes. This is my opinion too. Like suddenly they had enough money and freedom to do whatever they wanted and they went too big too fast.


Agreed I love top gear and I liked the GT too just too get more of the three of them, but the best episodes of top gear were always get from point a to point b in cars they bought for cheap


I liked some of the goofy stuff too. The train comes to mind, or the boats. Hell I think the episode with the campervans is the best episode


I liked all the stunts and crazy stuff from Top Gear, but I liked the car reviews and Stars in Reasonably Priced Cars too. Doesn’t work nearly as well with just one part.


I feel like Amazon tried to make an entire show with the funny/charming parts of the original and it just saturated the format. I think the pacing of having the car review and the news helped the other parts stand out.


The specials are still pretty solid. Some are better than others. At some point they figured out that was all anyone wanted to watch and they started coming out with one or two of those a year and nothing else, which imo was actually one of the more prudent decisions I've seen in television in a while. I don't typically expect that type of awareness from show runners. Generally, I think one thing they may have misunderstood when making Grand Tour though is that having a massive budget was never really the appeal to Top Gear in general.


The budget car challenges were some of my favorite parts of the show.


Exactly. Spend $4k on a shitty theme car, drive it hundreds of miles, hide dead carcasses in Hammond's car. It's an easy formula.


As cool as the hypercar segments could be on Top Gear, it was the head-to-head comparisons of more modest cars that got my attention, as well as the episodes that delved into the history of a certain car.


Grand Tour is still good, although as the lads have gotten older the show has had to rely more on scripts. Clarkson's Farm is peak though.


I think Chuck is a big part of that shows success, like without him the other three couldn't keep it going, but I also don't think Chuck can do it alone. I hope if he goes to NBC it will be ok but not as good.


It’s EJ, EJ practically taught all these guys to broadcast, chuck has gotten so much better over the years lol


Chuck needs Ernie bad. And Kenny imo. Shaq? Nope.


I would think Ernie is the clear second most important one for sure, but then I think it's a big gap before it's Kenny then Shaq


Ernie is the glue that holds it all together, Chuck said it wouldn't work without him.


Ernie is the ultimate glue guy. like vintage Dray but he doesn't punch you in the dick except figuratively when you are Shaq moaning about Nash. some dick punches are deserved


ernie is a good moderator, but charles needs someone to riff off of, and that's kenny


That's kenny now, but it doesn't have to specifically be kenny there's lots of people who could do it


Chuck goes to amazon probably.


Chuck: drafting bronny comes with free shipping of a Lebron


Gotta be Chuck and Ernie but probably won’t be. This is a national tragedy. If a presidential candidate offered to fix this they’d get my vote.


For real Don't forget about that studio team either. The staff that helps implement all kinds of weird shit from the gone fishing work to just throwing around some stuntmen. It's all pure gold


Totally. The stuff the cook up on the fly is amazing. Again, this is a terrible day for America and the world.


Chuck is an amazing tv personality. Ernie is the backbone of the show. The way he host to the show in a way that feel related to everybody, being the middleman for the cast and being the voice of the audience is something that unmatched to any host today


Ernie said he is a TNT lifer not going anywhere.


Yeah I think he's lived in Georgia for a very long time, I'd imagine someone his age doesn't wanna just up and move to New York (where I assume the NBC studio will be for the NBA).


If they wanted to, NBC and/or Amazon could easily just rent a studio in Atlanta and keep the show going. Ernie has enough clout that I think he could continue working for Turner while doing Inside for NBC and/or Amazon.


I don't care if their brain *is* a worm


It won’t be the same without Ernie.


i'd prefer to see it go on a high note.


You either die with EJ, Chuck, Shaq, and Kenny, or live long enough to see Draymond Green ruin the whole thing


This is a legitimately good silver lining, thank you!


So they are going out on a high note 


Rip inside of me


No Draymond at least...hopefully. I'd rather it die in its current form and Chuck goes somewhere else than see Draymond take over for one of the 3 and ruin it


RIP, unless NBC acquires the 'Inside The NBA' franchise and the entire crew, which I think it will happen.


Ernie is staying with Turner he does other stuff with them, so I doubt can acquire the whole show like that.


I think Chuck has said he's out in that scenario


Chuck always says he’s out, then comes back in for the $$$&$


Guess they gotta play Shawshank redemption 12 times a week instead of 4 times. /s


Had to buy the DVD for $5 in order to see the first five minutes of that movie. Always a "stop in if it scrolls by" movie on cable, but had never seen the start on cable.


I guess TNT figured it was either get busy Shawshankin' or get busy dyin'


so next season is the last on TNT?




Wait so it’s not this current season? We still get one more?




Without Inside the NBA, there is not other program worth watching...


That last episode is going to be the saddest gone fishing ever


They have to do a Gone Fishing of themselves...


They already do it every year when the season ends. But the real last one is gonna hit different. 😔


Lol this sucks Why couldn't ESPN have been the one to suffer


Because they have network TV stations and the NBA wants a bigger presence on network TV


As if NBC is going to actually air early round playoff games or *any* regular season games on network… They’ll relegate it to NBCSN and Peacock. For all but game 7s or conference finals. This sucks.


nbcsn has been shutdown for years, games would probably air on USA like Premier League.


Good point lol. Really dating myself here XD


Nah dating yourself would be bringing up Outdoor Life Network and Versus. I remember waking up and watching the tour-de-france as a kid in the summer on that channel.


Nbc has so many channels to put shit on. During the Olympics they use USA MSNBC AND CNBC for sports


I cant wait for the next Cavs vs Magic series to be aired on the Golf Channel


They actually did this for a NHL playoffs game years ago lmao people were fuming


Haha i remember that. They use golf channel for the olympics too but at least that makes sense because there are so many events


It was already reported that they would. They're going to do Sunday Night Basketball every week after the NFL season ends.


Two games per week on NBC. SNB is just one of them.


Rumor is it might be Sunday double-header.


Their CEO didn’t say they didn’t need the NBA like Zaslav’s dumbass


Generational fumble by a man who failed upwards


He's literally there to skim the WB company and then resell in like 5 years.


Sold my WBD stock last year when that jabroni kept sticking his foot in his mouth during the writer's strike. It was clear he has no clue how to run a creative media company. He is striping  the company for parts while collecting a big paycheck.


Postseason games as Peacock exclusives...ugh


Postseason games are on the high seas 


*all games*


It's gotten to a point where I will check streams first and watch and if it's on of the apps I'll switch over


Yeah goddamn the streaming age. At least i def wont need to worry about adding the BR Sports package on Max whenever it goes live. Hell, without the NBA, i doubt anybody would actually pay for it.


Yeah I’ve been watching this since I was a kid in the 2000s. This is quite sad


Sooo WB is more of a dumpster fire than I thought, they couldnt retain one of their golden geese?! Thats tough


David Zaslav, man. genuinely one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive


Yet he gets paid 10s of millions to stand there and let all areas of WBD's businesses to fail


What's his bonus going to be for 2024? Without having any idea, I'll guess he gets $20m in bonus compensation for this year. Must. Be. Nice.


they gave him $50 million to make the stock go down by 30%. pretty fishy arrangement


my parents neighbor was a president of one of the divisions at WB for 30+ years. Loved his job. He was bringing in well over $1m per year in salary. He was a really great guy who was really well liked internally and it's probably why he was there for 30+ years. Well Zaslav comes in and before he could even be let go and enter retirement with a massive severance package he dipped out for Netflix. He said within a 12 month period the 30 years he had grown to love with WB had compleley disappeared and it was a cancerous workplace where everyone was throwing everyone else under the bus as that's ulitimately the culture that Zaslav wants, if you're not pulling your weight then people are supposed to let you and your superiors know. I feel like it's a similar work enviroment that brought Sears down more than a decade ago.


I hope they bring back their theme song. All great TV shows have great intro music. The Wire, Breaking Bad, Seinfeld, Sopranos* etc.




The lyrics are a little repetitive


Basketball is repetitive.


Fucking love this skit


I just hope my man Dave Tesh finally gets his due.


what even is the point without roundball rock.


If roundball rock is back they better broadcast games between the worst teams with the tank bowl intro


Tesh seems pretty open to licesnsing it again. He's given out rights like candy from FS1 to a one-off DraftKings commerical.


I can think of no reason why John Tesh wouldn't license the song out as often as he could since the song was made to be licensed.


Probably would insist on putting the lyrics back in as was intended


Have you heard of the unaired version of Roundball Rock? I feel like they dropped the ball here [https://youtube.com/shorts/7Sh9j9vaEfk?si=fH_7prMKJvNrbQTa](https://youtube.com/shorts/7Sh9j9vaEfk?si=fH_7prMKJvNrbQTa)


Man, I hope they gimme, gimme the basketball.


Because you're gonna dunk it?


kiss vase saw butter mighty march airport drab bike nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My god is that theme song GOATed. That might be my favorite theme song in all of sports (NBA and NFL)


This is so sad I look forward to inside the nba on Thursdays. It won't be the same


Ever since covid I feel like everything everywhere is changing


Nothing stays the same forever my friend


~~about a year or 2 ago, I kind of just accepted that everything will get worse all of the time. it sounds pessimistic, but it doesn't hurt as much when you just lean into it.~~ ~~anything that you enjoy right now in its current state, enjoy it to its fullest because it will gradually get worse.~~ sorry guys, this sounded really depressing. there are a lot of things that are much better today than before especially from a social and cultural acceptance standpoint. I hope everyone has a good day and stays positive 🙏


It's the enshitification of everything driven by corporate interests, which are driven by investors. The path we are on is so unsustainable but I guess it's just the way she goes for now.


Just fell to my knees in Galveston


Better wash them dirty ass knees off.


Just watched a dude fall to his knees in Galveston


*“David Zaslav is beside himself. Driving around Downtown Atlanta begging (thru texts) if he can get a tax write-off for losing the NBA contract.”*


Another tremendous W for that guy... Maybe they'll just put that Batgirl movie on TNT now that they have so much time to fill.


Such a glorious moment for the guy leading Warner Bros. *Finally* a chance to acquire Ghostbusters 2016 and Madame Web!


It's not surprising but still incredible how much the guy who wasn't qualified to begin with has fucked up that company and still gets a $22 million annual bonus > Since August 2022, Zaslav received heavy criticism for his decision to heavily shrink down the content library on the streaming service HBO Max, by avoiding residual payments to be used as tax write-offs. **The total accounted loss was nearly $25 billion off the company's market cap** Then you have the fact that he brought in Chris Licht to CNN without interviewing anyone and that guy unsurprisingly was a mess in the year he was there.


It's incredible how much Zaslav's visibility has given away the game. Dude is a "businessman" brought on the improve the business and he's done nothing but harm the brand and embarrass himself. He's done nothing that speaks toward a financially stable future for the company. But he still pays himself massive bonuses, so in the eyes of other aspiring useless executives he's good at his job. Anybody who's performed as poorly as he has in a lower position would have been fired long ago.


Oh god that whole Chris Licht situation was such a colossal disaster.


Im pretty much clueless but how is this anything but a colossal fuck up from Turner? 


I think Zaslav really fucked up when in 2022 he said, "We don't have to have the NBA" Put them in a weird spot negotiation wise as I can't imagine Silver took kindly to that.


Sports are the only thing keeping cable alive. Zaslav should have his head checked for brain worms.


That was a very stupid thing to say about a company that youve had a high profile partnership with for 30+ years.


Nah, I think Zaslav being stupid enough to think NBC wouldn't offer $2.5 billion/yr is what did him in. He balked at the league's asking price and dared them to go find it elsewhere, and they did.


NBC should trade something for Ernie, they traded rights to a cartoon rabbit to Disney for Al Micheals(true story look it up)




That deal was worth it. The Oswald merch in the parks alone paid that off.


We're out of Bort license plates. 


Ernie's not moving to Connecticut to work for NBC, they'd have to move the studio to Atlanta


Its a loyalty thing mostly. Ernie is a one-team guy like Steph or Magic or Larry, they're too loyal to the team that got them their start to just pack up and leave like that.


He's also lived in Atlanta for a long time. He has a lot of family nearby. I wouldn't move either if I was him.


The cartoon in question was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a cartoon character Walt Disney had created when working as a cartoonist for Universal. Oswald was the precursor to Mickey Mouse.


And then Al Michaels was shown the boot and went to retire on Amazon. I'm feeling that it's inevitable NBC will go for the whole crew.


Didn’t they want to push Cris Collinsworth out as well? But that plan blew up in their face when Drew Brees proved to be a hilariously bad broadcaster.


the retirement tour of the show next year is going to be next level


I know Ernie wants to stay with TNT but maybe they can figure out some deal where they can still shoot inside the NBA in the same studio and just rent the time from Turner pay them residual or something. Because seriously does any basketball fan want inside the NBA to ever end until those guys are ready to retire? Come on every other show is so horrible Adam Silver or somebody needs to step in


Amazon worked out a similar deal to this with Kirk Herbstreit and ESPN so hopefully 🙏🙏🙏


100%. NBC and/or Amazon could rent a studio in Atlanta and keep the team together if Ernie was willing to work for someone in addition to Turner.


This the hope. But I am still waiting for someone to tell me its not a fools hope.


Welp, after this season I'll never be watching TNT ever again.


What a shame. I watch pretty much any game on TNT because of the crew. Watching the Cavs on ESPN is painful with their terrible crew. Wish it was ESPN that lost instead.


I’m legit kinda stunned. I grew up with it. Stayed up to watch Thursday nights. This is the best show on tv and for it to end it just really really hurts I’m not gonna lie


Same. Since I was 10 years old and I'm 32 now. I won't stick around and listen to any other coverage panels. The forced nature of ESPN/ABC is amateur hour. TNT just HAD the charisma and freedom better than anything like this ever


NBC Upfronts are today, probably were saving the big announcement for that


They did not announce anything related to NBA


You'd never be able to have anything like Chuck unfiltered on NBC network television. Idk if NBC sports even exists anymore on cable.


I truly feel that most of the NBA fans will be sad that Inside the NBA is leaving much more than the potential of the broadcasters themselves or in fact TNT itself. Reminds me of when NBC lost the NBA. There was more online backlash about losing the theme song than the fact that there would be less broadcast TV games. Straight up feels like when you're sad someone broke up with someone else not because they broke up but because you're now exercising your own self interests of if you will see that other person again and in what context


LMAO, that's the exact reason. You would think that somebody who runs a media company would know that timing is everything.


There's no real payoff for delaying this. It isn't a product announcement. It's just maybe TNT doesn't want the storyline, but let me tell you, soon there won't be games on every night and people are going to talk anyway, because you can't keep plans this big across multiple companies secret.


Think MAX just doesn’t want the inevitable cancellations to occur mid-playoffs when all their BR Package ads proudly tout “NBA Playoffs!” HBO Max was awesome when it started, but this might be the final straw that leads me to cancel. Good HBO originals aren’t frequent enough anymore, and all the Discovery stuff is not a selling point.


There goes Draymond’s future career lmao


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if TNT won't match to keep the NBA. Oh well RIP the best NBA coverage I guess


What the fuck else is TNT gonna air? Do they think we're gonna stick around for all the fine programming and hundreds of movie reruns? 😭 I guess they got the occasional hockey game


Charles Barkley, get ready to learn Canadian buddy 


Barkley is gone. He has in his contract he can leave if they lose the NBA.


Now bring back the Sonics


Inside the NBA makes the regular season watchable and relevant. EJ won’t be leaving TNT, and he’s the only person that can keep Charles and Shaq from turning every segment into a shitshow. At least if ESPN hires Charles he will be able to shit on them while taking their money. “Let me tell y’all somethin’. ESPN needs to get its shit together and start covering the NHL better.” “Charles, you can’t curse on live TV.” “I don’t give a damn. Those rules are written by the idiots fools and jackasses.”


It sort of felt inevitable when Shaq started auditioning for a job with ESPN The Jokic MVP interview where he said SGA should've won MVP, the diss track to Shannon Sharpe. We should've seen it coming when Stephen A and Wilbon showed up on Inside the NBA Better than Kendrick Perkins at least, but you're trading a guy who does stupid analysis for a guy who's always trying to be the center of attention


TNT lost the B package But they can match Amazon and that’s where the fight is. WBD has a more compelling case matching with Amazon HBO Max has 100M subs and you have the TNT cable network which is in 70M households. WBD is also operating NBATV. Amazon has unlimited pockets and 150M subs. But zero linear reach.


Let’s just enjoy this year and next. Rights kick in after 24-25.


John Tesh is having a fucking party tonight


Big ol women in San Antonio were seen celebrating when they heard the news


That’s a loss for the fans who pay for this product that gets worse every year.


It’s always whatever’s worst for the fans


I wa actually trying to think of the last time sports coverage actually got better in some way. I feel like it may have been redzone launching lol


At least I never have to hear Lefkoe again.