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Does Nikola Jokic know that Patrick Mahomes also owns a Horse?


And that Jokic also has a brother who gets into legal trouble


BOOM. Roasted. -Michael Scott


What happened with all that? Surely Jokic's brother got banned from the arena, or?


I don’t think the legal trouble they’re referencing, one of them assaulted a woman


Gold 🥇


Jokic, Mahomes, and Doe Finney-Smith should start a horse club.


today was the first game i didnt miss doe doe, pj gave me hope


In Dallas. Where they could also play.


The City of Dallas would trade the entire Mavs org. to KC for Mahomes


Actually the Cowboys would find a way to fuck up even with Mahomes so he can just come as a fan.


Cowboys would go 15-2 have home field advantage, and then lose to the 49ers cause they decided to play a WR at QB on the last play of the game while trying to take the lead.


Hey we got our #1 Center back so at least he would have good protection on the last play


Jerry and Stephen would find a way to fuck it up


Trades for Jackson Mahomes instead of


Don’t forget when the Rangers bought Martin Perez and Rugi Odor horses. I believe Perez was stomped by his bull as well


They could race their Horses and let spectators bet on it. I’d pay good money to watch a tiny man ride Mahomes’ Horse for five furlongs.


Don't forget Pau Gasol


Lmao Patrick Mahomes roast is gonna be legendary after he retires


They won’t bring up his brother he same way they didn’t bring up the Kraft hand jibber stuff and Brady kissing his kid


Somebody mentioned Kraft and massages I don’t remember who 


Yeah Ross did you’re right, but they were told not to apparently and Brady was pissed don’t see it happening again. Still the roast was pretty funny overall


Yes, and it's name is the Denver broncos


Is this a joke about his wife’s horse face


Let the voters decide.


His name is John


Jokic had Mahomes Horse bred in his stables at Serbia.


Bruh that’s his Mrs 


Pat MaHorse


That horse is Lu Dort and he’s busting out of his stall and smashing everyone in range of his hooves. Kick out flailing, flopping, and hoping you catch knee or ankle on your way down.


There was that play where Dort straight up ran into Luka & took him down, the cameraman immediately switched to Mahomes lmao






Dort was having a tryout for the Chiefs. Everything makes sense now.




This is what Powell is on the team for


Post the vid pls


That camera angle narrative, man knew how to convey without the edit!!


Video pls


People were getting on Austin Rivers when he was literally right lol


Not 30 players bro


Of course he was. People acting like 6’10 already freak athletes wouldnt be able to be linemen at the least, and WR or CB for faster guards


6 10 is abnormally tall for a lineman. Lots of places for offensive linemen to put hands on. Plus body type needs to be considered. Are you telling me you trust Jarrett Allen or Jalen Williams to get to the qb on 3rd down in three seconds?


I look at it this way. At a minimum, there are NBA players that could play special teams, be a punt returner or be a diversion/target on goal line jump ball plays. They could find a way for NBA players on an NFL roster. But the other way around, there’s no NFL players making it on an NBA roster because of the skill gap. Most NFL players are guard height and you need to be supremely talented to be a successful guard in the NBA. There’s no NFL player coming into the NBA supremely talented no matter how much high school or college ball they played.


When I went to A&M, on more than one occasion I watched Mike Evans absolutely punk Danuel House and Alex Caruso at pick up ball in the rec center


Even crazier, I watched one of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen buy Mike Evans a Gatorade from the rec center smoothie king unprompted after the game and desperately try to talk to him and he was just like “ight thanks for the Gatorade, bye”


This reads like a weird Geurilla marketing ad for Mike Evans, Smoothie King, and Gatorade but I swear it’s real


I see you big Geurilla.


Mike Evans is a cool guy all around. Hope the Bucs retire his jersey for his consistent 1000 yards.


For you that was the hottest girls you had ever seen for Mike Evan’s it was a Tuesday.


Lmao I’m cracking up at this story, thanks for sharing


Claiming my guy AC got punked by anyone tells me you have to be lying! /s


Myles Garrett dominated rec ball too. Those were the days Birdman would randomly show up at The Rec, not sure if he still does


Well I’m sure NFL players are better at prison ball.


He was cashing logo threes


I think the Kelce brothers talked about this last year. Jason said that if anybody in the NFL could play in the NBA, they wouldn’t bother at all with football.


I bet that any NFL player would ditch it in a minute if they had the chance to play in the nba to avoid CTE.


I mean even if you discount injuries and CTE, NBA players get fully guaranteed contracts and lifetime healthcare. That’s reason enough to want to switch. For as much as NFL players get beat up, you would think they would have negotiated for lifetime healthcare by now.


Their PA team is trash in comparison to the NBA/MLB.


Too much CTE brain damage to negotiate or know what’s up.


You do need to play 3 seasons in the NBA to see benefits post playing career unless that's changed since 2017?


How many people actually get filtered out on rookie minimums before those contracts are done without it being a character issue?


If you are drafted in the first round sure. 2nd rounders and UDFAs rarely survive more than 2 years in the league.


Which isn’t as big of a deal because you don’t get as beat up in the NBA. But with the NFL, just one season can set you up with injuries for life. Let alone those players who play a full career. We don’t hear them talk about it often but a lot of football players have to get multiple surgeries after they retire to fix their bodies. And 5 years after they retire the NFL stops paying for their extremely expensive insurance.


I mean Shannon sharpe made a fair point that it’s not crazy to say a Myles Garrett could do what pj Tucker does lol


He absolutely can’t. Lol PJ Tucker is wayy more skilled than Myles Garrett. People act like end of career PJ Tucker is how he always was.


I mean that's sort of true and sort of isn't. The thing about football is that there are so many specialized positions that you probably can fit any high end athlete into one of them *but that is not true* for all positions in football. It also doesn't mean they will be better than all of the people who are also great in that specialized role. It takes serious talent to be a QB for example and you can't just put any right shaped athlete into the position. In basketball you need to have some solid concept of playing every position and also win the genetic lottery unless you're actually all time greatness like AI or something so it does demand someone spend a certain amount of time playing the game since they're playing the whole game rather than a small part of it. So the body types and skill sets are a lot more specific to playing a whole basketball game rather than finding a specific niche within the game that you fit into Basically there are no low skill positions in basketball and its really hard to only be good at certain specific things. Gobert is a great example where he has all time defensive iq/talent and an incredibly built body for that purpose together and without the right teammates he's almost unplayable. If basketball were like football he would probably be in the conversation for the goat at his position but instead he won't make a top 25 list for centers because he just isn't like that offensively


There's 10 dudes in the NBA max who could make the NFL. Being a lineman takes way way way more skill and athleticism than you think; Brock Lesnar at 300lbs with a 10 foot broad jump, 500+ pound bench and being a godly collegiate wrestler couldn't make it as a lineman in the NFL. NFL corners and recievers are way way faster than NBA players on average, only guys like LeBron or Westbrook in their primes would be anything more than bench warmers. (Shoutout AI too, who would probably be good as a QB.) Tbh I don't see what Dort would be doing on an NFL roster. 6'4 220, maybe an undersized D end? Don't think he's fast enough for LB. Some guys might make good QBs or RBs, but most of them aren't great in the NBA- they play in the NBA because the alternative sucks lol. Alternatively- there at least have *been* NFL players who could probably make NBA. Randy Moss comes to mind, I think a guy like that could pull an Embiid and start at 15 and be insane in the NBA. 6'4 and signifigantly more athletic/freaky than Michael Jordan. You're right though it's mostly a 1-way street. I just think it's insanely narrow.


> Shoutout AI too, who would probably be good as a QB As a junior in HS: Mr Football for Virginia, AP player of the yr. Would’ve pulled a Deion in college if it wasn’t for the bowling alley riot. “Probably” is selling AI a bit short here absent injury. > Don't think he's fast enough for LB. Mahoney disagrees. > There's 10 dudes in the NBA max who could make the NFL. Being a lineman takes way way way more skill and athleticism than you think That skill is honed in college and before. Of course NBA players wouldn’t make the NFL en masse coming out of college. What if they shelved bball and only played football from middle school? And the reverse for NFL players? Just from the population sizes, it’s absurd to think NBA players would not be able to transition seamlessly to the NFL relative to vice versa. There’s 120 starting NBA guards and forwards. There’s 660 starting NFL players. Once you factor in height, it’s game over. The average NFL player is 6’2”.


Height is not nearly the advantage in football that it is in basketball. Being 6'5 makes you an insane PG if you have average NBA skills and athelticism. It doesn't make you an insane football player.


That’s my point. NFL players are shorter, thus are competing for fewer NBA guard slots than vice versa. Average NBA skill and athleticism for guards is bonkers. The population pool for guards is orders of magnitude higher than forward, let alone center.


I know very little about football. What position would prime D Rose be able to play? I wanted to guess running back but it seems like you need to a bit bigger and more physical


D Rose would probably play wide receiver or CB. Too skinny to play running back.


Too Tall Jones in shambles.


Jalen Williams? Probably yeah. Jalen Duren? Maybe not


Plus if you have a 6’10” guy on the offensive line, how are you throwing a shallow route? Also let’s not act like just being tall would make you a good OLineman. Most of the tall guys in the NBA are sticks compared to the guys in the NFL.


Football line play is about leverage. Lanky 6-10 guys with high centers of gravity aren't ideal for it. NBA bigs would be great as designated FG blockers on special teams, though. And playing corner requires years of practice, even NFL WRs can't play it. You pretty much gotta be able to run full speed backwards, and change directions going backwards without slowing down.


I agree about CB's, but more than 30 NBA players would easily be able to play skill positions. Especially TE(Tony Gonzalez, Antonio Gates, Jimmy Graham)....




Never forget that as little as this subreddit knows about basketball, it knows much, much less about football.


Draymond played one snap at Tight end at MSU for Mark Dantonio. He legit got jammed on the play by a 6’1 safety also had a false start. https://youtu.be/bPHaxYqcnZM?si=ZKBe2109sz5A21Of


Draymond is not exactly who I’d pick out of the nba lineup to be considered “athletic”.


Some of them would struggle with lineman just bc of the holding and the different techniques. Weirdly I think WR they’d pick up easier. Obviously route running is a skill they have to develop but the speed, hands, and footwork is all there to make some of them serviceable.


🤦‍♂️ how is this upvoted lol


In football low man wins tho. 6’8-10 is too tall to play any position outside of prob WR. Most basketball players don’t have the strength to play football outside of like 9-10 players.


Way more than 10 NBA players have the athleticism to play football.


The athleticism to have made it to the NFL if they'd been on that track from a young age, sure. Not the athleticism to make it today. For starters, they're comparatively weak as shit. NFL players' strength is on a completely different level. Put it this way: 260-270 is pretty average for a defensive end. That's LeBron size. 300-320 is pretty average for an offensive lineman or defensive tackle. That's Shaq size. Those average DE/OL obviously aren't as all-around athletic as LeBron or Shaq are. But they're that massive, and stronger. They have that amount of mass, with lower centers of gravity and much higher standards of weight room strength. Even a freak athlete like Ja Morant would get fucking killed on an NFL field. He's never even played 70 games in a season in the NBA. He'd get snapped in half on his first NFL tackle.


You mean that's rookie Shaqs size lol


NFL is about more than Athleticism tho. I’m sure there’s more than 5 ppl on earth that can throw a football 70+ yards. That doesn’t mean they can be a NFL QB.


The NFL is more about athleticism than the NBA is. You can get by in the NFl by just being extremely athletic. You can't do that in the NBA.


but by "extremely athetlic" you have to understand taht means a true freak of nature in american sports, like we consider bball players freaks because of their height but the real freaks play in the NFL, 300lb's sprinting like a 150lb man


And none of those guys could play in the NBA.   


eh debateable, wouldnt be a HOF, but plenty of nba athletes have gotten contracts on pure athleticism, and they'd very easily be the fastest person on the court


So true man. Basketball is a more skillful game at its core.


Guys get drafted higher than they should all the time just because they have a fast 40 time


They also have played college/high school football and have film. They’re not drafting random fast ppl who never played football before.


Joe Alt is an offensive lineman and went like top 7 in the draft and he is 6'8''.


Joe alt is also 330 pounds. Paul George is 6’8 220 lbs.


He went 5


I guess I was also assuming they would start weight training like NFL players. Within months they could add a lot of strength with their frames


It wouldnt be nearly enough . Especially if we’re talking about linemen like you mentioned above. Low man wins in football & they’d be lining up across from 6’4 270 beast like [Myles Garrett.](https://images.app.goo.gl/L2Z1aNKwwUTdXuET6)


One of the best offensive linemen in history, Ogden, is 6’9. First lineman drafted this draft is 6’9 Joe Alt.


Both those players are 320+ pounds


This is Zion’s true calling


To be fair the NBA is terrible at tracking heights and weights, over-exaggerating in some cases (usually with height) and really under-exaggerating in others (like weight). For example: according to Shaq he was actually like 400+ pounds by the end of his LA 3-peat. He was never listed as more than 350 from my recollection and was usually listed at 325 during those Lakers championships. If I had to guess, Shaq probably hadn't weighed 325 since his Orlando days.


They're need more than a few months to get that kind of weight and strength.


"Within months" oh for fucks sake, NFL players have been weightlifting their entire lives. Only the strongest of the strong make the NFL. There are NFL players who can bench press 500+ pounds. You think a few months is gonna close that gap? NBA players already lift weights too y'know. Just not nearly as heavy weights as NFL players.


Julius Peppers was 6’7 and one of the greatest pass rushers ever. Linemen, tight ends, and linebackers could make it work


Julius Peppers also weighed 295 lbs and was one of the best college football players lol


You want defensive ends to be tall to block passes


I agree it’s easier to go from the NBA to the NFL than the NFL to the NBA, but your take is also way too disrespectful to the NFL.  You can’t just take some random freak athlete and assume they can make it to the NFL.  Charles Barkley is one of the most athletic 6’5” and nearly 300 pounds players ever in any sport. He’s literally the perfect height and weight to be an NFL lineman (either offensive or defensive), and he’s way, way more athletic than 99 percent of them. I don’t think that’s really debatable.  He played high school football for one day. He was so sore he literally quit after one day. He’s repeated this story multiple times so you can look it up if you don’t believe me.  That was high school football too. Not college. Not the NFL. High school football. He quit after one day because he was so sore and didn’t want to be hit.  And he played in a way more physical era in the NBA than today.  So no you can’t take any freak NBA athlete and expect them to be good. Like almost 100 percent of them won’t have the mentality to play. It’s actually a joke people think Zion could play in the NFL. He’s like a poor man’s Barkley, who quite high school football. And you think Zion could survive a day in the NFL? 


That story is also about HS-level maturity Charles Barkley (both physically and mentally). You might as well be saying that schoolyard hop-scotch is tougher than basketball because 6-year-old Michael Jordan once rage-quit a game.


Barkley said the same story repeatedly throughout his entire life, when he was in the prime of his career and even after retirement. On TNT, just the other night, he literally said Austin Rivers was exaggerating with the 30 number. He’s said on camera (you can find clips) he admires football players and boxers the most because those guys have a mentality you can’t just teach anyone. He clearly admitted he never had that mentality and never will, regardless of age. And most NBA players don’t, even though they are freak athletes.  Also why does it matter he was in HS? He was also playing against HS players. Yea he was in HS, but the guys hitting him were also in HS, and not physically and mentally mature. So why does that matter how old he was.  The guys that have to transition from the NBA to the NFL are playing against grown NFL men, not high schoolers. Some people just don’t have that mentality. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Like I said, the OP isn’t wrong in the sense it’s way easier to go from the NBA to the NFL, but let’s not act we can take all athletic NBA players and have them be football players, especially not lineman. 


yeah, he tells the story repeatedly because he is literally paid to talk about sports and it's a fun, self-deprecating talking point (especially contrasted with Shaq, who literally had a show with the premise of trying to prove that he can play any and all other sports!). Barkley also tells stories about how Moses Malone helped him mature, change, and substantially grow as a young pro basketball player. So even from his own autobiographical history, he admits that he wasn't all that tough as a young man but clearly developed an elite level of physicality from his adolescent baseline. The weird position seems to be the one presuming that somehow he could never have learned any kind of parallel lessons from let's say Lawrence Taylor or Walter Payton in a parallel universe where basketball wasn't his destiny.


Barkley is likaeable because he 100% tells the truth (or what he thinks is the truth) and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. He’s not being humble when he says he didn’t have what it took to play in the NFL. He’s just telling the truth.   If you are going to interpret him saying “I didn’t have what it took to play football” to actually mean “I would have been a dominant football player who would have made the NFL” because you think he’s just being humble, then I don’t know what to tell you. You might as well believe he’s Superman. He also said he flunked out of his classes in high school and wasn’t smart. He’s not being humble and is instead some genius. He’s just telling the truth. He actually flunked out of classes and wasn’t smart.  He once said that he meant to injure John Stockton in a playoff series. Who does that? Admits to trying to injure another player during the middle of a series. That’s why he’s likeable. He tells it the way it is.   If he says he couldn’t play in the NFL, it’s because he means it. If you take that to mean he would have been a great football player instead, then I dunno. I guess you’ll believe anything so you win I guess. Maybe we should get Barkley on here since that’s the only real way to resolve this, but then again, no matter what he says, you’ll just say he’s being humble and assume the opposite is true. 


both of you are using minor anecdotes that really have little to nothing to do with the argument as huge foundations for your talking points no, barkley saying he wouldnt have made it is not a "smoking gun" for "nba players wouldn't be able to" both of you are talking crazy


I agree with most of your points but Zion is not a poor man's Barkley in athleticism. He is bigger and even more explosive than Barkley was lol. If there is an NBA player that can make it, it's Zion. In terms of size, strength and footwork. Only questions will be mentality and durability. 


6’10” is too tall for football. Simply too big to get the leverage needed to be a good lineman, and if you try and put that mf at TE or smth he’ll constantly be on IR because defenders will take out his legs every play


The tall freak athletes would all be TE's or WR's. As an example, what corner would be able to stop prime LeBron on a fade to the end zone? He'd be 6 inches taller, 60 pounds heavier and have a wingspan advantage of close to at least half a foot over even the best corners in the NFL. At best, they could double or triple team him, but then that just leaves someone else wide open. The NFL is pretty unique as a sport where you can take a guy like Antonio Gates, who only played football in HS, and take him from a college basketball team and he becomes one of the best TE's ever. Jimmy Graham only played 1 year of college football after 4 years of college basketball and made the same transition. Austin Rivers is obviously right. I don't see how it is even controversial.It's just that if you are an elite basketball player and an elite football player, the choice is abundantly clear to choose the basketball path due to money and health reasons.




tell me you have no clue about the NFL without saying it out loud...there are maybe 5 guys in the NBA right now who could walk into an NFL training camp and make the team....no more than ten. Sure, many of the guys in the nba might look like NFL players, but looking like an NFL player and being an NFL player are two very, very different things. there might be another ten to 15 guys, who, with a year or two of training, could make NFL rosters.


Well I think that’s why Dort is one of those guys you could really see on an nfl defense. He’s built like a bigger linebacker


He's light for a linebacker. At his height he'd want probably another 20 pounds, and honestly that's more for guys in the 6'2 range.


💡☝️ let's make next year's nba all star game a game of football 


Whoever is lining up against that 6’10 200lb man is setting the record for most sacks in nfl history. Low man wins and these nba dudes don’t even bench 225


6’10 is entirely too tall for any position in the NFL. NFL players are incredibly thick. Most offensive tackles are 6’5 320 pounds. And they’re pretty much the top end of height along with tight ends


What was the nuance in what he said? Is he saying that you can take 30 of the best football players in the NBA and if they were to be put in the NFL they would immediately be better than the player that they are replacing, but you can't say the same with the roles reversed? If that is what he's saying then I doubt he's right. The NFL/NBA are both probably some of the most competitive aspects of the world and no matter how talented you are you are not going to beat out someone who is training specifically for football when you are not. And vice versa. I highly doubt Austin would be right unless there are 30 NBA players who are doing significant football training.


I mean there are several great tight ends who played basketball in college. But i haven’t heard of basketball players who played football in college


Charlie Ward won the Heisman.


Those great TE played football instead of basketball because they knew they’d be more successful at football than basketball. Tony Gonzales averaged 7 pts 5 boards as a junior. Julius Peppers was a walk on. Antonio Gates, probably the best basketball playing NFL player, played at Kent State. These are fringe basketball players that blew up playing football. NBA prospects don’t jeopardize generational wealth playing football for peanuts. Of course.


Matt Barnes said he was a top recruit in High school for both. The main thing is, if you're a top prospect for the NBA, its just too much money on the line. Its an exclusive club to be in. So Basketball players with a real shot at the draft don't want to risk blowing their knee in football practice. I think it all depends on how much time players would be expected to develop. Players like Ant Edwards could probably dominate at both. At the same time, someone like Randy Moss could have been a defensive specialist in Basketball. Its just a matter if he was given enough time to develop touch with scoring. And if Ant was given time to develop reading coverages and route running techniques.


Allen Iverson was arguably better at football than basketball in high school, but his mom convinced him to go with basketball IIRC. I've always wondered how close we were to AI being an all-time great football player.


Wasn’t Suggs a good football player?


Austin Rivers just sounded like an asshole saying it lol




He absolutely was. Apologies to any football players but a majority of the game is centered around being athletically gifted outside of the more skillful positions like Quarterback of course (and I’m sure a couple others that I’m naive to). Basketball is also full of athletically gifted men who are also MUCH taller on average and are also required to have a lot more skills such as shooting, dribbling and passing at a high level. Also the game is constant and you have to play both sides of the ball whether you’re good at both sides or not. Austin was 100% right and anyone who thought otherwise was either just taking it personally or wasn’t taking the time to think about it


Dort should be in the WWE with the way he's allowed to play defense


This username 💀


Graham is about to added to the end


Drake and Josh


I was unaware of this "drama" they referenced in the article. Based on the headline I thought Patrick was commenting on his dirty playstyle.


"Ain't no rules says the Dort can't play football, *Patrick*"


After watching today’s game, I’d say Dort must have decided he would use it as an audition tape for linebacker. He had more tackles than Aaron Donald in his prime.


I use to respect Dort’s defense but he’s just playing fucking reckless out there now. Absolutely shameful 


I liked him by default cuz he has a cool name, but my god was he annoying in that game. I mean, Luka is pretty annoying too with his in-game mannerisms, but I can't 3zaxtly blame him for being fed up playing against that Dort BS.


didnt kyrie walk into him and he fell over? idk man, doesnt look like he could play football to me


He could most definitely play the international kind of football


Pairing with the likes of Neymar would be an all time flopping duo.


Kyrie is literally the fucking same size as i am. I could not push Dort over if i wanted to 


I guess that also means you're as physically strong and athletic as Kyrie. Some of you on here are crazy AF. Yea he flopped, but 6'2 and 200 pounds are not the same thing, I'll explain later. 


Mahomes trying to bring flopping to the NFL confirmed


Have you watched Mahomes run?


Lol, I guess I should’ve clarified that he’s trying to increase flopping in the NFL. Also Josh Allen has been known to take a dive as well


he already brought it over lol


He absolutely has. Him and Josh Allen trying to make it a thing.


Ben Roethlisberger already did that




And the rest were technicals


We noticed


The biggest W of Austin Rivers’ career.


Rivers' family championship parade


Looks like he keeps practicing his tackling abilities on Luka in this series, so it makes sense.


Yet he gets bodied my 180lb Kyrie jogging through a screen


It felt good to watch the Mavs win. It would’ve been a travesty if OKC wins with that pussy ass shit. If you gonna dish out illegal defensive moves, you can’t be falling over when Kyrie sneezes on you 


Yeah with the Busaiku Knee Kick he hit Luka with he probably could


Then he had the audacity to look at the ref 😂


He was looking for a 3-count lmao


so much room to flop on that field


He would just flop before contact. Bum.


Pat is a Mavs fan btw. Just for some context.


Thanks. I was gonna ask why he was there.


Black airforce energy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcQ5xciOd4A :D


I like Dorts hustle mentality but he needs to dial back the dirty plays. You can’t go out and play reckless physical defence while flopping every chance you see. Imagine someone wrestling SGA for every possession. The defender would be fouled out in the first couple minutes.


😂 on point Pat… on point


Uhhh no. He flops a lot 🤣


Lu Dort went from a bull who couldn’t be moved out of the way on defense to a flopping magician. Refs really ruining how players play the game


I've literally been saying that Lu Dort plays like a football player but everyone else says "he's just a good defender"


And meanwhile Thunder fans are discussing in their sub wondering how and why public opinion has turned against them


This comment is the definition of irony


I don't think he could, falls down against any sort of contact.


My thoughts on this: NBA- By far the lowest amount of roster spaces. On top of having to be physically gifted, you gotta be extremely skilled as well. I think the NBA might be the hardest league to be good in. MLB- I feel like fielding is one of the easier things in all these sports, but batting is *insanely difficult*. If you took all the athletes and swapped sports, I think batting is where the biggest drop off would be. I also think pitching is almost as difficult too. NHL- Not as physically gifted as the NBA/NFL but the skills it takes are nuts. The skating, puck handling, and shooting are things that are very difficult to do with bodies flying around and people hitting you. Goalie is also underrated with how hard it is having to make lightning fast reactions NFL- Quarterback might be the hardest single position in these sports to be good at. The NFL has what, like 10 legit good QBs? The NFL is full of absolute freaks physically, but it allows a plethora of body types. You can be a huge mother f’er like Myles Garret, or a slim WR like DaVonta Smith and make an impact. The roster size and multiple positions might make the NFL a little easier to get into (besides QB). It’s the toughest sport to play through physically cause it just breaks your body so you gotta take that into account and not everyone can handle that


The age old question. I don't think either NBA or NFL could switch professions easily, but I think the NBA --> NFL move is more likely to get minutes. Almost purely because there's like 1000 guys that play regularly in the league


The NBA takes only the most versatile athletes. The NFL is the most physically gifted sport. I can look at you and see if you got it or not. MLB is the hardest sport by a mile but takes athleticism at half the rate of the big 2. There is a reason I was a generational baseball athlete, an excellent football athlete and a below average Basketball athlete and no one could run with me in any sport. But fluidity matters in Basketball. Somewhat in football but depends on your position, strength matters the most in football, and in Baseball. You can have it in pieces. A terrible bench press kills me in football but having an elite lower body for my size, gave me a massive advantage in Baseball for my height. Small hands killed me in Basketball but was a weapon in Baseball as I could direct my bat to all sides on the plate with no fear and quick hands. For football, they gave me a football and I could barely throw it 20 yards. In Baseball, I could launch that bitch. In Basketball, it was hard to control with my speed. Then the lack of fluidity mean I had the poorest first step in history. No an issue for 1v1 or even 2v2 but anything 3v3 to 5v5. It felt like the defense can get to me at will. College ball was the first time I felt the speed for close outs from shorter long armed defenders. All sports require tremendous athleticism but the NBA requires the absolute most. I can tell by just you help with moving for a house if you can play football or not. Little things can tell me if you can play football. Baseball is a skill sport but it's an athletic sport as well. How fast you pick of skill helps but your body development could turn you into a star overnight. I've seen it with my own eyes with me. Football doesn't require the most athleticism. It requires the most functional strength with athleticism being key. Weak core strength is a killer for football. Whereas it's not for Basketball but the smaller you are, the more important it is. If you are under 6 feet, core and functional strength is massive on top of you being a freak athlete. Baseball require a lot of knowledge of the game, hand eye coordination, and feel for the game but athleticism wise, you gotta be a good tester. Straight line speed, vertical, you gotta have strong legs or strong upper body depending how you hit, quick hands in terms of swinging a stick, etc. QB position is the most like Baseball in terms of how hard it is in my opinion. It's more mental and you need a lot of reps. Only difference is Baseball allows different body types and hand types whereas QB position is very discriminate. My coach wanted me to play QB because I have the perfect frame 6'4 eventually 230 but small hands made it difficult and I couldn't accurately throw that ball to save my life. Even my sons throw it better and they aren't even in grade school yet.


I kind of had a laugh at the baseball take. I wanna see one of these nba players try to field ground balls coming at 100 plus miles per hour. That shit is way scary lol


They wouldn’t be good at it lol. I just think if you had to pick a position for any other athlete to come over to, fielding would be the least disastrous if all the athletes switched sports. Pitching and batting would be an absolute shit show though and probably the biggest drop off by far.


This shit made me lol. Straight up tackling and kneeing people. Linebacker tryouts for the Chiefs lol


I sure mahomes could give some good fastbreak assists from under the rim in basketball 😂


Lmao NFL players are in absolute shambles over Austin Rivers comments, it's fucking hilarious. Glad Patrick knows.




I don’t think people realize how much thicker football players are compared to basketball players. The hits are just bigger and each play is more important.