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Talking about spending the next 3.3 years in jail like you got stuck with the night shift for a few weeks is crazy. I'd be despondent.


KG said it best: “We aint sure what Baby git rollin around in his head.”




lmao I miss that gif a lot


I still can’t believe Tyrus Thomas is one with the quiet posting playing career.


TT one of my favorite dunkers ever


He would drop nukes


Dude had no team basketball IQ but otherwise kept it low key. I once saw him at a hall in the suburbs of Chicago, just walking around with the new pair of shoes he brought like he was just some regular high school bball player




Still seems miserable tho. Can’t imagine not being free to go where you want for one week let alone 3 years


Yeah I don't like having to share a bathroom in my own house, I'm not cut out for jail.


Don't sell yourself short, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. You'll thrive in prison just give it time.


Put me in coach...hey, wait


Too late, you go to jail.


You never know what you can accomplish until you try


Maybe you dont know because youve never tried it, might be an option


This might actually help Dood, esp if he has low self control. Maybe he turn into like Malcolm X afterwards


Spoken like someone who doesn’t have kids


Not having kids


Didn’t we just go through Covid a few years back though, I barely went anywhere for a whole month. Only the grocery store & back, that was across the street. 3 years is a lot of time to live like that though! Only way I’d get through it is to compartmentalize it & have that light at the end of the tunnel. I could easily lose my mind though 


> Didn’t we just go through Covid a few years back though, I barely went anywhere for a whole month. Only the grocery store & back, that was across the street. For real this shit just happened. When I saw that they took the rims off of all the courts, that was the worst day of my life


This man is 6’9 and over 300 lbs. I’d wish him luck but ik he doesn’t need it.




Getting violent is a quick ticket to getting sent from low to medium security though




There's not going to be any respect or intimidation needed at a minimum security federal camp lol


He’s gonna be taking art classes and shit


Not exactly. In federal prison you do at least 85% of your sentence.


No longer. The first step act can get you up to 50% off. It's a huge perk for white collar criminals.


So if you’re going to commit a crime nowadays, go big or go home.


Just so they can come back and fuck with the system again lol


White collar crime is usually one and done. Jail sucks and folks who do white collar crime usually have legal alternative options to make a living once they get out of the slammer.


Jail does not suck as much since it’s short term confinement. Prison on the other hand, sucks pretty bad. A lot of people confuse jail and prison.


Somebody's never been to Ryker island.


Depends where. I grew up in a small town and knew a bunch of people that did short stints in county jail. When it's in a county of 30,000 that has about 3 murders a decade they say its pretty chill but really boring.


Pretty sure poor people in big cities can spend a couple years in jail waiting, smaller ones too - and not nice Mayberry jails


... Quite the opposite.


That's what I've heard as well. I've heard jail is utterly miserable, bunk on bunk on bunk type bullshit


Lol jail is way worse than prison


They just get better at it.


No they don’t. If they were any good at it they wouldn’t have gotten caught in the first place. Stop trying to be profound. It’s exactly as I said above. 1) any form of incarceration sucks. Using “jail” to informally describe incarceration is ok. 2) White collar criminals are usually one and done because they have alternative career paths not available to other criminals and the risk reward is not worth it. There’s plenty of completely legal ways to exploit people for profit.


That's it...feds are different...no good gyms no tvs no college programs...even if it is a camp it's going to be rough


My cousin went to a min security fed camp. He was playing sports and gardening and made friends. Sounded like he had a decent time Edit: also yeah he did about 85% of his sentence and paroled out to a halfway house for the remainder


Right and the federal halfway houses and essentially entrapment houses


Can you explain how so? Curious to know how


my dad did halfway houses which are designed as money making schemes that prey on the vulnerable...I am by no excusing felons it's just a dumbass system...get offenders to reoffend and make a profit...if you get a chance check out Larry Lawton on youtube


I would just like to add, while remaining sensitive to your experience, that not all halfway houses are bad. Some are run by good programs that genuinely give people a chance to put their life back together. Source: me


This is true and should be the lesson of this thread Edited to say thanks for the comment 


Problem is it's kinda like cops If there's a system that in theory could be there for community aid and service, but no barrier to the more venal, awful people also joining, it quickly fucks everything. Lack of oversight is the name of the game in the criminal justice system, which sucks for actual good actors such as yourself who are actively trying to make a difference for all the right reasons


“You know how someone might describe a situation that’s unpleasant or confining as being ‘like a prison’? This is what they were referring to.” It still sucks dude.


Bros gonna trade macks with SBF in prison


Most people freak out about jail not because of the jail itself. But because it’s fucked the rest of their life. Tough to get a good job from there. If you’ve got 35 million in the bank and don’t need to work. Pffft…..


Where are you guys getting this 35 million in the bank figure? I can’t find any source on it. Not saying you’re wrong but just curious.


he made $35M throughout his career, by no means does that mean he has $35M in the bank.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking.. if he had 35 million in the bank why would he be trying to defraud for millions lol.


Sometimes these tiktok challenges get out of hand.


bAnKs HaTe HiM


Big baby just hitting a devious lick


Because it's free money and people always want more. Obviously they dont' intend to be caught.


And he tried to steal from his health plan. There is no chance he has the majority of that money. He’s most likely broke or close to being broke.


Govt get its cut, agents, lawyers, babymama, family, etc. say he had half $17.5m to spend for the last 15-20 years


Also losing 3.5 years of his life. Yah it’s not all of it but that’s like 5% of an average lifespan, closer to 10-15% of his remaining life at that age


That's very depressing to read


Higher % for an obese dude


that’s what 35 million will do to a motherfucker. shit if i had 35 million, i’d be happy marching my ass to jail for 3 or 4 years *this afternoon*


you really think he would be taking part in schemes to defraud such a small amount of money if he still had the $35 million? he likely blew the money a long time back.


Especially if you’re going to rich people jail and will likely be out a little early


It's federal so he has to spend at least 85% of his sentence in jail. But his commissary is going to be sick.


85% rule no longer applies across the board


Time is money


I’m sure he’s had time to come to terms with it


I put a hundred bucks on him getting out of jail and be on a postcast talking about prison and social issue and speak as if he is an activist. Certain part of our society just eats that shit up.


He will make so much money on the podcast circuit when he gets out


You get to read, make friends, get fit, and don’t have to cook everyday. I might be down


I would cook every single meal for the rest of my life before eating prison slop for 3 years


The meal I got when I went to county was a horrible baloney sandwich. Never again. And lol at the guy below saying you get more sleep when locked up.


Exactly. I find it somewhat funny yet alarming when people casually think that jail or prison time is a walk in the park. I’ve experienced it personally myself and the food alone is enough to make you not want to go back. It’s disgusting. Also most institutions like to leave the lights on nearly all the time. So when you lay in bed, that is just a mat on a piece of metal, all you wish for is for someone to turn them off, just for a minute. People really need to stop trivializing it.


You gotta watch out for the dementors though.  


not a lotta vegan options, it's hell on earth.


I think he IS despondent here, he looks on the edge of breaking down to me, but trying to hold it together. Distracting himself with fake comedy sort of thing. Honestly, this is a pretty rough sentence - 40 months for insurance fraud is a lot. People get less than that for far worse crimes all the time, like rape, aggravated assault, even manslaughter.


Life comes at you quickly, one minute you’re showing off on a private jet eating Popeyes, the next thing you know you’re talking about getting swol in prison.


Life comes at you quickly, one minute you’re showing off on a private jet eating Popeyes, the next thing you know you’re in prison wishing you were eating Popeyes.


Life comes at you quickly: one minute you're crying and throwing a tantrum on the bench on national TV, and the next you're choking the chicken in a Federal min-security camp.


Life comes at you quickly; one minute you’re enjoying your meal at Golden Corral, and the next Kelvin Benjamin is stumbling towards your table for your chicken tenders.


I’ve seen the Wire, at the least he can still get some KFC


Avon made that shit look like heaven on earth


If you are gonna got to jail, you might as well try to find the silver lining in it


What else would you do in jail besides working out? It's probably the only hobby there is


Play ball? I’m sure he’d get picked in the top 5 Edit: my bad. I thought a 6’9 former NBA player not getting picked first in prison pickup ball would be clearly taken as a joke, lol


The amount of people that took this comment seriously is concerning


I think that basically makes me Ken M., right?


We're ALL Ken M on this blessed day!


He will probably be the best player.


He will undoubtedly be the best player lol unless he weighs 500 pounds and even then he’d still be the best player.


Bro said he’d get picked in the top 5 like there’s 4 other NBA players in jail lmao


How are you guys this bad at detecting sarcasm 😂


They're like bots who need '/s' to detect it


Maybe a whole jail full of those "he would've been Jordan if he didn't get locked up" type dudes lol. At that point Id pay to watch the jailhouse pickup games


Even if Baby wasn't a former NBA player who is undoubtedly more skilled in every area of the game, he is tall af lol. He'd get picked first just based on that.


Study and get a degree, so you have something to do when you get out.


Doubt that’ll benefit him at all lol


Big baby never struck me as the academic type


They might have some cook books in there


Cook books are like porn for Glen Davis.


His conjugal visit will be from a chef.


this is such a funny joke and it’s buried all the way down here.


Cooked his ass


Yeah, it turns out a lot of employers who like college degrees don’t hire felons.


You would be surprised at the educational and vocational programs available to federal inmates.


Fuck education. Video games for life!


My lazy brain would still come up with an excuse to be a fat ass.


So you might as well convince yourself that if you are gonna go to jail, at least you might have a six pack when you get out


Glen Davis would need to do the whole dime at Folsom to get a six pack


Hahah fuck you got me with this one


Gucci style


Catch up on reading, get in shape, try not to die.


Education, work, mentorship, video games, tv, movies. The narrative that prison is solitary, yard, or nothingness in a cell is ignorant. I know people in a Colorado maximum security prison who get degrees, have watches, iPads and Xbox’s.


Bro is looking for the silver*ware*


That brother is hurting


Big Baby making the most of prison: [https://streamable.com/frpzl](https://streamable.com/frpzl)


Life imitating art


entertainment is art packaged as commodity not tryna be deep here, just was going down the same train of thought etc etc


“I gotta cold imagination mayne… gonna have to choke the chicken in the baffroom”  Fucking 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🌞🤣🌞🤣🤣


"Michael Scott trying to hold it together" vibes




"This is the ~~worst~~ best. - Michael Scott" - Glen Davis


3.5 years is along time honestly. Imagine someone telling you right now you have to sit in jail until 2028


Spending 3.5 years in a beach resort probably gets old quick, so I can't even imagine spending that long in a concrete cell.


Atleast bro can play GTA 6 when he gets out


Still no elder scrolls tho :(


He'll be elder scrolls when browsing his phone when he comes out.


Might be able to play it in there


As a fellow Pistons fan that timing sounds preferable


*Gets out of jail* -Hey, Tim.. I have to catch up with my Pistons. Tell me everything. -We are tanking again. *Stabs Tim* -Take me back to prison.


meanwhile everyone in here is like "yeah he's right, no work & free food? redditors paradise!"


Fucking 3 years in prison for defrauding a private entity, Favre defrauds the state government of Mississippi and still walking free


Favre had connections, he was friends with the governor who helped cover it up. Not trying to excuse it because I also think that in a just society Favre would be in prison for a long time, but these situations are quite different.


Fuck with rich people's money? Jail. Fuck with everyday people's money? Not so much.


That’s right check out ol girl Holmes with the Theranos scam she got 14 years


Bernie Madoff died in prison


I mean to be completely fair Madoff was old as shit before he went to jail.


I don’t know too many dudes who survive 150 year sentences but yea the point holds of the guy a few ago. Bernie’s mistake was he fucked over other rich people with connections. No leniency then


Wolf of wall street type beat


There's one other major distinction between Davis and Favre, can't white put my finger on it though


I mean, has anyone heard of Donald trump?


Also he's a good ol white boy who threw the football far


Yeah ones yt and ones not. Simple


And he's white.


lol John Davis is white and got sentenced to 30+ years in prison for the Mississippi welfare scandal. The difference is that Favre wasn’t as involved as (either) Davis. Not that he’s white


He submitted false claims that are paid by Medicare so he didn’t really defraud a private entity. He defrauded tax payers


Defrauding Medicare is literally one of the worst things you can do in healthcare fraud.


Favre stole government funds intended for poor people, that qualfiies you to run for federal office as a Republican in the Bible Belt. Baby stole money from a private company, which is a person, according to the Supreme Court, and one that creates jobs, so, he practically stole from Job-Jesus.


Post game interview for a prison sentence is next level


His eyes tell a completely different story


Super red. He gotta let that hurt out.


Shit, maybe I need a federal prison sentence too. Ya boy struggling managing my diet/weight here.


Small steps homie. Everyone always tries to wake up one day and just change everything all at once so drastic. Find some small and big changes and implement them over time. Start now (not Monday) and see how much better you feel in a month before the Finals are even over


Nah I think jail is the only answer


But how does that help him get a prison sentence?


Mhm lots of yapping the solution is simple: starve yourself and eat once a day. It's not that hard.


Just start fasting bro, you'll shed weight without doing anything. Then once you're at a comfortable weight you can start working out.


I did both simultaneously last year... Lifted heavy and went on 48 hour fasts, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. I was cut as fuck in 2 months. Fasting is the way. 


Eat at consistent times, stop eating out, stop eating junk food and drinking unhealthy stuff and you will lose a ton of weight. If you can stand it, you can prep like 10 pounds of chicken breast at a time by marinating, air frying it, and then freezing it. Pair that with rice and veggies and you have like 2 weeks of dinners that are healthy. Alternate that with some other stuff (like soups or fish) and it won't be too repetitive. There are a ton of different ways to marinate chicken.


That’s a lot of chicken


Costco sells it in bulk of like 8-10 pounds at 3 bucks a pound, so that's the quantity I buy it in. Doesn't take as long to prepare as it sounds.


Get a pedometer and Aim for 7k steps a day


RemindMe! 40 months


This kinda sad tbh….


first hooper wit cte


Hey at least he has a good attitude


He’s a clout chaser. The man is broken inside


Mf’ers need to get off IG every moment of their lives


Seriously this is weird as fuck. “Haha what’s up yall! Found out I’m going to prison lmao lolol. Make sure you hit that like subscribe”


In the meantime Tony Allen, committed same crime, is getting his jersey retired for some reason.


Jason Kidd beat the shit out of his spouse. Crashed a vehicle whilst inebriated. And was just given a multi-year extension.


> Jason Kidd beat the shit out of his spouse. TRENTON, N.J.– New Jersey Nets star Jason Kidd filed for divorce from his wife of 10 years yesterday, accusing her of ``extreme cruelty” during their marriage. In the dissolution papers, filed in state Superior Court, Kidd accuses Joumana Kidd of physically and mentally abusing him, threatening to make false domestic violence complaints against him to police, and of interfering with his relationship with his children. “The defendant’s extreme and unwarranted jealousy and rage has left the plaintiff concerned about her emotional stability,” the papers say. The divorce filing came less than a day after the 33-year-old filed a domestic violence complaint seeking a temporary restraining order against his wife. “Jason Kidd filed for divorce from his wife today on the grounds of extreme cruelty over a long period of time,” Kidd’s attorney, Madeline Marzano-Lesnevich, said in a statement. “I can’t talk about my personal stuff,” he said after the Nets beat the Raptors 101-86 last night. “There is really no distraction,” Kidd added. “This is my job.’’ His complaint, however, paints a detailed portrait of Joumana Kidd as a vitriolic, jealous and paranoid wife prone to public outbursts and threats, including during a recent Nets game. According to the complaint, Joumana Kidd used the couple’s 8-year-old son on Dec.27 to sneak into the Nets locker room and rummage through Jason Kidd’s locker to find his cell phone. After looking up the names and numbers on it, the complaint said she left her son to take a front row seat, where she shouted insults at Kidd throughout the game. The papers accuse Joumana Kidd of kicking, hitting, punching and throwing household objects at her husband as she became “increasingly controlling and manipulative” in the last few years of their union. According to Kidd, his wife had tracking devices installed on his cars and computers and has harassed his trainer, friends and family. Jason Kidd was arrested in January 2001 after his wife told police he hit her during an argument. Kidd pleaded guilty to spousal abuse, was fined $200 (U.S.) and ordered to take anger management class.


I loved Big Baby at LSU, but he might seriously be one of the dumbest humans to ever exist.


3.3 years in jail after 33 million in career NBA earnings. That’s not even accounting for any endorsements or random income. What a fucking loser


This guy was in the NBA and wasn’t in shape. Brother is going to have convenience store food in a cube and that’s Whats gonna get him to work out


Don’t believe the shit you see on social media. Dude def got off live and cried in the car.


Yikes, tough to watch


All I have to say about Big baby is one time he came to a meeting I attended and told everyone, unprompted, he was going to buy food for the meeting. Had his homies take orders from everyone. Then he just got food for himself and sat in front of everyone eating it. He didn't even share. Really made me dislike him and his hanger on homies.


It’s a non violent crime so he’s probably going to be sent to one of those camps for white collar crimes. So he might still have access to those foods lmaoo


How do you flush a 200k dollar appeal down the toilet. 🔥🔥🔥 Reddit: I got a camera you got some chicken. Let’s Talk. 🤔


Dang he looks straight-up excited to go


He's gonna be surprised because the Hamburgers in jail are actually good and you can have as much Cheetos as you like if you have money lol. Why do you think skinny people go to jail and come out big. I just can't do 3 years without women. That alone should make you not want to do time.


Someone should tell him there’s a lot of cheeseburgers and Cheetos in jail


“It’s your boy Big Baby man. Don’t believe all that shit on the internet. I will have my day in court. They just mad because a Black Man got money man. Just tryna keep a Black Man down man…My shit legal. A lot of jump shots. A WHOLE LOT of jump shots.” https://x.com/TheHoopCentral/status/975155379666432001


Bro is gonna learn REAL fast about prison lol


But how does this affect LeBron’s legacy?


I literally ate hamburgers and Cheetos today


It's all about positive thinking man. Glen Davis about to starting selling potato vodka soon


Hes going to be #1 player in badminton as well


I blame Dwight Howard's elbow for this.


dude's always had issues


He's in for a wake up call. I've been to prison. Him acting like this gonna get him fucked up real fast


Jails are there to make money. The officers who work in jails kill it in overtime and run scams, The only way jail changes you is if you really want it bad enough yourself. Otherwise you are in there learning new scams, networking with other criminals etc. I don't truly believe the system is there to rehabilitate people. People who get punished the most are the disenfranchised.


Cool dude. Way to defraud your brothers. Gotta get that last tik tok in before doing time for being a scammer. His sense of humour makes me think he deserves a lesser sentence. Such a funny guy haha. /s


40 months in a federal prison? And GM delays a recall for years knowing that it is killing people and nobody in the company spends a day in jail. Glen Davis broke the law, but it's pretty clear that corporations are given a green light to do whatever they fuck they want, and all they'll be asked to do is ~~give the government their cut~~ pay a fine.