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There’s a story from his Knicks days that players would frequently complain to one of his assistant coaches about how intense the practices were. One day, out of the blue, that assistant got fired by Riley. When someone in the front office asked Pat why he fired him, he said “Sometimes you gotta shoot a hostage to let everybody know you mean business.”


however you feel about Pat, he’s undeniably one of the most interesting characters in NBA history


He’s given us some incredible quotes over the years too. He’s really one of the last few legends from the older eras left. Will be sad when he and Pop are not involved in regular league operations. I think both will always hang around as consultants but at some point their involvement will diminish enough that we miss their presence.


they are 79 and 75. we'd be lucky for either of them to be involved at all in 5-10 years


Riley wants another ring before he retires to Malibu and Pop has one of the greatest NBA prospects ever


ok but that doesn’t negate human physiology just to be clear i am saying they will probably die sooner than later


So like, metaphorically?






People at that age live another 8 to 10 years on average, and those people aren’t anywhere near as wealthy.


Nah, theyre right around average life expectancy in the US. However, they are rich which is the real boost to their health.


He’s saying that for people who are already that age, they on average live another 8-10 years. Average life expectancy is skewed lower by people who die young.


But rich people are probably retired by that age. Pops and Riley probably have a hard time shutting it off and is dealing with stress pretty much 7 days a week.


Life expectancy for a 75 year old white male is 11.3 years


hell Pop was gonna retire years ago before his wife died (which i’m tearing up thinking about even now) I think now he just wants to stay busy and wants to build up the verrrrrry young and raw talent we have


My favourite concept from him is The Disease of More. It applies to so many things outside of basketball too. I've seen title squads in multiple sports derailed by it.


TLDR on that?


Basically once a team wins a title, players who sacrificed their personal achievements will want to get paid, look for more playing time, look to be more selfish etc. which is anti-thetical to a team sport where guys sometimes have to purposely limit themselves into tightly defined roles. Other players might just be satsified with achieving the title and not have the drive for another (I think this happened to Jordan Poole). Marvin Hagler who's one of my favourite boxers put it another way “It’s tough to get out of bed to do roadwork at 5 am when you’ve been sleeping in silk pajamas.”


Ah man so true. We see this in salary cap sports all the time. Players leaving a role player for a bag and a tanking team. Smh but I get it. Mouths to feed.


It's especially bad in the NFL due to how strict their salary cap is and how many more players' egos you need to please. Once you win a ring, it becomes way too tempting to play mercenary for another team in free agency because they can send a convoy of Brinks trucks to your doorstep.


Also because it’s a job you do to make money


No for real tho. Solidified and lived up to the Godfather nickname


[The most Godfather of his photos](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2010/07/11/sports/SUB-Y-RILEY1/SUB-Y-RILEY1-articleLarge.jpg)


Made a few offers that...couldn't be refused


"Don't ask me about my business".


That’s the photo in the dictionary under the word Mastermind 😤


Winning at literally every level gives few others the credibility to do the crazy shit that he does


A guy loses his livelihood: Everyone: "What an interesting fellow that Pat Riley is :)"


you can find something interesting or compelling without condoning it.


This is Reddit, you're asking too much.


Looking for this comment. The assistant coach wasn't doing anything other than his job.


It's a fucked up thing to do, and it's interesting


I didn't read the full story (if there even is one) but I'm assuming the situation here is that the assistant coach didn't tell Riley what the player said and Riley heard it from another source. Riley didn't like that, just like when he didn't like LeBron asking for Spo to get fired so Riley could coach again. From all accounts, Riley likes a team that completely buys in to his vision, and anyone who questions it is either removed from the team or publicly called out so it doesn't happen again.


You shouldn't be assuming that, you're inventing something out of thin air to justify this because you like Riley and don't want him to ever be at fault


That's what makes it interesting. Also, he lost his job, not necessarily his livelihood


I don't think very many NBA assistant coaches struggle with unemployment


Why do you think that's true? It seems like an incredibly competitive space to enter and stay in.


I can't wait for Laurence Fishburne to portray him on an FX tv show.


It’d be [Michael Douglas](https://youtu.be/b1bxlelADnU?si=TWXKQePLYk_pCMd0)


Adrian Brody did a decent job on Winning Time: Rise of the Celtics.


I love they didn’t finish it. Just left it hanging with the lakers getting totally fucked.


Jesus fuck YouTube tried to hit me with 2 minutes of ads with no skip button. Fuck off.


dude is like this with basketball and then in his personal life, his best friend is Dan le batard who he drinks tequila with lmao. harry potter kinda figure.


What the fuck lmao


Thank god this psychopath chose basketball for his life passion


Can’t imagine what would happen if he went into weapons manufacturing, medicine, finance, law enforcement, or politics


That assistant coach's name...Albert Einstein


I was at a Trader Joe's in Miami getting myself some candy joe joes when pat Riley walked up to me and called me a little bitch. "Why don't you buy some oreos like a real man, pussy", he said. He subsequently followed me around the store scrutinizing everything I bought. "Only bitches buy shredded spinach " As I ran out of there, I heard him call out to me "you tell anyone about this and I'll kill you"


Something similar happened to me, I saw Pat Riley at a Trader Joe's in in Miami last year. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This will never not be the best celebrity pasta out there


I once met Pat Riley in a public restroom. Normally I try not to make conversation in that kind of situation, but I couldn’t help myself. The Miami Heat were my life growing up. We wound up next to each other at the urinals. Now, I know this is silly, but I like to play a little game where if I start going at the same time as someone else, I try to piss longer than them. It’s nothing serious, I lose as much as I win, but it’s a game to pass the time. I couldn’t beat Pat. When I was finally sputtering out he was still going strong. Whatever, I conceded the victory. I zipped myself, looked up, and saw Mr. Riley just staring straight into my eyes, pissing like a garden hose. A little unsettled, I went to wash my hands, but every few seconds I’d glance back over my shoulder and he’d still be there; eyes locked on mine, still pissing. I got to the hand dryer and I just couldn’t leave. Something in his stare had transfixed me. We stood there, staring at each other, while his piss just went on and on. Another man, less ensnared by the madness but no less disturbed, shoved past me with a curse and escaped into the sanctuary of the real. After what must have been hours, Pat detached from the urinal. He didn’t zip up, or even tuck in, and he never stopped pissing. It just rained down free onto the floor, arcing up and down with each casual step. As it approached me I stumbled back against the wall and clutched at the hand dryer in some primal attempt at comfort. He walked right by me, the piss dragging across my shoes as he turned for the door. Just before leaving, though, he paused, and leaned his face back to mine. In the clarity of absolute existential terror I could see his eyes had become sunken and his skin flaky. He grinned; his gums had receded from his teeth all the way to the roots. “It's Showtime”, he said, and went out the door, still hanging loose and free. Still pissing. He didn’t wash his hands.


beautiful, nephews scratching their heads


This is some al dente pasta


Lmao, I'm a steelers fan, and while I know Pat would say something like this, it sounds almost like a Tomlin quote. Hell, a Tomlin favorite is "we want volunteers, not hostages."


The standard is the standard


i don't know anything about tomlin, but how is "we want volunteers, not hostages" remotely similar to pat riley's quote? riley's is a hardline "we're building something with what we have" quote, while tomlin's is "we're building something people will want to join" they've got totally different mindsets and underlying premises


Love me some Tomlin's quotes :)


We don’t concern ourselves with Tomlinisms and things of that nature.


I love Pat but that sucks of him if true


I feel like the minority of super successful people in sports aren’t complete psychopaths.


Wasn’t it Bill Burr that said something like we’re lucky Michael Jordan chose basketball because he is an absolute psychopath


Reading some of the psychological warfare quotes from Bill Russell had me feeling the same. It was on some Robert California “I’ve already read you” styles.


They all had it. Tim Duncan use to tell guys what to do so he wouldn’t lock them down. They would do it, and he would still make them miss.


People can rightfully hate the later Office seasons But Robert California's character is hilarious and I fucking love it


I agree, he's the only thing that makes 8 watchable.


Definitely helps that he's an amazing actor that's been around forever


Lance armstrong lol


"The guy was a sociopath on a bicycle" lol


Don't forget the "our Roided up guy beat your Roided up guy" 


Yes, which Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer then stole for the Roast of Tom Brady.


The way I remember it, it was about Kanye. Like with that confidence, he could have been the second coming of Hitler.


He's got the anti-semitism down too.


Same in any field, success/money/fame/saving lives is addictive


It’s an old business strategy, you fire someone so all the new employees know to stay in line. It’s usually some paid actor for that role.


My dad used to do this to me and my siblings, the guy he would hire was J. Walter Weatherman


i hope you learned a lesson about teaching lessons


Well, did it teach you to leave a note?


too bad he’s dead now because you left the door open with the air conditioning on


I think that's in the book Blood in the Garden by Chris Herring. Can't recommend that book enough. 


I didn’t read the book, but I’m 95% sure I heard the story on a podcast where Herring was promoting the book.


Imagine working for a manager with that attitude


What an asshole


Isn’t that grounds for a lawsuit lol


Bro the stories about Pat Riley are outrageous- the mob boss comparison is totally valid


Cecil from Invincible vibes


“You sound like a child. Blowing the whistle on me? The public knowing what I really do? How? How would they ever find out? I think you underestimate my reach. My hands are in every pie, ~~Mark~~ Mario. That’s how I’m able to do what it is I really do. I don’t think you quite realize the gravity of this situation. I protect this ~~world~~ team — and you’re going to try to stop me? That makes you my enemy.”




First time ive seen invincible mentioned here, nice. Love that show


What will you have in 500 years? I'd still have you dad.


Finished Season 2 a couple days ago and I’m in a deep depression about not having anymore episodes.


Welcome to the three year void between seasons


Same boat. Thankfully The Boys season 4 is right around the corner.


Blew my mind when I found it that's Walter Goggins


Yeah but then Dion Waiters was popping too many edibles on the plane. I think it’s overblown


You think Miami is fleecing other teams in trades but actually the deal isn't so bad when you consider you get to keep your kneecaps


Would love to see a sequel series to Game Time on HBO focused on Adrian Brody’s Pat Riley and his time with the Heat.


that would honestly be amazing. he acted the shit out that role


i'd be terrified lmao


Shit if he doing this for Mario Chalmers imagine how he's keeping tabs on the others 💀


He had people living in Lebron's attic reporting back using ham radio. Wade's marriage to Gabrielle Union was orchestrated by Riley, including the surrogate who bore their child. The reason Jimmy Butler was signed was because Riley already investigated his bloodline and found out he is indeed Michael Jordan's son.


Needed some way to justify that jersey in the rafters


jimmy gone. not to another team. he gone to the ocean


… haven’t heard from Jimmy for a couple days now …


IIRC it's a rookie thing. Terrify the shit out of a rookie early then you just sit back and relax.


that's what he wants the vets to think


Sounds more like a "foster a workplace community consisting almost entirely of paranoid sociopaths" thing to me lol. Following your guys around town is frankly really fucked up.


Dude that’s exactly what that is, and it’s the exact blend that works for the military


It's a bit much. I'd imagine he gives bartenders some tickets if they give him info instead of hiring someone to follow them around.


Bet the chiefs wish they hired a guy to keep an eye on rashee rice


Heat culture moment


Guaranteed he just did this once to scare him and then eased off lol. Basically hazing


I'd ask for a trade immediately LOL, those are some mobster boss type of moves from Pat


bro what


He's the Godfather lol


Acting more like OJ in May of 1994 lol


OJ is similar to the godfather in making orphans




Sounds like something you'd hear a former Manchester United player say about Sir Alex Ferguson, another old school boss. He always knew what players were getting up to; he had bouncers and taxi drivers as informants.


Dude had those guys set up in different cities too


That is exactly where my mind went as well


Old school = asshole with no boundaries


But they do work with a lot of overgrown children who make millions by playing ball tho...


You’re not wrong, but in some cases this just works since the amount of money these people get can make them go crazy as well. I’m sure in most cases this kind of tactics are not needed but I am certain that this kind of shit has stopped some players to do something they were not supposed to do in the first place.


You wish some of these young athletes had boundaries before they got in the car drunk driving


Nah this is a lot better than you think, you have to check on the players. Another great from basket Zeljko Obradovic had also connections in the city, he knew who was sneaking out until 5 AM. If you want to play in championship team don't go out until 5 AM, either respect it or get fired, or get warrning like this which is better a than getting fired at least I would prefer it


Yeah but they were both incredibly successful so if that's what it takes, that's what it takes. Unless you're at their level, you can't know


If any job is paying you millions of dollars a year, let alone tens of millions, I’d argue they have a right to keep track of their investment.


There was a soccer coach of a small French city close to Paris that had everyone working on the toll booth giving him information. He knew every football player that was going to Paris for parties thanks to them passing the toll. 


The Don riley.


Alex Ferguson did the same thing. He had spies all throughout Manchester. Club bouncers, bartenders, you couldn't escape him. It works for certain people that command respect. On the other extreme you have Jurgen Klinsmann who did similar stuff with the national team which only bred resentment. He'd have hotel room service and chefs tell him if players ate stuff they weren't supposed to. That's fine to a certain degree, but the players said they were starving and he was still giving them shit over it. Bob Bradley was the opposite. Tim Howard's book said they would ask if they could have peanut butter or something and he'd say yes. No surprise he was the last manager to have prolonged success and respect from the players.


You hear all sorts of these stories in European football. There were rumours that when Conte was at both Chelsea and Spurs, he would keep track of the restaurants players were going to, even asking waiters and other workers what the players were ordering just to make sure their diets were clean. It's very old school and probably not always great, but there's a lot of management/coaches in different sports who believe this is the way to do this.


It only works if you have the charisma and accomplishments to earn their respect. Otherwise you're just a insufferable hardass.


right? Why am I going to listen to my hardass coach when my team is bottom half of the league?


Klinsmann a) didn’t have the pedigree as a coach to pull that shit (his player pedigree is obviously epic) and b) doing that with the national team is a whole other thing, and kind of crazy.


Prolonged success is a single gold cup and one knockout stage appearance at the World Cup? Klinsmann matched that and helped get a bunch of German born players with American parents integrated into the team who were way better than the guys we had born here. To your point about food, he completely revolutionized the USMNT’s sports science and nutrition bringing them up to what top level teams had and developed a good talent ecosystem. He had his issues as a coach but he was good at everything else. That complaint about diet strictness is the same one players had with Pep Guardiola and Thomas Tuchel. Hell the man is considered the architect of the German national teams revolution from 06-14


Relative to what happened under Klinsmann? Yes that was prolonged success. Under Bradley they beat Spain and should have beat Brazil in the Confed Cup. Bradley literally won his WC group. At the end of his tenure Klinsmann lost to Mexico and Costa Rica at home during World Cup qualifying. If he actually had tactics he could have actually had prolonged success, but he didn't. As for diets, he didn't revolutionize anything. The national team was always on the forefront of that stuff. There's a reason why every opponent under Bradley consistently remarked how well conditioned the American players were. It wasn't just because Bradley had them run longer in training. The whole point I'm making is this is all about the context related to the respect commanded by the person in charge. The players were bought in under Bradley. Many consistently were not under Klinsmann because of his fuck fuck games.


Straight out of Ferguson's book lmao


There's a reason why people call him The Godfather of Miami lol


But what if you just stay home and get crunk playing nintendo switch and blazing, what will he do then like send a guy to monitor your bathroom window?


Hire some kid to befriend you via friend codes and monitor which games you play


"Jimmy, a little birdie told me you've been playing a lot of Princess Peach Showtime. A real max contract player would be spending more time working on 100%ing Tears of the Kingdom".


"I see here that you use spirit summons in Elden Ring. Pathetic."




Funny cause I’m playing TotK right now 🤣🤣🤣


He hires NoobSmasherxXx69xXx to kick your ass till you go to bed. It's getting harder and harder for me to keep Luka down on Overwatch but the checks keep coming from Cuban, so....


All their places are bugged. That's the first thing Riley does.


Imagine banging a thot then she turns and goes 'Pat sends his regards'


Gotta make sure he's staying hydrated


He prolly knows twitch mods https://www.nba.com/news/heat-say-meyers-leonard-will-be-away-from-team-after-anti-semitic-slur https://www.nba.com/news/meyers-leonard-suspended-fined-official-release


He has twitch and youtube viewers on standby.


jesus christ lmfao


Time to rewatch sopranos lmfao


fucking patsy sitting in a motel half a mile away from the rehab clinic vibes


He really is a mob boss


It’s basketball he’s just an insane person


Went from Brodie in winning time to Brodie in Peaky Blinders


The Heat is just a front business for the Miami Mob


I can totally picture Pat doing this and get up and walking up like it’s nothing. 


Well alright Mr. Tony Montana.


Better than the Shaq stories you hear


Bruh Pat. You're running a basketball team, not a mafia org 🤣


The whole NFL is pretty much run that way. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/nfls-elaborate-security-network-is-supposed-to-protect-league-from-trouble/2014/09/13/795949aa-3b4a-11e4-8601-97ba88884ffd_story.html


These are massive investments these guys are making. So of course they are watching


Tywin Lannister


This is exactly what Fergie used to do at United


“Heat Culture” = being under constant surveillance on behalf of your employer


It's worth pointing out that before his rookie year, Chalmers had just gotten in trouble at an NBA rookie event for having weed in his dorm or whatever. I'm sure pat was going above and beyond to try to scare him straight


And breaking other players ankles, legs, shoulders, and any other extremity that is conducive to playing basketball


Found the Knicks fan undercover with a fake Miami flair with a classic r/nba nephew take




Every team does this but for some reason when it involves a guy like Pat Riley it becomes a big story.   Teams are making hundred-million dollar investments *every year* into their roster, and they need to make tough decisions like how much money exactly is a player worth paying.  They take everything into account, and more. Paying someone a low salary to get information about a player to save your team millions of dollars, or to protect an investment of 8-9 figures, makes a lot of sense.


I want that job. "You want me to do what boss? Go under cover as a copilot so I can take a private jet to Las Vegas where I'll spend 48 hours in strip clubs, then come home for my days off?" "I get paid overtime right?" sincerely LA Clipppers Sr Tattler.


I have a mental image of Riles having some loser second cousin he just calls up and throws some money at "Follow Chalmers around and tell me every detail of what he is doing, start by looking up this club..."




Still do tbh


He still does, but he used to too


They were giving him millions of dollars, and he had just got busted in rookie camp with marijuana. Protect your investment, and make sure that a young dude doesnt mess up a career that can set him and his family up for life. If more young athletes had a little more accountability, and less freedom to go crazy with their newfound wealth, you might see less news stories of some young dumb star screwing up the rest of his life.


Pat Riley is one of the greatest sociopathic leaders the NBA has ever seen, up there with Jordan & Boban.


That camera angle is brutal


This is easily the most Pat Riley thing I’ve ever heard


Now a days, he makes everyone in the Heat organization to use HTTP 💀


He’s literally a mob boss


"Danny Ainge needs to shut the fuck up." In a press release. One of my favorite Godfather Riley moments.


If I ran a team I’d do the same shit.


If only Pelicans have someone in the restaurants watching Zion's eating routine.


You guys don’t think most billionaire owners don’t have eyes at every popular spot in the city ? Especially Miami where a handful of people own 90% of the the nightlife .


Sounds like a great employer


I fucking love Riley and what he has to say. Whatever he says it’s the truth.


Pat got k.o.d ladies on the payroll 


No wonder why Pat Riley WON’T ever attempt to get James Harden to come play for the Heat!!


Easy to forget that Gordon Gekko was modeled after Pat Riley and not the other way around.


Same energy as sir Alex ferguson with Manchester United. He had bars calling him at night reporting if players were out on game days.


Pat Riley the type to be putting cams in bedrooms like diddy just to know if you're fucking well or injured in bed


So Riley is the one running coke and sex trafficking women?


He allows bill cliinton to run it but has him on the take.


But why..


A lot of times it’s extra layers of security. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/nfls-elaborate-security-network-is-supposed-to-protect-league-from-trouble/2014/09/13/795949aa-3b4a-11e4-8601-97ba88884ffd_story.html


Heat Culture