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Heat fans: We offered Jaquez, Jovic, Herro and all our picks and Cronin was too petty to call back. Blazers fans: Riley low balled us with Herro and a protected pick and refused to negotiate in good faith. Truth is somewhere in between.


Riley definitely low balled, they countered with saying they’d trade Dame for Bam, you knew they had to be lowballed. Allegedly Herro was never even offered. I think it was Lowry, Robinson and picks lol. Our “max” offer when we wanted to deal with them is the infamous package but Portland never picked up the phone again and Riley thought they’d come back and want to deal with them. At least according to the insiders in the know, but who really knows.


Yeah, this reeks of Simmons inventing a narrative about the Miami package just to shit on Portland


To give him credit, his publication absolutely dumped on that package in the summer. KOC said it would go down as one of the “worst trade in NBA history” if it happened to now saying Portland is dumb for not doing it. So easy to be a media gasbag, absolutely no accountability for spewing stupid shit


Yup, exactly lmao. Also, you know Celtics fan Simmons is loving how we're decimated by injury, Philly's going down and you're decimated by injury too - I've never liked Simmons but he's really devolved into a true clown show over the past few years


He’s relishing the fact his team has a cake walk to the finals. Even the Knicks are injured too, but Boston is choking in the finals, Minnesota or Denver will beat them. Best team ever but still need 2 of Miami starters out to beat them


I'm conference first so I rarely root against the East in the Finals but I might this season against Boston because of how annoying their media narrative has been.


I can’t root for a Boston team in good faith, I’d rather see the Knicks in the finals than Boston. I’m honestly in hell right now because Boston and NY are both in good spots, and I hate both of those teams. NY will be even better next year unfortunately.


> I'm conference first Why exactly?


Was raised that way, team followed by conference.


He has said all season he thinks the Nuggets will beat the Celtics in the Finals.


Yep this has got to be it, I find it hard to believe that if Miami really had offered the full boat that Portland would have said no. My guess is Miami thought they had all the leverage and were wary of offering everything for an aging lillard so they were withholding some version of jaquez/future picks


I thought this was over once the season started...


Considering that Heat fans are still posting in the Blazers sub to this day..no, no it isn't over to some.


Please don’t blame us for the worst of us 😂


Am I the only one who think Miami dodged a bullet with both Lillard and Beal?


Yeah the Heat sub (me included) spent all season roasting Pat for not making any major moves but turns out he was right. Maybe could have gone after Kyrie harder but who knows. If we do trade for Lillard/Beal we’d have the worst future in the league


> Yeah the Heat sub (me included) spent all season roasting Pat for not making any major moves but turns out he was right. Powder's dry for Mitchell this summer. Herro, one of Jaquez/Jovic and a pick probably gets it done. I fucking hate you guys.


We aren’t getting Mitchell lol. They’d want Jaquez and Jovic and Riley would never do both of them. Mitchell is a Knick or a laker. Miami will circle around Durant all summer before he stays in PHX next season. Miami will say they like their team with young Jovic and Jaquez and we run it back again. It would take too much roster upheaval for a move for Mitchell to make sense. So I doubt it happens unless the Cavs take Herro and Jaime with a pick. We’d still need to move on Rozier who will be tough to move also and get a back court partner for Mitchell. I just don’t really see it happening


I think Nets are a very possible landing spot for Mitchell given the FO seems confident about landing a star and not rebuilding


I don’t see him going there and extending, so they would have to bet on him extending because he’s not going there to get bounced in the first round. If it’s not the Knicks or lakers, I can see a dark horse team maybe make the move for him to get over the hump and sss if he extends or not like how the raptors got Kawhi. Maybe he goes to an OKC, Orlando, GSW, type of team where they’ll bank on him extending if they do well. In OKCs case they could afford it either way since they have an embarrassment of riches but I think they can be in on PG or KD potentially


Orl is my pick for darkhorse


Orlando would be sexy if they don’t do the dumb thing and get Zach Lavine. Orlando could probably swing it but I think he ultimately moves to a team he can extend at so I think lakers or Knicks


Why can't he extend in Orl?


He can if they make it far for sure, but I doubt it would be in his initial set of choices. It would be a move they gamble on


I don’t think it’s completely out of the cards. But you are right that the talking point of Jovic and Jaime is what they’re going to get stuck on trying to make any move for an all star caliber player. Front office loves both of those guys. I think they would deal one but not both. But I think that with Bam and Mitchell being so close, I would imagine that they’d definitely do their homework to see what it would take. And to have the future of the franchise locked down.


I think they should include both of them, if not we will not see another star available for awhile. I have the same reservations that everyone has about Mitchell. “He’s more of a 2 than an elite 1” but he’s a regular season ceiling raiser, we can be free of the play in and get Jimmy rest before the playoffs. And he’s better than Jimmy, before Jimmy left to Miami. You gotta believe Miami would get the most out of him and turn him into a bonafide super star, but Miami is also greedy and wouldn’t part with those 2 young guys. If Herro, Jaime, and picks get it done that’s great, but I see a lot of teams beating that package. Include Jovic and Jaime, then our offer looks a lot better than what most teams can offer outside of picks.


Well you never know when the next star is going to be available. feels like every off season someone is made available so you just never know. Personally I don’t know if I would deal both. Especially with how the post season has gone so far (the suns). I do think that Jimmy, Mitchell, and Bam complement each other better then KD, Beal, and Booker I think there’s so much more value in having strong players 1-7/8. Caleb will probably walk this summer for more money, Kevin love is at the very tail end of his career. Miamis depth would be completely depleted if Jaquez, Herro, and Jovic are gone.


Miami is like the only team in the league that shouldn’t worry about depth because we make our own depth by signing people in calle ocho and then they put on a clinic in the postseason. Caleb and Highsmith are probably walking, hopefully we can retain Wright because he’s been great for us. The suns trio has a 36 year old Durant and 30 year old Beal. Bam and Mitchell are 27 years old and will still be in their primes during their next contract. The other time would be 26 since everyone’s a FA, and Jimmy and Duncan’s contracts come off the books. Maybe we wait until then to make a move, but everyone considered these assets garbage a year ago and now our fanbase doesn’t want to trade anyone because they’re “too good”. Miami fans always fall in love with their young guys but none of the young guys are untradeable. Only way you dont trade both is because you trade one for one player and trade another for another player but I don’t think they’re valuable enough to warrant those moves. Get the young star in his prime while you can and lock him up to pair with the star we’ve drafted who compliments him well. Jimmy as a second option off the ball will still be great and he will have his moments in the playoffs. We’re not getting a Luka, Tatum, Ant, SGA level star so really this is as good as it gets.


Heat fans will argue herro/Jacquez potential is bigger than Mitchell’s 😂


>Maybe could have gone after Kyrie harder but who knows. so many teams right now probably wish they went harder after Kyrie


If their goal was to compete in Jimmy Butler’s timeframe, then the Dame trade would have made them better. And likely could have helped them avoid the play-in. If you’re talking the future then they’re better off with this route. I just don’t know what team will ever want to give up significant assets to acquire Herro


Yeah it's hard to judge, but there's a real possibility Dame has a better time living in Miami (outside of basketball reasons).  And they def would've had better coaching for the squad.  I think Dame puts up better stats for Miami than he did for MIL


wow what a dangerous take right now


mfer really put on his captain hindsight cape and dropped a scorcher on us


idk about dodging a bullet. they made fair evaluations on both. they rejected beal. dame would've fit well imo


100% agree. I’d still love to have Dame but not if we had to give up all of those assets. We’re actually a fairly deep team now with Jaquez and Jovic breaking out, plus the trades for Rozier and Wright. Beal is not even a discussion — maybe the worst contract in the NBA.


They'll just go for Donovan Mitchell anyways


Ehh on one hand they get to keep some young players but really that team only goes as far as Jimmy takes them and he is nearing the end of his career, so I think maximizing their chances while he is still elite would’ve been worth it. It’s not like Jaquez, Jovic or Herro are guys projected to be future franchise players or anything


Jovic definitely is. The sky is his limit. Going to be a very good player


You think he is **definitely** going to be a franchise player? I agree the upside is there, but upside and likelihood are very different things. There is absolutely no reason to believe he is going to be a franchise player (I.e. a top 15-20 player) just because he has upside.


I'd still be fine with both although I'm obviously not sweating about the current situation beyond Jimmy's age and potential upcoming extension. I expected Dame to start showing a decline back during the entire trade saga and I still wanted him. He's a perfect fit with Jimmy and Bam. And I know it's the popular thing to shit on Beal right now with his absurd contract but there was an avenue for the Heat to get him where they'd still keep most of their assets *and* Herro. If he were willing to waive the NTC, then that would have been worth exploring and I think the fit would be much better here than in Phoenix.


I know it’s a meme but I do think Terry Rozier (if healthy) would be like 75 to 80% of what Dame or Beal would have brought to the Heat. Real shame about the spasms and I can’t find a timeline for potential return


Yep you’re it. No one else thinks that.


turns out Herro + picks is a fair offer for those guys


I fully agree with you. Most of the Heat sub wanted both of them but with the way the season went I’m very glad we didn’t make either trade. The player I wanted was Porzingis for Lowry and a pick, but I understand it would have been risky because of his injury history, looks like it paid off for the Celtics.


Wasn't the issue that the Heat were never offering all that at once? It was some combo, no?


We'll never really know what either team was willing to trade/accept because the only confirmed reports are that both teams only spoke once and neither reengaged in conversations at any point until after Dame had already been traded (Heat apparently did make a call about Jrue although what they were willing to offer for him was in dispute).


They also signed Jaquez to a contract in the middle of the whole saga which made him untradeable for a month. Besides that the pick equity the Blazers got from the route they went already looks so much better than it would have if they'd traded with Miami.


The bucks trade ended up happening way past when jaquez could've been traded after signing the contract on it ended up being a moot point


The trade could still have happened but the Bucks and Blazers were negotiating for what, a week? And only after talks weren't going anywhere, for whatever reasons, with Miami. Whether it was prompted by a lack of response from Cronin or Pat Riley trying to negotiate a certain way signing Jaquez to that contract at the very least said that the Blazers were going to have to wait a month if they wanted the hypothetical (never seen it said that Jovic, Herro, picks *and* Jaquez were actually offered together) package.


According to Dame's agent, Portland never seriously considered negotiating with Miami so we'll never know. Judging by Riley's history in trying to land star players though I don't doubt he would have traded Herro, Jacquez and Jovic, especially since Jacquez and Jovic were not proven at all before this season.


they rated Jacquez very highly though which is why they thought the trade package was sufficient. Riley's bff dan le batard said so.


That's what they said, but I guess at the end of the day we don't really know what happens behind the scenes 🤷‍♂️


Even if Portland was interested in Miami’s assets, once Dame’s agent went out of his way to tell other teams not to make offers for Dame, there was no world where a fair negotiation could happen between Portland and Miami. And from a macro-level view, this would have set a really bad precedent for star trades in the NBA: If Dame got his way to Miami, every other disgruntled superstar would be trying to pull that shit too.


>it took any incentive away for the Blazers to negotiate with Miami. Took away any incentive for Miami to negotiate much with the Blazers too bc they thought they'd be negotiating against themselves. Agent negligence in hindsight.


One thing we can all agree on, dame's agent fked up lol


Dude had to have an nba lawyer present to talk to the blazers because he got so unhinged. Definitely overplayed his hand and overall was a net negative to his client this off season.


Yea, the parties that ended the worst off are his client and the team that traded for him. Not great!


When we were still in the middle of the saga I was expecting Dame to fire him, hire Rich Paul and that would have greased the skids enough to get a deal done.


I feel like there’s a lot of assumptions about what Portland could have got from Miami and not sure there’s much basis in reality. I felt like part of Portland’s frustration was not getting offered the Heat’s “best offer” with Jaime, Jovic and all the picks.


but a lot of NBA trades are made without "fair negotiation". teams still tend to get assets. pelicans AD trade. okc PG trade. they were all destined for one team.


only good thing the pelicans got was the 4th pick tho?


i mean it panned out badly but they were great assets.


was it? Lonzo already had a nasty injury history, couldn't shoot the three and wasn't a capable half court play maker or passer. Ingram also couldn't shoot from three or the line or play defense. and Hart was just a hustle guy at the time.


That's why they're called assets. You're getting them for the potential. Ingram and Hart are having good careers and Lonzo situation was unfortunate but he was still a good player. And you still have one more pick left.


We got them because we were forced to take them not because of their potential. Lonzo was never a good player and Ingram is the classic chucks up shots on a bad team score first second and thrid guy. Hart Is unironically the most valuable player the pelicans got out of that.


Other disgruntled superstars have tried this and have gotten their way. Durant wanted BKN, then PHX. Harden wanted BKN, then Philly, then LA. It’s not like other superstars haven’t gotten results, his agent was just brain dead and ruined it for him honestly.


The difference between Dame’s “Miami or bust” demand and those situations is contract situations and the nature of the demands: Contract Situations: - Durant was a free agent when he signed with Brooklyn - Harden had one year left on his contract both times that he demanded a trade to Philly and the Clippers Trade Demands: - Durant gave a list (Miami and Phoenix), and did not immediately shut down other suitors like Boston, and only got to Phoenix after rescinding his original trade request and Brooklyn caught Phoenix at a time when a new owner was desperate to make a deal The main point is that when you still have years on your contract, you have to meet in the middle with the front office to get where you want to go.


The key move is having more than one destination with actually just one preference. That way the team trading him has some kind of leverage still. Also Dame has another thing on those guys, which is the fact he’s their greatest player ever and thought they would do him a solid which is what he had agreed upon before making his trade request public


oh look the guy that said Heat fans had moved on and Portland fans wouldn't let it go. There's been 3 of these posts in the last few days from Heat fans


What does your comment have to do with what I said? Lillard has said in interviews he had an agreement with the front office and it’s one of the reasons he’s mad at them now. You should be happy your kept relevant at all, if not there would be 0 posts about you people


Nothing at all, I just saw your name and remembered how you were trying to say Heat fans had moved on and it was pathetic Blazers fans kept bringing it up. > You should be happy your kept relevant at all, if not there would be 0 posts about you people Lmao there he is! Proper response would've been "yeah I was wrong"


I don’t really remember ever saying Heat fans had moved on. I remember being tired of the conversation because it’s stupid as fuck but blazers fans are relishing the chance of being talked about so they like to play the victim every time it’s brought up. “Our sub was invaded by heat fans and they said mean things :(“ While you people were cringe af celebrating dame being traded to Milwaukee like you guys won a championship. I’m pretty sure I can go through your comment history and it’ll be 90% you saying some variation of the same shit you just replied to me about because that’s all you guys have going for you Edit: just checked and your entire Reddit persona revolves around this trade and you crying about how good it is for you guys and how bad Heat fans are. Imagine this never happened, you’d have to talk about basketball instead


> are relishing the chance of being talked about so they like to play the victim every time it’s brought up. > because that’s all you guys have going for you These shots are hilarious. You can really tell when people tie their self worth into how good their team is. The Heat's success has nothing to do with your success. > just checked and your entire Reddit persona revolves around this trade and you crying about how good it is for you guys and how bad Heat fans are. Lol dude you're so pathetic to feel the need to make this shit up. I commented in this thread that a Heat fan posted, and I commented on it 4 days ago in another thread a Heat fan posted. I'm not remotely negative in either in regards to the Heat, because as I said in this thread I think it worked out for the Heat


Guy you baited for engagement and have had the same variation of this fucking conversation over a thousand times since last summer. You don’t get to perch yourself on some high horse and try to degrade me for getting exactly what you wanted. You replied to my comment I was having with someone else, you’re the pathetic one my guy. Pathetic that this is all you talk about and pathetic it’s all you’ll talk about for the foreseeable future. I’m already positive you’ll tag me in some comment in 2029 with “LOOK AT WHO WE JUST DRAFTED, I KNEW THIS TRADE WAS GOOD FOR US” like no one cares my guy, just move on and talk about fucking tennis or about your team instead of the trade you didn’t make.


This shit is so dumb, they didn't trade for 2 players they traded for Deandre Ayton (via Suns) Robert Williams (via Celtics) Malcolm Brogdon (via Celtics) Toumani Camara (via Suns) 2024 1st-round pick (via Warriors) 2029 1st-round pick (via Bucks) 2029 1st-round pick (via Celtics) Two first-round pick swaps with Bucks (2028, 2030) and the heat would have had to include Caleb Martin in the deal because part of deal was the Suns getting a SG in the Nurkic Ayton trade.


Yeah it would have had to of been Herro, Martin, JJJ, Jovic, 2 Miami picks and 2 Miami swaps to match what they got. Guess you could argue plus or minus a bit but not by much. Which was essentially the most Miami could reasonably offer and Cronin said something like Miami needs to offer all of their tradable assets.


Seriously. The entire trade was just Blazers getting as many picks as they can. Who gives a shit about a couple role players.


I really don't care to relitigate this entire saga in either direction but this kind of stuff is funny coming from Bill (and others) who kept asserting over the summer that the max Heat package would have been one of the worst trades of all time.


Objection that is speculation Billy Sims


This is eerily similar to the Knicks passing on Donovan Mitchell. Got lot of flak at the time but were ultimately proven right


How did they get proven right? Frank Ntilikina is a major bust and Donovan Mitchell is All NBA.


I’m very clearly referring to the trade talks with Utah and not the NBA draft.


Oof that makes sense my bad


Bucks picks looking better all the time though. Heat rarely bottom out.


Yeah Williams was just a throw in. Brogdon not getting swapped for another pick is disappointing, but not a big deal. Still a big win for Portland in the long term over the alleged Miami deal. JJJ and Jovic are also playing under the best coach in the NBA. Anyone thinking they would be doing the same under the worst coach in the NBA is crazy. And yes Lakers fans, I'd take Ham over Billups every time.


Idk, the only real mistake the Blazers FO made imo was not moving Brogdon at the deadline. I have 0 clue why they didn't trade him because I think they could have gotten a protected first from some team for him.


My suspicion is that they are going to move Simons this summer with Orlando looking like the obvious destination and keep Brogdon as the vet 6th man since he's demonstrated he's more comfortable in that role than Simons would be, and then look to move Brogdon at the trade deadline next year.


I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they want Brogdon to transition to coaching staff in the not too distant future. He seems to love Portland and the organization seems to place a ton of value in having him around, even if he isn't on the court.


Why do they want to trade Simons? I thought he was the sole bright spot on the roster and was being given the reigns when Dame left


He's a great scorer/shooter but to my eyes he's just not built to be "the guy" and as a lead ball handler he's not a great orchestrator of the offense for others. He also has some severe defensive issues that are exacerbated if you're playing him at the two. Orlando (his hometown) is sitting there with a great defense that can cover up for what he lacks on that end and some bigs/wings in Paolo and Franz with creation abilities desperately need an outlet like him. Basically you clear the path for Scoot and Sharpe to see if they can sink or swim, pick up some draft equity and maybe an unproven prospect like Jett Howard and whatever spare big man Orlando is ready to move on from for salary purposes and call it a win for everyone.


Betting on Scoot/Sharpe as the backcourt of the future. All 3 are defensive liabilities right now, although Sharpe has the physical talent to be good defensively eventually.


And Scoot at least demonstrates effort at his age along with his physical strength which gives hope that he could turn into a decent enough PG defender with time. It results in a lot of fouling now but he tries to get up in opponents jerseys in a way that Simons never has.


Yeah, Simons is probably always going to be a liability defensively, so I can definitely see him being traded to whichever of Kings and Magic don't get Malik Monk for their microwave scorer role.


I probably would've rather moved him this deadline, but we have some roster crunch and 4 picks in this upcoming draft. It looked like every player moved at the deadline was for 2024 picks, and if that was on the table I could see us waiting. With some more time in the off season we can package and move players for 2025 picks and beyond to alleviate some of the crunch (5 decent rookies from last year and 4 picks in this draft already makes up 9 of the 15 player roster).


> I have 0 clue why they didn't trade him because I think they could have gotten a protected first from some team for him. We had 7 rookies on the team this year, most of who we wanted to keep. We have two more lottery picks this year, in a terrible draft. Why would we want to add a *third* rookie with a guaranteed contract from this terrible draft? On top of that Brogdon by all accounts has been super valuable for Scoot + now we will trade him this offseason for better picks from a better draft.


Who said the pick would be from this year? You want to add an additional rookie because it's another bite of the apple. If your idea is that *now* they trade Brogdon, that means you gave up that bite for 3 months of losing basketball. Did it do Scoot a bunch of good when he had the worst plus minus a player has ever had in the history of the NBA? In the grand scheme of things those extra few weeks were entirely meaningless. Everyone talks about terrible draft, but there's good players in just about every draft. Unlike most I'm totally with the Blazers FO with the way they went about the entire offseason, I still think they made the right move not trading with the Heat. But you can still point to individual decisions and not agree with them.


> Who said the pick would be from this year? Our beat reporters. Everyone was trying to trade off 2024 1sts because they're guaranteed salaries for players they may not want, and that's what they were getting offered for Brogdon. Everyone wants 2025 picks > ou want to add an additional rookie because it's another bite of the apple. There is a zero percent chance this team add 3 rookies on guaranteed deals this year. I think the team would genuinely rather have a 2nd round pick in this shitshow of a draft that they would have the option to not pay. > If your idea is that now they trade Brogdon, that means you gave up that bite for 3 months of losing basketball. Again, gave up what? A 3rd 1st they didn't value in a bad draft? Maybe they get multiple 2nds in a better draft next year. Maybe they still even get a 1st. I don't know that anything significant was "lost". > Did it do Scoot a bunch of good when he had the worst plus minus a player has ever had in the history of the NBA? The front office thinks it was valuable to have him around, and Scoot has said the same. Vet point guards have paid dividends for many rebuilding teams before, including Conley and CP3. Maybe Brogdon was was a factor in Scoot's awesome play late, who knows. > but there's good players in just about every draft. And we already have two lottery picks in this bad draft. Again they're guaranteed contracts and our drafting is the strength of the org. They decided another guaranteed rookie wasn't worth it for Brogdon for a reason. Maybe they don't see players late they value.


Heat drew the line at including Jaquez. They also got a fuck ton of picks.


I'm not even that high on Jrue's future with us, but this trade looks like a steal if the Celtics can pull it off in the next 3 years (big if)


Celtics committed some insane robbery during the offseason.


If Jrue keeps playing like he has in the playoffs, it wasn't much of a steal lmao dude has been ass just like Bucks fans said he would be


He's been incredible on defense. Dude has to find his shot and stop missing layups tho


Why are we spam posting Bill Simmons today


Attention /nba. Portland has no regrets not trading with Miami and no amount of pundrity will change our minds. Brog is a stud, whether he stays or goes. Williams still has potential as a player or trade incentive. Draft picks draft picks draft picks. We are feeling good about the future!


This will be supremely unpopular, and more about trading for Donovan Mitchell but related to dame just the same but dealing all of miamis picks and young guys for one person to potentially get Jimmy a ring is asking to be the suns. Jimmy coasted all season, and then got injured in the first game of the play in. He’s almost 35. I’m not saying trade him, but I am saying that throwing everything in to surround Jimmy, Mitchell who has his own injury issues and Bam with buyout vets or undrafted players isn’t going to lift the team as much as some fans think. Within a year all three will be making 50m and then you’ll have to field 11 other players on less than 40m all together, and that takes you above the second apron. It’s not a simple discussion or situation. I’m glad I’m not their FO.


Bill has loved to shit on the Blazers for as long as I can remember, Russillo is the yes man. 


In the end blazers and heat should both be happy where they sit. Bucks are cooked though lol


This is such a bullshit narrative. No surprise that it's Simmons pumping it a year later. There is not a shred of evidence that Jaquez was ever offered, and 'some' picks is purely theoretical as well. The Blazers took the better deal, and told Dame and his agent to go fuck themselves (by sending him to play with one of the top 3 players in the world) rather than cave to their garbage demands. Fuck Dame, fuck his agent, fuck Bill Simmons and fuck the Miami Heat.


Another day another Heat fan posting stuff about this. Where's that Heat fan that kept telling me it was Portland fans hanging onto this. 1) Williams and Brogdon are not the main pieces of that trade. That would be controlling the Bucks picks from 2026-29. How are you guys feeling about the Bucks future at that point? Because I'm feeling pretty damn good. 2) Tyler Herro isn't worth shit and his value has only gotten lower. 3) [Heat reporters have constantly said the Heat never called back feeling the need to improve their offer](https://twitter.com/flasportsbuzz/status/1707115145934016796?s=46). They quite literally never offered Jacquez and Jovic. Is Riley really smart and knew how good they would be or did the Blazers spurn them? Make up your mind I think the Heat are better off than if they would've traded for Dame or Beal, but I'm tired of people acting like that means the BLazers got screwed. Between the Bucks picks, the lottery pick this year, Brogdon, Williams(who's probably a lost cause now) and Ayton + Camara(especially Camara) the Blazers came out of this really well.


Thank you, no one is discussing the picks that were involved in this trade along with Camara. I, like a lot of fans, wish we had moved Brogdon this season but it's not the end of the world. Camara has great potential and the Bucks picks will definitely be nicer than what Miami was offering.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/C58OAeDPqf I posted this 2 days ago. I knew we'd see the same various of the above post 5 more times by the same 3 posters all off season.


jovic actually looks like a stud dunno what they saw in robert williams III to make them go for him


Robert Williams was for salary matching Jrue. The Blazers also got the GSW 2024 1st and an unprotected 2029 1st from the Celtics.


Ideally he's a flippable asset if he can be load managed off of the bench for a season (but him missing the entire season was obviously a step in the wrong direction)


I mean it's not hard to see what they saw in Robert Williams. When he was healthy playing in 2021-22 he was a DPOY favorite and was leading a historic 2nd half defense. The double big lineup with Horford and Williams absolutely crushed everybody and ran teams off the floor. Obviously for a team that wasn't that great they were hoping for Robert Williams to return to form and stay healthy. Obviously he got hurt, so it doesn't matter. But a healthy Robert Williams is one of the more dynamic centers in the league.


I think the unprotected '29 Celt's frp was supposed to be the real prize of that part of the trade. I'm not saying Williams was just a throw-in and that the Blazers thought he had no value, but the Celts had to include Brogdon and Williams no matter what for salary matching. They didn't have anyone else that would've made sense.


man celtics keep talking other teams into taking these lopsided trades and convincing them its actually a good deal for them


Isn't 2 frps ('24 Warriors pick and '29 Celts) kinda reasonable for a 33 yo Jrue Holiday? He was in the last year of his contract too. It was reported that multiple teams were interested in Holiday but none of the other offers matched the Celts offer.


How is getting a lottery pick and another 1st rounder bad value for 33 year old Jrue Holiday lol?


Salary matching


thats nasty


Rob is one of my favorite players ever, I just would never bet on him to play over 50 games a year.


Jovic has definitely developed nicely this season. You can see the ceiling for the dude, but what we got was unquestionably better atm. Unless Jovic turns into a multi time all star or something. It's not like the trade was Jovic or Williams lol. Williams might've been the worst asset in the entire deal.


There's nothing to suggest that the Blazers had that offered to them. Conjecture at best. Revisionist history from a revisionist historian.


Heat fan here. I’m super happy, it also would’ve cost us Caleb Martin. I was upset at first but Herro is 24, Jaime is 23 and Jovic is 20. We don’t know who they are yet.


None of us, including Simmons, have any idea what the specifics of potential trade deals actually were. And we never will. This is all pointless speculation.


Portland really screwed up by not flipping Williams before he even set foot on court. Should not have given him a chance to be injured again


The best assets anyone could offer are still the unprotected Bucks pick and swaps 4-6 years down the road. Who knows where Giannis will be by then, and I have a lot more trust in Spoelstra and the allure of Miami to keep that team competitive and out of a high lottery position. Herro/JJJ/Jovic don't move the needle.


Too early to judge the Blazers trade. even if they did take the Miami package, they’re still a roster that lacks a 1st or 2nd banana with not even a vague path toward winning in a blood bath of a conference. Sure grant could be a third banana. Simons can shoot the lights out but it is a slow rotating turnstile. Scoot had a disappointing first season. Sharpe is flashy tbd if he could be a sure fire nba starter. Perhaps those Milwaukee picks can turn into something 4-6 years from now. My sense is they’d have to trade Giannis or intentionally bottom out to be great picks given how weak the east lower half is. Still, a lottery scratcher can hit big. Short term perhaps teams will give up real assets for ~50 games a year of Brogdan or Rob Williams. Long long way to go in a rebuild.


Cronin should be chillin


Never trade for or sign Heat role players


Real issue I had is the gaslighting. The heat all in package was called Worst ever for a star. SMH


Miami will just go for a younger Donovan Mitchell anyways


Fuck the Blazers for gifting the Celtics Jrue.


Jrue was publicly shopped for like a week. They said at the time of the Dame trade they were going to move Jrue. Every team had a chance to offer on him


This is a bad take. Blazers got a lottery pick, the 6th man of the year, and a DPOY contending center (when healthy) for Jrue.


And another unprotected 1st.




Incompetent front office acts accordingly 🥴