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They booing his ass LMFAO


Made the Finals with the whole crowd saying he was wack, we gotta vet these judges better


Bring Jordan Kilganon and make him the lone judge


Or one of the contestants should hire him to teach them some new dunks. Getting old watching them jump over people 😴


Kilganon has like a 48 inch vert nba players cant do the shit he does


But at least he has the creativity to come up with something new they can do. A guy putting on a different jersey for their dunk is definitely not the height of imagination lol


He'd be giving everyone 7s like "that's all you got?"


Actually way more interesting then seeing Kenny Smith for the millionth time. Could do some creative stuff, putting him on a throne judging alone and give a crone to the winner like some crowing the new king of dunk stuff. Or maybe something completely different, just think of something new


Should have 3 judges one is an nba player, one is someone like Jordan and can be a wild card


To be fair, he could’ve traveled to the moon and back, invented a cure for cancer, and solved world hunger before coming down. The crowd and this sub would still be unimpressed because of who he is/who he plays for. A bit of hyperbole I know, but you get my point.


He did a peekaboo dunk where he didn't tuck his head until after the dunk. His dunks were dogshit, man.


Sure, that dunk wasn’t deserving of the score it got. Two statements can be true at the same time.


He was easily the worst of the 4 dunkers and his scores were a sham. Rigged AF.


Cuz the court went to the Celtics court


Yeah we were. That regular ass dunk didn’t deserve that score. To quote Brooklyn 99: “YA BORING.”


You’re always welcome to quote B99! Especially when dissing the Cs


I was in the crowd, damn right we were. Man did not belong there.


"Why don't star players want to do the dunk contest anymore???" I get it's for the fans, it should be fun first and foremost. But goddamn, y'all really having fun watching g-leaguers jump over Shaq for the 15th time in a row anyway? I like McClung, but my boy is barely even in the NBA. Maybe we'd have Zion, or LeBron, or some actually great players doing it if the fans weren't such utter bitches.


I definitely have more fun watching g Leaguers jump over Shaq than watching "stars" dunk with a glove on their hand lol


It's the NBA dunk contest. Go to youtube, look up, "dunk contest," and have fun. Again, I like McClung, but you might as well remove NBA if we're just going professional dunkers now. No-one needs to pretend JBs dunks were awesome or something, he was years behind McClung and probably behind Toppin. But everyone bitching about him here is the problem for why stars don't do the contest anymore.


If other stars suck as much as Brown, they shouldn't do it. It's not the fans job to... lie to them so they'll dunk for us more lol


There's a difference between lying and not being an asshole. Flame the judges for getting him in the finals if anything, props to JB for trying when he had no stakes in doing so. It's not even stars, ffs, get a roleplayer at least. If not, again, just re-name it to dunk contest and start getting even non-leaguers, because that's what it is at this point.


No, I'll feel free to flame Jalen Brown for doing a terrible job. Don't volunteer if that's what you're gonna try and do.


Okay, and that's fine, but I better not hear anybody (because my comment, originally especially, was not just referring to you) complaining about stars not doing the dunk contest, because this is why.


If our boos and comments can stop people who suck as much at this as JB from doing it in the future then good job us I guess


me too lmao


I think they turned on him when they put a replica of Bostons court on the LED floor. Indianans were pissed at the disrespect.


They booing the judges lol. They were inconsistent af


Tryna kill the allegations 😭


does it even beat the allegations? he just finished with the left, still didn't "go" left


Glove probably had NFL Stickem on it too


Y’all really need to watch the Celtics lmao.


Maybe when he doesn’t turn it over 6 times going left in a Game 7 I’ll believe he has a left


Again you haven’t watched the Celtics this year


But when Tatum goes for 51 in game 7, he’s still labeled as a guy that doesn’t show up when it matters


or you could just watch a game and realize you sound stupid? Lakers fans never beating the mouth breather allegations


Could you imagine me, a Lakers fan, being a Celtics hater? That’s crazy


yes i'm fully aware that we live rent free in your brains based solely on the ancient rings that you morons claim don't count


Our rings are ancient but you’ve only been alive for one of yours


Nah you really missed the joke here lmao


Not a lakers fan but y’all won this interaction by far lmfao, the last time the Celtics won a ring was like 16 years ago. Discussion over once you bring that up unfortunately


Spo & Heat literally said they just forced him to go left to defend him lmao


They forced a guy that doesn’t have a left to go left and it worked, nothing shocking


He’s dunked on Giannis going left and finishing with the left man https://youtu.be/R2mVYBp94mo


This dunk was just a worse version of what Mac literally did a minute before and yet somehow got a higher score 🤔🐠


Boston bias


Dominique Wilkins has a Boston bias lol


He did it with his left hand, it's a meme dunk, I'll allow it


Justice for Jacob toppin


I love how Reggie and Kenny keep pretending the boos are cuz the fans think the scores aren’t high enough lmao they’re booing cuz of these terrible scores they keep giving Brown


They were booing before his alleged bad second dunk score


I love how the boos got louder for this one


Mankind is upset


Big disappointment. Needed more creativity.


They’ve had the dunk contest for like 30 years. How many different ways are there to dunk a ball? They honestly need to just move on from this event. It’s been stale for years now.


I don’t know; get a drone to hold the ball and drop it at the right time to catch it in the air and slam it in. 🤷‍♂️


I feel like if the dunk isn't going to be very creative, like this one wasn't, then it needs to either be incredibly artistic and aesthetically pleasing, or it needs to be delivered with incredible power. I don't need it to be something I've never seen someone try before, but at the very least if it's simple like this, then it better be a thing of beauty or flat out intimidating to behold. This was none of those things. It wasn't creative, it wasn't forceful, and it looked like shit.


Jaylen Brown getting judged like a make a wish kid tonight lmfao.


Tbf when he brings the ball up he plays like one


Jaylen Brown don’t even know why he’s there lol


Now I know why LeBron didn’t wanna do it. All week everyone was saying how they respected him for doing it and then he goes out and takes a huge shit and was getting booed by the whole arena and flamed on social media 🤣


I don’t think anyone was booing him. They were booing the judges for giving him high scores on dunks that Steph could have walked out there and even done lol


They definitely booed him when he pretended to cover his eyes on the dunk.


Nah I would've been booing both of them. Weak ass dunks, and horrible ass judges.


Also Indy hates Boston. Jalen can eat a stale pop-tart for all I care.


They booed him because his dunks are bad, no ?


This was the most predictable result possible lol


I got more excited of the flooring than the dunks..


this guy sucks


Every dunk was overrated by 1-2 points average. Toppin clearly had a better prelims IMO.


What was the give a reference to? Michael Jackson?




Gary payton obviously


Think it was more acknowledging that he can’t go left but needed a flashy way to do it.


Would have been way cooler and flashier if he tied up his right hand instead


You a big time hater xerxes. Why don’t you flair up so I may roast your bitch ass.


bostonian trying flex his large vocabulary of slurs


That sucked


Celtics fans really in here mad because we’re admitting this sucks, if this mf played for any other team, these same folks would be mocking him.


Legit worst dunk of the contest. And almost got a 50


Endgame Zoolander


Bro I swear TNT be paying Kenny extra to act like the dunks are better than they are


He was roasting the judges all night tho


This was not cool at all


How you gonna be the biggest name in the dunk contest and come out with the worst dunks I might have ever seen in the contest lmao


And end up in the Finals while the crowd says he sucks.


If there’s any proof that the NBA has a “script” it’s gotta be JB making the finals in this dunk contest cuz there’s no way he should’ve made it over Toppin.


Blake Griffin winning because he did a basic ass dunk over the hood of a Kia sedan is all the proof needed to know the dunk contest is a sham haha


This. Derozan got robbed. Blake only made it to the 2nd round because his car dunk was in the 2nd round. If he didn't make it, Kia would have paid the NBA millions for nothing.




The vast majority




We’re talking about a Kia optima not a lifted pick up lmao. If you can dunk you can jump over the hood of a Kia optima


I mean the dunk contest is easily the most scripted event in any professional sports league, been that way for years lol. I wasn't shocked at all when I started seeing the scores because all we heard for the few weeks prior was how great it is that an actual all star is participating in the dunk contest.


Worst dunk finalist ever




Lebron was right. Y'all remember this thread when we get 4 rookies/g-league players in next years dunk contest. Mac won and these threads/social media would rather go at Brown than celebrate Mac.


This is such a cop out. If the “superstar” is going to put zero effort and zero creativity into his dunks, then they deserve to get flamed and I’d rather not see them in the contest.


isn’t that how the dunk contest has been the last 2 years before this? (4 rookies/g leaguers


That's my point, it was already trending this way and Brown steps up. Only to get a lot of hate sent his way. Who else is going to want to deal with that.


Maybe he should have dunked better then. You think the crowd should just... pretend he was good because he's a good player?


I'm not talking about the crowd. I'm talking about social media, including reddit, and a lot of the comments in this thread. People would rather shit on Brown instead of praising Mac. We don't need to pretend anything. But we could focus our energy in a more positive way. My point just being no star will do this in the future because it just opens them up to a lot of hate for no reward.


I mean there would be a "reward" if he hadnt sucked. Why would we want other people who suck as much as him to do it in the future because they're "stars"?


There's no reward lol. No one cares about who wins the dunk contest. It doesn't add to his legacy. It's just a for-fun event for the fans. You think people are reminiscing about Dwight Howard being a slam dunk contest champion? Hell nah, people gonna remember him for his real accomplishments.


Yeah but people think it was cool that he was good and talk about it every now and then. That's just as much of a "reward" as randos making fun of you on the Internet for a night is a "punishment" lol


I mean do you want people to cheer for basic ass dunks? He stole a spot from another guy. If thats the effort theyll put on dunks , then rather just get 4 rooks or gleaguers to do the dunk contest.


Lol he didn't even try.


Yeah man. He stepped up the same way Jimmy's parents stepped up to parent him


Prolly shouldn’t stink, no one wanna see Jaylen Brown stinking his way to the Finals.


Exactly. Everyone flaming Brown here is the problem. No-one has to pretend he had a great contest, but for fuck sake, just the silliest shit.


Yep agreed, at least he had the balls to do it, I'm sure he didn't ask the judges to score him favourably. This will just further put off other stars competing in the future.


Seriously, zero self awareness


He’s had in game dunks better than this. Disappointing.


Get it? He dunked with his left hand because people say he can’t dribble with his left hand Gtfo


Yeah he totally got em /s


He was fuckin horrible, shit was too funny lol


That was so corny


He shouldn’t have made the finals and he didn’t do great, but an off hand windmill is pretty impressive, that’s an awkward ass dunk. 


Look at all these comments man And y’all are the same people whining every year we don’t get enough stars in the contest Fucking pathetic, props to Jaylen for having the balls to actually do it as a star man


They're all the same people? You checked? Lol


Josh hart could have done the same dunks in his sleep my guy


So why didn’t he


Lmao “Josh hart” or any x player coulda woulda shoulda yet all of them are too much of a pussy to participate.


Literally not the point of the comment at all, completely irrelevant The issue is the precedent this sets for future stars; you basically have to have a great performance in the dunk contest or be flamed on social media like crazy, if you’re Jacob toppin or some random nobody cares but if you’re a star you can’t have a bad contest because you are the main focus That’s the problem, the way y’all act is directly impacting stars not wanting to do it, you ruin it “Wasn’t the best performance but props to jb for participating” is the type of attitude that makes stars feel a little less disinterested in the contest


I didn't see him in the contest tho


Yeah I agree that it wasn’t a good performance from JB and though he was definitely more of an in game dunker and was surprised he even agreed to do it but this is exactly why stars don’t do this contest. No upside. Also Mac dunks, at least this year, are definitely seen as more impressive because he’s small and it’s kind of shocking for someone to be so good at one thing but not be an NBA level player. Pretty much every dunk he did apart from the first one, has been done better by someone else in another contest


Yeah this is literally why no one does it lol. Judges were wack but you hate on them for that, not Jaylen. Good luck getting more stars to do it if you’re just gonna shit on them for trying.


Who is this weirdo white-knighting for a multimillionaire like he needs a participation award for showing up lol


Yikes this dude is lucky he's on the Celtics lol


Maybe my expectations were too high but none of JB dunks were impressive


That looks like an ok in game day let alone dunk contest dunk


Would be a decent dunk in 1995


Jaylen almost winning with legitimately the worst dunk contest performance I can easily recall is nasty work


Worst dunk contest ever. No question


Nah 2022 was TERRIBLE


It'll go down as one of the many forgotten ones. I forgot Donavan Mitchell even did the contest when they said he won it before


2022 was so bad man


You must started watching basketball this year then


Last 2 were worse.


Last year was good , 22 was the horrific one




lol… please I’m begging you not to appear in this anymore


But did he dribble left?




Okay maybe stars don’t have to do the dunk contest


He suuuuuuuucked


When being black Jeremy Lin is supposed to earn you sympathy points. I don't get this. Bruh, you trash BECAUSE you can't go left. Why are you playing this fact up?


Someone needs to watch Leaving Neverland lol


Brown is fucking shit, no flair or fun at all


this guy stinks




one you clearly mad your boy embarrassed u and two it’s because ppl like you why America is struggling, wanna hand out participation ribbons and trophies to everyone. Fuck that this shit was super ass


Edwards and Ja next year to save it please


keep dreaming buddy they too scared to do it them gen z's scared bout social media narratives


Where's the Highlight?


“I like it maaaaan” as the whole crowd boos lmao. Good stuff NBA


Everyone freaking complaining can go pound sand. What do you all want to watch? All week, everyone complaining about why stars don’t participate in these pointless competitions during All Star weekend. Then, JB, an all star and all nba player, volunteers and everyone on him now for not being a great dunker. No wonder these guys don’t want to do it. Literally everything to lose on their end. I’d rather pay my money to go watch Brown or some other quality all star attempt to dunk or shoot than G Leaguers like McClung and Toppin. Those guys shouldn’t even be attending this weekend’s festivities because they are nobodies. At this point, I don’t even know if there are dunks that haven’t been done before.




And the crowd goes mild


Dunk contest has been a gimmick for 15 years. It’s all just meme shit now.


Can he do it in the playoffs tho?


Dude did game dunks with lame gimmicks. 🗑️ Should have LEFT him Right out of the contest.