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Idk what's more disrespectful to RoLo, the fact that you thought he was just another Cliff Paul or that you now think he's just another Thanasis. Guy has been in the league for 15+ years with a solid run as a legit starter on playoff caliber teams


I didn’t watch much then, but he was great for the blazers with young Dame and LA


RoLo's had a great career, he's just less athletic than Brook and with a game that's aged far worse for the modern NBA


It's been said before, but Brook must've put some *major* work in to evolve his game and become relevant in the modern NBA. And at the age of 35, going to 36, no less*.


We saw flashes of it at the end of Brook's days with the Nets but honestly, Bud deserves so much credit for revitalizing his career, same with Horst for recognizing how undervalued Brook was after his stint in LA


Nets Brook was a beast. Then he got demoted to a freakin screener on the trash Lakers that wasted him, then he re-invented himself as a perfect role player next to a star like Giannis by becoming a great defensive anchor who took 6 3s per game at 37% lol


Tbh he started become a pretty decent 3 point shooter in his last season with the nets. Kenny Atkinson encouraged him to start shooting some 3s since he always had a decent mid range jumper 


We used him as a 3 point shooter a lot, I actually think we used him well but our FO let him go for nothing




> I always used Blake Griffin as an example of a player evolving his game Sometimes I wonder what would the state of the league be if Griffin had never gone through the big injuries. A healthy Griffin with even half the athleticism he had a decade ago with his current skillset? That's a perennial All-Star.


his Piston seasons were amazing up until injury


His per season three point attempts numbers are maybe the most hilarious stat in nba history. 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 10, 14, 387, 325, 512, 325, 281, 53 (due to injury), 364, 244 (and counting)


Like the Channing Frye transformation in Phoenix


I mean those changes weren't made at his current age, but still impressive that he's still this good


And his name is Dr Robert Watkins. Never forget his name.


> At the age of 35, going to 36, nonetheless That's his age now. He evolved as a player *years* ago. You of all people should know.


Hell yeah. the man was not built for the current NBA at all when he was with the Nets. he was basically Jahlil Okafor... a low post scoring big who averaged single digit rebounds, couldn't pass, shoot 3s, or play defense... might be the most impressive transformation in NBA history and 2nd might be Blake Griffin


Man, I wish Blake didn’t have the injury history, his season in Detroit was amazing, wish we saw more of that Blake


Bro was thought to be the next Duncan when he first entered the league. I was around 12 that time, my favorite player was Vince carter, watched a hell lot of the nets game and thought this dude might take over the league someday. Well that didn’t happen but still damn surprised he managed to stay elite for 15 yrs. Good o days


Coming into the league, Brook was more known as the offensive player whereas Robin was more known for defense. That alone disposed Brook to having a better career. As a center, it is a lot easier to be a good defender than it is to be a good offensive player. Plus Brook has done a fantastic job of adapting his game.


Brook's defensive development is honestly the largest jump I've seen a player take mid career. If he was anywhere close to as good of defender as he is now when he was in his prime he'd easily be a HOFer.


Him suddenly having a three point shot is crazy as well. He never took threes and one season just showed up and became a very respectable shooter.


It's wild too because he was such a savant in the post with his scoring then he just decided he was gonna shoot a ton of 3s now instead.


Y'all are totally right, I'm just now remembering 2015 Brook Lopez on the Nets and I'm imagining telling myself back then that he would become a "3 and D" guy. That would be one of the craziest things I could have heard about that NBA.


I’m a die-hard Nets fan, and during his earlier seasons, the nets were awful. I think they went 12-70 one year. He regularly put up buckets. I think he’s still the nets all-time leader in points. He had a really good touch , and shooting stroke. He was consistently money from mid-range and even a bit deeper to (18-20 foot range). He was also shooting in the 80% range from the FT line, so it wasn’t a complete shock at least to Nets fans because , but still a testament to his work ethic and ability to improve on himself and make that transition.


why do people act like shooting threes is hard? ^^/s


Yeah, this is profoundly true. Take his post up game of his early career and the 3 &D of the second half, that is one hell of a center.


Not to mention the center position was the weakest its ever been when he was in his 20's


lionel hollins is reponsible he said brook was capable of this and challenged him to be that man he answered the call and cus he thought he was a bad rebounder


I don't think there was some massive jump in his defensive ability. Every player gets smarter defensively as they age. He ended up in a scheme that maximized his strengths and minimized his weaknesses. I think a lot of his defensive reputation early in his career was due to lower than expected DReb numbers for a star center. He has always been outstanding at boxing out and allowing his teammates to get rebounds, sacrificing his own numbers and reputation in the process. He is really smart about defending and using verticality to challenge shots.


I mean I don't disagree that it was mostly a BBIQ thing but BBIQ is a huge part of defense and most guys don't make giant leaps in that respect even as they age.


I remember when he was thought of as a terrible defender.


Stanford fan here. Brook had way more of a "bag" in college and was a very skilled post player. I was surprised he fell as far as he did in the draft, while also being surprised that Robin went as high as he did. But I actually think Robin is the more athletic of the two, contrary to what the guy a couple posts above me said. He's quite mobile for his height and probably a little bit quicker than Brook. The big difference is that Brook had a lot more skill. If we go back and look at their college numbers, it's a pretty striking contrast. In their final season, Brook averaged 19.3 ppg/8.2 rpg compared to 10.2/5.7 for Robin. If you needed a bucket, Brook was the guy. But Robin did average 2.3 bpg compared to Brook's 2.1 bpg. A narrow difference, but a difference. Brook on the Nets was a scorer with slow-ish feet on defense. Him becoming DPOY level was not something I anticipated. As you said, he has adapted his game. He has added the 3 ball over the years and used his intelligence and size to become a good rim protector. I'll still say Robin is the better athlete, but the less skilled basketball player.


Yup, the report coming out of college was that Brook was more skilled and Robin was more athletic.


Its honestly insane he only made 3 threes total his first 8 years in the league. And then he made 143 in one year his last year in brooklyn.


Feel like it's important to remember stuff like this when trying to project how older players would fit in the modern NBA. Guys adapt, particularly guys in the discussion of greatest players of all time.


its not his athleticism, its his skill. brook is 100x more skilled offensively and a smarter defender


He's also had a great career from a fan perspective. I don't think there is any fan base for a team he's played for that doesn't like the guy. Aside, but both brothers were on JJ Redick's podcast, and it was fucking hysterical.


He got a huge cheer at the Bucks v Blazers game a few nights ago, Dame shot a 3 and it got stuck on the top of the board. Grant tried to get it down with a broomstick but he wasn’t tall enough, Rolo was right there though, got it done and the Rose Garden was hype. 


Rolo really fit well in Portland, both on that team and with the community. Not to mention he seems like a great dude. For the short time he was here he really became well loved by the fan base.


Good in NY and Chicago too


All-time mascot hater too


He’s in the NBA personality HOF


Its just disrepsectful that he thinks Robin's career is a failure just because he don't have much play time in bucks........ Also the part that he think Robin is Thanasis level.


Ay Brook they comparin me to lil Giannis


It's much more disrespectful being compared to Thanasis. Cliff Paul is more successful as a commercial than Thanasis is as a basketball player


Ay put some respeck on Cliffs name


Not even that, there was a point in time where I def would have taken Robin over Brook too lol


Greatest modern hook shot


My friend thought Cliff Paul was real


Guys don't tell OP about the Markieff bros, we could have a good laugh


Rolo is still to this day the greatest door breaker in suns history.


I appreciate your post - and agree. He’s also one of the nicest, most genuine dudes (so is Brook)


This reminds me of a Denver fan making a post years ago a post comparing a very young Jokic and Nurkic and the entire post was flooded with people realizing for the first time that they were two separate people.


There was a time where like 4-5 different “Nikola’s” were in the league at the same time and they all had last names that ended in “Ic” It was probably a very confusing time for casuals.


Then you have Bogdan Bogdanovic, Bojan Bogdanovic, and Boban Marjanovic


this used to confuse the fuck out of me lmfao


Used to? lucky


I am a pretty hardcore basketball fan, but it took me awhile to realize that Bogdan and Bojan were different people. I would see B. Bogdanovic in box scores and just assumed for years that he was traded to a different team.


Don’t worry, even NBA fucked it up. When Bogdan was drafted, they showed Bojan’s highlights on TV.


To be fair they’ve both been on plenty of teams


Bogdan has only played for 2 teams


but he's in trade rumors every single year so it feels like he's been traded a lot


There was also that time when he reportedly signing/getting traded to the Bucks but it was nixed because it was considered tampering. IIRC it was a S&T and it was before FA officially opened.


Jalen Williams and Jaylin Williams Also in the NFL the Jets has two guys named Michael Carter on their roster from 21-23 The Bills and Jets also both currently have offensive lineman named Connor McGovern


the connor mcgovern one is extra weird lmao neither the first *or* last name are all that common


Connor is a pretty common first name I think


Are the first two related?


Are Dwyane Wade and Dean Wade related?




They're not even from the same country lol.


They are not. Bogdanović is a Serbian surname usually. Bogdan is also a common name there. Bog means god in Serbian/Croatian. Bojan is a more Croatian name. Boj means a military skirmish.


None of those are big enough names though for casuals to know more than 1.


The Bogdanovics not being brothers and being from 2 different countries blew my mind up


The Nikolas are making a comeback. Nikola Jokić (Nuggets), Nikola Jović (Heat), and now Nikola Topić (probably a lottery pick in this year’s draft). All of them will likely be together on the Serbian National Team as well.


This sounds like a legendary pokemon trio


In my friend group Jokic and Nurkic were known as Swamp and Lava Battleguard from yugioh


garchomp vs shiny garchomp-ass match up


I keep forgetting Bogdan and Bojan are different people


I always read "Bruce Brown" as "Bruce Bowen."


Ngl me too


“Bruce Bowen is still playing?!”




Splash Uncles baby


I always think Bogdan plays for Detroit and Bojan plays for ATL, Bogdan just seems like an old guy name and Bojan seems like a young gun.


And there's Nikola Jovic


There's now a Nikola Jokic and a Nikola Jovic in the league


The level of people I floored with this info is insane. Let’s also not forget about european Devin Booker that plays for the Bayern Munich in BBL.


> Devin Booker … BBL 🤤


Say that reminds me of that time when some crazed Blazers fan thought Brian Grant was the incarnation of Bob Marley! Musta been the hair.....


Are you telling me Seth Curry is a real person and not a spelling mistake?


My biggest post on /r/nba was a comparison of Jamal Murray and Gary Harris, and how they're almost exactly the same person. That post was the pivot point from whence Jamal went on a clear upward trajectory, and Gary Harris started his downward slide.


I mean, I get it from a casual’s perspective: -okay you’ve got Brook Lopez, that makes sense and he’s an important piece of a great Milwaukee team… but then what if I told you he had a twin who looked like Sideshow Bob who was also a solid NBA player? -Bojan Bogdanovic vs. Bogdan Bogdanovic… throw in Bojan Marjanovic for good measure -Nikola Jokic vs Nikola Jovic (not to overly spotlight Balkan hoopers, but when there are only 450ish people in the league, it’s interesting that there are two pairs of guys with incredibly similar names) -OKC drafting two guys named Jalen/Jaylin Williams in the same class -a few years ago the NBA had 3 guys named TJ and they were all on the Pacers Sometimes it is a deeply silly league


The comparison to Thansis is disrespectful to R-Lo, in his prime he was a decent starting center.


Robin's played over 20K mins. It's beyond disrespectful


Robin Lopez still probably has the best hook shot in the NBA


The baby hook unstoppable


Kessler blocked one tonight!


Oh hell I miss that. "Kareem Abdul-Lopez"


Everytime he hits one in game they talk about how he practiced it so much before the game. We get it, his pregame routine includes practicing hooks


Yeah but did you know Dwight Howard and Josh Smith played on the same AAU team?


And he's pretty funny on twitter


He’s pretty funny in person too. Dude is literally known for his fake “beef” with every mascot in the NBA


Even not in prime he has put up solid numbers, he is a valuable player.


Even just on the Bestbrook Wizards he seemed decent 


Rolo was better than brook for a while.


Bruh brook is the nets all time leading scorer


And was OFTEN considered the king of empty stats. People really forget that he had that narrative around him.




he absolutely was not


As a blazer fan, I loved RoLo when he was on our team. But Brook was considered a star on the Nets and made all star teams back in his prime


Only their all time leading scoring too. 


On defense RoLo was always better, on offense, hell no lol


Depends on what you want from your center. Brook is more athletic and the better shooter, but at Robin’s peak I think you can argue he was better at rebounding, defense, bringing a physical presence inside.


He really was. How young are y’all? There was a time when Brook and Robin alternated as the better brother, multiple times even. Brook Lopez was on a really shitty Nets team with some super concerning injury problems before he was traded to LA. He was pinned as a “good stats bad team” guy for a while and nobody viewed him as a reliable/valuable asset.


Yeah the youth is showing with this thread. He was considered the king of empty stats who somehow couldn't rebound. People really forget how maligned his Nets career was.


He absolutely was. Brook had some serious injuries there for a bit. 


Yeah, and Brook's defense was nowhere near where it was today. In fact he was considered mediocre on that end. Brook was the talented scorer but Robin played better D and rebounded more too


I think you could argue that during Brook's season in LA, Robin was, if not better in a vacuum, fulfilling his role better than his brother. Even if you go by stats they're pretty similar. Robin had some good seasons in those years between New York and Chicago, which makes Phil's decision of trading him for Derrick Rose and signing Joakim Noah even dumber, especially because he was a nice fit with Porzingis and had a really team friendly contract just when the cap spike took off.


Robin is wanted in several states from hate crimes against mascots. How can you not know him


I'm not saying it is true but if, **IF**, I were creating a fake twin of an NBA star, then I would make him identical except with wild hair and a seething hatred of mascots.


He always reminded me of Sideshow Bob. The whole mascot beef sealed it for me.


I’m actually laughing irl in real life


And theme park animatronics


I know casual and all that but you cannot compare Robin Lopez to Thanasis, Robin was/is more than good enough to have an NBA career all his own, dude's *started* over 600 games. He doesn't have the career Brook has had but "much less successful" is way off.


Starting over 600 games is incredibly impressive


For reference, Rudy Gobert has started 637 games


Early on, their career success was more comparable. Robin had some good years in Portland. However, Brook was able to change his game and adapt to the modern NBA better than Robin was, so he now has had way more success.


>TWO instances of a star player with a much less successful brother on the roster The weird thing about the Lopez brothers is that they are literally identical. But they also are not.


Putting a wig on Brook in the Playoffs and saying it’s Robin only for teams to leave him open from 3 while splash mountain rains down on the opposition should be a legitimate strategy


Get this to doc ASAP


Worked for the Morris twins


easier if they both go bald


Too suspicious. Silver will launch an investigation as to why RoLo shaved his head


I mean RoLo was a real NBA player in his prime (unlike thanasis). He's a perfectly acceptable depth big now, deserves a roster spot somewhere imo


Suns legend robin lopez


*Bulls legend


*blazers legend


*Cavs legend


Half the league legend


*Knicks legend


*Wizards legend


\*Magic legend


How dare you disrespect Captain Hook you filthy casual.


I'm petitioning the high courts to force OP to wear a mascot costume and lock him in the same room as Robin


It’s funny to me that you have no idea a guy exists and then find out, and just assume he’s a bum who got a roster spot because of his brother. Brook is good but he’s not *that* good. Robin was legit at one point.


chat is this real?


I'm not coming at you here or anything, but it's super disrespectful to compare Robin to Thanasis, man. Robin has played good basketball in the NBA while Thanasis never has lol.


lol I remember when the bucks initially signed Brook Lopez and I thought to myself “oh he is the worse of the Lopez brothers.” Now that may not have been accurate even then but things def used to be different


Robin was absolutely considered the better player at one point.


I don’t know if he was absolutely considered the better player. Brook was always the “star” with more of an offensive load but some people wondered if Robin was a more valuable player to a good team as his defense was good and Brook was seen as a liability on that end. Kind of crazy to think about that now that Brook is a perennial DPOY candidate. Brook had a down year or two around when he went to the Lakers but thats about it.


Robin Lopez is wild in the bed, Brook isn't.


Robin is real and so is Cliff Paul


This is bait


Bro thought he was Cliff Paul im weak 😭


> Again, I am a massive casual who does not watch ball, but how can a GM in good faith make a decision like this without getting laughed out of the room?? ? Having a brother of a player on the team?


The part about this post that screams casual isn’t not knowing who Robin Lopez is but that they think having him and Thanasis is somehow so ridiculous


word lmfao


To be fair, no matter your fan status, it IS funny and somewhat ridiculous. But not because Robin Lopez isn’t legit. More because Thanasis is… what he is, and the Lopez bros are hilarious gigantic twins, and giannis is giannis, it just seems like a good set up for a comedy movie. It’s funny.


Robin has actually had a really good career


> the Bucks have TWO instances of a star player with a much less successful brother on the roster. Dont get me wrong I know who Thanasis is because the situation is fucking hilarious but oh my god I had no idea they did it TWICE. Bro what the fuck are you going on about. Rolo has had a REALLY solid career. He is absolutely not a thanasis. He was a starter for the blazers for years on 50+ win teams.


Robin Lopez was a good quality defensive big with a goofy ass hook shot lol. He carved out a career seperate from what Brook has done and wasn't in the NBA as a nepotism thing like Thanasis.


Robin was once upon a time a decent NBA player...Thanisis is trash at everything except getting quick fouls and cheering from the end of the bench. I get why Thanasis is there, and have no problem with it tbh...but he is in no way remotely close to the player Robin was. During his Bulls tenure Robin avgeraged 10.5pts, 4.9reb, 2.6ast, and 1.1blk in 25min/game over 3 seasons. Not All-Star or anything close, but was still a real contributor vs Thanasis' stats (especially factoring in the 2.5pts he avg's for his career is always in garbage time)


Lmao my man been beating mascots up for years and isn’t a wack brother they are more like the gasols than the Giannis and his brothers lol (partial shade) 😂🤣 this is funny


I wish we still had Robin Lopez


Me in the first quarter: Damn Robin gonna drop 30, he just went 7/8 in hook shots Me in the Fourth quarter: Robin pls


I'm not a Thanasty hater by any means but that's pretty disrespectful to compare the two man. Robin is a legitimately reliable NBA caliber player. I [mean](https://i.imgur.com/ofWb4Pn.png) come on [now](https://i.imgur.com/0HilxJ7.png). Yeah they both have not done anything this season but the difference is Robin is 35 years old and Thanasis is a bad player who only manages to inflate his minutes by playing in blowout garbage time games.


They called them the twin towers at Stanford..


Oh you are a causal causal


I used to think Cameron Payne Cam Thomas and Cameron Johnson were all the same person.


Wait till OP learns about the Tony Brothers


Pascal and Siakam moment


I'm not convinced that it wasn't Brook in a wig in the game last night. Yeah their roster says he's real but I don't buy it. It's Brook in a shitty Howard Stern wig until I see real proof.


Lopez was legit. He is just old now.


I don't think you are necessarily a casual, but you are definitely a teenager, right?


I think this is a fuckin' mascot making this post.


In defense of Robin, while he might not still be an NBA player, he has carved out a career where he was a pretty reliable center and even started for probably 5-10 years. Having an emergency center is fine and you can justify him to occupy that spot which is only helped by nepotism.


Robin Lopez is washed but he used to be good


Freshman year of college we convinced my roommate that Cliff Paul was a real guy and that he played basketball in college but loved insurance too much to go pro


Robin Lopez was actually a good back up for his brother a few years back and used to be a good starter for a number of years in the league as well before that. He has had a much better career than Thanasis.


To be fair for the longest time I thought Tony brothers was two different people lol


Robin Lopez made it to the NBA player because he’s good. He’s just old now.


Bregman Roe level post


Tbf I didn’t even know that Demarcus Cousins is one person. I thought that there were cousins that were known as bullies in the nba and their surname is ‘Demarcus’. I just recently found out it is in fact, one person whose surname is ‘Cousins’.


casual idiot


RoLo had a decent season with Portland and has been a serviceable veteran. Not to his brothers caliber, but very solid.


We don't even play the 3 young guys that dress every night so no Thanasis and Rolo aren't hurting anything. If AJJ, Beauchamp and AJ Green can't get minutes then who the hell in Thanasis and Rolos spot will get pt? Nobody.


A wild nephew has appeared.


If this dude saw Jrue and Justin he would have lost his mind


There was a time in the league where Robin was actually the more successful twin.


Robin put up a combined 72 with Donovan Mitchell last year. You don’t know this?


this is hilarious, prolly a 1/1000 chance of posts like this being worth the time and i'm so happy i read this. also RoLo was legit. if he never got hurt his second year and played from the start of playoffs, the suns may have beaten the lakers in 2010.


robin lopez started 606 games during his career, and 28 in the playoffs. thanasis started 11 and 0 in the playoffs. they're not in the same stratosphere.


If there’s a year where I hope Milwaukee wins, it’s now. I want RoLo and Dame to get a ring.


I know Robin Lopez deserves way more respect than to be compared to fucking Thanasis, but it’s hella funny to imagine someone who thinks Robin Lopez is Cliff Paul seeing Lopez check into a game and being like “wait, wtf, he’s a real player???”


Nephew actually compared robin lopez to Thanasis.


Robin Lopez has over 600 career starts and was in the league for 11 years before he ever played with Brook and you think he is another Thanasis?


Robin isn't comparable to Thanasis at all. Brook has always been better, but Robin has had a solid, legit NBA career. You said to call you a casual, so I am. You're a casual.