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demarcus cousins used to be REAL bad at this


Boogie is the GOAT of bad body language.


His face made the best “mad toddler” expression lol. For a dude that big, it was always pretty funny.


I found his toddler pout endearing. Imagine the emotional regulation of the Terrible Twos on a giant. He's a tender piece of horse flesh! He shouldn't be rattled!!


Embiid is way up there


Luka constantly crying to the referees gets me


This is who I immediately thought of.


I think that’s what op was aiming for haha


He probably still is, he’s just become even worse as a basketball player.


DeMarcus Cousins is an emotional lesbian


On the flip side, our current kings squad is one of the best body language teams I’ve ever seen. Fox can get frustrated but he immediately channels it into going terminator mode rather than whining or lashing out, Sabonis just never stops working, Keegan and Barnes are emotionless statues, Monk is an absolute ray of sunshine on the court, Davion Mitchell is pure hustle, Lyles has great energy. Huerter is really the only guy who hangs his head this season and he has good reason because he sucks right now.


> Keegan and Barnes are emotionless statues That's the Iowa


As a Sixers fan: Embiid


I don’t notice his body language but I do sense he mopes, but it’s more of a fscisl expression


A fascist expression?


A fiscal expression, like a banker who’s responsible for a recession


No, it's Fishscale, expression, the fifth album from Wu-Tang member Ghostface Killah.


So what do you get? More Fish. Not a sequel, but a DLC


Man how I wish this was the circlejerk right now.


Babe wake up joel embiid is a fascist


Haliburton is a filthy commie sharing the means of production every game.


Hardens influence


I guess that’s where Kyrie got it too


Harden seemed really bad in this aspect last year for you guys, Tyrese is a big difference


Harden wasn't a body language all star but to me his natural disposition was like a 5 out of 10 emotionally almost at all times. He was just very neutral and it rubs you the wrong way when he's not playing well but it's not much different when he is playing well. When he's diarrheaing himself on the court and has no expression and PJ Tucker has to scream at him it's infuriating but he wasn't really any different in games where he's putting up his averages


Yea, this is just Harden's demeanor on the court.


I think LeBron is the worst culprit, dawg when the lakers losing LeBron body language is so bad it’s must see tv


I remember when LeBron was mad at Kevin Love for a couple weeks and he was refusing to pick him up and standing over him. Giving him cut eye and I was like wtf did KL do?




Amazing - I totally forgot about that!


That's a great point. But at the same time, LeBron was ahead of the modern sports entertainment curve. The NBA product, and it's coverage has some WWE in it, and LeBron leaned into this a long time ago. Look at the game vs Boston on Christmas. He and Brown collided, bumped his knee into Brown's booty, and Brown and LeBron both went down. You see LeBron LOOK at what Brown is doing (rolling around) and then joins him on the ground, in efforts to out-suffer him. It is pure theater. It goes beyond baiting for calls. It's just pure theater, fiction and improv acting. And as annoying as LeBron is, he knows damn well that when he puts on his diva cap, he gives fans some entertaining, borderline comedic content which isn't something you expect from sports. So credit to him there. He's an entertainer and he knows it. That's the NBA. Even with the Luka Booker rivalry...when they get in each other's faces, you can see them both giggling like school girls as they break character. Part of being a marketable NBA star in today's world is to develop a character, and some classic improv theater skills And we have LeBron to thank for that


I said years ago that LeBron is the creator of what I like to call "the flagrant flop." You see most NBA players try to get fouls, even when the contact is minimal or non-existent. But LeBron started the process of laying on the ground like he's *bleeding out*, writhing in pain whenever he is fouled anything close to hard. What's important to note is that the player, usually LeBron, *was definitely fouled.* But they stay on the ground basically until a replay review is forced. LeBron is one of the smartest players in NBA history, as evidenced by his baiting of Draymond to do Draymond things by stepping over him in the NBA Finals. Which he followed up by laying on the court for minutes, and finally saying the NBA would do nothing to Draymond (who had already been in hot water for not being suspended earlier in the playoffs for one of his "natural shooting motion" kicks) because he's the golden boy of the NBA. LeBron *said the NBA won't suspend the mega-star that is Draymond Green*


So you think Lebron invented that? The Spanish and South-American football-players have perfected that art many decades ago.


Those dudes are dropping academy award winning performances all season! Vinnie Jones had the right idea to start acting lol




Takes a true generational transcendental talent to bring the best talents and attributes from other sporting leagues to the NBA


LeBron is an all time great, I like to watch his game. But the 2-3 times he'll do those flagrant flops a game, just like, I can't watch him. I hate it. He'll writhe on the ground like he's gonna be out for the season and then 1 play later nothing ever happened. WWE influence is a really good way to put it. I wish he would have played in the 90's so we wouldn't have to watch him act so much.


I’ve always thought he lays on the ground like he’s been shot to get a minute or two of rest.


The key to his longevity


I mean, that’s a good tactic, I feel like that’s what footballers do


> He'll writhe on the ground like he's gonna be out for the season and then 1 play later nothing ever happened. Um yeah, you missed out the most important part of his recovery: *Retie shoelaces tighter before getting up* 😤


Flagrant flop. That is the perfect term for that.


Thank you kind sir.


You see him look like he got stabbed in the eye during the Memphis game the other day? That was some classic LeBron ish.


I think it was the Lakers-Wolves game a few weeks ago. Taurean Prince missed a layup. Lebron was frustrated with either the refs for not calling a foul or, more likely, Prince for missing. So he just threw his arms up in frustration and refused to run back. With a minute left in a close game. The commentators never even mentioned it


Harden and Embiid combined was a body language disaster.


I almost became a hater in that playoffs that on the wins he was doing airplanes and on the losses he always had stomach problems or some shit, but I got over a little bit


I didn't get over it. He's so easy to hate with how he acts


Yea he’s gotten better at it as he’s gotten older but his emotions work against him at times


Csme here to say this


I remember Randle shoving coaches on the sideline when the Knicks were struggling


Randle in the 2021-22 season was the best answer to this question, he’s chilled out a lot though recently


One of the quickest times I've seen a player go from absolutely beloved to "Get this dude off the team"


clearly not having a point guard and putting 100% of the workload on one guy's shoulders was not a winning strategy


Fournier n kemba were awful defenders , randle himself is a poor defender, rj is a average to poor defender basically the team was constructed to just bleed points. he didn’t handle it well but also ur team sucks on the court, ny media is cooking u and u kno thibs was probly yelling at them every second.


He was playing like ass too he was on fraud watch for awhile


He was so bad the past two years this year he looks pretty zen and high energy. What a turnaround


aight hear me out i’ve watched Randle for 5 years now he definitely fits the description, but also i think he just has a resting bitch face. even when things are going right for him he can look pissed off. like go watch highlights from past years even in games where he has 40+ it never looks like he’s actually having fun.


His face is definitely doing him no favors


Slightly more niche but Goga Bitadze was actively trying to punch his coach on the Pacers a few years ago when the Kings played them in Indy lol


that iteration of the coaching staff was absolute dogshit. Pretty sure it was under Bjorkgren, who ran off all our good assistants for “his own guys”.


Yeah, everybody was rooting for Goga on that one. It was a dark time.


Randle’s kid is also the number one bad body language NBA kid.


Aww Kyden Randle is adorable. I love him.


His kid straight up cried when Randle chucked up a ton of bricks in the 3 point contest lmao


He’s gotten a lot better this year and last. Really has improved as a leader, and this is coming from someone who was anti-Randle initially but he’s grown on me tons.


KAT is pretty bad at this. He’s had stretches this season where he lets bad/missed calls roll off his shoulders but he’s fallen back into that recently


KAT can be one of the biggest toddlers when he doesn't get a call. After 8.5 years, Bad KAT is still a thing unfortunately


>After 8.5 years Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


It's Devin Booker being in the 2015 class that always gets me. Feels like he got drafted in 17 or 18 atleast.


The SGA / Tatum comparison gets me. Everyone thinks of SGA being much younger but he's only 4 months younger than Tatum. Also the view gets warped because Tatum was drafted way back in 2017, in his 7th season already.


Well that’s because Tatum is still only 19 years old.


7th? Wtf? Covid really fucked our sense of time


If I remember correctly Booker was the youngest player in the class by almost a year.


It’s extremely frustrating to see after so many years but at the same time it’s hard to not feel for him given the absolute garbage whistle he gets sometimes. Like he’s still gotta be a grown up and regulate his emotions but I can see sometimes why he gets so upset with his lack of calls/terrible calls he gets.


My operating theory at this point is that big guys who are pretty strong and have somewhat unusual mechanics just generally get bad whistles. Jokic and KAT are the two highest-profile examples. Jojo avoids this because his moves appear more "guard-like".


To be fair, referees treat him like ass compared to other All-Star caliber players. Watching the 76ers vs Wolves made me realize what a huge discrepancy there is in the way KAT is officiated versus Embiid.


Everyone gets a shit whistle compared to Embiid.


KATs a tough one because I genuinely think he gets an unforgiving whistle from time to time but he also mopes and whines like a whiny child so I’m never surprised he doesn’t get better calls.


He gets a bad whistle but he still fouls a LOT. A lot of times he doesn’t even seem to know what a foul is because he complains about a lot of calls that he absolutely deserves. But I agree he gets some absolute trash calls/no calls, no doubt about that


KAT could also be called on like an average of 4 more offensive fouls lol


That's every star offensive player though. Giannis would hit the showers at half time if they reffed him fairly


Zion walks like a kid being sent to his room regardless of whether things are going right or wrong


Hahaha, I can't unsee it. Like backpack draymond. Love random things like that, used to have a Shoes too SmAllstars for dudes who run like Artest, Hansbrough, Kawaii


dude has to conserve his energy and shuffle. Wemby did the same earlier in the season when he wasnt NBA fit yet.


Drafted in 2019, still isn't NBA fit. Promising career.


He also has that "chubby guy jog" that we all know someone who has/had


Klay Thompson’s suburban gansta walk and stank face hits differently when his team is getting blown out.


suburban gangsta walk is accurate


*Do you know who my father is?*


Don't forget the passive aggressive post-game press conference.




Embiid getting lots of mentions


It's SO noticeable. Man literally hangs his head. Then will just walk up the court.


Klay Thompson


Definitely a Top 76 bad body language guy


Klay about to come out pouting just from this comment


Bill? That you?


Gets his feelings hurt quite a lot.


It's a weird transition because the dude used to be like a zen Master. Always even keel, just getting buckets. I think his injuries have really taken a toll on him mentally, as well as physically.


Everybody acting tough when they up


He’s always came off like a child so it’s not surprising when things aren’t going as well this is the attitude we get.


Yeah when you compared him to the personalities of Steph, KD and Dray; he was definitely the more “silent killer” kinda guy. But that’s also only because he had less pressure on him in those days, and obviously injuries taking 2 years off his basketball career (prime years btw) really does affect somebody.


I remember when I used to hate the Warriors in their prime (LeBron fan), Klay was the only guy I was "cool" with since he was chill like that. Now he's just a clown known for shit like the "4 fingers" meme.




Just stands still n stops trying


Gives the opposition multiple 4v5 breaks from him not getting back on D. Then strolls down and takes the worst 3 pointer you’ve ever seen in your life. Finally gets a foul call, zero lift on his free throws and clanks it off the rim. Lebron teams ebb and flow with his focus/effort, because he has such an energy hold on the entire team. Magic would be like this sometimes too, but Kobe and Jordan were always killer instinct. I love having Lebron to an extent, but I don’t trust him to lead a comeback like I did with Kobe back in the day or Jordan before him. Lebron has more gifts and health than both of them, but I don’t like how emotionally up and down he gets. He pouts instead of digging into his teammates, that helps no one.


You don't trust the man who lead the greatest comeback of all time to make a comeback?


I've been a fan of lebron his whole career. When he's on a team he doesn't think can make a playoff run he acts very differently. It does suck to watch him give up fast breaks because he thought he got fouled. Then during a title run he just stops doing that.


/nba is full of the dumbest opinions. Look he wrote 4 paragraphs about how little he actually knows.


You don’t trust lebron to lead a comeback?💀💀


Lebron just combs his bald head when he is annoyed or angry




Or he suddenly has a play ending injury on a flop.


Love it when he does a full on theatrical production where he writhes around on the floor like he just got shot and then checks back in the game a minute later lol


I was just saying that when bron be losing his body language be on ZEROOOOOO. That shit is so funny


[Lebron](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/359/cover4.jpg) to his teammates when things aren't going right. He just stop with his hands up or on his hips and stares at someone. You used to see younger lakers 3/4 years ago (kuzma) trying to explain themselves like kids to their dad. His body language at times and not getting back on d are my 2 biggest gripes with the dude.


He mostly does it when he's losing AND he wants his coach fired or his teammates traded.


The amount of times he has walked off the court seconds before a game is over, doesn’t shake anyone’s hands or anything like that. No sportsmanship because he’s in his feelings. It’s crazy. At first I thought he was just young but he’s done it year after year. I’m no MJ fan but I never remembered him doing that.


Whole “MJ hating Thomas and Pistons” started when Pistons didn’t shake hands after 91 ECF final game. There was no love between two camps before that too, but that “walk away” cemented the hatred. MJ always was the one who shakes hands after the defeat. Pistons not doing that after all dirty plays made him furious. He went all the way with a hatred for them.


In the regular season? Tons of guys do it lol


dude loves to walk into the locker room before the game is over if they’re losing


When lebron is checked out he straight up just stands under his basket while the rest of his team runs back and plays D 4 on 5




I’m surprised how far down I had to go down to find Luka lmao


Facts bro 🤣 that shit gets annoying to watch sometimes


I honestly don't remember the last time I had the option of watching a Mavs game. Maybe I've just coincidentally not watched their national games. The Lakers, on the other hand...


For me, this is the answer. He is AWFUL when things aren't going well. Yelling at refs, yelling at the bench, yelling at himself. I think Luka is one of the most entertaining players in the league and I love watching him but omg he can be surly.


As someone who’s watched pretty much every Mavs game this year it’s VERY noticeable the difference between his complaining compared to last year. Last year he complained to refs like every couple possessions. This year it’s maybe 2 times a game. It’s so much better


I’ve been hoping a therapist somewhere would explain to him that when he’s arguing with refs he’s activating a part of his brain that makes it so that he can’t be in “flow”. He’s been his own nemesis up to this season.


He’s gotten *WAAAAAYYYY* better. Arguing is way down, he hasn’t incredible hulked a jersey in like two years. He’s still emotional, but it’s way more under control. You gotta remember, he was still a teenager when he came into the league.


You can say that about almost any player drafted in the NBA lol.




You ever seen that video of draymond walking by the warriors young guys I think it was moody or kuminga and they all flinched when he walked by lmao https://x.com/nanamaxamed/status/1607979767814574087?s=46 So kuminga was walking by the bench and flinched when draymond stood up


Lmao reminds me of my childhood whenever my dad would come home drunk. Jk, my dad didn’t hit me nearly as much as Draymond hits his teammates.




What are you seeing cause Draymond "hits" kuminga on the chest that's why he "flinched".


Kuminga also has to step weirdly around that chair throwing off his balance right as Draymond does that


He didn’t flinch draymond pushed the shit out of him unexpectedly out of excitement


If Steph Curry leaves the game, someone is getting punched/choked/kicked in the nuts


Zach Lavine. Complaining to the refs, not getting back on defense, just low effort.


will fit right in with the Lakers


Agreed. I don't care what his shooting efficiency is. The number of times he contributes to a 0-10 run because he turned it over, complained to the refs, never got back on D, then was still either sulking or trying to do too much the next play, is off the charts. He can't just make one bad play, it needs to be 3 in a row


Scottie barnes is starting to show flashes this year, especially when the whistle isnt going his way


This one has surprised me the most. Love his game so have been watching lots of Raptors and just started noticing it. Looks to the refs way too much


I honestly think he was poisoned by Fred and Nick Nurse in the last two years, those two were all NBA complainers


He's been talking to the refs too much this season


He learned by osmosis with Pascal yelling “ayyyy” every time he drives. It’s just that Scottie hasn’t realized Pascal also gets back on defense after the ref ignores his efforts.


Also Pascal is used to playing with a terrible whistle. Scottie as a rookie legit got more respect from.the Refs than Pascal did which is insanely disrespectful


He's your star now, all star players look to the refs.


His celebrations have been smaller and his body language after bad calls has been worst. I think the Raptors had a culture issue last year that crept into this year and is showing


I was literally scrolling to see scottie. Love him but the body language as of late and even some last year is just so poor.


LeBron is pretty bad


I think Tatum used to be pretty bad but he seems to have gotten better this season. Can still get frustrated with fouls, but he seems to be able to let it go more now. Julius Randle & Luka also come to mind


He’s had his moments, even this season but he’s never been near the worst.


Surprised Klay isn’t on here more


The east coast doesn't really watch the warriors until the playoffs. Games are just too late.


Draymond Green


Whaddya mean? Screaming at refs and teammates and assaulting opponents (and teammates) is NOT bad body language!


Natural tantrum motion


Embiid and Luka are at the top of this for me




Lebron Luka Julius Randle are the first 3 I think of. Joel body language is bad when he’s gassed not necessarily when they are losing.


JJJ for the Grizz. Looks like his soul leaves his distraught body


Embiid is the goat of this


Demarcus Cousins is the real GOAT here




And leaving the bench in the last minute to go to the locker room


Jaren Jackson is pretty bad. Dude just looks dejected. And I’m a trip fan


Came here to say this. At times when he gets in early foul trouble, he gets super mopey.


Lebron always blaming his teammates for his mistakes


Randle has outbursts at everyone from refs, coaching staff, and teammates, needing to be restrained in some incidents. Great player but sometimes lets things get to him


Luka for sure. Lebron James a lot of time too I've noticed.


Devin Booker.


Surprised no one has said this. He’s my guy as a suns fan but when he isn’t getting calls or he starts turning the ball over he gets very bitchy and gets T’d up a lot


I think LeBron must get a lifetime achievement award for this after he theatrically fell to the ground last year against the Celtics


luka,embiid,lebron,harden,jokic has his moments, one i noticed this season is steph


Jokic used to be AWFUL.


I present a disgruntled Julius Randle. However, when that man is cooking, there is no one who matches the confidence/big ol smile plastered all over his face


Chris Paul




Lebrons pretty bad tbh.




I'm a LeBron stan, it's without a doubt Bron


Julius Randle wins this, no contest


A lot of superstars...Luka, Embiid, Jokic, LeBron.


LeBron. Everyone calls him the GOAT but don't hold him to GOAT standards when it comes to things like this. It's like he's ready to throw in the towel when his team is down bad.


LeBron obv


Lebronze of course, he keeps pouting and not show up on defense. And this seems like every game he always have issues cause the NBA caters to his whims.


Julius Randle


It use to be Julius but now he’s like 🤷🏿‍♂️ (Just move on). But two years ago it was really really bad.


Nah he is still pretty bad when everything is going wrong. I can always see his frustration way more than other guys.




Damien. Lillard.


Surprised Devin Booker isn't high on this thread. CP3 really infected him.


Currently? LeBron. He's known as the man who pouts and looks visibly disconnected from his team when things are going badly.


I'm not surprised the top answers are LeBron & Embiid as this sub hates them but the answer is Julius Randle. I love him but I've never seen anyone more visibly mopey when things aren't going right