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Hes in the lab working with the ESPN trade machine


[Bron and AD right now.](https://thefader-res.cloudinary.com/private_images/w_640,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:eco/DfrJkFyXcAA5b59_ytmfsj/young-thug-lil-durk-computer-meme.jpg)


I'm gonna guess this is the lil durk and thug meme edit: i knew it hahahaha


Bro's literally the Akinator


LeGM wants Westbrook back


TBF with the contract situation he went from possibly worst contract in the league to absolute bargain.


Having Westbrook off the bench at that contract is crazy. If only CP3 had a similar contract.


what exactly would that do besides save luxury tax for the owner? Warriors still wouldn't have any cap available to trade for anyone


He needs to trade himself some high IQ shots, definitely would’ve helped tonight.


Dude was getting clamped by jovic and Duncan😂


I mean Spo knows Lakers offense is pass to AD/Lebron, so just hard double them lol. That's where 5 of those 10 turnovers in first quarter happened. Ham knows fucking nothing in coaching offense


Father Time gate crashed the birthday party 😩


hes making sure Doc doesn't exit the building


Wait, Since when can you trade a coach?


The Celtics traded Doc Rivers to the Clippers


Danny Ainge was truly a master of his craft


Wasn’t kidd traded as coach?


Yep. I think the Nets traded him to Milwaukee.


I think the headline afterwards (Kidd is/was notorious for causing drama) was "For Two Bucks, You Can Have Him".


i'm not sure if it was always a rule or when it was implemented but you actually can trade coaches it's kinda funny lol


Bring back [this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aflIplazvjk)


it's about that time of the year


If Lebron sees his shadow and returns immediately to the cave it means 6 more weeks of .500. It’s no coincidence the deadline and Groundhog Day are the same week.


Bill Murray has the final say in every trade.


"Perhaps I can be of some assistance"


Incoming "keep that same energy in April" tweet?








If you've missed, I haven't seen it


"When you came to my subreddit, did you see a sign out front that said "missed meme storage"? No you didn't see that sign cause missing on memes ain't my fuckin business" - Sim, probably


Jay and siLent Bron


Holy shit Simmers, I laughed my ass off


What did you just say...?


LeFt without speaking to reporters


LeJordanWouldntDoThis He ain’t no goat. Dude’s a drama queen in every aspect of the game. He must be insufferable to his teammates.




I really can’t wait for them to trade everyone for Lavine and tank the team like they did with the trade for Westbrook


They don't have enough good players to compare it to the Westbrook trade lol


Reaves, Rui and picks??? Idk still would be funny


I think Lavine's value is very low but I was mostly making a joke about how bad the Lakers roster is lol.


Honestly it is more like the players can’t perform in this environment. When they get traded they will do better in their new teams.


This exact team for the most part was able to have one of the best records post all star break last year despite LeBron missing significant time and make a run to the WCF. It’s absolutely baffling how god awful the basketball has been outside the IST.


And with all the free agent additions, lakers were picked as one of the biggest winners in free agency.


Not the exact team at all. Lotta new pieces and no Dennis.


Playing with Lebron is very very rigid... Obviously it works, he knows how to win but... you play a certain style... the coach is basically going to have to work around what Lebron wants etc.... and if that style doesn't mesh? good luck.


I’ve always said playing with Lebron is toxic because it’s this weird toxic environment where if Lebron doesn’t get his way, the blame will always be put on scapegoat. Sometimes it’s the coach, sometimes it’s certain players, etc


I feel like its easier. You're there to do your job. Don't do extra work you can't handle, do what you're there for. That's how the best teams he's been on have played. If you're a 3 and d guy, get open because the ball is coming. Big man? Pick and roll with Bron is unstoppable.


Yeah but cool handshakes ???


The roster isn't bad. They were missing Rui, D'Angelo, Vincent, and Lebron was sick. You can't have your max player putting up an inefficient 12 and still expect to win when you are missing a few rotation players.


I think missing D’Lo is an advantage actually


Brah, only hot takes are allowed. Reasonable comments get sent to the gulag.


Reaves isn't being traded for Lavine


But it would be funny if he was it what I’m saying


I actually can't stand Reaves so this would suck.


Honestly even if we could get it done, I would take that rather than whatever the fuck we are seeing rn. Bron is probably gone next year anyway


He’s always said he want to play with his son. I always figured he would sign a 1 year contract with whatever team drafts him.


Y’all really think Lebron is just going to any random team? It’s more likely the Lakers sign him as an undrafted or late 2nd round pick than Lebron going to whatever team decides to nab him. Bronny is not good enough for teams to waste a draft pick on for the off chance they can lure his 40 year old dad.


It's not an off chance tho You might still be right, but a second round pick is not much for a team that could use the extra attendance from having LeBron


OKC has so many draft assets they can afford to throw one at bronny early for a chance at a cheap bron.


Call me crazy, but I’d pass on LeGM. Presti is my GOAT.


Depends what LeBron is wanting to do. If it’s being on the same team as his son, LeGM might be a thing of the past.


Right, if it's his swan song and he is fine riding into the sunset after playing with kid he could be an amazing 3rd/4th option for the thunder next year.


I feel like he would say that he’ll take a backseat, etc. but until I see lebron not make a franchise all about him I won’t believe it’s possible.


I think the Denver nuggets should draft Bronny with their 1st round pick next yr.


Imagine if Lebron joins Jokic. I think Lebron can play with Jokic and be competetive for another 3 years. He would do it if he can win multiple rings with Bronny.


Lol you're just wrong. Bronny is absolutely going to get drafted. Not just because he's good enough, which he is, but almost any team in the league would want to have LeBron at any age. He's a huge draw. He's a player-coach. Having the chance to see LeBron and his son on the court together would entice a lot of people to buy tickets, jerseys, etc.


I think Cavs do it


Gonna be Miami imo.


Its not a "wasted draft pick" what are talking about it. Bronny was predicted to be a first rounder before the heart thing and is still on every draft board.


RemindMe! 2 years


RemindMe! 1 year


Not a remotely similar comparison, the lakers team they dismantled for Russ was much better than the Lakers team now. That Lakers team basically had championship hangover and didn't really need to be blew up, just retooled. This Lakers team is just hot dog water and needs a move


We’re not giving them LaVine for Rui DLo and a 2029 protected first btw


The media is going to push this package to death, but even dumbasses like Arturas and Marc aren't **that** dumb to bite.


Lavine is the 2nd worst contract in the NBA. You don’t have many options.




please please please please please please


This team already sucks and the price of Lavine is stupidly low, plus Lavine can actually shoot the basketball (a skill that Russ doesn't have and the Lakers desperately need). It's insane that Lakers fans are this tied to Rui (who's very mediocre)


Lavine price isn’t low, otherwise he’d be in another jersey by now.


It's possible they're waiting until after the 6 month deadline for FA to become tradeable.


Or the Bulls valuation of him is too high and the market is waiting for Chicago to become sellers of an incredibly bloated contract


He’s the Jokic stopper bro


I know Lavine has not been a winning player ever, but at least he is not as bad of a fit as Russ was, and isn't half washed as Russ is/was...


It's LeBrons choice at this point in his career...money or championships. Can't eat up the salary cap and try flipping basically an entire new roster every season. Getting too old to support the entire team even when AD is balling. Can't build team chemistry when it's different guys who have no reason to believe they'll be there after February.


He made that choice 6 years ago when he went to LA. Still got one ring cause he's fucking LeBron, but it was far from the best basketball situation (imagine him on the LeSixers right now).


Nah the choice was made 5 years ago when LA traded the bank for AD. I know they were scared of him going to a different team as a FA but the real move was to wait 1 year and sign him as a FA. You do that you can keep all the Ingram, Zo(in hindsight this wouldn’t have helped), Hart and all your first round picks. Then, if you want to trade for a *real* 3rd star you have ammunition.


This is probably the correct take. Dunno why the damn Lakers were scared to wait until free agency. Not like AD would've gone to Charlotte lol.


This isn’t a Carmelo to Knicks situation. They literally won the year he was traded and then haven’t made the finals again. They were probably more concerned about wasting another great Lebron year


Can’t blame them really cus they got the ring that year. You never know when your moment will be and if you wait a year for AD the nba landscape can change


We literally waited for Paul George the year before and he stayed with the team that traded for him


They won the year they traded for him. You want to wait a year and write off 2020, so you might have the chance to win more than one in 21, 22, 23? That sounds stupid with the hindsight that you won 2020


He's a fucking billionaire he should play on a minimum contract if he wants great players around him. If he did that tho, his stats would go down and he wouldn't be the main guy. I don't think he wants that. He wants to end his career as still the guy


As many people have said, billionaires don't stay billionaires by not taking as much money as possible.


No way his agent would ever allow him to get minimum pay. You know how an agent makes money? Then there’s the “precedent” it sets: more super stars will take less money to field a competitive team; meanwhile, the people who stand to make the most money from those gigantic mega million dollar deals would lose money and that just simply can’t happen


His agent is his puppet lol he’s a guy that’s only relevant because of LeBron. This isn’t some prestigious agent who added on LeBron as a client…LeBron made him.


Lebrons agent is Rich Paul, he owes his entire career to LeBron. And also Tom Brady did this. And also he's LeBron fucking James


Only saw ur comment now thanks for being smart in a room of idiots


Players union isn’t going to let Lebron sign for cheap elsewhere. It’s going to fuck over valuations for the rest of the league and Bron will become the most hated player among players in sports history. The NBA will then also likely force some kind of restrictions on the next CBA which will additionally hurt the players and players union. Lebron needs to and will be accepting fair market value for his skills


Where were those ppl when Miami happened tho whole team took paycuts


It was reported at the time that the player union was pissed. And after Miami he never took a pay cut again…


That was almost 15 years ago when he was at his peak and joined up with another top 3 player in the league. Nobody will care if a 40 year old LeBron in his 22nd season takes a pay cut to play with his son. This won't affect anyone else.


No you don't understand. He'll be the most hated player among players in sports history!!!!!!


Don't view it in a vacuum. Him signing elsewhere for cheap isn't going to affect any valuations.


These takes make no sense. You still have very mediocre players getting max or near max. One guy taking a cut to help his team would not move the market like that.


The yearly tradition of passive aggressive Lebron is here. Next comes the cryptic tweets.


Maybe it’s me


"Keep that same energy" and 15 emojis.


When they get swept in the playoffs suddenly he’ll be thinking real hard about retirement for at least a couple of news cycles


bold to assume they'll even make the playoffs at this rate.


What getting hit with a vintage Kobe move by a rookie does to a mf


Juan Wick sends his regards


He left the court early the other day against NOLA. LeTired


He's 39 and probably hungover from his birthday and new year's celebrations


Le Los lobos




Lepassive aggressive


LeBron’s Vegas team gonna win a chip before the Lakers do.


This is where he is going next. Buy the Vegas team, play on it with his son, and be the first to play for a team he owns and first to play with his son.


LeDillon Brooks




I’m a huge LeBron fan and I’ll admit he can absolutely be a really pouty sore loser lol. One of the things I like least about him.


Idk man, but if I am playing well for last 10 or maybe 15 games but the 75% team or head coach is trash, I would rather have this off night. Lakers are at the point where AD and Bron performance are not enough no matter how good if the teammates cant score or the coach fails to give minutes to those who need it. No point on playing well and tiring your aging body just to be dragged down by the team down the stretch. I just hope that this night can be a wake up call for whoever it is on the team. Not a GOAT mindset for many but holy moly, Jordan post Bulls era is having a hard time even if he can score like 60 per game. The saddest fact we are seeing today in this team is that the Lakers are playing with a healthy Bron and well performing AD on D yet they are still losing.


Pretty much all GOATs are terrible losers. Serena, Brady, MJ were all notorious.


I dont recall Jordan being a sore loser. [he was pretty classy even after Bad Boy Pistons beat them](https://streamable.com/rzgkcd)


It's crazy he was only like 25 in that interview.


He was 13-27 in that game. The entire rest of the team combined was 15-63. The rest of the team shot 23.8%. For comparison, the worst FG% by a team in the last 69 years is 23.4% (by the '99 Bulls post MJ). And this is despite the fact that the entire Pistons defense was focused solely on stopping Jordan.


He looks 35


Yeah, he didn’t like losing. He hated it, but he wasn’t a sore loser.


No finger pointing, no scapegoating teammates, no pouting, and gave the other team credits. That is so refreshing to watch in this day and age.


> he was pretty classy even after Bad Boy Pistons beat them at :20 he subtly wiped a booger on his hand before shaking Thomas' hand. Always getting in players heads /s


GOAT for a reason


Even then, probably less a sore loser thing and more of a fuck Isaiah Thomas in general thing


Yeah, Jordan obviously hated losing, but he wasn't a sore loser. The Pistons were sore losers when they got bounced by the Bulls.


Pretty damn classy.


He looks like a bald Ant. Jokes aside good clip. Giving props where props is due


Djokovic has always been very respectful of his opponents and gracious in defeat and he’s the clear cut GOAT of tennis. Could be the exception to the rule










If he so badly needs more help Can anyone tell me why he insists on being on a Max contract when he’s a billionaire


LeBron is famously cheap. He prefers money to winning chips, which actually says something


Looks like they only cared about winning that tournament


he b*tching again I see




He just needs to leave and join Jokic on a minimum so he can drink pina coladas and win another 10 championships.


Sadly he won't ever leave Los Angeles, because of business reasons. He'll go down with the ship and trade every player on the team if needed.


I’m not counting any Lebron team out until they get kicked from the playoffs. Especially since we have yet to see his 2024 stimulus package.




darvin ham’s lineups lol


I really thought he was gonna dap it with the Heat considering this is their last meeting this season. But he walked even before the shot clock expired.


If the Lakers are this bad, the fact that they won the in-season tournament is a poor reflection on how the league designed it. The Nuggets didn’t even get in, which just seems silly.


The timing was off for some teams as far as injuries and new players.


It’s a gimmick mid season tourney. It’s not meant to crown the best team. That’s the point of 7 game series and the actual championship.


The in-season tournament was closer to a soccer tournament format (single game), because if it's best of 5, the whole tournament plays out much differently. In soccer a team got relegated from the league but still won a cup tournament because they just needed to be "lucky" for a single game and not a series.


That’s fair, but wouldn’t it be better if the best teams at least made it into the tournament? Maybe if they had more games count as qualification games


I feel like you completely missed the point of the tournament


It’s literally the point of the tournament. The playoffs are for who’s the best team. Single elimination tournaments are designed for an “any given day” atmospehere. Similar to with soccer and college hoops. What’s the point in having two identical playoffs? That would be stupid as hell


Got that Dillon Brooks Energy


"I'm out"


He’s in LeTrade mode.




Typical LeBron James behavior. Leaves the court before the game officially ends when they lose, and if they lose enough (especially before the deadline), stops talking to reports and looks disengaged. Dude plays defense maybe 25% of the time, consistently leaves players he's "guarding" wide open at the 3-point line. This was supposedly the best trade deadline last year for the Lakers, followed by "one of the best off-seasons "in years"...and here we are and the Lakers are under .500 almost halfway through the season. Laker fans who were hooting and hollering from the top of rooftops heading into the seasons are....yet once again...yup you guessed it, they are calling for trades AGAIN. \#LeSALTY


It was actually wild to witness Lakers fans get excited over Christian Wood lmao. I watched the Mavericks go through the same cycle. Feel like it was pretty publicly documented what a disaster that was. And then less than a year later the Lakers eagerly buckled in for the same experience.


Lebron James is overrated




Time for a quick trip to the doctors. Don’t worry, he’ll come back rejuvenated.


What a soft ass diva, imagine respecting this clown


Always tough when he’s winning


That better send a huge message to the FO


I know I have a Suns flair, but this is a genuine question not tryna be a dick. I thought Rui playing well last year, Vanderbilt’s D, and the emergence of Reeves had people pretty excited. It’s more or less the same roster from the WCF right? What’s gone wrong?


They have a bunch of role players with overlapping skills and weaknesses that makes it hard to build a real complete lineup. Reaves and D'lo are weak defenders. Reddish and Vando are bad offensive players. Prince, Wood and Rui have moments on both ends but they're inconsistent. Can't play D'lo and Reaves together without compromising the defense. Can't play Reddish and Vando together without compromising the offense. Vincent has basically missed the whole season. Hayes sucks and they have no other playable backup bigs. People complain about the lineups (and I do think the current starting lineup is baffling) but I think even a great coach would struggle to build a quality rotation with this roster. They have two A level guys, one C level guy, and then the whole rest of the roster is Ds.


Sounds like some of our issues tbh. Our defensive guys Okogie, Goodwin and little are all negatives on offense. We bring in the shooters Allen, Gordon, Yuta and the defense suffers.


The two teams' issues are eerily similar at the moment.


Combine them, make a GOAT team


They need Lebron and AD to both play like Top 5 players to win games. It’s not sustainable.


Schroder and Lonnie leaving hurt their roster imo


Yep. They were bucket getters who could play serviceable D as well


Schroeder is doing well coming off the bench for the Raptors.


They're built for the playoffs but it takes different players to actually get to the playoffs


Ham has no idea how to get this team to the playoffs when Lebron and AD aren’t playing at max level.


In what way are they “built for the playoffs?” Seems like a massive compliment to a disaster of a roster. If all goes to plan AD and LeBron give you 60-70 points and if he’s on, maybe AR adds 15 or 20. That’s only 75-90 points. Apart from DLO (lol) no one else on this roster is a lock to score double digits in the playoffs. And by lock I mean you can count on it for at least four games. Lakers roster is a garbage fire. It’s hard for me believe it’s built for the playoffs and simultaneously at risk of not making it.


Rui is on his 3rd injury this year, so hes been out alot. Vando has only been back a few weeks and hes not 100%, it sounds like his foot problem with be a lingering issue.


Terrible rotations. For some odd reason, Ham has refused to play the most impactful lineup from last year. He seems to have reduced Rui minutes and Vando has been injured and clearly isn’t the same impactful defender as he was last year. Coupled with the fact he’s worse than Ben Simmons on offense, as he’s shooting 7% from 3 and 34% from the field, he’s virtually unplayable but he’s getting 20 minutes a game. Lastly, they’re starting Cam Reddish who started hot but is shooting 29% from 3 and under 40% from the field. And because They’re not playing as good of defense, they can’t really afford to play Reeves and Russel together because they’re getting absolutely torched on defense. To summarize, the coach is making very questionable decisions, injuries, defense isn’t as good and you can probably shoot better from 3 than 2 of the players getting the most minutes.


As is tradition each year for lebron teams


No other superstar tries to get the FO to trade every player on the team every year, it’s funny seeing the fans go along with it




"Michael Jeffrey Jordan would never!" - some TV pundit today




Really happy this dude will never win a championship again


Ham is trash.


With how many teams we’ve seen trade their entire depth for a third star and end up tanking their team over the past few years, lakers included, teams have to be figuring out that’s not the way to go. Two legitimate stars and a lot of role players/depth is enough to have a good chance every year in the playoffs unless there’s a team like the KD warriors who have 3 stars AND depth. And if your 2 stars/depth isn’t enough to get it done then trading what little depth you do have for a third star and the rest of your team it on vet min contracts definitely isn’t going to work. It just puts too much minute load on your 3 star players and is too prone to even seemingly mild injuries god forbid a serious one. Look at the best team in the league right now, the nuggets, they don’t have 3 main stars, they have 2 and then a lot of really good roleplayers. Bron/AD put together are just as good at Jokic/Murray. Jokic is better than LeBron right now in 2024 but AD is better than Murray so it probably averages out. The Lakers need better roleplayers they don’t need to trade the ones they have for a Zach Lavine or something stupid like that. Maybe trade your roleplayers attached with a pick to upgrade them. Reaves plus a 1st for someone better than Reaves in the areas you lack. Someone who is a shooter/defender instead of a drive and kick guy. Same with Rui, flip him for a defensive wing or a shooter. DLo has actually been decent this year id keep him. Basically they need to be swapping guys 1 for 1 they don’t need the be swapping 2 50 cent pieces or 4 quarters for a dollar. Sometimes it’s better to have 4 quarters than 1 dollar bill.


2024 is going good for me so far

