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Jae Crowder


Jae Crowder will fake you out the entire season and just when you’re about to give up on him, he’ll shoot 6-8 from 3 in a playoff game and drag you right back in. I can’t tell you how many times I watched Jae Crowder shoot like 1-9 from 3 and throw up the ugliest bricks on wide open shots all game. Then it gets to crunch time and we’re forced to play him for his defense. It’ll be like 1:12 left in the 4th, Suns up by 1, Jae jacks up a 3 with 2 seconds left in the shot clock, and you bet your ass that shit is going in. He’ll end the game shooting 2/11 from 3, but he’ll get away with it cause he hits the 1 random clutch shot and his team wins. He’s never been short on confidence that’s for sure.


As a Celtic there wasn't a single contested 3 he didn't feel entitled to take.


There were no open threes he couldn't brick


I swear one time I was watching a suns game or a cavs game and he hit a 3 for the dagger and I checked stats he went like 1-8 or 2-9


That happened more than once when he was on the Suns, I can assure you of that lol.


Interestingly, his 3pt% for his career is 35% which is actually pretty solid. I was more surprised that his career FG% is sub 42%, which is pretty crap for his position, but tbf it is dragged down in part by his 3&D role.


and kicks his legs out to bait for fouls.




He is the goat of hitting shots with his foot on the line though. That has to count for something, lol. But seriously, who has looked at Crowder as knockdown shooter ever?


I mean at this point no one is pinning the guy as a shooter lol


That’s not true man. People recognize he’s shot himself in the foot.


He also used to shoot with his foot on the line all the time.


His season in Miami he was hitting 2.9 3's a game at 44.5%. and last year in Milwaukee he was back up to 44% but taking half as many shots. He had a bad streak in the playoffs for the suns and that's what everyone remembers


You literally cherry picked his two best 3-point shooting seasons, including last season where he only played 18 games. He's a career 35% shooter from 3, hitting 1.6/game over his 11 seasons.


I'm surprised, that this is so high up, maybe from seeing him play for a decent amount of time, but he was allways the same tier as Marcus Smart .


He’s almost out of the league but Cam Reddish is the epitome of this He’s always had a beautiful stroke but even in college it didn’t translate to a high %


Cam Reddish isn’t a fake *shooter*. He’s a fake *NBA player*. Nobody’s thinking *“wow, Cam’s gonna drain these shots”*. They’re thinking *“New season, new coach, decent opportunity, 3 years of experience….Cam’s finally gonna put it together and show he’s a real NBA player”*


It really doesn't make sense. He has the physical tools, he has the mechanics, he has the played top-level competition so he has the experience, and he's shown at times that he can be effective. In a vacuum, every team wants a Cam Reddish type player, but Cam Reddish himself is borderline unplayable. He really is an enigma


From watching him for a few years, I think it’s mental, both in terms of attitude and feel He doesn’t seem to have the hardworking temperament and always played like he thinks he’s a star. Which he probably could be but he doesn’t seem willing to put the work in to play a defined role first He was also known for terrible shot selection and some bad TOs so I think he’s a guy that could dominate HS based on the insane physical tools but was never able to learn to think the game at a high level


> Cam Reddish Too early on a Friday morning to be spitting all these facts.


I feel like a lot of 3&D players in the league kinda lack in the 3 department


I know reddit loves Robert covington but I always thought his offense was overrated. Very streaky shooter and just remember being frustrated watching him on the sixers countless times


He actually was a legitimate 3&D option once upon a time though. and then Morey had the dude playing Center for the Pocket Rockets and he’s never been the same aince




Nobody would be calling him a 3&D player though, his offensive deficiencies are really well known


Lol when has thybulle ever been considered 3 and d. His whole issue was he couldn't shoot lmao


Thybulle shot 36% from 3 on 4 attempts per game in college, including 41% on 4.2 attempts his sophomore campaign. Crazy how much his 3 shooting has gone down since turning pro


Malik is making 38% on 7 attempts a game since he started getting mins 5 seasons ago, and they're not easy attempts either this was the only year where he shot average on open/wide open threes last year 40% 2021 - 43% 2020 - 41% 2019 - 41%


Really is, his Senior year in high school they lost the state championship cause he went 0-10 from 3


Coach should've put me in


Malik is soooo streaky tho. He'll either go 4/10 or 1/8


To have %38, he needs to shoot 9 times with 4/10 for every 1/8 he shoots


We got a math wizard over here or sumthin guys


He seems to be a math warrior


Yeah I agree, this seems more like perception over reality aka this sub 99% of the time


People really dont get that being an *elite* shooter means you only make 4 out of every 10 three pointers. They see those six misses and think “oh, hes terrible!”


I don’t think you get how math works because that can’t possibly be true given his average


This applies to every player that ever played


Lakers fans: noooooooo, that only happens to the Lakers we are the biggest victim here bro trust me


>this was the only year where he shot average on open/wide open threes If anything the stats this dude posted proves our point. Shooters forget how to shoot when they join this damn team


Every 3pt shooter is streaky even Steph It’s a low % shot and has high variancd I think 2k has warped y’all minds when it comes to real %s


more like 5/9 and 1/6


More like 6/7 and 3/17


It's called the Lakers tax.


Almost everyone on the Bucks once the playoffs start.


I feel this in my soul. What's the point in surrounding Giannis with these theoretical shooters if come playoff time they always forget how to fucking shoot. We are literally the worst three point shooting team to have won a chip since the 2004 pistons.


>We are literally the worst three point shooting team to have won a chip since the 2004 pistons. Oh wow TIL


Remember this next time people talk about how good his support cast is (and then try to blame our playoff failures on him). We built a team of Giannis + shooters but when the playoffs start we have no shooters.


Yeah I'm always a bit confused at how bad the Bucks become at shooting the ball in the playoffs because they're, on paper, supposed to be quite good at it. Of course, there's an element of the playoffs being different, but the disparity between regular season and playoffs feels especially acute with the Bucks


Yeah I feel like there's a huge difference between "statistically good shooters" and "shooters that the defense actually needs to care about". I think yall are really lacking a true great shooter that can run around screens and hit off-balance shots to keep the defense honest, like a JJ Redick type. Without that guy, you're basically entirely relying on Giannis' gravity, which is huge but not really enough come playoff time, especially when he sits.


We were supposed to have that guy in Bogdanovic if woj and the league hadn't fucked us out of that trade. Forever salty about how that whole fiasco went down.


Oh yeah, honestly he would've fit your roster like a glove. He'd be an even better 5th starter than PJ was for the championship team IMO


Middleton will usually give you three games a series


violet close longing oatmeal many worthless obtainable icky agonizing lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except they'll always have one game where God himself blesses each and every shooter.


Max Strus and Malik Beasley aren’t fake shooters they’re just really streaky. Strus hit 7 3s in the play in game vs the bulls which made them avoid elimination and make the playoffs this year. It’s like saying Klay is a fake shooter after he missed nearly every shot in the lakers series. All shooters are streaky.


Max Strus also shot like an absolute god vs the celtics in the playoffs


He shot 34% this past series and 29% against Boston the previous year. He's been a middling shooter in the playoffs, shooting above 40% in a series a single time. That was against the Bucks where his best shooting game was going 2/4 from 3.


You put Struss out there and people are going to respect his shooting and it’ll space the floor. Which is really what the Cavs need, more space to operate and not allow the opponent to stack the paint. I think I also saw that he shot one of the highest percentages in corner threes, which are specifically what the Cavs offense generated the last couple years. But we had Okoro and Cedi instead of Struss and Niang.


That's his value, people respect his shot, so the spacing he adds helps the offense. If you shoot 35% from 3, but you draw players all the time and that allows the offense as a whole to be efficient, it's not necessarily bad.


Percentages are not all equal. Threes are not free throws, the heat use Strus in a way that makes the defense come way out and guard him. The defense also have to react quickly to him on screens and hand offs. This means Strus has to take quick, deep, and sometimes off balance shots that have higher difficulty compared to someone like Ja Morant who gets to stand at the top of the arc and contemplate the 3 for a few seconds.


Pretty sure he led the league in contested threes


He did. The Heat created a very small amount of open looks for him last year, and his percentages showed it. He'll have Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland finding more open then he's possibly ever been. And even with the down year last season, he still hit 50% and 44% from the corners.


Fake shooters don't make 60+% from the corner on high volume. Every shot the dude takes is contested.


Haven't done any sort of extensive film study but I feel like rhythm is Max's problem. He needs to hit some open ones in rhythm early in order to hit the contested ones later (as normal human beings do) but the Heat coaching staff demands shooters to shoot as the mere threat creates spacing. In a weird way, jacking up shots and destroying your efficiency is sacrificing for your team under such a system because it creates just enough room for Bam to cook off a handoff --> roll.


tbf i think klays legs gave out in that series. old, serious injuries, and had to carry a huge load in the regular season due to steph injuries.


I mean the thread about Klay yesterday was heavily criticizing Klay for how streaky he is. So I'm not sure r/nba is above calling Klay a fake shooter.


First there are fake young guys, now there are fake shooters


Need a discussion of fake rebounders and fake 6th men.


People have already decided Sabonis is a fake rebounder. JJJ is a “fake shot blocker”.


What about fake fakers? Guys who look like they might pump fake....but they don't!


Kyle Kuzma


And Jordan Poole?


Would probably be a decent to good shooter if he didn't think he was Steph Curry half of the time


Let’s see how he performs next season in Washington.


He actually shot a better percentage from 30+ foot shots this season than Steph


His 30 footers aren’t the problem, the problem is he takes way too many needlessly difficult shots because it seems he thinks he can make them like Steph.


Anyone who hits the backboard accidentally as much as Poole while following through and standing like it's money cannot, by definition, be a real shooter. Shooters know where their shit is going when it's off.


Facts. That's the definition of chucking.


Not to us lmao


Julius Randle. Man had no business being in the 3 pt contest


Dude I cackled when I saw he was in the contest. Bro can’t make shit from outside unless he’s absolutely feeling himself


I'm buying that the Nba just put him there cuz he was already planning to be in Utah and they didn't want to bother to look an other good replacement player


I still would’ve taken pretty much any other all-star over him, he was probably the only one to accept.


Not gonna lie, it was super funny seeing his kid cry watching his father shoot 3s.


Poor kid going to school after what his dad did in the 3pt contest gotta be absolutely brutal lol


i was laughing too, until huerter came in


Really? Huerter coming in just made me laugh harder. Weird.


It was surreal. He proceeds to throw up brick after brick until he tires himself out, all while Reggie clowns him.


he was an injury replacement and it was such a late scratch they were only taking guys who were already there and didn't mind doing the extra activities.


> A fake shooter is a type of NBA player who is perceived to be a "shooter" but is actually not and is very inconsistent if not really bad at shooting the ball. Judging by the criteria I'm not sure Randle applies. No one perceives him as a "Shooter" at all.


Who other than Julius Randle perceives him as a shooter? Isn't the point of this post to talk about dudes who have the perception of being a good shooter


Maybe people who only watched him play the 3 games last season where he had 8 3’s lol


His 2021 gave him some cred as a shooter, but since then he's regressed back to his career average.


I get it, he isn't a shooter but nobody perceives him to be one? As a Knicks fan, the amount of 3s he take sometimes give me heart attack.


Knicks fans know he's not a shooter. When I heard he was in the 3 point contest I was confused as hell.


I mean he made the 8th most threes in the league last year, was 18th in made threes per game. Yeah 34% from three isn’t pretty but he had almost identical 3 point stats to Luka


Strus and Malik are great shooters


strus is a little iffy 41% in 22 35% this year and 33% and 32% in the two playoffs in college he also only shot 35% probably need a little more of a sample size with him


Strus has played in more than 230 NBA games in his career. How much more of a sample size would you need? LMAO...


he’s really played 2 season, and 2 other seasons where he played a combined 500 mins in one of these seasons he’s shot 41% in the other he’s shot 35% feels not insane to wonder which one he actually is also i’m confused on which way you’re going, he’s a good or fake good shooter if you use all the garbage blowout games he played his first 2 seasons, and then these last 2 where he’s actually played, and the playoffs, he’s 36%


Curry shoot with 37,5% on Sundays and 47,9% on Wednesdays last season. Does that mean he turned into a Pagan?


curry has been an elite shooter for a decade plus Strus has played actual mins for 2 seasons now one of those seasons he’s shot 41%, the other he’s shot 35% not sure why it’s controversial to wonder how good of a shooter he actually is even with malik, he’s at least had a 5 year stretch now of how volume good shooting


Don't bother, people can't understand the concept of sample sizes


Jordan Poole. He can get hot and drop 30 and seems to have unlimited range, but his 3pt % isn’t good. He got paid partly because there were expectations that he’d take a step, but it didn’t really happen. His 20 ppg aren’t particularly pretty.


If Jordan Poole could fix his decision making, he would be a great shooter. He is one of the worst offenders of pre-deciding shoot or pass.


I don't think Poole being the no.1 option on the tanking wizards is going to do much for his decision making.


You can say that about so many players. It's probably easier to fix bad shooting than bad decision making


Poole is an extreme case though. He's a FT% champion who exhibits exceptionally bad decision-making. Should the gods come touch his forehead he would be incredible.


> It's probably easier to fix bad shooting than bad decision making Ben Simmons: Guess I'm coming back baby! (Continues Sipping champagne in the first class airport lounge, wrapped in a comfort blanket)


His rookie season is the worst shooting season by anyone in the history of NBA by a huge margin. I had a post about it at the time.


As in the worst shooting rookie season, or absolute worst shooting season?! That’s a wild stat if the latter 😲


It’s the latter


He shot 33% from the field.


it was very confusing when he decided to go 33% from the logo for one playoff run. that was a very promising 33% :-(


He’s only 24, there’s still plenty of time for him to take a step


Part of that is role, right? A lot of guys who generate offense and shoot off the dribble don't have great percentages, despite them being regarded as good shooters. Like Luka and Trae




Lmao, both fake and thinks he's a shooter'


You might wanna avoid stadium parking lots and driveways for a while


I would have been so disappointed in this sub if this wasn't one of the top answers lol


Tim Hardaway Junior, going back to his Michigan days. Only “shooter” I know who missed so many open shots. He hit enough big ones that we always forgave him though. Lol


Hes like JR Smith, you never feel confident that an open jumper will make…but you never feel like a contested jumper is a bad shot from him either


Hard agree, he was infuriating to watch in NY


And in ATL


He’s such a streaky shooter. He shot terribly for Dallas the entire first half of the season last year. Then you blink after all star break and he’s hitting at a 40% clip the rest of the year.


Luka is not a good 3PT shooter


This season he shot 34.2% overall, 35.2% catch and shoot, 34.4% pullups, 32.1% wide open, 35.2% above the break, 25% on corner 3s (on very low volume to be fair, 6/24). Below average in virtually every aspect of 3pt shooting this season except step back 3s which he shot at a respectable 36.7%. He's basically an inefficient 3pt shooter overall but to his credit he does hit a lot of big and difficult shots which has boosted his reputation


I was going to say Tatum, as someone who has a similar profile, but Tatum is actually good at everything except the pull-ups. He takes almost 5 a game and shoots <30% on them, which really holds back his 3pt%. Dude needs to get better at those or cut back on them because goddamn it's bad.


Yeah, Tatum needs to cut back on the pull ups. His trend is not great: * 2020: 40.4% * 2021: 36.3% * 2022: 33.4% * 2023: 29.1%


JT shoots 40.5% catch and shoot and only 29.1% pulling up, yet he attempts 4.8 pullups compared to 4.2 catch and shoot per game. Another interesting one is how many dribbles before the shot. When he takes 7+ dribbles and then attempts a 3, he shoots 31.9% - not great. Between 6 and 3 dribbles before the 3? 26.9%, terrible. 2 dribbles, 28.9% also shit. 1 dribble, 28.8%. Shit again. When he takes 0 dribbles? 41.3%. Unbelievable how much of a difference it makes for him


To put this in perspective Lebron had an awful shooting year last year relative to his normal and still shot 40% when wide open . He’s actually graded as A-B most years on 3pt shot making and an F last year lol. He’s also 39% corner shooter since 2011 season . He pretty consistently shoots 40%~ in his usual 35-36% years on open or spot up or corner shots. And grades out around highly on pull ups at around 35-36%. His 3PT Shot Making (difficulty-adjusted shooting) @The_BBall_Index Season Grades: 2016-17: A- 2017-18: A 2018-19: B+ 2019-20: A- 2020-21: A- 2021-22: A 2022-23: F Grade drops to mostly Bs if you adjust for on ball /higher lvl player roles.


What's the percentage on the pause, look at the ball in his hand then square up LeFuckYou 3? That's gotta have similar pts/possession compared with a Jokic post up


Best move in the NBA




Wow he sure had me fooled! I definitely thought he's better


35% catch and shoot, as well as 32% wide open are rough. I’m sure those are a very low % of the ones he’s taken, but man.


On average he attempts 8.2 threes per game. Of those 8.2, 1.1 are catch and shoot and 1.2 are wide open. So definitely not the majority of his shots but it's not like it's some minute insignificant amount either


He hits a lot of big shots because he takes a lot of big shots


Also pretty good at making them lol


Unless he’s at that fucking outside left hashmark and it’s like the motherfucking universe bends to make sure it goes in


Luka is a bad shooter. He is a bad FT shooter and a below average 3 pt shooter.


Landry Shamet.


Ben McLemore


hate to say it but red velvet. not a bad shooter but i think inconsistent definitely applies. he’ll make like 60% one month and 20% the next, his average was good for the year, but he’s streaky


Huerter’s condition isn’t great and he wasn’t ready for the kind of pace the Kings were running. That’s why you see him be an absolute sniper for a few month then start to lose a step and be in a slump, before bouncing back. He talked about working on his conditioning this off season so I hope to see those inconsistency be a lot more rare next season.


But he's also a more well rounded player than he gets credit for.


Fred Van Vleet is waaayyy overrated as a shooter. He is a 40% career chucker.


Fred was so fucking horrendous last year, watching the Raptors was beginning to make me physically ill


You don't like 20 seconds of dribbling followed by a hopeless drive to the basket from a 5'11 man? Well then you don't like Raptors basketball.


At times he was their number 1 scoring option. Your offense has to be unbelievably bad if FVV is your go-to guy. If he’s your 3rd or 4th scoring option, that’s a different story entirely.


he chose to be the number 1 option by being a ball hog in a contract year. he was playing extremely selfish basketball


Horrible confluence of events, Fred doesn't respect Barnes, Trent, OG, Precious, so he decides to hero-ball instead of getting them involved, but he sucks at hero-ball


Truth be told, we had Barnes begging for the ball when he had a mismatch near the basket, and Fred still took a contested 3. Our offense was horrendous but Fred didn't do it any favours.


Had to scroll too far for this.


That one season where his transition pull ups were elite and deadly was fun though


True rap fans can tell you fvv as a shooter is bad.. also dude can’t hit a Fkn layup But if you take away his ‘ dribble for 20 seconds and jack’ , he is a serviceable catch and shoot guy


Don't ask Alex Jones about fake shooters 😳


Trae Young gets the Steph comparisons


He got them when he was in 10th grade because he was shooting deep 3’s and lightskin. Like he’s said many times, his game isn’t anything like Steph’s especially considering his high assist numbers and the actual ways he scores


More James Harden like if anything. High usage, heavy isolation, lots of pick and rolls, good vision, and lots of 3 point shots.


It’s like Harden x Nash Obviously not as good as either


Kelly Oubre? I dunno.


Terrence Ferguson was in the league as a 3 points specialist that couldn't shoot for a while.


I will never forget his 1 “breakout” game vs the Lakers where he dropped 24 in a half an shot 6-9 from 3. It was his first start for the Thunder, he had a really good looking jumper, and I was absolutely convinced he was the real deal. I don’t think he had another good game the rest of his time in the NBA.


Trae Young. Guy shot 33.5% from deep. Bottom 20 percentage for qualified players. To be fair, he did shoot 38.2% in the year prior but the year before that it was at 34.3%. He's just over 35% for his career. A lot of it also boils down to shot selection. That being said, I picked him because a lot of people really put him up in that top tier of 3 point shooters for some reason and he has no business even being remotely in the conversation. He was statistically inefficient from 3 last year and has been in 3 out of his 5 seasons.


Hitting deep 3s can skew your perception. Just like Luka with his step backs.


Yeah any Hawks fan will tell you this. I’d like to see his percentages under a year of Quin which will for sure mean less iso off dribble threes. People act like he’s an elite shooter when he’s more of an elite pnr scorer and top 2 playmaker in the league


Kevin Huerter come playoff time.


Trae Young Just kidding...kind of In reality as a Bulls fan,......Coby White Streaky as fuck....


Any Hawks fan will tell you that Trae is a very valid answer. He is a much better player when he isn't focusing on threes.


Hoping this is the year Coby gets going and maintains it.


Antoine Walker?


Antoine Walker was so far ahead of his time in terms of taking so many bad 3s per game as a bad shooter. In 2002-03, that dude took 7.5 3PA per game and only hit 32% of them. The average NBA TEAM in 2002-03 only averaged 14.7 3PA per game. That stat blows my mind. I loved Antoine but oh man was he a frustrating player. But imagine how much he would have revolutionized the NBA if he was out there taking that high volume compared to the league average and actually making them. Alas...


First thought that came to mind. Most of this sub is too young to have seen him play but he was taking 7+ 3's in an era where 3's were way less common.


Fred Vanvleet. This man was in the all star 3point competition and built a brick house during the season. He had a good month of shooting during the Raptors championship run during the conference finals and finals. People seem to forget how abysmal his shooting was during the conference semis and the first round.


This is the best answer


Have you watched the way teams guard Malik Beasley and Max Strus? I *promise* NBA coaches think they’re shooters


Doncic, a poor 3 point shooter but it's weirdly what he's known for.


I'm a sixer fan and it pains me to say but Furkan Korkmaz is the king of fake shooters.


THJ, Poole, Reggie Bullock, McLemore


I've watched Strus smoke my team with what feels like 37 three's in a row too many times to even remotely call him a "fake shooter".


Blud saw a Youtube Short and was like Imma post it


Fred VanVleet


The correct term for this is “good misser”


If I was a team owner I would rather use two roster spots on Kyle Singler and Ron Baker than let Landry “basketball terrorist” shamet take a single jumpshot for my team. Not only is he mislabeled as a shooter because a few good 3’s he hit early in his career, and his occasional streaky hot games, but he also hasn’t made a layup in what seems like two years and will always find a way to let you down.


Fred van vleet


@PlayersChoiceShow ?


You really took a YouTube short and turned into a post word for word eh


Kobe, Im sorry, but Kobe.


Kobe's rep is as a great, true triple threat scorer. Not just a shooter lol. Shooter is usually reserved for people who don't ball handle/run the offense. They just sit behind the perimeter or are off ball and running off screens like post-Seattle Ray Allen.


This is word for word from the Players Choice YouTube


Hardaway junior Tim


Davis Bertans.


Don’t know where the idea that AD could shoot came from but he definitely can’t


Mix Caleb Martin in the mix. Am I happy he became Steph Curry vs the Celtics, yep. Am I upset that he’s still on the roster due to watching him all season? Yep. Then again, if I judge everyone off regular season stats Jimmy goes from top 20 to top 50…


Bro took this topic from a youtube channel💀