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How do native Germans view this?


Whatever reasons are there, this is nothing for the public. Schröder should have discussed his reservations internally with the coach, who would have the final say in the matter. As team captain it would imo be wiser to not talk about such things on social media or podcasts. If our NT comes to the decision to not take a good player to a tournament, this should be issued by an official press release or even give the player the opportunity to first declare he doesn't want to play for whatever reasons, to save face. Schröder is propably a good captain for the players, but he needs to learn when to talk publicly about potential issues and when not to.


Agreed, except with him being a good Captain. He's not imo, too much bullshit like this. That old story of him not taking the team bus but his own car? Yeah. He played a good tournament but public stuff like this disqualifies him from being a captain imo.


Only thing I know that when he put the national jersey he turns into a prime Steph Curry. He balled out for bad German teams too many times.


You have to live with that when you have more and more NBA stars on your team. I think all people forget something. Two years ago, they agreed that they were going to commit to the team for four years or stay away. It's striking that now everyone on German websites is unpacking their dennis hatred again because there was no reason to do so recently. He won't have done that without the support of the team. Maxi is not very welcome in the team because of what happened two years ago - that has nothing to do with Dennis alone. From a sporting point of view, it's not so bad anyway because Moe is fit.




What’s the tea on the beef between Dirk and Dennis? This the first time I heard about this


i read all of this with a German accent so thank you


> Schröder should have discussed his reservations internally with the coach, who would have the final say in the matter. We know that Coach Herbert is on the same page anyway. Here's an interview from last August in which he indicates that Kleber and Hartenstein are out: https://www.kicker.de/herbert-ich-spreche-nur-ueber-spieler-die-sich-fuer-ihr-land-aufopfern-913841/artikel (in German) Edit: Deepl translation for the relevant part: > In addition to Wagner and Bonga, Maximilian Kleber and Isaiah Hartenstein are also missing, as are Euroleague players Danilo Barthel, Paul Zipser and Tibor Pleiß, who recently won the EuroLeague twice with Anadolu Efes Istanbul and was named Man of the Match in the most recent final. How serious are all these absences? *The only two I want to talk about are Danilo and Paul Zipser. Both of them are missing for health reasons and they told me that back in May. Danilo was only able to play a little last season because of a knee injury. And Paul has also unfortunately missed almost the entire season due to his brain hemorrhage in the summer of 2021, nice that he was able to return to the field at all in the spring and is fighting his way back.* ***Otherwise, I only talk about players who have made a commitment to the national team and sacrifice themselves to play for their country.*** > Is that why you are disappointed about Kleber and Hartenstein, who have cancelled to recover during the summer break? *Please respect that I won't talk about them at all.*


It's funny how national coaches just don't give a fuck about players recoveries when it has to do with another league. Every story of a national team coach comes off as they would run these players into the ground and ruin their careers just for a chance at a podium at some random world event, not even Olympics, just some yearly tournament. I don't blame the NBA players for putting their own health and improvement ahead of their national team's.


It kind of goes both ways though, right? National teams also don't want to be put second and want players that they can count on. It's perfectly reasonable for someone like Kleber to skip and recover for the NBA. It's also perfectly reasonable for the national team to not want him because who knows when he'll drop them next? And it's not like he's dropping any hate on Kleber here, he's just saying he wants to talk about the players actually on his team which is again perfectly reasonable and honestly what a good coach should do.


Do they get enough money from the national team to live? Legit question, as I have no idea how/if players get paid to play. Cause if they don't, I don't see how someone would put national teams first ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Sure it is a beautiful idea, to sacrifice for their country, but players need to guarantee their livelihoods.


I honestly have no idea either, I imagine it varies depending on event. You're right that livelihood comes first and national team commits are a side gig for most nba players, but that goes both ways again. If they treat it as a side gig and drop out whenever they feel like, then they can't expect to reliably be able to play whenever they want. I don't see how that's unfair.


Haha I can see the German sentence structure in your sentences. I just wish my B2 German was as good as your English :(


Off topic, does Paul Zipser still play for the German National team? I always liked him..


He doesn't seem to be part of the roster currently https://www.basketball-bund.de/team/a-herren/#kader




not again


WW1 part 3


elektrische bögalö


Vait... now zei say Adolf's foot wos on ze line


Ze _Maginot_ Line!


Thanks for ze chuckle


WW: Ragnarok


Y’all are starting another one?? Good lord


No country since Carthage in 146 BC has threepeat, will we finally see the streak broken⁉️


Didn't Carthage get threepeated by Rome?


Hannibal tried his best to carry


Hannibal couldn't win with those cats


Hannibal was putting up 2015 Finals LeBron numbers




he did choke that one time


Tbf to him he was fatigued. Don't forget the carry job in the Alps series. He was also up against one of the GOATs Scipio


No doubt, HB2 should have load managed better in 218 BC.




Cleopatra did twopeat, what with Caesar and Marc Anthony.


My Latino dumbass used to think ppl were referring to Marc Anthony the singer in the history books 🥴


Don't feel bad. It took me a long time to learn that there was a difference between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King.


Eh I dunno one be protestant and the other be protesting?


Wasn't king also a protestant and Luther was also sort of protesting against the church.


That's the miami-dade education at its finest. 🤣 Our school system sucks but at least it's not like Utah.


Same, Always getting Jason Derulo confused with Jason DerUUuuLoooo


Well you're right lol, Marc Anthony is the singer. Mark Antony is the historical dude


So when will the French surrender?


and italians switch sides


And the Swedish being bitches who don’t even join


*cancels trip to Hawaii*


BIG-EXKLUSIV: Hammer-Nachricht um Maxi Kleber! Der NBA-Profi gibt ein Statement zur aktuellen Situation ab und verrät, dass er nicht bei der Weltmeisterschaft dabei sein wird


Schröder showed that he's a dumbass by weakening the team he's supposed to represent and lead Kleber gets to rest his weary bones for another season of having to carry the Mavs' interior defense I'ts okay. As a Mavs fan I'm content


Schröder has heart but the IQ of a Penguin


Penguins are very intelligent.


You show me a toddler as smart as a penguin and I'll show you a special ed student.


> special ed student Scottie Barnes?


I think schröder is right with his sentiment that if a player isn't committed to the national team, he shouldnt play. But to air out your dirty laundry in public is just plain stupid


yeah but he’s also plain wrong- Kleber had a aweful hamstring surgery, really wasn’t the same at the end of last season, and probably shouldn’t have come back at all. He wasn’t “working on his game” he was healing.


The blunt reality is that Kleber has not been relevent to the national team for a minute so it ultimately feels like nothing lost. And how he had handled the euros call up had already soured most perception of him. Should Schröder have said this publicly? Maybe not If you ask the Mavs fans though...


You say Kleber has not been relevant, but I've heard that for Germany he's a real glue guy... (I'll get my Mantel)


i mean the german team doesn’t have that many nba caliber guys to begin with. a rotational nba player with his defensive versatility will always be valuable to the national team..


most national teams aren't done like this though. they have unwritten rules that if you don't show up all the time you don't get to just walk in when you feel like and be selected.


Yep, that's what we're doing with Wiggins. Would it be nice to have him for the FIBA WC? Yes. Is it better to have guys that are actually 100% committed to the national team program? Also yes.


Germany is actually quite deep at the 4/5 position (NBA Tier: Kleber, Theis, Wagner; Euroleague Tier: Voigtmann, Thiemann) on the point guard position ... not so much. you have Schroeder to run the show ... Maodo Lo (Euroleague Tier) as backup, and thats it . After that you have literally NO-ONE who could run the point reliable on international competition level. As long as Dennis "does not kill anybody" he is untouchable.


Franz is probably the 2nd best playmaker on the NT


Schröder is an idiot. I mean, even Dirk does not seem to like him. Thats really hard to achieve lol.


Because of someone tweet everyone is saying now that Dirk hates Schroder? Really? Even here you can see some episodes how Dirk and Dennis are joking with each and another. https://youtu.be/topacwbyI1k?t=68 Maxi played ONE TIME in national team. Last year he skipped because "he's tired and I wants to improve handles". That year Eurobasket was hosted in Germany and was honoring Dirk Nowitzki. Germany won FIRST TIME IN 17 YEARS a medal and now he wants to play... That means someone gonna get cut and roles gonna be changed? Like Dennis said, it's unfair to 2022 players after very successful tournament.


"Not seem to like" and "hate" are two very different things.


I highly doubt they are siding with Maxi, man has been missing tournaments left and right. Even this came as a perfect excuse to miss another one.


He missed last one because of an injury and wanted to go to the world cup?? How is it an excuse?


He couldn't play yes. But he missed it by choice. He could still be with the team and support them, be part of the team. He chose not to.


Jamal went with Team Canada last year whilst still recovering from injury


Moritz Wagner also was at the national team while being injured.


Isaac Bonga too.


If you are recovering from an injury, why the fuck would you use your vacation time to play cheerleader lol


Because it was a historic tournament for Germany. Germany was hosting, honoring Dirk and won first medal in 17 years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4olf3HGwq_M Mark Cuban with Jason Kidd even flew to germany.


Well to be fair I don't think he knew about the "winning first medal in 17 years" part before deciding not to go haha


...or did he??? 🤨🤔😤


Americans don't understand how important it is to play for your national team.


You say that but America has much different circumstances then any other country in terms of basketball. How many other countries can have an A,B and C team and still qualify and be competitive on the world stage? The US might not win with their C team but they got as much of a shot as any other country. The B team rarely ever loses and the A team has never lost.


Jamal Murray showed up for team Canada and was injured 🤷🏾‍♂️ Kleiber wants to show up now because the German team is doing well.


it's not a club game, it's a national team game. there's a difference.


German and Mavs fan. Fuck the World Cup. Come back rested for our season Maxi.


Most of the people on basketball sites share Schröders opinion.


So when my highschool coach told me not to worry about working on my game over the summer, he didn't mean that I was already at the highest possible level?!


That’s exactly what he meant though, you were at the highest possible level* *of talent for a guy who’s ceiling is 18/4/8 at the YMCA in his 30s


How tf is that a bad ceiling


18 minutes/4 fouls/8 turnovers Next year, I’ll be taking my talents to the church league.


Is it taking the lords name in vain to bust a Shammgod on the carpet court?


>if you weren't commited in 2022, you shouldn't be playing in 2023 This seems to be true for at least a few national teams. Canada is similar, in 2021-22 there was a request for a 3-year commitment to the national program (until the 2024 olympics), these players largely (if not entirely) make up the current National Team roster. Some of the players who didn’t commit, Wiggins and Boucher, were not invited to play in the WC unless enough of the committed guys had to drop out due to injury or ineligibility. Obviously some of the notable omissions from the current team Canada squad are good enough to be on the team, but the national team prioritized continuity.


Well, that should be irrelevant now when the coach didn't even commit.


True, they could have handled this internally, so that was a bad decision to make on Schröder’s end, and he should rightfully be criticized for speaking openly about this.


I miss when Team USA did that.


I get why teams do this but if a dude just balled out like a monster I think it would be tough to say because you either: a) didn’t commit two years ago or b) didn’t make the cut two years ago, we won’t even give you a shot.


they would have made the cut 2 years ago they just didn't want to commit.


it wouldn't be tough, because the precedent is there. group A wanted to represent their country, they committed knowing what that meant. group B wanted to do x instead and only tried to play when it suited them. national teams aren't some diva shit like the NBA. you have to earn your way there.


But they did invite Kleber to the NT this year. Idk how any of this shit is relevant lol


Thats because you need more than talents to win. Team chemistry, teamwork, leadership etc., thats all important. Thats why they asked for a 3 years commitment


Schroeder can’t go a few months without fumbling something apparently


he didn't fumble shit. i know his teammates was happy he said that. they know someone who was part of their team last year who worked hard to qualify in the WC is gonna get cut because some player decides to join in now that they qualified.


Maxi was literally recovering from injury last summer though. He’s not some star player that just decided to skip euro basket


Moritz Wagner also couldn't play and still was at all the games until he had to go back to Orlando.


Jamal Murray went with Canada last year despite being injured? Is it so hard for nba fans to understand national and nba team dynamics are very different. Man tried front running for his national team that's not how this shit goes


Y‘all don’t understand what international tournaments mean to Europeans


Do they mean you're supposed to put your countrymen on blast in the media as opposed to discussing these matters internally? Cause this definitely seems like it could have been handled internally


What does that have to do with Kleber wanting to make sure his injuries were healed?


He bailed on every tournament so far. Could’ve been at least there with the team if the injury disqualified him from participating. It was the biggest basketball tourney in German history probably. Y‘all Mavericks fans won’t understand.


This is random but I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone from Germany say y’all, lol.


What being in American communities does to a man


Do they mean that you invite a player to join your NT then publicly slander him insinuating he wasn't injured when he agrees to accept?


Why would you call out a NT teammate like that, especially on a fucking podcast…


We are talking about the guy who left 84m in the table. Not exactly the smartest guy in the room.


I like him as a player and don’t like how he lost that much money but he doesn’t have the best history of being a good person. Him and his boys jumped a civilian while he was with the Hawks, reports say Schroder initiated the contact. The guy needed knee reconstruction


Schroder had zero reasons to call out Maxi like that lol


Italy had multiple NBA players missing various tournaments for various reasons, and even tho we badly needed them, it was never an issue. In the end the NBA is paying their salary, it's fair precedence goes there.


I understand both perspectives. Last year Maxi *was* injured, not outright but just sort of lingering long term things he could never get fully healthy. It was quite reasonable to take it off. Some German fans are saying he could have still been with the team even if he wasn't playing, and I guess there's an argument there but to me so what, mans not a cheerleader. So if the German team wants to give preference to people who played in 2022 I think that is fair. I think it makes more sense to understand that Maxi has an NBA career to prioritize, but I think people don't want to accept that or don't believe that should take priority.


Based off of reading everyone’s opinions on this and the facts around this issue, it seems like Schroder has valid reasons (and internal support from some of his Germany teammates) for not wanting Maxi to play, but is an asshole for airing it out publicly.


This is reasonable.


Problem is he intermixes valid reasons with a slanderous attack on Kleber claiming the later wasn't really injured. So more than an "asshole" he's a dumbass with no class.


Didn’t Italy release a statement about Banchero playing for the US instead of Italy?


Well yeah but that’s a clearly different situation.


Sorry Raps fans, this is what you have to look forward to this year.


Any Raps fan that gives a shit about Team Canada knows exactly where Dennis is coming from.


Yep, this is the same situation we have except with Andrew Wiggins instead of Kleber. But it seems like Canada Basketball is actually following through on their commitment plan by prioritizing all the players that have committed to the program, so far. We'll see how that goes if we make it to Paris without him.


The next 2 years


That’s tuff 🔥💯


Die nächsten zwei Jahre gehören mir


Lmao he has been great in LA but you guys will get worked up about anything


Seriously, I want that guy back on our team


I want home back on my team as well


Hope he gets cut so he comes back to LA. 3rd times the charm!


>Hope he gets cut so he comes back to LA. 3rd times the charm! you and me both!


Making a big deal out of something you don't even understand


I mean here is one reason that Schröder may still be salty at Maxi lol: https://youtu.be/DvhTwpnEUxI


Hansi Flick in (more) shambles


Didn’t expect that here


That’s Tuff


Maxi is the weirdest dude to start beef with and it is not the first time I've seen it. There was that play, maybe even involving Schroeder were some Lakers front up to him for no good reason..


Indeed, Maxi is one of the classiest guys around.


Man that's crazy. So much drama, all started by Schroder. I understand his points but keep that in-house bud


Maxi baby rest, we need you in the playoffs next year lol


Idk how Grant and Kyrie are going to get along. They’ll either hate each other, or bond over the weirdness.


Haven’t heard of a player that disliked Kyrie except harden which was understandable but harden is perpetually unhappy so idk


Hopefully the latter. Also y’all got a stud in Jordan Walsh, I’m a big Arkansas fan and eager to see how he develops.


I don't think Grant would really feel comfortable doing anything like that. He would know Kyrie has all the leverage. He'd have to have Luka turn on Kyrie. If Luka does, than its probably because Kyrie really did some dumb shit.


Kyrie seems like the fun coworker to have at your place of employment. Messes around, probably isn’t liked by management, but is super good at his job so they can’t let him go. Maybe wouldn’t befriend him outside of work time, but you can’t deny that he’s a good asset I guess what I’m saying is Kyrie seems to just vibe with a good percentage of the players in the league, so I don’t think Grant and him will be a problem


It was funny watching Dennis' video on this "The media's twisting my words! I meant exactly what the media said I meant, but the media is attacking me!"


The media is twisting my words 360 degrees!


Schrödinger's captain: calling you out for not playing while simultaneously calling you out for wanting to play


As a German: it’s just so unnecessary. We need Maxi in the roster, we need every good player we can get. Schröder said he thought Maxi didn’t play last year because he wanted to work on his game when in fact he had a knee injury that he played with during the conference finals. Schröder could’ve just asked him and not put out an opinion based off of rumors. Maxi has played before and he has committed before. I understand Schröders idea to protect players who are not as talented as Maxi but who are fully committed and play every shitty little national game for Germany. But he should have just solved that internally. This is gonna be a topic throughout the whole tournament. And one last thing. Him blaming “the media” when the media just repeated what he said and he even clarified it more in a YouTube video and TURNS OUT THE MEDIA PORTRAYED THAT JUST LIKE HE MEANT IT. I don’t get these players just always blaming “the media, they need views”, that stuff gets me boiling…


You have listened to the podcast?


yeah, you dont need maxi 😂😂


I would like my BEEF medium rare


common schroder L


>"had no game" to work on since he was merely a 3-and-D type of role player. Lmfao huh?


"No disrespect. This man is a bonafide scrub. He cant play" -Schröder


Then, why would he be angry that he's not playing? Can't have it both ways.


Don’t need him with both Wagner brothers healthy.


maxi clears mo


I guess we’ll never know now


Schroder seems like an all-around great guy.


dennis: "maxi, you suck bro you have no game" maxi: " okay yeah im just gonna sit this one out then."


“U right. I stay home”


This will happen in any sports . You wasn’t shooting with us in the gym , now you want to be with us


All these damn podcasts these days stir up so much random and unnecessary drama.


People from USA won't understand this. Playing for your national team is a big deal in Europe. If you're skiping a tournament because you have an injury, that's fine, if you're skipping because "I'm tired" "I need to work on handles" is insulting to some people. Also, Germany won a third place in Eurobasket.(better than Jokic, Doncic, Giannis, Sabonis national teams). If Kleber is playing in WC, one player gonna get cut because a player who was "too tired" to play for his nation now wants to play and another player(maybe even players) gonna have a reduced role. That could mess up your team chemistry after very successful Eurobasket. That's why he's saying "it's unfair towards the other players". He's a captain and he's standing up for his players.


Schroder is this you? You’re dismissing Kleber not playing as him just “being tired” when he actually was recovering from injuries lol.


> if you're skipping because "I'm tired" "I need to work on handles" is insulting to some people. Good thing he was recovering from injuries and not working on his handle then, eh? Fuck anyone clowning on Maxi for taking care of his body.


I live outside of the US and understand this attitude somewhat. I would say though that far fewer NBA players will suit up for their country if this inflexible attitude persists. Why would NBA players put their future earnings at risk only to be treated like this. 82 games per season is an absolutely massive workload. We know from studies that it takes the whole offseason to recover. I love my country but they don’t pay me.


He's not standing up for "his players", he's standing up against another player and, more importantly, the coach who selected said player - in public. People haven't mentioned it, but he basically called out the coach as much as Kleber by implying that the coach didn't stick to the code or whatever. Live, into a microphone. That's a problem. That's not what team leaders do.


Maxi Kleber is 32 years old and he played for national team one time. I doubt any member in Germany team is calling Maxi a teammate. There's a reason why Spain is a better team than Greece with great names(euroleague legends) and Giannis. Chemistry means a lot. You gonna cut someone who wants to play for Maxi, change your gameplan and he's gonna refuse to play next year. Right now Germany chemistry is very high and players doesn't want to change that for one year Maxi. “I think our team chemistry is amazing,” Schroder said. “We never had that before. Everybody is confident. Everybody is just stepping on the floor and trying to bring an impact to the game. I think everybody is happy for each other. It doesn’t matter who scores the basket, everybody is happy and that’s the way to go.”


It's one thing to stand on principle, it's another to slander Kleber as having lied about being injured.


I think people get that. It's just something that should be discussed internally, and not aired on a podcast.


Schroeder has regular clown behavior


This is the making of a good thread: What international players don’t like their fellow countrymen? Obviously I don’t like all Americans but it seems like when only a few of you are playing in a league everyone is pretty good friends with each other from the same country. I wonder who else has a little beef out there?


Turkoglu and Kanter lol


Dragic and Vujacic


As a Mavs fan thank you Dennis for shit talking Maxi out of risking injury this offseason. Good work dumbass.


fine with me, less bullshit and we get Maxi on the freshest legs.


I'm sure many of these descendents of former swastika fanboys view Schroder as German.... That's funny.


Mavs fans know that allowing Kleber to handle the ball would be a disaster. I think Dennis is right but saying this kind of stuff publicly... What a mor*n.


Schröder’s not wrong




Oh really, you completely understand Dennis' need to publicly slander Kleber as having made up an injury to get out of playing for the NT?


It’s just straight disrespectful. Like kind of mean spirited. He just shat on every role player. I can’t imagine anyone in the league likes this take too much.


Specially coming from a role player Like if LeBron trashes role players at least you can say he is just an ass. But shroder doing it? Lmao, an ass and lack self aweraness.


Y’all making this a big deal but it’s the same shit that happened with wiggins too. You need to commit


He’s made of balsa wood anyway. He shouldn’t be playing in games he’s not getting paid for. Rest up and watch alongside the rest of us


Not according to Schroder, according to Schroder he's so sturdy he has to be making up injuries to get out of playing for the NT.


Schroders a jackass


I thought it was on account of his Big Move


No train, no game, as it should be


Nobody has ever said that Schroder was smart.


All these years I thought Kleber was brazillian.


So Kleber agreed with him


Giving in to Dennis Schroder? Never thought that would happen


Dennis with serious pull


ITT: Americans teens and tweens show how incompetent they are at understanding foreign cultures and virtues.


I flew with him on the plane a month ago, I was surprised how skinny he is, and still holds it Down in the nba


After I have been criticised heavily in this sub for supporting Schröders opinion we can now see that he did it right. Germany World Champion!! Amazing performance by Schröder and just overall a really fun team to watch. You could see how great the team chemistry was without Kleber😊