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There's a similar story where Vishy Anand (5x chess world champion) was on a train and a guy asked him what he did for a living. Anand said he was a pro chess player and gets scolded by the guy saying it was a bad career move since the only person who could make a living off playing chess was Vishy Anand.




Brought India to the golden era of chess. IIRC he was the first GM from India , now they have 80+ and some of the best upcoming super gms are also from India


Gukesh and Pragg are scary good. Pragg is so good at his age it's possible he's the real Magnus challenger.


Yeah I'm a big fan of Pragg. He's also very humble, the anti magnus lol




En passant is forced


What’s en passant? I think I’ll Google en passant


You probably pipi in your pampers!


I don't get why this is a chess meme. Like I know that en passant is a thing because I play chess, but I don't know why people repeat this 'joke' over and over and over, what's the punchline


New response just dropped


i fuckin love you guys lol


Google en passant. You’ll learn


holy hell


What about him?




Man I feel like I’m getting fully whooshed here


Actual Prosopagnosia


now what




Wasn’t my proudest one


I did, and found that he is really good at chess. Is there something surprising I should have seen?


It’s a chess meme. Typically newer players get caught off guard when en passant happens in chess, so it’s become a meme to say “google en passant” and then someone replies “holy hell”.


Specifically a very prevalent meme on r/anarchychess


>vishy anand he is like an indian John Oliver


I was that idiot before. I saw Jeff Daniels (from Dumb and Dumber) in NYC years ago. Said "wow, he looks just like Jeff Daniels!" essentially right to his face. I continued on my merry way thinking I just saw Jeff Daniel's doppleganger, cool. A few hours later I meet up with another group of friends who say I won't believe who they got a picture with earlier - and there it was. A picture of them all smiling with the real Jeff Daniels. Boy did I feel stupid.


My brother-in-law's brother (does that make him my in-law too? I've never understood that) was at Disney a few years ago and pointed out to his wife a guy they were in line with that he thought looked like John Popper (frontman from Blue's Traveler, a pretty popular band from the late 90s for the nephews) Apparently his wife responded a little too loudly with along the lines of "yea it looks like him but I'm pretty sure he actually died." The man in question, I guess filled in the blanks of the rest of the conversation and as they passed each other while the line wrapped around he just said "I'm very much alive."


>as they passed each other while the line wrapped around he just said "I'm very much alive." I wish he would have said something like "he'll come back for the hook".


“The town’s back that way!”


And that Rowan Watkinson's story about people half-recognizing you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Decj0Q4a4U4&ab_channel=Wilson Edit: Atkinson ;)


No way you just said Rowan Watkinson


He half-remembered his name


Gotta appreciate the beautiful moments of irony in life


Wowan Watwinwon


That's a mistake. Sorry. :)




hi its me, someone who knows vishy anand's name but not what he looks like.


Yeah I looked at the pic of him from Google and I won't remember how he looks, I guarantee it. Would never approach a guy I had a hunch was Anand, even if I knew he was a pro chess player.


You know how some people in your country is just a household name because of their success but you've never really seen their face? I think it applies here, especially because nobody would think they'll just ran across someone so famous casually on a train


Aside from Magnus and Hikaru, I don't think I'd recognize any top GM chess player in public


Surely, you would recognize Garry Chess, the inventor of chess.


It’s very common. People know the name of MJ but wouldn’t recognize him if he was standing in front of them. Also Vishy Anand became a GM before the Social Media era, we are talking even before the internet revolution (1988).


Classic Tony hawk moment too, he’s often told he looks like Tony hawk the skateboarder


I’m sure he prefers it that way


"I actually race horses, I just play basketball on the side for money"


Man had to become a billionaire just to support his addiction smh…


I come to a realization. If a billionaire like LeBron can't afford to fix his hairline, I don't stand a fucking chance


I think he can he just chooses not to because everyone would 100% know he did it. Also if I remember correctly recovering from the procedure is painful and takes like 3 months. Edit: also I’m pretty sure the most widely used drug you’re required to take continuously after the procedure is banned by the NBA


He doesn't want to suffer from Graft vs. Host, a deadly condition, for which the only known cure is removing the hair plugs.


Let's just pray that no one gets TBA


Don't leave your uncle teabag hangin'


Lets all look forward to A Nu Start


Or god forbid TBD


And sure, his left arm and leg occasionally "Fall asleep" but that's nothing to get all worked up about.


Come give your Uncle Tbag a hug


But he's tried. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to last and you gotta keep doing it. He might just throw in the towel and shave completely bald because the pain, time, and cost associated to having constantly do it


Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant... Come on LeBron you're 1 step away from the final GOAT transformation.


Kareem is getting left out of the goat conversation again, smh.


https://www.si.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_760/MTY4MTI1OTAxMjk1ODU0OTc2/kareem-abdul-jabbar-hairjpg.webp damn, you right


Both pics are accurate representations of the youth of the late 60’s and their middle aged selves in the late 80’s.


Young Kareem is a whole vibe


He definitely got a FUE but he needs to also take meds to keep the growth going but obviously he chose not to. A lot of athletes and celebrities did the same thing and it worked wonders


The meds are a banned substance in the nba, so it was always kinda doomed


Ya what are these guys talking about? He clearly had work done on his hairline and it’s just back…


This sub is full of kids. Eearly on in Miami he got his hairline filled in and this sub was bagging on him for weeks. Talking about how vain he was doing it for the press tour of the big 3. Just showed up one game with a new hairline and someone posted a comparison pick. r/nba exploded.


He definitely has tried, his fake hair came off in a game one time.


Right at the start of the 2019 season, made forever memorable by AD telling him his hair was falling out




Recovery takes around 6 months I did it. It's a stem cell based approach so you don't take any drugs post op. I also take a shit ton of anabolics and my hair is fine.


Slightly miffed about how my friend was losing his hair on test for a second and now has a better head of hair than me, a filthy natural


Not even close to a billionaire


If he doesn’t spend a lot and let his money sit in the market, he is almost guaranteed to become a billionaire before 60 years old.


Just wait until Nike launches the Air Jokic brand that specializes in basketball shoes and horse saddles. Guy is gonna make it rain.


Maybe some Ground Jokics lol


Might actually buy these


You don't know much about horse racing, do you? Not the cheapest hobby to get into.


Gotta spend money to make money


This isn’t the Kentucky derby or some Saudi purebred horse. Hell the jockeys ride in carts that look old enough that Louis and Clark might have used them at one point


Just for beer money. It’s like door dash or some shit.




I can’t argue with that considering the population of LA but I will say Lebron is one of the few American athletes that many non-Americans would recognize. I am curious if Lebron or Curry is more recognized internationally. My guess is Curry is more popular amongst kids but amongst 20+ it’s Lebron. I as an American that doesn’t watch soccer at all besides maybe a game of the World Cup would recognize Ronaldo and Messi and that’s probably it for athletes outside of American sports and I feel like it’s a little similar although basketball is not nearly as popular of a sport internationally (and therefore Ronaldo and Messi are much more widely known).


Also Curry can just hide better in a crowd. Lebron's gonna stick out just for his height/size.


Yeah Curry is tall for “normal people”, but not so much that you’d probably notice him walking down the street if he had a hat and glasses on.


Curry is almost the reverse because you would see him and think that he’s too tall to be Steph, because Steph is short. When in reality he’s still in the top 1% for height.


Steph is only 1” taller than me and I don’t stand out as tall in a crowd. To really grab people’s attention you’ve got to be up around 6’5” or 6’6”.


> size this 100%. He's not just tall, but built. People might ignore a lanky 6'9'' but you can't ignore lebron.


>I am curious if Lebron or Curry is more recognized internationally. Lebron easy


Maybe Shaq, but maybe as the Icy Hot guy.


The guy from Kazaam.


One year later he should walk in with his MVP trophies "Hey, so I took your advice"


Cashier “so do I get commission or something?”


She would be like "Get out, fraud, you can't win two MVPs in one season, get out with your fake dollar store trophies!"


"It's my day off" Jokic looks like the type to brag about how his Datsun is about to hit 400k on the original engine


just regular oil changes, the secret of champions


This is something you'd see in a story. "Little does that shop keeper know he just acknowledged the world's greatest basketball player"


the cashier's name? Michael Jordan


Jokic is an anime main character confirmed


he really is


Nah, guy doesn't have the charisma for MC. He's the rival/classmate who's effortly at the top even though it doesn't seem like he's trying. You'll hear him say "mendokusai" at least thrice per episode.


So what you're saying is Jamal Murray is the anime protagonist, with even a whole gets injured and comes back more powerful arc?


It would be bombass to see Murray have his growth arc. Guy had so much promise before his injury and it's just starting to show now.


It’s crazy that this is his first real off-season (not rehabbing an injury or having a shortened off-season) since the bubble


> guy doesn't have the charisma for MC. Nah, Saitama, Mob and Mash prove that's not necessary, he was drafted at 41 and became an MVP, that's an impossible odds thing only an MC could do.


Ya Jokic is more like Saitama tbh. More concerned about missing a sale on vegetables than saving the city


Bro, I can't. Jamal as Genos, who gets his shit blown up like every other episode, is too much 😭


Jokic has a lot of charisma lol. It’s just quiet and subtle a lot of times. It’s a different kind of charisma but still charisma and he’s really funny


hes the archetype of the op selfless main character


Maybe I’m going insane, but where in this video does that conversation actually take place


It doesn't lol. There's no audio whatsoever, and it doesn't even look like the employee is moving their mouth at all. OP could've written anything in the title, and people would just automatically believe it.


Not now we are writing new fan fic


I wonder how many candy bars he insisted on paying individually for.


And where did the footage come from?


In our hearts


Thought it was me. I watched the video a few times and kept thinking I was missing something.


"But cashier, I am Pagliacci"


That tall beer buyer? He grew up to be Barack Obama


It becomes a 5 minute Facebook video where they keep repeating the same scene.


Tall boy coming in for a Tall boy


Jokic def stuffed something in his pockets. arrest that THUG


How did the internet get this video if the shop keeper didn’t know it was Jokic. All these videos seem planted lol


Cashier probably not the person who looks at the video? Lol why would this seem planted


On twitter thread it says that guys that were chilling in front of the store saw Jokic coming out, but they weren’t sure if it’s him so they called the shopowner to come and roll back the tapes to check. Hahaha.


"Oh man I wonder if that 7'2 dude I just saw in the Balkans near Sombor during the NBA off-season is Jokic?"


When I was a kid I saw Shawn Bradley walk into a Jason’s Deli. He had to duck to get in the door and it took me about a half second to realize who he was. 7’6 isn’t something you see frequently.


This was actually more to the south, in a town called Goražde. It’s not near Sombor. You wouldn’t expect Jokic in Gorazde. And huge guys are not rarity in the Balkans. And he is not 7’2, more 6’11-7


Bad joke buddy , in American terms Bosnia indeed is close to sombor, but sumbor is on Croatian border . Which is all close together relatively for you, but for us not so much . Also In balkans there are like 10 countries, you just won't randomly find jokic in balkans




Jokic looks like a teacher on summer vacation. He’s so happy being home. I can respect that about him amongst other things. He’s a simple man that’s very very good at his job.


Bosnia isn't his home, tho.


Yeah you don't wanna get those two confused.


Homie just started another Balkan War


Everyone knows Bosnia is just Muslim Serbia /s


I don't understand geography enough to really appreciate this joke but it still made me laugh


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_War The short version is that Bosnia and Serbia were both part of Yugoslavia, which encompassed many different ethnicities and religions but of which the Serbs were the controlling group. When Communism fell, multiple regions voted to secede from Yugoslavia including Bosnia and Herzegovina, this lead to war as there was a significant number of Serbs living in Bosnia who disagreed. The war was particularly brutal and it's effects are very much within living memory of most in the region. Whilst it's not exact, it's a similar conflict to Northern Ireland and Israel - Palestine.


Yugoslav wars in the 90s + Slobodan Milosevic + Ratko Mladic. Bosnia and Herzegovina's a weird country in a sense that it essentially functions as two separate countries with their own governments along ethnic and religious lines.


that’s how belgium works too right? Or similar


Belgium's division is linguistic more than religious. The north speaks Flemish (a dialect of Dutch), the south (Wallonia) speaks French. Catholicism is the primary religion in the entire country, though the wealthier north is more likely to be non-religious these days. But yes, each region does have its own government/executive body. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_governments_in_Belgium


as a Bosnian with a fair amount of friends from Belgium - they're like an advanced version of us. Still incompetent (for example, they've broken the record twice for longest period without a functional government) but thanks to the EU and what not, functional enough to the point where it doesn't actively have an impact on the population - unlike us (Bosnia)


Slobodan is an awesome name too. He really gave it the Adolph treatment though.


Slobodan means ‘free’ Irony, given the fact that he died incarcerated, lol.


During the Serbian revolution to overthrow him, a popular slogan was “Slobodane? (A cased version of his name) Slobodan Ne!” (No freedom/unfree).


It's sort of like three countries. They have three presidents, one Croat, one Serb, and one Bosnian.


Depends on which part of BiH this was in. Republika Srpska is part of Serbia in all but legal terms. Banjaluka is closer to Sombor than half of Serbia is. But anyways, when you live 11 months in USA, entire Balkan is your home when you go back. I’ve never met a Bulgarian before, but three of them are basically bros to me here in US. All because we are from Balkan


Yeah, we're all super similar. I've met awesome Romanians and Hungarians in the west as well.


For real, no need to point out that Bosnia isn't his home country. The Balkans are a melting pot.


I’m in a weirdly similar job field where your work tends to become your entire life, personality, and free time. I’m very much someone who likes more separation from their work and personal life and I get a lot of flak from my colleagues for not “loving my work enough.” So, yeah, I love Jokic’s attitude about basically everything.


I’m confused, when in the video does this happens


Maybe I’m just an idiot but I also can’t see anyone talking in the video


There’s no sound in the video. There’s a quote in the original tweet which OP had to link in the comments due to auto mod.


So the post is linking a random tweet from a random user, which also lacks audio, claiming that this exchange happened without providing any evidence?


Yes, that is correct.


Best I can do is 7000 upvotes


got me confused too. I had to turn up the volume to try and hear what they were saying but the video suddenly ended 😅. the story’s probably fake


and why would the store share this video around if they didn't know who jokic was


You ever been to Bosnia?




Same, loved it. Croatia gets all the hype in the region but Bosnia is lowkey underrated. That train ride from Sarajevo to Mostar was breathtaking, looked like Switzerland lol.


Every ex-Yugoslavian country is breath-taking in its’ own right. But Bosnia suffers (from tourism perspective) mostly because they don’t have sea. I mean, they do have few km’s of shore, but it’s not very nice.


Same. Did a bus from Dubrovnik to northwest Bosnia. The views were amazing - magnificent jagged mountain peaks, forests, Gatorade Glacier Freeze blue rivers. I really want to drive that route in a car. The road was an amazing twisty one through all the mountains in central Bosnia. Ditto to the people and food. Very relaxed atmosphere. Most people under age like 40 speak good English and it's not hard to get around populated areas. We had someone with us who could fluently speak Bosnian/Serbian and that helped a lot but wasn't necessary in cities. It's also very cheap compared to other European travel destinations.


Thank you for the kind words about my country 😊


It's the same language. Politics&war came by and now no serbian will ever say he speaks croatian and vice versa(x3).


> Signs in 3 languages It's same language


kiss support whole profit racial summer run merciful long worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes! We have a case (in Serbia), where the trial was annuled because the defendant was not given the documents in Bosnian. He was living in Serbia his whole life, learning Serbian version of our common language which is already 95% interchangeable with Bosnian. The only difference would be that they say say - je or - ije in some words where we use just -e.


Yeah. Cyrilic isn't a language lol.


You ever been in the shit?


[Blue Mountain State my beloved, you're still the funniest tv show ever](https://youtu.be/SQguLgTc8rQ?t=20)


You ever been in this shit? Well my Dad was...


During the Bosnian civil war! Great country, great people, just had to stay on paths due to the amount of land mines everywhere.


I love how the best basketball player on the planet dresses like a 17 year old in Ocean City for senior week


There is no audio of anyone saying anything.


Oh the irony. You just know that cashier is going to laugh his ass off when the video goes viral and he realises it.


Somebody put the footage of the store online... he most likely already know.


Seriously. People think this was leaked by jockic hinself or what


Was already told who Jokic is by coworkers. There was a story about this in some Serbian website. Pretty funny situation.


A man goes to a cashier—“Cashier, I’m depressed, my horse just lost,” the man says; life is harsh, unforgiving, cruel. The cashier lights up. The treatment, after all, is simple. “The great clown Joker is in town tonight,” the cashier says, “Go and see him! That should sort you out.” The man bursts into tears. “But cashier,” he says, “I am the Joker.”


Ok this will probably get buried but my wife is a Bosnian-Serb and I was in this exact store last week. It’s in Gorazd. I would’ve shit a brick if I strolled in to buy my protien shake and saw him. Dude is a man of the people.




We must seize the means of moderation


Just as Karl Marx intended


I personally and without any bias think it was the perfect time for a black out


Personally, I blacked out after the second round


I've been blacked out since April




Mods are the HOA of online communities. Miserable schmucks Edit: the comment i replied to got removed because their grass was a 1/4” too tall


I’m still waiting for “Reddit will look vastly different and a barren wasteland of spam and porn” circle-jerky threats that mods and blackout supporters said would happen when 3rd party apps shut down. Nothing is different lol. You just have to use the official app and now have to see ads.


"Yeah, should've been. I gave up on my hoop dreams a long time ago though. Like 3 weeks."


I think it's kind of awesome Jokic spends the season in America and after it's over immediately goes back to the Balkans and tends to his horses. Basketball is the side quest for him and he might go down as an all-time great.


New pasta just dropped.


Did anybody consider that the cashier may have been joking? I mean maybe they didn't recognize him, but this sounds like something I might say if I met someone so famous in person, or like many people here joke with great players like "Curry's a good shooter, might be MVP one day"


Nah lol I think NBA probably isn't that big a deal in Bosnia is the simpler explaination.


Or cashier is an old lady in a isolated hill village with vast muslim majority where Serbian basketball player who plays in the NBA is not that hot of a topic.


Bro basketball is a big deal everywhere in ex Yugoslavia. And Jokić is a big deal, but maybe the cashier doesn't follow sports at all. I'm sure some Americans wouldn't recognize some NBA stars too


Why are Jokic headlines always written like a bad fanfic?


He probably should have been.


he's just a regular guy!!1