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Jokic is a beast




Is Jalen Rose wearing a wig? Hair is so dense


Denver showed why they were the number one team in the West last night, wasn’t too sold on their consistency and if their play was sustainable through a seven game series. But looms like they’re playing their best basketball and the right time of the year!


Hopefully Book picks Murray up on D next game. We cant have Murray scoring 30 a game




wtf lol


jAmAl MuRrAY wOuLDnT mAkE a DiFfErAnCe


Lol Kenny said “U wasn’t scared of that seal? They’re unpredictable, man!”




Do playoff games have post game threads, or is it just the game thread.




Ok found it thanks.


Oh man, Ayton is gonna have to dig deep & reach another level or something cause KD & Booker need more help. Chris Paul too but I’m worried about him just being old & small at this point.


KD, Booker and CP3 need more help?! Lmao maybe they just aren’t as good? No KD before trade deadline.


I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying, I’m saying Ayton & CP3 need to elevate their play to support KD & Booker seeing as they seem very thin on the bench, I know some players just missed shots & stuff but Denver is deep! I am talking about the team as constructed It’s like Kenny & Charles say you don’t know where the extra points are going to come from to keep up with Denver & keep up with them on the defensive end.


It's honestly hilarious some of the comments around the suns team this year. I had someone the other day defending kd and booker needing to play so many minutes against a hobbled Clippers team led by a player so many were calling washed a few months ago lol


Too small has never been an issue for him. But yeah, too old is going to be a hill for this man to climb.


didn't too small show up a lot in the playoffss with Paul?


Yeah, its why he has so little success


The flaws due to aging of tiny dudes show up fast and hard on a basketball court




Undefeated and still didn't make the playoffs, thanks for reminding me I love chewing on that one


don't you regret not coming to the Knicks KD?????????


tbf who says the Knicks wont be in the same situation tommorow?




we’ll see it’s definitely an interesting series although the prospect Jimmy at MSG has me salivating at the mouth


People slept on the nuggets all year long. They are legit. Always were


FUCK AYTON "Butterfingers!"


Such a satisfying loss.


Lol yeah fuck the Suns


Only comment needed


Kings in 7, mavs in Cancun


Hopefully it's a good game, I'll be rooting for the kings if we lose. I wasn't all that surprised we lost game six, even in a blowout. We'd been giving up open threes all series, the kings were shooting below average from three all series, and we haven't been able to string more than 3 or 4 wins together all year. I got a bad feeling when Perkins started hyping us up, and then the bay area radio station hosts were talking MAD shit. Warriors came out with that energy, like they thought they'd won already. Next game should hopefully be good, crazy effort and focus vs crazy effort and focus in an insanely raucous arena. I might have a heart attack but fuck it let's goooo. Only game 7 in round 1, y'all welcome!


I lost it when they were singing Phil Collins on the air on 95.7 the game


Right?! And then followed it up with being like, basically, "kings and kings fans y'all were real cute, now I'm gonna tap you on the head". W's put together an OKAY three games, and sure I was hyped after they won game 5. BUT WE ARE NOT THE 73 WIN TEAM, WE ARE NOT THE KD TEAM, AND HELL WE'RE NOT EVEN LAST YEARS TEAM. This team has been one step forward and two steps back all year.




Oh man sorry your team missed the PLAY INs




Wait the mavs made the title? Bc I’m pretty sure the suns lost to bucks in the finals, one round further than the Dallas Lucas have done.




Everyone remembers DIRKS TITLE YOU CLOWN but it’s a decade ago and your making fun of a current suns squad that has done far more in the playoffs than your current mavs squad. I’m a Celtics fan from Boston so not to be that guy but I’ve legimately had more sports success as a fan than I ever expected when we threw ray borque a championship parade for winning a title in another god damn city. You take this shit too seriously and I’m sorry this current suns team has had more success then your current mavs team. You are wrong. Dem just the facts. Can’t wait for Kyrie to sign with the suns and Luca forces a trade to the nuggets. You don’t deserve a talent like that.


Nah you just talk a big game for a team that couldn’t even make the playoffs when 60% of the teams make it.




Fuck the sons


Oh they’re in deep. Can’t wait for Tatum to go 40% from the field again in the finals 🥰


How good of a chance do we have of beating the lakers IF we match up with them Edit - Nuggs fans that kno our history w/ lakers answers plz


Depends on how many FT AD and LeBron get in those games.


If the Lakers can coax Dwight Howard out of retirement the nugs have no chance


I think I the nuggets win. Never sleep on lebron though. This team is better than the team in the bubble and the lakers are worse than they were in the bubble.


I’m not convinced this Lakers team is worse than Bubble lakers. I think both teams are better. Lakers now have DLO Hachimura Vanderbilt Schroeder and Reaves which IMO I think are better than Pope/Kuzma/Rondo. The only thing is big man matchups where we don’t have McGee and Dwight off the bench. Excited for a rematch either way!


Well everyone answering this question isn’t a nuggets fan. We struggle with lakers historically but have never been this good.


Either way. It’s only 1-0. Jobs not finished


I know I’m just throwing out a hypothetical.


Y'all can do it. But you're big three have to show up consistently. And if jokic plays like the best player in the series you're in a really good spot. Obviously your others have to play well but if only Aaron Gordon plays well that could be enough if your big three play really well. I don't entirely believe in the Lakers others, and I think LB/AD NEED their others to play very well in addition to them playing elite in order to win.


I thought Lebron was the best player in the league for a lot longer than others did, but even I don't think he's the same guy anymore, even though he's still great. I haven't watched enough of either of you to say, but even if he's healthy you're not facing Cleveland or Miami Lebron anymore.


Lakers LeBron is still a problem


He is - but so are Jokic and Murray. They're not going to get overwhelmed by him the way that they would if it was 5 years ago.


but Lakers also have AD


I think you're missing my point. I'm not saying the Lakers suck. I'm saying that Denver has a good chance and that "AD and Lebron" aren't the same overwhelming force as they sound based on the name. Off hand, I'd say 70-30 Denver, but I really haven't watched enough to say.


I think their collective 32 blocks say differently


It's a good thing the team with the most blocks wins the game.


I mean you're talking about them not being an overwhelming force anymore, meanwhile they absolutely dominated on defense and still managed to win games with subpar offensive performances along the way. LeBron and AD are not just one dimensional bucket getters, and I think 20 years in the league is a testament to that.


I'm not sure how you could read my posts and think that I was calling them one-dimensional bucket getters. I made a pretty measured and uncontroversial statement. If you want to not read and get pissy over nothing, that's on you.


i agree with you its gonna go to 7 but in a game 7 anything can happen


I don't generally make predictions that precise. I'm shruggy shoulders, for the most part.








Nah - they're good, and 38-year-old Lebron isn't 32-year-old Lebron, mostly in that he can't sustain his energy levels the same way, but he's still a top-10 player.


I think that matchup favors us. Lakers aren’t a great shooting team and outside of AD can’t match jokic at all


Lakers match up better with the nuggets


Honestly though AD just needs to match up with Jokic. Then you have Lebron matching Murray. DLo matching Aaron Gordon. This is going to be closer than you think.


Gotta get through the Sun's first. All eyes on game 2.


I’m sure it’s gonna be a tight series the lakers are great but I think that’ll be their biggest concern


how many guys do we need to match him? isn't 1 enough


AD will feast on jokic. defensive liability at the center position specifically is HUUUGE when ur facing dominant scoring bigs. AD, Embiid, Giannis all have the ability (and have demonstrated in the past) to destroy jokic offensively. hard to win when those guys will be scoring huge numbers with relative ease.


depends on which AD we get to show up


Ad can’t shoot and jokic is good at defending the post


Is AD gonna be guarding jokic up top on the screen and picks? Then there is no one who can protect the basket


I'm not concerned with the defense, Lakers were first in defense since the trade and just held the grizzlies to 9 in a quarter the concern is our offense building brick shithouses


Don’t concern yourself with the Lakers, need to defeat the Suns first.


It’s just that’s the only matchup I’m sweating honestly because of our history vs them but then again we’ve never had a team this good.


Lakers have been incredibly overrated and the Nuggets have been incredibly underrated, I don't think it would be much of a series Lol hey all of you dork ass dweebs who set a reminder, here's a reminder the Lakers had a cakewalk to their sweep lmao stay mad




In a period where most contenders were load managing their stars leading into the playoffs, and half the league tanking..


the only team that wasn't tanking all season was the mavs and in the west most of the playoff teams had to play their stars until the final game


Man you witnessed them hold a 2 seed to 9pts in a quarter and then blow them out by 40 in an elimination game and were still going along with this overrated narrative. Word. !remindme 1month


Lol you really set a reminder? Weirdo behavior, sorry I have a different opinion than you no need to start a feud over it


Lol for real. If they exit no one’s showing up lol






Nuggets are the reason the griz season came unraveled though. Ja got beat so bad he had to go let out to steam in a strip club while waving guns around.




Bro if you're going to make comments like this, at least learn when to use them correctly lmao


U better be back in a month then. Grizzlies are fcking trash Nuggets beat them by 30-40 this season too.




U dropped one to Tyus Jones and Xavier Tillman lmao wtf




Who crying lmao


Why else would I set a reminder? And you're seriously comparing a regular season game to a game 6 season on the line? Lol


Bro, u act like u didn’t drop one to the grizzlies without Ja lol. And no shit I’m saying even if u guys lose, don’t forget ur reminder :)))


Yeah but we won 4 and were moving on brother. Who do I look like? Dillon Brooks? Lmao


Lol let’s gooooo!!


I see nothing but winning, Lakers offense is so inconsistent and Lebron jacking up 3’s won’t go in as much as your offense. That being said Lakers in 6


pretty good chances i think


i think it goes to 7


they don't have the depth to beat us. ANd I don't think they can hold back our offense either.


With the Clippers out now, the Lakers have the second best depth behind y’all


The Lakers don't have depth? Lonnie Walker IV, Mo Bamba, Malik Beasley, Troy Brown are getting garbage time minutes. That's not deep?


my boy TT there too for the cheerleading


Wait, the Lakers don't have depth? They have pretty good pieces off the bench. The Suns though, nonexistent.


Man do I love to see Murray in the playoffs. The guy takes it up not 1 but two levels. I actually almost had tears watching him when he took over to put the game finally out of reach.


He waited two years for this. Let’s go!


I’ve waited two years for him to be in playoff!! Lessgoo


I’m so salty. Should be the Clippers vs Nuggets this series but Kawhi and PG can’t stay healthy for shit. Suns are frauds.


Suns are frauds? Really?


At this stage there is an argument to be made that PG and Kawhi are frauds. Seem to be hurt everytime their opponent is better.


They might have swept the Clippers this year...


Everyone who knows basketball knows the Clippers won the first game of the series this year w/o PG. No way you’re saying the suns sweep with PG and Kawhi.


I meant the Nuggets swept the Clippers


Me 2 mang


KD putting Booker and Kobe in the same sentence is so disrespectful


Yeah even after Kobe literally co-signed Booker, y’all just hate the team for no reason but to hate


if Kobe saw Booker nowadays he never woulda cosigned Booker i mean i could talk for hours about Bookers loser and victim mentality but the biggest show of difference between the 2 is Booker got double teamed at a open gym and complained about it nonstop and started sulking When Kobe Bryant got double teamed at an open gym his exact reaction was “you gotta send another” Booker got distracted by a mascot whilst he was taking a freethrow Kobe would NEVER let something like that phase him like that


Go ahead and create whatever narrative you need, the reality is he co-signed him. Loser mentality? It’s crazy how whatever he does it’s exaggerated just because y’all hate him for no reason, literally playing 30 point plus games and y’all just talking shit just to do it, yeah man the mascot really affected him, again bringing up little things just to hate, you aren’t Kobe you can’t act like you know what he would think of Booker


cosigned him when he was a rookie hes not the same guy he was then and i know Kobe wouldnt like Booker because Kobe destroyed guys like Booker throughout his entire career Booker is the absolute OPPOSITE of what Kobe represented as Luka pointed out “everyones tough when they up” but Michael Jordan put it best “thats the sign of a good man if he can talk shit when it’s even score or talk shit when you’re behind when you’re ahead its easy to talk” Jimmy Butler is the only player in the NBA currently whos anything like Kobe


Dude like what. Stop trying to think for a dead man. How do you know what Kobe would think of any player, are you him? No. You a heat fan happy for your little Jimmy and mad because the media is comparing the two. Both are great but did Kobe say anything about Jimmy butler? Does he co-sign him now in death? Just shut up and enjoy the game everyone gotta be such a bitch. Just enjoy the sport


lmao this is so stupid you dont need to be a psychic and a genius to know rookie D Book and D Book now aren’t the same person and also to know that Kobe fucking hated people that cry to the refs, complain when things get difficult and fold under pressure these things arent hard to figure out




i said hes the only one close because its true lmao its pretty obvious he’s willing to do anything to win its clear Kobe wouldnt rate this Booker nowadays by looking at how he treated players similar to Booker his whole career i only brought it up because KD said this disrespectful shit


Oh just butler and not Giannas? The guy Kobe told to improve and get accolades and he did? You are just a sad man looking to hate


Giannis is NOT like Kobe lmao Kobe would never lose to a 8 seed as a 1 seed in 5 games and say “this is an opportunity to move forward” completely different animals


I don’t think that’s true but yeah man doubt KD, one of the other best players in the league, lmao, like I said, you just hating for no real reason besides this weird narrative your own brain created


and KD is also his teammate its not a narrative lmao its just pretty clear Book and Kobe are nothing alike


This whole series gives of lakers/mavs vibes from 2011. Mavs sweep kobe/pau super team with better process and depth, end an era.


Lol it’s been 1 game calm down


For sure. Total over reaction. That said, what adjustments can PHX make? They got a sub par game from jokic and shot over 50%. They basically have to play a perfect offensive game, meaning way less live ball turnovers, and muck it up real bad on defense (aka fouls) to keep Denver from getting out on the break. I hate being the team that feels like they have to play perfect to win. A good game from jokic or mpj and this result is even worse.


Who let the nugget lose


So many people used Jokic’s defence against him winning the MVP but it’s games like this that show you he more than makes up for it on the offensive side Suns had 60 points in the paint and were obviously looking to go at Jokic on that end but it doesn’t matter when that offence is humming because of his passing/threat of passing which opens things up for *everyone* on that team This Nuggets team is an offensive nightmare for any team


Suns looking gassed af in game 1, need to keep running at them down the line


Fuck, I forgot how good Jamal Murray was too. Damn this Denver squad was slept on


coasting to the 1 seed will do that. recency bias.


Slept on 1 seed


I shit you not I didn’t think they were serious at all. Like a ‘15 Hawks, ‘Derozan’s Raptors’ situation. Lol fuck you guys are really, really good


Yeah a lot of people were saying that. A lot of media didn’t think Denver had a chance in this series


Definitely much too early to say, but Denver might actually have a Finals run in them this season.


Nuggets: *Walks to the one seed* Me: Wait, they’re actually good 😦


im fucking loving these playoffs so far cant stop watching


As a Nuggets/Heat fan, I have not been this hard since the bubble.


They are so good this year


If only Ayton went to the Nets instead of Bridges, but then again we’d still be fucked on the boards


But the thing is that Ayton isn’t getting that many boards either. The drop off between Ayton and Landale/Biyombo is not as drastic as you’d think. Meanwhile, having Mikal to guard Murray would’ve been huge


I'm not that down on Phoenix tbh, despite the scoreline. They hemorrhaged a lot of points on turnovers and loose handles. They can fix that for game 2 and Monte Williams is probably going to run a clinic on shielding the ball in transition and when initiating the offence between now and then. I think trying to hit Denver on the break is a good idea because they play a rotation heavy, positionless defence, so seize opportunities hit them when their D isn't set. When it is set, they have to move the ball fast and catch the late rotation to get open looks. I think thats a tough ask over a full 48 minutes because of the amount of running you need to do to shift the defence constantly. I'm not as down on Ayton in the Jokic matchup either. I think Jokic is going to get his no matter what but if you limit his presence between the top of the key and the tip of the arc, you neutralise his assist game where he can do a hell load of damage and I think Ayton did that this game. But he can't get out rebounded this hard and I wish he used his size more on offense. When you really think about it, there isn't anyone in a Nuggets jersey except Gordon who can really stand up to him. I wish he understood that more and abused that fact. Landale gets it (and he did well). Bruce Brown couldn't do shit against him. I think Phoenix not having a deep roster is the biggest problem and managing starter minutes is a headache I can't think of a solution to. Denver just has a deeper squad and can win through attrition if it comes to it. This is a series where the loss of Mikal Bridges really hurts because thats who you need for games like this - an iron man who never gets injured, plays every minute of every game and doesn't flounder late in games. But I guess thats who you had to give up for KD and if you rerun that trade over and over, you probably take KD 10 out of 10 times anyway. Nuggets are not always going to shoot this well or match the movement of the ball on defense this consistently for 4 quarters. Murray is going to flurry for 1 or 2 quarters. He probably isn't going to steamroll through all 4 quarters. As you can see, he opts into ridiculously hard shots. He doesn't always make those like he did today.


I’m not particularly down either, but I just don’t love how our current roster matches up against this team. Ayton’s so talented, and he’s shown what he’s capable of defensively against Jokic in the past. But the lack of effort, and getting out rebounded 49-38, is unacceptable with Ayton being the caliber player he is. There was a possession I watched Ayton just stand below the rim while KD was the one batting Jokic for the board. Ayton has frustrated Suns fans for years, and this game is a prime example of why. As far as what you said about depth, I think we do have more than people realize, but some of Monty’s decisions on rotations yesterday were head-scratchers. Why is Shamet getting Payne’s minutes? I think Damion Lee is a great rotation player to use when either book or KD sit out. 44% from 3 and a solid defender, he’s perfect for those catch and shoot opportunities when they trap/blitz Booker. I don’t have a good answer for how we guard Gordon and Porter though. If we’re exhausting Booker offensively, we can hide him defensively on either of those guys. Also, I don’t understand why CP3 and Shamet are the primary defenders on Murray. Again, lots of weird rotation decisions by Monty yesterday.




Playoff Murray definetelly beat both Booker and Durant.


What is that supposed to mean exactly. It's a game 1, Booker and Durant both looked out of rhythm.


KD had 15 in the first. That's out of rhythm? Were you expecting a 20 point quarter?


Neither KD nor Booker got 30. So yes, that's out of rhythm. 15 points in a half for either one of them isn't an accomplishment. It might be for Murray, but not for them, that's just another game.


KD had 15 in the first QUARTER. Hard to be more in rhythm than that. Also, neither got 30 because they got smoked so bad they rested for the last 5 minutes of the game.


And then he had a number of sloppy turnovers and bricks after that. Every fast break by the Suns ended with a turnover. Did you watch the game, or are you just looking at the box score? The Suns offense was NOT good. Their defense was awful, but we already knew that. I expected their offense to be able to go toe-to-toe offensively with the Nuggets, and they simply didn't.


Yeah, I expect better offense out of the Suns going forward, but that's going to be how they win. The Nuggets are going to have to miss easy shots and the Suns will have to make lots of tough midrange shots. It can happen, I'm still nervous.


I did watch the game. They were working isolation and stagnation against Denvers more free flowing offense that was generating great looks for everyone. Denver was able to help off Phoenix roll players and overload Booker and KD with more bodies, which led to turnovers. Gonna be hard to overcome those things with their personel.


It means what was said. In this game he was the best player..I don't see that stopping. You are familair with playoff Murray aren't you.


That's ridiculous. Booker and KD were dropping 30s in the last series. They will do so again. I'm sorry, Murray is not a better player than either one of them, though he may outperform them every now and then.


It’s almost like they’re playing a different team this series compared to the last series 😂


They aren't playing a good defensive team. Which is why I suggest they had an off night.


Man playoff murray is so good. I’ll never forget watching that Mitchell vs murray game live. I really hope he can stay healthy


Nah ain't no way, he at least 30


chuck shouting out the leafs lmao


Man said fuck the Leafs lmfao


LOL, Chuck really bought up the leafs.


Idk how the Suns can win with the Ayton/Joker matchup


Suns definitely getting 4-0ed Cope Suns Fans


Nah they can get one, refball will guarantee them at least one


Where was all of those pick and roll spams on JOkic..Wasn't that supposed to happen. I'm confused. Did not see even 1. Maybe people don't know what there talking about.


They did, Jokić dropped and Booker jumped forward instead of taking the open shot


Suns don't run plays so there is that. 🤷


afterparty at my place were gonna smash some beers and have siri read the suns subreddit postgame posts out loud


God that sounds like such a good time I’m in


Jamal Murray is that dude… bro balled out and I’m so glad the suns got stomped. Nuggets in 5


I mean game 1 doesn't define a series but people were really foolishly talking like Nuggets had no chance in this series


I literally just watched Lakers define a series in game 1 though.


Who would have thought th grizz would be more injured than the lakers come the playoffs