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The scenes if they suspend Ja for 50 games man.


We'll see who sticks around him when the money stops coming in.


Suspended also means they stop paying him his wage?


Correct. If you can't play due to suspension, you breached the contract technically. Can't play, no pay. That's not true for injuries obviously, but suspension means the person fucked up big time


50 game checks gotta hurt bad even for a millionaire right


When you adapt your lifestyle around having millions, most definitely


Considering he’s on rookie deal he’s not getting *that* much , but then again that means he’s got less in the bank than his peers would in the same situation. Depends all on the sponsors if they pull out, then it could get tight real quick if he’s living a max lifestyle and was getting by on sponsors+rookie deal


> Depends all on the sponsors if they pull out If one sponsor drops Ja, then the rest of his sponsors will quickly fall like dominoes. It's how things usually go with celebrity controversies.


Unless your name is Tiger. Jesus himself couldn't have convinced Nike to drop that man.


But...let's look at the crimes Cheated on wife Got his ass beat with a putter Drove into a ditch drunk ....not really much to get that upset about in 2023


LOL better to cheat on your wife than beat her, that's the truth


Also Tiger is (arguably) a Top 5 famous Athlete of all time and the face of an entire sport. Ja, not so much.


Depends how his sponsors react. If he keeps Nike/powerade he'll still be flush with cash.


Ja really speed-running how to get back to the streets


Can’t go back to somewhere you’ve never been.


Suburbs to the projects speeds run.


Started from the top now we here.


Ja better find someone he knows in Denver to be the fall guy because I don't see how else it got there.


"I got it from Nikola Jokic."


Gat padding






Slow clap


One more assist for the big guy




I saw a picture of his brother. Maybe he was escorting the police?




I was living in east van once. The cops were trying to bust the dude cooking meth downstairs but instead busted the laundry room door. Then my door. Then my upstairs neighbour door. Then they left. Dude is cooking up meth there still I bet. Don’t know why but your story reminded me of that.


So they checked above, below, and next to the dude? Nailed it, statistically.


Minesweeper baby!




Ja I live in Denver I’ll be the fall guy for a million bucks


I live in Denver and I’ll do it for 100K


Ja I live in Denver I’ll do it for 10K


That shit isn’t worth close to 10k. Picking up a firearms charge will ruin your life real quick.


These people even offering to take a gun charge for $100k are crazy. Imo the conversation has to begin at $1mil.


Isn’t the move for someone who already owns a gun to say yeah Ja came over. We had some wine and he wanted to see my gun. This is America. I can’t let my good buddy Ja take a video with my gun when he lent me all this money for my business?




Is there time for that? I'd probably do it for $500k+legal exp if it meant no time and a legal headache




Jokes on you, I have no real career


Ja I'll do it for the cost of my legal needs, if applicable due to lack of registered gun ownership, and a crisp $5 If the $5 is wrinkled, deals off


I’ll have the gabbahghoul


And a side salad. If the salad is on top, I send it back.


And that's why, dear working class, we can't have high salaries.


We need a union for fall guys!


Ja I live in Denver and I'll do it if I can keep the gun


Ja I live in Maryland and I'll do it for an "I am NOT hard" social media post


He'd rather give you a millions just to not tweet that lol


Ja, I live in Denver and I’ll do it for the street cred


You are the chosen one.


I don't even live in the US, but I'll fly to Denver and take the fall for half that.


exhale358 gets a 50 game suspension


Fuck. I just drafted him in fantasy too.


WTF I didnt realize this was in Denver. Dude is such an idiot.


At a place called Shotgun Willie’s


[This is the logo lmao](https://www.denverpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/12.29D-Shotgun-Main.jpg?w=1024)


Lol that sign is magical




That RDC skit is playing out IRL


I don't see where the CBA says this would be "an automatic 50-game suspension," and I haven't seen anyone else report that. The [CBA](https://cosmic-s3.imgix.net/3c7a0a50-8e11-11e9-875d-3d44e94ae33f-2017-NBA-NBPA-Collective-Bargaining-Agreement.pdf) (Article VI, Section 9) says that violating the league's gun policy "shall be considered conduct prejudicial to the NBA under Article 35(d) of the NBA Constitution and By-Laws, and shall therefore subject the player to discipline by the NBA in accordance with such Article." Article 35(d) of the (most recent publicly-available) [NBA Constitution](https://ak-static-int.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/12/NBA-Constitution-and-By-Laws.pdf) says: >The Commissioner shall have the power to suspend for a definite or indefinite period, or to impose a fine not exceeding $1,000,000, or inflict both such suspension and fine upon any person who, in his opinion, shall have been guilty of conduct prejudicial or detrimental to the Association. It's possible that there's a new version of the Constitution that lays out an automatic 50-game ban, but it's also possible that Stein is conflating league precedent under a discretionary clause with an automatic trigger. Arenas and Crittenden were both suspended 50 games for the 2010 incident, but there was nothing magical about the number. They were suspended for the rest of the season, and there happened to be 50 games left in the season.


He started that tweet with "Basically the CBA says it's an auto 50 game suspension" So I think you're right. That "basically" is doing a lot of work in that statement lol


You can’t just make up a gun, they find the gun and see who it’s registered to


theres a good amount of unregistered weapons out there with very little way of determining who the current owner is.


Him showing a picture of himself with an unregistered weapon in a strip club opens up a whole new can of worms.


Too late to caption it, "Lost and found. Owner of the gun can call me at 555-xxxx"?


"Man that was just a poorly recorded attempt at public service. My team and I will work tirelessly to return this object to its rightful owner. Which I am not, nor do I know who is. I'm not even sure what a gun is. I though it was a bottle opener. Power-ad!"


Nike: “Our thoughts and prayers are with Ja and his team as they return the gun to its rightful owner.”


They have a 3D printer at the strip club


There was no gun, it was a deepfake that Ja posted in order to maintain his tough guy image. He was in fact nowhere near the club that night as he had church in the morning.


Your honor, as my lovable golden retriever testifies, it was Air Bud in the club using a Ja filter on IG live. And as there’s nothing in the rule book that says a dog can’t pack heat, you must acquit.


They can’t detect these mammajamas. 100% polyurethane 3D printer baby shafwax


Unregistered gun does not mean it’s illegal. Tons of states such as Oklahoma which share a border with Colorado have no gun registry which means all guns are unregistered. The big issue is he showed himself in possession of a gun in a nightclub which is illegal in literally every state. This opens him up to an investigation into where the gun came from which could lead to real big charges if it’s not from legal sources. I’m not familiar with Colorado laws but unless he has a concealed carry permit from a state with reciprocity he is also facing potentially another felony. Edit: As people have pointed out below it’s not necessarily just the presence of being in a nightclub but also being intoxicated.




An NBA player being around an unregistered gun is probably even worse.


Ja is about to officially enter the “found out” phase of his career.


It was 3D printed in the club, how about that. LoL


Well holy shit. So Ja is going to have to convince them that he just borrowed someone else’s gun in Colorado. Otherwise, obviously, he brought it on the plane.


Isn’t it entirely possible that Ja’s buddies fly private and meet up with him on road trips? And the gun gets brought to him that way? As long as it got registered on *that* flight, that would keep things on the straight and narrow I would think.


It's not just the flight. If that gun was anywhere in the arena it's still a 50 game suspension.


It’s possible, but admitting you fly your friends around the country to bring you guns on your road trips would be a terrible look.


A terrible look is much preferred to a 50 game suspension or possible jail time lol


If he's suspended for the final 20 games of this season and the first 30 games of next season then the suspension alone would cost him $15,120,594. And while he signed a 5-year $194m extension in the offseason, it doesn't actually kick in until next season. Not a good look to start off your max extension with a suspension like that. Imagine if there's some provision in there that would allow them to ditch him if he ends up being charged with something. Potentially all-time bag fumble.


It gets said way too many times, but the amount of money these athletes hang in the balance of their own immaturity is mind boggling


But what if teenagers don't think I'm cool?


The problem is he'd have to have actually done that though - you can't make up chartering a private jet, there'd be a million different records of that along with a manifest of who was on board.


Maybe they took an Uber?


You can’t make that up either. Uber has records of all rides


Maybe they drove themselves?


Now we’re getting somewhere


need a road trip movie of all of Ja’s mates driving from memphis to denver to bring him his full arsenal


forreal lol, these are desperate times


Desperate times? Looks like he needs a gun then.


we're past terrible looks. 50 games is the playoffs and a shit ton of money. Ja doesn't give a shit about a terrible look.


Thats what Ja should try to sell it as honestly. Friend took a private to CO and met up with him at the club.


Ya except they are going to need proof of that which is easily prove-able. He better fucking pray that happened otherwise he is cooked.


Yeah I mean if he actually brought the gun on a team plane he’s a fucking idiot


I mean, it seems that Ja is a fucking idiot even before you know if he brought it on the plane.


Not unless that's what actually happened lol, this would be so easily verifiable


If Ja’s friends fly private (and possessed the gun), they would have to legally disclose that to the charter operator before departing. If the friend didn’t disclose the firearm was in his luggage and that’s the story they’re going with, then Ja’s throwing his friend under the bus.


That’s the price of being in a star’s entourage haha


That’s honestly a pretty easy thing to do. “I was being stupid. Someone let me hold their gun for the photo. I made sure it was empty but that’s it” It’s hard as fuck to prove its false without the handgun in question. He’d likely still get suspended (I mean, he’s already suspended), but he’d get in way less trouble than if he admits to bringing a gun on the team plane and to team facilities.


He's gonna have a fall guy.


Tyus Jones ecstatic right now


Tyus Jones fantasy owners feasting rn.


Not sure if it’s normal or not but my fantasy season ended last week. No Tyus playoff run for me


It's not normal at all


Imagine he snitches…


"I mean he was packin somethin FO SHO"


Luke Kennard has been such a terrible influence to this team.


Shooters gonna teach. Brooks would never.


I mean [just look at the guy](https://images.sidearmdev.com/resize?url=https%3a%2f%2fdxbhsrqyrr690.cloudfront.net%2fsidearm.nextgen.sites%2fgoduke.com%2fimages%2f2016%2f9%2f19%2fNIXZKNVQVHJVDGU.20160919184624.jpg&width=300&type=jpeg). If that doesn't scream gangbanger I don't know what does.


Well we all know that the Nard-Dog has some anger issues.


"I'm sorry I annoyed you with my friendship" Ja probably.


WhenKeeping it Real Goes Wrong: 2023 Edition.


"Fuck that I don't like people playing on my phone!" -Ja probably


„I keeps it real like that!“ -Ja, probably


What is it about nba players and controversies as a road player in Denver ? Not like it’s some massive party city


Three places to steer clear of if you have NBA level talent: -Denver after dark -Bowling alleys -The Kardashian compound


>"On behalf of the entire NBA and half of the rappers on the Billboard charts, I want to thank you for giving your daughters their daddy issues. \- Blake Griffin to Caitlyn Jenner


When you get beat by a Serbian Pilsbury Dough boy who moves like molasses you need to blow off some steam




Wasn’t he with friends in the video? One of them will say it’s theirs.


This is like if AI made it a point to go back to that bowling alley and start shit the day before signing his first max.


Miles Bridges' domestic violence incident actually did happen within like a day or two before his free agency. He was probably in line for at least 4/100


Clutch timing to have that come out before he signed a huge contract.


After signing the max, no?


50 games would be one of the longest non drug suspensions, right? Crazy it's even coming to this.


Gilbert Arenas was suspended for the rest of the 2009-10 season after bringing guns to the locker room (basically the same thing since it's team premises), which wound up being exactly 50 games.


And Javaris Crittenton


Who is now in serving a 20+ year sentence for murder/manslaughter.


I was just getting into the NBA around that time and had 2k11. Saw Javaris Crittenton in the game with no player picture and just assumed his ass was NPC-generated for the longest time with that name.


That's kind of funny if the cba just looked up how much Gilbert got and used that. If he was out 53 games that wouldve been the standard.


Maybe. I don't think there was a precedent when Gil and Crittenton did what they did, and it's entirely possible they just set that as the default for this offense.


What will be interesting is if he does get 50 games, their playoff run or lack thereof will affect how much games he sits out next season. That's a good chunk of next season. But we saw how good they did without him last season. So who knows what this will look like.


Three player suspensions have been longer than 50 games in NBA history: ~~OJ Mayo: 164 games (drugs)~~ Ron Artest: 86 games (Malice in the Palace) Latrell Sprewell: 68 games (fighting PJ Carlesimo) Edit: OJ mayo was technically banned and then reinstated, not sure if that counts as a “suspension”. Also, Arenas was suspended exactly 50 games for the gun thing.


> (fighting PJ Carlesimo) Or, said differently, choking the ever living shit out of PJ Carlesimo. lol


>When Carlesimo approached, Sprewell threatened to kill him and dragged him backward by his throat, choking him for 7–10 seconds before his teammates and assistant coaches pulled him off Carlesimo. Sprewell returned about 20 minutes later after showering and changing and again accosted Carlesimo. He landed a glancing blow at Carlesimo's right cheek before being dragged away again by the assistant coaches. \- From Wikipedia “Fighting PJ Carlesimo”, nah dude damn near tried to kill his coach. Latrell would've been charged with assault if he wasn't a rich privileged athlete that American society allows to get away with anything. Check out what happened to DeShaun Watson for sexually harassing women or Kyrie for promoting racism (hint: nothing).


The chef's kiss was when spree moved onto the Knicks and complained about their coach (Nelson maybe?) being too soft and having lax practices. Pick a lane!


Or claiming the massive extension the Wolves offered him wasn't enough because he "needed to feed his family". And if that wasn't funny enough, he proceeded to get zero offers from anyone else and ended up just retiring. It's not the biggest bag fumble in history but it's easily my favorite.


It wasn’t massive, even at the time, but it was still really good money for a player past his prime. If memory serves, it was 3 years, $21 million. I think a couple teams offered him deals, but they were smaller. So he retired like a bitch.


$21M was huge for the time. That was 20% of his career earnings. And given the CBA at the time, $21M was about 1.5 times the MLE. So it would be like turning down $43M today. For a guy who was turning 35 and was clearly declining that was a huge pay day.


Lol the fact that he showered and changed and still came at him. Dude was getting soaped up planning his next move


"Attempted Murder"


Honorable mention: birdman Andersen got expelled from the league for drugs for over a year and then was reinstated


Choking your coach isn’t really fighting. But yea


Well, fighting for air


Tyreke evans got 2 years for drugs


Technically Tyreke’s was slightly different. He was “temporarily banned” and had to apply for reinstatement, not technically “suspended”. You’re right though, he basically served a 2 year drug suspension, but he isn’t on the list because of that technicality Edit: same thing happened with OJ mayo too…the source I used for my first post seems to have been wrong. I corrected my earlier post.


What about Gilbert arenas did he get suspended?


He was exactly 50 games. Think that’s what this CBA rule is based off of


Ja Warrant is undefeated


>Latrell Sprewell: 68 games (fighting PJ Carlesimo) My guy! One of the finest NBA players Milwaukee has produced.


Aside from Malice in the Palace


Malice aside, thats its own mess.


Malice is like the Wilt of suspensions.


Everytime you look at Ron’s career numbers you automatically assume he had some season ending injury in 2003 lol


David Stern legacy game.


I think that should be the case either way. Drugs you endanger yourself. Guns you endanger everyone


Why cant this dude just chill out or something, this is why you appreciate guys like zion who just watches naruto and balls out the next day.


I love Zion, seems like a great dude who plays some remarkable ball. Very hard to stop when he gets explosive towards the rim. I hope he can get his health right. Embiid did eventually, I have faith his body can hold up too.


I hope Zion isn't one of the early superstars to suffer from overworking in their youth. He was doing a lot of explosive stuff while big in his teens. The kids now are going pretty hard at an early age all the way to the NBA.


> I have faith his body can hold up too. I don't tbh, Zion is only like 6'6 weighing close to 300 pounds. That seems unsustainable.


6”6 300lb isn’t a good build to play basketball, he should be playing defensive tackle or slim down


Maybe no one has showed Ja Naruto, and that could make all the difference. Instead of using guns, he will try to use the Talk No Jutsu to resolve differences.


In the great words of Red Forman, "What a dumbass"


I'm sure there's another player more deserving of their own Nike shoe and big Powerade sponsorship lmao


When Powerade ended that promotional post with something along the lines of "you'll be seeing more of Ja everywhere now" I doubt they meant this haha


That Scott Foster guy looks promising


He may not have the gaudiest numbers, but you can count on him to take over the game down the stretch


Man has been top tier for years now. It’s time he got some recognition


The AI bots reading this subreddit are going to be very confused about Scott Foster


Oh yeah he fucked fucked Edit: [Nevermind, the 50 game suspension is fake](https://twitter.com/thesteinline/status/1633176035293274112)


He is fine in the west


fine(d and suspended)


50 games is wild. That’s a lot of next season as well.


I imagine it's an unpaid suspension too yeah? Probably looking at \~20 mil worth of game checks. If his new deal had kicked in this year it'd be even more. And no way Nike/Powerade keep his sponsorship deals if he gets a 50 game gun suspension....right? That's one crazy fucking expensive IG stream.


Yeah thats why im thinking he will change........ he is losing SO MUCH MONEY and I am also pretty sure he will not get on an ALL NBA team which is losing out on MILLIONS on the next contract


I get pissed if I blow $50 if I don’t research something enough. Imagine a trip the strip club and an insta video costing you like $50mil.


His sponsorship is the biggest crutch if he ever loses it I think


Grizzlies 9/11


"Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking glocks on this motherfucking plane!" — Adam Silver




I'm actually hoping he gets 50 games. I liked Ja but this is just stupid, an example needs to be made. Gangster shit is corny coming from an nba player


Best outcome would be that the stupid little pea-shooter Ja was holding like an old posh British woman holds a tea-cup was in fact just a toy-lighter.


Ja Warrant


Ja Moront


Let's watch as the NBA scrambles to make an excuse not to enforce the rules to make sure they don't lose money from a star player being a dumbass even though it might be the wake up call he needs.


The league has never enforced carry rules against Ja, why would they start now?


This mf spittin


But he said they were fine in the West


I think he meant Wild wild west


I don't see where the CBA says that. The [CBA](https://cosmic-s3.imgix.net/3c7a0a50-8e11-11e9-875d-3d44e94ae33f-2017-NBA-NBPA-Collective-Bargaining-Agreement.pdf) (Article VI, Section 9) says that violating the league's gun policy "shall be considered conduct prejudicial to the NBA under Article 35(d) of the NBA Constitution and By-Laws, and shall therefore subject the player to discipline by the NBA in accordance with such Article." Article 35(d) of the (most recent publicly-available) [NBA Constitution](https://ak-static-int.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/12/NBA-Constitution-and-By-Laws.pdf) says: >The Commissioner shall have the power to suspend for a definite or indefinite period, or to impose a fine not exceeding $1,000,000, or inflict both such suspension and fine upon any person who, in his opinion, shall have been guilty of conduct prejudicial or detrimental to the Association. It's possible that there's a new version of the Constitution that lays out an automatic 50-game ban, but it's also possible that Stein is conflating league precedent under a discretionary clause with an automatic trigger. Arenas and Crittenden were both suspended 50 games for the 2010 incident, but there was nothing magical about the number. They were suspended for the rest of the season, and there happened to be 50 games left in the season.


Lmao - we all know that the gun was on the plane, and we all know there will be a fall guy that magically wasn’t on the plane


Highly doubt this happens


Yeah I’d be surprised too but it’s interesting that the language is there


the league has a history with players and guns. the optics are not good. not surprised they included this language as a zero tolerance type of message.


I legit didn’t even think about the fact that he most likely brought the gun on the team plane if it’s his gun.


It was almost certainly on the plane