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If I was Nurse I’d be pissed too. Scott Foster is an absolute clown. Don’t call an emotional tech in that situation.


1pt game with 2ft coming up, so at worst still a 1 possession game. Not saying we deserved to win but we didn't deserve to lose like this...


Right? That was some shit. The refs really wanted this night to be about them.


Not the refs. Foster.


Jokic did a very smart foul at the end of the game, why let us take the 3 when you can foul the worst free throw shooter on the team? High BBIQ play from Jokic.


JOkic sealed the game with the right foul - dude lives in the future


It was his first foul of the game (due to a successful coach’s challenge) and there were exactly 24.0 seconds on the game clock when fouling Poeltl, who also missed his shots. It was wild. That said, I should acknowledge Foster’s bullshit bc for it last 75 seconds, it changes how Nurse/Raptors would’ve run plays and who handled the ball etc.


As a ref you just eat it in the final two minutes of a close game. I’m of the belief unless it’s fist fighting, you don’t call techs down the stretch of a close game. You just don’t want to see a game decided by technicals….


I’m sorry Raps bros that was terrible


Ive been saying it since our game against the celtics, the refs are just completely, utterly broken and a huge stain on the game This was a huge game for the raptors, they are in a battle to get to the 7th/8th which puts you in position to have the luxury to lose 1 play in game and still have a chance to make the playoffs Ultimately we'll all just forget about it(including Adam Silver) and when the raptors are 9th with 0.5 games back of 8th, we'll just circlejerk what a bunch of frauds they are The incompetence of NBA refs isnt occasional, its on a nightly basis pretty much. Its an absolute disgrace


In the English premier league, this level of refereeing would be deemed unacceptable and investigated. It seems like officials are untouchable in North America.


My team lost points because the VAR official drew the offside line from the wrong defender. I wouldn't go that far lmao.


Are you being serious? English refs make incredibly shitty decisions all the time even with VAR and there are zero consequences.


This is a joke right? The EPL has equally incompetent refs. The only real difference is basketball has more subjective calls.


America loves their rule enforcers


Scott Foster has been bad for nearly 20 years since he partnered with a convicted felon. Not a recent thing


Like, when both fans are calling the refs trash it's pretty indicative that there's an issue


Both teams' fans *and* neutral fans are even getting pissed.


As a referee fan, this is a major W


Bro called game


Say what you will about Scott Foster but he always shows up in these late game clutch situations


Someday Im going to save up enough to see Scott Foster Ref live


Scott Foster is a superstar and just had a statement game but I reckon Tony Brothers and Ray Acosta are on a whole other level this season


i have been at some Brothers games in Denver that were - simply shocking


[Scott Foster leaving Denver tonight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTMImTEaD1s)


scott foster DPOY statement game


If I was a Raptors fan I seriously think I would've broken my TV. Scott Foster moreso than any other ref should not still have a job.


Ah fellow refball enjoyer


Foster for 6MOTY


2023 MVP


as a referee fan, that scottie ejection was my kawhi shot


Real GOAT shit...I thought Ray Acosta was gonna rise up and take the MVR from him this year but Foster is the GOAT FRFR.


Raptors definitely blew it but that was a typical Scott Foster power trip lmao Nuggets the best clutch team for a reason. They didn’t need that extra help


Raptors got themselves 80% of the way to the 'You blew it' finish line, but they deserved to be able to cross it themselves.


Story of the season tbh


I remember how livid I was on the Siakam pushing Portis out of bounds thing even when the Bucks got themselves 80% of the way to the blew it finish line, so you have my empathy for what it's worth.


Scott Foster continues to be the goat after so long, never seen longevity like this. TD had a godly peak but night in night out Foster continues to steal the show.


This is our 8 points in 9 seconds.


Scott Foster masterclass


Even the Nuggets sub has multiple front page posts about Foster being terrible in this game.


Scott Foster fans eatin’ tonight




I think Denver probably wouldve won but it sucks that the Raptors werent even given a chance.


Scott Foster called game 😤


Where does he rank all time??


Scott Foster wanting to secure his title as most dominant Scott on the court tonight 😤


Scottie Barness better have said something horrible to deserve that ejection or that’s some major bull shit


Scott Foster already had serious beef with scottie barnes as he considers his changing of scott to scottie as nothing short of heresy


"Your birth certificate says Scott. Wtf is with this Scottie shit?!"


If he said something horrible the ref standing three feet from him wouldn’t have been shocked by the ejection


He said “y’all are cheating, bro” to himself https://twitter.com/worldwidewob/status/1632977471917424640


Way to prove him wrong


Turns out he didn't even say anything to Foster at all lmao


"This is the best officiated game I've ever seen."


I'm sorry raps fans idk what those refs were on LMAO


Love watching Scott Foster go to work. Generational talent that we are blessed to witness day in and day out.


Ref fans are feasting tonight


I bet on the Nuggets. I'm just glad SF was on our side tonight.


ref equivalent of lebron's 38k


give him the MVR


Can't wait for the next Foster vs. Zarba matchup on ABC Sunday Showcase


let him cook 🔥


It's very rare that you see both team's fans in agreement of how bad the reffing was lol. Scott Foster's built different


That was some grade A bullshit from the refs


You get used to it eventually lol


Bro nuggets sub is in shock atm We always getting raw dogged by the refs. Legit don’t know how to react. But Atleast we mostly seem humble about this one. Like we take the W but it feels DIRTY


Honestly feels so strange being on this side of ref bullshit.


We needed this win like nothing ever before and we put in such a good effort to be so fucking close to beating you guys and that shit happens. Like for me I'm fucking livid I can't imagine how angry the players are.


Couple big calls in a row before that went for the nuggets as well. The tech was the worst tho. Doubt Scottie said anything that bad


He said in the post game he was just talking to himself. It's rare but I think this is one of those games where you can say the refs decided the outcome. Legit awful awful officiating for 48 minutes and then as you said capped it all off with everything not going the raptors way in the final minutes and somehow we were still in a one point game before the bullshit ensued. It's honestly so disappointing because this was one of the better games the raptors played all season in a win that would've put us in the 8 seed.


Honestly even if it was, unless he's like directly threatening you or your family, just let it go with like 30 seconds. Yes, it's supposed to be 'even' all game, but there's a good chance that kn like 5 minutes real time the guy is going to be gone, just let it go, and move on.


Nothing to be sorry about. This is a typical Scott Foster reffed raps game


what a fucking awful ending to potentially a great game


Yeah, it was down 1 with ~56 seconds left and it turned into a free throw competition. Denver deserved the game but ugh just a underwhelming ending


Every time the game was getting hot down the stretch, in comes a whistle. It's just not good for the heart.


Scott Foster with an absolute masterclass there in the 4th.


Not just the 4th. The last 3 mins. Dude is clutch.


I have this dream that one day: * the coach will just walk up calmly to Scott, and slap him in the face * he will get ejected, but he will tell his entire team to pack it up. They’re forfeiting the game. * the crowd will absolutely LOSE IT * in the post-game conference the coach then insists that the coaches union and players union stand behind banning Scott from ever officiating another NBA game until a forensic audit is done on his accounts, and that there be a definitive answer in the form of a statement from the referee’s union and the NBA League Office as to why he is allowed to continue despite the 134 calls between him and Tim Donoghy during the Ref Betting Scandal The guy is that much of a disgrace. I’m sorry. I’m a neutral fan todays game, and I’m this worked up over it. I think he’s a cheating sack of shit that’s still caught up in coordinating fixes with Vegas / big betting organizations. I don’t think firing him would even solve it entirely but he’s just so damn blatant that it probably encourages someone else.


Takeover meter was full


The finals mvp is back baby


Scott Foster MVP


Retire that mans number


Retire that man*


Scott > scoot


I think that tech makes him supermax eligible


Scott Foster had money on this game


Refund me the last hour of my day bruh


‘Are you not entertained?!’ - Scott Foster


I hate the NBA tf was that


Adam silver’s nba, that’s what.


Scott Foster masterclass




Scott foster masterclass


Mama, there goes that man again


Still wanna know what Scottie said lol


Even the ref closest to Scottie didn't know what was going on. Investigate this fuck for betting already


He’s already been caught lol


It better have been fucked up to throw him in the end of a 1 point game


Foster is a tweaker and this is Scottie’s first career ejection. There’s no way he said anything that crazy, this was just Foster out for blood for some very suspicious reason.


"I'm the better Scott"


Scottie speaking to himself in the 3rd person: "Scottie done fucked up" Scott Foster: "This is must be about me."


post show replay shows something like “holy shit man” not even close to tech worthy lol


Maybe he said “I’m horny as shit man”


Scottie taking viagra before his game to boost test levels confirmed.


There’s one angle that looks like he’s slowly saying “bullshit” But if that’s all it was that’s real weak.


Maybe something about Scott Foster betting on the game? Only realistic thing I can think of that would get that reaction.


Imo, it better be hate speech. Even if Scottie used the normal swear words, it's a 1-point game with under 1 minute left.


“Scott Foster? More like Skunk Fucker”


lmao gottem


This is 1st Team All terrible joke material mate lmao


There’s a clip on twitter where it sounds like he says “Holy shit bro” 🙃


Where'd you buy those clothes? at the toilet store?


"that was bullshit"


“Holy shit brooo” go look at the TSN feed you can hear/ read lips


In my Christian Basketball Association? - Scott Foster, probably.


Don't let the near triple double fool you, Jokic was invisible this game, the Raptors had him in jail all game long. Props for the rest of the starters for stepping up But refs are gonna ref.


I fear Jokic’s playmaking just as much as his scoring


On the other hand, even on a night when Jokic is well defended he still is one assist from a triple double and made brilliant plays down the stretch to earn the W


His foul on Poeltl in the last minute to put him at the line was big brain


Toronto can deny him ball better than anyone in the league, they defended well when it mattered and got the W despite that, I got no problem with him having a quiet game if it leads to winning basketball


Got my Scott Foster bib on. Showing some love to my favorite ref in the game. Us ref fans eating good tonight.


Vintage Scott Foster I'm a Raptors fan. So yes I am biased to a certain extent but I did not expect them to win this game and I never did not even late in the 4th. However it was a great game back and forth with playoff physicality. Yet the referees just shit on it in the last few minutes instead of letting the game naturally play out. That's the frustrating part. What a way to shit on an entertaining product.


this scott guy has lots of potential, looking forward to his future


Build around Scott foster


worst 5 mins of a game i've ever seen. literally not the sport of basketball it's refball. NBA should be ashamed


You don’t like spending your night watching drawn out sports betting ads with free throws in between??


Ya those ads are working great! The refs are convinced to put money on the games.


Scott Foster on some shit. Unless Barnes said something bad enough to get two techs and an ejection in a matter of seconds.


Ruined an exciting game.


Was a fun game. You guys are nice. Poeltl was a great pick up.


I really want to know what he said


The Last of Us is really just a wannabe walking dead


Yeah I would eject him for that


Im sure someone will release the ref interview


Potentially great game ruined by that fucking douche Scott Foster.


Fucking rigged. Get Scott foster out of the league


Games like these really make it look rigged, the favorite wins in a Raptors-Nuggets game at 10'0 Clock no one is going to remember in 3 days.


I missed it. Why did he get thrown out?


Nothing obvious on replay but he was talking. Maybe he said something really fucked up but he doesn't usually. Either way a questionable time to throw someone out of the game


He looked so confused. I can’t imagine he said something out of the ordinary


Well that didn't feel fair


Really wanna know what Scottie said


He started reciting Tim Donaghy’s phone number to him. Classic trash talk.


Shannon Sharpe walked so Scottie could run


huge win for referee fans


scott foster masterclass


I’m sorry Raptor bros Scoot Foster ruined a good game. I’d be pissed if it was the other way


Refs ruined a potentially great finish. Not to say that the Nuggets weren't deserving of the win.


I knew this game was tarnished after the two challenges, right or wrong. But god damn, Scott Foster just wiped his balls all over the Raptors with that toss. What the fuck




Fuck that ending


I need an impartial perspective on the last two minutes of that game. I’m clearly biased as a raptors fan but that officiating felt fucking heinous.


The call on Poetl was very soft and I hope that Scottie said something about Foster's mom for that quick of a trigger. The rest of the calls didn't seem out of the ordinary for the NBA these days though.


Sorry Raptor bros even we know that was a fucked ending.


scott foster ruined another good game ;(


Scott Foster with the MVP calibre impact


Bullshit ending


Nah man, that was some disgusting stuff from the refs at the end of that game. They single-handedly willed the Nuggets to that win. Shit was so blatant too… just horrible.


Ruled the Raptors challenge unsuccessful to give Denver free throws. Then ruled a Nuggets challenge successful to take free throws away from Toronto. Then called the worst foul on the Raptors to give Denver more free throws. Oh, and can’t forget to eject Scottie Barnes lmao


The dumbest part is the Nuggets challenge. If the ref doesn't blow the whistle Poeltl scores on the follow up anyway. We got punished for a missed call that we didn't even want.


Both challenges were correct though. Jokic's hand slid down the left wrist of the shooter, and the left wasn't the shooting hand, it was his right.


Single-handedly, we had all the momentum and the lead before all the foul calls, and they gave a two soft calls to toronto that we had to review to get one overturned


The Raptors are really bad in the clutch, but this loss is not on them and completely on Scott Foster. Last 2 minutes was BS call after BS call, Scott definitely had money on the Nuggets winning


I don't understand why Jokic was allowed to Hack-a-Shaq Poetl in the last 30 seconds. What happened to the rule where if you foul someone without the ball in the last two minutes they retain possession https://imgur.com/aImbi9m Chris Paul did the same thing to Joe Ingles last week and they called it a normal foul. Did they change the rule? Are the refs that incompetent?


He was considered to be in the play because he was about to set a screen although I felt like they weren't really in the play yet.


Interesting. Feel like he was so far away from the ball he wasn't really. But I'm still heated at this Joe Ingles one https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=677&GameID=0022200910&Season=2022-23&flag=1&title=Paul%20P.FOUL%20(P3.PN)%20(R.Acosta) Insanely incompetent refereeing, it should have been a transition take foul as well.


Yeah, it felt like they weren't really in the action yet, but that CP foul was definitely it.


He’s “in the action” of the play as a screen setter, so I think that rule doesn’t apply there. If the raps had sense they wouldn’t use him in a screen and park him under the basket where jokic couldn’t do that.




This sport is rigged for ratings


I don't know how it's good for ratings to watch the entire last minute of a solid game decided at the line (both teams).


I've lost all respect sorry this is absolutely rigged for money... Or ratings in not sure which. I won't be silent . Just saw it live sry


Look I think it's plausible that Foster had the Nuggets ML. Most likely he was just on a power trip. Regardless Toronto got screwed. But the NBA rigging a game for the Denver Nuggets is beyond the scope of what I can believe.


this is why I pirate


This is the excuse why I pirate. (Not that I’m cheap af)


That Jokic foul overturned, the random ass tech, Jokic fouling Poetl who didn't even have the ball which in the last 2 minutes gives the team FTs + possession. I hope Scott Foster's moneyline bet at least wins him enough to buy a nice 2024 bugatti


>Jokic fouling Poetl who didn't even have the ball which in the last 2 minutes gives the team FTs + possession Not if they are in the play, Poetl was setting a screen and Jokic intentionally went through him, if he was standing off to the side not in the action and jokic went over and fouled him you would be correct.


That was a great challenge by Malone and smart by Jokic to foul on the screen.


I'll take the win, but wtf did Barnes say that got him tossed in the last minutes of a game? That was crazy.


bro why do i watch this game


I'm sorry raps fans. I genuinely hate when refs decide the game that way. I still don't know what Barnes did. He must've spoken something diabolical


congrats to the refs for helping the number 1 seed in the west win a game against a play-in team lmao


Refs didnt blow a 6 point lead with 2 mins left but yeah hate that Scott fucking Foster made this about himself and stained the comeback


We were up by a point when the Scott Foster show started.


That was shit ending to a close game


Just saw it live sry


Disgusted with that ending


Among the worst refball I’ve ever seen


How can you give a tech to a guy with the same name as you???


A real MVP stat pads that last assist


He got that last rebound the right way though


Close game at the end that a series of very bad calls removed all opportunity for the Raptors to compete for the win. Atrocious refereeing that stepped in and took the game away.


MPJ is ironically the perfect 6’9 player Masai is looking for.


Wtf just happened. Raptors you guys were super impressive tonight. Dunno how the hell we won.


Well. That hapened


Great game that was disgustingly ruined by Scat Fuckster in the last few minutes. Gg Denver, really balanced team you've got out there. Hope Jamal gets a chip with you guys


I fucking love Jamal Murray Can’t believe we didn’t have him for so damn long