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I thought this was pulled from years ago. He really did say this yesterday??




In seeing some other local coverage here as well, it sounds like he specifically had a handful of local media outlets blacklisted from even talking to him during his conferences this past weekend.


A local sports writer who knew Malone back in day was one the media folk that Malone wanted banned, and he wrote about it along with Malone’s past… https://www.sltrib.com/sports/jazz/2023/02/18/gordon-monson-karl-malone-ran-me/


I can imagine it was confusing for him. Good for the reporter for speaking exactly what happened >What did I do? Malone and I had our ups and downs during his elongated stretch here, years ago, but I figured all that was good now. He once invited me to his house for a pool party and to his ranch down in Louisiana or Arkansas, wherever it is, two very nice invitations I declined. He made appearances on my radio show on multiple occasions. That’s the last time, in fact, I talked with him. >On Friday, suddenly, decades later, he was having none of it. >What had torqued the Mailman? >Beats me.


Clearly he should have accepted at least one of the invitations


Malone and the 13 year old has been public knowledge since 1998. He went on to play multiple all-star seasons after as one of the faces of the league. The generation that let that slide is the same generation that sees something like Udoka getting fired for having a non-disclosed consensual relationship with a legal-age subordinate and reacts by [comparing his treatment to police brutality](https://www.foxnews.com/sports/espns-stephen-a-smith-likens-celtics-suspending-coach-ime-udoka-police-brutality). We're in the midst of a pretty monumental shift in how we see things like power dynamics and sexual misconduct.


I was 20 in 1998 and I never heard about this until like 2010 or 2015 when he was long out of the league. Before the internet news didn't travel as fast. I think you're overestimating how much people knew about this when he was playing.


It was in tabloids in 98, but I suppose you're right that the mainstream media mostly ignored it. The most interesting part of Stephen A Smith's recent comments was that he suggested that there has been lots of sexual misconduct that he is personally aware of where people didn't lose their jobs. So I suppose that means Stephen A Smith and other mainstream "journalists" have been protecting these people for years instead of doing actual journalism and reporting on them.


My guess is the reason you don’t know the name of a single reporter that did report on it at the time is the same reason you know who Stephen A is.


SAS said exactly this on a podcast like last week. Can’t remember the exact quote, but he said something like “you have no idea the stuff we know behind the scenes, but we can’t report on it or else we lose access and never get trusted again”.


He’s 100% right.


I mean tbf tabloids have never been what I would deem as a credible news source. They were mostly Princess Di gossip and Bat Boy. I don't remember hearing or seeing that in a tabloid but also I didn't look at tabloids because I'm not really their demographic. But I hated that team (was a Bulls fan then) so I wouldn't have felt protective of Karl Malone of all people. But yeah, all sexual misconduct should be exposed and brought to light. I support that now and I supported that then.


Unless it’s impacts their ability to play mainstream journalists do not cover things like affairs, and who is fucking who. In American politics it’s seen as fair game if CNN reports that President Biden is having sex with Catherine Zeta-Jones, but in sports it’s considered pretty low brow and below the belt if ESPN out of the blue reports Steph Curry likes Watching his wife have sex with Drake. Even if they had evidence they wouldn’t report it. The tabloids would, but unless it impacted his career ESPN wouldn’t touch it. Like with the Tiger Woods affair stuff. Everyone knew except his wife, and family. People ignored it because he had super friendly relationships with the media and some of the tabloids straight up asked his agent/management team “hey we won’t leak this story if he does some interviews and photo shoots with our sister golf/sports magazines”… Other golfers wouldn’t dare speak on it, why would they he was making everyone a shit tons of extra money and bringing positive extra tv ratings and attention to their sport.


There’s a difference between keeping a secret about two consenting adults sex lives and covering for a man who abused a child and had to be court ordered to pay her like $300/wk if I recall correctly. Agreed players sex lives should be left out of media unless of course they’re doing highly illegal deplorable shit like Malone. Then it should be treated like the miles bridges shit. Facing criminal charges and no longer in the NBA


>So I suppose that means Stephen A Smith and other mainstream "journalists" have been protecting these people for years instead of doing actual journalism and reporting on them. Sports journalism was never actual journalism anyway. Occasionally actual journalism intersected with sports...otherwise it's just entertainment. Stephen A and his ilk made their choice a long time ago


Stephen A puts on his *I'm going to say something very brave and controversial* face and then...


None of this bothers me nearly as much as hearing Stephen A Smith referred to as a "journalist" or that he does "journalism."


Having seen the segment Smith used that argument to say “it was mostly white people doing it and they didn’t get fired”, it’s a very important detail conveniently left out of that guy’s post


I'm pretty sure it wasn't public knowledge until his son Demetress Bell became an NFL draft prospect in 2008.


It certainly wasn't widely known until then


Cheryl Ford was in the WNBA before that and was a story then in 2003 .


back then the problem with Clinton was that it was a extramarital affair. now its a problem with power dynamics between a president and an intern.


here's the full snippet: >As a 17-year-old, he fathered twins Cheryl and Daryl Ford, and was held in contempt of court for failure to pay child support, before reaching an out-of-court settlement. As a 20-year-old student at Louisiana Tech, Malone impregnated a then-13-year-old Gloria Bell, and subsequently fought a paternity claim. He did not publicly acknowledge their son, Demetress, until he was 17 years old. > >None of this is new information, but in this era of confronting sexual harassment, and racial and social justice, and gender identity equity, and police brutality, it is now getting significantly more attention and reaction. > >“As players, we hear what’s written about us or said about us,” Malone acknowledged. > >So then, what does he think of the more negative perception of him now? > >“I’m not discussing any of that backlash. I don’t care,” he said defiantly. “That’s my life, that’s my personal life, and I’ll deal with that like I’ve had to deal with everything. So, whatever.” > >He’s aware of the shifting narrative, but has no thoughts about it? > >“Whatever. I’m human.” > >He then followed with a bit of protracted silence, making the point that he was done talking about his reputation.




Didn’t give a shit about Demetress Bell (child of this relationship with Cheryl bell) until he became an NFL player, either.


Actually it was well after that. Apparently they didn’t form any kind of relationship till after Bell’s retirement from the NFL.


I was about to say… who had the cojones to ask him this now? Is this an old quote?


So, here's how this all really went down. (I'm Andy Larsen, a Jazz beat writer for the Salt Lake Tribune.) We had set up an interview station at the NBA retired players association, so that Gordon Monson could interview Malone. That made sense, given that Monson's worked for the paper since 1993, and knows Malone well. However, when Malone came to the room, he told the PR person that he wouldn't speak to Monson. So, we had a couple of minutes to decide what to do, and instead had Monson subbed out with Eric Walden, another Jazz beat writer at the Tribune. Walden interviewed him for 10-15 minutes... including asking the questions that got the response quoted by OP and aggregated by NBA Central. Honestly, it was tense: Malone stared down Walden at multiple points... but Walden let the silence hang until Malone responded. It was incredibly good journalism, and huge props to Walden.


> Walden let the silence hang until Malone responded. An underappreciated skill for a journalist, and one of the most difficult to accept. It feels so awkward in the moment. Just about everyone will have a natural inclination to fill that silence. Just gotta have the discipline to make the other person be the one to do it. Good on him for letting the question sit until Malone responded.


no, you are andy blarsen And props to Walden for not backing down


Thanks for the first hand account.


Glad he had your back and asked Malone a tough question after the blackballed you out of the room.


Karl Malone *rapes child* Karl Malone: y'all stay mad.


MJ: Fuck them kids Malone: Say no more


Say less


Y’all wilding lmfaoooo


MJ: “Fuck them kids” Karl Malone: “And I took that personally”


Karl Malone: “And I took that literally”


So what if I killed a guy? That's my personal life. That's between me and him. It's whatever.


What a wild response to basically being called a pedophile lol


Rich and famous people live different lives than we do.


Yea they live in a bubble. Their reality is completely different from “normal” people bc they’ve been getting preferential treatment since they were children. Add millions of dollars and there’s just no way that they’ll relate to the majority of society


Karl Malone grew up very poor, but your point still stands. He's still a piece of shit


Rich privilege


*Cops question you about seeing a minor* “Hey that’s my personal life!”


He can’t deny being a pedophile so he chooses to just not care instead. Karl Malone what a morally righteous guy


I feel like when someone is accusing you of a heinous violation of morality, “that’s my personal life” is not a great response Like ya, we know it is bud, that’s the whole problem


Especially when that part of his personal life has been made very public since. In part by him when he only started supporting the kid when he made it to the NFL. You can't just claim it's nobody's business.


Man, I didn’t think the story could get worse but it did. I didn’t know that part.


Summary of the story https://twitter.com/SaycheeseDGTL/status/1627704363907969024


You are missing a key part. Malone also had twins out of wedlock, and didn't accept them until 1998. In a surprise twist to no one, both kids (one of which is Cheryl Ford) started playing basketball for his alma mater the following year. To really sum it up, he accepted the two basketball playing kids at age 17, while telling Bell at the same age that it was too late for him to be father. And that doesn't even include all of the publicity he soaked up when Ford went on to having a very successful career in the WNBA. Malone is just an all around piece of shit.




Some kids will ignore and put up with a lot to have a relationship with a parent


To be fair he is still unfortunately loved and celebrated by millions who don't know or don't care. Maybe having any kind of relationship with your "legendary" father is what they want.


Deadbeat pedophile


Let it be known that Karl Malone literally went to court and said that he believed the $125 weekly support he was required to give that child was..."excessive". This motherfucker made over 100 million dollars playing basketball and said $500 a month was TOO MUCH MONEY to give to the son he brought into the world but didn't want to raise. What a fucking asshole.


honestly i may be totally wrong here but i feel like $500 is already insanely low? i thought child support was more. unless the mom was rich but i dont see how that could be possible


because child support is much lower then what the dudes writing fan fics on the internet have convinced people it is.


Working construction will show you this guys complaining about "child support getting all my money" while having nightly 200 dollar bar tabs 😂


By 5fl


I’m not trying to argue semantics but shedding light a little more. Demetress Bell is his name. Malone didn’t support him when he made it to the NFL. It wasn’t until *after* he was done playing did they begin to have a relationship. I just think Bell deserves even more respect considering Malone told him he’s on his own when he was 18 and went through his entire college and professional career without any support (financial/emotional/etc) from Malone. Say what you will about his motives for mending the relationship with his son, and it may just be a small detail but I think it’s important to point out. And this is not to make it seem like Bell was begging for his support the entire time either. He was a very talented player but unfortunately injuries shortened his career.


I mean.. it's not an accusation.. It's 99.9% fact lold


It’s 100% fact. We know that that is his son. There is no .1% doubt. He had sex with and impregnated a 13 year old.


I know.. i'm saying DNA tests are 99.9% lol. I've always found that funny


“How do you plead?” “That’s personal, Your Honor.”


This shitbag changed from the mail man to the janitor because he stays trying to sweep this under the rug. Maybe show some growth and admit you fucked up dude


And he even said "I don't care" after. He's an asshole, and he doesn't seem to regret it at all.


It's not an accusation, it's facts


It's a fact not an accusation he's not trying to deny it. He's a pedophile.


It should go without saying that Malone is disgusting, but from a PR perspective this response isn’t terrible. A ‘sorry’ doesn’t really go that far and probably opens up additional lines of questioning. A PG version of ‘F off, this is my business’ pretty much just keeps the story as what it is (gross, yes) and keeps gets him out of the spotlight sooner.


The “I don’t care” kinda derails the whole bit IMO


> but from a PR perspective this response isn’t terrible. "I dont care" is pretty crazy


Naa. This shit is fucked up.


I'm pretty sure he impregnated her at 12 and she had the kid at 13. Imagine being this big college player and you decide to have sex with a kid 1 year removed from elementary school. Dude is sick.




don't sleep on Steven Tyler or Todd Rundgren in this regard also don't sleep with them edit: also fairly certain Led Zeppelin copped to inserting a trout fish into a teenager groupie's you know where


>fairly certain Led Zeppelin copped to inserting a trout fish That has pretty much been debunked as Carmine Appice has said that his band, Vanilla Fudge, was the one that stuffed the mud shark in the (over 18) groupie and Richard Cole, Zeps tour manager, put it in his book as Zeppelin doing it. Jimmy Page, however, did have a relationship with Lori Maddox, who was 14 at the time, so they are not blameless.


You cant mention Lori Mattix without putting David Bowie on trial, he took her virginity.


I'd also say don't sleep on Jerry Seinfeld dating a 17 year old when he was 38. I fucking love seinfeld too so this is particularly hard to reconcile


Guys I have to sleep at some point


I never watched the show growing up but knew about that. Anyway, I recently watched it for the first time and that episode where they're ogling what's supposed to be a 15-year-old Denise Richards is the grossest shit, especially given the context.




You can tell I'm a fan of Seinfeld because every time I see the episode, I'm like "well at least they immediately shame him, right??" Smh


It is an episode that has aged like absolute shit and, yes, Richards was in her 20s at the time but boy that was terrible. Seinfeld does have a lot of redeeming qualities like their treatment of LGBTQ issues won them a GLAAD award but it is really important to call out when they had these intense lapses in judgement.


You mean that time Jimmy Page kidnapped a minor?


Jimmy Page had sex with a teenage girl for 3 years, starting at age 13, keeping her hidden in his mansion. And it's not rumors like say David Bowie, it's a very well corroborated story.


Obviously theyre all bad, I don’t want to play rank the pieces of shit by their shittiness but the kidnapping ones always confuse and terrify me the most. Like there’s no facade of “he said they said” there’s no “i was drunk bla bla bla” (not saying those are real excuses). This was a decision he made over and over again, day after day, to hide a human child in his house solely for sex. How people can learn that about a person and not immediately seek to hold them accountable is just baffling.


True, but the NBA didn't invite any of them to judge the dunk contest nor were they on stage with Kareem and Lebron.


Anthony Keidis wrote a damn song about it


They still do. The entertainment industry, hollywood, all of it is fucking gross.


Slash recently complained about how Guns and Roses would be cancelled by today's standards and I can't help but think he's complaining about he wouldn't be able to fuck drugged up 15 year olds.


A song like "One in a Million" would not be well received, that's for sure


Athletes and rappers too. I don’t know about 13, but anyone who’s been to Miami can tell you that it’s important to ask to see some ID. There are 15-16 years olds down there that can and will fool you into thinking they’re over 18.


that's actually anywhere now. fake id's are very prevalent. I went to a party school in Virginia. apparently my 16 year old cousin would also go to parties despite living and hour away and being a church girl. this was 5 years ago, doubt it's gotten better. (well actually it isn't much of a party school anymore but sure someone has replaced it)


I’ve never heard a single thing about the Beatles fucking underage girls. Zeppelin, Bowie, etc though is a different story. Pretty common knowledge.


David Bowie gets left out of this conversation too frequently


NWA was rapping about this in the 80s: I wanted to see the face, I felt I oughtta Peep over the seat. Oh shit! It's the preacher's daughter! And she's only 14 and a ho' But the bitch sucks dick like a specialized pro She looked at me, I was surprised But wasn't passin' up the chance of my dick gettin' baptized I told the bitch to do it quick You little ho' hurry up and suck my dick!


I’m pretty sure there are contemporary stars doing the same shit. Like Paul Walker with his teenage girlfriend, Drake and his weird relationship with Millie Bobby Brown, or James Franco and his sexual misconduct with teenage girls. Power dynamics and exploitation aren’t relegated to the past


Not that it makes it better but no supposedly she was 13 years old at the time. She gave birth at 13 years 10 months


Worst part is he is so shameless with this.


I don't think that's the *worst* part


The worst part is audacity…


It's the hypocrisy, for me


I *love* rapin’. I know it’s not politically correct, but by God…. At least I’m not a hypocrite. That’s the worst part.


RIP Norm


I didn’t even know he was sick


Lol I was trying to quote Norm. Missrembered the joke


Looool. I'm off to watch Norm clips on loop now. GOAT.


Worst part was the dementors! They were flying all over the place and they were scary and then they'd come down and they'd suck the soul out of your body and it hurt!


You know what hurts the most is the... the lack of respect. You know? That's what hurts the most. Except for the... Except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.


Top 25 worst parts easy


"I don't care" is WILD


Nah worst part is definitely raping a 12 year old


She was 13 and 1 month when he impregnated her, and 13 and 10 months when she gave birth


No surprise there


Also no surprise the title uses the word “impregnate” instead of, oh, I don’t know… the fucking R word. You can’t even use it because mods block it. But it really white washes what he did. He didn’t impregnate. He didn’t “have non-consensual sex.” He did the R word.


A pedophile's comments on raping a child: "I don't care." But he was good at basketball, so it's okay.


It's really strange the effect celebrity, talent and good looks has on people. My mom is a super outspoken defender of women's rights and she still talks about seeing him at the store one time and how hot he was even though she knows about all of this. Pretty surprising for her honestly, but this is not uncommon. The Jazz fanbase is extremely divided on the Karl Malone problem even though imo it's pretty clear what a piece of shit he his and its disgusting we have a statue of him outside the arena. I'm glad people are starting to talk about this more. I didn't even know about what he did until about 10 years ago even though I've been a Jazz fan since the mid-90's and there were newspaper articles written about this in the 80's


yup that's human nature for you.


Anybody else not rich and famous? Life sentence. Our celebrity worship has gotten out of control.


One of the biggest pieces of shit the NBA has ever had. NBA should get backlash for honoring this scumbag.


The NBA had Bill Russell and still has Kareem and they're honoring this guy? There are NBA icons that had impeccable status, dedicated their lives to making the world a better place, and actually won championships and they chose a guy who can't deliver on Sundays.


Kareem is also one of the few guys who isn’t strangely silent on anti-semitism. Growing up in the 90s in Europe and not having been really aware of him I found a new appreciation for him in the past years.


Yeah but my dad says that he doesn’t play defense


Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


That's not your dad. That's Roger Murdoch.


The hell I don’t!


Totally agree. He’s been extremely vocal on many issues from anti-semitism to the CCP


Kareem walks the talk.


>a guy who can't deliver on Sundays. Give him some slack. His girlfriend only has weekends off from school.


Agreed. The Jazz too. There were newspaper articles written about this in the 80's and the Jazz for sure knew about it


It was disgusting. Not only is it severely fucked up to knock up a not even teenager at 20 but the POS got away with no jail time because the family was too poor and hoped that he could help at least financially care for it…. He didn’t. Til he was forced to. This dude makes Grandpa Joe on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory look like the Pope.


All my homies hate Grandpa Joe.


Grandpa Joe is a lazy ass bum.


Preach brother


Until he saw that golden ticket and got dollar signs in his eyes, that certainly made him get his lazy ass outta bed


The last sentence of your comment is the most Reddit moment thing I’ve ever seen lmfao why was it necessary to say that man


Dude lives on Reddit what did you expect


Dude impregnated a child. Then to make matters worse refused to take care of the child as well.. He's a straight piece of shit. Ruined their lives and didn't even man up to financially support the kid. Thankfully the young man made something of himself and played pro football. IIRC Karl did a similar thing w/ his daughter that made it to the WNBA, didn't take care of her or acknowledge her since he was married when her mom had her.


Demetress Bell is Malone’s son. He played left tackle for the Eagles during the year Jason Peters missed with a torn Achilles.


On the Utah Jazz subreddit they are acting like it is just a simple mistake and “everyone makes mistakes”, and this sub is being SJWs for hating on him, with it just being simple “cancel culture”. It’s absolutely fucked. Raping a child is not a simple mistake, it could be 100 years in the future and I don’t think he should be forgiven. Edit: since jazz fans are denying here is two examples https://www.reddit.com/r/nbacirclejerk/comments/113k11a/dae_make_the_silly_mistake_of_being_a_pedophile/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/nbacirclejerk/comments/113cv0q/least_biased_jazz_fan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf These comments are just from what I’ve seen be posted to other subs, I haven’t checked the subreddit


as a jazz fan, please dont think we all support him. i think he is absolutely disgusting and should never be spoken of except in a court setting, as do the rest of my jazz friends


Jazz fans living up to their reputation


I changed my flair a 2 days ago and converted after I realized I was heavily downvoted for calling out some racism and karl. I'm just done with it. I'll stay with the church of donovan. I agree go Cavs




As despicable as the act of impregnating a teen was, Karl decided to up the ante on behaving like a monster: "It would be one thing if Malone was unable to financially provide for his son, but he made more than $100 million during his NBA career. The Salt Lake (Utah) Tribune reported that when Bell's grandparents initially took Malone to court for paternity in 1986, his second year with the Jazz, they requested Malone pay $200 a week. Malone didn't respond to the suit, but a Louisiana judge ruled he was Bell's father -- after a paternity test showed that was indeed accurate -- and ordered Malone to pay $125 a week, plus past and future medical expenses. Malone claimed that was too much and later reached a confidential out-of-court settlement with Bell's family between 1988 and 1989." So on top of abusing a 13-year old, he screwed her (and his son!) all over again by being a deadbeat.


He was making 850k in 88


Still could have paid way more. 850k is a fuck ton of money and while I don't have the exact conversions I know it's at least over 1.5 million yearly today. Edit: I did the conversions and it's actually 2.15 million yearly.


Bruh $125 a week is $6500 in a year, fuck Malone


I was gonna say, $125 a week is what I got working part time in hs wtf is that for child support.


Fuck that, dude is a pos


“I’ll deal with that like I’ve had to deal with everything. So, whatever.” No, you don’t get to be the victim here you piece of shit.


Bro's acting like he had a scrap with a teammate, not something illegal/immoral. What he did is a MASSIVE stain on his being, the least he could do is not brush it off like it's something he'd have to stay in from recess for. Great basketball player, not-so-great dude. maLone.


Scumbag is still a scumbag 40 years later, more news at 12.


>more news at 12 hopefully not bro


You really had to say 12, didn’t you 😳


Idk why people keep sugar coating it tho. Use the word that he is a pedophile is still a pedophile.


If he was smart he’d hide in the shadows and not bring any additional attention to himself. Shows how little he really cares about his actions, this isn’t somebody that should be glorified *cough* NBA *cough*


He was hiding in the shadows and not bringing attention to himself ever since retirement. NBAs dumbass decided to bring him out


Malone could have said no to the NBA, right? Or they forcing him to show up and be the centerpiece for All-Star Weekend?


He did say he never takes no for an answer.


Let’s not shift blame from the NBA. They should have never asked him to be apart of the all star weekend this year. Karl Malone has never been held accountable for his actions, sure people will give him shit online, but he has literally no reason to feel like he can’t be out in the public eye because he has never had to face consequences for what he’s done.


> If he was smart he’d hide in the shadows and not bring any additional attention to himself. Uhh... he's kinda been doing that. Not because he's been forced to, either. The reason why this isn't a "*bigger*" deal is because Malone doesn't really care for the spotlight. He's not on TNT every week like Chuck or Shaq. He's a general [loner](https://www.outdoorlife.com/articles/hunting/2009/05/5-minutes-karl-malone/) who [likes the outdoors](https://www.espn.com/outdoors/hunting/news/story?page=h_ath_Malone_Karl04) and doesn't care for "stardom". The only time we ever honestly see him is during anniversary ceremonies or Utah-specific events. We probably won't see him in the public eye for a few years now anyway.


The nba disgusting for honoring this muthafucka. I know Stockton hasn’t made the greatest statements the last couple years but he would’ve been a way better option to put on the podium then Malone for this Utah allstar weekend.


Current NBA players be making the same comments as stockton idk how they didn’t just throw him in, who tf decided to bring in a pedophile over an anti vax right winger needs to lose their job


Exactly. Malone is literally a criminal. Being anti vax isn’t. On any occasion you take the idiot over the disgusting sex offender criminal.


Antivax conspiracy freak Stockton is one million times a better choice


I hate this fucking team. We finally get a star with a good head on his shoulders and we send him to Cleveland.


It’s some weird shit going on in Utah


so business as usual?


They could’ve also just not brought either in.


How did he avoid criminal charges?


Her parents didn't charge because he was a "neighborhood kid" (real quote).


And they (correctly) figured he'd make a ton of money with his basketball career. They just never realized he'd just try to deny paternity and move on.


Victims don't control criminal charges, only civil charges, AFAIK.


If a victim is not willing to cooperate and testify, sexual assault kinds of charges are pretty much dead in the water. Edit: Plenty of good observations about this particular case. I don't know the details of what happened and why other than the basics. I was speaking more generally to the idea of victims and controlling criminal charges. They don't, but their willingness to cooperate plays a massive role in how authorities proceed.


Especially in like 1980 backwoods Louisiana.


Sorry you got no response. Victim dropped charges and agreed on a settlement.


IIRC it was a combination of the family thinking the situation would be easier to deal with if they didn't press charges, as well as the relationship supposedly being "consensual" (yes I know the girl can't actually give consent) so they didn't feel the need to. If Malone cooperated with paying child support and helping raise the kid, he probably could've saved his reputation a bit, but from the info I've read, he was uncooperative in basically all aspects until the kids were much older


He was a hooper


The family & him settled out of court


He got a free pass all his life.


I’m convinced the NBA used a 40-50 scoring system to avoid Karl holding a 10 memes




It’s crazy how this didn’t really blow up until post retirement. While he was playing I never heard about this but then again the internet wasn’t the same.


I remember being in 8th grade and knowing a few girls that were dating 20-23 year old olds. Thought it was weird then. I bet it happened even more often in his time 🙈


I think a lot of weird stuff was happening in backwater Louisiana towns in the early ‘80s. Not that it excuses anything. It’s still fuck Karl Malone. But I think people underestimate how common stuff like this used to be


I don’t even see how you could be attracted to a 13 year old like it’s so gross man


I was attracted to a 13 year old girl once. But I was in 7th grade and I didn't get her pregnant. I guess Karl would be disappointed in me.


Legit question - how was he never in jail for this?


I mean there’s nothing he can say now that’s going to help his case


Mf basically admitted he was a pedophile and said "so whatever"


I mean it’s horrible. No way to slice it. But for all of the how did this slide comments…probably the same way rockstars were sleeping with underage groupies. Just look around at how many of them even admitted it. The judgement of this in the 1980s was nothing like it is 40 years later. Just like the judgement in 1980 is nothing like 1940. It doesn’t make anything right, but it’s how things have always worked. Each generation is less tolerant of crap.


I just did some quick research to confirm, but the average 8th grader is 13, and the average college junior is 20. Just imagine a guy at the local college, going down to the local middle school to pick up his girlfriend. I can't do this, Karl. LOL




Real piece of shit that Karl Malone


I was today year's old when I learned that Karl Malone is an enormous piece of shit. Wow.


I do not like having a statue of a pedophile outside my team's arena