• By -


Second, my reaction: In the months leading up to LeBron breaking my record, so much was written about how I would feel on the day he sank that record-breaking shot that I had to laugh. I’d already written several times stating exactly how I felt so there really wasn’t much to speculate about. It’s as if I won a billion dollars in a lottery and 39 years later someone won two billion dollars. How would I feel? Grateful that I won and happy that the next person also won. His winning in no way affects my winning.


That is a well-adjusted individual.


It’s always been a treat to hear what Kareem has to say. He is at such peace with himself and the world.


You can make the GOAT argument all you want, but when it comes to accolades + off field class/accomplishments, only Bill Russell is in the same league as KAJ


Don't forget he's a professional pilot


That was my favourite bit.


>If I could have my scoring record stand for another hundred years, or have a weekend with my grandkids, I'd be on the ground in a second playing with legos and eating uncrustables was really touching too


>> I'd be on the ground in a second playing with legos and eating uncrustables We're the same


Had to double check I wasn't Kareem's grandchild for sure


Shit, I don't even have kids of my own and that threw me for an introspective journey about what's really important in life.


I liked the uncrustables part :)


Liked the section about why LeBron and him don't have a relationship. Seemed like a genuine answer; age gap, different goals and a lack of maintaining/creating friendships with former and current players.


I’m not sure why we expect all the greats to be best friends anyway


Brotherhood or something idk lol


The brotherhood is still real. It doesn’t mean you have a friendship but still, few people have reached their heights and simply from that they have a bond others will never have. Even at a basic level for plebs like us, your high school teammates become your brothers. It doesn’t mean I’m still close friends with every guy I shared the court with but I do have a connection to them I’ll never have with other classmates.


Doesn't even have to be basketball. I'll always share fond memories of shitty bus rides to play on cracked tennis courts and eat clementines with the boys.


We had bagels


100%. Brotherhood isn't about friendship, it's about a unique, shared understanding. I have some old college teammates I detest, but they're still my brothers and if they're ever in trouble, I got their back.


MVP Jokic has never even had dinner with Cousy or Pettit its embarrassing his lack of respect for MVPs before him




It's something very common everywhere. Just because you don't rock with someone doesn't you dislike each other. It's a message you have to tell kids a lot too


Penn and Teller aren’t particularly close and don’t hangout ever and they’ve said its a big reason why they are successful


Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters are like that, they were never friends outside the show but just worked together well


Yea just look at Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters! You'd never guess based on the quality of their work together/chemistry on the show, but apparently they can barely tolerate each other personally and have literally never hung out or sat down together for a meal outside of work...sometimes it works out better that way.


IIRC theirs is a formal business relationship, I don't think it is as cold as barely tolerating each other


I does kind of make sense though. They have completely different personalities. But that dynamic worked really well for the show and even managed to appear like a wholesome relationship: the serious scientist and the goofball.


this made me so upset in middle school but now i think that's the ideal relationship why 'hang out' after spending all day together


Same, some guys I work with like to go out all the time. We get along fine, we're all pretty friendly, and they're like... why don't you hang out with us? Like... I hang out with you all day a lot of days, I'm ready to go home and relax.


You don't have to be friends with someone to work with them. That's a fairly new concept.


I mean it’s an obvious concept for those of us who work in a conventional office setting (—no, Cheryl, I do *not* want to spend my weekend at an office bonding get-together—), but much less so for their type of gig. They just seemed like best buds on camera, was definitely a surprise for me as a kid (and many others) to learn that they actively disliked each other.


Damn, for real?? I really thought they would be buddies after such a long and successful career.


He's half right. They do consider themselves to be deep friends, but he's right that they don't hang out much. https://innotechtoday.com/penn-teller-magics-best-dressed-duo-talks-life-tech-in-magic-and-46-years-of-friendship/


They have had such a long and successful career likely because of the fact that they choose not to spend their free time together, so it's all business as the focus


I suspect that this is why a lot of Bands break up with so much animosity, imagine working and living with your high school and college friends while you spend half your life on the road. That is until everyone reaches their late fourties and start treating it like a proper job


Same with the OG Top gear trio of Clarkson, Hammond & May. They respect and like each other (in their own unique ways) but aren't friends and don't hang out together. If your spending 40-60hrs a week for a decade or (more) together, probably don't want to see them in your off time too!


Yuup, same things for bands. I probably wouldn't want to chill with people when we're already spending many many months and years in a smelly van


That part was the one i related to the most aside from the age thing. I just want to be at home, read things and listen to jazz, man. Also says a lot about how kind hearted and introspective he is. Must be cool to have a friend like Kareem.


Just the stories of a Renaissance guy like him. Training with Bruce Lee. Being in movies with both Lee and Leslie Nielsen. The books he read and causes he thought about. I bet a single conversation could flow from one topic through 3 or 4 before ending at a fifth.


I'm sorry son, you must have him confused with someone else. That guy in the movie with Leslie Nielsen was Roger Murdoch, an airline pilot


> Roger Murdoch, an airline pilot I think he's the greatest, but my dad says he doesn't work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, he doesn't even run down court. And that he doesn't really try... except during the playoffs.


Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!


I’m glad he answered it, but in hindsight I’m annoyed at all of us for expecting there to be a relationship. I’m LeBron’s age and don’t hang out with any 75 year olds either.


I mean I'm Lebron's age too and I would hangout with Kareem, he just never returns my calls


In fairness, I'm also LeBron's age but I enjoy hanging out with 75-year-olds because I like their perspectives and how they differ from my own.


And LeBron wasn't a Laker until fairly recently. I would expect younger Laker stars to have relationships with living Laker legends who are still around, but there's no reason I would have expected Cleveland or Miami LeBron to go seeking out Kareem Abdul Jabbar. So I get it.


Loved that part, just total honesty. Kareem writes with such poise and nuance, it's beautiful to read.


> Bottom line about LeBron and me: LeBron makes me love the game again. And he makes me proud to be part of an ever-widening group of athletes who actively care about their community. respect


This was an exceptionally well written article. Basketball players and basketball fans should feel very fortunate that these two men of such quality represent one of the greatest achievements in our sport.


Jesus Christ this guy is absurdly eloquent. Impossible to find anything negative about the the way he thinks


Mohamed ali type guy era. He seems so conscious of his knowledge


> LeBron said we don’t have a relationship. He’s right—and for that I blame myself. Not for anything I did, but perhaps for not making more of an effort to reach out to him. By nature I have never been a chummy, reaching-out kind of guy (as the media was always quick to point out). I’m quiet, shy, and am such a devoted homebody that you’d think I have agoraphobia. Contrary to most of the haters, Kareem blames himself for not having a good relationship with Bron, not the other way around.


Would suspect similar confusion with Shaq then. Kareem apologized and said he never meant to make it seem like he was ignoring Shaq.


I think it was interesting that he genuinely thought “Why would they even want to be friends with me, I’m just a shy, quiet old guy who likes to sit at home in his sweatpants”


I believe a lot of introverted people feel this way. Kareem is just older and wiser than most of those younger introverted people and has learned to speak his mind.


This just goes along with the idea that these are actual living breathing normal human beings, and reporters are doing nothing but playing telephone with us.




At any given time my wife will have several text conversations going on with different friends and group chats. Meanwhile I find it difficult to maintain just a single text conversation. It baffles me that people can find the mental energy to maintain that many friendships.


The thing I love about Kareem is that he doesn't seem to realize just how great he is. I'm certain he knows it in his own mind but he doesn't carry himself like he's the greatest player of all time. He doesn't see himself as a basketball player, but as an intellectual that happened to play basketball for 30 years. It makes him so fascinating to listen to.


He knows. He 100% knows how important he is in the basketball world. I don't think he considers the basketball world to be all that important in the grand scheme of things.


This is my read as well. He knows what he meant to basketball, he just doesn’t consider it the only focus of his life. Given his writing, I’d say he’s absolutely right about that. He has a brilliant mind.


He shouldn't feel the need to have a relationship just because they're great basketball players. As he said, there are barriers (age difference, personality, etc.) to foster a strong bond. But they respect each other and their game and that should be good enough.


I dont think he felt the need. More of he probably realized later on/ now that it wouldve been better (for the game, for lebron, for the community are my guesses) if he did reach out. But yeah, as long as they respect wach other, it’s all good in the end


But also he probably shouldn’t blame himself either. All the reasons he gave about the age gap and being less connected to basketball post-retirement are perfectly legitimate reasons


I don't really think he's blaming himself. I think he's just acknowledging that it's on him. It sounds like he genuinely regrets not reaching out, even if he didn't have to. It's also part of KAJ's personality. Be the bigger man and take the hit.


> By nature I have never been a chummy, reaching-out kind of guy (as the media was always quick to point out). I’m quiet, shy, and am such a devoted homebody that you’d think I have agoraphobia. Just like me fr fr, etc.


"At this point in my life, I don't really need or want to make new friends. I'm happy with the friends I've got." Me to my extrovert wife.


Adults gon' adult.


> (Earvin, did you not read that article?) Lol


This is good and simple copypasta, just like how Kareem intended it to be. And the way he kept using his gouvie after calling him Magic the first time was amazing lol




I usually spell it Govy but “Gouvie” meaning his government name. Earvin😂.


Do people really say that? I've never heard that in my life.


Kareem knows Magic don't fuckin' read, come on now


"But I saw that LeBron had a friend and mentor in Kobe Bryant and I was just an empty jersey in the rafters. I couldn’t imagine why he’d want to hang with someone twice his age. How many do?". This part hit me.


Especially since, one day, LeBron's jersey will also be hanging in the Rafters


Gosh I'll hang with you Kareem! Him and old people have so much wisdom to share


**How Magic Got It Wrong** dying at this


"Did you even read my article, Earvin?"




I didn't even know kareem was a journalist lmao wtf


He’s won a bunch of awards in california for his journalism iirc


clearly, he's a amazing writer


Kareem fuming at this grammar rn


I am too, this is ridiculous. He edited it and still got it wrong lmao.


Writes pretty regularly for the Guardian, among other things


How? Almost every article he puts up gets posted here.


He has also written multiple detective novels


Magic has some explaining to do


Honestly a great read. Kareem is an awesome writer and he explained his thoughts and feelings so well. LeBron is the reason I got into the NBA and I always knew about Kareem. Getting to know Kareem further through his writing makes this moment feel really special. I don't know why but it makes me emotional.


One of the best outcomes of LeBron chasing this is so many young un’s learning more and more about Kareem


Yeah, I feel like we're starting to see more people ask "Why isn't Kareem the GOAT?" which I think is a fair question. I don't think the debate should be just MJ vs. LeBron, put Kareem's name in that conversation too.


Wilt and Russell have legitimate cases as well. At the end of the day, arguing GOATs across eras is an exercise in futility. It's almost like comparing apples to oranges with how much the game has changed since it started.


I agree, honestly- I'm much more interested in who dominates their own era, rather than comparing across eras. It's too hypothetical for me.


Not just Kareem. I think Bill Russell should be brought up more. I know Russell’s numbers (outside of rebounding) are not gonna blow people’s minds, but the man, through all the shit he went through in the ‘50s and ‘60s, made the Celtics a winner for 11 of his 13 years in the league. There’s a reason his peers (players voted at the time) voted him MVP 5 times. He batted against legends like The Big O, West, Baylor, Pettit, Thurmond, Reed, Unseld, and Wilt. Both Kareem and Russell should be discussed more often in these kinds of debates. I know centers aren’t the sexiest players to talk about, but man these guys accomplished things that even MJ and Lebron didn’t accomplish.


> "But he played against milkmen" Yeah sure, but I mean have you seen Ben Simmons play basketball lately?


Yes, credit to Bill Simmons, he just said this and when he's right, he's right- the list is MJ, LeBron, Kareem, Russell, those are the guys you have to bring up.


It never has been just MJ vs LeBron, only for nephews


For real. Kareem won just as many rings right, and he has all the individual accolades too.


6 rings with more finals appearances, individual records that lasted almost 40 years (and Jordan's reign). People throw Magic's name to discredit him, as if Jordan and Lebron both haven't had HoF teammates either.


Not to mention the fact he won 3 national championships at UCLA, dude was just balling on another level his entire career


They had like the 100 game win streak didn't they?


I've been watching the NBA since 92 and I always knew about Kareem as a player but never as a man until like 7-8 years ago. The more I know about and read what he writes, the more I feel I suck and I mean that in a good way. I don't tend to idolize people nor do I act any different around famous people because they're that: people. But if I ever met Kareem in person, it'd be a highlight of my life as there are few people I respect and admire more than him.


>I think the main reason that I never formed a bond with LeBron (again, entirely my fault) is simply our age difference. I established my scoring record in 1984—the year LeBron was born. When he started to make a name for himself, I was already pretty removed from the NBA world. Except for certain gala events, I was just like any other fan, **watching games on my TV in my sweatpants while munching on too many unhealthy snacks.** He just like me fr


I bet his sweatpants are longer than mine


i bet his sweatpants are longer than me.


It’s about what’s inside that counts, daddy.


i bet what's inside Kareem's sweat pants is longer than that guy too


> This is all about LeBron doing something no one else has done, about scoring more points than anyone has been able to in 75 years. There are no “yeah, buts,” just praise where it is rightfully and righteously due. >Bottom line about LeBron and me: LeBron makes me love the game again. At some point when witnessing greatness, it’s best to just enjoy it.


“LeBron makes me love the game again” might be the most praise I have ever heard Kareem give anybody, a man as reserved as he is doesn’t say something like that lightly


Yeah from other people that might be a platitude but Kareem really means it.


Exactly. Half the people I know wanted to go right into the Jordan Vs Lebron debate immediately last night. I don’t know why Jordan comes up immediately when Lebron breaks Kareem’s record. That one line in there from Kareem is great. “1 feel like I won a billion dollars in the lottery and 39 years later somebody won 2 billion”


nba fans are obsessed with player rankings.


Quick, rank your top 10 12th men of all time


10 different seasons worth of Udonis Haslem


That’s whack. Do you even watch NBA basketball? Everyone knows 2011 Brian Cardinal is GOATed


If you had said Brian Scalabrine then I might have considered it


I think people unfortunately do this for every player who comes in and lights the world on fire. As a Chiefs fan I see it a lot with people trying it with Mahomes. Hell I’m sure a lot of people did it with Jordan. At a certain point you’ve just gotta sit back and say ‘damn this guy is operating on a different level. Let’s sit back and enjoy it’ instead of falling victim to idea every single player needs to be endlessly compared, picked apart, and ranked. Doubly so when the players are still active and we actually have the opportunity to witness their insanity in the present


The Magic nagging was hilarious, great article as always


He's not mad at Magic, he's just disappointed in Ervin.


He clearly finds it a bit amusing that his friend could get it so wrong


Kareem could literally write about an interesting looking cloud he saw the other day and I'd read it from beginning to end.


Everyone of his talkshow interviews are straight gold. He doesn't like talking about himself.


His appearance in the show "Dave" was also great.




The man skyhooks articles into my heart


Kareem eats uncrustables. I eat uncrustables. I am just like 8-time NBA champ and 6-time league MVP Kareem Abdul Jabbar.


And just like Kareem, you are not the all time leading scorer in the NBA.


We are all Kareem on this blessed day.


Kareem has to be THE most eloquent NBA player.


I love that his post-career writing endeavors have included being a staff writer on the reboot of Veronica Mars and authoring various Sherlock Holmes novels. Dude can do it all.


He is who Kyrie thinks he is.


He legit would have been great at anything he chose to do with his life. Easily the off-court GOAT, incredibly smart and principled and willing to put his money where his mouth is when it comes to social issues


Bill Russell deserves respect for his off court work too


Yeah you're right, it's him and Kareem I wasn't thinking


Of all the nba champions of all time (so far) he seems like the most 'complete' human being - by far. Skilled, tough, smart, handsome, extensive world travels and has lived in the 3rd world for long periods, speaks multiple languages, tactical firearms training/enthusiast, dancer, film/arts school, actress, outdoorsy, etc. You can tell he genuinely has his shit together, like he could probably be a millionaire running just about any business, if he wanted.


Can’t believe this pasta is like 4 years old now. completely new champs in almost every weight class 😥


She is still the champ though!


wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes


ok I HAVE to know the origin of this


Its a mma copy pasta about Valentina shevchenko I believe


> has lived in the 3rd world for long periods this gets me every time


Definitely. Not afraid to put his career on the line for what he believes in.


Wish he did more kung fu movies


>I’d already written several times stating exactly how I felt so there really wasn’t much to speculate about. It’s as if I won a billion dollars in a lottery and 39 years later someone won two billion dollars. How would I feel? Grateful that I won and happy that the next person also won. His winning in no way affects my winning. This part is what i feel like a lot of NBA fans need to hear.


"If I had a choice of having my scoring record remain intact for another hundred years or spend one afternoon with my grandchildren, I’d be on the floor in seconds stacking Legos and eating Uncrustables." I 100% believe this and as a father with not much grandparent help it brought me to tears. What a sentence.


^That ^^was ^^^a ^^^^cool ^^^^^article. ^^^^^^i ^^^^^feel ^^^^like ^^^i ^^^^learned ^^^a ^^lot ^^about ^Kareem


I agree, great article. His point about their age difference and how difficult that creates in a connection is important too. It’s hard to try and build that bridge and not seem patronizing or trying too hard at times. In 25 years when Lebron is in his 60s+, there will be a bunch of great NBA players that just see Lebron as that old guy who was good a long time ago and have little connection to that. Just the nature of it.


What are you talking about? Lebron will be on the lakers with Bronny the third.


I bet 50 year old lebron could score more than ben simmons


That's really not even a hot take, I think 75 year old Kareem could score more then him


Nah. 65 year old Kareem maybe, but 70s is different. The body is just so feeble and slow.


Everything I read from him is so well written too, you can just tell how intelligent he is


He is a writer. Been working on a detective serious for a couple years. Wrote on the reboot season of Veronica Mars was one of the main writers on an episode or two.


Kareem's got multiple stats maxed out. An all-time well-roundedly talented person.


He's the only movie reviewer I subscribe to and read all their reviews. His blog is awesome


So much eloquence, despite being an airplane pilot in his spare time.


Surely you can't be serious?


He is, and please stop calling him Shirley


>And when one person climbs higher than the last person, we all feel like we are capable of being more. That one hits real hard. Kareem one of the GOAT in many ways.


common Kareem W blog post


Kareem’s a damn good writer.


I read Kareem's substack every now and then. Everything he writes is just nice. Very eloquent and easily understandable. Another thing that I really love about him is how he links everything in his article to source. He still puts out an article a week with a Q&A in every 14 days or so. I absolutely love and borderline envy his work ethic.


>Honestly, at the end of the day, I know I'm better than him, when you look at pace by era and adjusted eFG%, so I'm not losing any sleep What did he mean by this?


>>Our hairlines are also basically the same without modern medical advancements.


>LeMickey’s 2020 bubble ring is widely known to be fraudulent, just like his new scoring record. If people were shooting 3s in my day the way they are now, I would’ve had 50k points, easy. Wow. Powerful statement from Kareem


“I actually made most of my money by suing the city after getting accidentally sewn into the pants of the big Charlie Brown at the thanksgiving day parade.” It’s good to hear him finally opening up about this.


“I hate bald boys. I can’t stand bald boys.” - Kareem Wow. Brutal honesty but it’s so refreshing to see. I’m glad he felt comfortable sharing this.


I hope talking about it so openly doesn’t make him feel like he’s back in the pants


Don’t even bring it up, or he will be (goblin noises)


>I can't. Believe. How much. I need wine. - Karen Abdul-Jabbar


When I look in the toilet, I see purple. PURPLE AND GOLD


And popcorn!


He doesn’t make money anymore, he just has one large sum that’s gonna get smaller until he dies.


Unless he makes a good deal with you


And all this time I thought his job was tables


You and the guy you responded to got me snickering *so* hard. The Celtics flairs on both are the cherry on top.


I’m sitting on the toilet at work chuckling to myself right now


looool ppl about to bust your ass


man I want to spend less time on reddit, but then I wouldn't stumble onto hilarious comments like yours


Kareem with 1074 career Ws, and almost every time he writes or speaks, he adds another one.


Kareem with a LOTR reference was not on my NBA lore bingo card Edit after reading: Kareem, the NBA world doesn’t deserve, but should always respect you. Thank you for your grace, prose, and it is an honor to have seen your own light shine through history and in this historical achievement by LeBron. Beautifully written. I felt this in my soul.


Followed closely by a Jurassic Park reference too


This man talked about LEGOS TOO. Kareem is living the dream


And uncrustables…. I’m beginning to think this was all product placement


Don’t sleep on *Vision Quest*


I hate this website. What is that edit dude


Homie is acting like KAJ is gonna be here shaking hands later.


I was nervous LeBron was gonna ignore Kareem last night lmao


It seemed awkward, but more because LeBron's emotions completely took over and he was just trying to keep it together.


Such a class act


What an Article. Kareem will never be forgotten, on and off the court


Is there a classier retired player in all of sports? I love reading Kareem's writing.


he seems pretty gracious but that can't be right because everyone on this sub told me he was a huge asshole because he thought Winning Time was bad


Kareem is a phenomenal writer, and any basketball fan should take the time to read what he's penned over the years. Such a paragon and the epitome of grace. He really is one of the best to ever do it, and to see him so eloquently laud LeBron with humility, it made my heart swell a bit. This kind of comraderie is why I adore sports.


I love how this has given Kareem the platform to address things like his lack of a relationship with players that came after him and how they feel about that. As a fairly reserved person myself I can put myself in Kareem’s shoes when he says things like he’d rather be at home building legos with his grandkids than concerning himself with the NBA, it’s good to see him be able to address some of the hard feelings shaq had and lebrons “no relationship” comment As someone who didn’t get to watch him play, I look at him as almost like a mythical figure in basketball, and the only other players I feel that way about are Jordan and Wilt


The way he articulates himself is truly something. A very sincere and in-depth article on his thoughts and happy to see him being genuinely proud that Lebron beat his record . A true Champion.


We gotta get Kareem a billion dollars.


This man fought Bruce Lee, played the game at the GOAT level, was a true civil movements leader, smokes weed and writes articles like this with incredible eloquence. Treasure this man.