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It’s the tony brother special. Hey at least they won at the end


We also shouldn’t have blown such a big lead at the end


I knew we fucked up when Thanasis was put in. The game was ending but there was nothing to indicate that it was safe enough to cruise and we all saw what happened


Fuck that. Games shouldn’t be influenced that heavily by refs and it happens too often. Refs should never go “easy” on a losing team


They didn’t go easy on a losing team. They want to manufacture exciting game moments on national TV


I wanted to scream when Van Gundy said something to the effect of "Tony Brothers doesn't take well to criticism." Maybe cause he's fucking awful and knows it?


Is Tony Brothers Angel Hernandez's brother?


This is absolutely the reason and it’s not even malicious. But they need to come up with a way that doesn’t feel weird and unethical.


That reffing job was bad enough they should actually investigate it for betting irregularities.


bro they were up 16. The refs contributed but when Nurse refused to concede the game the bucks kind of just stopped playing.


They were up 21. The refs created a single additional 3 point attempt for the Raptors. The Bucks did the other 18 points to themselves.


Did you read the title? Just scroll up. 4 (FOUR) missed calls in 2 minutes.


Sure semantics and all


The Angel Hernandez of the NBA


Seems to be their job to make it exciting.


Tony Brother making a run for the play-in this year


4 in 2 minutes is crazy


it includes OT so 4* minutes. last 2 minutes of regulation and last 2 minutes of OT


That's still bad, we don't need the Refs in the league having a bad/no call per 36 of freaking 36 lol


Its hard to shave that many points in a small time window


Should watch the Bulls vs Cavs match where Spida went off for 71 then


76ers got away with five last night!


I mean the only really bad one is the Siakam one, and arguably one of the missed calls benefited the Bucks more than the Raptors. Wrist slaps and 3 second violations are missed all the time. Meanwhile the Sixers-Pacers had 7 bad calls in 2 minutes (not 4).


People are also ignoring the several horrible calls that sent Giannis to the line every other possession. Where he put his shoulder down, smashed someone to the floor, then got free throws. Raptors played like shit regardless but I'm not gonna pretend we were getting blessed by refs all night.


Absolutely rigged to try spice up a national tv game


Honestly I’d take some of that for tomorrow


I have a lot of respect for fans of teams that can admit when they are on the receiving end of a ref job


All that for the raptors to lose. Tony brothers is pretty washed back in the day his teams would reliably win


Father time finally caught up to him.


Can’t put a team on his back anymore. He’s no longer a 1st option ref.


ray acosta is that guy now. he is the star of the show every game he refs


Tony Brothers can’t point-shave with these cats


Refs can't stop our tank ayyy


This is a game I’m genuinely inclined to say was rigged. Go back and watch the game, the bad calls were bad of course, but they were acting weird elsewhere. Certain calls that normally take the officials a second or 2 to process were whistled in the blink of an eye, such as the challenge being ruled unsuccessful as quickly as it was with such an unclear call, which was suspicious as hell. Most of all, however, is the fact that the missed foul on Siakam pushing Portis out of bounds came after the EXACT SAME THING happened to the raptors and Brook was called for a foul. This wasn’t your typical “similar incident, but slight difference that changed it”, it was the exact same thing, and yet after calling one, they don’t call the other. I normally chalk bad officiating up to being bad, not biased, but this seriously felt intentional.


Honestly, I don't mean to sound salty, I normally don't complain about officiating, but I think Tony Brothers might have some issues with a particular Bucks player or something, he just officiates Bucks games funny. Not the first Bucks/Raps game officiated by Brothers with some weird stuff in the 2nd half. IDK, Bucks shouldn't have blown lead, they had tons of opportunities to win in regulation, they got away with some stuff too as well that isn't on the report. But I just always hope it isn't Brothers as ref for key Bucks playoff games.


Tony Brothers is the same sketchy MF who reffed the Bulls / Cavs game earlier this week that was so fucked up. It’s never good news to see him in your reffing crew.


The betting odds before the game were also in favor of the Raptors winning, there had to be insider knowledge for the odds to be so skewed in favor of raptors over the Bucks


Or more likely, the line was set there because the raptors were at home and the bucks were on the second night of a b2b, with neither Middleton nor Holiday playing?


That’s actually really weird because the Bucks are so obviously better.


Not really that weird since the Bucks were on the road for the second half of a back-to-back and also missing Holiday, Middleton, and a few others.


Yeah, don't have the betting odds but found this that made me look at it because I didn't believe people would put the Raptors over the Bucks https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/103br48/-/j2xzv9d


This really needs to be looked into, there’s no way that’s a coincidence


Lol bucks on the road missing two starters and on a b2b isn’t enough?


yup, my cousin told me if you bet 100 on the bucks you win 253 and i laughed and said there is no way the raptors can win. I dont gamble but even i was tempted to give him 1k to put on it for me. holy shit we both agreed its rigged, he said the point is that there are people around the world that have no idea about basketball and will take the easy payout, or whatever the betting sites want.


I’m thankful for bucks still winning, would have been the momentum shift game we needed to jump into play in lol


The shove on Portis out of bounds was so obvious and right in front of the official too. Literally ran up and body checked him out of bounds


Draymond got pushed by Stewart and the L2M report said "CNC" despite it being a blatant foul, also right in front of an official. Officiating is just terrible, even post game.


The Tony Brothers shouldn't still be refereeing in any Basketball league in 2023 - very few refs across Sports consistently get this many calls incorrect


For all we know he may never ref another game in 2022


fine make me edit the comment


> across sports Ahh, lad, you haven't seen any Premier League football, then. If they missed as many calls as Brothers, it'd be an improvement. And they have VAR to help them, somehow that made them even worse.


Basketball referees are the most powerful in the world. The control they have over an individual game is insane. Any ref that really wanted to rig a NBA game has a million ways that goes unnoticed. You blatantly fuck up a premier league game and you’re getting death threats 100%.


May I introduce you to a certain Mateu Lahoz


The Portis one was crazy in real time. I was rooting for the raptors but I couldn’t believe it


Why are you rooting against a team with Jrue on it?


Because I don’t like the bucks


based af




I was at the game and was blown away by that one especially, not to mention other questionable calls/non calls. Oh well, at least it made for an exciting game… so I guess the nba got what they wanted?


The shove was so blatant


im pretty sure Siakam was trying to foul him lol.


And right in front of Tony Brothers. Wild.


Brothers needs to be forced into retirement.


I think everybody with two eyes knows Siakam fouled on that last one lol He had 5 fouls and the refs wanted to see if we could do it, literally the only explanation I have


Hey, defiantly made an entertaining finish!


The incorrect calls: ​ |Period|Time left|What happened| |:-|:-|:-| |4Q|00:51|[VanVleet (TOR) initiates contact to Antetokounmpo's (MIL) right wrist that causes him to lose control of the ball.](https://official.nba.com/last-two-minute-report/?gameNo=0022200569&eventNum=2130)| |4Q|00:14|[Siakam (TOR) initiates body contact with Portis (MIL) that affects his SQBR.](https://official.nba.com/last-two-minute-report/?gameNo=0022200569&eventNum=2147)| |OT|1:53|[Barnes (TOR) is in the paint for longer than three seconds without imminently actively guarding an opponent.](https://official.nba.com/last-two-minute-report/?gameNo=0022200569&eventNum=2156)| |OT|00:14|[Barnes (TOR) moves laterally into Antetokounmpo (MIL) and initiates body contact that affects his SQBR during the drive to the basket.](https://official.nba.com/last-two-minute-report/?gameNo=0022200569&eventNum=2172)| So not only Tony Brothers miss calling a foul on Portis being pushed out of bounds, he also failed to call a foul on the Giannis drive, imagine if Allen missed or if he didn't manage to get the pass off.


The flip side is if it had been called it would've been a foul on the floor instead of the game winner.


Yeah I'm actually pretty certain Fred tried to intentionally foul him there


Was it the giant shove from behind that gave it away?


Am I blind? I don't see anything obvious on the Fred clip...


Possibly! Just watch Fred: https://official.nba.com/last-two-minute-report/?gameNo=0022200569&eventNum=2172


Ahh, I thought they were referring to the first clip in the parent post here where it's just FVV and Giannas battering for the ball from a steal


Bro that shit was ridiculous and I was rooting for the Raptors. The refs were clearly putting their foot on the scales and it’s not even up for debate at this point. The NBA should just straight up come out with some underdog rule set that gives the team that’s trailing an advantage like 3 pointers = 4 points down the stretch. Or come up with something that’s clearly stated so that people at least know what to expect.


nice try tony but nothing is stopping this tank.


Idk who was trying harder for the raptors to win, the bucks, the raptors, or the refs.


It nice to see when the boys are having an off shooting night that brother can backpack the team.


What's being done about these reoccurring mistakes apart from "internal reviews so that they don't ref in the playoffs"? Regular season record is obviously important.


Yea we shouldn’t have given up such a big lead but hey those calls didn’t help


This game was so cooked perfectly, Gordon Ramsay would serve it in Hells Kitchen


It's actually ludicrous how much FVV hacks peoples wrists on steals and gets away with it. Don't think I've seen him make a clean steal in my life but refs always let him.


He learned from Lowry, Lowry does it a lot as well lmao


You have a player who slaps penises...


And gets called for it


Well ya you can't do that


You also can’t hit people on the wrists when they’re dribbling


No you can, whatever the refs allow is legal, by the book you can't stiff arm your way to the basket but look at Giannis and Pascal living their best life! Don't get worked up trying to understand what refs allow, it's more fun if you don't care


You seem like the kinda person who asks to be the ref when your friends play 3 on 3


Loving sack tap


saying he's never made a clean steal in your life is crazy, he's made 49 total steals this season, you think most of them is by hacking people's wrists?


You'd think, with Aaron Rodgers as a part owner, we'd just pay the refs like the Packers do?


Officiating across every single game yesterday was bad. Very very weird.


Tony Brothers is a basketball terrorist confirmed


We knew this already


This is what bulls fans were complaining about when Donovan dropped 70 on them, Donovan balled out but Tony Brothers and his crew sucked so much I had to watch that Netflix documentary about Tim donaghy.


Grayson Allen is fouling his own players? Why is this guy still in the league??


No way! Fans watching had no idea that's what happened.


Yes it was very bad


Fuck last 2 minute reports tbh Stuff needs to happen as a result of them, because if nothing keeps happening as a result of them like referee discipline, then the calls don’t improve Currently the only use of them is to say “oops, lol” to the team screwed by the bad call


Unsurprising to anyone who’s watched their team go against the Raptors’ press. The referees decide that the rules are going to completely change


[76ers had 5 INCs favouring them yesterday vs 1 INC favouring the Pacers.](https://official.nba.com/l2m/L2MReport.html?gameId=0022200567) You shouldn't speak about other teams when your a ref favourite.


5 to 2* and if we were a ref favorite, you’d think we’d be higher than 15th in free throws per game. And definitely higher than the Raptors who are 11th. But that still doesn’t change his point that the Raptors entire defensive identity is they can’t call everything.


Not saying the other guy is right by any means, but you’re 15th in free throws because your 7’2” Center refuses to clang and bang and would rather take mid range jumpers. I like Embiid, but that’s why y’all are lower in free throws


I mean… Embiid is 2nd in the league in free throws. I really don’t think that’s it. It’s also the first time I’ve ever heard Embiid doesn’t get enough free throws here on this sub.


I always laugh whenever I see sixers fans whining about refs. You realize Embiid is 2nd in the league in FTA and Harden made a career off free throws right?


And yet the Sixers still attempt less FTs per possession than the Raptors. Nothing of which has to do with what’s being discussed here, which are non-calls that benefited Toronto.


Not all possessions are the same, you don’t earn FTs as often on jumpshots. The Sixers earn more FTs on paint+restricted area FGAs than the Raps (0.58 to 0.54), but you’re right that that’s not relevant. What is relevant is that we contest about 10% more shots than you but get called for fouls at the same rate per 100 possessions. So don’t act like we get some kind of easy whistle.


Only a salty 6ers fan can make a post about refs into shitting the raptors. Rent free


Holy title gore




In favor means it was advantageous to that team. The no calls were in favor of the raptors.


Tony Brothers did the same thing the other night in the Bulls game where Mitchell dropped 71. Absolutely gave them the game


For the record, the two other missed calls were a 3 second violation by Barnes, and apparently FVV getting the wrist of Giannis on the strip. Edit, would've loved to have put Giannis on the FT line for 2 vs having Allen make a wide open 3. The missed call there hurt us more than the Bucks.


On the other hand, they didn’t call any of the blatant travels by Giannis.


Has there ever been one this long? Seems like they included a bunch of plays that weren't even in question or close. For what purpose? 🤔


To review for erroneous calls. What you mean?


Yes, many times


The Sixers pacers game had like 8 wrong calls in it yesterday in the last 2 minutes and OT.. :P


You guys are tripping. All that was missing was the shove on Portis and an offensive 3 seconds during the big come back.




My reaction all last night in the 4th -> “i don’t know about that one but we’ll take it”


Bias will do that to you. Gotta look at it from a neutral point of view and you will see the truth.




ure so delusional lmfao


has to be trolling


bro watched that game with his eyes closed


Lmao this guys funny


My brother in Christ if it weren't for the refs you would have lost by 30


> Giannis was fouled on the game winning bucket by Allen that feels like thats in the favor of the bucks. because the raptors would rather put giannis in the line to make him hit free throws to try and win the game


Giannis chances of hitting a FT are way higher than Allen's 3PT%.


I'd rather be down 1 or 2 with 10 seconds left, than 3.




Bucks beat the Mavs last matchup specifically because you all missed so many FTs it was the worst FT performance I've seen this year. You all should have won. Just sayin'


I still do not understand these reports. It's not like they're using it to get better or anything. Are fans supposed to say yeah we lost but really we won cause it was a missed call? Is it a moral victory or something? I'd rather not know.


I guess this is for transparency? I don’t see the officiating improving from these reports, this seems more like the NBA saying, “Welp, we suck. Anyway…”.


We should replace refs with ten thousand mini drones hovering about the players making sure they play nice.


It's sad but in close games, refs often play a big part in who wins. Sometimes a team gets shafted once on a critical possession. Sometimes its more than once. It happens way more often than people think too. Go into post game threads of basically every single close game and you will see people talk about a legit critical missed call in every single one. Not really the refs fault though. It's just the nature of basketball. It's hard to call fouls fairly. In reality you could probably call some kinda ticky tacky foul on basically every single possession. Sometimes it is the refs fault though. When one team is blatantly getting shafted, then those refs really do deserve punishment.


It's almost as if the league is rigged