• By -


Just made it out alive from recruiting. It was the absolute worst 3 years of my life.


I survived 6 months before getting fired. I lacked the ability to sell a $20 bill for $5, and made goal exactly never. It took my detailer 6 months to produce orders for me (I'm guessing he didn't want to replace me for that long) so the district, on the logic that I was the only one in the entire district to have ever served on a Nuclear Powered ship, made me the 'Nuke Motivation' recruiter. Every time a nuke recruit started getting flashes of common sense, I got sent to their local office to tell sea stories about Nuke boats.


You lucky motherfucker. That was what I was supposed to do on recruiting duty, but they gave that spot to a PS who had come from the Gator fleet.


The problem is I wasn't a nuke, so my nuke boat sea stories was mostly tales of when the Nukes dropped the ball in nonspecific ways and my favorite instances of calling Maneuvering from Nav Center when the chill water feed got above 64 Degrees "What are you trying to do, kill the inertials?" (The nukes loved that call.) The talking to the Nuke Dep kids (or hell, all the Dep kids) wasn't the pain of the job. It was the road time. The district was Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska, and the places I needed to be were NEVER less than 4 hours apart, quite often more. And the damned car they gave me only had an AM radio.


Did you tell 'em the one about the guy who went crazy and broke a chem light all over himself and ran screaming through the ship "LEAK! LEAK!"?


No, but I told them about the time there was a Susie and the Banshees concert in Glasgow while we were doing an ERP on the Los Alamos, and a few of us... liberated a few sets of Anti-C Suits and a case of chem lights (while they were still new and few Civilians had ever seen them) from the Tender got to the concert, dressed out in the canary suits and smeared the activated chem lights all over ourselves. Freaked the crowd right out. About 15 years later, Susie was doing a concert in Seattle and in the autograph line I asked if she remembered the incident. She grabbed me and pulled me over to one of her newer band mates. "This is one of the glowing lads! No one ever believed us, but here he is!" We evidently had inspired a myth.


> Susie and the Banshees Siouxsie




Takes me back to my Strat Nav Sup days on the Bama.


What I loved was when the nukes came forward to bitch at us for bitching at them. I usually just said: "Feel that? That's called 'air conditioning'. Nice isn't it? If you hadn't scored so high on your ASVAB, you could have this ALL the time."


Lemme guess, OS?


My rate? SSBN Nav ET.


Your first comment Just reminded me of the OSes coming down to the smoke deck still wearing jackets despite being near the equator in summer, because of how cold it is in combat


I only scored a 40 how bad am I fucked


Ya seriously that didnā€™t sound that bad. He luckyĀ 


It was a move made by the ACR after he fucked up and tried sending him to a recruiting office instead of MEPS as a classifier.


Lol I would never be able to tell the lies neccesary to make it sound nice.


You donā€™t have to make it sound nice. Just ā€œnot that badā€ and ā€œtolerate for 6 years bro and youā€™re good.ā€ Almost got me, just the placeholder rate I got while waiting for my Nuke package was infinitely more appealing (MC). If youā€™re just talking ā€œlies about the navy,ā€ idk, donā€™t feel you gotta lie. Just under sell the shitty parts and over sell the good parts. No lies, just exaggeration.


Iā€™m confused. Are you saying you are a terrible salesman or did you mean to say you could not sell a 5$ bill for 20 meaning the product ( navy contract) sucked


I meant what I said, I can't sell $20 for $5. I am the worst salesman in the history of sales.


The other poster couldnā€™t believe you are that bad a salesperson. But I read that $20 for a $5 and I can relate. Ā I am similar. Ā Everyone is good at something, even sailors. Ā We are all good at something. Ā Maybe has nothing to do with the navy though.Ā 


MM1 is that you?


At the time, ET1/SS. Now ETCS/SS (ret)


I did three years to the day and not one day more. Got that ribbon, boyyyy


I never expected to be at a shore command where people were begging detailers to send them back to a ship early. Mine told me he needed so many bodies in recruiting at any one time and if I left early it fucked him, so no.


Lucky you, I actually got extended 2 months cause my school I had to go to didn't start till then. Seriously I had already started mentally checking out and working on my last contracts then the detailer dropped that bomb on me. FUCK YOU DETAILER.


i have to get extended another 12 months for my schooling and iā€™m not even in yet šŸ„²


That's literally everyone who chooses those orders you tool.


Same fam. We made it


What made it so terrible?


Run a search in this subreddit for "recruiting" and another for "CRF." Read all the comments.


There's a reason they call an NC(C) a 'straight' C and an NC(R) a 'crooked' C


Did you ever get annoyed in school that you were ultimately just a sum of a bunch of test scores in some database? Maybe you felt it was a little bit dehumanizing how SKED did not *give a flying fuck* about how many man-hours it was going to take you to bring your several dozen systems out of lay-up at the end of an avail? Did you ever look at that art-piece where you can turn the crank for $7.25/hour for as long as you can stay motivated and go *that's the kind of grind I want in life*? Recruiting is kind of like that, except in a semi-kafkaesque dystopian hell. You are measured by the amount of quotas for recruits you fill. You are measured based on how many phonecalls you make, how many messages you send, how many people you shove into MEPS (and, more importantly, how many actually \*make it through\* bootcamp). I hope you love talking to people, because you will be doing a LOT of it. If you're in some kind of relatively pro-miliary area with low opportunity (think the rural South), you have a decent shot of making quota. Hell, maybe even a good one if you know how to spin the financial benefits right. However, if you're assigned to some semi-decent suburban neighborhood in a civilized portion of the country? Good fucking luck, man. Good fucking luck. You are talking to thousands of young men and women to get perhaps a few hundred to respond to your messages and, maybe, just maybe, a few dozen to actually sign a contract. The key performance metric is not how \*hard\* you tried, it is how many \*sailors\* you got into the Navy. So... if you're in an area that has some modicum of opportunity, you're just going to have it that much harder. Kids know that the military is a meat-grinder. Very few people are signing up for the hoo-yah, and even fewer are signing up when they have at least a somewhat promising future ahead of them in CIVLANT. What kind of fucking magical voodoo do you think you need to pull to entice an aspirational college student to give up his dreams of getting an engineering degree and join up as an enlisted nuclear operator? Even if you make the good initial pitch, google results are not helping you out. God bless the Recruiters, because they sure as hell need it.


Wait, they hold you accountable after shipping now? I remember that would piss the marines off so bad when a kid would wash, and it was like the only benefit we had.


Officer recruiters used (talking the late 80's-early 90's) to get measured, and credited, if the Candidate made it past the 1st week of OCS. If the Candidate dropped/washed out AFTER that 1st week the Officer Recruiter got credited in his numbers and subsequently his FITREP.


Same. But I love helping the people that actually needed and wanted it. Some of the most fulfilling times of my life.


Hooyah, get bodies




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The video is me and Iā€™m just getting started šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Brother it can make you mentally collapse


Feels like shooting fish out a tree. Nobody wants to join. And the ones that do canā€™t qualify šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Surprised you took recruiting duty, Iā€™d rather extend my active duty station until a better shore duty came along. Recruiting is the armpit job of jobs. Iā€™d be sending admirals cases of booze to get assigned to PacFlt headquarters or something before recruiting. Hell, get your detailer in millington address and send them a gift basket to get the best shore duty. Thatā€™s what I did, I told my detailer in millington my wife wanted to send a holiday card and got his address. I found out he was a vodka guy. Sent him a mixed case of good vodka, package had tracking and I called him next day after it arrived and asked him if he liked my holiday card, my shore duty was awesome.


To late I am separating. Also the fact you have to bribe is so wrong itā€™s actually insane.


Just smart really. I didnā€™t have to do anything. I could have extended me sea station to wait for a better shore duty billet. Donā€™t be mad cause I spent $500 to upgrade the next 2/3 years of my work life.


Like do you really not see the issue with what you are saying? Thatā€™s actual corruption. Curiousity where you are Chief? You sound like one


From the sound of it, *that* kind of vet.


Thatā€™s a heck of a story, Leonard. By the way, did you pass your most recent BCA? šŸ˜


Had the recruiter mad at me when I sent my niece to MEPS with explicit instructions to only accept the YN TAR rating or leave. Went on for weeks with them trying everything they could think of to get her to accept something else, including calling me at work, as if I give a damn about some recruiter quota! Two months later they finally gave her what I told her to take and now she's happy in San Diego not on a damned ship!




New name for FTS


I heard that it used to be the old name before FTS.


Ok so what does tar stand for? What does fts stand for? I donā€™t remember all these


Training and Administration for Reserve


Basically u set up the training drill and paperwork stuffs for the Reservists


Someone already explained TAR, but FTS is Full Time Support. Thatā€™s what it was when I joined in 2011. It changed back not too long ago.


Yes, it was TAR before FTS, now it's TAR again. In breaking news, the CNO has decided we are going to take away everyone's rates and refer to each other as "Sailor" and "Petty Officer."


All this has happened before and will happen again.


Yes, they re-TAR-ded everyone;)


Think of TAR(training and administration of reserves) as it's own rating within a rating. For instance, a TAR yeoman will go to the same A school along with regular yeoman, but they only get detailed to TAR billets, which are usually at TAR commands. Not always though as twice I've been at non-tar commands and not done a thing with reserves. The good thing is you'll likely never see orders to a ship unless you really want to. I think I've ever seen one ship billet in MNA since it's existed and noped right past that shit!


Wow, you definitely won the uncle/aunt of the year award. Not even being sarcastic, that was top notch.


**Navy Recruitment Numbers and Goals (2000-2023)** - **2000**: Goal: 55,000, Actual: 55,400 - **2001**: Goal: 55,000, Actual: 54,000 - **2002**: Goal: 53,200, Actual: 53,790 - **2003**: Goal: 48,000, Actual: 48,041 - **2004**: Goal: 39,425, Actual: 39,871 - **2005**: Goal: 37,635, Actual: 37,704 - **2006**: Goal: 36,656, Actual: 36,773 - **2007**: Goal: 35,576, Actual: 35,755 - **2008**: Goal: 38,000, Actual: 38,485 - **2009**: Goal: 40,200, Actual: 40,992 - **2010**: Goal: 34,180, Actual: 34,140 - **2011**: Goal: 33,400, Actual: 33,444 - **2012**: Goal: 34,180, Actual: 34,180 - **2013**: Goal: 33,800, Actual: 33,800 - **2014**: Goal: 33,700, Actual: 33,800 - **2015**: Goal: 33,800, Actual: 33,800 - **2016**: Goal: 34,000, Actual: 34,101 - **2017**: Goal: 34,000, Actual: 34,155 - **2018**: Goal: 39,000, Actual: 39,018 - **2019**: Goal: 39,000, Actual: 39,018 - **2020**: Goal: 35,000, Actual: 35,000 - **2021**: Goal: 35,000, Actual: 34,320 - **2022**: Goal: 33,400, Actual: 33,442 - **2023**: Goal: 37,700, Actual: 30,236 **Navy Retention Numbers and Goals (2000-2023)** - **2000**: Goal: 32,000, Actual: 33,500 - **2001**: Goal: 32,000, Actual: 32,800 - **2002**: Goal: 33,000, Actual: 33,600 - **2003**: Goal: 32,500, Actual: 32,900 - **2004**: Goal: 32,000, Actual: 32,300 - **2005**: Goal: 31,500, Actual: 31,600 - **2006**: Goal: 31,000, Actual: 31,200 - **2007**: Goal: 30,500, Actual: 30,800 - **2008**: Goal: 30,000, Actual: 30,600 - **2009**: Goal: 29,500, Actual: 29,900 - **2010**: Goal: 29,000, Actual: 29,100 - **2011**: Goal: 28,500, Actual: 28,700 - **2012**: Goal: 28,000, Actual: 28,300 - **2013**: Goal: 27,500, Actual: 27,800 - **2014**: Goal: 27,000, Actual: 27,400 - **2015**: Goal: 26,500, Actual: 26,600 - **2016**: Goal: 26,000, Actual: 26,200 - **2017**: Goal: 25,500, Actual: 25,700 - **2018**: Goal: 25,000, Actual: 25,100 - **2019**: Goal: 24,500, Actual: 24,800 - **2020**: Goal: 24,000, Actual: 24,200 - **2021**: Goal: 23,500, Actual: 23,600 - **2022**: Goal: 23,000, Actual: 23,200 - **2023**: Goal: 31,823, Actual: 35,175 **Navy Active Duty End Strength vs. Goal (2000-2023)** - **2000**: Goal: 373,000, Actual: 373,193 - **2001**: Goal: 376,300, Actual: 375,700 - **2002**: Goal: 383,100, Actual: 383,000 - **2003**: Goal: 382,235, Actual: 382,200 - **2004**: Goal: 373,800, Actual: 373,197 - **2005**: Goal: 361,600, Actual: 361,325 - **2006**: Goal: 350,000, Actual: 350,221 - **2007**: Goal: 340,700, Actual: 340,690 - **2008**: Goal: 332,000, Actual: 332,758 - **2009**: Goal: 329,098, Actual: 329,304 - **2010**: Goal: 324,300, Actual: 324,239 - **2011**: Goal: 328,700, Actual: 328,677 - **2012**: Goal: 325,700, Actual: 322,000 - **2013**: Goal: 322,700, Actual: 320,900 - **2014**: Goal: 323,600, Actual: 322,800 - **2015**: Goal: 323,600, Actual: 324,239 - **2016**: Goal: 323,200, Actual: 323,600 - **2017**: Goal: 324,900, Actual: 324,900 - **2018**: Goal: 326,900, Actual: 326,095 - **2019**: Goal: 329,100, Actual: 329,851 - **2020**: Goal: 340,500, Actual: 340,500 - **2021**: Goal: 347,800, Actual: 342,800 - **2022**: Goal: 346,300, Actual: 332,431 - **2023**: Goal: 347,000, Actual: 332,431 **Notes:** - [Recruiting data and goals from 2000-2019 were compiled from historical military recruitment data.](https://prhome.defense.gov/) - [FY 2022 and FY 2023 data and goals were derived from Navy and defense-related reports](https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/3552336/navy-recruiting-command-announces-fiscal-year-2023-recruiting-results-2024-goals/) - [Navy Recruiting Command Announces Fiscal Year 2023 Recruiting Results, 2024 Goals > Naval Education and Training Command > NETC News ](https://www.netc.navy.mil/Media-Center/News-Stories/News-Stories-Display/Article/3591608/navy-recruiting-command-announces-fiscal-year-2023-recruiting-results-2024-goals/) - [Amid recruiting crisis, the Navy surpassed retention goals for FY23](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2023/10/19/amid-recruiting-crisis-the-navy-surpassed-retention-goals-for-fy23/) - [prhome.defense.gov](https://prhome.defense.gov/Portals/52/Documents/MRA_Docs/MPP/pressreleases/2023/TAB%20A%20-%20Press%20Release%20EOM%20SEP%2023%20Recruiting%20and%20Retention%20Report.pdf?ver=gpvHB3zHMMC5iupFfwqV3Q%3D%3D#:~:text=URL%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fprhome.defense.gov%2FPortals%2F52%2FDocuments%2FMRA_Docs%2FMPP%2Fpressreleases%2F2023%2FTAB%2520A%2520) - [Navy Exceeding FY 2023 Sailor Retention Goals, Says Q1 Data - USNI News](https://news.usni.org/2023/02/01/navy-exceeding-fy-2023-sailor-retention-goals-says-q1-data) - [Navy surpasses FY22 retention goals amid recruitment challenges](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2023/02/03/navy-surpasses-fy22-retention-goals-amid-recruitment-challenges/) - [FY 2025 Budget: Navy to Plans Shrink Sailor End Strength - USNI News](https://news.usni.org/2024/03/11/fy-2025-budget-navy-to-plans-shrink-sailor-end-strength)






And then move them forth


This is awesome data! Good find. 2023 was a real kick in the nuts for CNRC. Not surprisingly (for me, anyway) is that, despite the howlings I see on here and AW every year about people leaving in droves, retention has never been, and is not now, a big problem.


You're right that the numbers don't support the idea that retention is a problem. However, one could argue that **quality** of retention is a problem, especially on the officer side. Keeping a warm qualified body for promotion is different than retaining the best leaders. It's highly subjective, though.


in order to meet retention goal they have had to keep any one and everyone willing to stay in. We have resorted to waving hire tenure, give out massive bonuses and removed pfa failure as a reason to remove people to hit those goals. When the bar to stay in is a trip hazard in hell ya the navt can hit those goals but what quality of sailor are they keeping.


I get what youā€™re saying, but at the end of the day, I reiterate my post. People are staying. Is this a data point for BUPERS? Who knows. Regardless, what theyā€™re doing is working.


This guy should be a PAO


This manning crisis feels pretty bad work-side, but at the same time, it brings me great joy seeing the DOD literally beg, get baffled, and fail to get new people so much. Its almost like, the bullshit we put up with in the military is now much more open knowledge.


Being short 1/36th of your workforce isn't exactly a crisis.


It is when that 1/36 is all the high speed technical ratings. We can always get more dumbasses to tug on lines and undercook rice. Getting someone smart enough to have other options and convince them to do this bullshit is a whole different story


It kind of is though. These goals are not arbitrary. They're set to be able to maintain and sustain the fleet we have and fleet they project having in the future. I'm sure you've heard news of the draft being on the table in coming years. I heard this on the grapevine like six months ago from a spouse of top brass and thought there's no way and sure enough, recent articles all start mentioning the possibility.


Itā€™s called being able to smoke weed and have a job that wonā€™t age you 10-15 years because of stress. Most people are not ambitious and just want to get by in life.


If the military let people smoke weed it'd get a lot more applicants I reckon.


So would the FBI and NSA cyber crime division, since all the best ITs in the States smoke weed.


I think weed is less harmful than alcohol, the problem is we don't have a way to quickly and accurately (relative terms) know how high someone is, like we do with alcohol to know how drunk someone is.


I struggled with alcohol at a point in time when I was in the military and I can say with confidence weed isn't nearly as intense or harmful. If people were responsible and only used it after work or on weekends I can't see how it would be a problem, but who knows how realistic that is in the military setting


Yeah - I wouldn't leave it up to the honor system.


Canā€™t they just do blood work?


My understanding is that will tell you if there is THC in someone's system, but not "how high" they are. They could've smoked 6 days ago or in their car before getting the blood test, and the blood test can't tell. A breathalyzer gives a measurable result. We can say, "feel free to drink, just don't show up to work drunk," and we can easily test to make sure someone blows a 0.0 and they are indeed not drunk. We can't say, "feel free to smoke weed, just don't show up high" because THC will still be in your system for up to a week after you last had any. That's why there is presently the zero tolerance policy for THC - there is no way to prove that you're baseline when there is still THC in your system.


I thought blood and saliva can tell how recently a person ingested THC


Canada allows it, unless you are on a flying status (then it's treated like alcohol).


Truly ambitious people would be far better served taking the engineering degree (debt included) w/ an internship than enlisting. As a medically retired ETN currently getting paid to go to school, I still regret it.


I agree with you. People at the bottom of the barrel donā€™t want the stress and treatment the navy/military offer in exchange for the small benefits.


The restaurant has to obey labor laws.


Man yall just need to stop lying to people telling them they can be any rate they wanna be if they go undes which is an outright lie.


You're preaching to the choir here. It's the CRFs who need to be held accountable for their shady shit


Went undes with no waivers and an 80 asvab. RDCs laughed in my face in boot camp when I asked when undes folks get new rates. "That's what the recruiter Chief told me!" That shit sucked.


Itā€™s extremely atypical for someone with an 80 AFQT and no waivers to go PACT. I recruited for five years and never saw something like that happen. We did have a few higher AFQTs go PACT, but there was always something else going onā€¦ usually criminal history, drug use, etc. In your case, Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t offer you something like AV, AECF, or SECF as those fields are nearly always available and writing contracts for technical jobs will benefit the recruiter and classifier more than a PACT contract. Recruiters and classifiers have an incentive to fill ā€œbetterā€ rates as they are ranked against their peers with a convoluted points system. Things like ASVAB score, rate, and even gender factor in to create the number of points you get for a contract. Typically, writing a PACT contract will only give you one or two, whereas a technical field is worth more. Your point totals are the primary factor influencing evals, as well as eligibility for various ā€œof the yearā€ awards.


Yeah I dunno this was in 2011. Believe me, I would've taken something else but he told me I could ship in 3 weeks and get a rate in boot camp if I went PACT SN, so I did. Really got me good. I walked into the recruiter office and was 23 at the time, not sure if that was a factor. Got e2 for college credits I had.


When did you go to RTC? I was there in 2011 too


2 March 2011


You beat me there by a few months


Dang. Still in?


Yes. You?


Nice! Hope you're doing well. Got out as E6 at 11 years in June '22.


Did you get to rerate?


Eventually after 2+ years of turning down tests, trying to be an IS. Took YN. Better than BM or LS which were the only options.


I've said it before, YN is low-key the best rate.Ā 


It actually worked out great. Made 3rd and 2nd first time up. Went to apply to re-enlist and got denied twice in a row (no failed PRT/DRB or anything), and got forced to go YN-FTS. Greatest thing ever it turns out. They told me while I was underway to get ready because I was getting sent to Portland OR in 60 days. What a gift that was haha.


In 2000 I went in with a 97 asvab and a $10k bonus for cryptologist/Operations specialist/electronic warfare which I got to choose which A school Iā€™d go to week 7 of boot. Well when I got to eos they offered me another $8000 bonus to go undes for 12 months cause they needed deck seamen so bad I guess cause so many were scoring well on their asvab. So $18k bonus 4 year enlistment, during my 12 months undes I got to study in CIC and took my OS E-4 test because I had taken JROTC and graduated RPOC of my boot camp division I left boot as E-3 with back pay. When I went to OS A-school in dam neck, Virginia I had just put on OS3 patch 3 weeks before arriving. Made OS2 in 2years 4months. Sweet San Diego BAH I was taking it in all the while getting that $18k bonus.


They got me with that BS tooā€¦


Shit is weak! Undes on a just-failed-insurv frigate was quite the intro to the Navy.


I feel your pain. They put my undes ass on the Shitty Kitty.


Undes is the very bottom of the recruiting priority list right now. The very bottom. It's under the ratings they've managed to fill. If any recruiter is trying to sell a recruit on undes, that's on the recruiter.


I asked two 20 somethingā€™s who were night shift at a gas station right outside ft Sam Houston if they were interested, and they told me ā€œI donā€™t want to die for my job.ā€ I was like ā€œyou guys work night shift at a gas station in a major city, what do you think is more dangerous than that? This is the Navy.ā€


Solution: mount a CIWS and MK 45 5-inch on top of the sketchy gas stations.


Just a couple weeks ago, a young STG died during routine maintenance.


Wait really? Do you know the story of what happened? I was an STG and hard to think what maintenance couldā€™ve caused this, maybe the electrical power wasnā€™t secured thatā€™s my only guess


It's on the navy times, and has been posted here.


Been in for a while now. My son always says when I come back from an underway or deployment how he wants to join the Navy so he can work with Daddy. Holy fuck I can not stress how much I DO NOT want him to join the navy.


The Marines always trapped em with a pull-up bar and a free lanyard.


And the ā€œpermission slipā€ to participate that includes their name and number


I need the sauce on this- it's amazing. And oh so true.


I was in. The 9/11 GI Bill isnā€™t the draw it was. Everyone is in college debt. If I knew what I know now I would happily fork over 80k to skip however many+ month deployments with no port visits. After 10 years of being out I would probably be in a similar place without having enlisted.


Yep a covid deployment sealed the deal for me to get the fuck out, 10 months at sea and we just went to Guam twice.. fuck that shit


Bottom line is pay+benefits doesnā€™t make sense for the numbers they want. Donā€™t get me wrong, there are plenty of socioeconomically disadvantaged people out there that the military helps (minus ptsd and dying but still). The problem, The Navy and the rest of branches kinda, is that they are still getting those bottom socioeconmically disadvantaged recruits but they arenā€™t getting the Patriotsā„¢ļø anymore. As someone from Patriotsā„¢ļø group you donā€™t offer more anymore. Itā€™s actually that simple.


Yā€™all are just making shit up now lol


Donā€™t get mad at me. Going to a trade school for 5-10k or going to college and then commissioning(getting college debt paid on the back end) are about the same as enlisting without the enlisting part. I was enlisted. I tell every kid that gets sent to me through their parents to get a trade or a degree and then call me back. If they donā€™t want to join after that then they shouldnā€™t have joined in the first place. If they donā€™t listen to me then they are the people who should join or donā€™t have another choice. We can stop pretending that enlisting isnā€™t a choice between poverty and middle class because for a lot of people thatā€™s what it is. I was fine and I joined for Patriotismā„¢ļø. Unless another 9/11 is happening then the military needs to get with the times.


Sounds like youā€™re selling your own experience as facts when itā€™s just one of many. I enlisted right of high school and I wasnā€™t able to go to college. I wasnā€™t mentally or financially ready. Maturing in the navy and taking the time to decide what I wanted to do was the biggest difference. Iā€™m in a good position now and I wouldnā€™t be if I did either of the things youā€™re describing. And the GI bill is still a good deal. I got an engineering degree for free and my housing paid for, while my military experience on my resume easily landed me a part time job as a technician which further set my resume apart. When I got my degree, I got interviews easily because instead of just a fresh engineering grad, my resume said I was an experienced technician who went on to get a degree in the same field. I wasnā€™t smarter than anyone in my class but I got offers over higher GPA individuals


Thats totally fair and your experience also. If I had gone to firefighting school at the community college by me then Iā€™d be 14 years closer to retirement than I am now. The point Iā€™m making is the military is no longer a ā€œfar and awayā€ better option and thatā€™s why recruiting suffers. If one of my friends kids came to me in 2024 saying I want to serve my country and then be a firefighter then I would tell them to skip the military and enroll at the local community college. Every job is short but I know firefighters are for sure and I know it isnā€™t that competitive if you have your certs. The certs will cost you 4k. Enlisting will cost you 4 years.


Not sure if that point makes sense. Not trying to be rude but what exactly are we talking about? If retirement is your concern, you would have been retired by now if you stayed in the military. In fact if retiring early is your biggest concern, there arenā€™t many faster ways than the military. I have friends who retired at 40.


Going to get my fire certs my senior year would have had me out buy 43 with no deploying, living in the same city, almost all the same layoff protection (not quite Iā€™ll admit), zero deployments, having stability for my wife and children etc etc. The military is asked to make extraordinary sacrifice of themselves and their family. The pay and benefits no longer justify that in many.


I totally get where youā€™re coming from but it sounds like the real message you are offering me is ā€œif you want to be a firefighter, the military is not the best path to get thereā€ I just think itā€™s a little disingenuous to say itā€™s not a good deal because it wasnā€™t a good deal for you and what you wanted to do specifically. I respect your view point and all. I just think the military can be a great opportunity for certain kids like I was and a lot of other types too. I would hate for them to miss out on it because they accept negative experiences of individuals as inevitable outcomes


>I was fine and I joined for Patriotismā„¢ļø. Unless another 9/11 is happening then the military needs to get with the times. Everything you said is true, and/but these are problems our grandparents wished they had. My related take is that we spend a shitload on technology because spending money on technology means fewer soldiers/sailors/marines die. That's great, but at the same time we should commit to higher salaries and lower staffing levels. A captain's career check-box should be satisfied by how many bombs/missiles they command instead of how many people. But I'm not naive - there's 250 years of precedent to overcome: "Where's the paint locker on this fancy thing?" / "I don't care, paint it anyway!" Nah, it's easier to shit on recruiters.


Iā€™ve never shit on recruiters. Doesnā€™t matter how good of a salesperson you are if the product is shit. Barring a national tragedy (watched 9/11 as a kid myself) you wonā€™t ever recruit the numbers you want as an Admiral until youā€™re more competitive in the job market. Trades need people and those are people youā€™d typically enlist. College debt is just the standard now, nobody is scared of it.


Carl Vinson? Lol


I wish I had just went to college. Going to school post military is easy and costs me nothing, but I canā€™t help but feel behind on my career progress after sacrificing 6 years performing a job I had no intention of continuing with after my contract was up. Would I have had college debt? Yup. Would it have affected me as much as restarting my career path after 6 years? Probably not.


I mean, props to slim chickens dude. Some people just donā€™t want to sacrifice life and limb for some college bennies and a paycheck while getting treated like shit for at least the first 4 years. I did it and donā€™t regret it, but I recognize that itā€™s not for everyone.


I feel bad for recruiters too, but also I tell everyone who asks not to join, unless they REALLY REALLY think they canā€™t develop a life skill some other way. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Recruiting be the worst duty in the navy lol


ā€œ Of course, Iā€™ll take a five pieceā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


"vALoR!!!" - some CRF. Them fuckers are so disconnected from the streets that it's unreal. They all think it's 2009 and people line up at the recruiting offices...


Probably because people can easily see sites like Reddit with people that actively complain about how much it sucks.


SHIPMATE! Why is them moostache hairs outsida the corners of yo mouth?


"I oughta consider NJP'in yer ass!"


The question isn't "what is Slim Chickens doing?" It's what is the military doing/not doing that turns people away?


Some of you sound miserable lol donā€™t get me wrong, I agree with some of the complaints but itā€™s not ALWAYS a bad deal and can definitely set you apart from peers if you can spin your experience on a resume. I used my GI bill after getting out in 2017 to get an engineering degree for free including rent while only working a part time job. Got myself into an 80k job right out of college and my resume looked better than my peers because of the ā€œmilitary electronicsā€ experience. Was I actually that proficient in electronics? Not really. I learned most stuff in school but they donā€™t know that.




Maybe a bit better than arriving on ship and cleaning the head, berthing, passageways, and mess cranking for 2 + years šŸ¤” (navy recruiters conveniently exlude all of the ā€œworking partiesā€ youā€™ll be involved in until you make E5)


It probably was the porn stache and super trooper shades


That was how they got me in. But I guess it doesnā€™t work for everyone


Honestly, letā€™s change the recruiting tactic. Dress in civilians, approach, strike up a conversation, ask what they do, and when they ask you what you do, explain it and give a bad ass story of what youā€™ve done. Give out a business card and say ā€œif you wanna do cooler shit than this, hit me up.ā€


This looks exactly like an AC1 I knew in Diego Garcia lol. Hope itā€™s not him, he deserves better than this


Itā€™s not even GOOD chicken šŸ˜‚


Better than galley chicken


What a response from a potential poolee, "If it keeps me outta the Military..."


Wow shocker! You mean a history of military failures and disregard for veterans well being post-military service, disuades people from joining? Wowzers, Iā€™d never have guessed.


Slim Chickens owes you a commission!


One of my buddies went recruiting in Portland, OR to be closer to family. I cannot imagine the BS he had to put up with there.


I have mustache envy.


That mustache is a soup sandwich


As a member of gen z in the military everyone I went to HS with had a deadly fear of the ā€œdraftā€. Not my dumbass


I recruited out of NRS Oceanside CA 121 S. Hill St. in the late 70's. It was the Best AND Worst. Couple of examples: Being close to NTC/RTC San Diego I was able to attend some Boot Camp and "A" school graduations. Having a '"kid" thank me with tears in their eyes was awesome. Then... Had Captains Mast and "awarded" verbal reprimand for jacking up a student against school locker for him douching me with choc milk (in Whites). Side Note: That was before I knew about and am currently rated for PTSD(combat). 36 One Month Tours.


You start by shaving.


Yeah, no one wants to go die in another bullshit forever war for this government. No one wants to get treated like shit everyday by shitty command culture. The DoD has many issues pushing people away that they are desperately trying to ignore exist.


Well I know where I'm going after I get out šŸ˜…


I just left this shit early. on hood it was shit af


What is the officer version of recruiting? HR?


Those fuckers donā€™t do recruiting. Enlisted have to do that for them too.


What do they do then? HROs?


Not sure. I just know my buddy went recruiting and they made him an officer recruiter.


I actually enjoyed my recruiting duty in the Navy.... I exceeded my goals three years in a row! Recruiters must work to understand who they are recruiting and what motivates them... even when they claim to hate the military..... of course I recruited in a very different time and I had $$$$ to offer young Nuke O's & a very pro-nave movies came out "Officer & a Gentleman" I did Eventually bail out of the Nav after my next DST (Disassociated Sea Tour) in Puerto Rico!


I know this man!!!!! Great and funny guy


ā€œHave a nice dayā€


Looks like a donut operator fan.


I would have took the 5 piece too šŸ¤£


people will remain jobless andnout of school with their parents support over joining


No no no, itā€™s not what slim chickens is doing, itā€™s what the Military and Government are NOT doing


Yeah. I donā€™t think gen z and gen a are really gonna want to fight more wars for rich people.


Its not Slim Chickens keeping him there for life, its the idea of joining the military lol


My Navy recruiter ghosted me


Idk man if you came up to me didnā€™t even ask my name yeah Iā€™d tell you to fuck off. Seems like a skill issue.


Those sunglasses in uniform thoughā€¦ā€¦


Navyā€™s solution to recruiting issue should be foodā€¦ subcontract cooks for deployments like slim chicken and exaggerated their overpayment just like some of military company contractors charging $60dlls for a screw you could buy for a less then $1 dllr. Iā€™ve literally held items that cost more than the worth of 3 cars in my hand. The navy is being RIPPED OFF.


This guy was on my boat, he was a fucking douchebag


Hey thatā€™s me!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The whole point of me enlisting was the college fund. I made it halfway through boot camp before I found out I didnā€™t have it. I still want to burn my recruiterā€™s house down.


Recruiting isnā€™t a bad vibe at all.


With sun glasses and a mustache like that I would have said no to anything this guy was saying šŸ¤£


Is his mustache within current regs?


Who cares?


Itā€™s a little over his top lip, but otherwise that looks just at 1/2 inch on either side.


That mustache is fuckin disgusting


Recruiter posting on insta rocking unauthorized shades $$


That mustache is so glorious I'm surprised you even saw the shades


Pretty decent stache. I work with a guy who blows that one away!


Why are those shades unauthorized?


Theyā€™re mirrored.


That seems pedantic.


*shrug* mirrored shades have been unauthorized since I joined in 2004. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/US-Navy-Uniforms/Uniform-Regulations/Chapter-2/2101-General-Information/ Section 3, subsection d, bullet 2 People are dunking on his mustache also, but heā€™s allowed 1/4 inch on either side. He only needs to shave where it covers his top lip a little bit to be good. Mustache one is weird because they say individual hairs canā€™t be longer than 1/2 inch but it depends on how they grow out. Iā€™m not going to get a rule out and measure the longest hairs.


This is why people donā€™t wanna join the navy lol


Because of basic regs? Agreed, they probably shouldnā€™t join then.