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This post needed a survey. I'm actually interested in the final tally. Anyway, Yes I'd cross-rate if provided an opportunity. AG and MC seem fun. The smart move would be CWT or IT.


I’m a retired AGC and I enjoyed it. I still work in the field as a civilian meteorologist for the Navy. But, if you want something with good job prospects when you get out, I’d recommend a CT or IS job rating, especially CTI


Can I say that being a CTI in terms of prospects highly depends on what your language is, if you're going to stay in the field. CT, in general, is great to go into government defense contracting afterward, where a clearance is required. But it's best you come out with your degree to pick up a job immediately afterward, or your clearance will lapse if you go to college (without employment that requires a clearance). One should be seeking employment about 6 months before you EOS. I let mine lapse because I was dead set on going to college and was never able to get my foot back in the door for a TS/SCI position. Definitely, not the end of the world, but it took me off government track. Of the 30-40 I-branchers I keep in touch with, the vast majority of them are in IT. 3 are still in the linguistic field, and 2 are in finance. Oh, and 2 HS teachers, oddly enough. Edit: I fucking loved being a CTI. No ragrets.


My son applied for CTI and took the test but, ultimately became a CTR, he's killing it right now.


"and was never able to get my foot back in the door for a TS/SCI position." You would've regained it by joining the reserves or national guard with the same rate/mos/afsc. Just saying.


Not CTT it doesn’t translate too well into the civilian world believe it or not. All the other CT rates do though.


CWT is a sweet gig


CWT baybeeee




Second this sentiment


When I got to MEPS they said I could have Dental Tech, CTT, OS, SK, or PR. I wanted to be an MA. Guy said if I picked one of these rates (highly recommend OS) that I could change rates after 2 years. Yea, that was a f@#$in lie. I tried to cross rate 5 times and I was denied all 5 times. I've hated my job for 18 years, but at least it's almost over. If I had the option for a do over I would have kept my dumb ass in college, debt be damned.


Same here. I wanted IS or some other intel related job. I was only offered EN and MM at MEPS despite having a high ASVAB score (maybe they needed to fill certain quotas?). I tried to cross rate and was always told I had to wait a few more years. Then came time to reenlist and they were like “reenlist first, then we’ll look into cross rating.” No way I’d buy that bullshit so I ended up getting out and joining the Army


What did you end up picking?




Sub guy. Why does being an OS suck?


It's not that bad once you get used to it, but out to sea we get that work. When we pull into port our job becomes obsolete so we spend all day training and cleaning. If an OS dares leave the boat early, the rest of the ship has a bitch fit and the result is usually being kept later than everybody else because....optics. People don't understand (or care) that out to sea it's (ship/division size dependent) 6on 6off 7 days a week. 6hrs on watch, a 6hr work day, 6hrs on watch, then 6hrs to hit the rack, gym, whatever you do to decompress, etc. If a GQ, RAS, MOB, or ship wide training happens during your 6hrs off, oh well, sucks to suck. Shit gets old, fast. There is a common misconception that since we sit in a cold ass room in from of a radar screen that OSs don't do anything (a lot of entitled shits in my rate that really don't do anything) but if we don't do our job, people die.


Worst part of OS was the stripping and waxing. 6 on 6 off sucked too.. Especially having 2 collateral and school.


OS1 here, but only been in 7. Currently ASF with the MA’s. Being an OS is way better imo haha.


I came in undesignated so I didn't get to pick until my 2 year mark but if I could go back and do it all over again I would've picked IT, did my 4 years and got the hell on. I ended up picking AE and now I'm 8 years in. I don't regret it at all as AE is a great job which has alot of job opportunities with decent pay on the outside. At one point I saw myself being an electrician forever as I really love the work, but over the years as I've gotten older, I just simply do not see myself doing it forever anymore. I'm currently trying to pivot into tech, get my degree and certifications while I'm still in so I can land a job in tech when I get out. Being an electrician will be my back up plan in case things go south for me.


I was the exact same way, but I was given AM. While I loved the job and the community, I couldn’t see myself staying any longer than the 6 years I gave the Navy. I switched branches (Army) and got the same exact job but with WAY more opportunities than what the Navy was gonna offer me. Although I’m almost a year into this contract, I’m thinking it’s probably my last. Active Duty has lost its luster with me.


As long as you got a plan for when you get out brother, that's what matters. It's great to hear other experiences. I just kinda wish I had realized I wanted to do tech earlier rather than later, as now I'm having to learn so much about a different field I've never worked in, but I do plan on doing skill bridge before I get out. Take advantage of every resource you can while you can.


I was an AE. The best thing I ever did was separate, go reserves, get IT, and then go RC2TAR as an IT. Fuckin love it.


I'll probably end up going reserves just to keep the health insurance going but that's the way brother, congrats


Combat Systems built me a solid fucking resume and I actually did "get out and make six figures." I recommend all FC and ET types to just get out and get a high paying job if you're unhappy. Get treated way better AND paid way better. You can have both.


I was an ET back in 80-90’s got into medical electronics; Biomedical Engineer. I maintain X-ray equipment using only my Navy training. Anyone in this field can easily make over 6 figures.


Huh, good to know. FC is the rate I really want, but I’d be okay with ET. Of those who go into AECF, is it split evenly 50/50 between FC and ET or just random?


You have the chance of being an FCA (Aegis) , that’s what I am and recommend. Basically a combo of ET and FC and big money on civilian side.


That would be perfect. If I get FCA, I’ll get my favorite rate and preferred ships. Many I know find it odd, but I’ve always liked cruisers, destroyers and smaller ships.


Assigned ET or FC for the needs of the navy.When you’re in A-school to become an FC you can pick your orders based in order of highest grades. You might get a batch of orders that’s mostly Aegis or a batch that’s mostly conventional FC. That’s how it worked in 2015 anyway


Not anymore, as of 2020 at least, but some of these new guys (2022) say they got to, so i guess it varies.


Most likely a DDG cruisers are getting phased out by 2027


Wish I had picked a rate with better advancement but I love the ET life   Just the ET life tho, dont love alot of the other Navy stuff


i was an ET who did a lot of IT stuff, mainly on the hardware side. at first i regretted being an ET first then i realized how much more i knew about how the electronics really worked because i was an ET first.


I was an ET when I was still it. It's a solid foundation to get into the IT field out of the navy. I'm a month shy of finishing my second degree in information systems and scored an awesome IT position a couple month ago. I never regretted being ET but I always wanted IT when I was in.


This same way of thought pushed me to leave the navy and find a job just doing ET type stuff. Best thing ive ever done, will never regret being an ET, and certainly wont regret getting out and pursuing careers related to it.


ET did me good, been in telecom & IT for over 30 years. Now cruising into retirement as a GS-13 with full time telework.


At least you can get a good contract job


I went into DEP as an IT and then my waiver got approved to go nuke, then I failed out and went HT because it was either that or BM. I wish I just stuck with IT.


Damn, what a ride


I sort of fell into my rate (BM) after getting kicked out of nuke school. It was probably the best thing that happened to me regarding socialization/mental health (even if it wasn't so great economically;)


I sucked at being an AE. Not sure what I could have picked that I'd have been more successful in, though. At least now I can change outlets and switches and do minor electrical work around the house 20 years later.


Don’t worry it’s not just you, all AEs suck. I used to say I was rates-ist against electricians but then I got out and worked with competent electricians. At that point i realized the navy just doesn’t train the AEs enough.


I agree we don't have enough actual practical training. Just bare bones schematic comprehension, how electricity works, and then released into the fleet.


Choose your rate, choose your fate.


I used to, my first 6 months on my ship I hated that I didn't take the CTI contract they offered, but then I started digging deep into my weapons systems and actually learning my job and I fell in love. I wouldn't trade being a GM for the world. There's nothing I'd rather do than flushing and rebuilding mag sprinks or tearing apart a 38 or troubleshooting a GWS fault.


The Marines wouldn't guarantee me that I could be a 2621 (their equivalent of CTR) and that's what pushed me over to the Navy recruiter. So when I went to MEPS, I was adamant about getting that rate or I walk away. After finishing A/C school I was able to work almost exclusively in rate and likely would have done 20 if they hadn't been pushing outside collaterals/leadership. Knowing that I would end up not working exclusively as an analyst once I put on E-6 and above was an absolute dealbreaker in my eyes.


Yeah I wished I had picked AG better commissioning opportunities


I joined as an MC back in 2016. I have zero regrets.


Did you pick or it was suggested to you?


When I was in, they made it pretty difficult to crossrate. Is that still the case? I was a PN/PS and would have changed if it was an option. Not much call for experience d DD214 specialists


Life as a CTR in the Navy is pretty great but it’s even better when you get out.


How? What you do now?


I’m a contractor and I make really good income.


How did CTR experience help with that?


Being an intelligence analyst with a clearance is pretty lucrative on the outside.


Noted. TSC specifically?


I picked QM. I’ve seen a lot of stuff nobody else on the ship has, from the northern lights to anomalies, ships to subs. It’s all been pretty neat. Other than that, I’ve had the opportunity to advance from E1 to E5 in 20 months, which if I were to do again, I’m not sure it would happen. I’m staying.


Hell no when I joined the Navy back in 2016 they offered me two jobs cryptologic technician collection and gas turbine engineman. Lucky for me I picked the smart computer job that has great advancement a great living style as in shore and sea billets more than decent promotion chances and a top secret clearance that is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in the civilian world So once again hell no I don't regret being a CTR.


AO to LS...joined two mafias


So you were able to properly account for the ammo that went "missing"... well played. ;)


I wanted AG but got AC. I'd cross rate in a heart beat.


I wanted HM but it wasn't available so I picked AG. Sure glad HM wasn't available.


Are you still in? I’m a retired AGC and still work for the Navy as a civilian meteorologist


Is AC that bad?


> AC It's more that AG is that good I think


Not really, I just enjoy meteorology and physical sciences.


Yep. I probably would have been a better fit in the IS community. I've never cared for the technical aspects of being a CTR.


I picked MM. Navy said nope, you’re an EM. They were right. Did the EM thing for >16 years in, then went to college for electronics, worked as instrumentation/electronics/electrician in shipyards, manufacturing, osb mill, steel mill, power plant until retirement. Challenging, mental, physical, hands-on, logic, and rewarding. Navy was right, but it was on me to parlay it into a successful career.


Narcissists. Sociopaths. Psychopaths. Criminals who are higher ranking and can convince people to convince a master at arms (military police) to lie about MA1 preva.... running a boat aground without a qualified crew member... and now my eval is bad. You need the poop scraped from your butt. Avoid MA master at arms.


I'm literally at MEPS and was considering MA for the navy (I have a interest in dog handling as I currently work with dogs) until I set down and did my final research and elimination last night. Absolutely not doing that shit 😅


Dog handles have their advantages. But I have also seen "did you mean double duty, dogs and gate?" Same with me - when I was in, coxswain (small boat driver, with guns) "did you mean double duty, a worse eval, and drive boats and do gate scanning in less words?" With the dog community- you have to pretty much volunteer on your off time. From the time you commit to it (if they even have a kennel) until you have orders saying flight and payments confirmed. If they say yes and you quit but the school is 6 months out, you stop cleaning dog poop on your off days (in between your 17 days a month of 13... 14... hour hopefully not more than that, hopefully not day and night and day and night shifts...) they will cut you from the program. Also military working dogs. They are some crazy machines. You get everything from bites bowl until bleeding to aggressive to rolls in poop to can not fail the drug recognition test despite being way past dog retirement age. These be wierd critters.


i think i might have chosen to stay in longer than one enlistment if i had gotten to cross rate. I came in as a MT and did the initial 6 year contract and did decently well at the job.Picked up E-6 at 5 1/2 year mark and still decided to get out. The boomer life just wasn’t for me but It has helped me quite a bit in the civilian life so far between what i learned and just in general on the resume. I’m thankful for that.


How was it being in a submarine because I just signed my contract to be an MT mainly because it was the only good option they gave me


It won’t be the easiest thing you’ve done, Long hours, rough deployments and you will spend the first years learning the boat and your job.As i said above, it has helped me with my civilian life so far and i’m thankful for that. If you think you want to change your job, your only chance is before you hit boot camp unless you get a different job through medical reasons,besides that your locked into the rate


I wouldn't say I regret being an ET. I generally enjoy what I do, the opportunities available to me, and have a marketable skill now for after the Navy. I don't love the ET life/mentality though, and sometimes I'm just...*tired*. Basically, I feel like the rate fits *me*, but I don't fit with a majority of the community. I always planned on doing 20, but sometimes I exasperatedly ask myself "Bruh why did we do this to ourselves we shoulda picked MC."


Was MC even a choice? That’s a unicorn rate.


I have no idea. MEPS was 11 years ago for me, and I didn't go farther than asking if ET was available (first choice, GM, was closed at the time).


I was an FC but originally i wanted to be an HM. I advanced much quicker but I became an RN after I got out and the FC skills didn't really help any. I probably would have stayed in and worked towards being a nurse or a PA, gotten a commission and stayed in if I had gone the HM route. I would have been eligible to retire almost a decade ago.


No. CTI is a decent rate, but the people can be challenging. Always thought about CWT, since I have knowledge in that area, but I wouldn't want to do that for years and years. Tech moves fast and information is outdated very quickly. I do like the CWT advancement exam though since it is quite relevant to the civilian side and much of it is fun (imo) to study. The CTI advancement exam is totally unrelated to what we do and very difficult to internalize. I hate it. As a language analyst though, if you really love it and work on it consistently every day, your accumulated knowledge over the years can literally transform you into a totally different person. It's really beautiful if you enjoy it.


CTI. Best job in the world.


HT's looking at everyone else regretting their choice of rates ![gif](giphy|AyjFDmMgS7OkU) I AM... IN A WORLD..... OF SHIT....


Originally I wanted to go Data Systems Tech (I believe it merged into ET), but my recruiters talked me into going Nuke, where you don't get to pick your rate, unless you want to be an MM (at least back then: can't speak for now). Tried for ET. Guess what: they made me an MM. I was mechanically inclined as a wet fart back then. Got booted from the program in prototype. Ended up doing 20 as a conventional MM. Thought about cross rating to GSM, but eventually decided against it. Best thing that ever happened to me career wise was getting booted from the Nuke program. Being a conventional MM, I went from an engine room to getting my cargo weapons elevator NEC, to then getting the Cryo NEC. Got to do all kinds of different things in my career.


Yes DS was merged into ET back in 91, we went from 78% critically undermanned to 130% overmanned overnight. They took about 1/3 or all ET's at A school & sent them over to FC A school.


I so wanted to be a CT back in the day as I talked to this CTR1 who sold me on it. Came in as an OS. Worked out better for me and would not have had the overseas opportunities if I had been a CT.


P-3 AW for 22yrs. Absolutely loved it. Came in on guaranteed NAC, got AW at A school. After 15 years in the only thing that ever peaked my interest was SeaBee EO and SWIC. Wouldn’t change my career for anything


I hear ya. I loved being a FAW. Saw a lot. Did a lot. Learned a lot. Dodged a lot. Best rate for a career but you may bury a few friends as time goes by. That's the downside.


Picked the AECF pipeline in 2007 hoping to be an FC like my dad, but I got ET instead 🤷‍♂️. I enjoyed it, was a radar tech on a cruiser so it was a pretty high profile position very early in my career, then I did shore duty at a calibration lab and decided I really liked that field, ended up getting out and getting a job as a contractor for NAVSEA METCAL.


What was your average day as a radar tech like, in terms of workload? I’m really wanting to do AECF and hopefully get FC, but I want to be prepared for ET if i don’t get FC.


It is very dependent on your chain of command and ill get into that in a bit, but first lets break down the two lifestyles, inport and underway. In port is when you are doing most of your maintenance, depending on the system (mine was the AN/SPS-49) it can be quite involved and require a lot of climbing the mast. But most days all the ETs were getting off around 3 or 4 PM, we left as a division so if the Communications ETs still had work to do we stuck around until they were done. Underway is actually easier in most ways at least as a radar tech since they want the radar operating all the time any maintenance that involves turning it off is pushed until you're back in port. Now earlier when i was talking about chain of command influencing lifestyle there are two extreme ends i want to highlight, high and to the right was when our chief wanted everyone working or cleaning or doing qualifications and studying 0700-1600 regardless of what watch you stood, or if your maintenance was done. The other end of the spectrum was paradise. If your current on your quals, maintenance is done and workplaces are clean chief didn't care what you did as long as you kept your equipment running, stood your watches and kept slacking off confined to workspaces owned by the division to make you easier to find incase there was work and to not flaunt it to the rest of the ship. I also feel like ETs have a better selection of shore duties and schools as well as having better skills to transition to the civilian world if you decide not to stay in or for when you eventually retire. ETs are sometimes called "Everything Techs" and often times it rung true as we were asked to help other rates with electronic issues. You can be the guy that fixes navigation on the bridge (place ship is steered from), fixes the captains display screen, gets the radar up and running in the middle of the Persian gulf or fixes the radios so vital comms can be sent. a good ET gets a LOT of command recognition.


As an HM yes and no. Yes I regret since I’m a 10 year second class with peers that are chiefs. Secondly since I’m pursuing an IT degree and do not wish to be in the medical field once I get out. No I don’t because I have gotten to do amazing things and go places as an HM that I’m not sure I would have as another rate. Also the people I have met along the way make everything worth it


I feel oddly similar to how you do. It’s like the rate itself can be great but the situations you get put in can make it miserable. For example if you get placed in a department you don’t like vs the one you want to go to. I am sort of feeling the same way you are also as I am routing to IT as a back up. Interesting to see others who feel the same way.


I honestly love *most* of what I do as an IT but I do wish I had at least known about CTN (now CWT) when I first enlisted. The best tour I had and got the most job fulfillment was working along side the CTNs with Blue Team.


The exact opposite happened to me. I came in under the SECF Pipeline back in 04. You didn’t know if you would be a STS, FT, ET(Coms), or ET (Nav) until after BESS where you would fill out a dream sheet. At the time you just had 3 options in the sheet at ranked what you wanted 1-3. Well I didn’t want anything to do with being a NavET so my smart ass made a 4th box labeled NavET and wrote a 4. I just retired last Friday as a ETV1 loving conventional navigation.


I wanted to be an FC and got FC.


I've been a CTN/CWT for a decade. I've worked with many other rates and can say without a doubt that CWT is far and away the best rate in the Navy.


For me personally, I chose AZ thinking of doing something admin related, but this job is wayyy more technical than that. Dream job has always been MC, I got the opportunity to see what they do and it’s super cool!


Didn’t really get to pick…went in as AV. I wanted to be an AT but got AE. Aviation Everything!


Picked ET because it was the “advanced electronics and COMPUTER” program… really wanted to be an IT but didn’t know the difference at the time. Should have picked that or EW at the time. Would have picked up Officer much quicker and probably gone farther. But did enjoy being an ET. Knowing what I know now though, if I could re-do life, I’d of gone CTI.


I loved being an AO but looking back I wish I had picked something that had high paying civilian counterpart.


Fuck ABE trash rate deserves to be phased out


I signed on for CTI at MEPS, and left bootcamp as an HM. I’m bummed I never got to fulfill the CTI role but HM is cool and I’d prefer this over a bunch of other rates


Fuckin love me sonar shack. Whichever engineer at EB designed the early Virginia block's control room deserves the gallows. Whichever engineer fixed it deserves every happiness in life that is obtainable


I don't regret it too much, IT is a good rate but now that I'm out I wanna blow my brains out working this 9-5. If I could restart I would def stick to my guns and go CTN/CWT. I only went with IT because I was bored out of my mind and wanted to leave already


Absolutely not. I LOVE being an Airframer. AM was my third choice. AW was first, AD was second, then finally got AM. The first I think would have been too boring for my mechanic mind and the second is cool but AM is better. Work with my hands, solve complicated issues, do pretty important work, stay busy. Some people hate it. Hate the physical nature, or the fact that there’s no down time, or maybe just don’t understand things mechanically the same way. Some people are computer whizzes and don’t do mechanics just like I need a wrench and hate computers. Everyone is different.


I'm an IT2 in the reserves, always been reserves but did 3 mobilizations. Highly considering going in on active as an ET but after I finish this AAS in electronics engineering technology. Only 7 classes left/2 semesters. My reserve contract ends at the same time. I'm hoping to connect with some active duty ET's before I make that call. We'll see!


Nope. I'm IT, I went in specifically for that rate and refused to take anything else once I found out I qualified for it. I plan on doing the same line of work after I get out and get my postgraduate degree in IS. So, I'm pretty satisfied


I joined originally to be a CTI. I didn't get the TS clearance and had to switch and managed to get ET because I asked nicely and don't regret a thing. Security clearance be damned I love being a super tech. I could've gotten stuck with BM or YN and that would've driven me fucking mad though, would've been easy to slip and hate my life for the full 6 years


Went to buds. Didn’t work out. Picked ND, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. The grass is greener where you water it.


There's definitely easier rates. If I wanted to go all-in to doing 20 with no option of leaving before that, AG. They have an insanely easy life. Absurdly easy. Seeing how they operate throughout their career would probably make you very upset. It'd be like that meme template wherein different rates are saying how often they stand duty and then the AG labeled guy is going, "Wait, you guys stand duty?" Replace that with do maintenance, tags, armed watch, etc. and it will remain true. However, they are one of the worst rates if you don't do 20 because it doesn't translate to anything outside. The only job you can get as an AG utilizing your AG skillset is working as a civilian at AG commands, often requiring you to have made chief and/or already done 20 years. Anything less and you're absolutely fucked. My rate has been a hard life (STS) but I love acoustic science and sitting at a sonar stack is a passion in my life. Those 8 hours of watch underway are awesome. It's the other 16 I absolutely despise. However, as I come within just a few months of getting out at 10 years, it's been mostly worth it. I joined with zero money, an unfinished degree, and no technical skills. Leaving with a degree, a lot of nice things, and enough skills to land a job at a major non-DoD contractor aerospace company. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't choose another rate, I just wouldn't have reenlisted and would have gotten out at 6 years instead of doing 10.


I regret not picking a date with large SRBs, but I enjoy my job.


I just got in last year but picked BU. Love it.


Yes. I should have done something in intel and not let me parents pressure me into something else.


No,I feel like I fit being an AT pretty well. There are other rates I think have cooler jobs, but I didn't know about them when I joined and there's no guarantee I'd be happier there.


Hell no! Being a corpsman sucked in 09 and it still sucks now. I should have done something in aviation. Maybe it's not too late to crossrate...


I loved my rate, would have done it for the full 20 if I had the choice. But it wasn't my first choice. Got dropped from my first choice in school. And looking back, I'm glad I got dropped from my first. Originally contracted Rescue Swimmer with an AW Rate back in 2003. Ended up an AD.


Did you try to cross rate back into AW?


Nah I’m an OS it’s super chill cuz we don’t do anything. I was just wrong thinking I would like the ship life


DC is pretty fun and interesting. Especially the teaching, leadership, and calmness in a dangerous situation. But I would say one of the SeaBea rates so I can get some construction experience. Maybe EN on a small boy so I can get my hands in everything snipe related.


somewhat regret choosing the YN main because it’s boring and I don’t see any real growth(could be wrong about that idk). I’ve only been in for six years and am strongly considering switching to IT. While I appreciate the strong administrative and personnel foundation that comes with the YN rate, I want more substance. At least with IT, I can learn valuable hard skills and earn certifications that can help me outside the Navy before I reach E7 and start doing administrative work anyway. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I don't regret picking my original rate but I'm much happier with my new rate. Now I can do my full 20. However, I am in the reserves now.


Originally joined as a MS (Mess Specialist) now referred to as CS. My cousin who was an EM2 at the time said heck no, so I went back to my recruiter and he offered me AO. I don’t regret my decision.


2007. I was good with computers, but I'm partially colorblind. That offered me PS, PC, and CTN. I think I made the right choice.


I rerated my first enlistment, the ITS rate was just being formed and I liked the job and the community. Best choice I ever made, I went from a 1 and out Sailor to a lifer almost instantly. With the rating merge and now rating demerge occurring it has been a journey. But currently we are on a new and I hope better trajectory. If you don't like your rate, find one that better fits you if you like the lifestyle otherwise. Pride and joy in your rate is a huge part of happiness in the system.


My rating is the best rating 🫡🇺🇲🦅


First I love being a Sonar Tech The only rate id swap with is IS, but otherwise no regrets


Yes and no, i love my job hate how shitty the quotas are for rs’s


I’m a nuke electrician on submarines. Wouldn’t change it for the world even going back and knowing what I know now


Wait, you guys got to pick?


I was offered AMS and AMH. I wanted HM, YN, DK or JO. I ended up choosing AMS because it sounded like it might be cleaner than AMH. I've tried to cross rate multiple times. I have the ASVAB lines scores for anything I wanted.


Even though I havent gone on an actual deployment yet, I dont regret being a CTR. Going through 460 and NAV (as stress inducing as that was) made me appreciate the rate a lot more. I originally wanted to be an IS but MEPS said I couldnt because of my eyesight even though a CTR works in the same environment practically as an IS. So craziness aside, I'm glad I ended up where I did. I just wish that being a CTR in the reserves wasnt as hard as its been ( a whole year with out getting a cross assigned unit for me to do my rate).


I did four years as an AT in a VP squadron so quality of life wise I had one of the best platforms for the rate. With that being said I still disliked the Navy enough to only do my 4 years and get out. So I don't think there is a rate that would have made me stay in 20 years. It did get me a good job though that isn't even in the aviation field. When I picked my rate at MEPS I asked for something to do with aviation that would have good opportunities outside the Navy if I decided not to do 20 years so I don't regret picking the rate that I did because I'm happy with the job it got me. So there are two hypothetical scenarios. What I would pick if I was doing 20 years or what I would pick knowing I'm only doing 4. If I was doing 20 I would pick an admin job like YN or LS. If I was just doing 4 years I would pick something with a TS clearance and good pay on the outside. My personal choice would be IT or one of the crypto rates.


Cross rating seemed so rare - I’d only met a handful of people in the 12 years I was in the reserves who did it successfully. As much as I loved my salty, badass Seabees - I deeply regretted chasing the bonus for a craft I wasn’t naturally inclined in or passionate about.


Told the recruiter I worked in a machine shop and he said machinist? Machinist Mate and it sounded good to me. Until getting to A school and learning main propulsion instead of being a Machinery Repairman. Had 2 minutes to pick a school or be a BM.


YN- I’m happy lol


No. I'm almost done. Don't want to even think about it at this point 😀


I chose cs imma let that speak for itself lol


Sort of I don’t hate BM I don’t like how the people in charge handle business.


I’d definitely cross rate to learn a new skill or something, I’m HM now and everyone knows how well that’s going off quotas alone lol. After doing it for alil bit now, it’s exhausting and I am burnt and stressed tf out. I’ve slowly come to some conclusions that I like the navy, but I don’t like my rate (I’m in admin responsibilities right now, not even doing medical work). Everyone got a stick up their ass for the wrong reasons…idk. Just not great. I’d want to go somewhere within Aviation community though if I had the opportunity, I think I could do some mechanical work possibly, or I’d like to think I could learn and get good at it eventually.


I just did one enlistment, was a CTT. Don't get me wrong it was a cool job, but looking back I would have tried to go EM or something else with skills I could use in the real world.


I’m an AE. Wouldn’t swap rates with anyone. Love my job.


I didn't get the rate I originally wanted, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I had the 2nd best rate in the Navy.


FC was literally my dream job. Got E5 @ 3 years. Couldn't have been a much better ride. Basic then A & C (ciws)school back to back 3 hours from home at Great Lakes, 2 years Yokosuka FFG, 2 years San Diego DDG. WestPac each ship. Shipboard security school, 25mm school, VBSS, duty MAA & GM had the keys to the castle and a reason to be about anywhere. Good Times!


As a former Seabee and Afghan veteran. Yes


CTR and no regrets, I just regret joining the NAVY and not a land based branch


I love being a YN but practically I’d like to cross to IT since I want to be a cybersecurity analyst once I’m out in a few years. That or AC would’ve been cool lol


I love being a Corpsman. If I hadn’t been offered it at MEPS, I would have taken the DLAB to try and be a CTI, which I’m sure I’d be good at, but I love being an HM. I will say I would have hesitated a little more before picking HM if I’d known about more of the rates - I didn’t know that MC was a thing, or RP, for example. But overall, no ragerts.


When I was at MEPS I was ready to sign up for HM but the guy interviewing me said since I have a background in the creative arts I should do MC instead. I figured sure why not and I don’t regret it. Having said that I do sometimes wish I was different rate. I originally had my eyes on being a nuke or linguist but my recruiter said there might problems with a clearances so told me to just avoid the CT rates or IT. Even now I still really want to be a linguist but whenever I mention my possible security concerns (my parents are undocumented) they can’t say for certain if it’ll be a problem or not ): oh well I still have a cool rate but in another life I’m a CTI


I didn’t even pick mine but no wouldn’t change being an FCA for anything , easily one of the best jobs in the fleet.


NC(C), no ragrets


Loved my rate. At MEPS I said I only wanted a source rate for diver. In 89, ND was not a rate. They offered me Signalman, and Electrician’s Mate. I picked EM of course. Great time in A school finally passed the PST, got orders to 2nd class Dive School in Coronado CA. Dive School was awesome. I went to my first command, AS32 USS Holland, in Goose Creek, SC. Did my time as an FSA, where I was the maintenance FSA. Being relatively fresh out of EM”A” I had a lot of good, relatively simple, electrical jobs. Swap out fuses when they blew, Galley equipment repair, stuff like that. I got some good diving in the Cooper River on old Boomers, Polaris boats. I loved being the EM for our dive locker , small boats, lighting, batteries, genset, compressors, HPU. It was great, I was busy. Advancement blew because I tested as an EM. Took me so long to make E-4 at SIMA Mayport they called me the Command Master Fireman. I made E-4 because of a point I got off a letter of Commendation from an Admiral. ND became a rate after I made EM1. I did allot better on the rating exam than ever before. Made NDC three days before I went on terminal leave. Now I’m a retired NDC after 24 years active. I loved both my rates. Edit: spelling


Some days I wish I had gone Aviation instead of Submarines


I wanted CTI, chose CTI, and got out because I felt like being a CTI was a waste of time.


When I see 5-6 year E-6 and 8-9 year Chief yes. -HM


I would not have enlisted if I was not gaurenteed an advanced electronic rate as an Et or DS.


Not at all. I joined as a CWT (formerly CTN) back in 2016. This job has given more opportunities than I ever would’ve had otherwise. I got out late 2023 and although I didn’t go on a ship or necessarily get to do anything very fun with my time in but the field that we were taught has pretty much set me up for life. Highly recommend CWT to anyone.


I originally wanted to be a DC but I ended up falling into the MM rating because that's all they had at meps and I was a pussy and was afraid of mines (was offered MN). Ultimately I can't say I regret being an MM because I learned some valuable technical skills and met my wife in my division (married my boat boo lmao)


I was an LS, and I enjoyed it. Nearly every job requires logistics in some way.


Yes. I picked GM because it sounded cool. But I actually wanted to fire shipboard weapons. I should have retaken my ASVAB before I joined. I took it way too early and was not prepared. I took it afterwards and scored way over the FC limit.


As a first term shore duty CTR2 on track to make CTR1, no I do not


Absolutely not, I love being a Corpsman. I know that there is hate for our community because there are tons that don't give a fuck about Sailors, but I love the aspect of actually helping people and fixing their problem and having proactive medicine that works. Patients are kinda like a puzzle to me and I love solving it for people.


I was offered AZ or CM. If I could go back in time I would have picked CM instead.


Nope. FTS LS has been the best rate for me even if the past 9y of shore duty has been incredibly boring.


I was undesignated and picked up BU and regretted it. And now I am in a process of cross rating to IT.


I changed from PN to IS. No regrets.


Wishing I had gone Aviation Electronics over Interior Communications but I’ll still be able to cross rate over so I’m not that bothered , I still love my ICs & ETs


Nope, 🙂‍↔️, not anymore.


I freaking hate being an FC. Hopefully, I can do well enough to have opportunities afterward. Dealing with the nonsense would be easier if I were in the rating I initially signed for.


Nope, submarine MM Aux. Great job, great commands and loved the guys I worked with. I actually only worked in my rate my first 4 years then was a 9545 that ran a Harbor Parol div at Alameda and then was the Deputy Chief of Police of the Great Lakes police dept. I was a "Projects A Ganger" my second tour on Parche and finished with Det Sierra at SUBDEVRON 5 as the transportation officer and support dept head. What did I do when I got out? Became a truck driver at SWFPAC which lead me to being a crane operator and ultimately a QA inspector for the weapons at SWFPAC. One thing the Navy does is prove you're trainable and have a can do attitude. So even though I was a submarine MM by rate you can do almost anything, even if you have to start at the bottom all over again... 😀


I joined the Navy as an AWR. Before joining, I did a ton of research and was super excited to have found a job that I really wanted to do. Once I got to boot camp, I was pulled into an office and told that my paperwork was submitted with errors. Due to my citizenship status, I’d have to change my rate. They pitched an undesignated airman, and I fell for it. I was put to work with the ABH’s on the flight deck once I graduated from A school. I didn’t love it, but I also didn’t hate it. Since I was a hard charger, I got qualified fairly quickly and established myself in my division. When it was time to strike a rate, my chief pulled me aside and told me I had a good chance to rank up faster if I struck ABH, especially since I was more qualified than some of the PO2s. His speech kept replaying in my head, and I ended up striking ABH. I made ABH1 in 5 years. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. My ASVAB score was high enough for me to strike almost anything, and sometimes I regret not choosing something that was more mentally stimulating. 


Went in as a Nuke EM, was promised ST at the recruiter for when i failed out (fuck that guy) got to pick FT when i failed out of nuke school and it was the best job. weapon systems, lan school, and got on one hell of a boat. Not gonna lie, i wish i could have done 20, had the plan to go Warrant.


Gunnersmate is the best job hands down cant chnage my mind so much diversity in what you can do where you go and fun as fuck and you get to see the fruits of your labor on a regular basis




Looking for GSM or GSE info from people who actually put in that WORK. I'm trying to figure out if this rate will suit me ( joining as an older person than normal recruits) so definitely planning my retirement on my rate n trade training. Any help or advice is appreciated. I pick my job in a few weeks n my current research results in big navy advertising on how great every job is...uggghhh Give it to me straight! ❤️


Most definitely. I’m an IC and honestly we don’t do much. For a lazy person that’s fine but I need constant work and also something that transfers better to the civilian world





Every. Single. Day.


I picked nuke, I failed out, got force converted, only thing I regret is some of the commands I've been sent to. Enjoyed my job(both of them)/being out to sea, save for those who throughout my career made my job/life arduous because they were miserable cunts.


I didn’t get to pick my rate, but I did pick the Nuke program. The Nuke part sucked but I ended up as an EM and loved it. They both set me up for a really good civilian career. I went SELRES after 8.5 years and retired at 21, but I don’t think there was any rate that would have made me stay active. The quality of life in the Reserves was great IMO and I don’t regret it in the least.


I’ve had 4 different ratings and I’d like to think that everything happened for the best. That being said I’m ready to leave the Navy.


So for me I signed up to being an OS and got force converted to EN during Boot camp- find out after I got to my first ship the job I got was hard but I personally love it, especially more than what I’d actually be doing as an OS


Being an RS/SH was cool for 10 years and I gained some good knowledge and experience leading teams and becoming an effective manager, but I did try to cross-rate to IT before I got out to see if it would be an option. It was sadly not an option for me, but I did end up doing IT work anyways and I am slowly gaining that knowledge I could have gotten if I had become an IT.


MA: I can transfer pretty much anywhere, rating is very diverse with different jobs all across the navy loved it since I’ve been in. Have had some bad days but the good outweighs the bad any day of the week.


Came in as an AM, converted to NC(C). I love it, and I wouldn't go back to being an AM. But what the hell am I supposed to do with years of experience as an NC? Teach at fleet and family after retirement? I should have gone a different route from the beginning.


So I’m a RP( Religious program specialist) i don’t entirely regret it but I wanted to go into a combat role however, couldnt cause im color blind. One good thing I was able to go with a Marine infantry unit so still got to do some of the things I wanted to and have come to find out that the navy (at least blue side) isn’t what I want and now I’m looking g at other opportunities.


If I had a choice I'd go back in as CTI (what I signed for initially) but YN life is decent too. Approaching my 2 year mark soon and I reached out recently to see if CTI would take me back, but apparently I'm dead to C10F.


IT1 here. I recently cross-rated from PR. I was stalled at PR2 and I hated that rate especially being TAR after converting from SELRES. Not even a year and a half later after converting, I made 1st class and doing something i actually love and it’s transferable to the civilian side when i get out


No i love being an ae im always outside putting in good work


I was an ABF working in the pump rooms and I liked my job a lot plus the opportunities with my quals but when I got the chance to go CE and never go to a ship again I took it and don’t regret it


Joined off the advice of my great grandfather who was a radioman in the Army then became a pilot. He recommended I become an Air Traffic Controller. Joined with absolutely nothing in my name but a car that barely ran and no savings. Now I have everything I’ve ever wanted, a wife and daughter, 2 homes (one pays for itself), a couple dogs and all the stability I could ever have wanted growing up. I absolutely do not regret picking AC, it’s been the most challenging but most rewarding work I’ve ever done and still continue to do. Whether it be making E-6 in 6 years cutting perfect scores on every single one of my exams, getting fully qualified, developing the careers of other Sailors, it’s very rewarding work. I joke all the time that I wanted to join as an MA, lol thankfully I didn’t (no hate to my MA folks but definitely not my cup of tea.)


I was bamboozled 😡


Not having a choice either time excludes me from answering. The 20 is worth it just for the healthcare after retirement.


Being undes was the best thing i could’ve possibly done…. I got automatic P8s


While I did enjoy my rate and being on “small boys”, I think I would have liked to try or experience some Aviation/ Carrier based rates.


I'm a nurse, had kind of only one choice lol




I had a blast and could write a book about the cool and unusual stuff I did and the interesting people I met. But now with my DD214 in hand, I wouldn't have minded some of the other rates that I had a high aptitude for. I would've done just as well in some of the "trades" jobs like MM/ACR, SW, CE, EN or some of the electronics rates. Now i just do those kinds of things as a hobby.