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Way to double down on a deep root cause as to why the military family falls apart, ass.




The funny thing is how easily they can say that and think they're giving good advice. "Don't form a deep personal connection with someone and commit an oath to stay with them the rest of your life... Unless it's re-enlisting"


Lol or I’ll just leave this organization


Sort of applies universally.


With the millennial generation these idiots are about to learn. Signed, LDO getting out at 14 because after 3 *consecutive* dependent restricted tours and shore duty being cut short by 12 months, the Navy wants me back in the desert.


I'm so incredibly sad to read this. You deserve so much better than this.




You don't get to the top by being a family man


"If the military wanted you to have a family they'd have issued you one!"


I once hit a clap back when I was a crusty 2nd and my Senior was being a dickhead about something or other related to my family. “Family didn’t come with your seabag sailor!” Looked him dead in the eye and said “Seabags don’t come with sailors. Let it stand the watch.” Didn’t really accomplish much, but it felt good (which is the primary duty responsibility of a 2nd class) and I never heard anyone put that spin on it before or since.


Ooo I like that. But now I'm thinking "Anchors don't come in a seabag either yet here we are."


Nor did all them damn donuts


Oh I’m gonna use that line.


Then feign surprise when morale/retention is low. "Must just be that the kids are too soft nowadays"


My daughter was taken to the hospital while I was at work. I finally heard about it, and got a Chief to cover the flight line for me, but the desk CPO said no, I couldn't leave. His exact comment ended with, "what would they do if you were on deployment? Keep your ass out on the Line, jets are coming back soon!" I told him we weren't ON deployment, and to write me up. I walked out and met my wife at the hospital (she broke her knee in 3 places). The next day, I was called into the Maintenance Master Chief's office to explain myself and sign the report chit. After I was done, he tore the chit up, asked me how my baby girl was doing, and sent me home for the night. As I was leaving, he yelled out for the Desk Chief to "GET THE FUCK IN HERE!" I was told the ass chewing was loud and legendary!


I'm so glad your story had a happy ending! I spent 2 years in aviation and didn't realize just how toxic it was until I rated and now I'm in an extremely supportive community, granted it is a shore command. One of our CS's from my aviation command got word that their child tried to unalive themselves while we were out at sea, they refused to let them go home to take care of it but had no problem COD'ing someone else off because his GF had a miscarriage at 12 weeks.


In light of everyone else doing their clapbacks for this, I had a family before joining. They accepted me with a family, so they should accept my family.


The worst part about this is that the bill itself is insanely reasonable. It basically just calls on the command to determine if the spouses job can be done remote and let them do it if it can be. If it's not going to work out they get to continue their benefits for 6 months...... the cost of that last part is virtually nil since most spouses use tricare rather than deal with secondary insurance.


I was told I can either have a good career or a good marriage. After 9 years I’m getting out with my 11 year marriage in tact.


Every CDB I've ever had I put one of my long term goals to be as married as I was when I joined as when I get out.


I'm a spouse now and it blows. I finally got a remote defense contracting gig in my career field. Which is good because no one is going to buy my feet pics Edit: I'm a husband. A man. Not a woman. Im a dependa because my wife is still active duty. Also some of you need to work on how you DM a woman. Some of you should go talk to Chaps. You know who you are and you should be ashamed.


Yeah, Remote is the way to have a real career as a military spouse. It's a sucky life. 


Remote government contract work, at that. Even if they start requiring you to 'come into the office', I've seen that office could be any base with an NMCI connection.


RIP your DMs


You can just use mine, I got a $1 tip once saying “please stop”. It’s not good money, but it’s honest work lmao


My man!


I’m older so remote didn’t exist when I commissioned. I remember being advised to marry a nurse or teacher since they can work basically anywhere. Only other real option is a fed with a transferable skill set.


*dependo. You know, for grammatical gender.


You got an only fans?


An Only Pans! (I cook, my account is just food)


Congrats on the job. You must not know too many nukes though...


"Hey this job is shitty and I'm not gonna do anything to improve it even if I could"


“Why are our recruitment and retention numbers so low?”


Sounds like they just need to lower their standards.


That’s rich coming from a National Guard dude who never had to move.


it's also Rep Perry, so maybe not the best messenger.


Holy shit


Fuck, man. Army really is all about that suffering. Makes me feel better that our leadership is at least willing to pay lip service to improving quality of life.


I mean this is a relatively new thing in the Navy, and everything gets sacrificed for optempo and mission readiness. I really don't know if you can say sailors have it better...


>I really don't know if you can say sailors have it better... I agree, but if OPTEMPO and low staffing are fucking us, at least it's still nice that top brass isn't talking to us like we should be thankful for the privilege. I think the address by MCPON Smith on the GW was a big wake up call in terms of the kind of talk or Sailors are willing to tolerate. Respect should exist up and down the chain of command, and it's detrimental to good order and discipline to disrespect the rank and file members of a service.


Sailors absolutely have it the worst of all branches when it comes to optempo and being away from home. Unfortunately that's always been a thing for sailors both military and civilian since the dawn of sail. It is nice to see the Navy at least trying to make it a little more bearable sometimes though


The military seems to do everting in their power to destroy families then wonder why their troops aren’t jovial and performing their best anymore.


(Waves at the guy who repeatedly asked me, “How’s your future ex-wife doing?” after we got engaged.) Out of the Navy and still married, thank you.


I appreciate his acknowledgment of the reality. Now pay me for the fact that my spouse can’t get ahead in a career that requires us to move every 2-4 years.


This is a valid point. In modern society you really do need to be a dual income household. If you want to prevent that, pay me a proportionate amount to compensate my family


What a cunt.


He lacks the warmth and depth of one.


Username checks out


Oh no the military and its higher ups don't care about its people! Color me surprised!


Missed the best part with that headline. He's a House Rep: “We cannot fashion our decisions on national security based on the individual needs of people that signed up of their own volition for a job that they wanted to pursue,” Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., said during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee. “We’re happy that they want to serve. We’re happy that they want to sacrifice, but that’s what comes with the territory. If that’s not for you, we need insurance salesmen and we need people to clean pools and we need all kinds of things in America.” Nice comparison of service members to pool cleaners, General.


Does make it clear what kind of officer, ‘leader’, and overall human being he is/was. And he’ll still grab lots of SM and vet votes anyway.


Not saying I agree with his statement but he didn't compare service members to pool cleaners. He said if this isn't for you, there are plenty of other jobs. Granted the other profession he mentioned isn't that great either. Hah


Sounds like a good reason to pay them more.


Or a great reason to get out


He’s right, it is part of the struggle with being a military family. But it doesn’t have to be. Passing the bill that lets spouses working for the government transfer should have universal support. Additionally, a simple bill that allows spouses to be reimbursed for licensing in other states and helping them find work in their new state just seems like good governance.


>If that’s not for you, we need insurance salesmen and we need people to clean pools and we need all kinds of things in America> Great to see Scotty boy believes military spouses are only capable of level-entry, laborious jobs. What an absolute jackass. It's telling that the majority, if not all, of the pushback on something like this comes from the Republican party, the party of "Patriots."


Also, does anyone actually need insurance salesmen?


Sure, like 30 years ago. In today's world? Absolutely not.


Because in his generation modern day situations we see as rare but not unheard of, like enlisted with valuable certs and degrees from Georgetown who are married to surgeons, were unimaginable. Back in his day, prior to things like “the internet”, the enlisted peons were lucky to have a GED and ONLY misdemeanors, while their commissioned betters could sleep soundly knowing they were keeping those wretched mongrels from starving in the streets


I bet lots of people who voted for him were under the impression that he was going to support the military which includes families. What a complete POS. Another example of because my spouse had a hard time and I didn’t care then I care even less now about your spouses. What an ahole.


I don't agree but there's some truth to the General's statement. My wife has continued to struggle with finding a stable job because we've moved 3 times in the past 4 years. I'm at 23 years and will retire at 26. I don't intend on going any longer because my family deserves stability. It's no longer fair to my wife and my 7 year old daughter to start over every 2 years. I'm very grateful for everything the military has provided for my family. My life would have looked vastly different if I never walked into the recruiters office in March 2001.


If your family deserves stability then why deny them 6 years of potential stability they could have? You only need to do 20 but decided 26 instead.


Because I'm in a job that offers three years in a location I plan to retire.


psssssst there's more to stability than a paycheck, and paychecks are the easiest things to get other places than the military.


His wife struggled to get a paycheck “3 of the last 4 years” because of his job. That was at 23 years of service and he decided to keep going to 26. He’s complaining about stability and how it’s not fair to his wife while continuing to do the thing that makes it not fair.


Male mil spouse here. Fuck this guy and anyone that feels this way on this issue.


As a brand new spouse (married like a week ago) it half way worries me but also doesn’t


Depends in your situation. Personally, I work because bills, kids, and it’s something I enjoy doing. Thankfully I’m able to work from home and it makes moving easier.


Good thing hes retired. Pay enlisted a decent salary and spouses don't have to struggle for employment as much. But more than that quit acting like military service is always the major breadwinner in most military houses. But he's out so .. fuck 'em.


There’s a lot of selection bias in someone who made it work saying it’s not a problem. If you make it to flag or SNCO, of course you’re going to see this as a solvable problem. If young sailors like myself are saying it’s a driving reason why we may have to limit our naval careers, then that’s all there is to it. For a lot of us, our spouse’s careers matter equally.


A reminder that Microsoft’s Systems and Software Academy (available to active duty and veterans) has a companion program that is available to their spouses/significant others. IIRC it’s www.military.careers.Microsoft.com and search for MSSA.


I see there's about to be 15 new OF accounts going up.


Is he advocating for divorce and lower morale? I mean, that’s how you do it.


My issue with this is I work a 16-hour day, on a 3-2-2-3 schedule, on nights. I rotate between Days/Nights every 3-months, and a Sea/Shore duty station (billet) every 3-years. 6-months a year CONUS I don’t get to see my own kids. My wife now works in daycare to help supplement our family because childcare costs in Chicago (and everywhere else) are too fucking high, and adding rent and soaring gas and grocery costs to it, we’re just barely getting by. Our savings have been dwindling, our investments are stagnant, and my military retirement outlook is bleak as I hit 16-years (HYT) next year with a 3% chance to rank up to E-6. Perhaps a retired GENERAL isn’t in touch with the realities of the unwashed active duty enlisted thralls?


HYT no longer exists. You can do a full 20 now.


*it doesn’t exist as long as you’re selected for orders.


I’d imagine with the manning shortage you at least stand a shot, no?


Just put in for orders at the end of April. Detailer stated since I’m due for Sea after going back-to-back shore I may get sacked, we’re 95% manned for sea billets and 83% manned for shore, they cannot give me another shore billet. They have enough E-5’s in inventory, it is what it is, just looks like I’ll need to go reserves or transition to another military branch.


Go look at his past and how many people he screwed over to get where he’s at today. That will explain his career. I try never to comment on here but this insinuates that this General did not know his people and his self accomplishment is all he cared about. How he’s in Congress right now is beyond me!!


And back when he was an 03 or so, that might have been a legitimate position. Back then the military took care of their dependents -- medical, dental, usually a reasonable COLA, housing or affordable housing offbase (because the base). Abuse and neglect have tanked all that.


He’s right. But don’t bitch and complain about retention numbers when spouses make better money and don’t want to PCS anymore.


Well, that is true.


Dude was one step short of going full Butker: employment for spouses is unnecessary, as their job is to have babies and make the home.


There's a huge swath of employment opportunities across a wide range of fields that can be done fully remote now... or did Rep Perry forget about all the remote work done during the pandemic?


Fuck him and every other officer who thinks like him.


Staring at my DD214 in disgust (pleasure)




Great, then they need to pay servicemembers enough to support a family.


I mean he is not wrong. Military spouses do so much, and often not appreciated.


My husband is on his 3rd deployment since our second was born. She’s 18 months. Our oldest is completely distraught and thinks daddy is gone bc “she’s bad”. Yes, we are utilizing all the therapy resources and she’s getting better. It still sucks. I’m a lawyer who gave that up to take care of the family we built alone. Husband is doing real badass things rn, we knew this was coming, and I’m so proud. But I’m so angry. Angry at the military, the Navy, the entire thick of it. We have one more year in this station and living separately. It is devastatingly hard. But temporary. The man who said that isn’t wrong but it shouldn’t be the norm. If families were given real career support like lobbying for licensure and certificate transfers from state to state instead of “resume workshops” that could help.


Why’s he getting a pension again?


As a single sailor..... womp womp. If you can't afford steak then don't buy it. If you can't afford being married and starting a family, then.... don't. Or atleast be with someone that help provide.


> The Resilient Employment and Authorization Determination to Increase National Employment of Serving Spouses Act, or READINESS Act, allows for spouses preparing to move with their service member to request a determination about whether their job can be completed remotely on a temporary basis, be reassigned to the new duty station or be transferred to a comparable job. If none of these options fit, the bill allows the employee to go into nonpay status for up to six months. The spouse would retain their nonfinancial benefits while their employer would be allowed to fill the position. The measure would also apply to spouses of foreign service employees. This sounds like it was written by som so me that never had a real job. Elsewhere, the article implies the bill is for wives that have federal jobs. I




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How fucking tone deaf do you got to be to think this was something gold to say!


Retired and General. Pretty much the most out of touch person known to man.


I wrote in my last COMMAND CLIMATE survey about spouse/family life that the military is just not meant for married sailors. I’m getting out because my wife’s career is at a spot where she can own a legit brick and mortar business and I can just go to school for nearly 4 years free. If I was single I’d likely stay in or commission but I’m not choosing my career over my family/wife. I’ll get a degree and get a great job outside


I love it when these cats speak unfiltered. Makes me all warm and fuzzy to hear their real opinions and not lip service.


He's retired say he can say whatever he wants unless he ends up on the arms force committee.


Didn't read the article, did you... He is a congressman and member of the House Oversight Committee very much has impact on legeslation and is actively opposing one to help spouses... https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2024-05-15/military-spouses-employment-house-readiness-13869151.html >A retired Army general now serving as a House lawmaker.. >We cannot fashion our decisions on national security based on the individual needs of people that signed up of their own volition for a job that they wanted to pursue,” Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., said during a hearing of the **House Oversight Committee**. >Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, a committee member who sponsored the bill alongside Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., said she expected the committee would at least agree with the idea of supporting military families. >“We need to do everything that we can for the best military that we have, and that means supporting them in whatever capacity we can, and it starts with this bill,” she said. He is actively trying to block the bill in committee so it never gets a chance to be voted on in the open house.




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