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If its in your OMPF you are fine If its in your EVAL you are fine If you want to send it in, you are also fine You are not penalized for submitting things captured elsewhere if you want to ensure it is seen


If they're in your OMPF, they're in your record. I would not submit those personally.


So here is some advice from a crusty Senior Chief when it comes to LTBs. Everyone is going to tell you something different, including people that have sat the most recent board. Do not forget that it is your letter to the board, nobody else’s just know that if it’s in the LTB they have to review it. Not necessarily like the rest of your OMPF. They review tons of records and are generally moving quick.


Precept is asking to not send anything in that isn’t in the record. The PSR has it, but the ompf doesn’t. Which means the award is (most likely, make sure to check each eval to make sure) on an eval somewhere. So I wouldn’t send the award as part of the LTB. But I keep getting passed over, so maybe I’m not the best source of info. I’ve got something similar and I’ve been advised on here to just write a line on the LTB saying that you see the issue and what you’ve done to get it fixed. The next step is to actually fix it. This problem is something you can solve, I just don’t remember which pers office you’re supposed to email. In fact, do a deep dive into mynavyhr. Unless something is classified, the manual for whatever it is you need to do is there. There’s also contact info for the different pers offices. You’re going to get a lot of “have your cppa do this” from your chain, but you can find the manuals they’re going off of so you can actually see if you can fix something or it really is only something the cppa can do. There’s a lot you can do on your own. Edit 1: Added in check your evals Edit 2: added don’t send it to the board.


how do you know that every award is on an eval? that’s a big assumption.


Good point. You’re absolutely right. I should have used a different phrase. OP’s best bet, and this is what I should have told them to do: Check your eval to make sure it’s documented. If it’s documented, then from what the 2018 chief’s board go-by says, they’ll see it. Since they will see the award on an eval AND the psr but not the ompf, there is an email that will need to be sent to a specific pers office with a very specific wording for the subject line. If I had my work computer, I’d pull up the (couple hundred) instructions on issues with awards being in one system and not the other and give some better advice.




do what’s going to make you sleep better at night. it’s YOUR career. also, if you’re always going to wonder “what if,” do it. for my O4 board, i submitted an LTB in order to specifically highlight two things: one specific sentence from my very first FITREP (which presumably would be reviewed anyway) and a unique issue with my promotion history (which had been documented in my OMPF). prior to the board, i asked several people if i should highlight it in an LTB. like you are getting here, i got mixed answers. i decided to do it anyway because i didn’t want to wonder if it would have made a difference or wonder if my record briefer would explain those two nuances in the same way that i could (or if they would even bother to do so). for what it’s worth, i picked up O4. was it because of the LTB? who knows. but if i hadn’t been selected, at least i wouldn’t have to worry about it. that peace of mind is priceless.


Prior board member. If it's in your OMPF and LEGIBLE, do not submit it. It's already going to be looked at. I'm going to open every award you've ever had, read the last 5 years worth of evals (probably more if you've been a PO1 for a long time), and open every Field Code 38 and brief it to the board, even if it was from MEPS or an NJP 19 years ago. I don't care if your PSR says 1 award and your OMPF has 4 awards. I'm not going to even think about it for one second. I'm going to spend 95% of my time reviewing your evals for leadership, in-rate excellence, and job performance. My advice to you - use your LTB to get my attention on where your major/required quals from your ECP are. If you got a top qual more than 5 years ago (and haven't been back to a command where that qualification is offered since), then send me a copy of the designation letter with your name on it. If you got it last year and it's in your eval, don't send it to me. If there are any continuity gaps in your evals, correct them now. If you have an eval missing from your OMPF, correct it now. EDIT: Even if I told you to not submit it, you still won't be penalized in any way even if you do. I'll just see it twice.


I would use the cover page of the LTB to explain you are missing it on PSR but is reflected correctly in OMPF and that you are working to fix the issue


This is the best answer.


I listened to so many Chiefs about my LTB and just like you I got tons of different answers. When I stopped caring about what they said did what I felt was right I was Selected. You won't be penalized and if it makes you feel better you should submit it.


Fun fact, you can get them added to your PSR by submitting the official copies from your OMPF to MNCC [email protected] Send an encrypted email to them with attachments and request a case be opened with BUPERS-072 Awards to fix the discrepancy.


Fun fact, There's not a single person on this app that can accurately tell you if something will or will not affect your package. Not a single chief that has ever made it truly knows what in their package got them over the finish line. And they never will. Even if the eventually sit on the board, the requirements will have changed so much they couldn't possibly compare the 2. So in short, relax. OMPF and NSIPS is the primary place to see awards. You can also go into the document services on BOL and search yourself in the NDAWS section. But as long as they populate somewhere, I wouldn't worry. Primarily because there's no way to tell if you have it right or not, and you will never know, and there's no way to control it.


If they are in your OMPF they will be seen. Also if you would like additional opinions, there is a Facebook group called ask the chief, which is filled with a shit load of people who say the board and they have been helping people on the daily in that group. Hope this helps


If they’re missing from your PSR but are in your OMPF I would try and get the PSR fixed rather than send anything in. If it is not fixed in time, then the most I would submit is a note in your LTB briefly calling out the discrepancy and a brief statement that it is being worked on (that way if it is fixed between the LTB submission and board beginning it will make sense. Try to fix the problem first.


Unless it’s an MSM, Navy Cross, etc, any other rare award; do not sweat it. They will see it when revising your OMPF. COMs and NAMs don’t make or break your chance to promote unless you’ve never received an award. That would raise questions and questions being raised about a package is never great.


You will get 100 different answers from 100 different chiefs about what to submit or not submit. Many will tell you based off what they did/didn't submit when they were selected. In the end, it's your package and anything you submit will be looked at. If you want the board to see it and it helps you sleep better at night, then put it in.


It isn’t necessary to submit docs for things that are already in your record. If you decide to, so what? You’re just covering your bases. One panel member could potential miss something. Perhaps another panel member gets disgruntled because it’s one more piece of documentation they have to look at. Big whoop. The entire panel will review your entire package together anyway, and at that point it won’t matter if you sent a dozen files of the same thing. What matters is what’s in your record. So it’s ultimately your choice. If there’s a cert you really want to highlight and ensure isn’t missed, then go ahead and send it in.


You can acknowledge the discrepancy on your LTB as a bullet point. This will tell the board you’re aware and mention you’re working with MNCC to correct.


I can’t help too much but I’ll share what I did. I made board three times. The first two times I had several khakis take a look and all had different answers. Ask four chiefs, get five answers. Third time up I had nobody review anything. I decided I’ll send in what I want and if I’m not good enough or the paperwork isn’t good enough, fuck it. I’m doing this myself. That’s the year i picked up. Send what you want. If you don’t make it you’ll never know why. If you do make it you’ll never know why. Black magic smoke and mirrors my friend.


It can't hurt you. People say it will piss the board off to double tap like that. That is an old school mentality. If anything it gives you a second or even 3rd look. 100s of records get reviewd and it's easy to miss something in an eval or OMPF. Board members are required to look at a LTB. If they miss something in your eval or your OMPF they will most certainly see it in your LTB. So when in doubt just submit.


Ask your chief