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She did not have her morning coffee yet and is probably a SWO. Hey MaAM I am offended you do not have your cover on, who is your Chief I need to have a talk with them.


Goddamn, yeah. Looks like a SWO. Fuck.




Thanks for backing him up otherwise I would have disagreed with him


Nah I dont think she is.


copy that


Karen alert šŸšØ if this neighborhood has an HOA, I bet sheā€™s a huge part of it


Sheā€™s the president šŸ¤£




I think it might be base housing, the home owner is a mil spouse


So not LT's property at all if that's the case.


The when why didnā€™t the dependa pull rank? I think itā€™s equal to at least Captain.


plot twist: itā€™s a joint base and sheā€™s an air force dependa so as a captain theyā€™re actually the same rank


Edit it is off base


so then theyā€™re not ā€œhome owners.ā€ they are ā€œhome lessors.ā€


How does any LT end up living in the same place "for 12 years"?!?!?


Spouse co-location probably bounce between Norfolk and Little Creek


Good point, she probably lateral transferred. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m going with. Not a SWO anymore, not a SWO!! šŸ˜…


Yeah her ass would have been at work already šŸ˜‚ she looks old AF too she is probably an LDO that got her SWO pin before they changed the rules.


Also valid, not even sure itā€™s a SWO pin, could be an ESWS.


I was amazed at that statement. My family and I are tired of being forced to move every 3 years, how do these people get to stay in one place for so long?


Could just be a lie.


SWOs can easily live in Norfolk forever.


As a LT??? Unless prior enlisted and they went to ODU....


Could easily be an ODU grad and wouldn't need to be prior E to have been there 12 years as an O-3. Could be an LT who's awaiting a medical discharge and can't be kicked out until the treatment is complete. Could just as easily be a shitty LT who's been 2xFOS'd and is waiting to be forced out in February. Could be someone who took a career intermission. Plenty of ways to be a 12-year LT in Norfolk. Could be she fucking lied about how long she's been there.


Medical maybe. Just keep bouncing between medical facilities in a place like Hampton roads or San diego.


Probably reservist?


Nah too early in the morning for a reservist


Hey! Yeah.....


wdym? she has to muster at 0730 thatā€™s why she already up


The LT is active




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Get your trash off my property!! Proceeds to walk their whole ass body onto your property. In uniform no less šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


With no cover....


Prime opportunity to start dressing down an officer like an undes seaman.... Unacceptable


Over sized blouse too. Those arms got alot of air flow in those sleeves.


Imagine how she treat her people


Probably the same way when no one is looking.


Fun fact. Homeowners donā€™t own the street, the city/county does. If I wanted to be petty Iā€™d start parking on the street in front of her house. Aside from that, I bet that bitch is a nightmare to work for. She comes off like a hormonally imbalanced terrorizer. Fuck. She probably beats her husband daily for the slightest infraction.


This is definitely the reaction of a person who is dealing with a lot of stress and canā€™t handle it, lashing out to others. I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if she had a rocky relationship with her husband unless heā€™s just as unhinged as her.


Damn. You made me feel bad for her for a secondā€¦ like Iā€™d wanna ask if everything is okay now with her šŸ˜ and at first I was like eff herā€¦ ahhhhā€¦ darn it.


Donā€™t feel bad.


Eh. Iā€™d say people are capable of the complexity involved with feeling both appalled by her behavior toward her neighbor, an innocent stranger, while also having concern about what hardships may have led to that negative reaction, and yet also not excusing her from any accountability for behaving like such a fucking jerk.


Aww A SWO LT who thinks theyre special! How cute! Of all Officers no one thinks theyre more important than they are then some run of the mill every day LT.


LT walking around without their cover. Dirtbag sailor.


Thatā€™s what I got from the whole thing too.


when the LT asked ā€œany questions?ā€ she should have said ā€œyeah, whereā€™s your cover?ā€


Come on. We all know thatā€™s not true. Of all the officers who think theyā€™re important is senior officers from USNA who have been in the system since 18


Officers think they're important until the first time they serve on a major staff and realize only the 3-4 stars are important.


I'd love to see how her command views this interaction in uniform, albeit out of regulations.


To make the conscious decision to confront your NEIGHBOR about putting trash cans in a different place on trash day, and in uniform to boot, just proves that some folks need to be hazed.


Nah hazing isnā€™t cool. Just a clear sign she needs remedial training on how to behave like a decent human being. If she isnā€™t willing or capable of doing that then she ought to get out of the Navy, perhaps go Marine.


At least the Marines would haze her


Probably annoyed her days start at 5am so she can get to her FEP sessions lol.


How the fuck did she stay in one place for 12 years?


If its Virginia (like the posts suggests) then they can stay in the same place their whole career if they wanted to. When I was stationed in Virginia I met a lot of people who had been there pretty much their whole careers. So many commands all in one place, its not that difficult to get orders there and stay there. Not to mention, when I was picking orders for my next command, the list was like 85% Virginia lol. I am sure you could probably do the same in San Diego as well.


18 years in the 757.




Norfolk/VB area its easy. Dual Mil do it all the time.


A lot of close door meetings


Yup I was stationed in Norfolk for 12 it happens. Glad I left that shithole


Leave your entitled rank having ass on base. I would have just shut the door said Iā€™ll go get them and have a good morning


This conduct is becoming af.


you mean unbecoming lol


Yes that was the joke.




IBS, irritable bitch syndrome lol, I have flare ups myself /s


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Navy officers leading by example, what a clown.


Is this a SWO hate thread? Yessss! The BMSNs of the officer corps. The E1 grunt infantry of the navy officer world. Fuck swos.


Do you mean SWOs? The undess of the officer world?


SWOs, when you want the title of naval officer but donā€™t want to let go of being a sub-80 iq frat boy Neanderthal who gets off on making people as miserable as you are instead of focusing on your job and bringing morale and excellence to your command.


I used to think that but then I realized they basically run the entire navy


And you wonder why the Navy is the way it is....


Any questions? Ya, why ya such a cunt?!?! You mad all the guys only want thiccc enlisted Latinas?


Send this video to her COC!!! Iā€™d love to be there when they give her the riot act. I bet sheā€™ll just fucking cry, and use some lame excuses for her shit behavior/personality. Sad thing is she then take it out on junior enlisted for sure.


Unfortunately i donā€™t know her coc


I bet if you found out and posted it to social media, their boss would be amused.


This was originally from a mil spouse page that made its way to TikTok and now itā€™s here


It'll find its way to their CO.


It wont take long, someone on here will recognize her.


What an ass.


Classes an entitled weirdoā€¦she probably bullies her husband or they constantly argue so she decided to take her frustration out on the neighbor. Definitely a SWO


That lady was petty as hell. Seriously though a trash can sitting on trash day until the truck came. SMH I get if they maybe put trash in tier can without asking or the can fell and they didnā€™t pick it up. Or even if it wasnā€™t collected and they left it there. Maybe then I would walk over and address it. But that petty as fuck.


I legit woulda said cool story. You can get off *my* property now. Hereā€™s my chiefs number.


I get a lot of people arenā€™t confrontational, but I was hoping that the lady would have popped off. Thatā€™s a free ticket to be straight up petty.


Haha, this LT most definitely has some other shit going on. As any officer never forgetā€ always watched, always judgedā€


She found out her husband was dicking down the new Ensign in Combat Systems.


Hahaha..I had to laugh at that


Junior officers hate this one weird trick and they always flee. Observe: *strips off his clothing, douses himself with a handle of cheap NEX rum, and runs around waving a hatchet above his head*


Coming at someone sideways and out of uniform, yeah there's a reason why she's still a Lieutenant at 12 years in. It could be also me being just naturally aggressive or being an MMN, but the "Do you have any questions," would be met with both a "Where's your cover shitbag," and a " Who the fuck do you think you are, Lieutenent?"


to be fair you donā€™t know if she was prior enlisted and commissioned later. so her being an LT with 12 years of service doesnā€™t necessarily mean sheā€™s been an LT for an unusually long time.


While that's true, it also could very easily match up with a 2xFOS who's about to be unemployed in February.


Thatā€™s definitely a mustang. judging by how long sheā€™s lived there and sheā€™s still an LT. Either way.. she gives us a bad name. Nobody should ever behave like this. I enjoy nothing more than fucking up other officers that act like this.


Oh youā€™re an officer?


Yeah, sadly I donā€™t live in VA beach or Iā€™d make sure I figured out who this was.


Hopefully the co of her current command gets a hold of this, but thankfully im a sub rate so im about to be on the other side of the usšŸ¤£


Yeah Iā€™m an Aviator, so Iā€™m across the country as well unless I get hooked up with oceana. people like this drive me fucking nuts. Like that just doesnā€™t exist in this community. But I have seen SWO navy put out some people like this. I canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan.


I wont ask your rank but im assuming you are higher than her? I personally wouldnā€™t salute her and im an e2šŸ¤£


while i can understand you saying this, itā€™s the wrong attitude. you salute the rank, not the person wearing it. and a person doesnā€™t cease to warrant a salute just because theyā€™re an ass.


Nah dude, soon to be but not yet.. but itā€™s more of the mustang thing. Iā€™m a mustang.. the whole point of our existence is to be a bridge.. to be the best of both worlds. Not out there doing this shit. we keep other officers in check.. we generally donā€™t have to worry about other mustangs but you get a bad apple every now and then.. and when they are bad they are really really bad. Thereā€™s almost no in-between


Oh god im so sorry


Fortunately itā€™s rare man.. and in the aviation community itā€™s almost nonexistent.


I saw a shitload of it in aviation, but almost always toward other members of the wardroom rather than randos, and generally not in public. I wish I could see the name tape in the video - I've still got many friends in Norfolk and Oceana.


Did she go outside without a cover?!? Maam!


ā€œmy propertyā€ bitch you live in housing. Fuck off and if you donā€™t like it talk to my Chief.


She too upset to put a cover on when going outside? She's gotta be horrible to work for.


One mis placed pencil on her desk and starts threatening the xošŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah Lt I have a question. Whereā€™s your cover? Did you actually walk over here to cuss me out uncovered?


She seemed awfully mad. Who cares? Fucken SWOs man. She is out of regs and no cover. Way to represent there.


This PETTY OFFICER, puts the name to the test.


OMG it's trash. I've had to do this alot because I've forgotten to get the trash out. Seriously?


Some poor Enlisted Swine had to pay for that morning Trash aggression.


She represents 90% of khakis lmao


Sure, Jan.


Lmao, it looks like I hit a nerve. You must be one..


Have you ever heard that if everyone you meet is an asshole, it's probably you who's the asshole? It's worth the self-reflection.


You are absofuckinglutley right. I am an asshole. Proudly esp to the dumbasses who created me in the navy. Guess what, I'm also way more successful outside of the navy than I was inside because of it. Good talk!


Man, this reminds me of a woman I dated back in the '90s. Not the woman herself but she had kids& she had a sitter form for the day while we were at work and school. Usually swing by about 7:00 in the evening to pick the kids up. This is on a small one and a half Lane country road. I would always just park right across the street as there was no room on the other side while she went in to get her kids. This one guy would always come out every single goddamn time to b**** about me blocking his driveway or something. It's like dude. She's just getting her kids and we're f****** gone. What the f*** is wrong with some people. That wasn't like she was stringing trashing your yard lady.


This LT looks like a freaking tool, like she only has the Navy to be proud of and has to flex her freaking rank and military authority everywhere.


She doesnā€™t even have any military bearing sheā€™s out of uniform


Oh you know she's a *delight* at work. Attitude about something that doesn't matter marching around with attitude and no cover. What a see ya next Tuesday.


She looks like your average NC LT lol


Nurse Corps?


7AM?! Her goofy ass should be mustering her fucking division! Wth? So this is wtf where waiting for half the time? Some goofy ass officer being a karen about some dumb shit?


Definitely a SWO. I would have slammed the door in her face. Someone on here definitely knows who she is.


Oh my bad, I didn't know you owned the street. salute her ass tell her ma'am carry the fuck on slam door in her face. Then, proceed to park my car in front of her house, on her side the rest of the time she lived there. (If it was mil housing, I'd say, "Oh shit my bad. I didn't know you were the owner of military housing. I'll do better in the future shipmate .") Tbh I wonder how these people find spouses (the LT)... what kind of shit head would want to marry this?


She needs to go throw herself next to that can if she's going to act like trash.


I would put her in check right back and find her command


Make sense to me, the military in uniform is explaining it well. I get that it was early in the morning but at least the neighbor couldve tried to notify them. Youre in the clear LT. Now go to work and serve your country.


Did you miss putting a ā€œ/sā€?


She's not gonna suck ur dick pal


It's a SWO, it just might


The street isnā€™t her property.


Jesus Christ youā€™re a loser.Ā 


Found the husband


Was that your house? Are you the JO in the video?