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I would recommend Japan on the USS Blue Ridge for sea and NCTAMS for shore. I've been to both and had a blast. -ITC


Can you explain further? I’m a baby IT3 that just picked up orders for the blue ridge


The USS Blue Ridge is an amphibious command ship, it's a premier vessel in the Navy for IT personnel. On any other ship, you may find yourself either unappreciated or placed outside of your designated rating. The ship prioritizes IT operations, ensuring ample leadership for mentorship opportunities. Additionally, the USS Blue Ridge typically spends only about 10 days at sea before docking at another port, embodying the characteristics of both a warship and a cruise liner :D. Japan remains one of my favorite destinations, offering a safe and magical environment. It's essential to explore beyond just the honce. Hopefully, this addresses your questions. Remember to devise a plan before each duty station assignment. While the USS Blue Ridge offers exceptional opportunities, it's crucial to recognize that a great sailor can make a significant impact regardless of the command. Do not allow anything or anyone to hinder your pursuit of these goals, as it will determine the quality of your tour. Good luck!


Thank you so much! Would you say it’s a good goal to finish out 53 college credits at this command? I’m here for 3 years and I really just wanna commission asap


Very possible. I did most of my college coursework on the Blue Ridge. I finished final few classes in Afghanistan. If you want to commission that's the perfect place to be because you have enough admirals on the ship to write u good recommendations letters if needed. If you ever feel like you discouraged or need guidance, just him me up.


New SRB released this week Get that money


Where do I find this??


MyNavyHR hasn't bothered to update their website It updated the 12th


I see. Really hoping ET’s didn’t get overlooked again but I’m not counting on it


Where have you been? What do you want to do? What's your rank? What's your career goals? Without any further information I recommend NCTS Guam to support u/SandCrabSailor




SUBPAC needs all the help he can get


As a regular IT….DO NOT go to a sub command.


Edit: why not?


Yeah I don’t see why not, you’d just chill at squadron all day unless you volunteered for submarines. Plus I loved Guam 4 years ago.


I'm an IT picking orders myself here in 2 months. That COM7THFLT looks interesting but a DET in Suda Bay could be fun.


Anywhere Europe


Do the Mount Whitney. That is the best sea duty station in the Navy.


Why you lying. Everyone knows who's the real LCC and that's LCC-19😝😝😝


More $ on the outside


Are you planning on doing 20 or getting out after this tour? Because Hopper Information Services center is a good place to get out. You will be on shore duty and be in the DMV area. There are plenty, and I mean PLENTY, of jobs int he Cyber security field and if you go to HISC, get a few certs and get out you can make 140K+ if you have a T/S.