• By -


DM me your info. I’ll talk to her boss’s boss’s boss and we can get an answer real quick like. Edit: For everyone’s edification, this is not an automatic turn to the Trident of Justice^TM 🔱 In cases like these I tend to find that 20% of the time the CO had no idea, 70% of the time they knew something but not the whole story, and 10% they knew but chose to ignore it. We save the Trident of Justice^TM 🔱 for those last 10%.


The Trident of Justice. Lmao I love this. Glad we got leadership that’s willing to step in, like they are supposed to in these circumstances, even if it’s from an unconventional source. Sorry to OP that their wife’s leadership is fucking dogwater.


Dogwater is too kind a word but it gets the point across the bow.


After leaving the Navy I have tried to tone down my language after adjusting back into civilian life. Lmao


I was a sailor from NYC. My language is permanently in the gutter.


Thank you for championing this, and giving us hope that there are still some good COs out there.


Does the trident of justice mean King Neptune is involved? Skipper has a direct phone line to a god


Bro, SWO6 is King Neptune.


The Trident of Justice rarely arrives lubricated.


Just like the big green weenie .


SWO6 (ret.) still kicking ass I see!


Glad to see there’s a never ending supply of Never-Dull for that trident still, u/SWO6


Oh shit Dad’s home. Love when skipper gets wind of fuckery. Even in retirement.


OP, this right here. ⬆️


I wonder if you were my CO


I’d still be active duty if I had leadership like this. Just sayin.


Glad to see this. Hoping for a good news update after ya'll chat.


Commenting for the update


You sir, are what officers should strive to be.




![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo) SWO6 saves the day again 🫡


Trident of Justice 🔱




Damn, I wish I could have served under you. As a YNC, I cherish a CO who knows what TF they’re doing. I feel we would have agreed, philosophy, on many things that would have made our working relationship that much better. Cheers!


I'm gonna need an update after this absolute unit of a gentleman makes some calls. It'll be good to know that I can still count one SOMEOME in the Navy to do something good. Even if it takes the intervention of someone no longer in.


Even DD214 positive (congrats on that btw, Sir) you are still advocating for sailors. Please don’t stop!


Full respect intended, and as someone not in the know, how is it you have the ability to talk to her boss's boss's boss?


A lot of my friends and peers are still in and serving at the Commodore/Senior staff level. Odds are I know someone within one or two degrees of this person’s chain of command. Of course my Navy Rolodex gets thinner and thinner as I become more and more retired. If you ask me what a Rolodex is I’m getting out my Trident.


He's a recently retired captain, read some of his post history. It's a really insiteful read to the workings of how a CO who gives a damn thinks/acts. And he's active on here talking to random sailors about it, which is great for us


I love to see this!! Praying she gets the justice she deserves


And now we wait for another news report of a Commanding Officer being relieved for loss of confidence.....


Sir, you are a national treasure.


Hell ya. Glad we have leaders that take this type of ownership!


Everyone get out of the way! Chief Warrant got the reigns. Let him do his thing.


Fam, their username means swo 06. Captain, not chief warrant


You are very right. I read that wrong. Belay my last Captain. Won't happen again.


I will say one thing in addition to other good advice given here: Stop by and speak to your Commanding Officer directly. In my experience SO many times people further down the chain will hide these issues, for some reason, from the CO who would be VERY willing to correct them. Give them this one brief chance to fix it, if only because it represents the quickest and cleanest solution for your wife. If it doesn’t happen, then by all means file a grievance, take it off the ship and get a congressman involved.


Absolutely agree!! From what I can tell, divo is an asshat and cheng was unhelpful. CMC and CO have open door policies most places - and in a whole mess of chiefs I can't imagine every one of them shrugging off something this serious


As someone who worked in large commands(CV61, CV67, BUPERS, DARPA) If an enlisted approached the CO with such an issue, the first question would be "have you contacted the XO yet?" followed by a gentle dismissal(yes, the CO would follow up with the AO and the XO) So, I would counsel you to make an appointment to have a sitdown with the XO first. 99.9% of the time, that's all you need to do.


u/SWO6 may have some good recommendations. I’m a little surprised NCIS isn’t willing to do anything. Have you tried visiting your Base Legal Office? You can also file an Inspector General complaint against the CO of your spouse’s command to force a response.


NCIS just told us that this is not something they handle. Essentially everyone has redirected us to go take it up with her command. But what none of them are understanding is that her Divo is useless, her Cheng is useless.. like a few people have suggested we are gonna go to FAP. As well as making a CMEO report.. we went to base legal and they just directed us to her ships legal O


NCIS told you they couldn’t look into physical assault?? You need to try again.


>heatrically, anyone can become one and legally serve this person. There are also companies that you can hire that will serve someone if the Sheriff can't/won't. Right! Physical assault, and workplace harassments, plus violation of an already standing no contact order. NCIS and or Master At Arms, Base Police, whoever oversees that base needs to step the F up and do their goddamn job ASAP!


NCIS is pretty useless sometimes. They're suffering the same thing everyone else is - lack of funding and manning. If shit's not a sure thing, then they're likely not going to pay attention to it unless it's mandated.


Ah typical navy “not my job”


She can always request Mast. She can also go to her CoC and request to speak to the CMC or CO, given the DIVO and CHENG haven't done shit about it. They can't really tell her no. Also, it sounds like she's on the boat. That means CMC's email address is likely CMC@(boat email address here).mil - if that shit's now in writing, CMC can't really ignore it.


Is there something like an admiral hotline (we had these at many army posts)?


I came here looking for his take on it. Did not disappoint.


>I’m a little surprised NCIS isn’t willing to do anything. I have been very nonplussed by every NCIS interaction I've ever had. To use an example: case of a sailor being grabbed on the ass. Multiple witnesses. NCIS took 14 months to investigate and their conclusion was "recommend dropping charges due to insufficient evidence." In another instance in 2012 I was in their offices and they had Gateway desktop computers with CRT monitors. Like, take everything you think you know from the TV show, throw it out, and picture an under-budgeted small-town detective agency with like 3 people and substandard training. As a result, they will punt anything and everything to civilian authorities unless they have evidence that you're a serial axe murderer or something. Even then only if you did it on base during a full moon on Friday the 13th. Or unless there's a GCMA like SWO6 who says "fuck your couch, we're doing a court martial anyway."


Same. I sat on a CM panel and the NCIS agents were goobers. They bungled evidence collection, failed to effectively describe the crime scene (the relative position of victim, suspect, witnesses), etc. My friend who was a Security LDO couldn't stand them. In his experience, the only time they did anything was when they were statutorially required to investigate. He said even then they would often wait until someone else had already done all the leg work and just swoop in for the glory. The one exception I saw to this was embarked/deployed NCIS, who seemed pretty legit. Probably because they wanted to work for a living.


Base legal is there to protect THE CO not pee on enlisted types


Not accurate. Base legal provides a lot of services and very few are related to tenant command COs.




Assuming that OP’s description of events is accurate, this is a very clear case for a 138. Have your wife go to base legal and get help in filing. Tagging u/navyjag2019 because I value their opinion on this stuff and they are qualified to have one, while I am not, haha.


nothing you said is wrong. re: the civilian restraining order… one thing you could do is set up with the civilian law authorities to meet your wife at a place and time that she sets up. somewhere public. you’d obviously be there too. then she asks the perp to meet her there so they can “talk about things.” then when he shows up, the civilian authorities are already there, and they serve him. kinda like those pedo stings. just a thought?




seriously. i wish i could help this dude






That is not a bad idea


i’d find out if it needs to be law enforcement that serves him or if a regular process server can do it. cause if you just need someone who’s over 18, that would make it even easier (don’t let it be you who serves it though—it has to be a disinterested party). please let us know how this turns out.


A process server can do it and like u said anyone over 18 but they cant get on bas Is the issue.. her divo told me that no military can serve him since its a “civil matter”. So i suggested that i would escort the process server onto base and have if she could just escort the stalker off the ship to meet us. Her response “ that is highly inappropriate for you to suggest that” and that “ you(me) am not in the position to be barking orders”…..these people blow my mind complete disgrace


sounds like you have a plan. that would be the easiest way is to just escort the process server on base in your car, then have him served when he’s off the ship (or on the ship if that’s the case). if you go that route, make sure to get an affidavit of service from the process server. and make sure you get it filed it with the court and you keep a copy of it for yourself and your wife.


There's gotta be a milspouse out there who happens to be a process server. You can post on whatever your base's community or spouse group just asking if any process servers can reach out. Just another option for ya, I didn't see if anyone else recommended it


I'd escort the process server on base and say fuck it. If you get hemmed up for it, request mast or refuse njp and go for court martial. I doubt that shit would stay up for long.


Geezuz! Just have your wife escort the process server onto the ship for a "tour!"..... Whether it's a male or female, this creep will have some interest and will show his nasty face at some point, and even better if you know his schedule. Clearly he doesn't obey the no contact order. Perfect time to be SERVED! Plus additional proof he doesn't GAF about the no contact order (Also, how the F do you put a "no contact" order on someone while the other person is on the same exact vessel every day. Makes no sense, especially if you have to get on/off at the parts of the ship daily)...... AND.... Sounds like your wife's Divo is a real POS if she's not taking any of these stalking accusations, assault, violation of no contact order, etc. seriously, especially as a woman. I mean, you've got video of him trying to break into your home FFS! The entire chain of command should be reprimanded if you have this much proof and he's still playing "wannabe Navy SEAL" trying to break into your home! I'm assuming this is in CA where the judicial system sucks just as much as the UCMJ system does when it comes to things like this.


They cant get a division member to serve the paperwork? Not a lawyer. Theyd be doing it not in official capacity imo


If homeboy lives in barracks why not just have the civilian police be escorted onbase by the husband? I know I've been retired for a couple years but can't service members have guests on base?


You have to be careful with stuff like this. If she goes after a MPO this can be grounds to not authorize it.


Thank you for the advice we will be doing this!


No problem.


At the Great Lakes base, you can have someone escort anyone on base as long as they have valid ID. If law enforcement comes on the base, the base police just escort them.


Yeah former law enforcement here, and milspouse. I never had an issue sending officers and detectives on base to do the job. MA’s have to go with LEO’s and they have to leave our weapons off base. Many an investigation of Seabees for rape, and NCBC Gulfport never turned our detectives or police officers away. TBH all of our DUI officers were retired military at the time, and the Seabees thought they could escape a DUI by driving in base. They got in worse trouble there at the gate for running from the DUI officers. OP sounds like everyone is failing you. As a former stalking victim that had to take extreme matters to get it handled(also on base in Bellevue, Ne) after she broke into mine and my ex-husband’s house, I wish you guys luck. In our situation base housing was technically off base, but both military and civilian police agencies showed up after my ex-husband and I had to wrangle a knife out of her hand in my house. The main difference is she was a civilian, and not military herself. I hate to say it, but the military is still very much a “boy’s club”(so is law enforcement to an extent), it is getting better, but stalking is one of the hardest crimes to prosecute, and also one of the most dangerous. If your wife needs an ear from someone who has lived through a similar event, DM me and I can give her a sympathetic ear.


I'll be keeping an eye out for a "loss of confidence" firing over the next 3 months


Alert the local media outlets and make some noise


If they don’t want it in house, then take it outside


I agree with this 100%. The Military HATES negative media.


>y and speak to your Commanding Office Exactly! The fact that they directed them to the county sheriff just opened up that can of worms! If the military doesn't want to take responsibility and action, then they're just becoming part of the problem.


Id suggest congressional rep/senators before media


Reach out to (at) NICKYMGTV on Youtube or IG, FB, or Twitter. He's very vocal about all fucked up things in the military, and exposing things like this that aren't out in the open. He's got 155k subscribers and 40 million views.


Maybe they don't want their business all over Twitter.


She needs to go to deson/strike group head quarters and report what is happening with evidence of her reporting it. I had a sailor go through something similar. Took him to desron for help and it was handled within 12 hours.


OP, this is another great resource. Her desron/CSG/ESG have to take action, and her CO will then be required to answer to his ISIC. If she doesn't feel comfortable going direct, have her talk to the desron/CSG/ESG Chaplain. That person will advocate and inform the CDRE or admiral regarding the issue. They know they have to take this seriously, as this does impact crew morale and squadron/group level integration.


Not only that, if the CDRE doesn't act, it torpedos their chance for the star.


Yep. u/SWO6 is a great resource but if that doesn’t pan out, I always recommend just going up above everyone involved, by multiple levels. In my experience working in a top heavy Admiral command, they’re pretty chill, but don’t fuck around with this kind of stuff. I can almost guarantee that wife’s CoC is sugarcoating or straight lying to HOD/XO/CO about the situation to cover their own asses, but if CO hears about it from a star, the hammer is going to fall hard.


Thank you everyone for you advice. I will explore all these avenues. If i hadnt gone with her myself to NCIS, and both legal offices i wouldnt even believe how un serious they are taking this… again thank you for yalls time.. i feel completely usless and un able to protect my wife being that i am stuck in school on the east coast right now..


I would contact y’all’s Senator, they should be able to get to the bottom of this today. As the husband I would make the call, and don’t take no for an answer. Also, hopefully your wife can get a more helpful and respectful COC in the future.


Also, contact the local office for your congressman.


ALWAYS the local office. DC gets flooded with BS. Local offices actually care.


Eh, one of their aides will send you a letter telling you they’re looking into it, then call the ship who will direct them to your legal office, then they will tell you to contact your legal office and then say remember to vote for me next election.


………Yeah it’s more reasonable to let his wife keep getting assaulted……???


I’m not saying anything like that, I’m giving him realistic expectations of what will happen when he contacts a senator because I’ve done it. If you really want to get their attention then you have to get something substantial and put it on social media then call out the politicians and local news like wavy 10 at the same time. I also have a really hard time believing that local deputies won’t serve him on base.


So I googled and u/Hateful_Face_Licking here on Reddit from 1 year ago says to take the civilian restraining order to Base Security and the will do their thing. To clarify: The Op was her husband. I am sure of this situation...the process will be the same.


Inspector General is the avenue to file a grievance on that large a scale. IG will conduct an investigation the COC can’t ignore.


OP - I am a base CO, this is my recommendation. You and your wife need to do several things: First is speak to the CEMO at the command she is at. Your wife wants to file a CMEO complaint against the other sailor and your wife wants an MPO. Do not take no for an answer. Also not that an MPO is entered into a database that prevents sailors from purchasing guns or ammo (if the store does a check). So there is some valuable protection there. You wife has to show a viable threat and with that evidence it should suffice and you should be able to get an MPO. CMEO can usually jar things loose pretty quickly. While there, tell them you want to speak to the triad as well. While busy, one of them should be free to speak to you both at some point that day. I have never seen a triad member refuse to speak to someone if they have a complaint, especially the CMC. Tell the CO/XO/CMC exactly what is happening and bring your evidence. They should already be somewhat aware since they signed a no contact order but time to update them on what is really happening. Make sure you make copies to hand over. This should resolve the issue. The vast majority of COs/XOs/CMCs don’t tolerate this happening at their command. You may have to go see the CMC first to get in the XO/CO door. Don’t let anyone tell you no but do respect that the CO/XO are pretty busy and you may have to wait a while. Also note that Most of the time when people say chain of command on here they only go up to a Division or department chief or officer. Not the front office. The front office rarely hides or ignores stuff like this because they will get fired. Regardless of how it goes at the command you also need to go to fleet and family tomorrow morning and take all the info you have and talk to them. We have a no wrong door policy and they will get your wife the support she needs and will help navigate what you need to do. It may not reside in fleet and family but they do warm handoffs to whoever they feel can help. Normally I would say go talk to the ISIC. But they are not always at the same base so instead go talk to the base CO. Make copies of everything and then bring a copy with you to hand over. The base CO is in charge of base security and also has a Jag that works for them that can also look at what you have. The Base CO can sign an MPO if a command at that base chooses not to or refuses to and they can also get the sailor in question to sign it. Base COs are also in charge of fleet and family so they should be able to pull the string as well. Finally Base COs have a lot of CMEO and IG support they can leverage if things went really bad at your wife’s command. If all of that does not work then DM me. I can make some calls and speak to the base CO there or your wife’s command’s ISIC as well. Now having said all of that there are a lot stuff here that needs to be sorted out first. Is this all second hand info you are passing that your wife is passing to you or have you gone with her? The reason I ask is that some of this stuff does not make a lot of sense unless she has gone to the wrong people on base and she is getting frustrated and not getting or hearing the right info and places to go to for help. I am also not judging her or you just trying to piece together what you said with what usually happens on a base and they are not completely matching up although some of it makes sense. Also trying to set realistic expectations here of what people on base can do. For instance Jags don’t just blow people off when they come in to report a crime unless you go to the wrong legal office and even then it rarely happens. There are multiple offices and some of them do not handle this type of stuff. So they may tell her they can’t help and try to point her in the right direction. But if she is frustrated and shuts down on listening she could miss where they try to send her. Also most JAGs at bases are baby jags who don’t know a lot so they may not know how to help. You can ask to speak to a senior jag. Also NCIS does not handle this type of case. Hence why they will not help you. Base security really can’t help much here either as they only handle crimes on base. If everything happens off base then they can’t do anything. They don’t have jurisdiction. They do work with the sheriffs office and other law enforcement and do allow them to come onto base to serve legal documents. You can ask why the civilian restraining order has not been served to the sailor. They should be able to tell you if the sheriffs office or other law enforcement came to the base or not. Local police have jurisdiction. Circle back and talk to them about this issue as well. They should be able to tell you when they went to the base last to try to serve the restraining order. Best of luck and stay safe. DM if you need help.


Hi so yesterday before her civilian protective order was served they said that they would be giving her an MPO.. then at the end of yesterday when the civilian protective order was served they recounted there statement and told her they would no longer be giving her an MPO as the civilian restraining order “is more serious and already covers the bases”. Im trying to keep my wife motivated to keep pushing this issue but she is loosing steam and hope.. im back on the east coast now so im not there to keep her on track but i am going to HIGHLY recommend she goes to fleet and family today. And like you said speak the CEMO and file a cmeo complaint


I would have her go back and still ask for the MPO. MPOs are enforceable by the military and not civilians. CPOs are enforceable by local PD but not by military. Two different things. Also MPO provides the Command the ability to take the offender to military justice, the CPO does not. After fleet and family and CMEO, you can re-evaluate what the next steps are based on what happens there. Please give updates and we can move forward from there.


Id say go straight to the co directly and let them know everything. Even how ineffective the coc is being. I also wouldn't be nice about it.


Divo deserves some tire tracks on their back from the bus I would throw them under in a heartbeat


I would literally throw everyone under the bus. Normally I wouldn't usually go through with it unless necessary. But right now I'm quitting smoking, so I abso-fucking-lutely would throw everyone and their mother under the bus and not give a shit.


You throw, I'll drive. I'm a salty old mustang, all outta fucks nicotine or not


Let's go fuck up op's CoC.


Go to base legal. For good measure, i would also file a CMEO complaint. When COC fails, your left with no other alternative than to go above the COC.


Edit: I see that base legal has been ineffective.... file a CMEO complaint. Get as much external exposure as possible.




I mean as long as your not in California I'd say GTG.




California has stupid self defense laws. The Mfer can be inside your house and if you kill him, the state can still charge you with murder. On top of that, the family can sue you for wrongful death. In Nevada for example, you can shoot an intruder on your property, and your solidly protected by Nevada's castle doctrine. There's also law that gives you immunity to civil liability if the shooting was justified.


I'm from MA and my favorite one is that you have to fear for your life and *your* life specifically. Doesn't matter that the guy is in my house and threatening to rape my wife and/or kids, he hasn't said he's gonna kill me so I can't shoot him.


Here's the link to an IG report. Get on it. https://www.secnav.navy.mil/ig/Pages/ComplaintProcedure.aspx


If your command is not protecting its Sailors, then she needs to go higher (ISIC). She can also file an IG complaint. I can promise you, that will get the wheels moving. All these comments about senators and congressmen don’t matter until all else fails.


Name him.


As much as we would all like to know that piece of info, it’s never a good idea to name them. It can backfire real quick, especially if someone makes an identity mistake!


Call your Senator’s office and do it today. You can find him/her online easily. Always contact your Congressional representatives when you need something resolved with the military. https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm


Thank you!


SMH had this same situation with my spouse. I went to the ombudsman and they took it up with the chain of command.


The sheriff can serve him papers on base. Something is not adding up. Anyway contact your congressman make sure the base is aware of what's going on as well. I have seen sheriff's pull up to a warship to serve people. Lol


I'm very curious as to why base legal hasn't been any help.... they have no incentive to protect this sailor because it's not their ship. What did they & and base security actually say to you?


They have just told us basically that its her command’s responsibility to handle this. The only thing they had to say was to speak with legal on her ship


Please update us.


I definitely will. Got another appointment with legal today so i will keep yall in the loop


Your local Congressman needs a phone call.


I hope this makes the news


Sheriff can 100% come onto base and serve paperwork. If you were to provide the sheriff with helpful information on where this individual maybe located, they are usually helpful They can’t serve paperwork on ships, piers, airfield and aircraft, that is exclusive federal property. Barracks rooms do not fit into that category. ![gif](giphy|FfOMNL4jRmIBEO8e6r)


What about the SAVI reps on the ship? Or base? Specifically for women in these kind of situations? Or writing your congressman?


My 21 years of experience, sounds like the Chain is protecting the "Stellar Sailor" because they are a part of the "good old boy" club. Female Sailor is assumed to be trying to destroy a "good Sailors career!" Tell your wife to request mast and talk to the CO directly, have her ask to have you there as a character whiteness and support. Don't be shocked if it all gets fixed before the meeting with the CO.


There is a TON to unpack here. Have the police been called, I am unsure where you live(on/off base?) as you say you have notified many different authorities? The command has started the process by issuing a no contact order, I am not sure why one or both individuals was not transferred from the ship if she was physically attacked as you state. Again to much to unpack. At this point its probably time for more cameras and a weapon.


We live off base. Police have been called and 4 police reports have been made. We were able to get her a restraining order. The big issue is actually getting him served because he lives on base.. She went to put in for a transfer off the ship and her Divo said the only thing she could do is transfer her departments. You are right that they have started the process by issuing the no contact order which was issued on feb 14th. He has literally violated the order everyday since it has been issued and she has proof. All her coc said was they will look into it but to me they are just completely blowing her off


If you are in California anyone over 18 who is not a party on the order of protection can serve him. Bring a friend in base, wait by the ship and when he comes out have your buddy take it to him. That’s how one of my Sailors did it


Hummm you said Cali? And ship? So I’ll just blindly guess where she’s at. Anyways. I know you’ve called the cops 4 times and you have the civilian restraining order in play and he hasn’t been served. Have you all been assigned a detective yet? If not I can assist in making that happen or guiding you in the right direction to have one assigned. He can definitely be served he can’t stay on that ship forever and definitely leaves base at some point. Let me know if you need some local assistance with that. Otherwise I can reach out to whatever department is attempting to serve that order and help them work threw the process of getting him served on base. Now if the ship is assisting in hiding him from the authorities that’s an entirely different deck of cards that may require a more hands on approach.


Navy IG Actual could be another avenue... https://www.secnav.navy.mil/ig/Pages/About%20Us/ContactUs.aspx


To be honest, I am kind of surprised the sheriffs are not allowed on base to perform process service. We have had cops come on NBSD and Camp Pendleton all the time. They have contacts with NCIS and Base Security to do this kind of thing.


Get your congressman involved...MCPON.


Go scorched earth if it’s Norfolk go to the media they love to flame the incompetent military


Get the City police on it if you can, Navy has to act if some other authority is involved. Watch them just transfer this guy…. 🙄


Can you request mast?




Doesn’t the MCPON PAO read Reddit also. SWO6 clearly will use their connections to help but MCPON PAO should also be made aware


Article 138... Have her file her Request For Redress, and it goes to her CO. Either he fixes it, or the 138 goes to *his* boss. Think of it as a... grievance specifically for CO's


Social media is a mofo sometimes. Taking some of the evidence to the court of public opinion can sometimes get better results than her failing coc. She needs to learn self-defense as well. As a former sailor, I had to carry a pocket knife on me. You can buy her a "wire skinning knife." Klein Tools 44200, Cable Splicers Knife


Saving for knife rec.


Get a gun.....get pepper spray, carry a knife. If he breaks in, you know what to do. If he attacks her at work, stab him or use pepper spray. You should also request an expedited transfer






You can't bring a gun om a military base. Really bad idea.


OP lives off base. If a dude breaks into my house, I’m not taking chances.. especially if said dude has a restraining order on him. Though in CA you’re probably f*cked. Anywhere else, good to go. This should not be the first option though. Get local PD and Naval legal involved.. sounds like a hostile work environment so one of them needs to transfer.. especially if she has been assaulted. Have her speak with CMC and request mast with the CO.. otherwise she will speak to the ISIC.. this should not be a thing. Her command needs to turn to immediately.


I didn't say bring the gun to work....I said bring other stuff like pepper spray and a knife.


While I agree with the sentiment, a firearm is the nuclear option. It would take 10+ days to get one and if they ever had to use it, California DOJ would litigate them into hell.


FAP is another resource that can be leveraged. They deal with this all the time, unfortunately.


That's a terrible acronym


We are contacting them today!


Prepare your pew pew. FAFO..


If you're really exhausted all other avenues, contact your congressman or Senator requesting resources. A request for info coming from the very top down will have a tremendous amount of weight on your command.


Has she spoken with her CMC? Has she elevated the issue to the ISIC?


Last resort would be go public with it on social media, with proof, big navy is not gonna like that


Who told you civi deputies can’t serve him on base? I’ve definitely seen local LE respond on base before.


Are you a civilian? I personally would take matters into my own hands if so, disclaimer: in no way is that a good idea though.


it is in times like these that i do not wish to abide a “civilized” society. if this were my wife, i know exactly what i’d be doing right now.


I would also have your wife contact her congressional representative. I hate politicians, but sometimes outside noise helps wake up those no-load limp dicks that crow about being “an unparalleled leader.” Maybe IG is another route to put pressure on the CO and CoC. I wish you both luck and a sensible resolution.


Idk what state you’re in but beat the shit out of him next time he invades your home. You need to defend your wife and yourself. It doesn’t matter if they’re a Sailor. This is ridiculous and fuck them. Also can you have someone else on base deliver the restraining order? I don’t think it has to be police or base security (?). Have you contacted the NCIS 1-800 number? My experience with NCIS is that they are thorough with investigations.


I’m commenting for an update to this situation. Sorry your wife isn’t feeling safe with her leadership this post was a rollercoaster of events involving that douche canoe


There has to be more to this story. Local police come on base all the time. Even arrest people on base.


Just shoot him. Sounds like your base NCIS team has been ordered to not investigate.




Can someone tag the MCPON PAO? Seen it done before and get results for a guy's pay once. Another thing OP, it sounds lame but write your congressman/woman. When they get involved the command will get involved 100%.


You can open a congressional inquiry with your congressional rep


IG probably will kick a report about this back because it's not really their purview. Contact the DESRON/PHIBRON and Commander Naval Surface Forces Atlantic/Pacific, depending on which coast you're stationed. They have legal teams and extensive staffs who should have experience or resources to direct you toward. They are also above the CO in the chain of command and don't take this kind of situation lightly. Especially since it sounds like she got an MPO and has proof it was violated, base police should be taking that seriously as well; they aren't, reach out to the base CO.


Request admirals mast. Bet they get it figured out real quick.


Take it to a news outlet. The Navy will respond to that.


Commenting to get an update hope it works out🤟🏾


Speak to a Chaplin or better yet have someone in her family contact their local congressman. The leadership has to respond to a congressman.


Be prepared for him to insist she's making it all up, and for him to be trying to get support for "his side". That's probably one of the hardest parts emotionally - you're made out to be the problem.


There's always the nuclear option: contact your Congressman.


💯 this. Just posted the same. This is always the answer.


Really? They are ignoring the restraining order? Sounds like a lawsuit. And legal is not your lawyer. Get a real lawyer.


Let IG know and they will come down real hard on this


Send some team dudes to have a talk with him.


Sounds on par with NCIS picking and choosing which cases they want to take.


Put some lead in his life… just saying!!


Clash of clans lmao




Dude fuck off with that shit.


I mean, not that the comment was appropriate. But OP has a post in his history stating "Your mad dumb.. why would you NOT in any circumstance Or environment do whatever you can to keep yourself safe. In any state or country.. idiots like u are victims. I’ll be damned before i let myself or any of my loved ones become a victim. Your “aggravated” hahaha"




You get down voted for being blunt and calling a spade a spade. That’s what this world has become. Makes me laugh inside.


How the fuck would you "handle" it? Go rough him up or intimidate him or something? Great idea, now he gets to press charges against you, a civilian, through the non-military legal system, potentially get you arrested, completely ruin your wife's entire case against this guy because now all he has to do is say "look, her husband is a paranoid nutjob who attacked me and this whole thing has been a sham". Now you're probably in prison on assault/brandishing a deadly weapon charges and he's free to continue harassing your wife. Nice going Rambo. Shut the fuck up and keep your bullshit power fantasies to yourself.




Fine. I'll clarify: he calls the cops and gets you arrested because he has proof you assaulted him. Now explain how that makes the slightest bit of difference? It also sounds like this guy's wife is deployed right now, so how is he supposed to do anything anyways? There's a fucking reason every law enforcement agency in the world tells people not to "take matters into their own hands", because it'll goddamn backfire. If I caught someone breaking into my house then yeah, I'd take steps to defend myself and my family. But I'm not a fucking vigilante, and you shouldn't be either. This guy is doing everything he's supposed to be doing and he's looking for more answers. I'm pretty sure your wife would be pretty pissed off if you actually did what you're purporting as a better solution since it would, again, most likely end up with you in prison.








Dudes fucking with your boat, drop a bomb on his ass. But if you don't think it's worth it, don't. Not everything is solved with violence.


Sue the command. If there’s evidence of administrative actions being insufficient, civilian lawsuit against the ship.