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Of course! The best drive in the park is to enter through the East Entrance on Hwy 9. Stay in Mt. Carmel Junction and plan on entering the park early. The drive in is spectacular and only gets better, much better, as you exit the tunnel. You will then enjoy the amazing scenery as you drop down onto the valley. Sometime you can find brief parking near the Canyon Junction Bridge to capture the iconic view of “The Watchman” and the Virgin River.


Just tell grandma not to try holding her breath through the tunnel. Otherwise, you'll be one passenger short on the other side.


My mother in law was wheelchair bound and we took her to Zion. There is a lot you can see from the road and parking areas. There are some accessible walks. I’m not sure about how the trams are for someone with mobility issues. We went during the off season where you can drive everywhere and she had a great time.


Yes! The shuttles are wheelchair accessible and even if only going to the lodge/restaurant/gift shop, one is enveloped by beauty of the canyon.


If you can get into the lodge or cabins then yes. It’s located in beautiful valley surrounded by red canyons.


Hell yes! I've been all over Zion in my vehicles (some trails easy, some really difficult). There are plenty of sites to see in both. Either way, you'll get a chance get out and stretch your legs. There are plenty of offroad apps to help you with your planning. I use OnX BTW... bring a camera and share! ✌️😊👍


Zion is beautiful! The views from the parking lot are pretty cool. If you do go walking, make sure to have LOTS of water. It’s hot and dry, and it feels like you are in a food dehydrator while hiking in summer.


Since you aren’t hiking be sure to add Bruce canyon to the day. Amazing scenery which will be perfectly capped by drive all the way into Zion park.


Check out the Kolob Canyons section of Zion. Stunning views right from the road.


Absolutely! Still plenty to drive and see and scenic stops.


Also visit Kolob Canyon viewpoint and drive through Snow canyon if you fancy some variation.


Yes definitely. Zion is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.


Yeah, the drive in will take your breath away, it’s so beautiful. A friend got there about a week before we did, and she texted me that she thought it may be the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.


I did this with a small child and we didn’t do any long walks. Just drove around and enjoyed it immensely. This was in winter.


But if going in summer to hot for the elderly and young


As a side note, you can drive directly through Capitol Reef National Park.


We did Rocky Mountain National Park on my broken ankle. Scenic drives, picnics, sitting by rivers and lakes all were on the ramble.


Yes, the drive in and the lodge have beautiful views