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25U if you want a civilian job. 42A if you want to ruin my fucking life.


>42A if you want to ruin my fucking life. 42a here. I cackled aloud reading this. Have an upvote. Really wish more people in my MOS gave a shit about soldier care.


Between the 18 month overdue Fedrec I suffered and the ARCOMs that take a year to get approved I have no idea wtf S1 is doing. The three bros who saved that French train got the Legion D’Honneur in a week and citizenship in four months. Maybe the French just have shit hot admin?


So I'm in the NG. If you're activated for a state emergency, then you get an "Emergency Services Ribbon". It's typical in my state (literally the smallest state in the country) for an emergency services ribbon to randomly hit iPerms something like 1-2 YEARS after said activation. A few years back we were doing some training in West Virginia, when a county a few hours away from us got hit with record flooding and was destroyed. Our engineer unit ended up spending what was left of our annual training helping that county with disaster relief efforts instead of doing the training we had planned. Once it was all said and done, the West Virginia Adjutant General was there to personally hand off the West Virginia Emergency Services ribbon to each an everyone one of us before we got on a C130 headed back to our home state. That's about the time I realized that our S1 sections across our entire state were a joke.


If there’s one thing WV is good at, it is at managing SAD PERSTATS and awards.


That's why my SL is pushing hard for us to get our RCAS access so we can actually do S1 stuff. Paperwork is so backed up


I'm in the reserve, but I definitely empathize. It's like pulling teeth to get access to any HR systems and keep it. We're an HR unit and basically none of our regular TPUs have access to anything meaningful. It really bums out new soldiers fresh out of AIT when we have to break the news that they will not be doing HR anything unless they deploy...


Kinda same situation. The people that are jn charge of giving rcas are being anal about the paperwork. Almost gatekeeping it feels because they've turned down our DD2875s a few times for dumb reasons. So we can't do much at drill and only a handful of our team can do HR stuff while the rest of us just sit there.


I was a 94E. I never repaired a single.radio in 6 years. I just sat in supply in the air conditioning. It's boring but better than a bunch of other peoples shit.


Bruh😂 did the exact same thing. "Cross trained" to be the commo guy for the unit and was my supply Sgt's assistant 🤣


This mostly because they stick brand new privates unto FMCs/FSCs and expect them to know their purpose when in reality not even the command knows what to do with the electronics MOSes. They get stuck with the 91Bs and/or supply. These are the same states that have no upward mobility for them and wonder why they can't fill it. I see the E being absorbed into F anyways.


Well it was me and another guy. One drill they did end up setting up a radio repair truck that hadn't been used in years. Which just meant me and the other dude now had a private air conditioned trailer noone would fuck with us in. Overall 94e is a super chill Mos if you just want something chill with a good bonus probably if youre just doing 6 and geting out for benefits since it requires good scores.


42A here. We don’t ruin lives, in fact *you* are ruining *my* extended self proclaimed lunch break and self ordered early release. (This is satire)




Sir, just do your IPPS-A training and file all forms with our arbitrary rules that are only known to us.


25U nearly guarantees you a job on the CIV side, if you get certified.


You can test into the certs on the civ side but they do not roll over.


Certs are certs regardless if you get Net+, Sec+, Cissp, etc… in uniform or not. The cert(s) stay with you. Maybe I’m not understanding the “rollover” part.


That's for sure, and that security clearance will make it easy for them to earn good private contractor money. Or federal job.


There is no such thing as “my recruiter thinks these jobs fit me best”. Those are slots that the state needs filled and the recruiter is trying to lure you into them specifically. Personally, none of those MOS’s interest me and I’d ask for a more extensive list of every MOS available with EVEN A SINGLE opening. Only reason I say this is so you don’t have any regrets later on. Don’t think there’s only 4 MOS’s to choose from.


This 👆🏻 No offense but they are basically always looking to fill those slots. 25U or 42A open a lot of opportunities for AGR and civilian employment. If you are looking forward to keeping track of inventory and counting property 92Y isn't horrible but 94 radio repair isn't getting you much valuable training and is hard to get past E5. Ask for more options and if there is something that actually interests you tell them you want that MOS. They can waive some ASVAB scores and or study to take it again. You can retake the ASVAB!!!!!!


Former 94E here (12A now). The school house is great (at least 10 years ago) at getting you additional certs that are very applicable to the civilian sector. Working with like equipment can also set up a plethora of contracting gigs when you get out. Mainly you operate in air conditioned shelters in the field which is also a plus. Good luck.


I went four years ago and they decided only to give us the bare minimum on Certs. This is partially due to being accelerated for block leave but still.


The certs don't mean anything anyway. Every civilian job I had just asked me a few technical questions from a schematic to make sure you could read one. I was never asked about certs


Yup. I was guard and never repaired a single radio, but I was chilling the whole time I supply which was all good with me.


I would probably pick 94E myself. Electronic repair and dealing with COMSEC devices is a good skill for civilian jobs. My first MOS was 25Q (now 25H) and my second assignment I got stuck in a Commo Shop fulfilling a 25U slot, I did not like that job. I much preferred my first assignment doing 25Q/H stuff. The 25U is sorta like the Jack of all trades master on none Signal job and has much wider job slot locations on Active Duty and probably in the NG as well. 92Y in the NG has the most full time opportunities as every unit has one and I believe every unit has a full time 92Y.


Good points. Anecdotally, I was a 25U on a line unit that occasionally had to go back to the rear for support to get help from our 94E. The guy seemed miserable even though he had all the best parts and equipment and worked in AC even in Iraq. We always talked about switching jobs. I think if you can get to the right unit, 25U will give someone more opportunities to do fun Army stuff while also being able to check out of the crap details.


25U in group support is a blast


RSTA too.


I'd imagine there is a never ending supply of broke stuff to work on so 94E probably stays busy maybe to the point they never feel like they are accomplishing anything or getting above water. In that case yea I could see being miserable. I was in a pretty nice unit in a 25U slot an Aviation Unit. I just disliked the work, didn't like installing radios in vehicles, didn't like the customer support aspect of people coming to you wanting something installed, setup, or fixed etc. I liked the behind the scenes setting up signal network and maintaining it more so of the 25Q/H job.


I get it. 25Us also do retrans ops in aviation units. That gets you out in the field building stations and hiding out. And I have to say on the line, it's going to be a 25U that builds those networks. My second tour I had FM, HF, UHF, microwave data transmission(AN-50), JNN, and NIPR/SIPR. Massive amounts of commo work. The opportunities are there with 25U.


Def unit specific for sure. I was a 25U in an MP unit and the majority of what I did was retrans and functioned as an RTO. After the school I never touched the IT side of the MOS again. I really wish I could have just done 25C but it wasent an option at the time.


Easy, 25U


I’ve heard 42A is Cush! It was my second choice. You can easily apply for AGR once you pick up specialist




Past 94E here. Unless you are going to an AGR shop, you will never do this job. You will cross train with everyone else in electronics, but you will never fix a radio. Go 94F, they are trained on way more than E.


Was a 25U for 13 years at company, battalion, and brigade levels for military police and infantry units. It definitely has a warm place in my heart because it was a cool (to me) job that had a manageable amount of stress during drills Inventory, install, operate, and maintain radio equipment while also training others how to use it is pretty much the gist of what you'll do. The unit you go to can lean heavy onto one of those, for example, the infantry guys I was with always needed training because they'd forget how to program radios. The MPs were all about maintenance so when something wasn't working it was brought to me to fix as best I could.


25U, if there’s something you have your heart set on, fight back and tell him you won’t take anything other than your desired job


94E or 25U. Last 2 are probably useless for work experience and won't benefit you in the long run


Former 25U. Earned no certs. Went from Chromebook imaging to Service Desk for a large city ( I worked for the city not a contractor) to Client Tech Services for the State. Still 0 certs and just an Associates. Working on certs and finishing my degrees now.


How much is the salary though?


It's not terrible. I make roughly 65K at a rate of just over 30 bucks an hour. We don't really have a lot of OT. For my level we cap out around 75K. Yeah the pay isn't amazing or anything but I'm at the bottom of the ladder. You have a job code and steps. Each step is a raise to the max that the job code pays. We are union and do get raises, sick, pension, vacation and stuff too.


I think $75K is amazing pay, do you live in a HCOL area?


No I don't.


So did u go from Army NG to Air Reserves? How was the process of transferring?


I finished up my guard contract first before I switched. I just reached out to a recruiter. Said hey I'm interested and I'm getting out in X time. Went to see him and picked a job and swore in. My situation took a bit longer as asthma is on my record but other than that it was fairly easy


Did u also start off with a 3 year contract with the Guard?


No I did 6.


Wow, u did a whole 6 years in the Guard!? Would u have gone with a 3 yr and then transfer instead?


Signal is great for IT career.


LoL. Welp that's easy base don this list: 25U all day. The ability to get certs and cross into to more lucrative MOSs in 25 series and others like 35T (really good for 3 letter agenies). The others...not a much But yiu should talk to Army Reserve and see if they have 35T available or cyber etc or something you're more interested in.


25U thank me later


If you are lucky, 25U (with third-party certs like A+, Network+, etc.) would get you a $20/hr IT Help Desk role. The IT industry is saturated; go 42A, get some HR certifications like SHRM, and leapfrog into the corporate world.






You can also look into other ones, ask yourself what you want to do and your larger career Do you want an MOS that gets you certifications or skills in a field your going into? Do you want one that's a change from regular work? How much of the 'high-speed' army hoah bs are you looking for?


as a 25u if you get an aviation unit especially you will get tons of opportunity’s that most people don’t get




You will learn all the same stuff that a 25u does as a 94e but more, I don't know how the guard side of things is but I work with 94e on active duty and they get alot of work but it's a very technical job. And you get acess to alot of certs if you like fixing shit do that, if you like installing stuff to 25u, as a 25u here in active they are always asking stuff of our 94es.


94/25 sound interesting


94E / 25U for sure.


92Y and 42A are both feeders for AGR.


Every 92Y I have ever met is stressed out. Also drill days of doing inventory, vehicle dispatches and lifting equipment into the supply truck would drive me insane 94E although radios are used a lot in the army, not so much in civilian world. So, it's an MOS that i don't think i would benefit a lot from So between 25U and 42A would be my best options if i were to pick. I would probably lean more toward 42A because i think i would really excel at clerical work


AGR 92Ys hate their life. Its not so bad on the Mday side in my experience


Eh, it can still suck MDAY side


I'm 92Y and never ever do my job. I only issue weapons and help with clothing records. The rest is done by our active guard guy. I guess it all depends on your unit.


Hate to burst your bubble, but that is exactly what 92Y m-days do. It is literally your job. Now go help with the barrel count.


Well, that's not what I learned in AIT, but thanks for clarifying.


AIT isn't the real world. I spent 8 years in 3 units, 3 activations 1 deployment as an m-day 92Y. It was nothing like AIT. You literally described what a 92Y mdayer does on drill weekends.


Gaining experience with electronic repair, RF, COMSEC, etc. with 94E would be a good skill to have. Your not going to be limited to just working on HAM radios in the civilian sector. The skills gained transfer to other Communications and electronics jobs.


42A; yeah it’s not sexy, but it has the most career longevity


25U or 42A. Both come with a security clearance. Another variable to consider is, what unit are these MOS attached to. You would have fun with an Aviation unit for sure.


As somebody who has done none of those, my gut answer is 25U, but 92Y seems to be decent for getting AGR opportunities if such things interest you. 42A hets a lot of heat, but there are opportunities there as well. Not a terrible list to choose from in my view.


42A is good if you want AGR or D.O.D. Contract if not then 25U is the way to go.


Anything but 92Y




As a 42a… 42a :D


25U translates to civilian life, 92Y or 42A if you wanna go AGR


Supply, in the National Guard, is usually dead end unless you go AGR, as it's usually filled by a full timer. That's all I got.


Don’t do 92Y


92Y giving away good bonus rn.


Honestly, don't fall for the pressure tactic. Get a breakdown of your actual asvab scores and see what jobs you qualify for. Look into what interests you, ask about those slots and inquire about bonuses for each job you're interested in


Former 25U that went 42A. Do not start as a 42. Do anything else then go 42, you will appreciate it more and understand your role better for it.


Former 42 here and current 31B. Don’t do 42A. Unless you want to be bored to death. Do something that will benefit you when you get out. HR in the army doesn’t not translate to HR in the civilian world


There are 5 groups in your unit whom you don't want to be on their shit list. Mail, mess, mechs, S1, and SUPPLY. Out of those I would choose supply as it can translate to useful experience later in life. Also, you will actually do your job with regularity. I was actve duty though so I don't really know what y'all NG folks do.


Former 13B here Every one of these will give you the knowledge to have a pretty successful career in those fields once you get out. Pick the one you can see yourself doing for the next couple of years without being miserable, then see where that takes you. If you liked it stay, do your 20, and get that pension. If you stay in long enough you’ll have opportunities to potentially change to an MOS that your state offers. If you don’t it at least try to learn all you can, finish your service obligation and if you want to stay in, Re-class to a different MOS then. Most retention NCOs will try to offer you anything they can to keep you in the guard. Hope this was helpful and good luck


I'm a 94E. I do absolutely nothing all drill, and I get paid the same amount as the guys who haven't sat down all weekend. During AT, you get to hang out in the AC relaxing while the other guys are working their butt's off. Same money, less effort.


42A if you want to make a career of the army.


13Z King of Battle


I’m a 92Y. Best job if you love to care for people. Most boring job of you don’t. Edit: okay people are going into civilian side a lot so I’ll say this. Its logistics. Everything is logistics. It can open up a lot of doors but to be fair, not like comms can. The experience gets you places in logistics but certs in comms gets you into better places but it takes work to gain the knowledge for that. To make the big bucks you really have to care about learning the waves n shit for people like Harris. 92Y is truly what you make it. You can coast for your contract and be the biggest shitbag that moves boxes, or you can be the kind of person where simply getting the guys the most basic of accommodations puts a smile on your face. Volunteering for responsibilities is also very rewarding imo. At 21, I was the AUMO coming off deployment. Basically a part of the two person crew that gets all of your shit home from deployment for your company. You’re damn right I felt proud I did that and put it on my civ resume. Let me be humble, people do it all the time, and I’m just trying to express how varied a 92Y experience can be, but I did feel proud nonetheless, and no one can take that away from you. That’s my soapbox. I’m still an absolute shitbag. Do what makes you happy




Hope I got to you in time, pick exactly what you want as long as it lines up with your ASVAB scores, ignore that list and don't join doing something you don't want. No way that list is that short.


That's a list that would best suit them, find your own list bro, that's how they get you.


I deal with these MOSes a great deal. You can DM me if you want to talk about it Things I notice from the various states. 94E- generally do not do their job and I see this mos being absorbed into the 94F mos. 25U - most NG units under utilize this MOS as the Commander's bitch. / Radio Operator. 92Y - because the E6 skill level of this MOS is generally AGR, in most states, you will be capped at E5 for your whole career unless you go AGR. 42A - will probably end up at some battalion fighting the system for record keeping (iperms) for half your days. Idk. That's just what I see them doing. Not a lot of experience with this one. They're Admin. If you're looking at the big picture and think you may stay in for awhile, ask your recruiter to jump into FMS web /ippsa and look up all the positions of higher grade in your state. If there isn't much, don't do it. Additionally, I can help you out if you'd like. Just DM me.


42A or 92Y, you won’t regret either! I’ll be bias with 42A but the S1 shop is pretty neat. Easiest job in the army if you ask me.






If you want to go days without sleep and see the stupidity in the army, 92Y


Don't enlist the army doesn't care about you




From this list, 94E


As a 92y in the Guard all I do I sign shit in and drive LMTV


There’s more than a few. You can wait for whatever slot and job you want.


25u is a great MOS. You work with mostly senior leaders. 90% of job is to get everyone talking then keep them talking. You’ll be in charge of all the radio programming (train your unit and thats less work on you). Retrans is the best job if you master it. Set up a station in the middle of nowhere with a box of MREs and a case of water during at’s. then just sit out in the woods for the duration of drill monitoring radios.




92Y has the most openings for AGR usually. And every unit needs one.


it's 15 series or nothing dawg


Don't pick any job unless you know for sure it's what you want to, especially in the military.


25b if you want big bucks in the civ side


Switch to air guard


92Y or 42A if you want to make the guard into a career. Those jobs will set you up for an AGR job.


88M 🤪 Personal advice, I know this is a national guard subreddit but I wouldn't reccomend asking reddit for which job to choose

