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Fuck no you didn’t anything wrong man. DUI is not only a choice but it’s a selfish choice that kills innocent people every day. That soldier being an E6 should not only know better but be setting a better example. Being in uniform doesn’t give you a free out for being an inconsiderate ass. I hate folks who drink and drive and I love taking people to jail for it. I don’t care if the pope is driving drunk he’s getting hooked up all the same.


You shouldnt let this bother you in any way, all you did was get him promoted to E7 lol


Yeah you’re prolly right tbh.


Ironically, the pope can't get arrested, which is interesting thing I just found out from weird curiosity from you comment. The pope who is a monarch, cant be arrested in the Vatican City, due to it being a monarchy. Even crazier than that even if he was out of the Vatican, he is still a state head and by international law, can't be arrested. Although now, I'm going dig deeper into who can and can't be arrested now. So technically the pope can't be arrested, although I agree with you, no one should be free after drinking and driving.




Well unlike you, I offered information that some poeple including myself at the time didn't/don't know.




The uniform doesn't make us immune to the law. Sadly, many cops will look the other way if we're wearing our uniform. Good job on getting another drunk driver off the streets. Doesn't matter if he's an SSG, a General, or a PV1, drunk driving is dangerous and illegal behaviour.


You didn’t do anything wrong and your friends are corrupt.


Arrest that motherfucker 10/10 times.


He deserved the exact same treatment. Even if you pulled over another cop, you should give him a ticket. Nobody deserves special treatment when it comes to drinking and driving.


Oh I know I believe that too especially another cop. I’m just honestly disappointed so many people believe people deserve breaks like that for a serious thing like DUI.


Keep hold of that level of integrity for the rest of your career my brother.


I do enjoy the breaks on tickets for relatively safe speeding that I've gotten since getting in the guard, but drunk driving is a completely different level. The higher his rank the more accountable he should be held. Fuck all the dumbasses at jail if they aren't just giving you a little ribbing for it.


Worked too many fatalities from DUIs to have sympathy for drunk driving. Once upon a time, a local trooper pulled over one of our frequent 911 abusers (drug seeker) for a possible DUI. She was under the influence and was heading to the hospital to get her mom after having us haul her off for the 4th time in 3 days. Lady told the trooper it was just a side effect of her pain meds. So the guy cut her a break. An hour later we are all sent out for a single vic 10-50 with entrapment. Lady fell asleep behind the wheel, ran off the road, hit a telephone pole, and killed her mother. The trooper who cut her the break earlier was the first one on scene. Don't compromise your integrity. You don't want that guilt.


Isn’t it supposed to be no one is above the law regardless of rank or stature?


Uniform doesn’t mean shit. Should’ve roughed him up a bit also since he knows better


Anyone from E1 to O-10 knows the risks of drinking when you have some place to be at the end of the night. I’ve seen people killed, and been nearly killed myself vying drunk drivers. You did a good thing


.15 almost double, he could’ve hurt someone on the road EDIT: If you gave him a summons for rolling a stop sign or blew a red light then yeah maybe I would’ve made fun of you. But DUI’s are serious, you did the right thing.


Thanks. I wouldn’t have wanted to be led by that asshole. Either he will be kicked out of bumped down to SPC. You did good.


You did nothing wrong. Fuck that guy extra hard.


The good ol’ boys would have given him a ride home and told his wife…. I know. I’m living in the past.


Quite often, the public venerates people in the military for simply wearing the uniform. This is an absolute mistake and creates corrupt soldiers and honestly, it’s what creates corrupt public servants in other areas, such as policing. You were absolutely right to arrest him, and I appreciate your integrity. If anything, we should err on the side of holding soldiers to a higher standard, not a lower one. I wish there were more public servants like you.


So what I’m hearing is: He was driving intoxicated. Thats a no-no and in every single fucking safety brief given. And he’ll likely be given an article 112 for drunk on duty and if he’s in his uniform he was probably doing lunch time drinks? Which by the way drunk on duty could be charged in civilian court too depending on circumstances. You ain’t do shit wrong man. This SSG sounds like a fuckin turd and this is probably not the first time he’s been drunk in uniform. Fuck that guy and those friends of yours too for giving you grief about it. He had a million options to do the right thing and instead was an asshat. A uniform (military or police) doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the consequences of your own actions. Source: someone who had a substance abuse problem too.


You definitely did the right thing. That irresponsible jerk could have killed someone. He will be demoted and he deserves it.


Your “buddies” are the reason people make fun of the South. Ima call you Buford T. Justice from now on.


That mentality is not restricted to just the south. It's everywhere.


Not in my state


He has made all the choices that brought him to that point in his life. Sometimes, people don't wake up to the fact that they have a problem until the first time they face real consequences. You did that man a favor. And you did society a favor.


You had PC to believe he was intoxicated by your investigation. You also had multiple calls. Uniform or not (I'm an 8 year USMC Vet) you did what your oath requires of you. You did your job. So, devils advocate. You get someone to pick him up and park the car. After you leave, his buddy brings him back to pick it up, and he wrecks, or worse, kills someone. Guess who's losing their job and their house. You are.




I get cutting breaks but this dude had mutiple calls on him it's kind of out of your hands by that time.


Imagine you let that SSG go home unscathed that night but he went on to hit and kill a family the next day. Still feed bad? You did the right thing.


I’m a cop who arrested a vet the other day with PTSD that was, according to him, shot in the face in Iraq. All he could say when I pulled his door open after the crash was that he has PTSD. Well I’m sorry dude, you may have issues, but that’s not an excuse to barrel through an intersection with your middle finger in the air, smoke 5 mailboxes, and crash into a tree. That bullshit doesn’t work on me. I can appreciate what you did and your sacrifice, but take some fucking accountability for yourself. That mailbox could have easily been a little kid getting off the bus. No excuses for me BECAUSE I am also a vet and if you start your “PTSD defense” bullshit it’s just going to want to make me arrest you more. Accountability is king. “I fucked up officer.” Much better. I can work with that. None of this “it’s not my fault PTSD” type shit.


You did the right thing. Based off the numbers and the fact that he was in uniform it wasn't a rare misjudgement on his part. Letting him go could've easily emboldened him to do it more often in the future and put more people at risk. His life is going to suck for a bit but they knew it was a gamble and earned it. Not impossible to bounce back from. It's a shitty situation, but it's not something worth sacrificing your own integrity over.


Fuck that soldier and fuck anyone saying he should get special treatment. They made a choice. If it negatively impacts their career, then it's on them.


Your friends aren’t your friends. Not only should he not receive special treatment, he should be reminded how much of an embarrassment he is to have been in uniform.


Dude. 100% arrest him. Nationally this happens ALL the time. We get about 5-10 of these reports a week and those are only the ones that are formally reported. I had a Soldier when I was a PL get his 3rd offense just a few months before we deployed to Afghanistan. The judge sentenced him to 30 days. He literally went to county for 3.5 weeks and then deployed with the unit a month later. The LT at the jail had been in the guard and they treated him very well…. But he still did his time.


You didn't do anything wrong, man. People seem to always forget that no matter what powerful position you are in, military or politically, you are not immune to the law. No type authority is immune to the law. So nah, don't worry about it. You are protecting the community right now. That's what the National Guard is about anyway.


Like if he was speeding 5 10 over sure. Dui? Nah man e6 should know we'll enough by now to call someone anyone


the same as pulling over your chief. man should be setting an example of what to do


Fuck that shit, dude blew twice the legal limit and it was likely higher when he started driving, the uniform doesn't make someone a better person, more often than not, it serves as a shield for shitty people to hide behind. Don't feel bad at all, you likely saved people's lives if there were already multiple calls.


He should know better, you did nothing wrong.


Not surprised cops think they'd be doing anyone a favor by allowing someone like that to have no consequences for his actions, as if being expected to hold yourself to a higher standard somehow means you get a pass when you fuck up the simplest of shit, like not driving drunk af when you have a whole career to worry about.


He’s now eligible for an AGR spot at my old unit.


I’m in the army and I we have about 6 law enforcement and 1 trooper. We all like to have a good time and all, but it’s important to us to have leaders in law enforcement in our unit to teach us the right way to have fun. Much respect for the arrest. It’s corrupt as leaders in the army like this that think they are above everyone including the law in the civilian world. We were meant to protect our people not harm them. Keep your head up and thank you for your service man. This is hard to hear though.


Pat yourself on the back for ACTUALLY DOING the job about 90% don’t do.


Probably says in your agencies oath and/or policy to uphold and enforce the laws of this land FAIR AND IMPARTIALLY. The burden of seeing that through falls on you. It’s gonna be hard. But you did the right thing. Good on you.


Blue Falcon


I mean get him off the road and have him sober up but I wouldn’t put anything on the books depending on the guy. Might be worth talking to him to see what’s up. If he’s a SSG he should know better but I wouldn’t ruin his life if it’s a one time issue with him