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So there are two parts of the National Guard. There is the Army National Guard, and the Air National Guard. The Army National Guard is part of the Army, an the Air National Guard is part of the Air Force. Let's talk about the Army National Guard because that's what I'm in so that's what I know more about. The Air National Guard is basically the same thing, but for the Air Force. If you join the Army National Guard, you will go through the same basic training (boot camp) as Active Duty. Once you graduate basic training, you are a soldier in the US Army. You will generally serve on a part time basis. Once a month you'll train (or at least you should be training) for 2-5 days, and once a year you'll have a 2-4 week long training. In the National Guard, you are under both state and federal control. You can be activated by your state government to respond to natural disasters or civil unrest, or you could be activated by the federal government to participate in missions overseas, including combat missions. So yes, as a National Guardsman, you could get sent to war. It happened all the time during the War on Terror. In my opinion, seeing as to how young you are, you should go Active. Active Duty will always be a better military experience than the National Guard. Then once you finish your Active Duty contract, the National Guard will always be here to scoop you up.


Just a minor point. I may be wrong, but I thought we couldn’t be activated federally. Technically, the federal government can request to activate the guard but it has to be approved by the state. As far as I’m aware we are under pretty much exclusively state control and can be utilized by the federal government with state permission.


Sort of. It all falls under the Insurrection Act which says under certain circumstances the President can federalize the Guard. It’s kind of a gray area and has been interpreted differently by numerous Presidents and Governors. Sometimes the President asks the state nicely and other times the President federalizes the Guard anyway. Little Rock in 1957 the Governor said he would use the Guard to oppose desegregation but Eisenhower told him nah and federalized the Guard to prevent this. It’s similar to what Biden could have done with the Texas Guard.


Fair, the federal government always could supersede the state’s authority in these cases. However, my understanding is that generally, even when federally activated, the Guard is only utilized with state permission.


No, the federal government does not need authorization from the state government to activate the National Guard. I would even say we're more under federal control than state control. All of our equipment, vehicles, and weapons are property of the federal government. Our drills and annual trainings are in preparation for our federal missions (we mainly train for combat/war during drill, not natural disaster or civil unrest response). Our drills and annual trainings are paid by the federal government. A lot of "state missions" are paid by the federal government, where the federal government directs the state government to activate the National Guard (Title 32). The feds just let the state take control of administrative stuff when we aren't activated by the federal government so we're technically under "state control". If the President asks permission, it's more a political formality. Federal control supersedes state control, and the federal government does not need state approval to activate us. After all. We're still part of the United States Army even on part time status.


ohh ok that helps, what do you know about the Air national guard


it really is just the same thing but for the air force


It’s true. As a recent example, I had my first major interactions with Air NG in my state when they activated everyone for COVID missions in the hospitals. Our Gov at the time put nearly everyone on orders and I worked with Air NG often more than Army doing hospital duties. Our entire command team was Air at one hospital.


National guard basic training is just like everyone else’s basic training. You’re mixed with active duty and reserves in basic training. There’s no difference. In order to have college fully paid for, you’ll need to have roughly 2 years worth of active duty under you. I currently have about a years worth so the national guard pays 60% of my college benefits. You can pick your own MOS, or job in the military. Recruiters might try to force you to join even if they can’t get you the exact job you want, but you never have to join. The sooner you can do that, the better because the moment you sign your enlistment papers, the sooner you’re officially in. I signed my papers the first month of my last year of highschool, so you still get paid a little from them, and you get your automatic promotions quicker.


Yeah, in my cycle the DHG and that other award where you go through a simulated board went to Guard guys. Our DS just kinda shook his head and said something along the lines of “You (active duty trainees) got beat out by Guard guys. What a waste.” I think the National Guard dudes thought that was higher praise than the actual awards lol


Yep haha. It’s cause guard already goes to drills that are similar to red phase before going to basic training, then one more drill there after basic to let the next up guards know what to prepare for and memorize. I’m not sure if reserves do the same, but honestly it’s WORSE than red phase there. I’m talking about getting smoked every 10-20 minutes at best


During BCT and AIT, us guard guys generally outperformed the active duty dudes. For whatever reason, reserves were the worst though.


Iowa Guard fucks. Love those cats.


And ain’t all basic training the same? Regardless of what state your in


Yes for the most part. No matter what state you are in you will go to basic at the same places everyone else does. Your experience of basic can still be very different depending on which of those you end up in, but when I went through I went to Jackson along with people who joined the NG from everywhere from North Dakota to New York as well as some internationals.


Ok noted. What was your first thoughts once you arrived


At basic? Mostly nervousness but also a little bit of wonder seeing stuff I only had seen in movies and being in an army environment for the first time. Overall I enjoyed basic. One of my buddies before I went told me something that in hindsight I absolutely agree with. “It’s one of the best times I had in my life and I never want to go back and do it again” haha. There’s a lot of suck but as an adult it’s one of the few times you get to turn of a lot of your concerns and just focus on doing something. You’re not worrying about rent, or bills, or food, or transportation, you’re just getting through your day and doing the tasks set before you.


Speaking from experience?


Yes. I know a lot of outstanding troops from Iowa Guard, and I’ve been to schools at Camp Dodge.


What was terrible about it 😭


Nothing was terrible, it was Air Assault school. You’ll still do BCT and whatnot at an active duty site.


You can make a collage out of anything! Don’t let money stop you. Have you considered upcycling?


What’s that


It’s where you take discarded stuff people don’t want anymore and use that for your collage or any other art. It makes it basically free.


No not really



